Apologies but its an author's note

Okay this is a reply to a comment left by a guest.

First of all, I understand completely what you're saying. You have your opinions and I have mine. I request you to take the time to read this since I took the time to read yours.

Do you know why the virus is so dangerous? Because it spreads too fast. I am not talking about something I saw on Twitter or Facebook news I am talking about what I saw on National television. If you saw what happened in Italy and America and China you have to know that the infection spreads at an alarming state once it starts. And what you said is true that only people averaging on 62 years old or those that have other diseases that are dying. I am twenty. That means I am safe even if I get the infection but does that mean I have the right to right to do what I want and spread a disease that will most certainly kill those who are prone to it? No, I don't believe so.

I have grandparents who are in their seventies, I have a friend who has severe asthma and she is a doctor. My mother is in her forties and has mild asthma and she has to work every day because her job is part of the essential services. I don't fear for myself if I get infected, I fear for them. Because they might not survive what I might.

I don't agree to these probations that our respective Governments put up because I am a loyal follower that believes in causing mass hysteria and living in my 'safe zone'. Do you know how many people I interact with on a daily basis if these restrictions weren't there? My classmates, my friends, my teachers, my driver, my neighbors and the list go on. And some of them have other diseases, some of them are above fifty. And I don't want any of them to die.

I know you think I am listening to some news and believing all that they are saying. And maybe I do maybe I don't but are you listening to them? Don't listen to the other spiel, listen to the numbers.

I am not completely disagreeing with you. I know there will be a huge fallout from this. I am not an idiot. I know enough about human nature to know that there are a lot of people trying to take advantage of a situation like this. And they can all go fuck themselves but I care more about my family and friends more than them. Maybe that does make me foolish but oh well, I can't really change that.

And then there is the second thing. Assuming you know that even those below the sixty average need proper care to survive this virus. Most might have an immune system strong enough to get past it but I think some of us won't. At the rate this is spreading, what would you think will happen when the patient number goes beyond control? Do any country have enough isolation wards to care for a more than 100000 at a given time? Because that number is very easily achievable with this virus. Does any country have enough doctors and caregivers to care for many patients? That is taking into consideration that the numbers will only keep increasing.

It is not panic we need. Its caution.

And yes, people die every day. That doesn't mean we have to contribute to it.

For the record, I am from the east so I really don't know what is happening in the West. And I am coming from a place that already survived a virus outbreak a couple of years ago. The thing is, we were tormented by this same fear once and we survived because of our health systems. That's why I trust them to make the right decisions now. True, things seem more severe now for a less dangerous virus.

I don't insult any of your opinions. You are entitled to have them and I cannot argue that they are wrong. I don't know enough about the west or the 'orange man bad' the propaganda you speak of but I know about this virus and I stopped listening to the news on social media a very long time ago. Trust me, I know how wrong they can be.

A year back, I was stuck in my hostel while my parents and brother were stuck in the middle of a flood. It was horrible. They had no electricity, no food, no medicine and the last call I had from my mom said that she had a high fever. The 'news' on social media kept saying that several places were flooded and I knew, even then, that it wasn't true but I had fucking nightmares because my entire family was stuck in the middle of a flood and I had no way of contacting them and the all those bastards kept spreading the news about deaths and dangers that didn't happen. So I know and I stopped listening to them ever since. Those people have no idea of the effect, they have on others with their fake news and fun, or maybe they do and they're just assholes.

I nearly lost my family twice in the last couple of years and yet we survived and I'd like it if they continued to do so. Is it any surprise that I want to 'stay safe' if it means that there is less chance of a community spread? Anything I can do to help, technically I just have to do nothing, and consequences are damned. I am an idiot like that but who cares, I don't.

Brother, sister, whoever you are, I understand that you have your reasons for your believes but understand that so do I. And my reasons do not involve social media news.

People can be assholes, even me, it's inevitable. But at a time like this, I think people should support each other regardless of country and origin, or religion and whatever differences we have. I don't understand the trend of blaming China for this viral outbreak. True the virus did start in China but really, it could have happened anywhere.

It is inevitable that the world will be a different place after this. And we will suffer, a lot, if this situation continues but I believe we can survive.

Thank you for listening. I like to believe that I usually don't go around doing this but let's face the truth, I like ranting. I hate it when there's an update and I eagerly check it out for it to be an author's note and here I am doing it myself. Sorry everyone but I just had to do this. It's like a physical pain not to respond when someone comments with such passion. And it means a lot to me that you read this.

Guest, whoever, you are I hope you are safe no matter how much you think I am a pussy for wanting to 'stay safe'. I like you and your view about life; cynical but true. Keep fighting Guest (I feel a little strange to keep calling you that but oh well).

And I apologize to anybody I offended or disappointed with this rant but I just had to do it. Sorry. And for those who want actual news on the virus, as our Guest said, don't listen to social media. Please.

WHO has an official site for you with all the information and maybe listen to official news. But try different channels to get the right news because the Guest is right, they all have their own propaganda.


Iris Evergreen.