Chapter 32 - Nepgear's POV

I groan as I wake up. So much has changed and I don't remember any of it.. But I lost Uni... only having this... um shadow look alike with me.. She helped me get past the roughest parts... still sickens me I raped my daughter..

"Can't keep feeling bad for myself. I have to get out there and do something. Hey love I'll be going to the festival little me invited me to. Wanna come?" I ask her.

"Sure. I don't mind." She answers.

I give her a kiss as she rubs my back side. "Thank you Uno it means a lot that your with me."

"I think the same as you as well."

"Yeah..So umm.. Maybe we could go get married over in Gemstone? Due to my sister can't leave her house." I comment on that. Given Uno told me that Emma broke into a dimension so she's under house arrest. I can't remember what Uno said she was.. But she said she's short for her race.

"Hmm I wouldn't oppose it but we may have to wait a little bit."

"Why? You got work coming up?" I ask a little confused. She normally runs this by me in advance.

"Well no. If we're really having a wedding I'd like a few people to come to it but they have tight schedules."

"Well I see.. We could conform to their schedule. We'll just have to run it by my sister." I tell Uno as I wrap my arms around her waist.

"That's fine with me."

"Good and judging by your hand in my panties you want to have some fun with me before we go?" Why is my HDD form so lewd now...

"You know me so well." She says licking her lips.

I giggle at that as I pull off my parka dress as I plop down on the couch blushing as I look at her crotch. "I see your friend down stairs has also come out to play." Not the first time I've seen it. To be honest... I think I prefer dick over pussy.

"Well it always wants to play with you."

"Hopefully this time takes." I don't know why but I always feel warm with Uno. She said her shadow race takes awhile to breed sometimes the first go, so we've been trying for a while to have a kid.

"I'll make sure you can't use those legs for the rest of the day."

"That sounds tempting. Though you'll need to carry me then." I almost dare her. She'll have to carry me then with my breasts pressing against her back.

"I can live with that. It's not like I can't be in you the whole time. I did order the pocket deals just for that." She whispered seductively in my ear.

I let out a soft purr at that. "Sounds lovely with you in me all the time." I love it when she does. This feels like I found my soulmate.

"And I love being in you. Your pussy just refuses to let go of me."

I pout it's more than just that. "You're the first and only dick to enter me. And so love it so so don't want it too leave." I clench a little tighter to prove my point.

"I'm glad your body thinks so highly of me."

"Not only highly.. your the only one I'll let in. Now fuck me pregnant Uno!" I demand wrapping my legs around her waist.

"Will do lovely. And don't bother being quiet. I love hearing that voice of yours. Even if Histoire bitches at us later."

I moan loudly as she starts thrusting. "OH FUCK YES! sO GOOd! MORE!" Screw what Histy thinks this always feels incredible.

"I love it when you're loud. I doubt many would believe you're such a screamer." She hums as she rutts into me pressing me down into the bed.

I start drifting off a little as the heavenly bliss she was giving me started taking hold. I could barely think more than praising her and begging for more. It was amazing. Best sex I've ever had in my life. Thank you sis for setting this up. I hope Uno makes me a mommy this time.

By the time she was done I was a drooling mess spasming on the bed.

I was still clutching her hard after it. Though I quickly shook my head back to reality. "We need to get ready and go Uno if we want to make it on time" Time difference is a bitch.

"If we must. You felt as great as always love."

"And you gave me bliss like always. I hope this time takes. How hard would it be to do the pocket thing with you in me all the time?" I ask not wanting to lose this pleasant feeling.

"Well It's not hard but I do have to pull out of you. And you'd most likely walk funny for a few weeks. Getting used to it."

"It'll be fine it'll keep us close always." I wonder how Uni would react to all of this. I went from a lesbain to dick lover.

I still need to apologize to her. I just forget if she's mainly at Emmas or with Noire nowadays. "I wonder how straight of a face you can keep in front of your sister when I set it on a thrusting setting." She teased.

I giggle as I slowly got my clothes back on. The panties would be last. "I don't know how about we find out. And be sure to do it at random so I don't have a moment to brace myself."

"Who said I was going to have you brace for it at all. I mean I got the kind that comes with a nifty remote for it." Uno tells me as she shows off the remote to me.

"Oh guess that helps in some cases. So can we get this done over there to save some time?" I ask as I reluctantly pull off her to finish getting ready for the trip getting my panties on.

"Well yes. Now you ready for me to activate this?" She asks holding up the little remote as she slid her boxers on.

"Um sure I'm ready.. Say how about we go on a two month vacation Hyper time in a faster dimension?" Would be good to have a break.

"I mean we could but we'd have to run it by Histoire." She says as I felt her dick ram into me.

I let out a soft oof at that.. "Yeah we'll need to. She's a cute loli. Think we can get her a girlfriend her size? So she can relax?" Worth a try.

"I mean we can try but we don't know what type she likes. I'd say let her find her own love." She says as I feel her slowly pull out of me only to thrust back into me.

"Y-yeah but we can help give her a little push. Now lets get going now." I say getting up and stumbled forward. Uno grabbed me before I fell on my face and placed me over her shoulder. As we headed to the portals I send Histy a few texts as I go.

"Now which setting do you want it on sweety. Unlike you I can keep a straight face." She says teasing me.

"Wh-what ever you want honey." I say getting a little thrill at being at Uno's mercy.

"I'll just place it on the slow and hard setting for now. Though from now on I won't give you a warning. Though if I wanted to I can be a little mean since this remote tells me how close you are."

"Wait what!" I shout in shock. That's almost too cruel.

All she did was chuckle as she kept walking along. Sometimes I wonder how much of her fallen angel stuff is true.

"Don't worry you'll enjoy it in the end." She says with a glint in her eye.

I shiver at that. "M-Maybe. Oh Histy approved it and we are at the portal area now." I said as I gulped.. What the hell have I gotten myself into.

"Oh thats good. Let's see how long I can keep you on edge for."

I shudder that doesn't sound fun. She might make me beg for her dick later. "Well let's just get to Hem stone and have a chat with my sister."

"Will do my lady. I wonder how your sis is doing."

"Probably a little miffed. But she will grill you hard."

"I wouldn't expect anything less. Anything I need to worry about?"

"One shes a little scary protective of me and you'll want to protect your balls as well. She's found of low blows depending on her mood." That happened a lot when she was a loli and now has a metal arm.

"If I have this deal on I'l be fine if she tries to kick me there and lets see if she's a good mood." She says walking through the portal.

When we get through my face landed right in the middle of a pair of cushiony breasts. I look up and see.. Vert I think.

"Oh hello there." Uno says as she noticed she bumped into her also.

"Oh hello come to enjoy the festival too?" The Vert told us with a smile and a noticeable bulge that ended right below her ribcage.. so she had a dick...

"Well yes we are. I'm curious which Vert are you? I'd rather not presume and get it wrong."

"Oh I'm from Brave. I recently got this new addition from Trixie." She then justures to her dick.

"Ah. I'm guessing you just had it made a large one. Mine's currently in Nepgear here." I blush at that but Uno is right they don't come out like that naturally.

"Ish this just had two inches added on. Mine was one of those if it was natural ones. Should have seen Zoey's." Vert comments rubbing Uno's head. Still motherly as always.

"Yeah I heard hers was a monster."

"And felt amazing. Oh that's right Emma's daughter is here though she goes by Maya now." I wonder what brought on the name change.

"Interesting. It'll be good to see her." Don't know why she decided to share that info out of the blue.

"Yes oh right you're here to see Emma right? You can ask Quantum for that only she would know." Well she isn't wrong there.

"Alright thanks." I say to her. I'll take a look around for a minute before going to my sis.

Uno then grinned. "So where to first princess?"

I look around as we walked through the front gate. "I'll let you decide that. This is your first time here after all."

"So where's the nearest bar? Want to get a little alcohol in my system. Think you can take a shot of the strong stuff?" Uno asks turning up the thrust setting a little.

I groaned as we walked through the groups of people. "The main one is downstairs." I say as my legs wobbled.

"So once there we can ask Quantum where your sis is. This should be fun. I wonder have you ever fucked your sister before." No! Eww that's gross!

"No. Not once. Even if I was curious one time." I say as we passed by a new fountain that was spewing Luna's cum if I'm correct.

"Yeah though wtih shadows we don't have the genetic problem of incest." Uno comments as we head inside.

I blush a little. "I've heard." With how old many Shadows get. Many get curious or they fall in love with a family member.

"Me and my sis did it once or twice. Who knows maybe you fucked your sister when you were still crazy and don't remember it. Right now that we are inside hey Quantum mind telling us where Emma Clockwork is after we are done drinking?" Uno asks.

"Sure. Will do." I hear Quantum say. I then see Uno eyeing the cum room as she saw it.

"Wanna fuck me in there love or just relax?" I giggle as I rub her chest.

"I don't mind doing both." She says. "So is it really a room full of cum?" As we walked into the shower area our clothes disappeared.

"Yes all from Luna if I remember right." I comment glancing at her dick and balls on full display now.

"How did they get so much for that? Is it many being's cum?" She asks as we walk past the showers which opened into a room that was a good 10 times bigger than I remember. It even displayed in certain parts of the room how deep it was from one to five feet deep. I noticed how many people were already in here.

"I think just from Luna and she's cumming non stop. Now hurry up and fuck already." I say pouting a little.

"Alright but we're relaxing after." She says picking me up and walking through the cum to an empty couch. She sits down on it and sighs in bliss before she suddenly drops me on her dick.

"Fuck yes! Do me good Uno!" I say already moaning loudly with her dick in me.

"I'll do my best. This isn't exactly water you know."

I grumble going HDD as I slam my vagina down on her dick. "Or I can just fuck your dick instead!" It's weird that I basically have two HDD forms one a normal female and the other a futa. It's good that Uno is a herm but I'm a little hesitant to take her vaginal virginity.

She just smirks. "Then fuck yourself on me. Try to break my pelvis little goddess."

I grin evilly at her stroking her nipples. "Oh I will my little knight." I say as I start bouncing on her dick hard. Don't know why I act more like Plutia now in my HDD form now.. But if feels too awesome to complain about.

I just see her smirking up at me as I ride her splashing the cum around. I have to admit. The cum on my skin feels fantastic.

"You having as much fun as I am Uno?" I say smirking as I see Uni walk in with Noire their faces are priceless.

"I am. If I wasn't with you I'd be half tempted to stay in here." She says not glancing over at the newcomers.

"Aww that's sweet. Also my Ex Uni is here. Wanna introduce yourself to them?" I suggest with a devilish grin as I feel Uno's warm cum flood my womb again.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt. I did help you after all but it may be better if you stay behind me for Uni's case."

"Right she's still scared to death of me. Mind if I stroke your dick still?" I ask as we got up. It was worth a try.

"Sure." She says getting up. Some of her dick sticking out of the pool of cum.

I reach around her and start stroking her dick as Uni hides behind Noire as they approach.

"Hello you two. My name is Uno. Nepgear has talked to you both. And Uni, Nepgear here has something to say to you."

"Yeah.. I heard what I did to you Uni.. I wasn't myself. But still I'm sorry that stuff happened to you of all people." I tried apologizing the best I could.

Uni didn't say anything at first as I felt Uno rubbing my back.

"Right.. You're probably still too traumatized to speak to me… I think we should um. Give them some space Uno." I said not wanting to make things worse though part of me was screaming to send Uni to heaven with pleasure.

"Here let's go to the back and relax for awhile." Uno says to me.

"Alright cuddles sounds good to me." I say still in my HDD form.

"Heck we may be able to take a small nap if you want." She says picking me up and walking.

"That'd be fine. I could use the rest." My main form could, I can go all day like this.

"Now do you want me to be in you the whole time?" She asks as we walked by a bloated woman.

"Yes I wanted you in me all the time after all." I say lifting her dick up enough for me to kiss the head.

"I know. I was just making sure. Your cunt is a rather hungry thing."

"For your dick only. Mostly cause it doesn't have a baby to fill it yet." I purr out seductively. A baby would help kill most of my horniness.

"Hey we may get lucky soon." She says as we get to the seat.

"And with our vacation we can afford to raise her here with Emma her aunt." I lean against her as we sit. I have to say Uno's chest is comfier than Uni's I say her chest is more of a high B cup than Uni's maybe low C? I know mine are in the mid range of C cups. Actually they may be larger now.

"I don't see the problem with that. I mean from what you said there is countless children here for our child to get along with."

"Yeah there is and the Void angels I think they are called breed a lot here.. Didn't you say they used to be a rare shadow race till Zoey bred a lot of them into existence?" At least that's what I remember hearing.

"Yes and they are still considered an endangered race."

"That's sad to hear. I mean I could technically give birth to one but it'd be painful. But you're comfy and warm."

"I know I am but to you they may not be endangered. I only say that for Shadow standards with how many of us are out there."

"You said something like in the trillion trillion trillion range. Just put your dick in me please." I whine a little missing her dick.

"Fine fine. I know how you love it." She says inserting it into me.

I let out a soft moan as it entered me loving the feeling of being filled by it. So what if I'm a little cock crazed. There's almost no guys in hyper for me to have known about experiment with.

"Now how long do you want to stay here?" She asks as she lays back.

"Maybe an hour or two. We can stay for how ever long you want if you like." I tell Uno resting her head on my breasts.

"I guess an hour or two wouldn't hurt."

"Good." I then cuddle with her slowly drifting off. It was just too relaxing to stay wake in.

As I fell asleep I felt Uno's hand running through my hair.

It was nice and pleasant. I wonder what sis would think if she saw us now. So many people to catch up with…

As I came through I still felt Uno running her hand through my hair. "Finally awake sleepyhead?"

"Yeah just got a good rest. Anyone came by while I was sleeping?" I asked followed by a short yawn.

"Honestly I wasn't really tired so I just stared at that pretty face of yours."

"Oh?.. All the time and you didn't take advantage and kiss me?" It was fun to tease her like this.

She then smirks and winks at me. "That you know of anyways."

"How many times did you cum in me while I was out.. I feel kind of full." I say as my belly was larger than it normally was.

"A few times. You were trying to milk me the entire time after all."

"Well I can never get enough of it either in my pussy or mouth." I noticed I was still in my HDD form.. Strange.. I can't manually shift back? Guess I'm stuck like this for while.

"Yeah I noticed with how you liked all the cum off my chest."

I blushed. "So that's why I have a chocolate taste in my mouth." Luna's cum is addicting but it gives a lot of energy too.

"Well since you were lapping it up so greedily I decided to try some myself. Wasn't that bad."

"Yeah.. Must be what's letting me keep this form up." I say while scooping up a handful of cum and eating it only fueling my body's want for more.

"I mean this room has an endless amount in here from what you said."

"Yeah don't know why I have such a large craving for the stuff now." I say as I keep eating it.

"Hmm. We can ask for it once we eventually go back." She says as she watched me enjoy the buffet.

"MmmMmm" I barely said anything as I kept goggling up the pudding around me.

"We can get going after you've had your fill. I heard you can get drinks in here." She says pointing to the wall behind her.

I give her a look and shrug. Wouldn't mind a drink.. Don't know how much I can pack in but I don't feel a need to slow down now.

"Anything you want? I'll be getting me something kinda strong." She says reaching back and touching the menu there.

"Hmm anything Nep or Planeptune themed?" I asked while my mouth was half full of cum.

She hummed as she scrolled through. "Theres a few."

"I'll try a few of each then if possible." I kept eating the cum barely notices my energy increasing a little.

"Alright will do." She says typing away at it. I noticed how the cum didn't stick to the surface.

It was odd but I wasn't complaining. How much have I eaten so far? I've been eating it by the mouthful so far.

As soon as Uno was done a small tray popped out of the wall with the drinks.

I licked my lips. I could use a drink to wash everything down. "So which ones are mine?" I ask my eyes wandering over them.

"The three on the left. The other four are mine." She says as I noticed their murky interiors.

"Hmm odd guess I'll try mine then. But first I need to check to be safe. After all if I conceived your baby, drinking wouldn't be good for her." I didn't want to screw up being a mom.

"Well that's why I did yours as juices instead of alcohol. Just in case since we're trying after all."

"Thanks still want to check and see later you know? Just to see if anything is starting?" I ask as I take a sip from the first drink.

"Don't we have to wait like a few days to a week to be sure?" She asks as I tasted the drink. It was fairly great. I guess the mirky color is the cum mixed in.

"CPU's are a bit different. Once conception happens power and energy is usually directed to the womb to support the babies growth. CPU's typically also have a shorter pregnancy as well." Even with other races I heard. Speaking of kids I'd like to catch up with sis and Maya after I finish my drinks.

"Ah. I guess it's reasonable since you guys are mainly energy."

"Yeah so if I had a lot of energy that'd accelerate things. Or help it along. Kinda might be the recent I have a craving for Luna's cum." It's energy rich though Zoey's might be more so.

"Ah. I heard it increases your energy generation."

"That'd help in the long run. So what's more likely the child comes out more like me or you? I mean Abby came out as a hybrid." It's more apparent in her HDD form.

"It depends. Hell there's a chance for her to come out as a fallen angel like I was in the past."

"How would that be?" I ask wondering how it'd be if the child came out like that.

"I used to be one after all. I wasn't always an Angelic knight."

"I know.. You said you're a first generation. But how would raising a fallen angel be like?" I tried steering it back in the right direction.

"Hmm. Don't know how to really explain it. The best thing would be they'd have a more mischievous side. And they'd have a few demonic powers."

"So they'd be more of a trouble maker with demonic stuff? I remember Big sis was like that when she was younger. Heard her step daughter used to be a troublemaker." I haven't met her personally yet.

"In a sense yes. It depends person to person though. The worst part would be when her wings come in. It is rather painful at first."

"Yeah my kid Frost is having her wings coming in now. She wasn't without pain for awhile." A rather muscular woman told us.. She looked like she could bench press Uno in her armor no sweat.

"You know it is kind of rude to just push yourself into a conversation." Uno says.

"Sorry about that. Want me to buy you a round of drinks?" She tells us leaning back in the cum.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." I say looking around to see what time it was. The clock saying it was half past 11. Some people were leaving, some going to sleep, while the rest kept their activities up.

"Guess it is getting rather late. Say Quantum wasn't there something about a tournament? Did we miss all the matches?" Uno asked looking up as she drank another one of her drinks.

"Nah they're still going on. The end of the first round should end sometime around noon tomorrow before it gets to the other rounds."

"Is it too late for me to enter for fun?" Uno asks as she rubs my breasts.

"Well it's not. The registering ends around midnight. If you move quickly you can still make it."

"Sorry Nepgear gotta go you can go do some catching up." Uno tells me as she pulls out and bolts. Leaving me alone.

I gasped a little as she yanked herself out of me. "You better make it up to me later!" I yell at her.

She gives me a wink as she ran to get registered. I sigh to myself as I head to the shower to get washed off and dressed again. Still can't get the taste of cum out of my mouth.

A little menu then pops up in front of me with three options on it. Would you like to equip your former clothes,have them placed in your inventory, or just have your accessories reequip?

I grin to myself taping the inventory one and just put on my accessories since I'm feeling more on the lewd side today. I hope sis doesn't mind.

It then tells me it's done with the clothes being placed into my inventory. I doubt she would mind with how I've seen some people walking around next to naked.

As I began walking out I asked Quantum something. "Hey Quantum where is Emma and Maya?"

"They are both currently in the backyard in the arena stands."

"I'll go to there then. Anyone with them I should know about?" I ask as I fly in that direction.

"A lot of people to name. It'll be better if you just find out yourself."

"Right..Hopefully I'll see who trained Maya there." I heard Maya was trained by one of Zoey's children.

"Who knows you might." She says before her voice silenced.

"That was too vague. Better just go and see." I tell myself before a jackal I think it was shocked my butt before running off.

"Little bastard." I muttered. I hope I don't run into more on my way over to Sis and Maya.

I then quickly move then past everyone to the back entrance. Gladly it was only a small shock. As I hurried along I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry." I say. I then noticed it was a big version of Croire.

"Oh Emma's sis right? She's waiting for you. I'll take you to her so no one gets the wrong Idea." Croire said grabbing my wrist.

"Alright?" I say to her.

Croire rolls eyes as she pulls me along to Emma. Once we got there Emma gives me a look as the girl next to her blushes a little moving a bit closer to her girlfriend.. I think that might be Maya. She sure has grown up since last time.

"Hey sis." I say as I walked up.

Then another me comes up and kisses Emma out of nowhere.. This..weirded me out greatly. As it still felt like I was kissing her.

"Hey there. I thought you went to bed Nep Jr. and hello Nepgear." She says the last part to me.

"Oh I um wanted to see you and Maya first.. And who is this." I ask uncomfortably.

"Oh this is Nep jr. I rescued her soul from a different dimension along with a few others."

"Oh.. It's still um weird to me. Oh um how are you doing Maya you look older." She is almost my physical age. Maybe just a year or two younger. I also see a kid sitting on Emma's lap.

"Yeah. I joined the Shadow army and I went through their training." Maya says.

"Oh..I heard you were trained by one of Zoey's kids. Are you in the same faction as Emma?" I ask to which sis answers.

"Yes and no. She's in Omega's faction but she works under Scrap's division. In case you don't know Scrap is one of Scrap's children from her Noire. Maya took shining to her after you left. So it's kinda odd we have three Nepgears in one place." Emma say's with a small smirk.

"Yeah it's a little weird." I say.

Maya coughed into her hand. "Well I am a mother now with Gold here. We had our first a couple months back."

"Congratulation." I say to her.

"Thanks. So um how have you been. It's been awhile since we last saw each other." Maya comments looking at the match.

"Um. I've been decent. Found someone that has been helping me."

Emma then gives me a look. "Really? I've heard it's been with a lot of plowing from Quantum. My little sis enjoys getting railed by a good dick?" I blush at that. One could say I'm addicted to Uno's cock after all.

"That's an embarrassing question to answer."

"I'd figure as much. So anything you'd like to talk about?" Emma asked as she groped my other self's butt.

I shiver at that. "I many wanted to see how you were doing and to see if Uni and I can stay here for awhile."

Emma shrugged as she took her dick out for Nep Jr to suck. "Sure I don't mind. Wanna cuddle like the old days?"

"I don't know if I can with her doing that." I say blushing a storm.

"Her doing what? You mean giving me a blow job? What something bothering you? If it's too much why don't you and maya spend some quality time catching up. I'll spend some more time with you later if me having sex with your counter part is too weird. It's only going to get lewder." Emma smirks as she notices the look on my face.

"I'll uh go and catch up with Maya."

"Yes please! You can come if you wish love." Maya said jumping up.

"Ah who's your mate?" I ask.

It's Gold Cyber try not to wear it out. I'm a living android you can say." I blink at that.. Maya is literally having my wet dreams.

"Are you one that grew up like humans do?" I ask.

"Yeah pretty much. Was hard for me and Maya top have kids for awhile since my kind usually breeds among itself." Gold told me as she rubbed Maya's head.

"Ah so you two actually got lucky when you knocked her up?" This was getting interesting… From a scientific stand point.

Maya nods. "Yes.. She gave me times. We named them Copper and Chip if I remember right. They are currently at our divisions day care so we can have some quality time."

"Congrats. It's good you have everyone here to help when they wake up in the night." I say with a small joke.

Maya then poked her fingers. "Well they are at the base I'm stationed at which is over in Ultra B. Though if anything happened the base here would let me know. To be honest not many of is leave the house. To be honest Merlin was the first void angel to leave and she's working with Big sis like me. It's like most don't want to leave when there is little reason to leave." I get it to a degree.. And they are mostly safe here.

"I agree on that front. Everything you'd basically need is here."

Maya nods at that having been here long enough. "Yeah though I have a feeling some of the more combat oriented siblings I have might join the blood Scions to get their foot in the door. One Void angel Sade and my younger sisters Ram & Rom may go to the Blood Scions after their training is done. Those three are close. I just hope I don't need to lead a squad with them at some point.. I love family but not always the best to work with."

"Yeah while you may get along in parts. There is the other situations where you may fight."

"Yes and plenty some weren't particularly happy with me becoming a shadow. Wraith to be specific. Though I'm more of a hybrid now." Maya told me with a glum look.

Gold then chimed in. "Yeah.. Turning shadow is a bit of a taboo for some beings. But everyone does it for various reasons."

"Part of the reason may be you risked your life on purpose for it."

"Well that too but it was worth it in the end. I have more ways I can protect my family now." That's fair enough. I don't think she was likely to become a CPU here.

"Fair enough. Just be glad you lived through it. I hear many die trying."

"I think I did like a few times coming back thanks to the respawn thing they had. They actually won't even attempt it if your combatablity is below a certain threshold." Maya tells me like it's no big deal.

"Reasonable. And it's not exactly cheap. Both for the revive and redoing it."

"Yeah but it was my choice at the end of the day to be more like big sis. She was the one to mostly teach me stuff in my early days and well.. Somehow became my idol. I guess since we have similar interests.. She's just paranoid often. Guess that's what happens when something tried to possess you twice." Maya commented.. Yeah I think I remember Magic trying that once.

"Ah I've been almost taken over myself. Then again being held captive for a few years doesn't do good on anyone's mind."

"Yes that does mess with people a lot. Still losing someone close to you would be a more immediate and long lasting blow." When I lost sis it hurt like hell I was a wreck for a long time.

I smiled sadly. "I know the feeling when sis disappearing for several long years."

"So Um why are you naked still? It's a little weird seeing my aunt naked. I mean I bathed with Big sis before but we were about the same age.. And her breasts are bigger than yours." Maya commented as she stared at my chest.

"I thought I'd try it and it's not like we don't have the same body. With yours having a more lean body."

"Maybe cause I've actually trained more while you were busy doing office work most of your life." Well... She isn't exactly wrong she's lived the life of a soldier while I've lived the life of a government official more or less.

"That and you grew up into your body. I did not. It's harder to change my body."

"At least your breasts are around the same size. Where you just born like this?" Gold asked groping both our breasts. Using the old touch scaling.

"Yeah. Most CPUs and candidates are."

"Weird but makes some sense with what the rest said.. Actually the CPU's of Gemstone where born here and have families." Which tends to complicate things from what I heard.

"They're similar to how the Ultra ones were. They were born human first."

"More or less. So are you a tech geek like Maya? Or are you more into other stuff like the one from Brave." Gold asked after Maya.

I grin as I answer her question. "I'm more into tech myself. Even if I haven't been able to tinker in the last year or so."

"Maybe we can go over some of my projects in Ultra later? I think I got them done well. Even if it's mostly military style gear that I mostly do nowadays." Maya offered. Well it wouldn't be bad and Ultra would give me a bit more vacation time but I'll only be there for a bit with Maya.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt at all. I am curious on what you've made after all."

"Alright. So you want to go now or later? I mean we can go real quick using the portal from the base here. I have clearance to use it." Maya told me as she rubbed a badge over her breast pocket. Looking like a wolf almost.

"I'd rather go later due to I don't want to leave Uno here without any warning."

"Then how about we see a sparring match between you two?" Gold suggested. I'd take it up but I'll need a check up first.

"I wouldn't mind but wouldn't we need to go to a different arena? And I'd like a check up first."

"Well there are training rooms for just simple sparing. And sure we can stop by the medical wing as head over." Maya offered which would do for now.

"Sounds good." I say as I followed her. I noticed as we walk Gold always had her arm around Maya's waist. That's a normal thing for couples but she seemed almost a little insecure. "Are you two a newer couple?"

Maya blushed in response to the question. "Yeah we've progressed kind of fast. It's been roughly a year or two since we got together."

"I honestly thought you both were together shorter than that. With how Gold here is acting." Well it was like that for me and Uni.

"Hmm? Gold is just insecure. Most break up with her type when they find out having children with them will be difficult." Maya tells me as she pats Gold's arm.

"Ah. Well that's never a reason to break up with someone." Unless they were already racist from the beginning.

"People can be stupid. But it's understandable for some to feel a little insecure." Maya then planted a kiss on Gold's cheek as we reached the medical wing

I just give them a smile. Though as I went into the med ward I noticed how there was only a few nurses around. There should be more though. Especially during the event.

Maya then answered my question. "Most are in the other sections this is the family medicine area so it's less staffed.. Also Luna plowed most into a mini coma."

"That explains a lot actually. That damn woman has away to high sex drive."

"Yeah Gold might be scared Luna might steal me from her. But we are here. A nurse should see you soon." Maya told me as a nurse walked over to us.

"As far as I know Luna isn't like that. And hello I was wondering if I can get a checkup?" I ask the nurse.

"Not a problem follow me. By any chance what is the nature of today's check up?" The nurse asked as her eyes glowed cyan.

"Mainly to see if I've gotten pregnant and to see how I am."

The nurse then took out a scanner and knelt in front of my belly. "Your a CPU right?"

"Correct." I answer. Just answer the doctors questions honestly.

"Well your showing signs of pregnancy typical for CPU's now for your health I'd like to do a full body scan for detailed information." The Nurse told me giving my belly a soft pat.

"Sure." I say happily with a smile. Uno is going to be ecstatic when she finds out.

"Alright just lay on the bed with a half ring over it." The nurse told me pointing to a bed. I just give her a nod as I walk over and followed her instructions. After the scan was done she gave me the results. "Alright your in good health. You seem to have improved greatly since last time."

"That's great. I have had someone helping me."

"Well keep at it then. Will you be here for most of your term?" That was the plan.

"Well besides being gone for a few days yes that is the plan." Going to Ultra with Maya for some bonding time.

"Good then we'll be sure to keep weekly check ups on the baby for you ma'am. Now your free to go now." The nurse told me. It was good they offered the check ups. Takes a bit off my mind. And I don't have to pay for them which is another plus. "Have a good day to you." I say as I left.

Maya held up a hand as she was on the phone when I got out. "Alright I'll look into that. The vacation is going great." I wonder who shes talking to. I just quietly stand there and hum.

I then hear her sigh after a moment. "The reports are that bad? Alright I'll bring a trusted pair of eyes over with me to examine it."

Maya then hung up and turned to look at me. "Sorry work call from the base. I'm currently on vacation but you know how things can get."

"Well unless you put on call on your deal they wouldn't have the right to call you in." I say.

"Yeah I know. But were a little short staffed with the vacation. This is more of a courtesy to check on things I won't stay for long." Maya told me.

"Reasonable. And it wouldn't be good if you stayed at your work for too long during your vacation."

"Why it's not like I don't already live at work already. We got deadlines that need to be met after all." Maya told me like it was no big deal.

"And what deadlines are those?"

"Project deadlines among other things to prepare for future missions. Scrap likes having things prepared in advanced." That's… Not too bad just pushes some people a little harder than needed.. Then again I've never really done military stuff to this extent.

"That's something. If that's a thing then it would just make everyone hate coming back from their vacations due to all the work then hitting them."

"Well.. That's why big sis never took a vacation or day off. Cause of the work piling up. This would be the first time she ever actually took a vacation." That can't be healthy not even Noire was that bad.

"She shouldn't do that. Not many can handle that for long. And if things are piling up that bad there's a problem that needs delt with." They'd go insane from it.

"Don't really know about that. She's mostly just a workaholic nowadays." That is even worse.

"She'd just lose her family at that rate." I've seen many people leave their mates due to them refusing to work less.

"Yeah.. Sadly.. She loves her kids.. Just has a rather insane work ethic. She's been getting better recently. She's sending more time with her kids during the vacation." Maya said with a small smile as we walked to the training room.

"I'm glad. Mainly due to some of her kids would believe she love work more than them."

"Well sometimes she'd do a take your daughter to workday trying to balance both. To be honest she's had a lot of pressure on her shoulders running a division at her age. Most thought her too young to lead." Gold spoke causing me to role my eyes. Always some people poking at age. Still remember people thinking me and Emma were too young despite being older than we look.

"Age doesn't prove anything. Both experience and will should be the factors but even still. I'm surprised her unit is still there with how fucked in the network it was."

"We straighten things out. To be honest this mission was make or break it for us. Though I only heard good things from the mission report so far. With any luck they'll assign a co-leader to help push things forward. Like you said one of the factors is will. Heck we make most of our gear in house." Maya said with a grin. Little brainiac.

"Hmm. Sounds like you did better than they thought you would. Congrats."

"We did big sis is more comfortable leading on the battlefield than doing deskwork. Say do I get a prize if I beat you in our sparing match?" Maya asked as we reached the training room.

"I'd guess you'd earn yourself one but I'd get a prize from you if I win." I challenge.

"Sure thing. Are you going to make it a lewd prize though?" Maya teased as I decided to get dressed for this sparing match.

"Depends on my mood." I say grinning.

"Well I do have herm rings if you want to get lewd later. Now lets have some fun." Maya tells me as she takes out her weapon. Which looked similar to my weapon a large one handed sword with a rail gun as well?

"Interesting. Shall we began?"

"Sure just don't be mad if Sasha eats your toy." Maya grins as she gets into her stance. Ready to spring at my slightest movement.

"I wouldn't be happy about it because sis gave me this sword." I say. It was one of the first swords I got and loved using.

"Alright I'll try not to break it then." Maya then tossed a grenade out blinding me for a moment when it popped in mid air buying her enough time to kick me in the gut. I quickly got to my feet and attacked feeling my sword hit a shield making me groan as she had the advantage in versatility and defense currently.. Her combat armor didn't look like a joke either.

"Nice one but it's my turn this time." I say shooting forward. "Formula Edge." I slashed her quickly a few times and as she barely got the shield up I ended the finish with a kick to her shield.

"Damn really need to work on my reflexes barely dodged that one." Maya groaned managing to get to her feet. I'll give her props for taking it as well she as she did. Then again she's not technically human any more.

"Let's see how you take this. Celestial Severance." I say going at her.

I then hear Maya whisper something under her breath as a white light enveloped her body. "Divine light grant me your protection!" So she know some magic too?

"A little protection won't protect you much."

"It'll be enough." I saw her swap shields just as I closed in. I'll admit she's good for her age but lacks the experience to keep up with me currently.

I feint the attack to her left before quickly spinning around and going under the shield to hit her with the full front of the attack.

I hear her grunt in pain from the blow with her combat suit and magic protection cushioning the blow to an extent. At least I won't have to worry about hurting her too bad.

Before she could recover I spun and kicked the back of her supporting knee to make her collapse before I rested my sword on her shoulder by her neck. "I think you've been bested today."

"Yeah.. It seems so." Maya told me with a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead.

"You did decent though. I'm just not one to try to delay the end."

"Fair enough. It's not like sis who would let me wear myself out trying to get a hit in. Though that was more for training me to get better." Yeah learning through practical experience.

"Well yes but know most people you'll face won't fight like I do or are at a similar level."

"Yeah you're right which is why I have to keep training to be ready for anything that could be thrown at me." Her eyes still held fire in them which is good.

"Training is good. Just don't do it too much." I say as I put my sword away and unequiped my clothes again to walk around in.

"Yeah fair point. So what are you going to name as your prize Nepgear?" Maya asked as she got up going back to her normal clothes.

"Hmm." I humm tapping my chin. "What shall I do. There are many fun options out there." Well she did bring up the herm ring earlier.

"True I mean we can always fuck. We aren't blood related even then shadows don't have that one genetic problem with incest." Maya brought up.. And she certainly was a nice looking young girl. I wonder what it's like to be on the other end of the fucking.

"I wouldn't mind that. Though I'd say Gold would be good to join. I'd like to view that face of yours while she screws your ass while I get the front."

Maya snaps her fingers and undresses. "Sure I wouldn't mind that. Here you can have this ring as a gift. You can use it on your wife if she misbehaves." Maya told me with a smile handing me a lavender colored herm ring.

"Thank you. Now do you mind us doing this Gold?" I ask.

"Nah I find it hot that my wife is going to get fucked and potentially bred by herself basically. Though I'd like to fuck you later if you don't mind. To compare you side by side." So an experiment basically. Well I already am having Uno child and I am fucking her wife. Shouldn't be too bad.

"I wouldn't mind that but I'd rather have that after we make Maya here a drooling mess."

Gold nods as she exposes her dick. "Fair point and trust me it's a lovely sight to see her like that." I then put on the herm ring marveling at how sizable my member is.

I haven't really tried one of these out to be honest. "Now shall we start. If this goes good. I might want a round doing you Gold."

"Fine by me. Heck do your best to try and breed me. Wonder if a CPU could." Gold then thrusted quickly into Maya's butt who's gasp quickly turned into a moan.

"Guess we could always try." I say lining myself up and thrusting it in as well thinking this was how Maya liked it.

"Yeah but to be honest we might have better luck getting it done at a facility. Though we could by a one time use thing to do it in your place if you want. Also Maya likes it a little rough but not overly so." Gold told me as she picked up speed.

I shake my head. "Too much of a time difference." I say.

"Eh here or Ultra would still work. If it's CPU stuff Emma would know best." Fair enough Sis could think of something if it came to something like that.

"Here sounds good. I'll be here for some time." I say as I go a little rougher in my thrusting.

"Means we can have a lot of fun like this." Maya was starting to drool a little already as she moaned.

"That's good to hear." I whisper to her.

Gold shivers as we feel Maya hit her first climax. She must be in heaven right now.

I groan as I kept thrusting into her. Even as she tightened up. I don't think I'll last much longer. Before I cum I hilt into her blasting her womb with my likely fertile cum as does Gold to her ass.

"I have to say your lovely snatch was quite lovely. I'll love to have a few more rounds with it."

"Thanks that's a good compliment at least. Now it's Gold's turn in your snatch or do you want hers before we go to Ultra?" Both sound nice. But I don't want this to take too long.

"Hmm. How about I have a round of hers before we go. She can have mine later." I say huskily.

"Fair enough. Come and get it then. Just be warned you might get a few love zaps." Gold teased as she spread her legs.

"I don't mind that at all. Let's see if you can even take me."

"Got to insert it first to see babe. Though your smaller than the boss's dick so I should be fine." I hope she was just taunting there.

I just shrug. "As long as I can make you scream in bliss by the end of it I don't care."

"Fine by me just get too it." I could see Gold was getting a little impatient.

"Well if you want it that badly I'll give it to you." I say thrusting halfway into her. Gold moaned softly as I feel her inner walls hug my dick tightly.

"From this feel I take it you're loving it." I say as I thrusted the rest into her. "Hey Maya if you're not too out of it how about we give the lovely lady a blowjob or heck a 69 would do."

Maya quickly began sucking on Gold's dick seemingly loving the taste of it. I just smile at the two before I slowly started to build up both speed and strength of my thrust. I do want them to enjoy it after all.

To be honest I could get addicted to this. A random evil thought enters my mind of fucking big sis while pretending to be ther other Nepgear. It's honestly a little creepy.

I shiver at the thought. I wonder if I've just had those thoughts in me this whole time buried down. Maybe I should talk to sis after my pregnancy is done. I wonder if sis has felt the same recently or close given she's doing it with the other Nepgear in front of me.

I'll just have to see later. I groan as I was getting close. Gold must really want it with how much it feels like she's milking me.

"Come on baby flood my womb with that CPU jizz make me a Mama!" Well if she wants CPU Jizz I'll give it to her. I start pound away at her pussy before giving her what she wanted a womb filling amount of potent HDD CPU sperm.

"You've asked for it." I pant as I thrust a few more times in her to get everything out.

"Soo fucking good..I hope it takes." Gold moans out. I see some neon blue cum rolling down Maya's chin as Gold kept cumming.

Hmm first time I've seen a colored cum. And now I want a taste after seeing it. I wonder if it tastes any different than normal cum.

"Hmm. I'd like to sample a taste if you would let me. You can taste some of mine if you want."

Maya nods letting off to kiss me. Letting me taste the cum from her mouth. Ah. A sweet blueberry taste. Though with a hint of something else.

Maya giggles "If you like it then you can have some from the tap." Well… I've come this far and it's be rude to turn away such a gift.

"I'd love to." I say taking the tip in my mouth. I got a front view shot of my cum leaking out of her. It was rather nice to see but I'm going to seal it of. I get a special tape I made and patch it over her vagina to seal the cum in.

There now none shall go to waste. Now lets see if I can do this. I hum as I start to deep throat her. Haven't really tried doing this yet.

I take it slow and steady as to not push myself too hard. Didn't help that her length was average her thickness wasn't. My throat is definitely going to be sore after this. Though the more I took in the more I noticed my throat was stretching easier to allow it in. It's been a little bit since I've had Luna's cum. Did it last this long?

To be honest I'm just happy it's helping and the twitching I feel from Gold tells me she's liking it too. I heard her groan and buck her hips to my surprise as she buried her length into my throat. Then her hands came down on the top of my head as she began throatfuckking me. If felt amazing. Never really did this with Uno before. She'd been more of a creampie fan.

I groan as I felt her length penetrate my throat over and over. I wonder how dominant Gold would be if she got past her nervousness. I hope she's one of those top dog types I'd like her and Uno to double team me some time.

As she began twitching more I prepared myself for when she was going to cum. I still have a little room left in my stomach. Though she cummed suddenly soon after feeling like someone was shooting a fire hose at full blast down my throat.

I quickly began gulping it down. It wasn't that much but the force behind it was no joke. I shiver at the thought of feeling that force in my other holes. That's likely feel amazing.

I wait until her spasms cooled down and her hands on my head loosened before I slowly pulled off of her. "A little rough huh." I croaked.

"Yeah but from the feel of it you loved it. You like being taken roughly like Maya or maybe you're more of a masochist." I blush at that. Always thought of myself as one that can play both roles.

"Well I'm more in both worlds on that. Now I believe Maya said we had to leave soon?" I ask licking my lips.

"Yeah sort of need to go soon. As in check in with the boss who's also on vacation. Say when it comes to breasts. How big is too big?" Gold asked as she got dressed.

"Hmm. I'd say once they hit a little over a D. Because after that it's a little harder to knead them efficiently." I answer as I wait for them to get dressed.

"Yeah Big sis said she might be thinking of getting her breast size reduced due to her's being so large. I think they were in F or G range. Also heard bigger breasts are hard on backs.. But there's pocketed bras for that." Maya commented.

"Yeah I agree that is a pain but I've heard the pocketed bras are a lifesaver for many beings."

"Yeah especially those's with denser breasts. Been thinking of trying one myself for comfort reasons." Well… Can't fault her there they'd be really comfortable.

"You sure you're not getting them for the suction options they have."

"Maybe they even have a vibrating function." Maya said blushing up a storm.

"Oh they do. Even on the cup ones. Then again the cup ones even have a dildo option."

"To be honest I use the cup for both genitals and the dildo feels great. Maya can tell you too." Gold says, smirking as we go to leave.

"Really now? I didn't know little Maya here was so lewd." I say grinning.

"Well she is really just vanilla stuff. It's me who pushes her into the lewd zone." Gold tells me as we make our way to the lower floors I think the Blood scion base area.

If they complain once I get over there about my lack of clothing I'll put something on but I don't think they would with how many beings dress.

Once we get over to the base… It has a very HQ or main base feel to it.. And you get that high security feel. So who's the boss for this one?

I'll ask sis or someone later. They're most likely upstairs in the event.

"Alright so please be on your best behavior Nepgear. Security here doesn't play here.. At all." Maya told me with a sweatdrop.

"Don't worry I'm not one to start anything. As long as people know to keep their hands to themselves."

"Can you keep your hands off tech if it looks particularly intriguing?" Maybe..

"While I'd be tempted to touch them. I'll keep my hands to myself."

"Good because my projects are on the more high security side. The AI will put you on a temporary visitor list. Do you have a shadow ID?" Umm.. I don't think so…?

"I might but it's not on me. I don't spend enough time out of my dimension to want to do so."

Maya rubs her forehead. "We'll need to get you a ID Bracelet then."

"That sounds good. I mainly wear bracelets anyways." I say as we walked.

"Yeah this bracelet would be on the basic tier of IDs should work if you ever had to go to brave. Still recommend getting a shadow grade ID eventually. Just need a little detour to a personal officer first." Maya told me as she pulled me along.

"Thanks." I say as she dragged me with Gold walking after us.

She was still cute. Think she might feel a little insecure with those Titans I think they were glancing at Maya. Hope they know manners before I need to show them some. They were mostly glancing at me anyways.

Though I wonder if they'd care if someone here backhanded someone for being too pervy or the like. "So where are we going?" I ask.

"To get you an ID bracelet to prevent any problems with the system Scrap had put in place. It's similar to the Candia System if I remember right. It's a lot more strict or secure than the one in Mom's house's common areas." Well since it's meant for national security.

"Ah it would be a problem if something happened."

"Yeah it would. That's why we have random security patrols going around. Among other things I can't tell you." Right due to I'm a civilian basically.

"Reasonable. So I take it they don't really care much about how I'm dressed."

"Not at this moment but we prefer if you do get dressed preferably with closed toe shoes for safety." Gold told me with a stern tone in her voice.

"Ah." I say putting on a pair of thigh high boots I had. Technically I did what she said. I hear many people are into this. Or well those with just thigh high socks on.

Maybe I'll keep the stocks on at all times for the cute look… though I stop or a moment to look at a robot.. Or Mobile suit that had my color scheme. I actually drooled a little over it.

Though as I was getting a good look Maya started dragging me away. "Come on. I was looking at that."

"You mean the mobile suit? You might get a better look later on if the boss is okay with it. But those are a hush hush project for some certain future missions." Aww.. Now she is just making me want to come back later.

"Why is it out in the open then if it's a hush hush project?"

"It as in the large vehicle storage area. And the future missions aren't that extreme but the details only those involved know. Anyways I'll show you some stuff at your access level later if you want. But we should keep moving." Maya told me still dragging me.

"I'll love to take a look at a few things later. And you don't have to drag me that badly you know."

"What do you mean I'm only roughly guiding you." I could see Gold facepalm from the corner of my eye.

"Point proven." I say.

Soon we get to the person's office who was having a call. "Okay tell the dumbass to not stick their dick where it doesn't belong. Just cause it looks fuckable doesn't mean it is. Oh Hi Maya one moment and I'll get to you."

"So who is she?" I ask quietly.

"This is Cait Snowfield. She's one of the officers that handles everyday operations in the base. Helps distribute the workload." Oh so one of her bosses.

"Ah. Did she not take a vacation or is she waiting to take it later?"

"I'm taking it later in the next batch. Bad business if everyone takes the vacation at once. Got to keep things running after all." That's true. If everyone in Planeptune took a break at once things would fall behind.

"Very true. I know the feeling." Especially since I had to pick up for my sis a few times in the past.

"So what can I do for you Maya while you're here. Friend need something?" Cait asked her bulg in her pants was honestly making me a little wet. Uno will remain my best fuck but she did want us to have a somewhat open relationship.. Likely so she could still bang a chick in the moment. Like I'm getting now.

"Yes. I wanted to know if I can get a temporary ID for my aunt Nepgear here since she doesn't have a Shadow ID."

"Sure we can do that. If she wanted to get a permanent one which I recommend we currently have them being done in a spare room since we hired some in dimension personal. It's something that's easier to do for some roles just need to get them their IDs." Well.. It'd save me trouble in the long run if I ever need it. I'll keep it in my inventory.

"Are there IDs in the form of bracelets?" I ask. It might be more expensive though but I'll accept it.

"You can request it as such. Typically it's like a card but the bracelet version shows it on a hard light projection. Most switch to stuff like that after awhile." That's good to hear saves me trouble.

"That's good. It'll be easier to transport around." I say.

"Yeah but you might have some trouble with some businesses but for general use you'll be fine. You can get upgrades to solve that problem though." Don't plan on shopping much.

"Guess I could. I won't be shopping there anytime soon though. It'll be useful for if I do so later."

"Yeah it would Illya would you mind lighting their path to the ID room with blue lights?" Cait asks someone.. Is it an AI?

It must be. "Will do ma'am." Came a reply as the floor started to light up.

"Thanks now just follow the path. The AI was a gift Courtesy of Trixie. Have fun you three. And if you need anything just stop by." Oh I'll be back.. Maybe for an anal ride.. Uno doesn't like anal. So I haven't tried it yet.

"Thank you for helping and have a good day." I say to her with a grin as we walked out.

"I will. I have a decent break in a few hours if you want to hang out." She says giving me a soft smile as I walk away. Her flirting skills aren't half bad. But she feels like one of those good girls that never manage to get laid.

I wouldn't mind coming back later though. "Now how does the ID process go?"

"It's rather simple. They take the basic scans, Biometrics, Energy, DNA, and the like. After that they processes it and it's done. A rather simple process really." Maya told me.

"That's good. How much does it cost to get a standard ID?" I ask wondering.

"It's free for your first time. But the chip part costs extra." Maya added. "I'll cover that as a gift. Maybe you can come on as a part time tech consultant? It'd let you help out with that you love." Fair enough and I can stay up to date.


"It's not like I can't come here for a few days at a time and only be gone or a small time in my dimension." I say. Though I'll be gone for long periods of time also.

"That'd should be fine if your on part time. We'd usually call you in when we need you. Unless you want to come over to work as an escape." An escape from Histy..that can be useful.

"If I wanted an escape I can disappear for several months with it only being a day or so." I say.

Maya shrugs at that. Don't think it's a big deal for her. "That works and we are here."

I look over and see how they had only a small line. Guess we hit it at a good time.

Gold then commented. "Is it just me or are all Nepgears like a solid 9 out of ten on average. I mean to me Maya is like a 10 due to she's my girl."

"Well I can't help you like how we are after all." I say grinning giving her a poke

"Yeah even the boss is boning or getting boned by a Nepgear. Think that Nepgear did something along the lines being breed by Boss for awhile."

"Yeah if it's said during a time like that I doubt it was taken seriously." There'd have to be more than just sex buddies for that to even be a possiblility.

"True yeah sis said she'd ask again when she was more clear headed." Maya told me as the line shortened.

"That is a reasonable approach. I don't think it would work well though. I've seen many humans get married even though they barely knew each other and they'd get divorced about six months later or just live unhappily for awhile."

"Yeah though Elemental Plutia went with Boss on her long vacation. Wonder how close they'd get." Maya said the last part to herself.

"Most likely pretty close. Depending on where they're spending it and how."

"Don't know it just started. Before Plutia none of her wifes could keep up with her in bed." I sweat a little sounds like Neptune and Noire for the first month.

I groaned. "That reminded me of something similar I've witnessed in the past." I say. We're almost to the front now.

Maya pokes my butt. "Ready for this Nepgear. Also you going to use mom's last name?"

"Yes I am and I guess I shall due to she is my sis."

"Good cause they are going to want at least a last name. Maybe a middle name if you wish to add one." Maya informs me. Good to know beforehand.

"I don't even know a good middle name currently. I guess I can add one later when I think of one."

"Want me to think of one for you?" Maya offered as both her and Gold groped my butt.

"I wouldn't mind that at all if you do want to think of one."

"Thanks. How about Autumn?" Maya suggested as we reach the desk. "So Autumn as the first name or middle name?" The desk lady asked me.

Oh didn't know we reached the front. "Middle. My last and first name is Nepgear Clockwork."

"Got it. Now just put your hand on the pad and look into the scanner. The overhead scanner will get the rest." Wow they really get everything don't they.

"Alright." I say as I followed the instructions. After a few seconds it gave a beep that it was done. "Can I get the ID in the form of one of those bracelets with the chip?" I ask.

"Sure but it'd cost ex-" Maya then placed a coin with a snowflake on the table. "That should cover it. You can put the extra in her account."

"Will do. It'll only take a few minutes since we'll have to have the bracelet delivered here."

"Alright thank you. Anywhere we should wait for it at?" I ask giving Maya's cheek a kiss for paying for the upgrade.

"You can stand to the side if you want. It shouldn't take too long we'll call your name if we still have a line by then and you can just come and grab it."

"That sounds fine with me. I'm sure me and my companions can find some way to keep ourselves occupied." I say as we move off to the side. "So how did you two meet?" I ask Maya and Gold.

"Well we met due to being on the same Squad. We worked with Boss, Maya's big sis. Who wanted me as the squad's engineer. Not much tech that I can't deal with by looking at it. Perks of being an android. To be honest I was nervous due to I knew Emma and I knew Zoey. And no I didn't make the first move." Gold told me as she rubbed Maya's cheek.

"Ah didn't know our cute little Maya was like that. I always believed it would've been the other way around." I say pulling them both in a one armed hug.

"Well boss and I think her mom gave her a push. I was actually her first time. Want to check on the girls after this love?" I'd personally love to see my grandnieces.

"I'd definitely like to. I haven't been able to see them yet." I say to them.

"Well that settles it. We'll go see them after this." Maya finalizes as my new name was called.

I walk over as the woman holds it out to me. "Due to you getting a packaged deal an added benefit was added to the bracelet if you accidentally drop it or someone takes off with it it'll always reappear on you after it gets five feet away from you."

"So It's theft proof right? Unless someone has some really scary stuff." I say as this sounds like a good deal. I take it from her and put it on. It felt nice on my wrist.

"You should be fine unless they have your exact energy signature." She says.

"Which should be hard to do. Especially in the shadow dimension. These bracelets are fairly sensitive to that stuff." Maya comments alleviating one of my fears.

"That's good. Have a good day ma'am." I say to the woman as we left.

"Now it's off to the daycare, wonder how the twins are doing?" Maya was again leading us around.

"I believe they're doing fine. Even if they aren't even that old yet." Gold says.

"Yeah but they are still two little cuties regardless." Maya comments. Wonder how old they are.

"With how both of you look I don't doubt they'd be cuties."

"Yeah though they are still young. Shouldn't be that far till we reach the daycare." That's good. They are likely still toddlers with how long those two have been together.

"So are they human or android?" I ask curiously with how that would work.

"Human only way it could come out android is if Gold had the baby." Didn't know that part.

"Well I guess you're right. Doubt even your geeky self could form an android in you. No offense. Then again it's the same with Gold how she can't grow a human child in her if I presume correctly?"

"More or less we had to have something special done to have kids." Gold told me rubbing her belly.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Well we did a thing that I produce a mixture of my and Luna's cum so I could impregnate Maya with my DNA so to speak.. At least mostly. Just want a baby of my own. My womb has been starting to feel.. Like something is missing." So she's longing to have her own android baby?

"Ah that's neet. It's a guaranteed way to have a child whenever you guys want. And I'm sorry to hear that. One way would be to either do Luna or Zoey since their cum likely goes around it."

"Yeah we were thinking of doing that with a strap on of their cum some time or Me and Maya both getting boned by them. Well Maya still wants to do it with boss. She still has a sister crush." Gold teased Maya who blushed up a storm.

"Well I'd go for the boning since I've heard they are both very skilled." I say. Even I heard that there are rumors on sightings of Zoey. "I heard if you pray to Zoey she'll hear you." I say.

"I'll do that. Maybe in her church in Brave the Central church of hers." That'd likely do the trick.

"Yeah I've had someone come to me to set up a temple or church in my dimension. I'm half tempted to."

"You should it'd be a great boom to your nation and dimension. It'd likely bring a ton of shares with it." That is possible especially if I make regular visits to blow or get fucked by one of those priestesses.

"I agree. Especially if I set it up in my nation." Maybe Blanc would loosen up a little if she took to the faith. Not many of them do at all.

"Yup so a win all around for you. And we are here. Look at the cuties. Hi Mars and your adorable Neppy." Maya cooed to her babies.

"Naming one after sis?" I ask with a little grin cooing at the two babies.

"Ish. Just the first part. Neppy is unique and mom doesn't go by that name. Even I changed from Nepgear due to sis calling me Maya all the time.. And Maya sounded cuter and was shorter. So I picked it to seperate myself from the other Nepgears." That works.. I guess. Minigear was more of a nickname.

"Makes sense in a way. They do look adorable though."

"Yeah though Mars has my hair. Looks good on her while Neppy has my golden eyes." Gold commented, rubbing their cheeks. I wonder what Gold's skin and other parts are made of.

"Your eyes do look majestic. Makes you look sexy as hell." Maya says before I could.

"Yeah… it's not too uncommon the color but the other effects that make it look like shimmering gold are unique to my family." So even androids like her can have unique family traits. Even Mars's lilac eyes had that shimmering metallic look to them. Made them look more majestic and eye catching.

"I bet they'd make many lust for them as they get older." I say as I pick up Neppy.

"Yeah some of Boss's kids come by to play with them. They are nice kids. Wouldn't mind them dating when they get older." Gold commented as Neppy giggled trying to reach for my face.

"Yeah it's a good thing age mainly doesn't matter at all in most places." That has immortals anyways. I leaned my face down at her to coo at her some more. She looks so adorable.

If Sis saw her she'd be gushing over her grandchildren. Though with how many she has maybe it doesn't feel as special anymore?

"I'm surprised you're trying for a child again after having some so soon." I say. I mean for some it's better to have a few children to start and then waiting till they're older to go for more.

"Yeah four is our limit for now till they grow up. It's still like a standard family size." Well she isn't wrong. And Emma has multiple wives to help with that.

"That's reasonable. Having too many at once can be overwhelming."

"Yeah it can be especially with just the two of us. But we manage. Neppy is usually an angel though Mars can get a bit fussy." Maya commented trying to pick up Mars who.. Seemed just wanted to sleep.

"Just be glad she isn't a screamer." I say.

I hear both groan at that. Those can be some of the worst to deal with how loud they can get. "Yeah we are both glad for that."

I kiss little Neppy's forehead. "So what are we doing after this?" I ask.

"Well we can have a small tour now. Even bring the babies if you'd like." Maya commented.

"Well I don't know I mean Mars seems like she wants to sleep abit more and I'd rather not have a cranky baby complaining the whole time."

"True but it wouldn't be fair to just take Neppy with or leave her here when she's so happy being held." Gold told me to which Maya answered. "Well one of us could stay with Mars then come back after the tour and we spend the rest of the time with the babies."

"That sounds good. Though how big is the place?" I ask.

"This base.. It's fairly large compared to Emma's base of ours. This is built into a mountain." Maya told me.

"Ah. Then again this is the main base right?"

"Yes this is the main base. So yeah you can say we are centralized in Ultra. Why don't you go with her Maya, I'll stay with Mars." Gold gently rubbed Mars's cheek at that.

"Are you sure? If so don't get too lonely without us. Want us to grab you something?" I ask.

"Sure something to eat and maybe something kinky." Figures that'd be something but it should be doable.

"Will do." Maya says kissing her. They kissed for awhile and it started getting a little heated with heavy petting before they stopped.

"Enjoying it a little too much you two." I say as I poked their cheeks. I hear Mars giggle as she watched her moms kiss which caused Maya to blush more.

"Now let's get going before you two bang in front of a bunch of children." I joke.

"Yeah you two have fun." Gold then took Mars from Maya so we could look around.. Then alarms began blaring as red lights flashed… What the fuck is going on."

"What's wrong?" I ask a little worried.

"Murder on base that's the pattern for it. Gold stay with the children I need to go to work now." Maya tells me as she equips her combat gear.

"Here let me come." I say standing up.

"Fine but get decent might get bloody soon." Maya told me as began running as I could hear her ear piece start beeping something. Might be different to her. Anti listener stuff and all.

I just set off after her. I didn't have time do get decent but I'll be fine. I wonder who got injured and who attacked them.

We then came across armed personnel gathered around a body covered by a sheet.. But there was a lot of blood.

There was a few of the guards surrounding a black haired woman. She was giving them a neutral gaze but what unnerved me was her bright red eyes that seemed to read everything.

I saw a tall woman in a power armor suit sighing. "Okay Eleanor did you just come here to kill that one officer? What did they even do?"

Her gaze turned to the person as she crossed her arms with the blood on her right one dissipating. "Did I. That was part of what I came here for. The other is little Elisabeth was hungry and since we were here we were going to grab something to eat. She should be getting done with that little game in the arcade soon. And what this officer did I don't have to share with you. Though I'll share they were a little too sadistic to some." She says in a commanding tone.

The Guardian I think rubbed her helmet. "Yeah I remember she was a bitch to futa's she was on her last straw. So I'll report this to Boss after her mandatory vacation is done." Eleanor then looks at me. Then her eyes land on my belly before looking back into my eyes.

"I shall take my leave then. After I issue a small punishment." She says disappearing and appearing in front of me grabbing my hand and crushing it. "Be glad it is not worse. And you know what you've done." She says firmly before disappearing.

I was biting my lip to muffle a scream. That fucking hurt!

"Shit are you okay? Lets get you to a medbay." Maya says.

"I've been through worse but hurts like hell still." I tell her holding Neppy with my still good arm.

"What did you do to draw her attention?"

She said she knew what I did. "Something I heard that was unforgivable. Though was under the influence of something else."

"That's most likely why it wasn't that bad gladly." She says. I just grumble I should feel thankful but I'm still in pain. "Mind holding Neppy now?"

She didn't hesitate to take her. "I just fear what would have happened if she didn't somehow know you personally wasn't the one to do what you did."

"Hopefully nothing major since I have a baby on board. If she saw everything she'd know that." Most like that wouldn't harm an innocent life.

"She may have waited till after you gave birth then."

I groan that is going to suck. "I hope not that would suck big time." Still don't remember everything I did to Uni but her mind was severely damage to the fact it split to protect itself.

"If she was going to do that she wouldn't have done anything now which is good."

"Yeah ow.. Can we hurry along to the med bay?" I manage to equip my hoodie with my good hand giving me some warmth for now.

"Don't worry there's one around the corner."

"That's good I can use some pain killers right now." I say as we rounded the corner to the med bay.

"They'd most likely be able to fix your hand also."

"Hopefully. Still going to hurt like a bitch afterwards though for a few weeks or so." Bone healing is never fun.

"If we get a good nurse you should be fine. I believe there's one working currently but I don't know which medbay she's in." She says as we make our way inside.

"Hello and welcome to the med bay. So what ails you today." I woman spoke with a very old timey accent.

"My aunt here got her hand broken." Maya spoke for me.

"Oh that's all, go sit on the chair over to the right. I'll be with you shortly." She told us before gathering some stuff.

"Thank you." I groaned out. After a few minutes she came back with a device that looked a little like a hand scanner. "Alright so this is going to put it back together. Now first you're going to need some pain killers scale of one to ten how would you rate your pain?"

"Compared to what I've felt in the past. Like a five." I say.

"Okay so a triple shot XX1." The nurse told me before injecting my hand. It felt like some angels where giving my whole arm kisses. It felt amazing. "Now onto the reconstruction." It felt fucking weird to have my bones and muscles being slide back into place as the scanner thing projected a feild over my hand.

"Is there anything I need to worry about or to be careful about after this is done?" I ask a little giggly.

"You might be a little horny. The drug list says possibly for family members. Also you'll be sore and no using that hand for a few hours."

"Do you have a brace for that then? I'd rather not use it on accident." I say rubbing my thighs together.

"I do. Seems like the horny part is already kicking in." The nurse said as she grabbed a brace from her goodie bag.

"How long will this last." This thing is practically putting me in heat.

"Depends on you to be honest. If you had a low sex drive a few days. Normal sex drive a few weeks. A high sex drive maybe two to three months or so at worse. Don't worry this is one of our best non addictive painkillers." The nurse told me making me groan a little.

"Lovely." I say as I felt myself starting to get hard. I forgot to take that ring off. Surprised I didn't know I still had it on.

Maya blushed. "Um your dick is getting hard again. We um have some minx's on staff for this stuff."

"I wouldn't mind that but I'd like to see you drooling before that." I say huskily as I moved to her slowly. Doing my best to not jump her.

"C-Can I at least hand Neppy to the nurse first?" Maya said blushing up a storm.

"I'd say yes but I need to be in you." I say kissing her and moving her pants out of the way enough to thrust into her.

Maya squeaked quickly handing the nurse Neppy as I entered her. Fuck was it just me or did Maya feel even better now?

I get done with the kiss. "Do you mind if we snag a bed?" I ask as I didn't hesitate to start pounding into Maya. Her groans and squeaks being adorable.

"Not at all but you might attract some attention of some staff looking to let off some steam. Do you want a contraceptive or to keep doing it naturally?" My mind drifted straight to no as I prefered the risk.

"If they want to look I don't mind at all." I say placing Maya on the bed and tearing her pants of.

"You or mom are paying for that!" Maya pouts angrily. "And she means they'd want a turn."

"I'd rather not since I'd like to have Maya here to myself." I say sucking on her neck not letting up my pace.

"Well more of a turn being fucked by you but your call. Have fun you two." The nurse then set Neppy in a crib as I started feeling my first climax cuming.

"I wonder how long you'll be able to last without becoming a drooling mess. I think Gold wouldn't mind a few pics of you after I'm done."

"S-She wouldn't mind. I'll try my best to hold out. But we should go to Brave the temple and as much sex as you can want in Candia." Now that's enticing.

"I'd love that but let me enjoy you for awhile." I say before grunting as I came. I refused to slow down even though my member was more sensitive.

"Just remember I'm still Gold's girl. You sound like mom with how you're enjoying having a penis." Maya groaned out.

"And I don't plan on taking you from her. While I loved being fucked having a dick is nice. Especially when pretty girls like you make those lewd faces."

Maya blushed more as I fucked her. Her inner walls practically clenching my dick. I wonder how her big sis would feel.

We kept going for over two hours before it looked like Maya body had enough. I was still quite horny though. Maybe I can have it fucked out of me at the temple. I chuckle as I took a few pictures of Maya who was out of it with her pussy leaking cum and her front covered in it.

Gold will love it… Maybe I should text a pic to Sis and see what she thinks. I'll wait a little for her to come to before we go back to the nursery with Neppy.

I just pat her cheek. "I hope you enjoyed yourself but let us get back to Gold about that Brave idea you had. And I'll carry you." I say softly to her.

"Urgh.. Fine but can you carry Neppy for me?" Maya asked as she used some magic to clean herself up.

"Ah you looked good like that. And I was just going to place her on you while I carried you." I say to her.

"That'd work. But sorry I prefer to be seen decently by my coworkers." Maya tells me as she changes into some casual clothes.

"Sorry about your pants by the way. They were just in the way." I say. I don't think my dick could have punched through it anyways. I pick her up and walk over to the crib Neppy was in.

"Mamma?" Neppy asked quizzically, blinking her adorable golden eyes.

"Hey there sweety." Maya says picking her up. Neppy giggles as she cuddled up to Maya. She's going to be a little sweet heart when she grows up.

"Now let's get going before I'm tempted to jump you again." I say as we began walking. My vigina leaking fluids down my legs and my dick still leaking some precum.

I got several cat calls as we walked down as I was being checked out. It made me feel hotter with their gazes upon my nacked body. I shivered as I walked. Hopefully we reached the place soon. It didn't take long for us to get back to the nursery.

Gold was holding Mars to her breast when we got there. "Took you long enough babe. Sorry Mars got a little hungry."

"That's fine. Something happened and the nurse gave Nepgear something that made her extremely horny so I was thinking we could go to brave to give that praying deal a chance."

"Sounds good. She'd be able to fuck and be fucked there as well. Also heard Boss might be over their visiting family." So I get the chance to meet her boss this should be fun.

"Cool. Can we get going? I'd rather not jump one of you in this room." I say as I rubbed my legs together.

Gold shrugs. "Fine. Hey Illya right? Mind opening us a portal to one of Candia's terminals?"

"Will do. Since it is a personal trip it'll cost you but I'll make it as minimal as possible."

Maya giggles. "I'll send you some shower pictures of Big sis as thanks." It almost sounded like Illya was drooling at that.

Illya didn't say anything as a portal appeared in front of us on a wall. We quickly walked through both Gold and Maya showing their badges the twins still giggling.

"I've never been to brave how is it?" I ask with my arms around Gold with me grinding on her a little to get some stimulation.

"It's wonderful and faster than ultra. Candia is the capital nation with the highest security. Boss is the child of the CPU's of Candia's Cyan heart and the Noire of this dimension."

"Ah I've heard something about that. Just never looked into it due to I had a lot of other things to look at.

"Yeah but she's barely lived here. Also the guards need to see your ID." Maya told me as the guards were in Bikini's and had dicks… well two did the rest had cum pooling out of their pussies.

"Don't worry I have that bracelet." I say groaning as I came on Gold's ass and back from my humping.

The guards came up and scanned giving us the green light to go in. I did scoop up some of my cum to see how it tasted… Only made me hornier.

"I'm sorry you have to carry me." I say to Gold as she was giving me a piggy back ride as I grinded her.

"It's fine but I thought it was your hand that was mussed up not your legs or is cumming so much making your legs weak?" Gold asked as we walked further in.

"Some of the latter and mainly because I'm horny as hell."

Gold then laid me down handing Mars to Maya as she lined up with my holes. "So lets do a few rounds to get you unwound up before we continue you. Now your choice ass or pussy?"

"How about you just stick it into my ass while we walk there. Unless you want me in you." I say.

"Hey both are fine. Just impacts the position I carry you in. Was getting tired of the ass grinding." Gold tells me. I can see why too much foreplay is never fun.

"Alright just stick it into my ass and lets get going." I say wiggling it at her.

She does so sticking it up my ass before whispering in my ear. "Just don't forget you promised me pussy at some point."

I groaned since the foriegn object pierced me. It was the first time something was thrusted up there. "I know but later. We do have a lot of time after all." I say clutching her as she picked me up.

"Fair point. Now lets get moving. Temple isn't that far from here." We then head over to the temple. I could vacation here with all the nudists here.

I see one of the futas come up to us. "Hello how can I help you today. I'm Kelly the priestess for this temple."

"Well I wanted to pray to Lady Cyan heart for a child. You see I'm an android and even with a herm ring me and my wife would be heard pressed for a child from me. I was hoping Lady Cyan heart could impregnate me. Heard she does it if you pray to her." Gold told her with a blush.

"Ah. There shouldn't be a problem. If you go inside to the altar it should work best." She says as I look in and see a pool of cum with the 'altar' being a marble Zoey cumming it out like a fountain.

Gold pulls out of me as Maya joins her after handing someone she seemed familiar with her babies.

I drool at the fountain. I'm tempted to just plop myself on it to feel my insides fill up. I followed Gold and Maya as they went in.

It looked so good. It was also cyan color to it. I watched as the two entered the pool with me following behind. I saw other's drinking it so I followed suit.

It tasted great. Not as good as Lunas but that may just be due to I've been eating that more. I see both Maya and Gold kneel in front of the statue and I do the same. Might as well help Gold after all.

I decide to be a little mischievous and pray to Zoey to breed the CPUs of my dimension without mates. Vert would be fine since she wants a baby but Blanc's reaction would be hilarious if she wakes up with cum between her legs. I debated praying for Emma and Luna to be bedded.. I just prayed that they might need a good lay.

After a few seconds I see a red headed spiky haired teen pop in front of us. "Hello. While I may not be Zoey. I'm a priestess from a different temple." She says though what caught my attention was her monster of a cock.

"That's.. One impressive cock you have. You're going to impregnate me?" Gold asked. I could see her starting to get wet at the thought.

"You are correct. I'm one of the few that can go around the species capability very easily. So I thought it would be best to answer your prayers."

"Oh um thank you. Well I'm ready when you are. Also Nepgear behind us is super horny." She looked at me and grinned like I was a tasty treat.

"Alright. That won't be a problem." She says cracking her knuckles as two copies of herself came into existence. "I'm a species that can create temporary puppets to control." She explains as all three of them walked up to us. Mine instantly thrusting up into me as I wanted. I wonder if I can take her full length.

"Hey think you can hilt me in one go?" I challenge wanting to find out.

She just smirks grabbing my hips and slamming forward breaking through my womb and slamming into the back of it. I yell out as I look down seeing the bump from her dick. "Don't challenge something when you'd know the consequences of it." She says as I feel her monster pulse in me.

"Then make me your bitch." I challenge as I see Maya walk out. "S-Sorry miss but your dick is out side my comfort Zone. Biggest I'll try is Sis or Luna's. I mean I wouldn't mind a try one my ass but other holes are a no for me."

"That's fine and if you don't want to take the whole thing in your vigina I can just put half of it in." She offers. The one in my leans down to my ear. "You get what you asked for." She says pulling out till her tip was in me before slamming back in setting a brutal pace.

"Um sure half of twenty is ten and you're about as thick as Luna so it should be fine." Maya says blushing. I see she doesn't want it to be much more than what Gold could do. I was currently moaning my head off as I started blanking out from sheer pleasure.

The last thing I registered before she kicked it up from zero to ten was. "Don't worry I put a protection spell on your small baby so I can wreck this womb as badly as I want."

"Th-thanks…" I managed to get out before I blanked out. When I came to I was sore as heck and my belly was plumper?

I groaned as I layed there with my bloated stomach. My hand felt fantastic but my vigina hurts like a bitch. Greatest sex ever but worst aftershock. I glance over. How is Gold and Maya doing.

I saw Maya being held by an older teen who had weird dual colored hair and breasts that rivaled Verts.. Maybe a bit bigger. But I also Saw an Iris heart next to her.

Ugg. I'm unable to move my legs. I believe that's Scrap from what I've heard before. Now where's gold?

I see not far away was Gold who was being examined by some medics it seemed to make sure she was alright. Think the priestess might have did her a little too much.

"Ca-." I start coughing as I noticed how sore my throat was.

I then see the Iris Heart walk up to me before offering me a bottle. "Here drink this Scrap said it should help with your throat."

I took and it downed a fourth of it. "Thank you. We basically bit off more than we could chew." I say.

"Yeah we found you like this. Scrap was worried that you all might have internal bleeding with how bad you looked.. It's Nepgear right?" I look at her hip and see a doll wave at me… What the fuck…

I groaned. "My vigina hurts like hell and I can't move my legs. And yes that's my name."

"Alright I'll carry you then. Want to get dressed first or your fine like this? We'll get you something for the pain in a bit." She told me while stealing glances at Scrap.

"I'm fine like this. How are the other two doing?" I ask, wondering.

"Gold is going to need to go to the shadow dimension, something weird is going on with her body from what the medics said while Maya is in better shape than you enjoying some cuddles with my angel." I giggle at the slightly possessive tone she had when she said my angel.

"That's not good. Hopefully nothing permanent is wrong with Gold. I'm surprised I'm as fine as I am. I literally had my womb wrecked." I say. I wonder if something wrong happened to me and I haven't realized it yet.

"Well the medics checked you and Maya already you should be mostly fine. Well we should probably get you somewhere where you'd be more comfortable like a bed?" She suggested which does sound nice.

"While yes it fells great sitting here I'd rather be in a bed but I'll need to be carried." I say lifting my arms to her.

She gently picked me up cradling me much like Scrap was doing to Maya. I have to say I can see the resemblance to Noire in Scrap. They had similar figures at least. More so in the hip area.

As I felt the cum pour out of me I came from the feeling. "Sorry." I say. Though she was the one to pick me up while we're all still covered in cum.

"It's fine. Scrap promised me some anal sex for helping… If you ever slept with her she'd easily be in the top five you've ever had. I'm not going to let her be one that slipped away from me." Sounded like someone is falling in love.

"I don't think I'd survive a round in anything for awhile." I say as she carried me. I didn't think it would have turned out that way.

"Fair point. Through your dick is still hard." Iris heart commented as we walked.

"Its due to all this damn cum everywhere." I mutter.

"If you want I can ask Scrap if she wouldn't mind giving you a titfuck later to relieve it." That may help once we are away from the cum at least.

"I'll give it a thought. So where are you taking us?" I ask.

"Cyan heart maner where we are staying currently. Sam should be over there with Maya's babies as well." I blink remembering we did bring Maya's kids with us.

I guess that was who she handed them to. "Alright." I say. I wonder how long it'll take for me to walk straight.

"Might be a month or longer. Just get some rest we'll be there shortly." Iris heart told me as we kept going.

"Will do." I say to her. I'm both going to thank that woman and bitch her out for screwing me into this.


Writer: Project Omega

Co-writer: Alternet RedSkys

Editor: We're too lazy to proofread.