In case some people didn't read the warning in the description, I would like to again say that this contains subjects that people could be very uncomfortable with or be triggered by. Please don't read any further if you're one of these people!

He'd always wanted to be a hero, to save people with a smile, just like his idle All Might. Despite this, his fourth birthday came a went with out a quirk manifesting, a quick doctor's appointment and one X-ray later led him to being diagnosed as quirkless despite single joint in his pinky toe. Heart broken and dreams crushed he watched videos of All Might in an attempt to cheer himself up, not that it worked very well.

School became a nightmare to go to with all the bullying, not that any teachers cared enough to stop or even prevent it from happening, while his mother became more worried and stressed for him with each passing day. Most days he wanted to stay home and lie in bed with no cares in the world but those fantasies were always pushed aside as he forced himself out of bed so that he could get ready for school. Each day when he arrived at school he was greeted with whispers about him followed by muffled laughter. Next came Bakugo Katsuki, the unofficial king of the school despite his age due to his powerful and flashy quirk.

"What do you think you're doing Deku?" The growl started him into freezing. Still as a statue he waited for the pain, running away only made it worse despite what his instincts told him to do. A warm hand clasped his shoulder and the temperature rose till his uniform sizzled and he could feel his skin underneath burn.

"Fucking answer me loser."

Deep breaths. "I-I was re-reviewing notes for c-class."

"These don't look like notes from class. In fact..." He paused to snatch the notebook from his flailing grasp. "These look like notes on quirks."

He didn't verbally respond but turned his head in shame. He didn't even know why he was feeling that way, that someone had found out his hobby.

"Ha! You even have notes on what your quirk could be! What a fucking loser, you're quirkless, there's no way a quirk would manifest six years late!" Tears threatened to fall but he refused to satisfy Bakugo despite all the insecurities he was digging into.

"The fuck is this? Heat absorption? A mix of your mum's gravitational quirk and your dad's fire breathing quirk? You don't even know your own fucking father. I mean come on, he's been out of you're pathetic life so long you probably don't even remember what he even looks like. Like he's probably a villain or some shit and you wouldn't even know. I mean I don't blame him, if I had a son as pathetic as you I'd leave as well." He hit the last nail on the head and tears freely fell down his face. He didn't even need to look up to see Bakugo smirking victoriously as the sound of an explosion rang in his ears before the smell of burnt paper filled the air.

"You'll never be a fucking hero Deku, remember that."

By then the rest of the class had settled waiting for the teacher as they watched the interaction, not even bothering to hide their laughter any more. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. The teacher came in after a couple minutes and if he had to guess, was waiting for the tension to die down a bit before entering. The classes dragged on and he could still hear people talking about him and this newest incident despite his best efforts to block it all out. The sound of the lunch bell was a relief but also nerve wracking since this would be the time were the rest of the school would hear about what happened. Quickly packing his things he left as soon as he could and headed to the one place no one bothered him, the school roof.

No one was allowed up there but it didn't matter since none of the teachers saw him as a someone to break the rules and the locks were easy to pick. A cool breeze greeted him when he arrived and he let out an audible sigh of relief at finally being alone. The sun was out with a few clouds dotting the sky and the view from the roof was an okay sight to stare at. The roof itself was ill maintained and looked like no one had looked after it in decades. But that was fine with him, it was a sort of sanctuary for him after all. From here he could spot Bakugo and his lackeys walking around, probably trying to find him, and several others from his class in their friendship groups most likely going over what happened earlier and suddenly the ground seemed rather inviting. Not being down there with the rest of his class, but rather the trip down from where he was. Maybe he would shock his classmates, make them think twice about picking on someone. Probably not, they might not even realise he was gone or that he'd hit the ground till his body started to decay.

A dark laugh escaped him. The temptation to end it all was right there in front of him and all he had to do was take a couple more steps and he'd be free of it all. Free of the constant torture that was living. The thought of his mother came to mind but there where others who cared for her enough for him not to be completely worried. A satisfied smile graced his lips as he took a step forward, two more and he'd be free. It would be unfortunate for him not to meet All Might or become a hero himself, but Bakugo was right, there was no way he'd become a hero as a useless no one. And he took another step. Not to mention that All Might was considered the number one hero, the pillar of peace, the strongest hero. There were probably millions of other people that wanted to meet him while thousands already have and it wasn't like he would remember him, he wasn't special, cool, or strong. One last step and he felt himself fall. He was unnaturally calm and the wind rushing past his ears covered the sounds of screams from below. Finally, he would be free.

Darkness, it surrounding him. Not suffocating like he'd expected but oddly soothing like he was asleep and he never wanted to wake up. Occasionally he'd hear something like a muffled voice echo around him, but he couldn't make out any of the words. It was rather annoying in his opinion, and he just wanted to sleep. It wasn't till later that he began to feel things as well like a warmth on his hand, forehead, or light nudges on his shoulder. Just like the voices it was annoying and he wanted it to stop but he wasn't sure how and it wasn't frequent enough for him to be too concerned about it. Sometimes the muffled voices and the nudges or warmth would come together, other times they would be separate and he didn't know if it meant anything in particular, but he didn't really care all that much either. All too suddenly, light began to return to him and chased the comfortable darkness away from him. Weight began to seep into his body and made him feel heavy, his eye lids in particular. He still didn't want to open them no matter how persistent the feeling became till it became over baring and he caved.

He couldn't see much at first, the white light was blinding. It only took a couple seconds for his eyes to adjust to the light and his eyes were soon open again. While his head still felt too heavy to move, he could still move his eyes to look around at where he was. The ceiling and walls were both a bright white, so was the sheet that was on top of him. Expensive looking equipment looked to be hooked into him with a faint beep every so often that it took a while for his brain to even register it was even there. He could also see a window with drawn curtains and a wooden door on the others side of the room. He wanted to frown in confusion but everything still felt heavy, even his eyelids began to want to be closed.

The next time he opened his eyes, he noticed that everything felt less heavy and that he could move his head and face more freely. The curtains were also open and he could see buildings and a couple trees, even some bird flying in the distance. The creak if an opening door made him turn his head to see a woman in a white coat and glasses enter the room.

"So you're awake again. I noticed that it seemed you woke up last night and contacted your mother who should be here in a couple minutes or so."

He looked at the doctor and frowned, he couldn't really understand where he was and why. The last thing he remember was... Oh. He'd walked right off the roof of his school. Shouldn't he be dead. The doctor must have noticed his predicament and began to explain.

"Almost everyone at your school noticed you falling and one of your teachers called an ambulance while another got the school nurse to try and stabilize you the best he could. After the ambulance brought you away, the police came to investigate the cause but no one really gave anything of substance. Your school is still currently under supervision from the board of education and will probably continue to be under observation for a long time. You ended up in a coma for two weeks."

Of course. It wasn't like the school was going to out themselves for allowing kids to get away with inappropriate usage of quirks and ignoring any bullying. But some how he couldn't quite bring himself to say anything either. Who knows what would happen to him if they found out he did?

A knock in the door interrupted his thought and he turned to look at his mother shyly enter the room before seeing him awake and dashing over and smothering him in a hug. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what was going on. I'm so sorry!" She cried, tears rolling down her cheeks as she held onto him like he was a life line.

He let her hold him but didn't return the embrace. She continued to apologise to him softly till the doctor was able to convince her to let go. However as soon as she did and look into his eyes, the world around him seemed to freeze before he was force to watch himself fall from the school roof as his mother cried next to him. One of his teachers had come over and checked his pulse before shaking his head. He cried out that the body being carried off wasn't him and that he was right next to her, but it seemed that no body could hear him. The world faded to black and he found himself staring into his mother's grief stricken eyes. He let out a strangled sob and screwed his eyes shut, shacking off his mother's arms.

"What happened?" The doctor asked sounding confused. Had she not seen that horrible nightmare?

"I just saw I-Izuku commit suicide." His mother shakily reply.

"Does he have a quirk?"

"N-no, the doctor said he didn't have a quirk when he was five."

"Does he have one pinky toe joint?"

"Ah yes he does."

"Then I believe that Izuku here has just manifested his quirk. It's rare but there have been cases of people believed to be quirk less suddenly gaining a quirk. It's thought that some quirks only appear under certain conditions such as extreme stress. Now we just have to find how it activates and what it does. Now Izuku, I need you to look at me okay?"

He nodded and slowly opened his eyes and looked at the doctor. "Everything seems to be normal so far. Inko, tell me the last thing you remember seeing before he activated his quirk?"

"Well I was looking straight into his eyes before..." She trailed off, not wanting to repeat what she'd seen and he guessed that she was shaken by it.

"Right." The doctor turned her gaze back to his eyes but still nothing happened. "Hmm, maybe my glasses are getting in the way."

The second the glasses were gone he felt time freeze one more before seeing a plane full of people beginning to sink into the ocean. He watched as the people inside panicked. For a second he thought he saw the doctor lady inside trying to help but to no avail. From his place floating just above the water he sobbed at being able to do nothing but watch till the plane finally sunk below the watery surface. And if none of that ever happened, the world returned to normal as he found himself staring at the doctor.

"I think I understand. Your quirk makes the other see their worst fears in an illusion when you make eye contact with them. But it seems that you can't use your quirk if there is something in between such as glasses." He nodded in understanding but that didn't mean that he had to like it.