Author's Note: So this is the end of the road for another story. I want to thank everyone for reading, reviewing, and leaving follows and favourites on this story. You've all made this a joy and a privilege to share and I'm so, so appreciative. I've got some fun fest pieces, one-shots and full-length stories in the works so if you're interested in reading more be sure to drop a follow!

If you enjoyed the story, let me know what you think :) xoxo cait

Thanks as always to Kyonomiko for her support as an alpha.

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter franchise.

December 21, 2002

Hermione gazed out over the Mediterranean Sea, the waves rocking and tossing the ship into a gentle lull. An absent smile drifted to her lips as the brilliant facets of the failing evening light reflected off the water, oranges and reds and blues.

She folded her arms atop the railing, feeling the beauty of the scene settle into her heart with an ambient sense of peace.

Draco slipped up beside her, his arms snaking around her waist and tugging her against his chest. The stubble on his jaw grazed her throat and she smiled, sinking into his warmth in the chilling air. Her fingers tangled in his hair, longer than usual, and she turned to smile at him as he released her and took up a lookout beside her at the rail.

"You're looking beautiful this evening, Mrs Malfoy," he said, his lips twitching.

"And you're handsome as ever, Mr Malfoy," she teased in return. He gave her a lazy grin, his fingers trailing along the bones of her spine.

"We port in Malta in the morning," Draco said, his voice soft. "We can stay there for two days, then back to England in time for Christmas, right?"

"Right," Hermione agreed. Her eyes brightened as she stared at him. "I received an owl from the healers we hired to help my mother."

"And," he prompted, his eyes widening.

Hermione pressed her lips together, then reached into her pocket and handed him a small, non-magical photograph of her new baby brother.

"Hermione!" Draco gaped, then turned to stare at the photograph, squinting in the fading light. "Look at those curls."

"Yes," Hermione agreed. "I had hair like that when I was born, too." She released a long breath through her nose. "I'm so excited to meet him, Draco. His name is Cash Ambrose Granger."

"Cash," Draco grinned. "He sounds excellent. So definitely home for Christmas, then."

Hermione nodded, slipping the photo back into her pocket. "I'm sure we can find a place in England where you can work on your snowboarding skills."

Draco huffed, his lips pressed together. It had been a harrowing three days in the Canadian Rockies when the two of them had decided to learn how to snowboard, early on in their trip.

Draco had demanded a week on the beach following that portion of their journey, in order to soothe his bruised and torn muscles – and ego. Hermione had been more than willing to oblige him, as she had limped into the chalet after him on the final evening, sinking into the hot tub overlooking the mountains in their resort.

From western Canada, they had ventured to the French West Indies, a chain of islands in the Eastern Caribbean.

They had been to France, Spain, Canada, the United States – then south to Peru and Brazil. The cruise of the Mediterranean had been one of their last stops.

They had explored ancient Incan ruins, ventured through caves in lush forest greenscapes, basked on countless beaches – they had base jumped from a cliff, and then agreed never again would they do such a thing, and what had they been thinking.

They had visited a small village in India, and become absolutely sloshed by way of a vineyard tour in Florence, Italy. They had been to the sub-Saharan desert and gone on a safari – but agreed their trip to the Arctic would have to wait until summertime. Witnessing Draco's first experience in a Muggle vehicle had been one of Hermione's favourite parts. They had taken photos and purchased souvenirs and listened to stories from the locals everywhere they had been.

It had been the time of Hermione's life. She could never have imagined experiencing half of the things they had done in the last six weeks.

But it was the fact that she had done it all with Draco by her side that had made the trip so special. Knowing every day with him in her life was an adventure, and one which she would never take for granted.

"Speaking of Christmas," Draco mused, an upturn to his lips that made Hermione nervous. "I have an early present for you."

"Draco!" Hermione exclaimed, shaking her head. "As if you haven't given me this amazing trip around the world!"

He waved a hand. "This has been our mating trip, and it was just as much for me as for you." He withdrew a small box from seemingly nowhere. "This is a gift for you."

Hermione sucked her teeth as she accepted the package, assessing the weight of it. "You really didn't need to get me anything. And it isn't even Christmas yet."

"Just open it, Granger," he drawled, rolling his eyes.

"It's Malfoy now," Hermione corrected, her lips twitching. He had sealed the package with magic, so Hermione had to dig for her wand in order to release the seal.

Her brow furrowed and she took a seat in one of the lounge chairs on the deck of the cruise ship. His expression blank, Draco took the seat beside her.

Inside the package was a small leather-bound book that looked worn, a vial of an unknown potion, and a small pouch. Hermione raised a brow as she opened her mouth to question the contents, but Draco waved a hand, encouraging her to look closer.

The cover of the book was blank, but the title read Transformation Magicks in an archaic, hand-written script. A breath caught in her throat as she peered at the pale blue, shimmering contents of the vial. Within the pouch was a small leaf.

A breath caught in Hermione's throat as she turned to face him again; she was lost for words.

"I know how much you've missed your lion form," Draco said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I brewed the potion myself, and had Herrero double-check it, so that should be all fine. But the procedure sounds really complicated, and you might prefer to wait until we return home."

"This is a mandrake leaf," Hermione breathed, looking to him for confirmation. "You're going to help me become an Animagus?"

"Yes," he replied, tugging at his overlong hair. "Best I can, anyway. Like I said, it sounds complicated, but I have no doubt you can figure it all out."

"It is complicated," Hermione said, brows knitting. "I've looked into it before, but then when I turned into a lion… well, it wasn't much of a consideration anymore, was it?"

"I suppose not," Draco chuckled. "Maybe you'll be a lion again."

"Maybe I'll turn into something with wings," Hermione mused, "so we can go flying together."

He grinned and nudged her in the side. "Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll love it. Veela can't become Animagi, apparently, according to the book. Conflicting magical signature."

"What about part-veela?" Hermione asked, glancing up from the book. His brow furrowed, and he hesitated for a moment before shrugging. She tucked the items carefully back into the box.

"I'm not sure," he said, "I didn't look that far into it."

"Maybe you can learn, too. Thank you, Draco," Hermione said, a breath catching in her throat. "This means more to me than I can say."

"Well," he began, toeing his sandal into the worn wood of the deck floor. "It's meant that much that you've been here on this trip with me."

"I didn't need the trip, Draco, as wonderful as it's been," she said, meeting his eyes. There was some sort of emotion lingering beneath the surface, from which she couldn't quite look away.

"I know," he clipped. "And neither did I. But it's been amazing all the same." He shrugged, averting his gaze. "All I really need is you."

Hermione smiled. "Likewise."

"And one day," he carried on, "when we're good and fucking ready –" he chuckled. "We'll start a family of our own."

"One day," Hermione echoed, pressing her toe into his on the floor. "Although I know if Narcissa had her way, it'd be as soon as possible."

Draco laughed, even as he shook his head. "I'd like to enjoy my life with you for a while yet before we bring more chaos into the mix."

He gazed up at the sky; the sun had all but set, and the moon had risen into its place within the inky blackness above, the sky littered with millions of bright stars.

"You know..." he said, his gaze tracking the constellations. He turned to her, raising a brow, drawn from his initial train of thought. "It's instinctive that I find Draco first."

"I see it," Hermione whispered, her eyes locating the small string of stars that was her veela's namesake.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "It's the winter solstice, tonight. Longest night of the year." He turned to look at her, a smile pulling at his lips.

"Oh?" Hermione said, her tone breathy. "I suppose it is. What do you think we should do to celebrate?"

"We should probably stay up all night."His expression was serious as he raised a brow; his hand drifted to the skin of her thigh.

Hermione felt a shiver pass through her spine, goosebumps rising to the exposed skin in the chill air of night. She would never grow used to the way she felt when he touched her.

"That sounds like a good plan," she replied, her voice soft.

But she wasn't quite ready to retire to their cabin yet, despite that Draco had, of course, reserved the most lavish suite on the entire ship.

She shifted into his lounge chair, tugging him down with her as she burrowed into his chest, her head turned so she could still see the sky. His arms came around her, drawing her closer.

She dropped a kiss to his cheek, whispering, "To our first adventure together, in a lifetime of adventures."

He pressed a kiss to her lips, pulling back to meet her gaze. His fingertips played across her cheekbone, his hand digging into her loose curls. In the light of the moon she could see the silver sparkle in his eyes.

He breathed, "You'll always be my favourite adventure."
