Wow, this is finally reaching its end! It has been... a journey. I've heard from multiple people who have altered their views on sex workers, and those who pay for their services, which is amazing! I've been frustrated by ignorance, by entitlement, by some straight up whining, but I have also been touched by warmth, by positivity and by people who genuinely enjoyed this story.
So, here we are. The last page. A few snapshots really, telling of where two lives lead.
Letting himself in to through the door, Hiccup was enthralled to be greeted by a leaping ball of fur, gummy mouth wide as a tongue lolled out, yapping happily at the return of one of his humans. It was such an amazing thing to come home to. He'd missed it so much.
The day they officially quit, Hiccup and Astrid went right from Elda's office to the shelter, intending to adopt a furry companion. A scruffy black mongrel, missing most of his teeth and part of his tail, bounded up to the front of his enclosure and smiled with his tongue hanging out to the side. He looked friendly, huffed happily when Hiccup poked a finger through the door and scratched his head.
Hiccup picked Toothless that day. Astrid thought him a wonderful addition to the family too. The family they were finally free to build - they had regular jobs, and Astrid wore a ring on her finger now. An engagement ring. He still smiled when it caught the light, slender platinum band with a modest little emerald sat in it. They had already picked out sapphire wedding rings too - it was their celebration of handing in their notice to Elda, Toothless the official quitting gift. The job had been fun, and it had served a multitude of purposes. Paying for university, their cars, saving up to be financially stable when they moved on toward building their lives together.
And of course, if they hadn't taken those escort jobs, they never would have met.
So for all anyone said about them having sex with other people, even while engaged, the fact was that it was what brought them together to begin with. That bright smile across a crowded room, stealing his heart.
They'd told their parents about the engagement too. That had ended in a lot of excited noises and demands for planning. Hiccup and Astrid themselves were surprisingly blase about the whole thing, just happy to be together.
"Hey babe!"
With regular jobs came much more consistency in when they saw each other. Astrid was home when he got home, stood in the kitchen dicing vegetables. She wasn't the most skilled lady in the kitchen, but damn the woman could wield a blade. Hiccup dropped his bag on the table, slid his arms around Astrid's waist when he saw the knife was put down. She leant into him, humming happily.
"Evening milady. Good day at work?"
Those sorts of questions no longer meant sexual experiences, dodgy dates or "did you come home with bruises?". It had been four months since they quit, and while Hiccup still found himself checking the calendar out of habit first thing in the morning sometimes, he had stopped being confused that the condom bag no longer lived in his bedside drawer. Escorting had been part of their lives for years, but the transition to ordinary couple had been easy, smooth as could be with Astrid.
"Awesome. Got to do some hydrotherapy exercises with that little boy in a wheelchair. Apparently his doctor says he can transition to a walker soon if his muscles keep coming along. You?"
"Yeah, still being trained half the day but the other half I got to work on a gorgeous car that's test running some new systems."
His job was always learning, always improving alongside technology.
"Sounds good. You want to go change, I'll make you a cup of tea?"
Oh yes, he enjoyed this new branch of domestic life hugely. Toothless trotted off after him, sneaking paws onto the bed he knew he wasn't meant to be on until Hiccup gave him the ear scratches and belly rubs he wanted. His mother was besotted with Toothless too, couldn't get enough of him - lucky really, since she popped by in the day if Hiccup and Astrid were both at work to take him on long walks. But they were home every morning and every evening, sometimes in the day too. They had a garden Toothless could gambol around in, and he loved to go with Astrid when she went running.
There were even tentative discussions about bedrooms. About future occupants of them. Astrid sometimes mentioned things like 'that would be a nice colour for a nursery' and Hiccup would have to tamp down on his excitement, daydreams about Astrid with a round belly as they stood over a crib waiting for the baby to fill it pushed aside. They could wait. Astrid was allowed to take her time to get there, regardless of Hiccup's eagerness to do everything with her.
She handed him tea with a smile and a kiss in the kitchen, Hiccup feeling a long-familiar dopey grin spread across his face. Astrid dumped diced vegetables into the pot, then joined him at the table with her own drink, Toothless peeking over the table in hopes of spotting something he could steal. He was a menace and they adored him completely.
Dinner was a lazy, quiet affair in front of the TV, followed by equally lazy cuddling on the sofa with dessert where Astrid cutely licked icing and cake crumbs from his fingers. He loved her sweet little giggles, her bright blue eyes alight with a pure joy he felt too. Idly playing with her hair as they snuggled in bed was the perfect end to their lovely evening together, Astrid burrowing deeper into his hold before she settled for sleep with a murmur that made Hiccup's heart skip.
"Maybe tomorrow we can set a date."
"I now pronounce you man and wife!"
There was cheering, clapping, probably her mother crying... Astrid didn't notice much beyond the fact Hiccup was beaming as he reached for her face, kissed her sweetly and left her with an equally ridiculous smile on her face. His eyes were lit up, forest green now sparkling emeralds. Astrid smiled all the wider as she saw the little braids in the side of his hair; he'd gotten a hair cut for the big day to prevent Astrid's mother having a heart attack, but Astrid was insistent her little addition had to stay.
Bless Hiccup for trying to calm her parents as much as possible - they were already in knots over the fact Hiccup's family traditionally wed in the village hall of the city he grew up in, and that it was incredibly important to him that they go to the same place his parents had wed. It was warm, rustic and Astrid couldn't have loved it more, but her parents had wanted somewhere more grandiose.
"Hey there wife."
"Hey there husband."
Hiccup kissed her again before they were rather insistently turned by the officiator to walk off toward their families, ready for the onslaught of congratulating and photos and people throwing a mix of flower petals and herbs, picked out by older family members to wish them love and happiness in their marriage. The smell was sweet, fragrant and Astrid didn't even mind picking a few bits of it out of her dress.
They posed for photos, taken by Hiccup's childhood friend Justin 'Fishlegs' Ingerman, which quickly devolved into madness when Scott started photo-bombing them. Astrid was fairly certain that later, the images would tell a story where Stoick appeared behind the newlyweds, dragging his nephew off before joining in on the antics. If the Haddock lot were a little playful, impish in their 'lack of decorum' as the Hoffersons called it, then the Jorgenson side were the rogues, drunk before they'd finished cutting the cake and filling the air with raucous laughter.
Astrid honestly wouldn't have changed a thing. This was the family now, delinquents like Scott's dad Spencer - better known as uncle Spite - included. She smiled so hard her cheeks hurt all day, laughed so much she could skip ab workouts for a week. Hiccup's cheeks were flushed with the alcohol imbibed, possibly also a little from exertion as he chased his mother around the table when she stole his burly cake. His suit jacket discarded, Hiccup still looked definitely-jumpable in his unbuttoned waistcoat over a white shirt, trousers that made his ass look fantastic. Oh, Astrid couldn't wait to get him alone...
Literally. She could not wait.
"Astrid, you're mad!"
Hiccup muttered as she hauled him outside, certain the steady flow of alcohol and food would keep the guests entertained while she stole a minute to be with her husband. She'd changed out of the fluffy white thing her mother had insisted upon for the ceremony, which Astrid was glad for - the wall she and Hiccup fell against wouldn't have been very forgiving to such an article of clothing. Her more comfortable blue cotton would have to suffer, but Astrid didn't care all that much - they had travelling outfits to change in to anyway. The important thing was Hiccup looking devastating in that suit.
Rings caught moonlight as Astrid's hands landed on Hiccup's shoulders, made her smile as emerald and sapphire sat together so perfectly; a nice symbol of she and Hiccup. His hands wrapped around her waist, lips playing over hers with a smirk as Astrid leant up for more purposeful contact.
"We'll be leaving in an hour, can you really not wait?"
Astrid slid her hands around to splay over his backside, perfect handfuls to squeeze.
"I couldn't wait ten minutes in that hotel, remember?"
Chuckling, Hiccup kissed her properly, his indulgent smirk against her lips as Astrid ran her hand over his groin, felt him swell against tight fabric.
"Must be terribly uncomfortable."
Hiccup eyed her face, angelic expression painted there. With the moonlight behind him, Hiccup's features were thrown into shadows that sharpened them, threatening to make Astrid weak in the knees already. Running fingers over his smooth jaw, she felt the first hints of regrowth after he'd shaved that morning, prickling against the pads of her fingertips. His own fingers were slipping down her sides, under the loose skirt of her dress to stroke over her inner thighs. Clutching tighter at his neck, Astrid shifted in encouragement until he made purchase with damp cotton briefs.
Honestly, if she'd planned ahead Astrid probably wouldn't have bothered with underwear at all. It was just an inconvenience now, slowing Hiccup down as he touched her. Every brush of his fingers had her panting, muffling sounds in his shoulder while she had the presence of mind to do so. Their wedding party raged on only the other side of a wall really, nothing but a storage cupboards space between Astrid and possibly her mother looking for her.
"Can you boost up?"
Astrid let him lift her, comfortably trapped between him and the building at her back. Her legs around his waist and Hiccup's hands holding her up, Astrid had to unfasten his bottoms, careful not to undo his belt so they'd not fall to the floor and get dirty. A graceless fumble later, Hiccup was pressing inside her and Astrid sighed happily as he settled flush against her. His low groans against her ear only fuelled Astrid's arousal further, wriggling impatiently to get him moving. Hiccup curled a hand around her lower back, lifting his head to look at Astrid properly. Already a little breathless, Astrid felt any leftover air escape her lungs under the intensity of Hiccup's eyes.
They were married now. Joined intrinsically as two families becoming one. Hiccup looked at her like he could read her every thought, every emotion. And he was the only person Astrid could ever see trusting so deeply to allow him so close when her guard was down. Oh, Astrid had had sex with many men when they were working, but even when it was fun or slow or gentle, it was never quite so deep and intimate as it was with Hiccup. With his heat inside her now, filling Astrid in more ways than one, her heart felt fit to burst as he cradled her face, kissed her sweetly.
"I love you so much."
His forehead came to rest against hers, thrusts slowing to a deep, steady rocking motion that left Astrid gasping against his mouth, breathing too ragged to kiss him as she'd planned or to answer his sentiment. Hopefully he could read her feelings in her face, head thumping against the wall behind her as she arched back, rutting her hips into his when climax beckoned her closer. His waistcoat creased in her fingers as they clawed his shoulders and back, building fire consuming Astrid all at once with a shuddering moan probably far too loud for the idea of secrecy.
Astrid didn't care.
Hiccup bucked, ground against her as he stayed buried within her spasming, shaking body, coming with a low whine against her neck. Astrid mewled as he slowed, patting his hair as Hiccup held her tight. He let her down on shaking legs, delaying only to fix his bottoms before gathering Astrid into a standing cuddle, kissing her temple and stroking her hair. Astrid hummed contently, leaning into her husbands chest.
"I love you too."
He giggled lightly, ran a hand up and down her back.
"Took you long enough."
"I was a little distracted."
Hiccup seemed only too happy to forgive her when Astrid kissed him soundly, winding a hand through his and laughing inwardly at their rumpled appearance.
"Should we go back in?"
"Up to you. I'll go wherever you go milady."
Astrid cocked her head, thinking. She liked the sound of that.
Sometimes, Hiccup wasn't sure who needed more naps these days. Parents or children.
A couple of years after their wedding, they'd agreed on Astrid stopping birth control and seeing what happened. It took a surprisingly long time - considering how frequently Astrid tempted him into things like shower romps and clumsy back-seat fumbles - for her to fall pregnant, about a year in total. Almost as though they were being repaid for their patience and dedication to 'trying', the first ultrasound came with quite a surprise. Twins!
After a long, arduous pregnancy, they became proud parents to two beautiful little babes.
Gaia was the rough houser, barely sitting up unaided before she started breaking toys and giggling herself silly. Inheriting her mothers glittering blue eyes kept her out of trouble though; how could anyone stay angry at such a little cherub face? To nobodies great surprise, her first word was 'no', a testament to her combatant nature. The only thing she never said no to was food, an appetite to rival any of her Viking-size relatives.
Her brother Tyson was a little more sedate, happy to play with the toy remnants of Gaia's wrath of destruction. He was more patient, but he was also the first to start walking. Probably to run away from his sister, who crawled like lightning and chased him around. Still, he adored Gaia, was usually the first to try and comfort her if she cried. Usually offered him a bit of his baby biscuit if she finished hers first so she didn't feel left out.
Hiccup had no idea how their parents managed with them all day sometimes; just the evening routine of baths and bedtime had both Hiccup and Astrid exhausted after work, but whenever the kids were dropped off after being watched over by their grandparents so parents could work, they never looked run ragged by the sheer amount of energy the twins possessed.
So it was no surprise to him that when Hiccup went in search of his wife, he found her napping on their bed, Gaia and Tyson curled up next to her looking so utterly innocent as they slept. Hiccup leant against the doorframe, just enjoying the sweet sight of them. Before the twins woke up and undoubtedly began exhausting their parents anew. He dare not join them lest the twins wake, but it was almost as restful just to bask in the pure happiness of watching them.
However, there was a traitor in the camp.
Toothless padded in, spotted the inviting scene of a group nap and slipped past Hiccup to jump up on the bed. The motion stirred Gaia, her scruffy strawberry blonde hair sticking out in all directions as she sat bolt upright. Spotting her daddy, Gaia immediately began poking her brother until he too was awake, both making a beeline for him. Hiccup met them at beds edge, scooped them up and carried them out - the activity hadn't yet stirred Astrid, telling how tired she must really be as she wasn't generally a heavy sleeper.
Sinking down on to the sofa, Hiccup stifled a yawn and discovered that, now they had his attention, the twins had no intention of going anywhere and settled in to resume their nap, perched on a leg each to ensure Hiccup himself could go absolutely nowhere either. Still, at least they were quiet. Shuffling carefully, Hiccup let his head rest back, watching Gaia suck her thumb as her little face softened into slumber. She'd be beautiful as her mother, he could see. Tyson looked more like him, though his features were softer and Hiccup could already see the little button nose of the boys mother forming.
Yawning sweetly and rubbing her eyes, Astrid ambled in to the living room and spotted Hiccup pinned in place by napping babies. She smiled softly, all sleepy and sweet and Hiccup felt his heart kick in his chest. Even now, he was hooked on that smile.
She headed past quietly and he heard the sound of her filling a glass in the kitchen, followed by soft footsteps that brought Astrid back to the little napfest on the sofa. Ever so carefully, she eased herself into the empty space next to them, draping a hand around the back of Hiccup's neck and stretching to kiss his cheek. Gaia shuffled, both looking at her with bated breath to see if she would wake. Thankfully, she stayed fast asleep. Turning his head back toward Astrid, Hiccup saw the same happiness he felt in her eyes.
He wouldn't change a thing.
Aaaaand it's over. And like every other thing I ever wrote, I hate the ending. So just... skim over that part. Thanks. Bye!