My hope with this story is that I can explore both Link and Zelda's personalities. In botw Link and Zelda have both got really conflicting but equally complex personalities but I kinda wasn't satisfied with how far the game went with exploring that and so that's where this story comes in. I want to get to the heart of what makes their personalities what they are and what could have caused the clear restraint they have in the game.

I used to write and read a lot of fiction a few years ago but with Uni it seems I'm almost constantly writing solely about nonfiction/history, so it's a habit I'm trying to get into again. I'm pretty new to this website so let me know what you think :)

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1- The Smiling Man

Memory is everything, at least that's what I remember. Memories define us, define who we are and how we got there. Often it's almost too difficult to see anything more to us than those memories we accumulate over the years.

Link had lost his. It was only the morning in Hyrule and the bright sun that lay about the land did very little to uncover the chaos at its centre. There was a storm happening in Hyrule field and at its centre was Link.

Not even Link knew why he was there or what he was doing. All he really knew was he had to save her. It was ingrained in his mind like a gem in a stone.

Often Link felt lost and more than often he felt confused.

Still, with only a handful of recovered memories at his side Link found himself facing the literal manifestation of evil.

Link hit the back of his faithful steed as it reared up and was sent galloping off into the treeline in the distance. But Ganon…Ganon was not going anywhere. The serpent of malice reared up into the sky with a sickening roar before crashing down into the brilliant green of the field.

Ganon's impact sent coils of malice across the grass ceasing to spread before reaching links boots. As it retracted again the Calamities last desperate form was revealed. The insectoid like creature that he had faced before was replaced by something even more twisted and horrific.

Its skin writhed and rippled with malice which flowed over the beast's hefty muscles. Its two hoofed feet pressed heavily on the ground with such force that the earth itself seemed poised to crack open. The red hair that had flowed from its face was now replaced by blazing purple energy.

They said the beast had once been just a man, in an age long gone. Any semblance of humanity Link had previously seen in its eyes was now gone. The glowing coals that shined at him were filled with pure rage and insanity. There was something deeply unnatural and yet primal in its gaze.


The voice rang out to him like a bell across the fields of Hyrule. There was something unexplainable about it, the way it seemed to resonate throughout his head, the way it seemed able to comfort him even in the direst of circumstances. It brought strange warmth and yet a strange pain too. The feelings were certainly there, the memories on the other hand…

"Link… You may not be at a point where you have recovered your power or all your memories but courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten".

With a final twirl of the sword and a deep breath Link charged into the final battle.

In hindsight that was probably not the best idea. Running straight into the path of a giant boar-like beast, which unsurprisingly did what any giant boar-like beast would do in its situation. It swung its huge tusks to kill the comparatively ant like creature in front of it.

Well no running away now, courage or not, Link thought.

The tusk slid across the ground churning up the dirt and the lush green grass beneath it. As it approached closer to Link it exploded off the ground coming at him at a faster speed than should be possible for an overgrown pig.

Link dropped to his knees leaning backwards as he glided across the grass, the wind whistled across his face as he felt the force of the tusk ripple through the air above him. Jumping to his feet, Link continued the charge towards the beast, his momentum didn't drop, legs carrying him forwards at a ferocious pace.

The beast lowered his head and Link prepared to dart away quickly in case it tried to charge towards him.

A beam of pure energy exploded from somewhere on its face and shot across the floor towards the Knight as the beast moved it head to face him once again. Link yelped and dived to the side just in time hitting the floor hard as the hot energy burned across his back, glowing in red hot pain.

It has lasers now? Great like I haven't take enough of those today.

Clearly annoyed at how the ant had still not been squashed Ganon brought up its colossal foot and brought it down on the collapsed child before it. Link was ready.

Rolling to the side he touched his hand to cool ground and felt the updraft burst beneath him firing him into the air as he plunged the sword into the things leg. The beast howled as the master sword sliced up his leg leaving golden light in its wake.

Gliding over its head Link watched as the beast's right leg gave way, forcing it to stubble forwards.

Awh did I hurt you there buddy?

Bringing his sword down onto the calamity's left shoulder Link allowed himself to slide down the calamity's left side steadying himself by placing both feet firmly on its writhing hide.

The malice burned through his shoes and began to suck the very life from his body prompting Link to dive onto the ground bellow hitting it with a quick roll.

The beast would not be defeated so easily and a counter attack was surely coming. Sure enough as the champion faced his adversary once again its eyes locked onto him in fury and with its left leg it reached towards him mutating into a claw like hand.

Link dived backwards flailing his sword at the newly formed limb. To his horror the hand continued to extend towards him clasping two fingers around his legs in a crushing grip. Link cried out in agony as he was dragged across the grass towards another reaching appendage and the beast's gleeful face.

Malice burned through to his legs and life began to be drawn once again.


Link took one deep breath and plunged his blade down into the ever closing clasp of the newly formed claws. It shrieked out once again releasing him from the crushing grip. Link scrambled back, his Hylian trousers were in tatters, barely holding together.

The hand came down on him once again as Ganon furiously lunged forwards. This time Link was ready. Holding the blade with two hands he plunged it forwards into the palm of the misshapen claw forcing yet another roar out of the creature.

The claws mutated back into the hooves once again and then the creature reared back.

Oh Goddess

The beast slammed down.

Link got up just in time to be sent flying across the field grinding to a stop at the foot of a small hillock. Ganon was charging after him, his hulking mass creating such a force that the ground itself shook in disbelief.

He got up to face the Calamity the blade in his hand glowing more fiercely than ever, as though it almost sensed that the last stand was coming. The metallic taste of blood soon filled his mouth and the ensuing cough that brought up a spatter of red confirmed that he was not in good shape.

A noise behind him prompted Link to turn his head behind him. The sight before him prompted a quick grin. He rushed up and climbed once again onto his mount.

"Couldn't leave me behind girl?"

Epona scoffed at him looking up at him with a bored expression, the sass on that horse.

Link nodded, "Let's finish this."

Once again Link charged towards the beast with renewed strength. This fight was going to end now. He loosened his grip on the saddle and readied his feet. Flexing his fingers on the handle of the blade he stared deep into the maddening eyes of his foe.


The voice echoed through his mind once again. That voice could wreck him more than any of the monsters he faced and he had little clue why.

"I will hold him as long as I can, be ready."

Grip tightening on the handle he ushered his horse on. Ganon's head crashed downwards as though its skull was ready to burst open. Moving his legs up steadily Link stood up on the back of his horse, legs bent ready. He leapt forwards.

Time slowed. The sword gripped between two hands rushed downwards. Ganon looked up in a sickening roar as the blade took root in the centre of its forehead. Light sprayed everywhere as Link felt himself be pushed from the withering form.

The light was quickly subdued by darkness.

Link opened his eyes to see the serpent like creature shrivel and shrink around the light as it pushed in crushing it until finally dissipating into the wind. Link got up his eyes studying the glimmering figure in front of him.

The weight of the world seemed to push him down but he didn't care. His ears were ringing, legs aching, chest heaving, but it didn't matter. She turned to him a warm smile forming on her lips.

"Do you really remember me?"

Darkness took over his vision once again as she rushed forwards to catch him in her arms.

With the warm glow of the fire spreading across his face, Link woke once again.

Damn I need stop passing out.

He looked up to see Epona there looking at him judgementally.

"What..? I just had to fight an oversized pig cut me a break,"

Epona scoffed once again.

"Yeah tell me something I don't know,"

Pushing himself up against the rock behind him, Link surveyed the camp. A hastily made campfire lay at its centre, the embers glowing softly bathing the surrounding camp in orange light. The saddle bags laid at the side of a log, half the contents strewn about on the floor, as though someone had picked through them in a rush.

Looking at himself Link realised he was probably in worse shape than the camp itself. His trousers remained torn and the skin beneath was charred slightly. He was covered in deep cuts and darkened bruises and as he felt his back, the place he had been hit by the laser, he was surprised to see it was already bandaged beneath his blue tunic.

It's almost like-


The familiar voice echoed across the camp, the familiarity warming him better than any fire ever could. She rushed across the camp tears of joy brimming at her eyes hitting into him like a torpedo.

Link let out a quick grunt, pain shooting through his body as she held him in a tight embrace.

She quickly let go in horror. "Oh god I'm sorry I forgot about the..." she stopped herself as her cheeks flushed with red.

"It's fine just be careful princess" he joked letting out a small chuckle only to see that her face had shrunk in sadness.

"Hey I didn't-"

His apology was cut short as her grip tightened on his tattered tunic and a smile formed once again on her face. Link had seen that smile, in the few memories he recovered and in his dreams but seeing it in person was a whole other beast. It knocked into him a hell of a lot harder than Ganon ever had.

His legs screamed up at him in pain. Well almost as hard.

"I'm sorry about the mess, you were bleeding from your back and I just panicked a little," the Princess said sucking in air as though she was breathing for the first time. She glanced at all of Link's equipment strewn over the floor.

"I'll clean it up tomorrow I swear." She looked up at him with remorseful green eyes. It was a look that was achingly familiar.

They stared at each other for a few seconds. There was much to say but, Link didn't know where to begin. Apparently words had never been his strong point and he was feeling it now more than ever but there was no shrinking away from the obvious complication at hand. Link opened his mouth to speak. "I'm sorry Princess I-".

He stopped; the pained expression forming once again on the princess's face. What is it this time, am I saying something wrong?

"-I don't remember much," he finished.

She tilted her head to the side in concern. Eyes moving across his face studying him intensely. "What do you remember?" she asked, the words escaped her mouth barely.

"Erm-" Link scratched the back of his neck embarrassed. He had only just noticed how close Zelda was. Her hands were planted gently on his knees and she was leaning forwards looking deeply into his eyes.

She withdrew suddenly, clearly noting his discomfort, the pained look returning once again to her face.

This time it was Zelda's turn to break the silence. "I got you some food".

Link's face lit up as his belly growled loudly in impatience.

Zelda chuckled, "I see somethings never change, even after one hundred years." She moved over to where she had rushed into the camp, looking over the ground.

"Where the hell did I put it?" Link heard her muttering under her breath.

Link sighed. I guess food will have to wait. His stomach growled up at him with great disproval. He didn't know it could grumble that loudly, practically the whole of Hyrule could probably hear that.

She emerged from the darkness with a piece of cloth wound up brimming with apples. A triumphant look was plastered across her face. "I hope that wasn't doubt I heard Hero of Hyrule".

"No you're doing it wrong…" Yet another apple fell into the flames prompting another groan from Link's stomach.

"Well they say third times the charm," the princess remarked, grimacing slightly before biting her lip and continuing to try to roast the other apples.

"There look perfect," Link said, as he drew his sticks from the fire passing one to her. His mouth watered as the smell flowed up into his face. Zelda bumped him awaking him from the trance like state he had fallen into, the sight of which had pushed a fond smile onto Zelda's face.

"This is why you always did the cooking." She remarked nudging him with her head slightly before tucking in to the modest meal.

"From what I remembered you weren't one to give me a choice." Link replied, his body rushing with excitement as he wolfed down all six apples in quick succession. It wasn't a lot to have after the greatest battle of this age but it was enough to take the edge off his hunger once again.

They were absorbed again in comfortable silence but, there was no avoiding the subject at hand. "What do you remember Link?" Zelda asked. She had begun to study his face intently once more eyes moving over the features on his face trying to grasp something, anything.

Link turned to face her fully a sigh escaping his lips as he realised he would have to say more than just a statement. "Bits and pieces from the ceremony of the champions up until you know…"

She looked at him wide eyed "Until what?"

The words seemed hard to push out. "…my death"

"Oh…" she whispered, gaze filled with regret.

Link looked into the fire, its flames danced around twisting around each other, faces seemed to form and disappear in the flames. Their features were too difficult to make out and yet so palpably familiar. He would often sit in front of the fire and just watch for hours allowing time to move around him.

It wasn't enough and he knew it. "The other memories-" His expression contracted in frustration a pained look layering onto his face, "-it's like I can't place them, the words are on the tip of my tongue ready to leap off at any moment only to dissolve back into nothing."

He could feel her eyes burrowing into the side of his face. "I see the images and hear sounds only for them to twist into something unrecognisable."

"Link…" She whispered. The sound of her saying his name always had a way of sending a shiver through him, even in the beginning when he had no clue who the voice actually belonged to.

He looked up into her wide concerned eyes seeing the mind racing behind them working to find the right comforting words…words that would never come.

She began to reach out to take his hand in hers but his posture suddenly tightened and she retreated quickly.

"We'll figure that out, we'll figure it all out we just have to decide our next move," Zelda said.

Goddess, next move? Link had no clue what to do next, though the journey had been difficult it had provided some form of grand purpose to his life. With that gone the nightmares would surely worsen.

Suddenly all the hairs on Link's body stood on end and he tensed even further.


Then she heard it too, the sound of gentle clinking and feet moving across the ground towards them.

The figure came into view. He was clearly slender almost to the point where he looked deprived of nourishment but, despite his stick like body on his back rested a rucksack almost twice as big as him.

The bag itself was covered in a large sheet, presumably to keep it dry and yet several small shapes could be seen beneath it poking out against the fabric.

As the figure approached the camp Links grip tightened on the sword, Zelda had now tightened her posture as well. It was clearly not Beedle but perhaps some other merchant. Link tried to look over his face but the hood brought over his cast a shadow. Most of his face was hidden save for a strange wide smile.

His movements were calm, yet sporadic at the same time

"Sorry for the intrusion" The man giggled. He spoke softly and with grace but his words did little to put Link at ease, there was something unsettling about his carefree tone despite its clear genuineness.

The man continued to approach "I couldn't help but hear of you predicament".

The merchant's last statement sent waves of uncertainty through Link's body as Link found himself drawing the blade slightly glancing at it as casually as possible.

It's not glowing

Sure there was something about the merchant that was almost unnaturally creepy but, Link didn't sense evil or malice in his words.

As though he sensed Link's gradual calming, the merchant's smile somehow widened even further and he clasped his two hands together allowing them to hover in front of his chest.

He continued to walk slowly towards the fire, the shadow of his hood still not compromising any more of his features, save for that horrible grin.

Zelda quickly asked the obvious, "Who are you?" The question came out almost as though it had been an accusation, more than anything else.

His smile wavered but still remained coated onto his face. "A collector…" He waved his hands dismissively. "I am here to make an offer, something your companion would be wise to accept."

Despite the shadow over his face Link felt the man's glaze on him. Unsettling was not a word that could even describe the sensation it caused.

Taking the silence as his cue to continue speaking he opened his mouth. "I can return your memories to you if it is what you truly desire," he spoke the words softly not showing the true magnitude of the statement.

Link's gut lurched. Up until tonight he had done little to question the blanks that filled his mind. Was it something he wanted? To remember all he had lost one hundred years ago? The faces, the voices that haunted his dreams, that forced him awake with eyes wide and filled with tears knowing not why or what he was crying over. The feeling he felt every time he woke was one of pure fear, a thing he rarely felt. And who was this man who just came walking in just magically sensing the current mess he was in?

He looked to his side to see Zelda had become transfixed. Her eyes had widened and her lips had parted slightly. When she turned to look at him he saw that hope was in her eyes. It was a look that stirred inside him.

She wants this more than anything.

There was something about her. The few memories he had all linked back to her. Most were of little emotional weight, merely a means for him to explain all that happened 100 years ago and others were more difficult to go over. But the ones in which she was truly happy and at ease, they were golden and although Link knew not why, those were the memories that he cherished the most.

"How?" The word barely escaped his mouth in a whisper.

The man let out a shriek of glee. "It's relatively painless…at least in terms of physical sensations." He dropped his bag rummaging through it at a frantic pace. "This is very much a story I want to see the full picture of." He withdrew a perfectly clear crystal and held it up to the sky as though to examine it authenticity. It was no bigger than an acorn and attached to a gleaming silver chain.

He noticed Zelda was beginning to study the man with an increased scrutiny. Clearly the odds of such a man, with such an item, merely happening across them in the previously most dangerous place in Hyrule were beyond astronomical.

"May I ask what is it you want in return?" She asked.

He extended an arm towards Link allowing the chain to dangle in his hand. "Oh! Did I not say…?"

In spite of the darkness covering his face Link could still feel his gaze fixed on him.

"This is a story I'm invested in it would be a shame to not see the full picture, the little details and of course the ending in its full glory," he gleamed.

Link took the crystal from his extended hand and examined it in his hands. It looked…a little cheap.

"It will take some time, but the memories will return if you wear the gem, you just need something to anchor your mind to the memory. When you have fully recovered I will return to take it back," the man said nonchalantly. His head turned slightly to the side in curiosity as Link held the crystal in consideration.

"How will you know?" Link asked.

His gleeful laughter echoed around the camp as though Link had just told a hilarious joke.

Who knew I could be so funny.

"I will have you know…I am not your run off the mill merchant, boy," he said in a matter of fact manner.

Before Link and Zelda could ask any more of the looming questions on their minds, the man with extreme effort lifted his bag and disappeared into the darkness, leaving the two Hylians in a state of pure shock.

Zelda turned to him; the hopeful look that she had worn earlier was now replaced by one of pure desperation. Breaking the silence she spoke what was on her mind. "Worth a shot right?" she suggested shooting him a grimaced smile likely more for her benefit then his own.

"I don't know that guy gave me the creeps shouldn't we wait until we get to Impa?" he asked.

"Sure that guy was unsettling, but something about him just seemed genuine and with the calamity gone I doubt we have much to be that worried about," Zelda spoke out exactly what was running through his head.

Link shrugged and put the chain over his head, the crystal lying gently over his heart. As expected nothing happened it was likely that the poor man had been conned out of a few rupees. His body began to shake violently.

"Link!" Zelda rushed to him, and he stopped immediately letting out a hearty laugh.

"Too easy Princess," he giggled.

She rolled her eyes, "you moron I thought you were in trouble." She scowled at him for a few seconds before joining him their laughs filling the desolate Hyrule fields.

That was when it happened. Zelda placed her hand on his arm and immediately the crystal exploded with green light. It clouded Link's vision until the only thing he was aware of was her firm grip on his arm.

Eyes rolling back, the dam finally broke bringing forward a torrent of emotions.