Belle shows Rumple a way to see their son, and they check in with the folks in the Wish Realm too.

Part Five

It might have been days, or weeks, or months since his death. Rumplestiltskin had lost track of time. All he knew was that he was with Belle, and that was all that mattered.


She'd been calling his name for the last minute. He suspected she knew he was awake, but was indulging him

He heard her chuckle softly now and smiled, giving up the pretence, but he didn't open his eyes.

'Rum-ple,' she crooned, sing-songing his name, 'open your eyes.'

He did, and found her smiling at him.

'Belle,' he whispered.


He smiled. 'How long have we been here?'

'Not that long,' she said: 'a few days.'

'I lost track of time.'

'Well, you were rather occupied,' she said, smiling.

'Mhm,' he agreed. 'I wouldn't mind being occupied again.' He leaned closer.

She kissed him, but pulled back before things got too heated.

'There's something I want to show you first, my love,' she said.

'Oh? And what would that be?'

'Come with me,' she coaxed, climbing out of the bed and taking his hand.

'We have to get up?'

She giggled at his scowl. 'You'll like this, Rumple, I promise.'

'Alright,' he said. He climbed out of bed after her, smiling as she tugged on his hand. In the blink of an eye, she had dressed herself. He figured he should do the same, and only had to will it and it was done.

Belle led him out of their room and down the stairs. Looking around, he was again reminded of the Dark Castle, the Storybrooke house, and their little house at the Edge of Realms. Features of all three caught his eye. It shouldn't have worked, the grandeur of the Dark Castle, combined with the old-fashioned elegance of the Storybrooke house, and the simple rustic charm of their little hand-built home, but, somehow, it did. Everything seemed to combine to make their home both cosy and elegant. He wasn't sure he'd ever understand it, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that it felt like home.

'It's like everywhere we lived, all rolled into one,' he observed.

'Yes,' Belle said, smiling at him and wrapping her other hand around his, 'and I think you'll recognise this room.'

She let go of his hand to push the doors open; then took his hand again and led him in.

It was the great hall from the Dark Castle, only not quite. The pedestals that had displayed all his so-called treasures were gone. The table from his castle was there, but there were more chairs around it. And beyond the table, gathered around the fireplace that he recognised from the Storybrooke house, were comfortable seats for people to sit and chat. The room was much more like a living room than it had been in the Dark Castle, cosier, less austere. He could even see their pictures on the mantle, the paintings from the Edge of Realms on the walls. The curtains were open, of course, and the sky over the mountains outside was blue as summer.

'Do you like it?' Belle asked softly.

He smiled at her. 'It's perfect, sweetheart.'

She smiled. 'There's one thing I particularly want you to see,' she said.

She tugged on his hand again and he followed her over to a large oval mirror hung on the wall.

'Show us Gideon,' she said softly, squeezing Rumple's hand as he held his breath.

The mirror clouded over for a moment, which was too long for Rumple, and when it cleared, he instinctively stepped forward.

There was Gideon, sitting at a desk, books and parchment spread around him. He was scribbling away, intent on his work.

'Oh, son,' Rumple breathed, reaching out to touch Gideon's cheek in the mirror. 'He doesn't look much older than the last time I saw him,' he said, surprised.

'He's not thirty yet,' Belle said. 'Time moved much more slowly for him than for you. It's only been about five years for him since he saw you last.'

'He still has all of his life ahead of him,' Rumple said, pleased. 'And we can watch over him.'

'Yes,' Belle agreed.

'He looks happy,' Rumple said.

'He is,' she assured him, slipping her arm around him. She smiled as he drew her closer. 'He has his studies, his teaching, his other work. He's respected and loved. He misses us, but he keeps us in his heart.'

Rumple nodded, staring at their boy. 'I'd love just to have a moment with him,' he said, 'just to say goodbye properly. Or, not goodbye, but…we'll be waiting for him.'

'We'll find a way to do it, Rumple. I was able to see him: I'll help you find a way too.'

He smiled at her and they watched their son for a while.

Gideon sat writing a little longer, but then a knock disturbed him. He rose and went to answer it. A young girl stood on the threshold, wanting his help with a sick relative. Gideon asked a few questions, put some things in a bag, and followed the girl out.

'He's a healer?' Rumple asked.

'Among other things,' Belle said, smiling. 'He's very good at it.'

'He was always a child of many talents, our son.' Rumple said.

'Yes,' Belle agreed.

'He gets that healing gift from you,' he said, smiling at her, 'as he gets most of his gifts from you.'

It was true. On their travels, Belle had put all her knowledge to good use, and surprised herself, though not her husband or son, by finding a talent for healing the sick. She had earned quite a name for herself.

'He gets plenty of gifts from you, Rumple,' Belle said now.

They watched Gideon bend to follow the girl through a low door. A man lay on the bed in the small room. He was obviously very ill: sweating one minute and trembling the next.

'How long's he been like this?' Gideon asked the girl.

'Since last night,' she said. 'Can you help him?'

He smiled reassuringly at her. 'I believe so.' He looked the man over quickly. 'Do you have a clean pot and some water?' he asked the girl.

The girl got what he needed and Gideon set to work.

'Swamp fever?' Rumple asked, recognising the ingredients his son was using.

'Yes,' Belle said. 'Apparently it's common in Elphame.'

'He learned that remedy from you,' Rumple said, smiling at her.

'Well, he's improved it,' Belle said, gesturing to what Gideon was doing.

Rumple watched as Gideon waved a hand over the potion. The brew glowed golden and he ladled some into a little wooden cup.

'See?' Belle said to Rumple: 'he got that from you.'

'I worry about the price, though,' Rumple said quietly.

'We taught him well, my love. Watch.'

'Here we are,' Gideon said gently to the sick man, helping him sit up so he could drink. 'That should help you feel better.'

Indeed, it seemed to be taking effect. The man shivered much less.

'Thank you, Professor,' he said. 'How can I repay you?'

Gideon shook his head and smiled. 'Doing good is its own reward: my mother and father taught me that. One day, you may be in a position to help someone else.'

'Oh, son,' Rumple breathed, awed. He understood. Gideon didn't use his magic for himself: he used it to help others. There was nothing selfish in what he did. Rumple had tried to teach his son about the responsibility he had to use his magic wisely, and he could see that the lesson had hit home. Belle had reinforced his lessons with teaching Gideon to help people, to be kind, not to give in to anger or let pain overwhelm him so that he lashed out and used his magic to hurt others. Together, he and Belle had taught their son to be a good man, and he was honouring their teaching. He was so proud.

The sick man nodded. 'I will remember that. Thank you, Professor Gold.'

'You're quite welcome,' Gideon returned. 'You should drink the rest of the potion, a cupful every four hours until there's not a drop of it left. You should be right as rain then.'

'Thank you,' the man said again.

'Yes, thank you,' the girl chimed in.

Gideon nodded, smiled, gathered his things, and left them.

'Oh, Gideon,' Rumple murmured, his heart singing with love. 'You do good, remembering us. Oh, my boy.'

Belle cuddled close and he held her to him.

'Isn't he beautiful?' she asked, proud of their son.

'Oh, yes,' he agreed. 'Yes, he's perfect. Your brains and kindness,' he said, looking down at her, smiling.

'And your noble heart and flair for magic,' she said. 'He's our legacy, my love.'

Oh, he's more than that, sweetheart: he's gonna make the world a better place in his own name.'

'Yes,' she agreed: 'yes he will. Our brave, beautiful boy.'

'A hero, just like his mama,' he said, smiling at her.

'Like his papa too,' she insisted. 'I see so much of you in him, Rumple: I always have. He has the best of both of us.'

He kissed the top of her head. 'Yes.'

They watched Gideon as he walked back through the town. People greeted him warmly, calling him either Healer Gold or Professor Gold. Rumplestiltskin was unspeakably happy. His boy was loved, respected. There was no question of anyone pushing him in the mud because of who his father was.

'Rumple?' Belle asked, seeing his tears. 'Hey, what is it?'

'I just… I got it right with him, Belle,' he said. 'I finally broke that destructive cycle that my parents started. Gideon grew up to be a good man, because he was loved, because I didn't hurt him the way I did Bae, the way my parents hurt me. I'm just… I'm happy, that's all: I'm so happy.'

'Good!' Belle cried, delighted. 'But you got it right with Bae too. He always spoke of you with love, Rumple. He loves you and knows you love him. He believes you're a good man. You lost your way: that's all. Everybody does sometimes.'

He smiled at her. 'Thank you, sweetheart.'

'You're welcome,' she said, smiling as he tugged her closer. 'You're a good father, Rumple, a wonderful father. It's one of the things I admire most about you. You'd do anything for your boys.'

He smiled again. 'And you,' he said, kissing her gently.

She smiled and laid her head on his chest. 'My hero,' she murmured.

He hummed. 'You're mine. Did you used to watch me through this?'

'Yes,' she said. 'Could you tell?'

'I think sometimes I felt you close, more than usual, I mean, because you were always on my mind. I felt closer to you when I did something good. I felt you'd be proud of me.'

'I was. I am. You remembered me the way Gideon remembers us. You kept me with you.'

'Always,' he said. 'I would have, even if I'd never made it back to you, Belle.'

'But you did,' she said, curling her hand around his shirt. 'I knew you would.'

He smiled and then looked at Gideon in the mirror. 'He'll be alright, won't he?'

'I hope so,' she said. 'Life is full of ups and downs, and he'll face his own obstacles, like everyone does. But he grew up loved and cherished, with good lessons. We taught him all we could, helped him learn and grow with patience and love, and now he's living his own life, putting everything he's learned into practice. Whatever difficulties he faces, I know in my heart he'll face them with honour, bravery, and goodness. He has a pure heart, just like his father.'

'Like his mother too,' Rumple said, smiling at her.

She smiled and they watched Gideon a little longer. He returned to his tower at the academy and unpacked his satchel. Then he went back to his desk and sat down, looking at something. He smiled and took a framed photograph into his hands.

'I feel you with me every time I help someone,' he said. 'I don't know if you can hear me, but I feel you close to me. Father, I hope you made it home to Mother. I haven't heard from you in so long. I hope you're together.'

'I'm home, son,' Rumple said: 'your mother and I are right here. We'll always be right here.'

'Always, Gideon,' Belle agreed.

'He can't hear us, can he?' Rumple asked.

'I'm afraid not. There isn't a phone booth here that we could use to talk to him, but we'll find a way to let him know that you made it home, that we're together.'

He nodded, believing her.

They watched Gideon for some time. Rumple hadn't seen him in so long, he had so much to catch up on, but, finally, he decided he'd had his fill of his precious son for now. He couldn't spend forever watching him, after all, though he knew he'd want to see him again very soon. At least he knew this mirror could show him Gideon whenever he wanted to see him.

'Can this mirror show us other people?' he asked.

'Would you like to see Henry?' she asked.

He nodded. 'And the others I left behind.' He frowned suddenly.

'What is it?' Belle asked.

'I think Regina spoke to me. I heard her voice. I've only just remembered. Why didn't I remember before?'

'The transition between life and the afterlife is an adjustment,' Belle said. 'It's natural for it take a while for things to settle. If you remember Regina speaking to you, it probably happened just after you died, when you were crossing over.'

'Right,' he said. 'I wish I could remember what she said.'

'The mirror can show you,' Belle said.

'It can show what happened in the past too?'


The glass clouded before he even spoke, and then they were looking at Regina as she leaned over Rumple, thanking him for saving them, telling him he deserved his peace, his happy ending, and to go find it.

'Regina,' Rumple breathed, touched.

'That was kind,' Belle said softly.

'Yes,' he agreed.

'She's a very kind woman, really.'

'She was as a girl too,' Rumple said, 'but broken, and I didn't help with that.'

'But she was fond of you too,' Belle said. 'She cared for you. I know you did for her too.'

He nodded. 'She was my favourite student. I admired the way she turned her life around. She did a lot of good, and will do more. I think she's the bravest person I know, after you.'

Belle smiled. 'I hope she'll be happy. I think if anyone deserves happiness, it's Regina.'

'I think so too,' he agreed.

The glass clouded again, and then they were looking at Henry, his arms around his family. They were standing in the Wish Realm version of the Evil Queen's castle, listening to Regina talk. Snow and Charming, Hook, Alice, Robin, and Zelena were there too, as was the Wish Realm version of Henry.

'They're still in the Wish Realm,' Belle murmured.

'And Regina got through to young Henry,' Rumple said. 'I thought she would.'

'But why haven't they gone home?' Belle wondered.

'I don't know. Rumplestiltskin could get to Hyperion Heights, so I assume he had a way to make portals. Maybe they haven't discovered…' He trailed off, noticing something that alarmed him. 'Belle, Regina has the Dark Curse.' He pointed and Belle saw that she did, indeed, have the curse in her hand.

'Why does she have that?' Belle wondered. 'Surely they can get home another way?'

'I'm sure they could,' he agreed. 'Let's hear what's going on.'

Regina was talking. '…so, there's still a lot to figure out. Bringing the realms together is a massive undertaking, and doing it in a way that doesn't interfere with the lives we've all already lived is going to be tricky, but we'll figure it out.'

Belle and Rumple stared at each other, stunned.

'Rumple, I think she wants to use the Dark Curse to do the opposite of what it was created to do,' Belle said. 'She wants to bring everyone together. That's…that's amazing! Do you think she can?'

He smiled. 'I think if anyone can, it's Regina,' he said. 'I think it's possible, but it'll be tricky, like she said.'

'But the curse requires the heart of the thing you love most,' Belle said: 'surely she wouldn't sacrifice Henry's.'

He shook his head. 'No, she wouldn't. I suspect she's thought of a way to alter it so that it's not really a curse, more a blessing.'

'Then I hope it works,' she said. 'Maybe Gideon could visit one day, when it's done, when he wants another adventure.'

He smiled. 'I'd like it if he got to know Alice and Hook, and Regina and Henry.'

She smiled. 'You were very fond of Alice and the other Hook.'

'Yes,' he agreed. 'Strange: he was my enemy for so long, but this version of him found himself in a similar position to mine with Bae, and we found common ground. He was a good father, a good man, and a good partner.'

Belle nodded. 'And Alice is very sweet.'

'She is,' he agreed. 'She reminded me of you: curious, lively, clever, goodhearted.'

She smiled. 'I'm happy that she found Robin. I can't believe how grown up she is! Seems like yesterday I was looking after her in the shop.'

Rumple nodded. 'She grew up well. At least Zelena learned to care for someone other than herself. She did a good job with Robin.'

'I was proud of you for helping her,' Belle said quietly. 'I know that wasn't easy for you.'

He nodded. 'It wasn't, but I didn't want Robin to be without her mother. I did it for her, really.'

Belle nodded and they looked back at the mirror.

'Henry's so grown up too,' she said. 'He reminds me a little of Gideon. All the men of your family share features. You all have the same eyes.'

Rumple nodded. 'I see a lot of Bae in him. He certainly has Bae's impetuousness. Gets him into trouble sometimes. He means well, though.'

'Yes,' Belle agreed. 'He found the Author's pen because he didn't want you to have to give up the dagger. He thought he was helping everyone.'

'I know. He couldn't have known he'd play right into Rumplestiltskin's hands.'

'I'm glad he has his family back safe,' Belle said. 'Lucy is a sweet child.'

'Yes. She's also the first daughter born into my side of the family in several generations.'



'Well, I suspect that means we can expect wonderful things from Lucy.'

'I suspect you're right,' Rumple agreed, smiling.

'You know, I think they'll all be ok,' Belle said confidently. 'Regina will find a way to bring the realms together, and nothing will separate them ever again.'

They turned away from the mirror and the glass looked like an ordinary mirror once more.

'Yes, nor us.' He pulled her into his arms and she smiled at him. 'Now, I believe, you mentioned adventures, Mrs Gold?'

'So I did,' she agreed, 'but I think I'd like to just spend time here with you, just being together in our own little world for a while. What do you think?'

'Oh, I think that sounds perfect,' he said, 'and do you know what else I think?'

'What's that?' she asked curiously.

He smiled. 'I think it's been far too long since you and I danced together.'

She smiled. 'You know, you're right.'

'Well then, time we rectified that, hmm?'

She smiled as a familiar tune began to play.

'Care to dance, Mrs Gold?'

Belle smiled tenderly. 'I would love to,' she said softly.

Rumple smiled as they danced. She was so beautiful, soft lips curving into a sweet smile, eyes shining with love. He'd been truly blessed to have her in his life, and to get to spend eternity with her…oh, that thought was such bliss.

Belle could almost read what he was thinking.

She giggled as he twirled her expertly, and settled herself into his arms again with a happy little hum.

'You make me so happy, Rumple,' she whispered.

He smiled. 'You do the same for me, sweetheart. You light up my world.'

She pressed closer, clutching his shirt. 'You light up mine. As a girl, I wanted adventure and heroism, to prove myself. I wanted to see the world. And I got all of that by your side, and so much more. I love you,' she breathed earnestly.

'And I love you too,' he said, and kissed her heatedly.

'Rumple,' she whimpered, pressing closer.

'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?' he wondered, his voice low.

'Yes,' she said, and kissed him. 'Why don't we go back up to our room?' She stepped back, intending to lead him to their room, but he caught her hand and pulled her back to him instead.

'Or we could…' He picked her up and put her sitting on the table, looking expectantly at her. It was something he'd always liked, making love to her on top of tables.

She giggled. 'What is it with you and me on tables?' she asked, though she pulled him to stand between her legs.

He bent his head to kiss her neck and she sighed, tilting her head and wrapping her arms around him.

He smiled against her skin. 'I have a very powerful memory of a very pretty girl sitting on this very table and talking to me many years ago,' he murmured. 'She said such sweet, interesting things that I couldn't help but fall in love with her.'

She giggled again. 'You fell in love with me because I talked to you while I sat on the table?'

He kissed her jaw. 'I fell in love with you for many reasons, Belle,' he said, 'and one of them is that you felt comfortable enough with the monster to sit on his table and talk to him about love.'

'You're not a monster,' she insisted.

He smiled. 'Not any more,' he said, 'because you turned me into a man.'

She shook her head. 'You did that yourself.'

He cupped her cheek. 'Because you believed in me.'

'I always will,' she promised, pressing her forehead to his.

'Oh, come here,' he growled, kissing her hard.

Belle gasped into it and then scooted back on the table, pulling him with her.

He took the hint and climbed up after her, and then he was cradling her head gently as he laid her down on the table, and she was smiling dreamily, staring at him.

'Kiss me again,' she requested breathily, her chest heaving with excitement.

And he did.

The end…for now :)

I'm writing a fic focused on the characters we left in the Wish Realm, specifically Regina, Wish Hook, Alice, and Robin. Rumple and Belle will make a brief appearance in that, and Gideon will be a key character in that too. I'm kind of setting up for other things I want to do down the road :)