Cold Machines
Chapter 14
BUN: This is Battle Unit Network with our newest story. The Lazy Deserter BattleUnit3 has finally decided to grace us with his presence.
BattleUnit3: I get it
BUN: Due to the currant outbreak of a biological weapon and onset of 4 projects he has chosen to post his first chapter in ... a year.
BattleUnit3: sigh okay you can stop now
BattleUnit3: I didn't know how you continue the story?
BUN: I am going to stab you. You have responsibilities!
BattleUnit3: I AM SORRY! I F-UP! Just for this one chapter you are allowed to rant i mean you are allowed to rant any chapter. I mean sorry? Hey where did you get that knife. STOP! AHHHHH RUN HE HAS A KNIFE!
BUN:Get back here and face it like a proper genetically modified clone trooper!
Geth POV
They quickly ran a diagnostic through all combat related systems and equipment. All of them returned green. The X592-23 PR was factory new and there was no degradation of the heatsink. Despite the Unscheduled Landing on this world the geth terminal suffered little damages and were repaired before they left the vessel. Shield emitters were calibrated for the unusual weather.
As they followed Jacob-Guard out of the building they noticed severe changes to the settlement of New London. On arrival the city could be considered a typical organic settlement. Despite the unique position they found themselves the humans were able to carry on with a relative few lifestyle changes.
However the situation had changed. The people who once spoke and laughed loudly were now huddled in smaller groups whispering. Each member of the small group watching closely for hostiles. Several of citizens could be clutching weapons and tools ranging from axes to powered drills and even a rifle from the guards. On entry the Guards excluding the three escorts were only armed with wooden batons while now each one was equipped much like Jacob-Guard.
They considered their own equipment. Most organics on the Extranet had assumed Geth to be out of control war bots. The Reality of the situation was different. Geth had little experience in warfare. Their only true experience came from the Morning War against their creators. Most geth platforms at the time were factory workers, farming units and the occasional assistance drone. Even most of their combat theory is based on historical text and watching the civil war that erupted between the Creators before the Morning War. There were combat oriented geth but those the first to be destroyed. They had acquired a simple approach to warfare. Numbers. Smaller geth platforms would engage from a distance slowly pushing the enemy with superior number while bigger platform would usually try to break through enemy lines and cause disharmony between the enemy. It was effective for them. Their industry allowed them to build disposable platform quickly. And any geth platform that was destroyed would simply eject geth programs into a nearby server. Had the Citadel Species attacked the Geth after the Morning War they would have easily won as victory against the creators was achieved only due to their overreliance on Geth.
In Actuality geth despite being machines were not smarter than an organic. In fact a single geth program was no smarter than a VI. Only in numbers could they achieve any form sapience. A basic geth combat platform holds at maximum 100 programs. This allowed it to engage an organic on almost equal terms and relying on synthetic body for an advantage. In terms tactics and strategy organics had them beat by experience and ability to develop new ways. It is predicted that to defeat an organic in warfare Geth must hold atleast two times the numbers. That number can rise up to 5 times depending on the skill of the commander and the entrenchment of the organics.
The Geth were in a sense pleased that they were granted this advanced platform. It was originally designed for infiltration which required a significant boost to processing power. This allowed all 874 geth programs to enter it. It also allowed them study the humans more closely.
The humans were well equipped even for primitive equipment. A main weapon, a sidearm, armor, helmet, tools ranging from ice picks to flare guns, a backpack with different supplies. It was logical for them to be equipped as such. Organics took time and effort to train for combat.
They considered if such things can be integrated into Geth warfare capabilities. The consensus returned a negative. Maybe on small teams made up of advanced platforms. However in a basic platform has no use of such equipment. Geth are machines therefore they can control their firerate allowing them to never overheat their heatsink. Or should an emergency arise simply reload a new heatsink. Therefore there is no need for a side arm. Supplies were useless as require mainly a power source. Repair equipment maybe have potential however it would significantly more efficient to simply recycle the old platform for resource to build new ones. Geth excel at numbers. However now they were a single platform. They will observe the humans should they enter combat and base their actions on theirs.
Observing the humans the Geth noticed their whispering. Boosting Audio Sensor they were able to pick up the stray talk of different groups as they passed them.
" Could it be the Londoneers? I though they settled down after The Captain did you know what."
"Calling every able citizen to the town square. It must be serious."
"Please mother, let me come I can help. I can use a rifle!"
"I saw one of the radio operators run towards the Captain's Cabin an hour ago. Whatever is going on, it must be outside of the city."
"Raiders, Cannibals, Ghosts, Hell maybe giant cuttlefish from space, nothing would surprise me these days."
"Last time I was in full battle gear was the evacuation of Africa. Load crates full of food or load desperate people. Hell of choice and I am glad it wasn't mine."
From the parts of conversations they were able to deduce that something happened outside of the city and the Captain declared something akin to mobilization. They required more information.
"Jacob-Guard what is the current situation?" They inquired.
"No idea. About 20 minutes the Captain called for everyone who can hold a rifle to the city center. Ivan and Leon are already there. I don't know much but I know we received a distress signal from one of the scouts. Judging by the Captain's reaction it wasn't the usual we are ran out of fuel thing. " He said while his face showed signs of anxiousness. Such an event is most likely uncommon.
"Jacob!" a famine voice called out. Turning back they saw an older woman running towards them. She wore the typical outfit of the denizens of the City - heavy leather coat and reinforced boots. She had short red hair and blue eyes.
"Ma?" Jacob-Guard asked confused.
"Thank God I found. When I heard the announcement I … I thought something might have happened. You were doing a shift outside and … and…"-She said hurriedly panic evident in her speech.
"Ma. Ma! I am here its fine. Everything is fine." He assured while hugging her tightly.
"You…" she calmed down "I am sorry, after you father… "
"Yeah I know… Oh Ma, This is Geth, Geth this my Mother" Jacob-Guard said to Mother as he directed her attention to them. Her eyes moved across their terminal as she removed herself from Jacob-Guard.
"Oh sorry about that" she apologized. They did not know why she did so. "I am Emily Nash, mother of three trouble magnets. Nice to meet you" Emily-Mother said offering a smile and eliciting a "Hey" from Jacob-Guard.
"Greeting Emily-Mother, We are Geth." They responded.
"Emily-Mother? No need for that just Emily is fine or Mrs. Nash if you are feeling formal."
They quickly began building consensus. Geth rarely spoke to organics the newest entry was with their Creators. The Creators always insisted on having Creator or if holding significant position to be put after the name. Humans did not follow such ideas. Different Cultures, Different Rules. Log updated.
"We apologize Mrs. Nash, It is due to our Creators insistence that we refer to organics as Name-Position/Creator."
"Oh… its cultural thing. I am sorry" Emily-Mother said with regret.
"We are currently in consensus concerning this topic. We will reach you when a solution has been achieved." It was not a cultural thing. Geth stored information in such a way. Observation have shown that human refer to each other by name only when meeting higher ranked individuals in work setting they include their societal rank. To
"This is well in good but we have to go." Alerted Jacob-Guard with urgency. Emily-Mother engulfed into another hug whispering "Promise you won't do anything stupid"
"Yeah okay Ma." Nodding to Emily-Mother before leaving only to be stopped by her holding on to his arm. Strongly.
"Promise me."
"I…I promise, Ma"
"Okay" She whispered. "Good luck and Geth, I know we just met but please keep my boy safe from himself. Goodbye" she waved them goodbye. They waved back and turned towards Jacob-Guard with a high valued inquiry.
POV Jacob Nash
After father's death Ma has become…attached. I understand it, truly, but she has become overbearing. She would always seek me or my sisters trying to hug us and hold us close. It was embarrassing.
"Jacob-Guard are you suicidal" I…what.
"…Why do you ask?" I hesitantly ask
"Emily-Mother requested of us to protect you from yourself." How am I supposed explain to him/them that I am not suicidal and that my mother thinks I am an idiot who will get himself into trouble?
"No I am not. Ma… she just worries and thinks my job is…high-risk."
We continued making our way to the meeting square. It was small clearing between the Generator and Administration building. It was used for morning gathering, important announcements and holidays. Currently it was full with men and women each carrying a grim face and heavy set of clothes. I spied Ivan and Leon. They were speaking in whisper and both wore a frown. The frown felt unnatural on Leon's face. Ever since I know him he always had joke ready or smile to flash. He looked more mature.
"Ivan, Leon" I greeted.
"Jacob, Geth. You made in time. The Captain will start any moment now." Returned Ivan.
"Leon you okay?"
"Yeah." He simply said before turning towards the platform where the Captain appeared with Becket and Natalie at his side. His appearance was enough to silence everyone. The respect the Captain held was greater than any monarch in history.
"Citizens of New London" He bellowed, his voice was loud and clear despite the massive Generator working behind him. "I bear grave news! An hour ago a scout group I sent to meet an unknown dreadnought east of here has sent a distress signal. "Murmuring began between the people "Though the message was incomplete, I am led to believe that they were attacked by as of yet unidentified group. Whether this group was from the dreadnought or not, we do not. Therefore I have no choice but to send a rescue mission. But that is not the only thing that must be done. We do not know who they are or what they want. However their intentions are clearly hostile. Therefore I am declaring a volunteer-only mobilization for now. Natalie, if you could?" Natalie moved forward and cleared her throat." The Administration center is currently being converted into a recruitment station. Volunteers will be separated into two groups. First group would be responsible for garrisoning the outpost and boosting defenses in the city. Second group will embark on a rescue mission to save, or if we worst has come to recover what's left of the scouts. Recruitment will be handled by XO Becket." She finished and nodded her head towards the XO who began. "Alright people after registering you will go to the Armory where Quartermaster Eckhart will give an introduction course into the new equipment." He ended before stepping back and letting the Captain finish."In these troubling times, know that you are not alone. We are united. We are the City. And. The City. Will. Survive!" He yelled as he raised his fist in the air and slammed his fist over his heart as both XO Becket and Natalie repeated the action in perfect unison. I and the rest of the audience too repeated and in one voice echoed his last statement. The feeling of strength and unity flowed through me.
It was incredible how far he have reached. There were moments we doubted we would see the sun rise. In the beginning it was pure chaos. We were stretched out. Too many ideas, too few resources. Tents to be replaced with Bunkhouses, upgrading the Generator, research, resource gathering, which resources are more valuable today and tomorrow. People were at each other's throats. Our food supplies were, in the best of days, good for a day or two. People were hungry, cold and afraid. Everyone on some level believed there was no point. That we would just die tired.
But it was him. The Captain held us together. Screaming orders and yelling out encouragements. Sometimes punching and punishing with no rations. People of all walks of life were huddle together, farmer and bankers, getting angrier. But he didn't stop. He kept fighting them at every turn. It was Do or Die. He could have easily locked himself in his warm office. Hoarded the food for himself and let us all die. But no he was outside every day. Inspecting the machinery and people. And should an extra hand be needed he would offer it. Anything from moving logs to the Sawmill to shoveling coal into a warehouse. He shared the hardship with us. He kept pulling us to tomorrow. It didn't matter if we were screaming or crying and cursing. He got us there. And now he calls to us again. There will be no 'ifs' and 'buts'. We march at his words. We maybe the city but it is he who is the heart.
I looked towards Leon and Ivan. I saw the same determination on their face. The crowd began dispersing into small groups each discussing the event.
"So, my brave compatriots, what shall we do after that magnificent speech?" asked Leon with a grin.
"We go and volunteer." I said as much authority I could. Both of them looked at me with a look I could not place.
"Are…are you sure Jacob, I mean nothing against you but…"Began Leon "But nothing we cannot sit idly by as threats loom" I cut him off.
"It's not that Jacob" started Ivan "You have a family."
I couldn't understand where they were going "I do and its my duty towards them and the City to protect them"
"If you are sure?" questioned Leon
"I am" I simply answered.
"Jacob you are young, do not get swept in the momentum, I have seen many times, You should discuss this with your family"
Why are they questioning me. "Enough. I am certain." I almost yelled. We are friends. Of course Ivan was a little cold and distant but considering his history that was understandable.
"What of you Geth? You are a new citizen here I doubt they will expect you to join. " I steered the discussion in another direction.
"Consensus is in progress. Argument: New London vital to Geth survival. Counter argument: Non-intervention and isolation valid tactics for Geth survival."
"I understand. Throwing yourself in another person's conflict would often make things worse" added Ivan.
"Yeah but he is part of us now. Shared burden and all, right?" said Leon.
"The choice is yours Geth" there was nothing more I could say. Both sides had good points and it wasn't a good choice. For me it was obvious but for an outsider who just came into town?
"Excuse me" broke a voice outside of our group. We turned and saw a guard standing there.
"The Captain would like to have word with you, ."
Geth turned towards us. We all gave him encouraging nods.
"Affirmative. Lead the way." He said and followed after the guard.
So anyway sorry for disappearing like that. I have been trying to write but it kind hit me hard. I am not certain about this chapter. I have been starting and stopping for close to 3 months trying to write it was supposed to be much larger but i guess left something for next time.
I need your opinion should continue the story in pure Frostpunk universe . Or should add a little more Mass effect like for example certain robo cthulus? I am leaning towards pure Frostpunk though there would be some salvage from the fallen Geth frigate.
I will put up a poll in my profile if i figure out how it works. Cant be that hard.
By the way "Cant be that hard" is a thought a constantly think and the answer to it is "Yes , it can be that hard."