So, this is the end for me? All my plans and schemes on the cusp of fruition and I'm unable to see them through. Denied at the last step what was mine to begin with, what I was born to achieve. The power of a Planeswalker. Not the spec of dust that it is now, but the god like power Planeswalkers held before the mending. Power I once held and that was rightfully mine, I was born with the ability to wield this power, but I had to work for it.
Thousands of years dedicated to learning and honing new skills to become the most powerful of them all, to be all that I could be. I reveled in the constant challenge, you could say it was the dragon in me that felt at home facing adversity that pushed me to my limits in all aspects of myself.
My skill and knowledge of magic, my cunning intellect, my strength as an elder dragon and a Planeswalker. All at some point tested to their limits. Some were even taken away, providing even more challenge, but they always came back, the loss temporary, until the blasted mending.
Half of what made me the most feared entity in the multiverse stripped away. The knowledge that collected over 25,000 years could not all be contained inside the mind of this new feeble Planeswalker I have been reduced to. That enraged me the most, for there was no way to get that back.
The power however was recoverable all I needed was the right tools for the job and Dominaria. Hundreds of years spent getting ready to ascend to where I once was, foiled by walkers who could not grasp the concept of what I was going to regain.
The Gatewatch stopped me, the Gatewatch dealt me a mortal blow. These walkers had not seen the darkness that I had. Nor faced the challenges on a daily basis I had to in order to survive in a world of titans. Where did I go wrong, what did I miss?
Then it hit me like a lightning bolt. I called them children who had not reached my level of power. Being as old as I am for as long as I have I guess I forgot that children grow up. They made me their titan to kill, to surpass. They did to me what I did to countless others. They conquered me.
I however was not going to stick around to hear the ape Gideon boast in the form of speeches. Using the last of my mana to cast a spell to make sure I wasn't followed, I planeswalked away to die in peace. My destination was a plane that I had visited but saw no value in until now. That value was its name. The world of Remnant was going to be my grave. A fitting resting place for the remnant of a time long past.
Ten years later
Ten-year-old Jaune Arc was on his yearly family camping trip on the continent Anima, but something was different this year. Young Jaune could feel this pull in the back of his head. Maybe it was from the argument he had with his father. Jaune wanted to become a huntsman like his father and grandfather before him. He just couldn't understand why they refused to even consider unlocking his aura.
This camping trip they where in a mountain range called Dragon`s Grave. Jaune found the fairy tale the mountains where famous for exciting. The locals said that thousands of years ago a wounded dragon chose this mountain range to draw its last breath at.
They also said that the bones of the dragon had magical powers that made the land quiet and stopped the earthquakes that shook the mountains every week, allowing people to settle the valley. Jaune found it strange that the quakes only stopped ten years ago.
The thought of finding the old dragon`s bones made Jaune forget about his problems with his family, if only for a little bit.
That night Jaune could not sleep. The pressure in his head from earlier today had become a splitting headache. He snuck out of the tent hoping the cool fresh air would get rid of the pounding in his skull.
The cool air did take the edge off, but the pain persisted.
Jaune walked around in frustration. Then he noticed something. The pain was shifting inside his head as he walked in circles, the pain would shift from the back to the side and then the front of his head where the pain was less.
Curious he stepped forward, the pain lessened a little. Little Jaune, not thinking of anything but getting relief from the headache continued walking forward and towards the mountains that they setup camp at the base of.
He soon found himself in front of a cave. Jaune was sad that it was dark out and he couldn't see in the cave to continue his quest for relief from the headache that kept him from sleep.
Suddenly, flames the size of torches came into existence along the walls of the cave. Startled, Jaune took a few steps back and his head throbbed. If naught for the pain that turning back seemed to bring Jaune most certainly would have turned back, but the ache in the back of his skull persisted.
Now he was mad, whoever was doing this was going to get his butt kicked by Jaune the hero! he thought, and that was when he decided to explore the cave and find this person and make them pay.
The trek down was treacherous, but manageable with the torchlight. Jaune could actually think straight now that the headache had become a dull throb, coincidentally as soon as the tunnel leveled out.
The flames now started to appear all over revealing the large cavern that Jaune found himself in. What laid on the floor cause his eyes to widen in awe.
A dragon, or rather the bones of one. Colossal in size, at least as long as a football field from head to tail and just as wide with the wings stretched out. Jaune didn't notice any of this not even the armor the bones wore, he was still in awe that he had found the mythic dragon bones.
The bones started to glow a deep blue. Jaune was still entranced by his discovery and was not prepared for what happened next. The bones burst like a balloon into motes of royal blue light, and now they where heading for him!
When the first one struck him his headache came back, the second one doubled the pain, the third cause a full-blown migraine and still there were thousands more. The pain was too much for the young hero and he quickly blacked out.
The little hero woke up moments later to a spinning cavern. Not that it was actually spinning, but it felt like it. Then white-hot pain burst through his skull, that's what it feels like when memories of a past life try to take over your mind and body.
Jaune couldn't concentrate, all of his thoughts were of a boy becoming an evil dragon, while in pain. Instinctively he cried out for help, a plea for help carried by the spark that both he and the dragon now shared.
His cry was answered by someone like him, his world was filled by a blue light so soft that it was almost white. Words he did not recognize were spoken by an ancient voice and the pain receded. Its source however was still there in the back of his mind clawing at the bindings holding it down.
Jaune could now see his surroundings and was left speechless for the second time that day. Before him was another dragon. This one alive and beautiful, his feathered wings giving him the appearance of a draconic angel, glowing in the cavern.
The mighty dragon noticed that the boy was awake and moved away from the armor that he was inspecting. "What are you doing here child?" The ancient being ask in a voice that sounded like his grandfather`s.
"My head hurt, and I couldn't sleep as I walked closer to this cave the pain went away, what`s going on, who are you? Did you make the pain go away?" The child asked desperately.
"It`s alright little one, yes I made the pain go away, I find you interesting, can you perhaps tell me about yourself, my name is Ugin." The dragon asked, trying to confirm what he suspected. The little Arc was floored but soon began telling his life`s story with a little embellishment thinking the dragon would lose interest in him if he was boring.
The dragon was listening intently never losing interest. Fearing any sign of his old nemesis showing up but he found none. Ugin pondered, what to do with this child? If left alone Bolas would return, but he couldn't kill the innocent child who held his soul, that would make him no better then his most hated enemy.
"Child, you said you wanted to be a hero, a huntsman you say?" he asked.
"Yes, it's my dream, but my family won't let me they keep saying no." the boy pouted. Ugin laughed, both at the boy's antics and at the absurdity and irony of what he was going to do.
"Well if they won`t train you maybe I can teach you some of the things I know?" he baited the child.
"Really! You would do that?" Jaune exclaimed, he would be trained by a dragon, nobody else could make such a claim this would be awesome he thought.
"Yes, I will teach you, here is a bracelet, (it was hedrons linked together) just think about this cave and it will take you to me and I will teach you while your parents are busy. There is catch though, you can't tell them about me. If they don't want to train you to be a huntsman I doubt they would appreciate a dragon filling in the position." He said with mirth.
Jaune left that cave with a little smirk on his face. The only impression of a smile he would ever leave the cave with. For he was going to find out quickly that the dragon with angel wings was really a devil of a taskmaster.
Seven Years Later
The bullheads flew gracefully on their way to drop off this year`s crop of new students. Among these new hopefuls was a "young" man unlike any other. Seventeen-year-old Jaune Arc stood at 6`1, the mystical armor and scarf of his past life, shrunk to fit his now smaller form. A long duster in the style of Sorin Markov was draped overtop with a hood at the back instead of a high collar. Crocea Mors sat on his hip, the sheath`s color changed from white with gold highlights to black with gold highlights.
The past seven years have been a hellish training regime devised by Ugin. The personality of Nicol Bolas was controlled by Jaune`s, thanks to help from the spirit dragon. With Nicol Bolas`s knowledge accessible to him, Ugin only needed to show him how to use the mana of this world in his human body.
Not that the form of an elder dragon was lost to him, he could adopt the more powerful body anytime he wished. It`s just difficult to explain a colossal dragon to your parents and the local authorities.
Once he was able to use magic properly Ugin decided to share his knowledge of colorless alchemical magic. When asked why he would share such powerful secrets, the dragon replied with he had never seen anyone with such a pure heart and that if anyone could put that knowledge to good use, it was him.
Normally such training would take decades at the least but with Jaune`s rediscovered telepathy and a willing participant, the knowledge transfer took a day. Of Course he would have to practice with it but at least he knew how to do it.
You're probably wondering why such a powerful person would be going to Beacon? Well the answer to that was two-fold.
Ugin could teach him how to fight as a dragon and how to use magic, but he wasn't equipped to teach weapons training to a human or how to use aura. His parents still wouldn't train him or unlock his aura and he didn't have the heart to use his mind arts on them. So, he found a huntsman passing through and suggested, both verbally and telepathically, to unlock it for him which is a lot easier then forcing it out like the first huntsmen did.
The second reason was that Jaune hadn't really interacted with other people beyond his family for these last seven years. A disregard for the lives of others was the one thing that many of the old Planeswalkers fell victim to, himself included.
Best to stop that before it even begins, besides, even though he had been through so much since that night in the cave, Jaune still wanted to be a hero like his ancestors.
He watched as other freshmen passed by doing a surface sweep of their minds as they passed. Lots of them where gossiping about the new hedrons that appeared around a small village outside of the kingdoms.
Jaune smiled at that, once he figured out how to make them, he would fly out to these villages at night in dragon form. He would setup a hedron barrier that would repel the Grimm. No one knew how they worked or who set them up and they couldn't tamper with them. Jaune made sure to key them to his spark to prevent any unsavory individuals from messing with them. Researchers from all the kingdoms were scratching their heads at these monoliths.
Jaune's POV
The bullheads where now docking at Beacon Academy. I was making my way to the auditorium when I heard an explosion. Curiosity getting the better of me, I turned back to the docks to find a girl that seemed to be a little too young to be going to this academy, sitting on the ground.
Perhaps she was near the explosion? Now`s as good a time as any to try and make friends. "Hey, I'm Jaune"
"Ruby" she replied.
Talking with Ruby was intriguing, but I guess seeing as she was as socially awkward as me, we had common ground from which we could relate, her craftsmanship was also impressive. Her scythe was a work of art.
Eventually we made it to the auditorium, thank the multiverse I can sense minds. Ruby left to find her sister, now where was I going to find a quirky girl to talk to? Socializing in a more human way with people of a similar age, past life not included, was fun.
When headmaster Ozpin came up to give his speech something prickled on the end of my mystic senses, dialing them in. I was surprised to find that The headmaster was a mage, but his connection to the land and mana was weak.
Perhaps he was self-taught and doesn't know how to reaffirm his connection. Remnant was like Kaladesh in that most people used a physical form of mana to cast spells though calling them spells is a stretch. He was the first mage I`ve encountered native to Remnant.
His soul, now that I`m focusing on him, is also off. A person's magic is connected loosely to their soul. His felt like it was a patchwork of several souls. Soul sensing was always a shaky discipline I never saw the value of. Time to find my locker, the joys of school.
I am now convinced that the entire school does not have an organizational system that follows any frame of common sense I have come across in 25,000 years. Just finding the rocket locker room was a pain, the actual locker a true test of my patience.
When puzzling out the workings of a universe or this school, I tend to lose track of my surroundings, leading to me bumping into an ice queen and a red headed warrior. "Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologized.
"Really, you plebian, that's all you have to say?" The white-haired banshee screeched; did she have a sonic semblance? because that hurt.
"No snow angel I was wondering if you knew where locker 636 was and if you could screech at a decibel that won`t rupture my ear-drums." I deadpanned, messing with the stuck-up and sometimes rich people always amused me.
"The nerve! do you even know who you are even talking to?"
This was too easy. "Not by name but judging by your attitude I am going to guess a rich entitled girl who had the best tutors but no real combat experience, always got her way, and thinks everyone should either bow before her or join her because they have real achievements to their name, and your money puts you in the same league. Did I get that right? You're not actually a guy, are you?" I snarked.
The last one left her gapping like a fish and unable to respond. I turned my attention to the red head. Now that I took time to look at her she was quite the specimen.
The perfect blend of feminine beauty and deadly warrior. "And who might you be? cause if I ever saw you before I would definitely have remembered your name."
Her face was an amusing mix of wonder and blushing school girl, sadly the white demon had to ruin the moment. "You seriously don`t know who she is? She's Pyrrha Nikos."
"Doesn't ring a bell." I deadpan.
"Four-time winner of the Mistral Regional Tournament, a new record." She adds desperately, like my enlightenment will save her life.
"Never heard of it" I teased.
"She was on the box of Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes" she tried.
I gasped. "You were on my sister`s favorite cereal box? She would skin me alive if I didn't ask you to be on my team." I joked.
"Well I think you would make a great leader, but I think teams consist of four people." The warrior queen spoke.
"Well then I guess we had better find some more friends, hey snow angel spots are filling up on team Jaune and I`m not suppose to do this but I could reserve a spot for you?" I said while leaning in to make her uncomfortable.
"Ah no that's too close Pyrrha, a little help" next thing I know, I find myself pinned to a locker by Pyrrha`s spear. This woman was both kind and brutal. Bolas was purring in delight at the attention and I agreed with him which almost never happens.
Bolas is all the instincts I gained from Nicol Bolas`s bones after his personality was dealt with, problem is that my human brain is, well human. So it`s like a little voice in the back of my head, nudging me towards certain actions, like making the vixen that pinned me to the wall mine, and world domination, so I take his advice with a grain of salt.
While all of this was going though my head she apologized and left with her spear. Time for Initiation.
I have found the source of all the crazy that surrounds the school. You wouldn't know it by looking at the headmaster, but anyone who uses such a random way to assign teams either has a sadistic streak a mile wide, or a few screws loose, and don't even get me started on how we entered the forest.
I was still processing the absurdity when I was launched into the air. Before I could prepare my landing strategy, a by now familiar spear had me pinned to at tree.
When the owner appeared, I couldn't resist. "I feel I should be concerned about your obsession with pegging me with your spear."
She sputtered at that one. "Well it looked like you could use the help what with you flailing in the air" she shot back with the effectiveness of artillery fire.
Me, a dragon, struggling in the air! Ugin must never hear of this. "I was going to be fine, but your intervention saved me wasting aura."
One of her eyebrows rose, "Nobody has enough aura to take a hard landing through a forest." She accused.
"Well as my partner, I guess I can spill the beans, my semblance is aura enhancement and one of the things I can do is enhance mine or other`s auras, defensive attribute or healing and I`ve always had a ridiculous amount of aura."
A person`s aura is a type of soul magic that fuels a semblance, but its cut off from the mana of the world for some reason, and as such it cannot be replenished except by internal function, such as resting or eating.
I as a mage can replenish my aura from my connection to the land of this world, connections I made during training to cast spells. This allows me to replenish mine at ridiculous speeds, but is a little uncomfortable, having foreign energy so close to my soul, traditional magic doesn't mingle with the user's soul as much as aura does.
I haven't come across any side effects yet but given that my soul was almost remodeled by an ancient evil dragon I only use that ability sparingly as a precaution.
"That's an amazing semblance, you're like a tank and healer wrapped into one." Pyrrha praised." The image of an ambulance with monster truck tires came to mind.
"Why thank you for the praise but warn me if you feel the urge to call me god pharaoh, I don't have the best track record dealing with a flock." She quirked her eyebrow at my internal joke.
Our trek to the ruins went without a hitch, casting a quick spell when Pyrrha and the cameras couldn't spot the glow, to keep the Grimm from noticing us. Shit hit the fan though when we met up with everyone else.
I had to break the spell for appearances sake and low and behold a deathstalker and a nevermore show up. Ruby decided that she was going to charge the deathstalker on her own.
That ended with her retreating with little damage taken by the Grimm, getting caught on one of the Nevermore`s feathers, Weiss saving her and having a heart to heart about being partners, it was very dramatic.
We finally get to the bottom of the cliff and the two Grimm finally catchup. Ruby Weiss, Blake, and Yang decide to take on the bird and the rest of us are left with the deathstalker.
After hitting it a few times to no effect I decided that I could go for the big one and save us some time, and my partner could carry me the rest of the way afterwards because this was going to eat a lot of my aura. The only consolation was that I would get to be carried by Pyrrha.
What I didn't have in CQC skill I made up for in aura size, control, and my semblance. My sword was designed to channel aura like all hunter weapons, using my semblance to enhance the aura in my blade, arms and legs, I charge almost as fast as Weiss with her glyphs to the face of the deathstalker, and swung downwards.
The blade sung as it cut through the deathstalker, like a beast declaring that it had won the fight. The deathstalker was split in two.
Before I could pat myself on the back the strain on my limbs hit me and I fell to my knees exhausted. Looking back at Ren, Pyrrha and Nora I could see them gaping at my work. Smiling I called out "If your done marveling at my greatness I could use a hand because that left me pretty much out of gas."
That snapped them back into reality. Ren and Pyrrha grab me by my arms, (consolation prize won) and hall me up. Nora is firing off questions in full auto and I had to stop her to prevent a headache.
"Quiet so I can explain" that shuts her up. "My semblance is aura enhancement. I used it to push my strength and sword's sharpness past what is normal to take out Grimm. Unfortunately, using it to increase my attack strength strains my muscles and I have to keep my semblance active to repair the damage so I am almost useless for a few minutes afterwards and a good chunk of my aura is used up in recovery."
Now that that was out of the way we all turned to watch Ruby run up a cliff with a giant Nevermore in tow and behead it at the top in a spectacular fashion. A lot more time consuming but she isn't wiped out from it like I am. Still I am impressed with both her groups` and mine`s performance, this should be an interesting year at Beacon academy for me.