Sailor Moon and Sword Art Online

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

"What are you doing here young lady?" A red clad Usagi asked looking at a very pale and malnourished girl in the realm Beryl and her minions resided in. The girl was unhealthily pale as if she hadn't seen the sun in a long time, and she was so skinny that Usagi could count her ribs through her far too big clothes.

"Princess of light." The girl with lavender eyes said staring wide eyed up at Usagi who froze. That title…looking around Usagi noticed the discarded Nerve Gear in one corner of the room far away from the cot that served as the girls bed.

"SAO? Let's get you out of here." Usagi said attaching the bag of jewels to her belt and moving to help support the smaller girl with a worried look. No survivor got left behind…and whatever these people wanted the girl for could not be good. Not for anyone.

"The game ended so long ago though…I only woke up recently." The girl said making Usagi frown. Not just SAO but the brainwashing attempt too? Man the girls' luck sucked worse than Usagi's own huh? She didn't even seem to know what had happened which implied she had been in this room for several weeks at the least, probably longer by the pale parlor of her skin.

"Someone kept a good many of us hostage in another game. Kirito and Trista saved us though. My real name is Usagi Tsukino but apparently I'm also Sailor Moon." Usagi said introducing herself as she helped get the girl out of the dark area where Trista couldn't get to her through the darkness. The girl was a bit heavier than usual and Usagi saw some dark red almost angry spots on the girls frail arms and legs and she caught a nearly metallic glint from the girl when they passed by some of the lamps that were hanging up to light the dark hallways.

"Firefly…sorry…in game name…my real name is Hotaru…Hotaru Tomeo." The girl said weakly as she leaned heavily on the older girl who supported her with a wince. Perhaps she should have arranged to do this at a later date because her body was still weak and sore? Ah but if she did there was no telling what would have happened to this girl. Usagi would hate herself more if she had put off coming here and had arrived too late to help the girl or save her from whatever these creeps were planning for her.

"Nice to meet you Taru-chan. Don't worry we're going to get out of here soon. I have an escape already lined up." Usagi said smiling slightly at the girl to help put her more at ease. That and because while she knew how to be serious and stoic at times, Usagi was much more likely to try and keep the mood light as she smiled through several bad days as if nothing bothered her.

She wanted to make sure that everyone else was happy and if they were…then her days weren't so bad. As long as everyone else was happy and safe then she didn't really care what happened to her. Everyone else was more important to the blond princess of the moon.

"Why are you…dressed as a blond Carmen Sandiego?" Hotaru asked smiling weakly and earning a grin from Usagi. The girl who was obviously Japanese recognized the American character? It was official. She was keeping this girl. She was awesome!

"You are one of the only ones who actually recognized it on sight or at all for that matter. You are one of my newest and bestest friends Taru-chan! So what are you doing hanging around here?" Usagi asked grinning at the girl who blushed a bit and looked unsure even though she was starting to breath heavily now, they had been walking more than she was used to.

"I never had friends before…when I woke up…the lady, some Queen apparently, said they sensed a power in me…something about…Saturn?"