Chapter 1
Hello, this is the story I really wanted to write called His Equal, but just couldn't get the words out the first time. This time I have an outline and everything. I hope you enjoy it and have a nice weekend. Here is the first chapter as always none of the characters are mine. Enjoy!
Hello, My name is Isa. Well that is what I remember my name to be. I haven't used it in awhile though. I have been a General in the Southern Vampire wars for about 120 years now. My sire, Maria found me outside of a building where I worked. It was not anything glamorous. I was basically a slave for the people there. My family had needed money and ended up selling me to the establishment to fund for their various pursuits.
I am not mad about it. It has been too long to harbour any anger and I don't think it is worth my energy anymore. Forever is a long time to hold on to hate and I have enough anger without that added incentive.
I was meant to be a treat for the Major after one of the last battles, but when he ran away, Maria decided to get revenge on someone and I happened to be the target. She tortured me by draining my body of blood almost completely, then pumping venom into me slowly. She wanted someone to be in more pain than she was. I was an easy target.
My change lasted about 6 days. I don't remember much of it. That is just what she had said when I woke up. She said I must be special since she couldn't sense anything from me. I was not a typical newborn vampire though. I guess since my body too so long to transform I was a little more controlled than your average vampire when they wake up. My brain had more time to get accustomed to the changes of my body.
After I had fed I was thrown into the pit to train. I ended up picking up fighting quickly. I was a natural. So good that I took down one of the commanders when he tried something with me. Maria was impressed and I became a favorite of hers.
Now that spot has a good and bad component to it. The bad was that the others hated me. The good was that they couldn't kill me without some major repercussion. The bad was I had to fill a lot of the needs Maria had. As I got older those needs became more and more strategy focused.
Through the decades I became a commander, I was in charge of changing newborns, once I had enough control, I was also given control over training the vampires and planning the attacks on the competition. I had a shield and was able to control it perfectly. I could cover myself and others, if I wanted. Normally i didn't. I was also able to know when people were using gifts on me. The thing about my shield is that is absorbs and duplicates the powers it blocked me from. It took while to see it, but I amassed a plethora of powers over the years just from people trying to take me down.
It took several decades, but I learned how to control them all and keep the power from Maria. I only used the powers that could be attributed to the shield I had and nothing else.
I spent so long with Maria and won a lot of the Mexican Territory and after a century I started to get bored. I had met a few vampires while I was on hunting trips. Not many, but enough to figure out that there was more to a vampire life than just killing and fighting for food.
I have decided that after this next fight I am leaving, consequences be damned. It is not like anyone will come after me. I trained them and they could never win. Neither could they find me.
Now I will be the first to say that I was never raised to be a lady and I have seen, experience, and given too much pain to be considered pure, but I am determined to be better. I know that what abilities I have could be used against me, so I block the minds of everyone I come into contact with. I don't let them have a clear image of me. They make up what they want to if they live, but I am not going to be a walking target. It is easier to be invisible than to be seen.
Tomorrow is the last battle that i will fight in. I am tired of being here and there is not a need for me. Maria can run her compound. I couldn't care less what she does. She keeps most of the covens in line, but I will not be here any longer.
Thank you for reading!