Hey guys back with another chapter for ya! But first, answering to some reviews from you guys that I felt really stood out!

CheesusChrist15: Yeah I kind of felt I rushed it a bit while re-reading it but every other Destiny/Mass Effect crossover I have read usually starts during ME2 and I wanted to start them from the very beginning with them making big impact. Originally I was thinking of having them pop up during the Elysium pirate/slaver attack but it didn't really fit with the storyline I had thought up so I'll work with what I have and improve upon it.

edboy4926: That will be explained later down the line as I plan to have it fit in with the story behind the ME3 Leviathan DLC so you will have your answer's sometime down the line.

Dude: Thanks for the support and don't worry I plan to update that story pretty soon as well.

Striker 4 life: I know how you feel man, it seems in most Destiny stories the weapons that Guardian's use are nerfed when in actuality they are way superior in both damage and reliability, so I felt I really needed to emphasize just how much better Destiny weapons are compared to the ones from the ME universe.

Knightwolf1875: I have a few idea's but yeah it still hurts me to. Cayde was just that good of a character and the only way you can hear his funny quips anymore is either through certain strikes or campaign missions. A guy like that is unforgettable.

Bahamut13: I can see where you might think that but I don't feel the same for the simple fact that the Traveler may have gave humanity access to help them achieve their current level of technology, but they didn't base everything solely off of it like the ME universe did with Mass Effect tech. In Destiny the only tech we know for a hundred percent certainty came from the Traveler with no Human influence whatsoever is the Ghost, while in ME every bit of technology they have is copied or derived from a single race. Hell the Protheans only used a watered down version of the true masters of Mass Effect Technology, (aka, the Reapers) and seeing as the Asari are the most advanced species in ME solely based on the fact they have a working Prothean Beacon with an advanced VI that gives them all of their knowledge, and yet they still know next to nothing about the Reaper's existence or even why the Prothean's went extinct? Yeah I find it hard to believe the races in ME can relate to Destiny's humanity in anyway.

Plus, every other race or faction in Destiny uses the same three energies (possibly four concerning the rumors of the latest update/DLC) but that doesn't mean that all of Destiny's tech came from the Traveler. Plus if you hear the Speaker's intro in Destiny 1 when he describes humanities accomplishment during the Golden Age he never directly states that it was solely the Traveler's doing that allowed them to do all of what they did, but rather the Traveler's arrival helped them advance rather than being their sole means of advancement. In ME they blatantly state that their only major advancements are when they find a working Prothean Beacon or piece of tech, but other than that they are pretty stagnant. Plus while ME are just happy to use Prothean tech and not even bother trying to figure out how it truly works or what happened to the Prothean's, Destiny's humanity is always trying to find new info on their enemies and about the Golden Age hence the extensive lore behind every item and area they come across. I didn't mean to make this reply so damn long but I just wanted to be perfectly clear on why I thought that Lex wasn't hypocritical in what he said, but feel free to disagree with me all the same as these are just my thoughts and viewpoints.

Well since that is over and done with, on with the story!

With Chase

Three hours, that's how long it had been since the Hunter and his fireteam had received the news. Three damn hours since Chase found out his mentor had been KIA in the Prison of Elder's by Uldren Sov of all people. The pain of that revelation was still fresh in the Hunter's mind despite the calm façade he had put on for Megan, the little girl who was eating a small meal beside him in the mess quarter's of the Normandy.

Just a few minutes ago she had been talking his ear off about a game Joker had given her to keep her out of his hair and now she was just happily eating the meal in front of her which, thankfully, wasn't some of the Alliance's military rations. Truth be told Chase would rather have her talking to him than the silence, cause the silence allowed him time to think on the fact that Cayde was gone, and that he couldn't personally make the bastard who killed him pay.

Just thinking of that damn prince was enough to nearly drive the Hunter into a rage. Then Chase remembered a specific weapon in his arsenal, a gift from Petra he received after he and his team took down Oryx. An elegant blade called the Black Talon, made in honor of the Prince himself. At that moment Chase really wanted to summon that blade and snap it just out of pure spite, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Petra had given him that blade as a sign of trust between the two of them, and to purposefully break it would be the same as spitting on the reason why it was given to him to begin with.

So deep was his musing's that he almost missed the approach of his Warlock teammate. Since their departure from the Comm's room Lexi had dived right into working on not only a cure for the Genophage, but also a treatment for the Quarian's immune systems. Why she was coming to him now was a mystery to the Hunter for as far as he was concerned she would still be hard at work.

After a friendly greeting to Megan Lexi quickly turned her attention towards Chase, "Chase I need you to get me a sample of Quarian tissue and blood."

"... as blunt and to the point as ever eh Lexi? Why do I have to do it, can't you get Caleb to get you what you need?" asked the Hunter.

"Caleb is already getting the Krogan sample from Wrex down in the cargo bay."

"But the cargo area is right next to engineering, so why not just have him get both?"

"Just do this for me Chase." sighed the Warlock but truthfully they both knew what she was trying to do.

Out of the three of them Lexi had the smallest connection to Cayde and therefore was the least effected by his demise. Caleb could at least call himself a friend to Cayde but Chase and the Hunter Vanguard had a very close bond not just of mentor and student but more comparable to brothers. She knew Chase was taking the knews the hardest and so she was trying to give him some work to keep his mind off of it. The wound would heal and the pain would numb over time, but right now Chase needed all the distractions he could get.

So with a reluctant sigh the Hunter collected Megan, after she said her goodbye's to Lexi, and made their way to engineering to get her the samples for her work. All the while Lexi could only watch and hope that her fireteam leader would get better soon, while also praying for whatever poor bastard happens to piss him off while he is like this.

With Caleb

'Oh Traveler this is awkward.' thought the Exo Titan as Wrex just continued to stare at him, stone-faced.

After Lexi had asked him to acquire the Krogan sample to help her research into the Genophage cure Caleb, being who he is, just simply walked up and asked the Krogan mercenary for the sample. That is what led to the current state of things and he was deeply regretting his lack of tact in such things.

"..care to repeat that pyjack?" growled Wrex finally.

While frowning at the unfamiliar term, Cal quickly answered the aged Krogan, "I asked if I could have some blood and tissue samples from you Wrex."

"And why do ya need them in the first place?"

"They're not for me Wrex, but for Lexi."

"Oh and why does she want them?"

Caleb was now becoming irritated, why can't Wrex just give the sample and go on about his merry way? Though in retrospect Caleb could see why he would be hesitant, if not downright suspicious, of his reasons for wanting such things. After all, the last people who had that kind of intel on them gave them the Genophage.

"Wrex listen, I know you may be suspicious-" "Your damn right I am," growled the Krogan as he stepped into the Titan's personal space, "you come up and start asking for sample's of my blood and tissue and expect me to think nothing of it? Either tell me what that women wants them for or else things are gonna get messy."

For a moment there was only silence as both Exo and Krogan glared at one another. Cal was about ready to punch Wrex's head off for the threat to his teammate but held on to his calm. Killing Wrex would get them nowhere, if they wanted that alliance with the Krogan and Quarian people the Guardian's would need to put a lid on their xenophobia. Every Guardian was inherently xenophobic to a degree, but with the fact that nearly every alien race they have met was trying to kill off humanity who could blame them?

However, such thoughts would not fly in this particular world that Fireteam Rogue had found themselves in. Here, alien's could be both friend and/or foe and right now humanity needed all the friends they could get in order for the Guardian's plans to come to fruition. That being said some risks were needed to be taken, and Cal was about to take a big one.

After taking a quick look around to make sure no one was eavesdropping Caleb leaned in closer to Wrex and quietly explained his reasons for his request, "because Lexi needs them to help you and your people, because she is making a partial cure for the Genophage."

The Exo saw the sudden tensing of Wrex form just as the words left him and waited for the Krogan to respond, Surprisingly it didn't take long for a reply to be made, "what do you mean by partial cure? And why would she do this?"

"The first question is one only she can answer, but as for the second one all I can say for now is that we hope this will help not just your people, but humanity as well."

Wrex just sat on the Titan's words for a minute before backing up a bit. His form was relaxed now but Caleb could see the effect his words had on the Krogan through his blood red eyes. His eyes showed that he was still suspicious of the Guardian's motives, but there was a spark of hope and that was all Caleb needed at the moment.

"... I'll go give her the sample personally, but only after she answers my questions." responded Wrex.

"Fair enough, she should be in the lab right at the back of the med bay." acknowledged Caleb as the Krogan quickly walked away towards the elevator.

Just as the Krogan had reached it, said elevator opened to reveal Chase and Megan. Wrex barely spared them a glance as they passed each other, save for Megan who looked up at the giant reptile in awe and a little bit of fear as she was being lead by the hand by the Hunter.

The two Guardian's gave each other a brief nod of greeting before Chase guided Megan and himself towards engineering.

Happy that his conversation with Wrex was over, the Titan made his way towards the weapon's bench where Ashley was cleaning and maintaining some of the weapons they had on board. Taking the empty bench next to her Caleb summoned his Sweet Buisness and began to carefully clean the weapon while Lex ran some scans through his helmet. Hey just because the weapon was extremely rare and powerful didn't mean it didn't need regular maintenance like every other weapon.

He could feel Ashley's eyes on him as he worked but for the most part ignored it. As his hands worked through the practiced motions of maintenance the Titans mind began to wander. He began to think about what might be happening back home. Was there another major threat preparing to strike? How many Guardian's had recently died besides Cayde? Thoughts like that began to circulate and with each depressing thought Cal's hands slowed in their work until the became completely still.

"Hey you okay?" came the sudden question from Ashley.

Turning to look at her Caleb sighed heavily, "if I said yes would you believe me?"

The dry stare she gave him was answer enough and so the Titan released an even heavier sigh, "no, I'm not. Neither are my teammates for that matter, and before you ask lets just say we just recently learned that a friend of ours... well he just didn't make it."

While his answer wasn't very good and pretty vague Ashley understood perfectly and offered him her sympathy.

"I know how you feel just a day or two ago my entire unit was wiped out yet I'm still here."

"Don't Ashley." Came Caleb's quick, and cold reply.

Surprised by the tone Ashley tried to speak but Cal was having none of it and pushed on ahead, "don't ever feel ashamed for surviving. Everyone knows the risk of going into combat, cause out in the field nothing is ever certain and to survive the worst of it is a gift you cannot be ashamed of. I may not have known your squadmates but if they are anything like the people I have fought with then they would be happy to know that at least one of them made it out alive. To know that despite the enemies best efforts to wipe all of them out that one still lives, which means they failed in their goal. We might not like to mourn lost friends and loved ones but we use that as a reason to be better, to get smarter, and to make sure that the list of ones we lost doesn't grow any longer as long as we can do something about it."

Neither of them said anything for a good while as the Titan's words truly sank in. For some reason Caleb was feeling a whole lot better after his little impromptu speech. Maybe it was because he was talking to a fellow soldier like he had once been during the Golden Age? Or maybe because their pain was similiar with the loss of friends in such a short time? Truly the Titan didn't know, but the upliffting feeling was there nonetheless and he drew comfort in that for the moment.

"Wow, that was pretty poetic Caleb. Ya know coming from a military family, I think my dad would have saluted you just for that speech alone. Maybe even my grandfather." she mumbled the last part quietly but Caleb still heard her.

"While I'm flattered by the thought of your father saluting me, what about your grandfather?" asked the Titan curiously.

For the moment the Gunnery Chief's cheeks brightened in embarrassment, but she quickly regained her cool as her mood took a more somber turn.

"My grandfather is what got my family where they are today. Back during the First Contact war with the Turians my grandfather was the only one to surrender to an invading alien force. That action alone blacklisted my family, my father was a marine like me and he worked his ass of for years and never made it above Sargent! When I joined I had to go above and beyond to get where I am now and it's all because of something my grandfather did." She finished bitterly as the years of back breaking hard work she did to get where she was came to the forefront of her mind.

She tensed as the Titan's large hand fell on her shoulder in a comforting manner, "I read about that, your grandfather was a good man who cared for his troops. The brass are morons for what they did to your family. If your grandfather and his men had died fighting they would have become nothing more than martyrs. I believe that even if they had died then we would still be where we are today 'playing nice' with the other races, and that would have made your grandfathers sacrifice worth nothing more than an example of human stubbornness. Your grandfather made the right call in surrendering, because of him those under his command, and himself included, lived to see their families again and I bet they are damn well grateful for it."

Another long silence greeted them but it was a more comfortable one than before as the marine rolled the Titan's words around in her mind. Gently brushing off the Titan's hand from her shoulder Ashley gave him a genuine smile as she spoke, "thanks for that big guy. That's actually nice to hear coming from someone that isn't my family, but enough about that. Ya got any combat stories to tell, cause judging by your fancy armor I think you may have a few."

'Oh if only you knew.' Thought the Titan as the two began to trade stories, with Cal's being a little bit changed so as to keep his true origins secret, both forgetting the fact that the weapons they were working on were still sitting on the benches beside them.

With Chase

After passing the giant lizard and the small greeting with Caleb, the Hunter and his charge found themselves in the engineering deck where a few personnel were running about, making sure the drive core was operating at peak efficiency. The drive core itself was an interesting sight to behold but if Chase was being honest, he wasn't impressed as he had seen plenty of things that would put the mass effect core of the Normandy to shame. His charge on the other hand was of a different mindset.

"Oh it's so pretty!" squealed the little girl happily, which in turn made Chase smile.

The Hunter quickly spotted his target and began to guide himself and Megan towards the purple suited Quarian as she was working on a console.

When he was close enough he called out to her, "hey Tali."

Her reaction was quite hysterical as she jumped a bit and even made a surprising 'eep!' sound that Chase struggled not to laugh at. Turning to face him, her glowing eyes gave him an unamused glare. Chase was glad he had his helmet off so she could see the smug grin he was throwing at her.

"You know surprising someone who is working on the drive core of a ship could cause some terrible consequences." said the Quarian with a dry tone.

"Maybe, but getting you to make those surprised noises is well worth the risk." came the Hunter's reply and while he couldn't see her face the shuffling of her feet and wringing of her hands was enough to tell the Hunter that she was now emberassed and more than likely blushing under her helm.

"O-Oh don't say that! J-Just tell me why your here!" she demanded hotly but Chase still kept his smirk.

"Well for one I was going to introduce you to this little one." The Hunter said before waving towards Megan who was still holding his hand as she looked up at the exo suit wearing women curiously.

The sight of a little girl on a military ship confused the Quarian for a moment and she directed her gaze to Chase hoping for an explanation.

"She was on Eden Prime, so I'm taking her in for now until next of kin can be found and this mess with Saren is done with." was the short answer and immediately Tali understood and felt her heart go out to the little girl. She knew what it was like to lose a family member at such a young age after all.

"Hello there, my name is Tali, what's yours?" asked the Quarian as she kneeled so she could speak with the little girl at eye level.

"I'm Megan! Why do you wear that suit?" asked Megan with all the bluntness only a curious child could muster.

Despite the rather rude question, Tali didn't take any offense as she knew Megan was just a child and was just curious, "well this suit helps make sure I don't get sick Megan. You see Quarian's like me get sick very easily so we wear these suits to make sure we stay healthy."

The simple explanation helped Megan understand why Tali was wearing the suit but Megan's next response stumped Tali and nearly had Chase in stiches, "but how do you go to the bathroom then?"

For the next few minutes Chase continued to try and contain his laughter as he watched Tali try and stutter out a response to the child's question. Meanwhile the few engineer's close enough to hear the conversation were also trying to hold in their own bouts of laughter but still released a few snickers here and there.

Eventually Tali gave up trying to answer the child and looked pleadingly at Chase for salvation. While he was enjoying the show greatly, Chase decided to take pity on the poor alien.

"That's not an appropriate question to ask someone Megan, you shouldn't ask things like that to people." Megan gave a pout in response but otherwise she apologized to Tali and Chase continued to explain to Tali his reason's for visiting her. "Well since that little show is over with, I need you to come with me to see Lexi Tali."

"What? Why?"

"She needs some blood and tissue samples from you."

"But I already had a checkup with Dr. Chakwas?"

"This isn't for a check up Tali, it's for something else." replied Chase but the Quarian women was now even more confused.

"I-I don't understand, why does your teammate need samples from me?"

"Okay, look, why Lexi needs them from you is a bit of a private matter that can only really be discussed without others around okay? So just come with me up to the med lab and I'll let Lexi explain the rest alright?" reasoned Chase. For a few moments Tali didn't answer but eventually she agreed and soon was following Chase after having informed Chief Engineer Adams where she was going. Apparantly the human engineer was more than happy to have her working on the drive core as, like most Quarians, she had a real knack for machinery.

The trip was relatively silent as Tali was still trying to figure out why one of her saviors needed samples from her, and Chase was just focused on getting the Quarian to Lexi so his part of the job can be over. At the moment the only noise, aside from the ship's crew working, was the happy humming from Megan as she just followed wherever Chase was going.

Entering the med bay they heard raised voices coming from the lab at the back and Chase, curious about who Lexi was arguing with, quickly made his way towards the door. Tali was a bit hesitant but followed the Hunter nonetheless as the doors opened to reveal a certain Warlock aruing with a familiar Krogan.

"Why the hell do you need that stuff from me woman!? Are you really making a cure for the Genophage or not!?" growled Wrex at the annoyed Warlock.

"It is called a 'partial cure' Wrex, and for damn good reason."

Wrex was about to respond with another angry retort but saw the added company and gestured to them, "what are you doing here?"

"Sample delivery." Chase responded while gesturing to Tali who shuffled nervously under the Krogan merc's gaze.

"Darkness dammit Chase, I wanted you to get the sample's then bring them to me, not bring the subjects to me to get the sample! Caleb I can understand, but you... you know what, on second thought I should have expected this from you." groaned the Warlock in annoyance.

Wrex, being even more suspicious and angry, decided to make his grievances known, "just someone tell me what the hell is going on!? Why do you say you need sample's from me to make a 'partial cure' to the Genophage, and why do you need samples from the Quarian as well!?"

At that the two Gaurdian's looked at each other in silent contemplation. With how stubborn Krogan generally were they knew they wouldn't be able to get the samples from him unless they gave him some type of answer. Tali, they could probably easily convince her to give up some samples simply because she was a bit naive but taking advantage of someone they hope to be an ally in the future didn't sit well with either Guardian. So with those thoughts in mind they decided to come clean, at least a little bit. They wouldn't tell the two their true origins, but they would tell them some of their plans for the future of both of their races and their relationship with humanity.

"You want the truth Wrex we'll tell you, Megan," began the Hunter before turning to his curious young charge, "why don't you play a game on your Omni-tool while me and the others talk okay?"

The young girl pouted at being left out of the loop as her curiosity had been thoroughly peeked, but ultimately relented and took a seat in the med bay to leave the four to their conversation. After sealing the lab door and making sure no eavsdroppers were around, Lexi began to explain a bit.

"Okay listen up cause I am not going to repeat myself understood? Good. Wrex, the reason why I need those samples from you is because I do plan to cure the Genophage, at least partially-" began the Warlock only to be cut off by Wrex.

"You've already said that and you still haven't explained what you meant by a partial cure."

"Just shut up and listen dammit! *sigh* what I mean by partial cure is that while you won't have anymore still births, you won't be able to mass produce like before the Genophage. What I plan to do is manipulate the Genophage in such a way that a Krogan female will have the ability to birth only two, maybe three Krogan's at once, but they will all be healthy and alive. Basically I'm going to grant Krogan females the same breeding capacity as an average human womam." explained Lexi, and while her explenation had Tali in awe of such a thing being possible, Wrex was more confused and a little bit pissed.

"And what makes that better then before!? That's no cure for the Genophage, if anything you just loosened the noose around our necks without removing it!"

"Exactly Wrex." jumped in Chase, drawing the Krogans ire his way in demand for an explanation, "if we truly cured the Krogan of the Genophage in this point in time what do you think will happen hm? Oh that's right, it would be the Krogan rebellions all over again. With this modification no longer will your species be at risk of complete extinction but you also won't be able to amass a large army in such a short time. You know I am telling the truth Wrex."

Thinking on the Guardian's words Wrex couldn't deny the guy had a point. If his people got back their insane breeding abilities then the more violent clans would definitely use it to try and wage war on the galaxy again. His people may be powerful warriors but even he could admit they weren't nearly the smartest. So while he could appreciate this new pseudo curehe couldn't help but wonder the reason's for them to do so in the first place.

"Keelah, I didn't think such a thing could be possible, but that doesn't explain why you need me here." spoke up the sole Quarian in the room. While the revelation that Lexi was going to partially cure the sterility plague on the Krogan was a surprise for her, it still didn't explain her own involvment here.

"That's because I plan to also help the Quarian's with their immune system's. While it may take a little longer for the older Quarian's that have spent a majority of their lives in their exo suit's, by the time I'm finished no new born Quarian will ever have to wear a suit for them to live." simply stated Lexi which left the Quarian speechless.

Ever since their exile her people have been living on ships, which had decimated their immune systems to the point that they couldn't live without wearing their exo suits. So to find out that someone was willing to help her people with such a problem, she didn't know whether to cry in happiness or pass out from shock. Neither of which happened, thankfully, due to a certain Krogan speaking up.

"Okay while that's all well and good, the more important question is why are you doing all this? What do you have to gain from doing this?" questioned Wrex, as while he was now more calm than before he was still suspicious of the Guardian's intentions.

"Because this can help get an alliance between your people and humanity," declared Chase. As soon as he saw he had Tali and Wrex attention he began to elaborate, "if we look at things from a certain perspective all three of our races share something in common. We were all aligned with the Council and respected, but as soon as we did something they didn't like, or didn't want to put up with their shit they screwed us over and/or left us out to dry. Needless to say, the Council as a whole is a joke and can't be trusted. The main plan we have is for humanity to form an alliance with the Quarian and Krogan people, and then break away from the Council and form a seperate body of government ruled by our three races."

"...as interesting as that would be the Council has been in power for centuries, it's gonna take a lot more than just our three races to make them think twice about coming after us." pointed out Wrex. Despite how much he would enjoy showing those pyjack's how weak and stupid they really were he couldn't ignore the fact that they were in power for a reason.

"We know and that's why this alliance is so important. The Quarian's have the largest fleet in the galaxy, which added to the Alliance's own fleet would make even the combined Citadel fleet's think twice before attacking. The Krogan are powerful shock troops that the whole galaxy thinks twice about picking a fight with, and humanities own armies are proven even a match for the Turian's. Plus, with the new high tech weaponry humanity has the Council won't dare to strike at us." explained Lexi.

Wrex and Tali took a few moment's to go over the Warlock's words and found that they did make sense. While they were a bit unsure of the 'new high tech weaponry' that was being promised, every other point was very true. It is already known that humanities own forces are quite relatable to the Turian's and their growth rival's the Asari and Salarian's in just the short time they have been a part of the Citadel races. Combined with the fighting prowess of the Krogan, and the vast fleet and technical prowess of the Quarian's they would make a very formidable force, especially if the Krogans no longer had to worry about the Genophage or the Quarian's about dying from sickness after a suit puncture.

"While your argument makes sense, why are you telling us this, shouldn't you be telling those in higher positions of power within our respective races instead of us?" asked Tali. She would be more than happy for her people to ally with humanity if they received what Lexi promised. Maybe they could even help them take back their homeworld! But she was in no position to make such decisions even if her father was a part of the admiralty board that didn't mean she carried the same power he did.

"Well we gotta build bridges somewhere Tali, we can't just walk up on the Quarian fleet with our offer, so it serves a better purpose to at least have a Quarian on our side to vouch for us. As for the Krogan, they are divided into separate clans and they will only unite under the strongest among them. Urdnot Wrex knows what I'm talking about." explained Chase as he looked at the Krogan who scowled a bit at the Hunter. Wrex knew what he was being asked to do, and while he had given up a long time ago at saving his race, he couldn't help but have a little more hope that his people could be saved with the things the Guardian's are providing.

"...you keep up your end of the deal and I'll make sure every Krogan is on board, whether they like it or not."

Nodding at Wrex' agreement to the unspoken suggestion Chase felt a bit relieved. The Guardian's knew that the only way to get the Krogan people to unite with humanity was to ally with the strongest Krogan they could find and help them take control of all of the other clans. It was a great coincidence that a Krogan from one of the most powerful clans just happened to fall right into their laps. They would call it luck but they never really believed in such a concept where they were concerned and just went with it.

From there the conversation delved into the intricacies of what the alliance may entail and just what was to be expected. Ultimately they decided most of the work would have to be done after Saren and his Geth had been dealt with, and after obtaining the samples from a much more willing Wrex and Tali they all departed to do their own things before they eventualy reached their first stop in their hunt for the rogue spectre.

As they exited the med lab, with Chase carrying a comatose Megan, they didn't acknowledge the fact that they were being watched. Near the Captain's quarters, Shepard and Kaiden were just discussing some mundane things when they saw the odd rabble exit the med bay. Kaiden thought it was wierd but didn't think much of it cause it was none of his buisness. The Commander on the other hand stared with suspicion. She knew Anderson trusted Chase and his fireteam, and god forbid she loved the way the trio knew how to put the Council down. But something about them just didn't seem...right.

For one Caleb and Lexi never removed their helmet's, which in itself was weird and concerning, and second is that their weapons and armor were unlike anything she had ever seen or heard of before. And now they were having private meetings with members of her team she had enlisted to hunt down Saren? Something was up with those three and the Lioness of Elysium was going to get to the bottom of it one way or another.

Review and/or PM me people!