Sailor Moon One-shots

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter.)

"So what's going on with you and your friends now Usagi?" Haruna asked looking at the blond girl who was alone in detention with her one day about a month after she started dating the other Senshi, and openly calling Hotaru her daughter. Haruna was one of the few who wasn't surprised at the fact that the group of girls were all dating one another. She was more surprised that it didn't happen sooner. She had seen the way each of the girls would look at the clueless Usagi with such devotion and adoration that it almost felt like she was intruding on a private moment even when the girls were just talking casually.

That and she had caught Ami, Minako, and Makoto taking turns kissing the girl they called their princess on the lips about two weeks ago. Haruna had just quietly left the girls alone, then gone to the staffroom and placed several bets on each of the girls love lives. The other teachers had laughed when she had bet almost ten thousand yen on Usagi dating not only all three of her friends that were students at the school, but also dating at least one or two other people not attending their school.

The other teachers weren't laughing last Friday when each of Usagi's friends kissed her full on the lips one after the other in the school courtyard just after school let out… and then a red Ferrari had driven up with what seemed to be two women and one man in it. The students and teachers were all admiring the car, and the pretty hot looking people that just got out of it, when the three walked right up to Usagi without preamble.

More than one student or teacher fainted when the famous Violinist Michiru had kissed Usagi on the lips, shortly followed by the renowned Formula One racer Haruka and the up and coming Fashion Designer Setsuna.

"Well ever since I started dating them and openly calling Hotaru-chan my baby girl, they've gotten even more protective if you can believe it." Usagi said with a small laugh and slight sweat drop. It had been hard to think the strange girls could be even more protective of their 'princess'… but well… the proof didn't lie.

"Considering I saw Ami break a boys arm for grabbing you and Makoto threw the boy clear through four walls…yes I can believe it." Haruna said dryly to her favorite student who was only in detention for not handing in her homework this morning. Thankfully Haruna was giving the girl a chance to do it, and tonight's homework, right now with Haruna there to help the girl if she got confused or needed additional help.

"If you think those two are bad you should see Rei, Haruka, or Setsuna." Usagi said making the teacher sweat drop since she had met the other two yesterday and had seen the video of Setsuna ripping into that Mamoru guy.

"I bet. Do you need any help with this problem?" Haruna asked glancing down surprised to see the girl was almost halfway done with tonights homework.

"No I think I understand it. If the stupid words would just stop giving me a headache I'll be fine." Usagi said massaging her temples for a minute before picking up her pen and resolutely trying to work on the problem again.

"Headache?" Haruna questioned furrowing her brow as she looked at the blond.

"The words keep doing skateboarding tricks and the letters keep messing up. Ruka says it's likely that I'm dyslexic but I don't want to bother testing for that if I can just work through it." Usagi said nibbling on her lip as she squinted at the words on the page, trying to make them make sense. Haruna flinched slightly at that. If the girl was truly dyslexic then she owed the blond a very big apology. She thought that the girl was just lazy, stupid, and didn't apply herself not necessarily in that order.

She never thought that the girl might be having issues because of a learning disability and refused to try and use it as an excuse.

She felt her respect for the clueless blond go up tremendously at that.

"Look out!" Usagi said near tackling her teacher out of the way when she saw something out the corner of her eye. There was a shattering of glass and Usagi kept Haruna pinned to the floor as the woman startled at the sudden attack and change.

"What's going on?!" Haruna asked panicked as Usagi jumped up and raced for the window.

"There's a Youma outside, looks like a few of the Sailor Senshi are already battling it however. Sensei we need to get to cover!" Usagi said her voice calm and collected as she moved to help pull her teacher up off of the floor and out of the classroom door. She needed to get away fast so that she could transform and help the others.

"Oh no. Sensei get down!" Usagi spotted another attack of the Youma's coming at them, a large stick from the tree nearby that he had ripped off and thrown. It went the wrong way however and was coming straight for them.

"Usagi!" Haruna was shocked and horrified when her student pushed her down and covered her protectively with her own body again as the thick stick flew just over Usagi's back.

"O..Ow…" Usagi whimpered since the tree branch had went literally right over her back, ripping the back of her uniform and the bark and velocity of the branch tore through a chunk of her back.

"Sensei…are you…alright?" Usagi asked weakly clenching her teeth to keep from screaming in pain as she worriedly looked at her wide eyed and horrified teacher.

"Usagi…don't move. I'm fine but you're not." Haruna said her voice a forced calm that she didn't feel as her face drained of color, looking at the blood seeping over her students side and down onto the teacher.

"I'll…be…fin…" Usagi passed out before she could finish trying to reassure her teacher, making Haruna grab the girl and sit up quickly.

"Usagi wake up! Come on get up you klutz!" Haruna said shaking the girl lightly as panic raced through her. There was a lot of blood…

"HELP!" Haruna screamed as she raced to the window, Usagi held in her arms and soaking the front of the teachers shirt in blood as the red haired woman carried her student who was so very light for someone who ate so very much.

"Haruna-sensei?" One of the senshi, this one wearing green, said surprised as the others battled the Youma.

"Help please! My student was hurt badly! You have to help her!" Haruna yelled at the senshi, causing the one in blue Mercury? To jump up to the class room to check on the teacher and student.

"W…princess…" Mercury's face drained of all color as she saw the unconscious blond in her teachers arms.

"Mars! Mars get up here now! The youma managed to hurt the princess and she's losing a lot of blood!" Mercury shouted for the one in red as she quickly took the blond from her teacher and laid her on the floor as if she were fragile glass to check the damage done to the girls back.

Down at the battle the Inner Senshi and newly arrived Outers froze for all of a second.

Then…Then there was pure hell.