The Boy-Who- Lived-to-be-Kissed
This Harry Potter story was written for fun. All rights belong to the wonderful lady (JK Rowling) who gave the world Harry Potter to read and enjoy.
Printed Word in letters and newspapers.
{Parseltongue conversation}
[Dementor speech]
This story is set in the fall term of Harry's third year at Hogwarts. When the dementors invade the train, the dementor entering Harry's compartment is compelled to kiss the scar and suck out the shard of Tom Riddle's soul – with an interesting reaction in the dementor. Declared 'uninteresting' without the Dark Lord's mark, Harry is deserted by old friends and ignored by Dumbledore. But he makes new friends and learns from the knowledge left behind by the soul shard. Then he receives a letter from the dementor who wants something from the Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed.
This story included bashing of Dumbledore, Weasleys, Draco, and Sirius.
Scene Break: Halloween Time TurnerOn the morning of Sanhaim, or 'Halloween' for the muggles, the Daily Prophet carried a tall headline that made students at all tables in the Great Hall shout aloud.
Dementors Kiss LeStrange Trio in Azkaban!
Yesterday afternoon, the dementors kissed the LeStrange brothers, Rodolphus, and Rabastan, and then the dark creatures kissed Bellatrix LeStrange nee Black. Each LeStrange met their end in their cell at Azkaban. The dementors proved that they no longer obey the control charms and can open the doors of the cells without Aurors. All good wizards are warned to practice the patronus charm and multiple locking spells.
During the kisses, Unspeakable #23 observed the dementors blocking the hallway. He examined the bodies and reports that each prisoner was kissed three times, increasing their pain without doubt.
Once the excitement of the newspaper's headlines calmed, Harry noticed the raven waiting in the rafters. He held up his arm and the bird flew down, to quickly drop off a letter and then leave without a reward or payment. Harry placed the letter into a pocket and waited for Neville to calm down. Since receiving the newspaper, the Longbottom heir vibrated with excitement to read that Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange suffered a terrible, torturous death.
"They're all dead!" Neville said gripping the paper in his hands. "I hope it hurt! I hope the dementors ripped their souls to pieces!"
Guarding his friend while emotions were high, Harry kept his eye on Draco, nephew of Bellatrix and the only family member in Hogwarts who might seek revenge against Neville for celebrating the news of the deaths. Draco sneered and cast venomous stares at the Gryffindor table until Harry caught Draco's eye; the dark-haired teenager lifted his wand to remind the Slytherin of his power. Immediately turning pale, Draco dropped his head and refused to look at the Gryffindor table again.
Being Sanhaim, the atmosphere at Hogwarts was boisterous with laughing children, even among the Slytherins. Ron was hit with hexes from a few Slytherins, George and Fred were busy preparing several hexes to turn other students into Jack-o-lanterns or shrouded ghosts for the evening, and Professor McGonagall was busier, finding each Weasley hex and disarming it.
Hermione spent the day alone in the library. While walking toward the history section, Luna, Harry and Neville caught glimpses of the girl heading in three different directions simultaneously. The three students exchanged glances but said nothing.
Hidden among the stacks of books, Harry pulled the letter from his pocket and opened it to have the cleansed Diadem of Ravenclaw fall into his hand. He tucked the artefact into his bottomless bag immediately and then read the letter.
Mr. Harry Potter in Hogwarts
We have kissed the prisoners LeStrange. Bellatrix tells us that her soul jar is stored in her vault in Gringotts Bank in London. She gave us her key. Contact the goblins and begin negotiations to retrieve the cup.
We will have the last soul jar or the dementors will visit London and take the cup! You have thirty days.
Fred and George spent the whole evening in detention with Filch – McGonagall promised to call Molly Weasley the next morning. Ron spent the evening in the infirmary as Pomphrey attempted to correct the hexes that left his feet on backwards, his eyes in the places of his ears, and his ears on the front of the face.
As the prefects made their last rounds of the night, Hermione Granger collapsed from exhaustion as her three different selves reached the end of their 'time-outs'. Approaching a body in the hallway, Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater watched it dissolve and swirl away, down the hallway. They hurried down the hall and saw a second body dissolve and swirl away again.
The third body they came upon was the true Hermione; the unconscious girl lay in the hallway leading from the library. Percy Weasley and Penny Clearwater levitated the girl into the infirmary, the time turner in Clearwater's hand. The head girl walked over to the floo in the infirmary and threw some powder into the flames while Percy settled the sleeping girl on her bed. The medi-witch immediately began casting spells on Miss Granger while Percy stepped back.
The floo flared with bright flames as Director Bones stepped through from the ministry. Percy frowned and stepped forward but Penny drew the time turner from her pocket and handed it to the woman before he could reach the head girl's side.
He heard Penny explain, "Miss Granger is using a time turner to excess – apparently she triple-timed today."
"Who gave a third-year a time turner to begin with? Who didn't supervise her use of the device?" demanded Director Bones.
Poppy Pomphrey said nothing while tending her latest patient. From his bed on the other side of screens, Ron Weasley laughed and shouted, "Did the mudblood die? Is she burned up? Knew she was up to something because she wouldn't do my homework anymore!"
Amelia caught Percy's eye and opened her palm, revealing the time turner. "Talk, now before Dumbledore gets here."
Percy froze; he knew that Director Bones could blackball his name for all time at the ministry.
"I didn't know she had a time-turner," Percy stated. "Professor McGonagall only told me to allow Granger to return to the dormitory late every night if she chose…"
"McGonagall didn't me! Why did she tell you?" Penny asked. "I am Head Girl!"
Percy shrugged and offered a weak explanation, "Granger is in Gryffindor where I do the last bed check each night."
Penny's concern with Percy grew; as Head Girl and Head Boy they were responsible for the well-being of every student.
"Mr. Weasley, do you know what happens when a time-turner is misused?" Amelia asked.
Percy was silent for a long moment. "In the books I read, if Miss Granger met herself in a hallway, she would likely splatter herself across the ceiling."
Her face completely sour, Amelia added, "And every witch and wizard within a kilometre would be damaged by time particles poisoning their brains, livers, muscles…"
"Then, why does a third-year bookworm have a time-turner?" Percy asked. He immediately thought to send his four siblings home until the Unspeakables cleared the castle of contamination.
"Poppy, I declare a ministry emergency for the whole of Hogwarts," said Amelia before she sent her patronus back to the ministry and used her wand to dial a message on a coin in her pocket.
Informed by the wards of the arrival of the Director of the DMLE in the infirmary, Albus Dumbledore hurried to the infirmary and entered with his famous wand drawn, prepared to cast 'obliviate' on Amelia, Poppy and any other persons present if necessary. But simultaneous with the headmaster's arrival, the floo flared and a dozen Aurors led by Alistair Moody came through, their wands out and casting disarming spells. While Dumbledore did not lose his wand, he was thrown on his backside.
The Unspeakables arrived twenty minutes later and they began casting spells in the Great Hall to evaluate each student and faculty member in the castle. After a long, tiring night, it was determined that only Madam Prince in the library and Hermione had suffered damaged. With a few potions each day for the next month, both witches would regain their health and magic.
Amelia Bones stationed a dozen Aurors in the infirmary and more in the hallways around the castle for the next three days. When Hermione woke up, she was transported home by the Director of the DMLE and healers from St. Mungo's to tell her parents the cause of the illness and the proscribed treatment. The Grangers were furious but remained silent while the healer explained the potions regime that their daughter would need over the next month.
At Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall ripped into Albus Dumbledore in public and private over the loss of Hermione Granger; she castigated him for his stupidity in not monitoring the girl's use of the time-turner. She continually hexed him for using compulsion charms on herself to force compliance. The headmaster attempted to calm his deputy headmistress with new compulsions but Pomona Sprout and Filius Flitwick witnessed shields appear around Minerva that threw the man's spells into the ceiling of the room. Apparently, Hogwarts was determined to curtail the headmaster!
As spectacular as the sparks of the diverted charms appeared, they paled in comparison to the hexes McGonagall cast on Dumbledore. He hopped on sore feet for a full week after Pomphrey managed to restore his ears, beard, arms and nose to their original state. His nose remained broken; Minerva busted it with her fist before cursing it the size of an elephant's trunk, and Poppy swore the deputy headmistress had used an unknown spell to break his nose – he would have to allow it to heal naturally.
Distracted by the time-turner malfunction – totally the fault of the Department of Mysteries – and Minerva's temper tantrums, Dumbledore ignored the news from Azkaban and the frequent trips that Harry Potter's owl made back and forth to Gringotts. The Wizegamot met to debate the problem despite the headmaster's efforts to quash the report from the Unspeakables – this time Dumbledore was certain that Minerva McGonagall was at fault.
When the portraits in his office all turned against him, Dumbledore used his funny wand to make them all sleep for thirty days; he could manage without their criticism for a month while he dealt with Unspeakables and Amelia Bones.
Scene Break: Attempts to Get Help (1-24 Nov 1993)On Monday, Harry asked Dobby to invite Phineas Black to the portrait in the hidden classroom but the elf reported that the former headmaster's portrait was asleep in the headmaster's office.
"Why is he asleep?" asked Harry, so Neville explained that when the portraits used too much of their magic, they would 'sleep' until their magic strengthened.
"What do I do?" Harry asked. "How do I get the goblins to let me get the soul jar out of Bellatrix LeStrange's vault?"
Luna shook her head and said, "I have nothing to offer. The goblins are hard to 'see' in the best of circumstances."
"I hate Gringotts," Neville said. "I only go when my grandmother forces me."
"Can any of the professors help?" asked Luna.
Uncertain how to proceed against the dementor's deadline to access the LeStrange vault in Gringotts, Harry reached out to Sirius; he sent a letter asking for help to access the vaults of members of the Black family in Gringotts to prevent a disaster.
When Hedwig hadn't returned after three days, Harry grew anxious for his familiar's safety. Finally, the owl returned on Friday morning and she was obviously exhausted. Despite her boy's determined coaxing, Hedwig refused any bacon; this made Harry examine his familiar closer and notice her droopy posture and dry wing feathers. He skipped his first class to carry Hedwig to Hagrid's hut; the half-giant immediately soothed the bird, checked her feathers and vent.
Searching through his cabinets, the half-giant pulled out a bottle, poured a thick potion into a wide cup and offered it to the bird. Hedwig immediately filled her beak and raised her head to swallow the potion. She drank every drop and then a second cup before she clapped her beak a couple times and placed her head under her wing to sleep. These ministrations occurred under Harry's watchful eye and the teenager only relaxed when Hagrid carefully placed the owl on a large branch sticking out of a wall of the hut.
"Yer birdie made a trip across the salt waters to somewhere far away. She wasn't able to rest," Hagrid explained when he turned back to Harry. "She's tired and needs to rest for a week at least. She'll tend to her feathers and I'll give her mice to eat. Let me nurse her until next Saturday."
"Hagrid, thank you!" Harry said. "I can't let anything happen to Hedwig. She was the first gift I ever received."
"Now, who were you sending a letter over the seas?" the half-giant asked.
"I sent a letter to my godfather, Sirius Black. When he was cleared of all charges I hoped he could help me… I didn't know he was overseas…"
Hagrid snorted and opened a copy of Witch Weekly magazine before handing it to the teenager. The inside pages included a photograph and interview with Sirius Black, cleared of all charges and celebrating in Martinique; he planned to recuperate in the Caribbean on a secluded island for the next year or until the ministry payment was all spent.
"A year! He left Britain for a year and doesn't bother to tell…" Harry mumbled.
On Friday afternoon, Dobby reported that Phineas Black's portrait was still sleeping in the headmaster's office. Harry waited after the other students left the DADA classroom to approach Professor Lupin for help, but Remus dismissed the teenager's request immediately.
"Wait until Yule to go to Gringotts, Harry," Remus explained. "McGonagall insisted that your emancipation doesn't give you more privileges than the seventh-year students. None of the students can leave Hogsmeade on weekends."
"Yes, professor," Harry said. "I hoped that Sirius would help me…"
"In Padfoot's last letter, he mentioned bringing friends to the island in the Caribbean next summer," Remus said excitedly.
Harry grew tense and asked, "Sirius sent you a letter?"
Remus nodded, "We have exchanged a few letters. He hopes to fully recover… Hasn't he mentioned this in his letters to you?"
"I haven't received any letters from Sirius Black," Harry explained coldly. "In your next letter, tell him that his godson needs to hear from him."
Harry once again sought Luna and Neville's advice. Meeting in their study hall with his house elves, the three friends exchanged ideas about approaching the goblins.
"Grandfather's portrait said that when I became head of the Black family, I can access all family vaults and that's how I could retrieve the soul jar in Bellatrix's vault," Harry said. "But how do I get the goblins to help me now?"
Neville nodded, "My grandmother tells me the same. My father is permanently incapacitated and when I turn seventeen, I'll become head of the family."
Luna was unusually quiet, and refused to participate in the conversation.
Harry and Neville discussed the wording of an effective request to goblins and were surprized when suddenly, Luna snatched parchment and muggle pens from Harry. She quickly wrote two letters that sounded as though Harry had composed the letters after several drafts.
"Ironstream and Gravedigger…" he read on the outside of the letters. Harry looked toward Luna and asked, "Who is Gravedigger?"
"He's the current accountant for the Black family, little good that'll do him in the end. Now, this is important!" the seer explained, staring Harry directly in the eye. "There's nothing you can do to change this future, Harry."
He frowned but Luna pressed on saying, "I have studied all the avenues of change and possibilities. We must not waste time with something we cannot change."
Neville took the letters and prepared them to go to the two goblins at Gringotts. He patted Harry on the back and said, "You trust Luna so we should listen to her."
Nodding his head once, Harry took the letters and sent them to the bank via his house elves.
To Ironstream, Accountant for Potter Vaults
There is danger for Gringotts and Magical Britain that can be resolved if goblins will remove a single artefact from the vault of Bellatrix LeStrange. I can provide the key to her vault and I will be Heir Black – head of the Black family – after my next visit to Gringotts. My claim to the Black family is confirmed by the magical portrait of my great-grandfather, Phineas Black.
Help me get this artefact and Gringotts will be safe.
Harry Potter
To Gravedigger, Accountant for Black Vaults
I am Harry Potter and I will be Heir Black – head of the Black family – after my next visit to Gringotts. But today, there is danger for Gringotts and Magical Britain that can be resolved if goblins will remove a single artefact from the vault of Bellatrix LeStrange. I can provide the key to her vault.
Help me get this artefact to secure the safety of Magical Britain and Gringotts.
Harry Potter
Scene Break: Recalcitrant GoblinsIronstream worked through reports for the McMillian family for the entire morning. When he stopped for lunch, he found the letter delivered by Harry Potter's house elf, Dobby. He quickly read the parchment and filed it with all Potter correspondence. Until Ragnock or Gravedigger asked, he would not interfere or express an opinion.
He knew that Gringotts rules and procedures would not allow Potter to enter Bellatrix's vault despite having her key until after he became Heir Black.
'How was the boy going to pull off becoming Heir Black?' he wondered.
It was late in the week before Gravedigger chose to open the letter from the Potter boy. Kreature, a house elf of the Black family, delivered the letter on Sunday but Gravedigger refused to change his schedule for an excited elf. When he opened the letter, he quickly dismissed the notion that the half-blood could claim the leadership of the Black family. And the obvious attempt to claim the LeStrange vaults was ballsy for a wizard; possession of her key was important but the wicked witch was dead and until a new head of the Black family was recognized, no one would access her vaults.
The goblin was intrigued at the idea of the Potter boy becoming head of the Black family; the Potter vaults had been emptied by Dumbledore's mismanagement and the Black vaults contained enough wealth to live a life of luxury. Gravedigger sat quietly for time, considering the possibilities of cultivating the young Potter to be the next dark lord; conflict offered opportunities for Gringotts London to collect inheritance fees and bribes.
On Thursday, Gravedigger brought the matter to the attention of Ragnock and minutes later, they summoned Ironstream for his opinion of the Potter heir.
"Young Potter claims a right to become head of the Black family," Gravedigger told the younger Ironstream who merely nodded his head, not volunteering any information. "When he met with you, how did the wizard strike you?"
"Heir Potter listened carefully, learned quickly and while he managed his temper, the young wizard proved to have fire," Ironstream explained. "His anger is focused upon Albus Dumbledore for now and he does not blame Gringotts for the state of his family vaults. His ambition is to build a life for himself and it may be that he leaves Magical Britain without a thought."
Ragnock frowned and Gravedigger thought quiet for a moment before saying, "There is a way that Gringotts might benefit from the request by Harry Potter."
"How can Gringotts collect fees from this opportunity?" the goblin chief asked.
"The only other candidate for head of the Black family would be Harry Potter's contemporary, Draco Malfoy, son of Narcissa Malfoy nee Black," explained Gravedigger. "Her husband, Lucius Malfoy, is a favourite wizard who spreads wealth freely among the politicians. Within ten years, the Malfoys will strip the Black vaults as bare as the Potter vaults."
"You just hope to collect fees auctioning the Potter Manor for a second time," Ragnock told Gravedigger.
The Black family accountant shrugged, an expression of acceptance. Ragnock grinned, "Write to Lucius Malfoy with the news that Potter is going to claim the Black vaults at Yule. Suggest they act quickly if they want to claim the vault for their son."
After ignoring the letter from the goblins for more than a week, an interview with Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy was arranged for Monday, 22 November. When the couple were settled in comfortable chairs in Gravedigger's office in the depths of Gringotts, Gravedigger and Ragnock shared the details of Harry Potter's claim to be Heir Black.
"We anticipate Heir Potter coming to Gringotts during the Yule holidays and claiming the mantle of Heir Black."
"How can the son of a mudblood be heir to the House of Black?" asked Narcissa.
"Gringotts believes the boy is the heir of Sirius Black. After ten years in Azkaban, that wizard would not be accepted by the family magic."
"Why does the boy want to become Heir Black?" asked Lucius.
"According to a letter from the boy, there's something stored in Bellatrix's vault that Heir Potter thinks will give him great power as Heir Black," Gravedigger replied.
The parents shared a look before Lucius announced that they would bring Draco to the bank to assume the role of 'Heir Black' on Sunday.
Harry received two letters from the goblins at Gringotts on Wednesday, 24 November. The first was from Gravedigger, the accountant for the Black family vaults.
Young Potter
Your letter does not represent a valid claim to the Black family rings or vaults, and certainly not to the vault of Madam LeStrange. If you wish to pursue your claim, you must present yourself at Gringotts, place the heir's ring on your finger, and pass a test of the family magic.
Our doors are open all hours.
Gravedigger, Accountant for Family Black
The second letter was from Ironstream, his accountant for his trust vault.
Heir Potter
Gringotts will not remove anything from the vault of Bellatrix LeStrange nee Black until you are recognized as Heir Black by the Black family magic. My understanding is that Gravedigger and Ragnock warned the Malfoy family of your intentions to come to the bank during Yule to claim the family rings.
I recall that anyone unsuitable who puts on the ring loses a portion of their magic as well as the finger, the hand, the arm, or their life. If Draco Malfoy passes the test, he will become head of the Black family and take possession of all the family wealth, including the vault of his late aunt, Bellatrix LeStrange. If Draco does not pass the test, the ring will be available for your test.
If you kill Draco, he cannot take the mantle of head of the family.
Ironstream, Accountant for Family Potter
Harry was certainly in a foul mood the rest of that day. Neville heard him mutter about killing goblins rather than stupid cousins, and Luna prevented Harry from hexing Ron Weasley when the red-head convinced his twin brothers to prank the whole of Ravenclaw with dreams that they had lost their homework.
"The Claws recognize Weasley magic now and I have taught the others to harvest it to strengthen the wards on our dormitory," Luna assured him.
Harry calmed down and made his decision on how to proceed with Gringotts – the thirty-day deadline with Ooglaborn was about to expire. The next morning, the teenager sent Dobby with a letter to Ironstream and ordered the goblin to allow unlimited access to his trust vault for his house elves that afternoon.
Before 7:00 PM, the goblin discovered that the boy's elves had removed all but three thousand and one galleons from his vault, the amount of Potter's tuition for the winter term at Hogwarts plus a single galleon to keep the trust vault open. The school would collect the tuition payment automatically on 1 December and the single galleon left in the vault would maintain the account. The sleeping portraits were removed as well as the notebooks, and debris. Lost in thought, the goblin sat at his desk for a long time that evening though he summoned a few allies for consultation. After fierce arguments, the allies left Ironstream's office to return to their homes without paying attention to his conclusions.
On Friday, Ironstream moved twenty-five percent of the value of each account under his control to other goblin banks and for the first time, twenty-five percent of the value to Muggle banks.
He did so without further attempts to share news with other account managers.
The next Saturday afternoon, Harry carried Hedwig from Hagrid's hut back to the owlery where she flew up into the roosts, hooting happily. On Sunday morning, she delivered the Daily Prophet to her boy and he kept her on his arm throughout breakfast, feeding her bacon until she nibbled at his ear and flew off for some exercise with a few owl friends from the owlery.
In all that time, Harry did not receive a reply from Sirius Black.
Scene Break: Kissing a Cup (Sun 28 Nov 1993)On that last Sunday in November, Draco Malfoy entered the Great Hall at Hogwarts, strutting like a young cockerel in the henhouse.
"Today, I go to Gringotts to become Heir Black," the teenager crowed during breakfast. He attempted to draw Daphne Greengrass into conversation but she ignored Malfoy though his 'betrothed', Patsy Parkinson, listened to every word.
"Draco, this will make you more powerful than your father! I shall be proud to be your wife!" the girl assured him.
"What? Patsy… Parkinson, you're not… you're not pure enough to be my wife when I become head of the Black family!"
The Slytherin students watched silently; no true Slytherin of consequence would ever march into a room and make such announcements but this year, Draco made it a habit to make similar public statements for all of Hogwarts to hear. The students at the other tables were distracted momentarily but then went back to their own conversations and meals.
"But Draco, we have a betrothal," Patsy cried. "Our parents agreed…"
"That was before they knew I would become head of the Black family," Draco explained. "Now go on and write to your father to end the contract…"
Greengrass, Davis and Bulstrode watched silently as Patsy Parkinson fled the Great Hall; they dreaded the flood of tears and wailing that awaited them in the dormitory after breakfast. Patsy's tears and cries that would last for the entire day.
"I'll gather our books and we can hide in the library," Davis said.
"Emma Stonehouse will make Patsy shut up," Bulstrode assured her year mates. The seventh-year prefect could not stand Draco or Patsy.
Harry stood at the door of the Great Hall and waited for Draco to leave the hall. When the Malfoy heir approached the door, Harry stepped close to Draco's side and insisted, "Be careful today!"
"What do you mean?" Draco asked, dismissing the Gryffindor's warning.
"I don't want anyone to get hurt," Harry insisted. "There's a test required to assume the Black lordship and if you are not the 'heir', the family magic will punish you!"
Shoving Harry back, Draco pushed all worries into the back of his mind and walked away without another word. At the main Hogwarts door, Severus Snape waited for his godson.
"What did Potter want?" Severus asked.
"Nothing of consequence," Draco replied, dismissing the warning. "He's just the son of a mudblood."
Frowning at his godson's words, Snape fell silent. They left the castle quickly, walking to just beyond the gates where the potions professor took Draco's arm to side-apparate to Malfoy Manor. At the front door, Severus said his farewells to his godson when Draco was met by a house elf and directed to the morning lounge.
"Won't you come in Professor?"
"No, Draco," Severus replied without explanation.
"Aren't you happy for me? I shall be Heir Black this afternoon!"
"Will that make you a different wizard? It is just a name and set of vaults…"
"No! It is wealth and power!" Draco said with excitement evident in his voice. "I shall be a power within Hogwarts for the next four years! Even Potter will fear me! Maybe I'll have all mudblood spawn expelled!"
Severus turned his back and walked away; Malfoy Manor had been Potter Manor for over two centuries before Lucius bought it at auction seven years before. Snape never felt comfortable within the walls – the few Malfoy portraits were rude to visitors and the surviving Potter portraits stared angrily at everyone within the house.
It was late in the morning when Ragnock and his personal guard walked into the Gringotts lobby. There were only a few wizards present; Dolores Umbridge argued with a teller about a charge against her account, the woman would never prosper with the penalties she paid every quarter. The Carrow twins, brother and sister, attempted to make a withdrawal from their mother's account again. They were another pair of wizards who would never prosper.
The floo flared as Lucius Malfoy stepped into Gringotts, followed by his beautiful but cold wife, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, and finally their son, thirteen-year-old Draco, came through the floo from Malfoy Manor. He was the heir presumptive of the Black family and the goblins immediately compared him to the glimpses of Harry Potter.
Ragnock smiled evilly – if he managed to award the Black vaults to the boy, his father would spend the funds like water in bribes and gifts to politicians and supporters in the Wizegamot. The Black family wealth had accumulated in the years since the fall of the Dark Lord; old Arcturus Black set strict spending limits on his few remaining relatives. When each elderly Black died, their vault folded back into the family vault.
Lucius and Narcissa feared the Potter boy could pass the test to become Heir Black during the Yule holidays; to prevent the half-blood from taking the vaults, they brought Draco to Gringotts two weeks before classes were dismissed. Their son would become the heir and protect magic from the half-blood's contamination.
This morning, Ragnock would increase his own wealth as he personally handled the Black vaults and collected the transfer fees.
"Good morning, Mr. Malfoy," Ragnock greeted the proud wizard before formally bowing; every goblin would bow and scrape to set the groundwork for robbing a wizard blind. Lucius, Narcissa and Draco smiled with satisfaction to see the uppity goblin bowing before them; the subjugated races had to remain in their proper place with wizards above them.
It was early in the afternoon when Severus sought out Harry Potter. Hogwarts helped the potions professor find the boy in a deserted classroom with his Gryffindor friend Neville Longbottom and the Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood.
"Mr. Potter, may I ask you a few questions?" Snape asked from the door. This being a room that students had modified for their own use (and Hogwarts would not have allowed it if there was anything inappropriate occurring), the professor would observe common curtesy as a 'visitor'.
Glancing at Neville and Luna who both nodded, Harry stood and bowed to his professor. "Welcome to our study hall, Professor Snape."
The potions professor stepped inside, feeling the protective wards that Hogwarts had placed around the room. Snape bowed his head to the seer – she was a powerful witch only a fool would antagonize. Longbottom would never brew potions correctly but the young wizard's green thumb had already increased the potency of the plants in the Hogwarts greenhouses; the young Longbottom heir might prove a valuable ally as well.
Sitting across from Potter, Severus was pleased when tea and biscuits appeared on the small table beside his chair. He fixed his cup and ate a few biscuits while drinking the tea.
After the pleasantries were observed, Severus cleared his throat before saying, "This morning I saw you speak to Draco as he left the Great Hall, but he did not seem to welcome your conversation."
Taking a deep breath, Harry explained, "Draco announced to everyone that he was going to Gringotts today to claim leadership of the Black family."
Severus inclined his head to acknowledge the accuracy of Potter's information while Harry continued, "I warned Draco there is a test the family magics when he makes his claim to be heir of the family. My source at the bank wrote there were penalties inflicted upon the claimant if his not judged to be suitable."
"How do you know this?" Snape asked quickly, surprized that Potter knew anything about the Black family.
"I am the great-grandson of Phineas Black and his portrait wants me to be the next heir of the Black family. As possible head of the family, it's my responsibility to protect the other members. Draco is my distant cousin and…"
"But you have not been to the bank…" Snape interrupted the teenager.
Titling his head to one side, Harry confessed, "I went to the bank in October to find out what happened to the Potter vaults. Since then McGonagall restricted me to the castle grounds. During Yule, I'll go back to Gringotts and claim the ring to be Heir Black."
"Why do you want to be head of the Black family?" Severus asked.
From the painting of forest nymphs, the voice of Phineas Black explained, "It was my intention to place the strongest wizard of this generation at the head of the Black family. He can repair our society; with the mantle of Potter and Black, he could reconcile the dark and the light."
"And the Dark Lord's return? Headmaster Dumbledore preaches that Voldemort will return," Snape countered the dead headmaster's plans.
"The Dark Lord's last chance to return lies in a single magical artefact hidden in the Gringotts vault belonging to Bellatrix LeStrange," Luna announced with a clear tone of voice.
"May she roast in hell," added Neville. The seer chose that moment to rise from her chair and move to sit beside Neville on the sofa. The boy's look of surprize was quickly replaced with happiness to be this close to the pretty girl.
"Will Draco be injured at Gringotts?" Severus asked but none of the three children would look at him.
Again, Luna said in a clear, calm voice, "Professor Snape, Harry did everything he could to prevent today's events."
She motioned toward the painting and said, "Dumbledore placed Phineas into a restorative sleep for most of the month; this prevented him from advising Harry properly. This is the first visit by Harry's grandfather since Sanhaim."
"Sirius Black," she continued though Severus frowned to hear the name of his antagonist mentioned, "deserted his godson once again."
"My godfather retreated to the Caribbean for a year of vacation without a word of thanks for arranging his release," Harry said. "I'll always remember his efforts to provide for me."
"Did you go to Professor Lupin?" Snape asked sharply, wishing to blame Harry Potter but not able to muster the evidence.
"The last marauder believed that I should wait until the Yule holiday to visit Gringotts," Harry answered.
"What is going to happen at Gringotts?" Snape demanded to know.
"I have not 'seen' the what happens, but it has already happened. And tomorrow will be a very hard day for all Magical Britain," Luna explained.
At Hogwarts, Harry Potter remained in the private study hall with Neville and Luna, enjoying a quiet day away from the other students. He wrote the final copy of a letter to the Barclays bank officer who managed his mother's account. Theodore Abbot would go with him to Barclays during the holidays to begin the process of claiming the monies. They would obtain muggle identification for Harry, open additional accounts for the boy at the bank, and deposit funds from the sale of the basilisk into the account. Apparently, the account manager at Barclays was muggleborn and she was very interested in teaching the goblins at Gringotts how to increase a client's account balance.
Kreature and Dobby hid the gold and the portraits from Harry's trust vault in the Chamber of Secrets in a secret room where they found a few additional chests of golden coins and gems. If Gringotts survived, they would return some gold to the vault but much of the wealth would be invested in the muggle world.
Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, contemplating his next steps in the search for Tom Riddle. The dementors appeared to make random moves around Britain but Dumbledore knew of the connection between Little Haggleton and Tom Riddle. Between Lemon Drops, he decided to investigate the locations he associated with the Dark Lord's origins.
Ron Weasley was bored. Dean and Seamus studied transfiguration notes to prepare for the end of semester exams that began on Monday. Even Fred and George were attempting to study – their potions exams began next week.
Severus Snape retreated to his office and did battle with a bottle of fire whiskey.
Before the Malfoys and Ragnock could turn and leave the lobby for the chief's opulent office, the doors of the bank blasted open, flinging goblin guards about and the entire horde of dementors from Azkaban flew into the bank, grabbing goblins and wizards alike. The creatures fell into a feeding frenzy with a dozen wizards and thirty goblins frozen in place for the few seconds necessary to grab them and begin the kiss. A few dementors kissed the portraits of wizards hanging on the walls, destroying the magic in each painting.
Lucius never noticed Ooglaborn leading dementors deeper into the bank, ignoring the feast of souls available in the lobby, the first portion of his soul had already been ripped from his body and a second dementor grabbed his head to begin the next kiss. Delores screamed once but the sound was cut short as a second dementor grabbed the woman; Narcissa didn't have more than a moment to appreciate the silence before grey lips found her mouth. Draco fell to the floor and tried to slide away but a trio of dementors followed the teen to the floor and feasted.
Doors inside the bank were locked by desperate goblins but Ooglaborn's magic opened most of them and the dementors overwhelmed the goblin horde, leaving few grown male goblins alive; the few females and children found were ignored and the dementor horde did not venture into the caverns where the goblin families lived. Most of the human employees were absent from the bank on Sunday morning including Bill Weasley. In late afternoon, the curse-breaker was summoned to the bank to raise wards to repel thieves until goblin guards could arrive from other lands.
Only three goblins in the lobby remained alive when the dementor leading the horde of the creatures returned to survey the pile of kissed goblins and wizards. The creature shrouded in black rags began to laugh, a terrible thing to hear, and then it spoke to the survivors.
[I am Ooglaborn, first born of the Dementors of Azkaban. Tell all goblins that your chief, Ragnock the Foolish, refused to heed to warnings and doomed you all.]
Ooglaborn floated about the room and said, [The Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed tried to save you. He asked as Heir Black for Gringotts to help him but Ragnock and Gravedigger refused.]
The dementor floated over the pile of goblin corpses and asked, [Are they among our harvest?]
"Yes," replied one goblin, Ironstream. He hoped that his mate and children were safe in the deepest caverns under the bank and if possible, he would create opportunity from this disaster. "They lie with the Malfoys who came to claim the Black family name today."
[Bah! Are these Malfoys dead?] asked the angry dementor. [Are they dead?]
"Yes, the three bodies will soon stop breathing without their souls," replied Ironstream. He motioned toward three bodies lying on the floor. "Father, mother and son."
The dementor floated silently for a moment and then said, [Harry Potter will be sad he could not save these greedy wizards.]
"Potter?" asked another goblin. "Why do you mention Harry Potter? What does Harry Potter have to do with your attack?"
[Do you know the Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed?]
"I know the young wizard," Ironstream explained as he signalled the other goblin to silence.
[Your name?]
"I am Ironstream, Accountant for the Potter Vaults."
[Goblin Ironstream, did you know that Harry Potter tried to save Gringotts?]
"He did. He wrote to Gravedigger and the accountant for the Black family brought the letter to Ragnock's attention," Ironstream admitted. "He asked as Heir Black to retrieve one object from the wicked witch's vault."
[Bellatrix LeStrange nee Black stored a soul cup in her vault,] Ooglaborn explained. [She gave us her key to collect the object…]
The dementor dropped the key on the floor in front of the goblins and Ironstream slowly walked forward and picked the key. His hand shaking with fear, the goblin held it up, examined the goblin magic, and announced, "This is the key to the vault of Bellatrix LeStrange."
[We will have that cup today. Give it to us or we will kiss every goblin hiding in the caverns – all the females and the smallest kit!]
Ironstream glanced at the surviving goblins and then back at the dementor, "I shall take you to the vault."
As Ironstream and Ooglaborn left the lobby to begin the journey down into the depths of Gringotts, multiple patronus figures arrived. The bright figures banked and swept through the lobby, as they attempted to drive the dementors from the bank.
[Follow Ooglaborn!] shouted one of the awakened dementors. [Once we have the soul jar, we will leave the bank but not before!]
Ironstream rode the mining car alone, sending it faster than ever before but he could not outrun the dementors that flew at his side. When they reached the lowest levels of the bank, the goblin drew out the clanking bells to drive the dragon into submission but Ooglaborn motioned three of his brethren forward to speak with the beast.
[Take us to the vault!] the dementor commanded the goblin as the dragon whispered with the dementors.
"How do you control the dragon?" Ironstream asked though the dementor did not answer. Once they reached the entrance to Bellatrix's vault, the goblin inserted the key and the door slowly swung open. Ooglaborn floated inside the vault, found the lovely cup and floated it outside without touching anything. He called forward a dementor before ordering the creature to kiss the cup.
After completing the 'kiss', the shrouded creature shook for a moment and then stood upright and said, [The soul cup allows me to awaken.]
Ooglaborn turned back to the goblin. [The goblins chose to disregard the rightful heir. Goblin greed brought death and the ruin of your bank.]
The dementor pulled out a note from a pocket inside the shroud covering its form, and took the cup from the awakened dementor. Ooglaborn held out its hand and said, [Return the vault key.]
Ironstream handed over the ring to the LeStrange vault and stared as the dementor placed the note, the cup and the ring inside an envelope, the dementor magic making the objects vanish inside the folded sheet of paper. When Ooglaborn raised his spindly hand, his black raven appeared once again.
[Take my last gift to Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed,] Ooglaborn instructed the raven. The bird grasped the envelope in his claws and rose through the tunnels of Gringotts to the clear air of Diagon Alley where over one hundred Aurors prepared to challenge the horde of dementors when they rose from the ruins of the bank. The Aurors ignored the bird that flew north, magically covering the kilometres to the north of Scotland quickly.
With only the final remnant of the Dark Lord's soul to track down, Ooglaborn turned to dementor soul magic again. In the depths of Gringotts, the 'thinking' dementors positioned one of their 'un-awakened' brethren within a large circle of their brethren in the pavilion where the dragon lay, patiently waiting for his reward.
When Ooglaborn began screeching in the dementor tongue, a dozen other 'thinking' dementors joined in circling around the sacrifice, moving faster and faster. As the sound grew louder the dragon roared and Ironstream, the only goblin to see the ceremony covered his ears attempting to save his hearing. Above ground, Alistair Moody and a few sensitive Aurors felt shivers run down their spines.
Below ground, the screeching ceased suddenly; in a moment of compassion Ooglaborn cast a healing spell upon the goblin that lay quivering on the ground but thereafter paid no attention to the creature. In the centre of the circle of dementors, nothing remained of the sacrificed dementor but a smouldering shroud and six small orbs of blue light, the souls of the wizards the dementor kissed during its existence.
Ooglaborn gathered the blue orbs before they could disappear. He took the first orb and crushed it into the second and he repeated the action with the other orbs until the dementor leader held a single orb over which the 'thinking' dementors chanted.
The orb spun around to form a shadowy scene where the dementor's questions were answered again; the captive souls showed the dementors where the remnant of Tom Riddle's soul was hidden before they disintegrated into dust.
Ooglaborn and the 'thinking' dementors turned to the dragon and began to bargain.
"How many patronus charms can we count on?" Amelia Bones asked Alistair Moody as they waited in the street outside Gringotts for the dementors to appear.
"About fifty corporal animals with another fifteen Aurors able to produce shields that will protect the casters," her senior Auror reported.
"We can drive the dementors from Diagon Alley. There'll be hell to pay among the muggles though," the chief of the DMLE told Moody but the grizzled warrior ignored his boss; his instincts warning him to listen and to feel.
"Something's coming!" he announced. "Take your places!"
"Take your places! Cast the patronus charm to drive the dementors away!" Amelia ordered. "No one runs away today! Every wizard and witch fights!"
"I don't think…" Moody said as suddenly the street vibrated and from inside the bank came the roar of an angry dragon.
"Merlin's beard!" Amelia swore. "The dragon is loose!"
Before she could issue additional orders, the roof of the bank cracked open and the great dragon imprisoned in the dungeons of Gringotts appeared. But the white dragon was covered by the horde of dementors that had invaded the bank; they clung to his head, neck, back and wings. Only the tail, lashing back and forth was free of the black shrouds and Moody estimated the entire population of the monsters were leaving the ruined bank.
"The dementors are escaping on the back of a dragon!" one Auror said incredulously. "How…"
Amelia frowned but began issuing orders. "Obliviators! Half of you take the city of London, the others mount brooms and follow the dragon – at a safe distance. Cast spells to hide the bottom of the dragon from the muggles on the ground."
"What about their areo-planes?" asked Alistair.
"Oh bugger!" Amelia swore but then smiled and said, "We'll say it is aliens in an 'Unspeakable Flying Objective'!"
"A what?" asked Moody.
"They call them UFOs! The muggles talk about UFOs all the time thinking that aliens are invading Earth."
While Dumbledore learned of the attack on Gringotts late on Sunday from one of the few portraits to survive the attack on the bank, he did not share the news of the calamity with any of his staff or the portraits in his office. He was shocked and spent the night attempting to piece together an explanation for the disaster in London.
Scene Break: Morning After (Mon 29 Nov 1993)The story of the deaths at Gringotts flowed over all Hogwarts with delivery of Monday's Daily Prophet. The newspaper arrived and the front page was a heart-stopping photo of the dragon breaking out of the top of the bank with a horde of dementors hanging on the creature's back. The great dragon appeared to be battling the demonic prison guards but none of the dementors fell off and dragon remained silent as it launched itself into the skies above London and headed south.
The Aurors reported success with obliviating a million muggles in London on the front page but the articles inside in the paper reported the details of the attack on Gringotts, the loss of multiple wizards and witches, and the decimation of the goblin horde within Gringotts.
Dementors Steal Gringotts Dragon
Once innocent wizards and witches were secure inside the shops of Diagon alley, and the dragon had flown away, our Aurors cast a phalanx of patronus charms to enter Gringotts. Immediately, brave Aurors followed the patronus charms into the ruins of the Gringotts lobby. The bodies of many goblins were visible as were notable wizards and witches in the goblins.
Director Bones established a wall of Auror shields to protect the doors of Gringotts until the goblins can establish control of their lobby area. Bones reported that the corridors into the vaults were sealed by collapsed stone.
"No one can steal anything from the vaults and the surviving goblins will re-open Gringotts shortly. They are just waiting on goblins from other banks to arrive to fill the roles of tellers, guards and escorts. We believe half of the goblins survived the attack by the dementors."
When pressed to explain the attack on the bank, the Director of the DMLE explained: "The dementors were after the dragon. That's the only thing they stole after kissing the wizards and goblins. The monsters are using the dragon to escape Britain and head for the continent."
Among the wizards kissed in the lobby were Delores Umbridge, celebrated Undersecretary to Cornelius Fudge, and Alecto and Amycus Carrow. Noted wizard and member of the Wizegamot, Lucius Malfoy; his wife, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black; and their son, Draco, a third-year student at Hogwarts were kissed and their bodies found near the body of Ragnock, chief of the Gringotts Horde.
Aurors will remain on guard at Gringotts until the goblin guards return to secure the lobby.
As the newspaper was read silently in disbelief, then read aloud, and finally reread, there were moments of silence in the Great Hall, followed by loud discussions and questions from the different house tables. At the Slytherin table, Patsy Parkinson cried silently while other Slytherin students restrained any sign of satisfaction that Draco Malfoy was gone. Professor Snape sat stiffly at the faculty table but occasionally his eyes flicked over the students from his house.
Flitwick and Sprout kept watch on the students at their tables but also kept close eye on Minerva who stared at Dumbledore, her nose twitching periodically as her cat instincts waited for her prey to move. Madam Pomphrey sent house elves for draughts to calm hyperventilating students but the medi-witch spared a moment for Severus Snape – Draco was his godson and the potions professor took the obligations of position seriously throughout Draco's life. She also knew he delivered the boy to his parents the previous morning for the fatal trip to Gringotts.
The students wandered out of the Great Hall and made their way to class. All classes were quiet though Professor Snape never appeared in his classroom. The Puffs, Claws, and Lions were smart enough to quietly leave for the library.
Only Ron Weasley tried to convince other Lions to join him in pranking the classroom until Neville asked, "Ron, do you have a death wish?"
"What? What's a death wish?"
"Professor Snape just learned his godson is dead," Neville reminded the red-head. "If he killed you today, the Wizegamot would let him off because he is grieving."
"But Malfoy is a snake! I'm…"
"…stupid!" Percy said. The Head Boy was checking on the different classes and had overheard the conversation between his youngest brother and Longbottom.
"Go to your dormitory room and stay there until lunch or I'll give you detention with Filch for a month!" he ordered his brother.
"What about Neville?" whined Ron.
Percy frowned at his brother before saying, "Five points to Gryffindor for saving Ron's life, Mr. Longbottom."
At midmorning, Ooglaborn's raven flew into the Great Hall to perch in the rafters and wait. With the news from that morning, the students remained subdued and while classes continued, there were many absences. Finally, the dark-haired boy appeared in the hall in the middle of the day with several friends and they sat together at the Hufflepuff table.
When the bird landed on the table and held out the envelope, Harry took the offering and slipped it into his pocket. From his bottomless bag, he drew out a small silver bracelet but the bird shook his feathers and would not approach for his reward. Harry reached inside his bag again and this time drew out another shiny silver ring; this reward pleased the bird and it held up its leg for the boy to fasten the ring. Then the bird rose and flew through the owl window.
Luna cocked her head to one side and told Harry, "That's the last we'll see of that bird."
Later in the afternoon, in the study room, Harry removed the letter from Ooglaborn and found the key to Bellatrix's vault and Hufflepuff's cup. He placed both items in his bottomless bag and read the letter.
Heir Potter / Heir Black at Hogwarts / Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed
How is it that you are all these men at the same time in a single body? This puzzles me greatly and perhaps someday I shall understand.
The Dementor horde of Azkaban kissed the last soul jar of the Dark Lord Tom Riddle in the vault of the wicked witch. We know where the remainder hides, growing weaker with passing of each moon. We will hunt him and kiss the last morsel.
Thank you, young wizard. You have proven honest and that earns our respect. The goblins will seek your counsel for years to come – you did try to save them.
Ooglaborn, Chief Dementor
On Tuesday morning, a Gringotts owl arrived with the owls delivering the Daily Prophet. Everyone recognized the distinctive logo on the owl's breast and watched it land at the table in front of Harry Potter. The teen removed a letter from the owl and opened it cautiously as Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Flitwick descended on the Gryffindor table.
"Mr. Potter, give me that letter!" demanded Dumbledore; he was desperate for news concerning the bank. Bones refused to share any information and the minister had collapsed from nervous attacks. If Gringotts remained closed many days, the government would fall and he would lose his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizegamot.
"Nonsense," McGonagall argued. "Mr. Potter's mail is private, though he…"
"…might share any relevant news if we ask politely," Snape interjected.
"Please, Mr. Potter," Flitwick asked. "What news of Gringotts?"
After reading the letter Harry smiled at Flitwick and offered the letter to his charms professor to read. Once read, Filius asked, "May I read it aloud for everyone to hear?"
"Certainly, professor," Harry agreed. Neville prompted Harry to stand and Luna prompted Dennis Creevy to pull out his camera and make photos of different faces, as the half-goblin climbed atop the Gryffindor table and cast the sonorous spell on himself.
"What is this about?" whined Ron Weasley though George told him to shut it, Fred cast a silence charm on him, and Percy sighed, wishing Ron would grow up and Ginny would stop encouraging the Smith boy at the Hufflepuff table.
Reading the letter aloud, Filius' voice filled the Great Hall.
To: Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed
Gringotts will reopen in three days. At that time, you will be named 'Friend of the Goblin Nation'. I look forward to your visit during the Yule holidays to discuss your various holdings.
Ironstream, Accountant for the Potter Family and Chief of the Gringotts Horde
"Did you notice that Gringotts sent a letter to Harry Potter but not to anyone else? Not even Dumbledore?" asked a seventh-year Slytherin.
"I thought Ragnock was the chief of the goblins at Gringotts?" said one Hufflepuff.
"The bank reopens in three days! Everything will be okay!" insisted a Ravenclaw.
"Ragnock was listed among the kissed goblins. This must be the new chief… and he's Potter's accountant," one Ravenclaw told a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin.
Dumbledore considered Harry Potter for a moment; the boy might be interesting again. 'But not until after I settle matters with Tom… I must take care of Tom first.'
"Congratulations, Potter," Snape said. "It has been at least a century since there was a Goblin Friend."
"Closer to three centuries," Flitwick corrected the potions professor before turning back to Harry. "And Ironstream lists being accountant for your vaults before being chief of the horde. That speaks of profound respect for you, Mr. Potter."
"Thanks," Harry told his charms professor. He appeared to be in thought for a moment before he asked, "Professor, can I ask you some questions about goblins before we leave for the holiday?"
For next few days the Daily Prophet reported the freed dragon's progress across Europe. At the end of the first day, it had flown over the Channel and settled in the farms of Normandy for a night. Just as it reached the coast of Normandy, French Aurors on broomsticks found and tracked the dragon and its passengers; the horde of dementors remained attached to the dragon and never ventured away from the monster. The second day the dragon flew across the whole of France to the border of Italy and disappeared for the night in the Alpine valleys.
The French and Italian magical governments threatened war with the British for releasing the dementors on the undefended continent, but during the dragon's trip across France and Italy, the dementors did not kiss any magical person or muggle. The third day, the dragon appeared just after dawn and flew the length of the Italian peninsula, vanishing across the Adriatic Sea and into the magical forests of Albania as the sun set.
None of the magical governments, adventurers, or newspaper reporters ever found evidence of the dragon or the horde of dementors again.
Scene Break: Gifts of the Founders (4 Dec 1993)At dinner time on Saturday following the excitement of the week, the staff table was full and the students were relaxed; everyone was talking and anticipating a fine meal. Unexpectedly, the doors of the Great Hall opened to allow a delegation from the Ministry to enter along with reporters from the Daily Prophet and Quibbler. (Luna ran up happily to her father for hugs and kisses while Neville went to his grandmother for a hug and kiss without embarrassment. There was pain in Harry's heart that no one there for him; it was more than he thought he could bare but he quickly hid it). Dennis Creevy was present with his camera again and he had been promised the cover of the next edition of the Quibbler!
"Well, Mr. Potter, you invited us to Hogwarts tonight," Director Bones announced after hugging her niece Susan at the Hufflepuff table. "Can you tell us about this presentation?"
"Director Bones, why are you here?" Dumbledore asked, displeased to see the head of the DMLE, three Unspeakables – the Department of Mysteries and Albus never saw eye-to-eye – and Alistair Moody, an incorruptible Auror, present in his castle on a Saturday night.
"Do you mean you don't know?" Amelia asked the headmaster who got a sour look on his face.
"I knew," announced Minerva as leaned back in her chair. "Continue, Mr. Potter. Please continue."
"Minerva?" asked Dumbledore, wanting to know what was about to happen.
"Mr. Potter asked to make a presentation tonight at dinner. I saw no reason to tell him he couldn't," the deputy headmistress explained.
"What presentation?" demanded Dumbledore.
"If you will be quiet and listen, perhaps we can all learn," Professor Sprout said sharply.
"Here! Here!" Augusta Longbottom declared.
Dumbledore hesitated to argue with the formidable dowager even in 'his' Great Hall. He needed her vote and support on many matters in the Wizegamot, so he tempered his words. The headmaster took his time returning to his throne and made an exhibition out of arranging his robes before he motioned for Potter to begin.
Finally, Harry beckoned Luna and Neville to join him in front of the head table and then he asked Professors Snape, Flitwick and Sprout to join them. Adults and students were suitably impressed when Harry conjured a platform with steps for Professor Flitwick that placed the diminutive professor at the same level as Snape and Sprout. Then Harry pulled out his bottomless bag, drawing the attention of the Unspeakables and Alistair Moody; few wizards had access to these artefacts. The teenager reached inside and pulled out three small objects, giving the first to Luna and the second to Neville while keeping the third for himself.
"This fall, some friends found three artefacts that are significant in the history of Hogwarts. They gave them to me but I know they belong to Hogwarts," Harry explained.
"What friends?" jeered Ron Weasley though no one else in Gryffindor joined in his taunts tonight. Amelia Bones and Augusta Longbottom both frowned at the red-head who ignored the two women but both would speak to his father at the ministry about his son's behaviour.
Undeterred by Ron's outburst, Harry continued, "After some discussion, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and I agree that these items must be returned and entrusted to the head-of-house from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin."
Now, there were growing murmurs from each of the four house tables and when Dumbledore attempt to rise, Minerva silenced him and stuck him to his throne. She raised her hand and four house elves appeared to stand behind the throne to keep the headmaster frozen and silent until the presentations were complete.
First, Luna stepped forward and waved her right hand over her left where the Diadem of Ravenclaw appeared in her hand. She smiled brightly and said, "Professor Flitwick, as head of house for the Claws, my friends and I restore the Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw to your care. May the Claws learn the secrets of wit and charms."
The little charms professor vibrated with excitement where he stood on the platform but he held the Diadem up for everyone to see as silence fell over the entire hall.
Then Neville stepped forward, waved his right hand over a small object in his left hand and with wandless magic restored an ornate cup to its original size. He grinned when he caught the wide-eyed look on his favourite professor's face, held up the cup and said, "Professor Sprout, as head-of-house for the Badgers, we three restore the Cup of Helga Hufflepuff to your care. May the Badgers drink deeply from their founder's cup."
Professor Sprout was speechless with a few tears flowing down her face as she lifted the cup for everyone to see. There were growing whispers at each table – even Slytherin.
Now Harry used the wandless magic to enlarge the Slytherin Locket on a chain of finest silver and he held it up to his potions professor, the light shining off the locket. The dark-haired teenager dipped his head in respect before saying, "Professor Snape, as head-of-house for the Snakes, we three friends restore the Locket of Salazar Slytherin to your care. Know that it is an artefact that will help the Snakes learn the secrets of healing."
The potions professor remained still as the chain rose in the air to place itself around his neck but then he carefully lifted the locket for everyone to see. There were tears in the eyes of several students in Slytherin as they felt justified with their desires to pursue magic to heal others and all magical creatures.
There followed many minutes of exclamations and loud applause as camera flashes signalled the creation of magical photographs of the three professors with their artefacts, each professor and artefact with the three students, and finally a group photo.
Unfortunately, Dumbledore was unable to rise from his throne for the group photograph. Minerva confided to the reporters, "I fear the headmaster is overcome with emotion to have these artefacts returned to their houses. Hogwarts will protect them now with her own magic and they will never vanish again!"
As the hubbub settled, the deputy headmistress looked over the Great Hall and sighed, wishing each evening was this joyous at Hogwarts – the houses united with excitement and students asking each other questions.
"Attention," she called politely and the deputy headmistress was gratified to see faces from each table turn in her direction. "I wish to commend our three students who have presented… returned these gifts of the founders to Hogwarts."
With a mischievous grin Minerva tilted her head to one side and said, "Five points to Miss Luna Lovegood for Ravenclaw, five points to Mr. Neville Longbottom for Gryffindor and five points to Mr. Harry Potter for Gryffindor."
Now the younger Weasley siblings misunderstood their head-of-house's purpose in only awarding five points; Ron, Fred, George and Ginny laughed and made fun of the small number of points, but Percy understood that McGonagall was merely prompting the other three heads of houses to make awards. The Head Boy immediately petrified Ron and Ginny before silencing Fred and George; the twins were bright enough to catch on – eventually. But the damage was done already; all the faculty members stared at the Weasleys and frowned.
Motioning Flitwick and Snape closer, Professor Sprout began an intense, whispered conversation. The two other professors looked confused for a moment, but then Flitwick whispered some remark that make Snape glance back at the headmaster and snort. When Snape nodded in agreement, Flitwick grinned and clapped his hands, while Sprout cleared her throat and called for the attention of everyone in the Great Hall.
At the head table, Minerva McGonagall watched the events in the Great Hall carefully; she expected her three compatriots to each award multiple points to the three students. Behind her Dumbledore struggled to escape from his silenced throne but three more house elves joined the four elves already holding the old wizard in his chair. Finally, Kreature appeared and cast a powerful spell on the old wizard who immediately fell asleep, his head nodding forward.
Standing in front of the four house tables with Neville, Luna and Harry beside her, and holding the Hufflepuff cup close to her heart, Pomona said, "I would award a thousand points each to Mr. Longbottom, Mr. Potter and Miss Lovegood but then Flitwick would award ten thousand each and Snape would award ten points each."
There were laughs as Severus Snape made a sour face for the Herbology professor and Flitwick nodded as though he were a sorcerer in olden days, advising the king.
Professor Snape clinched his hand around the locket hanging around his neck before he agreed, "My colleague is correct, there would be a contest to see which of us could properly reward three students. But perhaps tonight's presentation surpasses the contest for the house cup. I find myself in agreement with Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick that returning the gifts of the founder deserves more."
Now the charms professor climbed upon the Ravenclaw table and made a formal bow to the three students who gifted the diadem back to his house. Luna curtseyed while Neville and Harry returned the bow, important symbols of profound respect in the wizarding world of Magical Britain.
Flitwick announced, "Three houses have received the gifts of the founders which were thought to be lost forever. Tonight, three students restored a portion of the soul of Hogwarts. Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff owe you three a great deal for bringing a part of our history back…" For a moment, the half-goblin was overcome with emotion but then he raised his head and continued. "With three senior members of the faculty agreeing, we award each of you a Special Award for Services to the School."
McGonagall stood speechless for a moment before leading the Great Hall into thunderous applause by everyone in the room (except for the four petrified or silenced Weasleys, and the sleeping headmaster). Dumbledore could not overrule the award with three senior members making the award.
Now the students of Ravenclaw stood and mimicked their head-of-house by bowing or curtseying to the three classmates. Harry, Luna and Neville returned the gesture once again. Snape followed by leading the entire Slytherin table in bowing to the three students. Then Pomona moved in front of them to curtsey, the action followed by the girls at her table and the boys all bowed.
With a smile on her face, McGonagall came down from the head table and moved to the head of her table of Lions. For a moment, her mouth twitched and she shook her head 'No' when Percy looked at his still frozen and silenced siblings. Then she turned around facing Luna and her two bravest Lion cubs. Minerva McGonagall curtseyed to the three students and she knew every member of her house had mimicked her action – except for the four Weasleys.
The Daily Prophet's headlines the next day shouted the return of the artefacts at Hogwarts and named the students who returned them with equal coverage for Luna, Neville and Harry; this pleased the Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed very much. There had not been an Award for Special Services to the School since the 1940s for a boy named Tom Riddle who disappeared after graduation but last night, three students received the award.
Over the next week, there was a steady flow of visitors from the Ministry, the Unspeakables, and different societies to view the artefacts and interview the three students. Mr. Lovegood and Dowager Longbottom sat with the three during every interview and made certain each reporter understood the consequences of mis-reporting the facts.
Despite strong warnings, three wizards attempted to steal the different artefacts that first week and Hogwarts dealt harshly with each thief: Marcus Smith, claimant to the Hufflepuff family line attempted to steal the cup and lost his right arm; Andrew Haight attempted to steal the Diadem of Ravenclaw and lost his head; and Lydia Parkinson lifted the Slytherin Locket from the bust of Salazar Slytherin in the Slytherin Common Room. The thick walls of the dungeon muffled her short-lived screams and the Aurors swept up her ashes.
The Daily Prophet carried detailed stories and photos of each thief after their failed attempt and consequently, there were fewer visitors and no further attempts at theft. Over the weekend, a fierce argument occurred in the headmaster's office when Dumbledore attempted to convince the heads of house to place each founder's object in his care.
"Two senseless deaths and a maiming could have been avoided if these dangerous items were safely concealed here in the headmaster's office."
"Where only you can study them…" Pomona pointed out.
"Like Gryffindor's sword," Flitwick added.
The Sorting Hat spoke up, "Minerva McGonagall, come forward!"
"Stop!" Dumbledore attempted to intervene, but this time, Hogwarts herself silenced him and stuck him to his throne behind his desk.
The head of Gryffindor House approached the hat and when he asked her to lift his brim, Godric Gryffindor's Sword slid out and into her hand.
The hat's voice was gleeful as it said, "Allow me to paraphrase our marvellous students from the other night; Professor McGonagall, as head of house for the Lions, Hogwarts restores the Sword of Godric Gryffindor to your care. May the Lions learn the secrets of bravery."
After that night, the gift of each founder was permanently and safely mounted within the common room of each house. Hogwarts made the artefacts appear in the knapsack of students who could benefit most from their use that day – regardless of their house affiliation.
Scene Break: Dumbledore Takes Steps (6 Dec 1993)On Monday, another Hogwarts front page article in the Daily Prophet reported the return of the sword of Godric Gryffindor to the head-of-house for the founder's house. Pictures of all four artefacts with the respective head-of-house appeared across the front page without any mention of the headmaster and his lifetime of achievements. In no portion of the article or in any of the supporting articles were his titles or victories mentioned!
Dumbledore felt he was being side-lined and ignored; all things that he'd seen happen to other wizards and witches when they aged. They were forgotten before they were dead!
Determined not to be forgotten like so many other famous wizards in history, the headmaster sat at his desk, considering how to regain the limelight. Now he wished he'd made more of the events of the last two years with Tom Riddle appearing twice in his school. Potter claimed to kill a basilisk at the end of the second year…perhaps he could produce the carcass. The Daily Prophet would put him back on the front page for certain.
'But I'd have to get Potter to let me into the Chamber of Secrets…and I'd have to share the limelight with the boy again,' Dumbledore realized. He glanced at his familiar and wondered how to get the phoenix to carry him to the chamber. The blasted bird refused all such past requests.
Fawkes ruffed his feathers and debated an early burning day, but the bird decided to wait until it would disadvantage the headmaster the most; the phoenix's sense of humour was warped after fifty years dealing with the wizard's plots and plans.
'Searching for signs of Tom's return will be more likely to return me to the front page of the Daily Prophet,' the headmaster decided. Determined now to search for Tom Riddle's secrets, Dumbledore spent a day viewing the relevant memories he'd collected since the 1950s in his pensive. He knew that Tom had gone to Little Haggleton to search for his family and apparently found them. As was his usual custom, the headmaster left the castle without telling anyone where he was going or when he would return.
It being Monday and the week before the beginning of the Winter Holiday, the professors spent their class time revising or administering tests to their students. They were pleased with their student performance in this school year and expected that the winter term would be well-spent.
Apparating onto the grounds of the Riddle home, Dumbledore quickly determined the house was decaying. A single muggle caretaker kept the grounds cleared but the house had fallen into disrepair with holes in the roof, broken windows and missing bricks. He found nothing in the house and moved to investigate the locale he'd seen in the memories of the Gaunt family home.
The shack was hidden within a thicket of trees, wrapped in vines and sticky shrubbery. His wand in his hand, he cast detection spells – an incredible number of serpents hibernated here. Smiling, Albus knew he'd found a location where Tom had hidden some treasure. The old wizard began casting other detection spells looking for dark magic. His pulse began racing as the spell revealed a ring – the Gaunt Family ring. Over many years, his investigations of Tom Riddle's family had hinted that this would be a powerful artefact.
Using spells to push the trees, vines and shrubberies aside, Dumbledore cleared a path to the remains of the shack. The structure appeared to be saturated with magic; certainly, the only reason it remained upright was the magic that someone cast upon the walls and ceiling. Dumbledore slipped into the shack, his wand again casting spells to dispel the magic and find the ring. He crossed the rotting floor twice, his spells narrowing the hiding spot down to a pair of lose boards near the hearth. With a wave of his hand, the two boards rose and floated to the side.
Albus peered into the depths, a tangle of snakes curled around an open wooden box with a single item inside – a small ring with a cracked stone. The ring sang in Dumbledore's mind offering him magic and power if he only put it upon his hand. Without hesitation, the wizard reached among the sleeping vipers to snatch up the ring and slid it onto a finger on his left hand.
"Madam Pomphrey! Help! Madam Pomphrey!" called Penny Clearwater bursting into the Hogwarts infirmary. "Hurry! We need your help!"
The medi-witch ran out of her office, her reports forgotten. She found the Head Girl and three other seventh-year students levitating the headmaster into her infirmary. The elderly wizard withered in agony, unable to lay still, making it difficult for the students to levitate him. Penny shared all the details with the medi-witch from finding the headmaster at the gates of the school until now.
"Albus…" Poppy called as she cast restraints to hold the headmaster in the bed. "Albus tell me what's wrong!"
"It's his hand," Penny told the medi-witch, motioning toward the headmaster's left hand. Poppy's magical restraints were holding Albus to the cot while she magically lifted his left arm and examined the hand where a black rot spread at a remarkable speed.
"Send… send for Severus!" Albus ordered the medi-witch.
"I will in a moment," she affirmed. Then she lifted the hand for Albus to see, "What is this? How did it happen?"
"Get Severus! Only Severus can help me," the headmaster replied. Frowning, Poppy stopped dealing with Albus long enough to send her patronus to the potions professor.
"Professor Snape will be here shortly!" Poppy replied, slipping into healer mode. "But Albus, we don't have time to wait with the rate the curse is spreading. Your entire hand is black now."
Albus shook his head, refusing to say more. Not waiting, the medi-witch cast the patronus spell again, sending a message to the emergency room at St. Mungo's Hospital. Then she opened the floo as the headmaster once again became agitated.
"No! Severus can halt the spread…"
"How?" Poppy asked.
"Wait for Severus!" Albus roared.
From the floo, two healers stepped from the flames and immediately approached the headmaster.
"You are not needed!" he yelled at the two healers who approached the bed where he lay, still in magical restraints.
"Pomphrey, patient status?" asked the older woman as she cast several spells, ignoring the headmaster.
"Four students levitated the headmaster into the infirmary approximately five minutes ago. He collapsed just inside the school gates and it took four of them to levitate him because he was so agitated with pain from a curse on his left hand."
"The hand?"
"Presented with rotting skin, muscles and bone. The left hand is lost and I am unable to think of any local treatment that would stop the spread up the arm."
At that moment, Severus entered the infirmary and Dumbledore motioned for the wizard to approach him.
"I demand the rest of you leave! I'll speak to Severus privately!" the headmaster yelled.
"Nonsense," Poppy said. "Severus, the headmaster was brought to the infirmary with a rotting curse on the left hand. There's a ring on the hand that I've not attempted to remove. And the curse is spreading rapidly!"
"Severus, your potion for curse suppression; it will stop the curse from spreading for a time… I can find a cure…" Dumbledore's words became broken as pain raced up his arm.
"I am still researching that potion, Headmaster…" Severus said. "It'll be at least two more years before I have the ingredients in proper balance!"
With that pronouncement, the potions professor cast his own spells on the cursed hand and stepped back after he read the results of the spell – this curse was dangerous!
The second healer, a young man, spoke now. "Everyone cease casting spells on the headmaster. This is a class XXXX dark curse that consumes all magic cast at it. The patient must be removed from this school immediately before the curse contaminates the very air around the children. It will spread unless Dumbledore is confined…"
"I am Albus Percival…" the headmaster began to say when the older healer cast a spell to place him in stasis. Without any additional conversation, the two healers levitated the now comatose headmaster to the floo and out of Hogwarts. Poppy cast her patronus again and this time, the owl flew away to find Minerva McGonagall. Severus helped the medi-witch to cast cleansing spells on the cot, the infirmary and the four students who had transported the headmaster.
"Ten points each for bravery and proper use of the levitation spell," he told the four girls from the four different houses.
The healers revived Albus once they were prepared; blinking his eyes to clear his vision, Dumbledore found himself surrounded by healers and Unspeakables in a secure room in the deepest basement of St. Mungo's. They continually cast spells at the area around the bed where Dumbledore lay. When he attempted to rise, he found himself restrained by physical ties – something borrowed from the muggle hospital services. Wards had been raised that confined the curse to Dumbledore and the headmaster discovered that his wand and ring were removed.
"How dare you restrain me!" Dumbledore roared again and one of the healers glanced at her monitoring parchment.
"Headmaster, the curse is feeding off your anger. Each time you yell, the curse advances up your arm!" she insisted. "Control your temper!"
Dumbledore frowned and insisted, "You will release me immediately. I need to see Professor Severus Snape. He has potions to halt this curse and allow me time to research a cure."
"This is a Level XXXX curse that nothing can reverse. Even if we remove the arm, the curse will appear in another extremity and begin to spread again. At best you have three hours before it consumes you."
Dumbledore shook his head in denial, but then he noticed that an Unspeakable standing beside the bed with the ring on a dowel rod she held in her hand.
"This is the source of the curse," the Unspeakable explained. "Why did you place it on your finger? Where did you find it?"
"I can't tell you," Dumbledore said. "I am the only one who can…"
The Unspeakable swore, "Oh Merlin, don't throw the 'Dark Lord will return' magic dust in my face again!"
"Tom will return! He isn't dead!" Dumbledore insisted.
"Then tell us how he will return? How do you know this?" demanded the Unspeakable. Dumbledore lay back, unwilling to share his information.
Despite the best efforts of the Unspeakables, the headmaster would not explain how his hand came to be cursed and the healers were unable to halt the spread of the curse; Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore died in agony only two hours after arriving at St. Mungo's emergency room. He continued to hyperventilate and remained agitated, causing the curse to rapidly spread to his lungs, liver, stomach, heart and brain.
The healers and Unspeakables kept the corpse within the sealed room behind heavy wards as the curse consumed the body of Dumbledore. The black rot consumed his skin, muscles, bones and hair. By sundown, the headmaster's robes were the only thing that remained. The Unspeakables aided the healers with dispersing the black dust, banished the robes, and then attempting to cleanse the wand and the ring. Both items were transported to the Department of Mysteries but continued to resist every spell cast at them; in an unusual move, the Unspeakables declared the two items too dangerous to exist. Subsequently, the ring and strange wand were placed into stasis jars, and then levitated through the Veil to ensure their destruction.
Before Dumbledore expired, more Unspeakables and healers from St. Mungo's returned to the infirmary at Hogwarts to cast additional cleansing spells throughout the infirmary and halls. The muggleborn students explained 'contamination' to the pure-bloods while the students gathered in the Great Hall to await news. Shortly before the evening meal, Minerva McGonagall became headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the wards settled on her magical core.
McGonagall dealt with the rumours by telling the truth at dinner, "Earlier this afternoon, Headmaster Dumbledore died at St. Mungo's Hospital in London. Apparently, the headmaster encountered a cursed ring somewhere and the healers and Untouchables were unable to reverse or cure the Level XXXX curse that affected his hand and spread to rest of his body."
The students at each table began conversations that grew louder with each passing moment.
"The headmaster can't die!" yelled Ron Weasley.
"Were the healers pure-bloods?" Fred Weasley demanded to know.
With an angry shout, McGonagall silenced the Great Hall. "There will be no further use of the word 'pure-blood' in this school. Any student who does will lose ten points for every time they utter the word! And repeated violation of this rule…"
The Gryffindor counter was rapidly losing points as Ron Weasley muttered under his breath with a grin on his face. Percy managed to petrify his brother and then his sister to end the loss of points by Gryffindor.
"…will result in a fire call with your parents."
Harry Potter sighed; the Weasleys continued to wear down good spirits at the school. He was sorry to hear of Dumbledore's death but he refused to mourn; the headmaster had stolen millions of galleons from him and sent him to his Aunt and Uncle's prison for twelve years. With McGonagall's promotion to be headmistress, he was suddenly hopeful for improvements in the school after the holiday.
There were visits by ministry officials that last week of school before the holidays. Reporters from the Daily Prophet tried to visit Hogwarts daily but McGonagall proved to be a strict headmistress and barred reporters from the school when they attempted to interview students without a staff member present. Ministry officials were monitored; when they arrived, multiple elves escorted each official from the moment they stepped through the floo until they left.
One of McGonagall's first tasks was to review the balance of the Hogwarts vaults; the Daily Prophet had carried headlines announcing that the family and business vaults in the dungeons of Gringotts were secure and still operating. This meant the automatic payments of student tuition occurred on 1 December. She quickly checked off payments against the roster of students; she found the only missing payments were for the four youngest Weasley children. Checking payments for Percy Weasley, she found the payment for his tuition had been made by his great-aunt, Muriel Prewitt.
'Can't Arthur and Molly pay for their children?' she asked herself before turning back in the account book to check the previous payments for the Weasley children. She froze for a moment reading 'Potter, Harry Trust vault' as the debited account for all payments for the four children. Checking back further, she was relieved to find that Percy's education had been fully paid by this great aunt, Muriel Prewitt. Her disbelief returned when she discovered that the payment for the last year for Bill Weasley and three years for Charlie Weasley were funded by the same source.
She carried the book with her to Dumbledore's old office; she'd not moved her office here yet. The gargoyle leapt aside for the new headmistress, especially since she was angry. When she stepped into the office, Fawkes trilled a welcome that gave pause to Minerva's anger. Rather than awakening the sleeping portrait of Albus Dumbledore and asking him questions, the new headmistress of Hogwarts turned to the portraits of the last two headmasters – Dippet bowed his head in welcome.
Phineas Black bowed and said, "Minerva, we all hope you will be an effective headmistress. We offer to be of any service needed."
"Do either of you know how Dumbledore managed to curse me with all these years of Weasleys?" she demanded to know, holding open the accounting book. "How did he use Potter's trust vault to pay for the Weasleys to attend Hogwarts?"
Dippet admitted he did not understand how this happened, but Phineas Black explained that his great-grandson, Harry Potter, learned during his first visit to Gringotts that Dumbledore authorized the payments from the boy's trust vault because of a betrothal agreement.
"Oh Merlin," Minerva swore. "A betrothal? Is Harry tied to Ginny Weasley?"
"No," Phineas explained. "When Albus announced that the half-blood Harry Potter was no longer of interest, Molly and Arthur destroyed the contract."
Minerva frowned, "That's the only good news I've had today. Because Albus stole from Harry Potter, I had to deal with the twins for five years and then that worthless pair of Ronald and Ginevra. Neither will ever cast a true patronus!"
"Minerva, did the Hogwarts vault receive payments for the Winter Term?" asked Dippet. "You may be able to…"
"That's what drew my attention, Armando," Minerva explained. "There are no funds in the Potter trust vault to pay for the four Weasleys. Harry's tuition payment was transferred but there were insufficient funds for any additional payments."
"Minerva, please call Molly Weasley from here so I can hear her screams," Phineas begged. "It will be a patronus moment!"
The headmistress was silent and considered everything she knew. The first thing she did was move to Dumbledore's sleeping portrait to cast silencing and petrification spells on the portrait. Then she summoned the Hogwarts head elf and gave him explicit orders for the sleeping portrait.
"This portrait is to be placed in a sealed chamber that only you can access. No one is to know where this chamber is until I give you different orders." Pointing toward the painting, she continued, "If he wakes up, you will instantly silence him and not listen to what he says."
The elf's eyes grew wide with surprize but he nodded and popped out with Dumbledore's portrait. Then Minerva turned to the portraits of the previous leaders of Hogwarts, her wand in her hand.
"None of you will speak of this conversation with any student, wizard or witch, or other portrait!"
"Ever?" asked Phineas.
"Not until the students have gone home for the winter holiday," she told the Black wizard's portrait. "I will speak to Mr. Potter the day after the students leave. You may come with him to my office…"
Phineas bowed his head in agreement.
There were two different funerals for Albus Dumbledore; the first was a showy affair at the Wizegamot chambers in the Ministry for Magic. Cornelius Fudge spoke eloquently followed by many wizards and witches telling stories of the 'great' wizard's life.
The next day, there was a second funeral for the headmaster in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Minerva welcomed a few recent graduates and allowed them to speak of their memories of Albus Dumbledore, followed by speeches from the Head Boy and Head Girl. There was a formal service where a pair of the headmaster's robes were placed on a pyre in the courtyard and set aflame to represent burning his remains.
Before the service, Minerva ordered the head elf to position Dumbledore's sleeping portrait in the Great Hall and to make certain it would not awaken during the service. Many wizards and witches spoke to the portrait but the headmaster's portrait did not wake and reply. The students were properly sombre and house elves kept the four youngest Weasleys under close watch during the entire ceremony. The stinging hexes the headmistress threw at them in her office earlier in the day to capture their attention still burned; the promise of more hexes before they left for the holiday kept their mouths shut throughout the afternoon. The moment the last guest left Hogwarts, the sleeping portrait disappeared once again into the hidden chamber.
The Daily Prophet covered both funerals with reports of Dumbledore's achievements and years of service; unfortunately, the typesetter misspelled the headmaster's name as Albus Percy Wulfric Brain Dumbledore. There were no notices for the reading of a will or mention of his brother's absence from the funerals.
Many children returned home with their parents following the service. Minerva was pleased to approve Molly's request to take Fred, George, Ronald and Ginevra home through the floo at Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade while Percy remained at the school to continue his duties as Head Boy and ride the Hogwarts Express back to London the next day.
Scene Break: Cleaning the OfficeThe morning after the departure of most of the students for the Yule and Christmas Holiday, headmistress Minerva McGonagall began sorting Dumbledore's office and private rooms. Before lunch she grew perplexed and then furious. First, she found over three hundred volumes of magical lore, instruction and spells that should have been in the library. The elves were busy transporting books to the desks of Madam Prince to sort once she returned from her visit with her family for the holiday. Then she found almost one thousand colourful robes the elves had packed in trunks that would be donated to charity. In his desk, she found hundreds of letters that she packed to eventually send to historians to catalogue.
Immediately after lunch, she found a large, sealed trunk that she could open only with magic available to her as headmistress. Inside, she found a multitude of bags filled with galleons, each bag labelled with a receipt stating the galleons were withdrawn from the Potter vault 'for the care of the orphan Harry Potter'. The trunk appeared to be expanded inside, with hundreds of bags. She sat quietly for a moment, wondering exactly how much gold was contained inside the trunk. Calling for an elf, she sent for Harry Potter to join her in the office.
It was only fifteen minutes until the boy came up the stairs through the revolving staircase and entered the open door.
"Good afternoon Professor… uh… Headmistress McGonagall," he called in greeting.
Minerva looked up from 'her' new desk and flashed a quick smile. "Good afternoon Mr. Potter. And I prefer to hear 'professor' today."
Harry returned her smile and stepped closer to the desk when the headmistress said, "This morning as I cleaned and organized this office, I found something that appears to belong to you."
When her student didn't ask any questions, the headmistress levitated a trunk beside Harry's chair. "This was among… among Dumbledore's belongings. There are bags of galleons with receipts of withdrawals from the Potter vault to pay for your upkeep."
"My upkeep?" Harry asked incredulously. "He took money out… My relatives never…"
"I am sorry," Minerva replied. "I feel ill thinking about such… theft."
"Would there be any way to determine if any Potter artefacts or heirlooms are here?" Harry asked. "The headmaster did have my father's invisibility cloak when I came to Hogwarts."
"He had the Potter cloak?" she asked and the boy nodded. The headmistress looked about the room for a moment and then asked, "Do you have a Potter elf?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Call him."
"Dobby," Harry called and the little elf popped into the room, bowing to Harry and to Minerva.
"Mr. Harry Potters calls for Dobby," the bubbly elf said, hugging the teenager. This left Minerva speechless for a moment; she'd never witnessed affection between a wizard and an elf.
When her wits returned, the headmistress asked, "Dobby, can you tell if anything in this room belongs to Mr. Potter? Things that were taken from his family's vault?"
"Yes, Miss Headmistress Kitty, there's be many things that belong to my Mr. Harry Potter here," Dobby said pointing to books and the pensive. "There be jewels embedded in Whisker's throne, and there is much galleons in this trunk that is my Mr. Harry Potters gold."
She shook her head and turned to the teenager, "Mr. Potter, Hogwarts returns all of your family's belongings to you with deep regrets that they were ever taken from you."
"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," Harry said before turning to Dobby. "Move these things to the study room for now. We will sort them and return them to the vaults at Gringotts tomorrow."
Dobby vanished from the office with all the items.
From his portrait, Phineas Black commanded, "Grandson, call for Kreature."
"Phineas? Mr. Potter, explain! And who is Kreature?" asked Minerva just before an old elf appeared with the crest of the Black family on the simple tunic the creature wore.
Harry smiled at the morose elf, hugged the elf who blushed as the teenager explained, "Kreature is my elf for the Black family. Dobby and I have adopted him into our family."
"Black…?" Minerva managed to ask before the portrait spoke again.
Phineas said, "Harry is my great-grandson through my daughter, Euphemia. He is the next head of the Black family."
Minerva frowned. "What about Sirius? Didn't he become head of the Black family when he was released from… proven innocent?"
The portrait's tone grew frosty, "After my grandson… after Harry arranged for the capture of Pettigrew, and Sirius was pardoned, the cur ran off to the Caribbean without contacting his godson. My sources in the castle tell me that Lupin hears from Sirius but the dog hasn't bothered to respond to the letter Harry sent him in early November."
"Grandfather believes Sirius was so damaged by his years in Azkaban that he would not pass the test to become head of the family," Harry explained.
"But you are still a boy!" Minerva argued. "Any test of family magics must not be until you are fully grown!"
"Agreed. My grandson will become 'Heir Black' next time he visits Gringotts," Phineas replied. "He is Heir Potter already. For the next three years, he can mature and grow before becoming 'head' of the families."
"Very good." The headmistress narrowed her eyes for a moment and then asked, "I intend to restore many classes and traditions that Dumble… that the previous headmaster ended. Would you care for an heir's suite near Gryffindor tower, Heir Potter-Black?"
Harry paused only a moment before he replied, "If Heir Longbottom joins me, I'll take you up on the offer, Professor McGonagall."
The headmistress nodded in agreement before Harry asked, "Will the Weasleys return after the new year?"
Now she shook her head in the negative, "Only if Mr. and Mrs. Weasley find a sponsor to pay the tuition for their children. Scholarship funds cannot be reassigned in the middle of the year."
"Not even for 'pure-bloods'?" Harry asked in a mocking manner.
The headmistress frowned. "Hogwarts will not reverse commitments to deserving muggleborns, disadvantaged half-bloods, or even pure-bloods. The Weasleys will not be back at Hogwarts unless their parents find someone to pay."
Pausing for only a moment, Harry asked, "The records for my trust vault don't show any payments for Percy's years here."
"Someone else in the family pays for Percy's education," Minerva explained and Harry nodded. "He's an excellent student and earned the position of head-boy on his own merit."
"Dumbledore didn't select him for other reasons?"
Minerva frowned, "I made the final selections and for once, the headmaster didn't question my choice last summer. I am pleased with Percy's work this year."
"Percy stayed away from Fred, George, Ron and Ginny going nuts with the pure-blood crap…"
"I'll make it perfectly clear to Percy that if he wants to complete his education, it will remain that way! There'll be no 'pure-blood' filth from his mouth," the headmistress explained. "And no retribution for you not paying the fees for his brothers and sister."
Harry nodded. "The Weasleys were only my friends because I was the 'boy-who-lived' but if Percy can be a good head boy, I can be a good student."
Scene Break: Weasley WoesMolly Weasley mourned the death of Albus Dumbledore with true regret and emotional loss; the great wizard led all of Britain out of the wars with the two terrible dark lords. He'd promised her family a great deal too! Following the old ways for once, she placed black crepe over all her mirrors and served plain meals; when Ron complained about the meal and asked for cake he was quickly reminded of his mother's temper.
The day that Percy arrived home for the holidays, he was surprized to find a quiet house. Levitating his trunk upstairs to his room, he heard his mother in the lounge and she called him to join the family when he'd put his belongings away. As soon as he entered his room, Percy thoroughly searched his room for jinxes and hexes. The six he found he quickly vanished into the invisible trunk with the twin's porn collection. He missed two but could cancel the spells that turned his hair blue and his feet into centaur hooves. As he left his room, he cast three new locking spells he'd learned from Professor McGonagall to keep the twins out.
Entering the lounge, he discovered the quiet was because his mother had cast silencing spells on Ron and Ginny before petrifying the twins. For once Molly greeted her third son with a cup of tea and some short bread. He thanked his mother with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before greeting his siblings as if nothing was amiss with their silence.
The floo flared with green flames as Arthur Weasley returned home from the ministry with a letter in his hands. Bill Weasley, their eldest son followed his father through the flames and he certainly looked unhappy.
"Arthur, you're home early this afternoon," Molly remarked. "Is anything the matter?"
Taking a deep breath, Arthur and Bill exchanged glances before the father said, "I've just come from Gringotts. Payment for the winter term was not made and Hogwarts will block George, Fred, Ron and Ginny from returning."
"What?" Molly asked. "There must be a problem at the bank. Payments are always made on time – Dumbledore saw to that!"
Bill shook his head. "The bank is working again. The problem is that Harry Potter's trust vault doesn't have any more gold."
"What?" the woman said, looking at her four youngest and then back at her husband and eldest son. "Dumbledore said…"
"We can't depend on what Dumbledore said, Molly. He's dead," Arthur said. "Something happened to the Potter trust vault."
"Were the fees paid for Harry Potter?" Molly asked. "Does the little half-blood get to return in January?"
"I don't have any way of finding out," Bill admitted. "The only reason I know the vault is empty is the payments were not made."
Percy looked up and asked, "Bill, did Professor Dumbledore leave a will?"
With new leadership at Gringotts, Ironstream and Steeltoe decided it was best to review each human employee, speak to the key workers, and discuss potential problems among the other employees. When they came to the name William Weasley, Ironstream stopped his son's evaluation with one raised hand while he read last year's work review for the young wizard.
"Weasley was a fast study in Alexandria," Ironstream summarized. "His two years in Egypt were productive and the wizard became a 'warrior' in the eyes of his goblin boss."
Steeltoe nodded and added, "But since his return to London, his performance has been wanting. He alienated two key co-workers with 'pure-blood' comments before the end of the first month working in curse-breaking with the disposal services."
"The first position for all curse-breakers assigned to London," Ironstream said as if to remind himself. "They have to earn their positions here."
"Where do you think the pure-blood nonsense came from?"
Ironstream frowned, "His family. Arthur and Molly Weasley are poor but extremely proud of being pure-blood."
"How does that reconcile with following Dumbledore?" asked Steeltoe. "The wizard was a half-blood."
"Who was born so long ago, no one remembers; Dumbledore's early history was intentionally obscured before the wizard's war with Grindelwald. The pure-bloods often follow strong leaders who are not so pure in blood themselves," Ironstream told his son. "Remember Dark Lord Tom Riddle was the son of muggle and a squib."
The younger goblin was lost in thought for a time before he asked, "The Weasleys agreed to a betrothal for their daughter with the Potter boy… it was all about the wealth in the vaults and linking their poor family to a rich star."
"And when Dumbledore informed them that the boy was poor and no longer of any interest to him, the parents tore up the contract. The copy in Gringotts contracts department burned the same day as the article in the Daily Prophet," Ironstream explained.
"Bill Weasley needs to be taken to task!" Steeltoe said. "If he offends a wizard from China or India, they'll take his head off and spread his pure-blood around the room."
"And Gringotts will have wasted three years of training…" his father complained. "We must support Heir Potter-Black in kicking this island's magical population into the modern age…"
"Electricity and telly?" asked Steeltoe hopefully.
Ironstream snorted, "In twenty years perhaps but not too soon."
"I'll speak to Weasley as soon as I can," Steeltoe assured his father. "If nothing else, we can farm him out to the goblins in San Francisco or Sydney."
"Far enough away that his mother can't reach him…"
"A will?" Molly asked, a hopeful light appearing in her eyes. In a moment, Molly imagined that Dumbledore left a vault for her family; she'd have fashionable robes, a new home and her children would attend Hogwarts with new robes, new books…
"Did Dumbledore have a will?" Arthur asked his eldest son.
Bill shrugged and lifted his open hands to signify that he had no idea. "There's been nothing in the Daily Prophet or in the bank scuttlebutt about reading a will."
"Who can you ask?" Molly insisted upon knowing. "Go back right now and ask."
The look of horror on her son's face didn't register with the woman. Her mind raced with possible floo calls to make to see who would know if a will existed and what it contained. She ignored her son's arguments; even when Bill said, "Asking the wrong question at Gringotts can get you sent to the dragon pens for a year… or longer!"
Molly simply pushed Bill back to the floo, giving him instructions, "Check with your supervisor and that goblin – Ironbelly – or something like that. Your father will return to the ministry and ask around."
Suddenly Bill understood why his father never advanced to a higher position in the Ministry of Magic – and what his future held for him at Gringotts if he listened to his mother. Percy caught Bill's eye and the two brothers understood each other for once; to succeed, they would have to cut themselves off from their mother's domination. Charlie left and never visited – angry words with his mother over a half-blood girl, his career plans with Quidditch rather than the ministry, and finally selecting a position with the dragon reserve had soured their relationship permanently.
Bill fled to Gringotts and Arthur returned to the Ministry, while Molly made plans for a series of floo calls she would make before starting their supper. She never noticed that Ron and Ginny slipped away while Fred and George remained petrified on the couch. Percy found some parchment and began notes for an essay he wanted to prepare for charms class next month. He was determined to earn five OWLS in June to equal Bill's achievements.
Eventually, Molly reached Minerva McGonagall at the floo address 'Headmistress Office Hogwarts'; the housewife was miffed that the assistant headmistress had already 'moved in' though she had no idea of what the proper length of time for mourning should be.
"Minerva McGonagall! Are you there? Minerva?" shouted Molly.
In just a moment, the new headmistress appeared in the flames, "Good afternoon, Molly, what can I do for you today?"
Minerva had expected a dozen loud howlers or a contentious visit. The floo call could be handled and she'd block Molly Weasley from visiting the castle until the day that Percy graduated.
"Do you know if Albus left a will? Did he leave me any money?" the woman asked though she stumbled and quickly added, "…to pay for the winter term. The Potter boy's vaults are bare and won't pay for my children anymore!"
Blinking once Minerva replied, "I believe there is a will and it was read yesterday at the ministry."
"Well?" Molly asked peevishly.
The headmistress pressed her lips together and replied, "I did not attend. Only those persons named in the will were invited."
"Who was invited? Do you know what the will said?" Molly pressed.
"I imagine the person who might know is Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother."
Growing desperate now, Molly asked, "And his floo address?"
Grimacing Minerva replied, "I do not know the man's floo address but he operates the Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade."
Stepping back from the floo, Minerva broke the connection and returned to her work.
Bill Weasley returned to Gringotts, said nothing to anyone about his family woes, and didn't ask anyone about a will for Albus Dumbledore. He applied his considerable magical gifts to deconstruct a dangerous dark object, aided his two half-blood colleagues in his department and worked an hour past quitting time to complete his reports. He returned to the Burrow and reported failure to uncover any information at Gringotts.
Arthur went to Amelia Bones for information and when the Director of the DMLE reminded him it was none of his business, he scuttled back to his office and sent a paper airplane to Alistair Moody. The battle-scared Auror offered to share his information about the will after one of Molly's home-cooked meals and so when Arthur returned to the Burrow, he brought the veteran with him.
Ron immediately complained to have to share the food but was silenced and sent to bed without supper. Molly was desperate for news and her youngest boy would not be harmed to skip supper. She'd take him a tray later… if there were any leftovers.
After the meal, Alistair explained that he and Aberforth were the only people named in Dumbledore's will who were still living. "Albus hadn't updated it since 1960. And there wasn't much to the estate in any case… Aberforth got his brother's vault at Gringotts, I got a pair of duelling gloves, and he left his personal items to Hogwarts for their historical collection."
"I wonder… did they say how much was in the vault?" Molly asked, embarrassing her husband and children.
Finishing his cup of tea, Alistair replied, "Aberforth laughed when he was handed the account papers. After the ministry took taxes, Dumbledore's estate was less than five hundred galleons."
"Oh no," Arthur said. "I knew death taxes were high… but…."
Alistair shook his head. "Dumbledore excused himself from paying any taxes for the last thirty years. As the Chief Warlock of the Wizegamot, and the Headmaster of Hogwarts, he authorized himself to 'delay' paying his taxes until he died. The ministry placed liens against his account each year – with interest. They took a good million galleons in late taxes and penalties."
"A million galleons!" Molly cried, imaging the robes, tuition and house she could have had with that money.
Scene Break: Gringotts and Diagon AlleyAt breakfast on 18 December, a Gringotts owl swooped down to land before Harry and hold out its leg with a letter attached. Sitting at the single table for students remaining in the castle over the holiday, Harry looked about but no one paid attention to the owl or teenager – all eyes in the castle watched the drama at the head table as Severus Snape explained for the last time why he would not remain as potions professor for the remainder of the school year.
"I don't care if they fail their OWLS and NEWTS," Severus said.
"The fifth years must have constant instruction to complete the syllabus and then revise…" the headmistress argued. "You have a responsibility to them!"
"No, my bags are packed and I'm leaving this morning," Severus announced for all to hear. With that final statement, the man rose from his seat and stormed out of the Great Hall. Minerva's stare should have ignited the potion professor's robes but he escaped unscathed. Her contacts at the ministry had offered no suggestions for replacement potions professors and she'd never ask Horace Slughorn to return; the man was too old to make it through the day without two or three naps.
'Thank Merlin for Andromeda Black!' she remembered smugly. The woman was a potions mistress who married a muggle-born. Her daughter had been in Hufflepuff and Pomona had the family's address in the muggle world.
"Professor McGonagall." It was the voice of Harry Potter interrupting her plans. "I must go to Gringotts today."
"I don't have time…"
Harry nodded and interrupted, "The ministry recognizes me as an adult, headmistress. I do not need an escort."
Frowning but distracted by her faculty problems, Minerva waved Harry off. The teenager spoke briefly to Flitwick and left the Great Hall. He spoke to his elves and hurried to change into his new robes provided by Dobby and Kreature. Using abandoned robes in the 'Come and Go' room, the little elves observed the best wizards at the ministry and copied the latest styles for young men for their Mr. Harry Potter.
In under a half hour, Harry ran from the castle and appeared to take off on a broom for Hogsmeade. Not knowing who might be watching, he pretended to need the broom to fly. He landed on the street outside Three Broomsticks, shrunk and pocketed the broom, before entering the quiet tavern; with most of the students gone home for the holidays the village of Hogsmeade was quiet. He paid three knuts to use the floo to travel to the Leaky Cauldron. Ignored by the customers in that tavern, Harry used his wand to open the doorway to Diagon Alley. Stepping into the busy street, he was pleased to see the goblins and wizards repairing the damage to the roof of Gringotts where the dragon exited with the dementor horde.
Approaching the makeshift doors of Gringotts, heavily armed goblins and hit-wizards stood guard. There was a short queue – apparently the bank only allowed fifty wizards inside the bank at any time now. Waiting outside in the cold December morning, Harry cast warming charms on his robes and the clothes of a muggle couple waiting to enter.
"Thank you," the man said as his wife smiled. "I'm Dr. Frank Granger and this is my wife, Dr. Gwendolyn Granger."
"Granger? Are you Hermione's parents?" the teenager asked. Pointing at his own chest, he introduced himself, "I'm Harry Potter and hoped to hear some news of her over the holidays."
While Frank offered his hand and Harry shook it, Gwen said, "Hermione doesn't talk about you much anymore."
Frank nodded. "She said you lost your 'interesting magic' but she's still not fully recovered. The healers have been faithful to come every other day with potions and their tests. There's one who has been especially good – Ted Tonks."
"He's like Hermione, a muggleborn," Gwen explained. "He's still furious that Dumbledore allowed a student to use a time-turner!"
Harry grimaced, "If I'd known anything about the time-turner, I would have tried to stop her."
"It'll be easier to stop this winter wind than to stop Hermione after she makes up her mind," her father said shaking his head.
"We're trying to find an alternative school for our daughter," Dr. Gwen said. "We don't want her to return to Hogwarts and she's broken hearted that her education might end."
Harry grinned, "I understand why you want her to move schools. Many witches and wizards are trying to change Hogwarts and all Magical Britain. Maybe by the time Hermione's children are ready to attend school, things will be better."
The two muggles exchanged looks and then Dr. Gwen asked, "Do you know of other schools, Mr. Potter?"
"I understand that Beauxbaton in the south of France is very welcoming of muggleborn students. If I had been raised by a magical family, I hope they would have sent me there rather than Hogwarts."
"What about the language barrier?" asked Hermione's mother.
"We're wizards," Harry explained. "There are spells to teach languages and I think they are more cosmopolitan at Beauxbaton. They use French, Spanish, English, and Italian."
"Are you going to change schools?" asked Frank.
"Dumbledore is dead and there's a new headmistress at Hogwarts. I want to see if she can make changes. With a new beginning, I will support her and help make the school better."
"Well yes… But how do we contact this other school?" asked Frank.
Motioning toward the bank, Harry said, "Come with me into Gringotts. I'll ask my account manager."
"You have an account manager?" Frank asked. "You're a little young, aren't you?"
"I come from an old family," Harry explained. "But please don't say anything to Hermione."
"We wouldn't dream of it," Dr. Gwen replied.
Inside Gringotts, the lobby appeared opulent again with marble floors and golden light fixtures; the teller cages stood upright with bright lights dispelling all hint of shadows. There were no blood stains on the marble floor but there were numerous guards and the wizards were careful to leave their wands stuck up their sleeves. Immediately spotting Heir Potter stepping into the lobby, a manager approached the teenager and bowed.
"Greetings Heir Potter, Goblin Friend! Welcome to Gringotts," the goblin said. "I am Steeltoe."
Returning the bow, Harry said, "I am pleased to meet Steeltoe, son of Ironstream. May your clan grow and prosper!"
The young goblin puffed up to be called by his name in the lobby by this goblin friend. "My father and his counsellors wait to meet with you."
"Thank you, Steeltoe. Before you lead me to Ironstream, can I ask that you find a goblin who will help the parents of a friend?" Harry said, motioning toward the Grangers.
"The parents of your friend will receive all curtesy, Heir Potter."
Harry introduced the Grangers to a goblin summoned by Steeltoe before he bid them farewell and followed the goblin into the depths of the bank.
"How could Hermione think that boy is not interesting?" Gwen asked her husband.
Frank shook his head and caught the goblin's eye before he said, "All wizards lack common sense."
"You are correct, muggle," the goblin said as he showed them into his plush office. "Goblin-friend Potter has common sense. We are hopeful that he can kick the magical folk of Britain into the modern age. Now, tell me how Gringotts can assist you today…"
In an office suitable for the president of any muggle bank, Harry was formally greeted by Ironstream, the new head of Gringotts Bank. Their every action was watched closely by goblins and wizards who stood silent along the sides of the office.
"Heir Potter, welcome to Gringotts!" the new chieftain greeted.
"Ironstream, my accountant, I count my gold safe under your watchful eye."
The grins on the faces of the gathered goblins pleased Harry and he would report back to Professor Flitwick; Flitwick had coached Harry on proper greetings in this office and the young wizard wanted to support his accountant. Nonetheless, there were mutterings among the underlings; Ironstream 'stole' the chieftain's chair from richer accountants based on the words of the dementor in the lobby of Gringotts that bloody morning three weeks earlier.
"And to prove that belief, I bring much gold to deposit in my trust vault this morning…" Harry continued.
"Eighty thousand max," one goblin bet another. "Not a knut more…"
"Dobby!" called the teenager and a little elf appeared with the trunk McGonagall had given him at Hogwarts. Harry opened the lid and began handing bags of golden galleons to Ironstream in a symbolic act of trust.
"How much do you have, Heir Potter?" asked the goblin after a dozen bags were handed to him and passed along to other goblins to transfer to the trust vault.
"My elf brought seven-hundred thirty-four thousand, eight-hundred ninety-three galleons to deposit in my trust vault." Harry smiled and called, "Kreature!"
This time, the Black family elf appeared in a clean toga and he was surrounded by four ancient trunks. The elf raised the lid of each trunk to display a new fortune in ancient golden coins, jewels, and artefacts. Several goblins fainted to see that much wealth in one spot.
"My elves have brought a few jewels, books, portraits and precious heirlooms as well."
"How much…" asked a goblin standing along the sides.
Dobby spoke up, "There's be four-tens-tens-tens Galleons in gold and jewels."
"One trunk is to be deposited in an account for my ally Luna Lovegood," Harry directed. "A second trunk is to be deposited into an account for my ally Neville Longbottom. Both of my classmates are under my protection and any wizard who attempts to harm them will suffer my displeasure."
Dobby laughed as Harry motioned once again at the trunks, "And the fourth trunk is to be deposited into an account for Hogwarts."
The wizard had just given away thirty million Galleons! While the wizards and goblins stared, the little Black family elf snapped his fingers as each trunk slammed shut. "Our Mr. Harry Potters makes goblins look good again to the wizards of Britains."
The previously grumbling goblins now fell silent.
"My solicitor will join us shortly to discuss how you can work with my accountant at Barclays. She manages my account there with over twenty million pounds…"
"That's another four million Galleons!" Ironstream announced.
"And Theodore Abbot will be here this morning to plan how we can harvest and sell the carcass of a basilisk I slew last June. He thinks it will earn several million galleons."
The other goblin managers remained silent as the chief of Gringotts now broached another subject.
"Heir Potter, do you wish to make your claim to the Black name today?"
"I must," Harry said. "But first, may I ask my elf to bring my Grandfather's portrait here?"
"Grandfather?" asked Ironstream, unsure of which ancestor the boy spoke.
Harry inclined his head slightly, "I speak of my great-grandfather, Phineas Black. He has explained much Black family history since we met this fall… well perhaps I should say since I met his portrait this fall at Hogwarts."
Ironstream cautiously said, "How can you bring his portrait here? No one can remove the portrait of a former headmaster from the castle."
"Kreature, bring Grandfather to Gringotts, please," Harry called. There was a loud pop as the old Black family elf appeared with the Black family coat of arms displayed. The Potter elf moved to help Kreature set the small portrait frame on the floor but then the elves expanded the frame to be human size and Phineas Black stepped into the frame dressed in his finest robes with a commanding look on his face.
"Greetings Grandfather," Harry said with a bow that Ironstream mimicked though the other goblins remained upright and silent. "This is the portrait frame from the Black townhouse here in London. My great-grandfather is my most important advisor."
"Ah… Gringotts and gold… two of my favourite memories of being alive," Phineas said. "This is a momentous day, grandson."
The portrait turned to the goblins and said, "Bring the heir ring of my family before me! My great-grandson will stake his claim to our family today and all Magical Britain will be the better for it!"
Ironstream motioned for Steeltoe to retrieve the ring but decided to remain quiet on other matters until after the test had passed. The young goblin returned with a box that he offered to his father: Ironstream took the box and opened the lid before offering the contents to Harry Potter. The teenager glanced at his grandfather's portrait; Phineas merely smiled and nodded his head once before Harry plucked the ring from the box. The Potter heir ring appeared on Harry's left ring finger and the Black heir ring slid onto the same finger, growing bright with magic and making the goblins look away.
Molly Weasley hurried through the crowds in Diagon Alley. The message patronus from Bill told her that Harry Potter was in Gringotts. Once he left the bank to go shopping in the alley, she would approach him about money to pay for her children to return to Hogwarts. 'Why wouldn't he pay… the little half-blood can't deny a request from a good pure-blood family…'
The boy always looked half-starved, dressed in rags with wild Potter hair; she'd find him in an instant when he left the bank. She didn't understand why Albus let the boy's guardianship slip from his fingers. Of course, they didn't want the boy in the family any longer; the half-blood could live to be an old wizard without a Dark Lord chasing after him.
When the bright light vanished, the goblins looked back at the teenage wizard and he grinned, with the midnight black hair and bright green eyes, confident stance and a visible aura of green magic. After a moment's concentration, Harry pulled his aura back within his core and the merged Potter-Black heir ring displayed on his finger.
"Now, I am Heir Hadrian Jameson Potter-Black. If I am blessed with two sons, the eldest will be Heir Potter and the second son will be Heir Black."
Ironstream and Steeltoe nodded in recognition of the declaration.
"Congratulations Heir Potter-Black!" the two goblins announced. Phineas was satisfied with the outcome of the ring-claiming but he watched the gathered goblins and recognized that the bank was not finished with Harry yet.
"What other matters will you bring to our attention today, Ironstream?" the portrait asked and brought Harry's full attention back to the goblins. The family magics immediately fell into a defensive posture, joining with the Potter magic to defend and help the Heir.
"There are matters of inheritances," Ironstream said.
"What inheritances?" asked Phineas. "The vault of each Black family member folds back into the family when…"
The goblin nodded as the former headmaster and his grandson simultaneously asked, "Please explain."
"Heir Potter-Black is the heir of the LeStrange family. None of the collateral lines survived the years that Bellatrix was part of the family; she killed them all. In Azkaban, the brother was kissed first, then the husband and finally the bride. She was the last alive and therefore inherited the entire estate and vaults. Upon her death, the Black family reclaimed all her wealth."
Looking at Harry, Ironstream bowed and said, "Heir Potter-Black holds the LeStrange estate without challenge. The ministry will be notified this afternoon."
"Oh, bloody hell, I'll be interesting again!"
"Language!" Phineas called.
"And there is another estate," Ironstream continued. "Narcissa Malfoy was the last Malfoy to survive the kiss in the lobby of this bank. There are no other Malfoys in the line so all their vaults and properties revert to you, Heir Potter-Black."
"Bloody hell!" Phineas cursed, earning a cheeky grin from his grandson.
"Heir Potter-Black, the manor house the Malfoys purchased at tax auction seven years ago is part of the estate. This is the Potter home where your father and grandfather were both born," Ironstream informed the boy.
"I have a home?" Harry asked.
"At least two homes," Ironstream replied. "You can take the portraits of your parents and grandparents to the house and once your family magic assumes ownership, they will awaken."
"And you hold many vaults," Phineas added.
A pair of well-dressed muggles exited the bank and greeted Molly brightly, "Hello, Mrs. Weasley."
She sniffed and ignored them, as they hurried passed, not recognizing them until they had disappeared through the doorway of the Leaky Cauldron. "What was the mudblood girl's name who pestered Ron for two years? Heronine? Hermes Gardener?"
Molly remembered Ron's stories about their adventures at Hogwarts and this made her more certain that Harry was within the bank. The half-blood depended on Ron to save him every year and would be in Ron's debt; she'd invoke the life-debts to force him to pay for the tuition of her children… and some new robes for herself.
"Who will manage your accounts, Heir Potter-Black?" shouted a goblin from the crowd that had either muttered or been silent during the testing. Phineas watched for his grandson's reaction; the boy would begin his journey to being head of the families now.
"I must have only the best accountants in Gringotts," Harry stated before he turned to Ironstream. "I shall depend on the advice of the accountant for the Potter-Black vaults to determine who will be allowed to compete for the honour of being the accountant for the LeStrange vaults and the Malfoy vaults…"
"Compete? For my position? I am Granitefist and I am the Malfoy accountant!" an angry goblin declared. "You can't just replace me like that!"
Harry frowned, "Did I denounce you? Did I demote you?"
The goblin fell silent but remained angry, "I have managed…"
"You must have the endorsement of Ironstream to remain as accountant of the Malfoy vaults."
Ignoring the goblin, Harry turned to his accountant and asked, "I would appreciate it if you would arrange for an inventory of the manor, Ironstream. Did any of my family's portraits survive there?"
Silverfinger, the accountant for the LeStrange family, was too pleased to have a free wizard as master of the vaults once again to protest the teenager's announcement; for ten years the gold and investments had gathered dust with all the family in Azkaban. He'd been relieved to hear they'd been kissed – he expected the Malfoys to try and claim the estate. Silverfinger would offer the appropriate bribes to Ironstream; he even had a daughter who could marry Ironstream's son and tie the two clans together.
"That put the kneazles in the owlery!" Bill Weasley whispered to Janus Greengrass in the back of the room, the two curse-breakers often shared assignments for the bank. "The ministry will fall apart with a half-blood holding all these vaults."
"And imagine the hubbub with number of seats the boy will control in the Wizegamot," Janus mentioned. The former Slytherin glanced at the other wizard before asking, "Wonder if the boy is betrothed?"
Bill paled – a sight to see on the fair-skinned, red-head. Remembering that he'd told his co-worker about the denounced betrothal agreement between his sister and the boy-who-was-kissed, the curse breaker began rethinking his plans.
But Janus wasn't finished yet, "Remember why Gringotts sends all new wizard employees to Egypt for a couple years? They want the Egyptians to beat the stupidity of pure-blood politics out of our heads or let the sun bake it out… I don't think the lesson really took with you, Weasley."
Noticing Bill's harried expression, Janus asked, "Is your mother waiting outside the bank? Wonder what Ironstream would do to you and your entire family if she accosts the Goblin Friend in Diagon Alley? Fancy shovelling dragon dung for a few years?"
Bill left the room as carefully as possible but he still drew the attention of Steeltoe who frowned and decided to speak to the curse-breaker later in the day.
"Mother, you must leave," Bill said once he pulled his mother from the steps of the bank and down the alley some distance from the doors.
"Why? Is Potter in the bank? I know if I can get my hands on him, he'll be easy to get the galleons…"
"Things are not as we hoped! Heir Potter is now Heir Potter-Black and Ironstream named him as 'goblin friend'. We can't pressure him!"
"What do you mean? A 'goblin's friend'? Why would that make him…"
"If you lay a hand on him or yell at him here in the alley, the goblins will come to his rescue. If you enter the bank and touch him, you'll be in the dragon pens shovelling dragon dung…"
"Gringotts lost their dragon! The dementors took it," Molly fussed.
"The pens are still filled with old dragon shit and the prisoners move it from one side of the pen to the other and then back again. They'll get trolls or a nundu to replace the dragon."
Molly frowned, "We have to get Potter to pay for the children to return to Hogwarts. Fred and George have to take their OWLS this year."
"They can study at home this spring and take their OWLS in June at the ministry," Bill said. "If they apply themselves, they could do very well."
Looking around Bill to watch for Harry back at the bank, Molly said, "But what about Ginny? She's got to find a rich wizard – she's pretty and fertile. Lots of rich – uh – light families will want to match her with their heirs."
"We can go through Gringotts if all you want is a rich husband for Ginny," Bill said. "And the husband will pay the fee but then you can't be picky about who selects her."
With the other goblins dismissed and Ironstream's position as chief of the horde strengthened, Harry and his elves prepared to meet with Abbot and the goblins. The portrait of Phineas Black was returned to normal size and hung on the wall to observe but not draw Mr. Abbot's attention unless necessary.
In the negotiations at Gringotts, the goblins, Abbot and Harry began with the initial plan and after haggling and appropriate yelling, they settled on a division of 50% for Hogwarts, 30% for Potter, 10% for Abbot Potions, 10% for Gringotts. They signed the contracts, received portkeys to transport the materials to the bank, and parted ways.
Kreature and Dobby popped out of Gringotts with the portrait frame and Harry Potter-Black to the steps of No.12 Grimmauld Place, the Black house in London. Without paying attention to the street, Harry quickly placed his hand on the doorknob to take ownership of the house and the wards. Once safely inside, the portrait of Phineas Black instructed Kreature to reconfigure the wards to make Harry the only person who could enter the house.
"Now the only way for anyone to come inside is if you invite them inside," Phineas explained. "And then you simply say, 'Be guest welcome.' This means they are not permitted to remain one second longer than you want and they cannot return without the same invitation each time. If you want a friend to have access anytime, there is another way to add them to the wards. Someday, you'll have family again and they'll be in the wards."
Harry looked about with excitement – he had a home now! A place of his own and it was clean, furnished and safe.
But Kreature popped backed into the salon and exclaimed, "Mr, Harry Potter-Black! There's be somebodies here last night."
The little elf was perplexed and angry at the same time. "Someone sleeps in old master's bed and a guest room… they had witches and a party in the salon and kitchens…"
Dobby appeared and said, "We's can clean up."
"How did anyone get inside?"
"Until you took possession, the house would have admitted anyone with Black blood," Phineas said.
"There's only one other Black left… my godfather…" announced Harry with a finality.
"Perhaps he's come to see Mr. Harry Potters for Yule," said Dobby, though Kreature, Phineas, and Harry doubted the little elf's suggestion.
Wanting to avoid his godfather in this setting for their first meeting, Harry announced, "I will return to Hogwarts."
He frowned for just a moment before turning to his Potter elf. "Dobby, clean the house. Make certain you close the floo and lock the doors. Do not answer the door if anyone knocks. And then join us in the Chamber of Secrets. Kreature and I will place the portkeys in the chamber so that Mr. Abbot and his crew can get the basilisk out this week. We'll see you there later tonight."
"Mr. Harry Potter-Black not trust Kreature to close house?" asked the old elf, a quiver in his voice.
Harry knelt and took the sad elf's hand. "Kreature, I want you with me; I am head of the Black family and Sirius Black cannot call you from my side. I remember you said he'd kill you if he saw you again and you are part of my family now."
In his portrait frame, Phineas was interested to hear the heat of his great-grandson's voice when the boy added, "He'll answer to me if he turns his wand against my elf."
Satisfied with that answer, Kreature took Harry's hand and began popping them back to Hogwarts in a series of five pops across the length of Britain. Dobby returned the portrait frame of Phineas Black to the upstairs hallway, cleaned the house, threw out one pair of sheets and washed the others. He made certain the floo was closed and the doors locked tight before popping out to Hogwarts.
Ten minutes after Dobby left, there was an attempt to enter the house by the front door but no amount of magic, cursing or brute force could open the magically sealed house. The house wards silenced the cursing and yelling, and eventually the banging on the front door ceased.
Sirius Black returned to Britain to celebrate Christmas and get some galleons from his vault. He'd taken almost three thousand galleons with him to Martinique but lost quite a bit gambling. He'd caught up with Remus in muggle London a few nights earlier. They had celebrated their reunion as marauders and last night they picked up a pair of birds and taken them to Grimmauld Place to party. He had not noticed how clean the house was or how quiet. Remus noticed the infamous painting of Mrs. Black missing the next morning, but Sirius had nursed a headache and sent the birds on their way with spells that made the previous night seem like a dream.
In the afternoon, Sirius took Remus to Gringotts, withdrew some galleons and then came back to change for another evening on the town. But the house was locked up tight.
"That damned elf! It's got to be Kreature who closed the house to me! Kreature, come here now!" Sirius demanded but the elf never appeared.
"Do you think the elf is still alive?" Remus asked.
"Of course, he's alive. Who else would keep the house clean?" Sirius asked. "He's being stubborn and not obeying me. I'll kill him next time I see him!"
"Padfoot, don't lose your temper," the other marauder said to sooth his friend. "Let's go to Hogwarts. You can get supper and tell McGonagall your stories."
"And we can prank Severus!" Sirius exclaimed. "Let's go!"
Scene Break: Great Hall for SupperSitting at the head table in the Great Hall was an honour for Andromeda Tonks. This was her first visit to Hogwarts in two years; the last time she'd been at the castle was the day when Nymphadora graduated two years ago. The floo call and invitation from Minerva McGonagall to visit and discuss the position of potion's professor caught her interest.
"If you take the position permanently, I will be glad to have you Andromeda. But if you can't do that, please come for the rest of the year at least. The students studying for NEWTS and OWLS will falter if Hogwarts is missing a potions professor for many days…"
Nodding her head, Andromeda said, "I can only imagine the sorry state I will find among the students. My daughter would never pass her OWLS or NEWTS if I hadn't tutored her every holiday and summer. Why Dumbledore kept that man here all these years, I'll never understand."
"It was because of Harry Potter," Minerva admitted. "Albus felt he needed Severus here for Potter."
Looking at the headmistress with evident curiosity, Andromeda said, "The man was definitely barmy and senile, then."
"No, Dumbledore. Even I know Severus Snape hated James Potter and I barely knew the man. That hate carried over to his son; Nymphadora told tales of Snape railing against the poor boy during her seventh year."
"Well, yes," McGonagall admitted. "The longer Albus is gone, the faster his influence and reasoning fades…"
"Are his compulsion spells wearing off then?" Andromeda asked and the headmistress nodded.
"Every member of the faculty has felt the difference already. The students will be in for a rude awakening when the wards are fully charged after the solstice. Dark objects will be placed in stasis and the dark mark will leave the wizard or witch paralysed."
Looking about the table for a moment, Andromeda asked, "Why did you try to keep Snape here?"
"I have a million things to change. Waiting until next summer would have been easier…"
As the meal began, the new Potions Professor asked, "Tell me about Harry Potter. The Daily Prophet reported that the Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Kissed was no longer interesting."
"And the boy is very pleased to be thought so. He has made true friends in all four houses this fall, his grades are much better, and I think he is happier."
"And the Dark Lord?"
Minerva's lips grew thin, "Save such questions until I have a chance to gather some white heather and plant some Rowan saplings on the grounds. Dumble… that man allowed Filch to cut all the Rowan trees for firewood!"
"As you wish…"
The conversations at the head table concentrated on the winter and spring terms as Tonks, McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick shared ideas how to modify the behaviour of the students.
"Who will be head of house for Slytherin?" Andromeda asked.
"Are you volunteering?" asked Minerva. She had two candidates for Gryffindor, Remus Lupin and Septima Vector. Remus might make a good head of house, but Septima was the better disciplinarian.
Nodding her head, Andromeda said, "I am proud to be a Slytherin. Dora's stories of Snape and bullying make me wonder if the house can be turned back."
"There are plenty of smart wizards and witches in Slytherin," Flitwick said. "They just need to understand that bullying won't be tolerated any longer."
"And yet you have one of the marauders here," Andromeda mentioned carefully. "And you have two want-to-be marauders in the Weasley twins."
"Remus remembers his years as fun," Pomona admitted. "But he has helped to curb the Weasley jinxes and jokes this fall. He understands the cost of disrupting the school day now."
"Years ago, Dora and I met Charlie Weasley one day in Diagon Alley. Fred and George were first years then and had me drawing my wand after ten minutes. They kept throwing hexes at Dora, trying to make her change shape."
"Charlie didn't try to stop them?" asked Flitwick.
"Their mother wouldn't let a half-blood witch tell her pure-blood twins what to do," Andromeda admitted. "At one time I thought Dora was sweet on Charlie but his mother… She changed my mind about the family in one afternoon."
"Percy is a good student and he is a fine Head Boy," Flitwick said.
"But the four younger Weasleys are nightmares!" Sprout declared. "They destroyed the Gryffindor Quidditch team because they wanted it to be 'pure-blood', only."
McGonagall smiled and said, "If our luck holds, the four youngest Weasleys will not return after the New Year. Dumbledore's… scholarships have lost all funding. I doubt Arthur and Molly can pay for one child, let alone four."
"But Percy?" asked Flitwick.
"A great aunt, Muriel Prewitt, pays his for his tuition and fees."
"Well, let's hope our luck holds then," Pomona said, jinxing the head table.
Harry enjoyed a discussion about professional Quidditch matches with the Hufflepuff fifth year wizard during supper. They talked about the six British teams playing the teams on the continent during the winter, leaving no games except the few scheduled at Hogwarts for the Quidditch enthusiasts. Just as the main course for dinner was to be served, the large doors of the Great Hall swung open and in ran a large, black dog.
One sixth-year girl screamed, "It's a Grim! Trelawney was right! We're all going to die!"
The large dog ran about the hall, leaping on the unoccupied tables, sniffing in the corners, and slobbering on the floor while Remus Lupin entered and yelled, "Padfoot! Bad dog! Bad dog!"
The DADA professor half-heartedly chased the Grim about the hall. Up at the head table, Hagrid laughed aloud to have a mythical dog running among the Christmas trees and Yule decorations. All wizards and witches clutched their wands in their hands in case of danger.
"Professor Lupin! Get that dog under control!" demanded McGonagall. "You know you can't keep a dog at Hogwarts!"
Hearing the headmistress's words, the Grim stopped his exploration of the room, raised his snout and howled mournfully, leaving everyone covering their ears. Then there was a bright light and the Grim transformed into a tall, handsome man.
"Sirius Black!" exclaimed several of the women in the room.
Harry watched the man carefully – his missing godfather had just appeared at Hogwarts. He noticed that every woman, girl and several of the males in the room were looking at Sirius Black as if he were dessert tonight. A couple portrait frames were vacated for a moment but then quickly filled up with inhabitants of the castle's art collection; his great-grandfather arrived but the man simply observed; Sirius was his great-grandson as well. The witches and wizards in the Great Hall appeared to be hanging on each word uttered by Sirius Black; Harry sighed, deciding that his godfather enjoyed being the centre of attention.
"Good evening, Professor McGonagall," Sirius said as he made an elaborate bow for the new headmistress before turning to the black-haired woman seated beside the headmistress and blowing her a kiss, "Cousin! Good to see you again!"
Harry noticed that neither witch moved toward Sirius though smiles graced their faces.
"Headmistress," Remus began his explanation. "We were in London and decided to visit Hogwarts tonight for supper."
"Yes, congratulations Headmistress McGonagall," Sirius called out with emphasis on the word 'headmistress'. "I came all the way from the Caribbean to wish you well with your new responsibilities."
The wizard looked around the head table and made a point to frown with great exaggeration, "Where is my old friend Snivilus? I wanted to give him a special Christmas greeting, just like when were students!"
Remus chuckled though no one else in the room did. McGonagall and Tonks both narrowed their eyes, the smiles slipping from their faces though the wizard did not pay attention to the change in their expressions; he was already approaching the student's table to charm three seventh-year girls. Flitwick interrupted the man's flirting and beckoned both Sirius and Remus to the head table.
Throughout the meal, Harry kept his head down and considered his options. He thought… he hoped, 'Perhaps they meant to come to Hogwarts tonight. Maybe Sirius does want to meet me and we will have Yule…Christmas together.'
The meal was ending when at the head table, Andromeda asked, "Cousin, now tell me, what really brings you to Hogwarts tonight?"
The wizard sat back, his knife and fork dropped carelessly on the table top. "I came to Britain to visit Gringotts… and Remus. Even in Martinique we heard about the dementor attack… I needed to check on my vault."
"Did you take up the family ring, then?" Andromeda asked. "Are you the head of the family now?"
McGonagall kept her eyes on her plate, not daring to look at the other members of her staff or the students.
"Don't get your hopes up," Sirius said. "There's no one to bring you back into the family. I intend for the Black family to die with me. Bella and Cissi were both kissed this fall… Grandfather, Father and Mother, all the aunties dead… I hated them all and will spend the Black family fortune on whor…"
He winked at the girls at the student table before continuing, "…on women and drink until I drop dead."
McGonagall carefully raised her head to look at Sirius Black who was entirely too smug, then Andromeda Tonks nee Black who appeared to have lost a piece of herself, and Remus Lupin who looked faintly embarrassed but unwilling to challenge his friend. Finally, she turned her gaze to the student table and caught the eye of a furious Harry Potter.
She noted the hard look on the teenager's face and dropped her chin slightly to accept his coming actions. The headmistress turned to Sirius and quietly said, "There's someone here that you should properly greet, Sirius. Your godson is spending part of his holidays here at Hogwarts."
Sirius looked up and grinned, expecting a puppy-like child to bounce up to the head table. "Prongs Jr.!"
"Mr. Potter, come forward," Headmistress McGonagall called.
Feeling Kreature and Dobby take their places on either side of him, Harry Potter-Black rose from his seat and began the journey to the head table. In the portraits, three other former headmasters held Phineas Black back, and Minerva's wand slid into her palm. She noted that Flitwick and Andromeda were also armed as the boy – the young man – strode confidently toward the adults who watched over the Great Hall.
Sirius noted the boy didn't seen as tall as he should be but what did he know about teenagers? The messy Potter hair was there but it was the same colour as the Black family and the eyes were reminders of the mudblood mother who turned James from a life of pranks and parties. 'Well, no matter. I'm still a marauder.'
"Well Harry, I've wanted to meet you for a long time!" Sirius said congenially, a fake smile on his handsome face.
"Truly, godfather?" asked Harry, a wistful note in his voice that brought the full attention of the adults to his words and form moving through the Great Hall.
"Did you receive the food I sent to you before you were declared free?" he asked three steps from the head table.
"Did you get the wands and warm clothing my elf brought you?" he asked two steps from the head table.
With each question, Harry's tone grew harder, until he stood directly in front of the head table. "I never heard from you…"
"Well… yes," Sirius said, sitting forward in his chair. 'Where is the gladness to see me?'
"Did you thank me for capturing Wormtail?" Harry asked with cold words. "Or did you just slip away for the sunshine of the Caribbean?"
"Now see here," Remus said, unhappy to see his friend criticised. "Sirius spent ten years in Azkaban. He needed to recover!"
"Yes, Professor Lupin," Harry agreed. "Ten years in hell! I understand all too well because I spent the same years in a boot cupboard in Surrey as a slave. Perhaps, my godfather and I can compare scars."
Andromeda made to rise and approach Harry, but Minerva's hand held her at the table. "No, we cannot – we must not – interfere."
"Listen kid, I just came to say 'hello'. I don't need the attitude," Sirius moaned. "Everyone expects me to be their saviour…"
Harry frowned, not understanding his godfather's complaint. "Saviour? I heard that being a godfather came with certain obligations…"
Sirius shook his head and said, "Yeah, but James knew I'd never make a good godfather. Merlin knows why he got himself killed… Stupid mudblood got herself killed too. When Hagrid…"
"What did you call my mother?" asked Harry, his aura bleeding out into the Great Hall.
"Oh, don't get bent out of shape over it." Sirius slipped into the crazy Black family sing-song speech, "Here a mudblood… there a mudblood… everywhere a mudblood…"
Grinning like the mad man he truly was underneath the veneer of polite society, the wizard glanced at Remus and asked, "Remember singing that when we were students, Moony?"
"Sirius Black, you shame your family!" Harry declared.
Instantly, the wizard rose, his wand in his hand, pointed at the boy in front of the table. Students scrambled out of the way, putting room between them and two angry wizards.
"Don't speak to me about my family!" Sirius growled. "You know nothing about the Black family!"
"I am the Black family!" Harry argued, his left hand rising to display the heir's ring as Potter and Black family magics swirled about him.
Sirius sneered. "It's just a ring! Who convinced you to take up the heir ring?"
"No one convinced me," Harry argued. "I took it freely!"
Sirius lowered his wand and the smirk grew wider. "As your godfather, I will control the vaults and estate…"
"Wrong," Harry replied. "When Dumbledore declared me uninteresting, I was emancipated and became an adult in Magical Britain. No guardian will plunder my vaults again."
"Your vaults…" the wizard said to dismiss the teenager's words. Harry stood firm, not reacting in the least, so Sirius snorted, flexed his shoulders and began his trip around the table to the floor of the Great Hall.
He grinned at the boy and said, "Well then, son of a mudblood whore, I challenge you to a duel to be head of the family!"
"Padfoot! He's a third-year boy!" Remus shouted.
"…who just claimed my birth right," Sirius snarled. "I will have satisfaction…now!"
"May magic judge the just!" Harry said, accepting the challenge and quickly deciding on a course of action – force and shields while setting a trap of the Grim.
Before Remus could act, Sirius cast a petrification spell at his friend. The eyes of the werewolf begged his friend not to continue with this duel but the wizard was determined to hurt the 'Black' family tonight, even if it meant he hurt his godson.
With every Scottish curse she knew on the tip of her tongue, McGonagall swore to hurt Sirius Black even if Harry emerged unscathed from this mess. Controlling her temper, the new headmistress asked Flitwick to prepare the duelling floor with appropriate wards.
"How did you get the heir ring to accept you?" Sirius asked the teenager he'd not seen since he was a baby. Behind the wizard, the charms professor called house elves who vanished the tables and chairs, and then the half-goblin raised the professional wards to confine the spells of duellers to the floor and protect the observers.
"Harm him and I will see you dead, Sirius Black!" shouted a voice. "I will torment you for the rest of your worthless life!"
Everyone in the Great Hall except for Harry turned to see Phineas Black in an enlarged portrait frame outside the duelling wards. The teenager recognized the voice and knew he'd earned a future lecture but for now, he would study his opponent.
The portrait continued his abuse of Sirius, "Every portrait frame in every house you inhabit will be my home if you harm my great-grandson. You'll never have a night's peace and no whore will take your coin hearing the tales of your diseases!"
"Your great-grand… Oh, Aunt Euphie…" Sirius muttered realizing how Harry claimed the heir ring for the Black family. "Well, I don't care if you're my brother's bastard on the mudblood…"
"Old master stop saying terrible names of Mr. Harry Potter-Black mother!" shouted Kreature appearing beside Harry.
"Kreature! You closed Grimmauld to me!" Raising his wand, Sirius shouted, "Die, worthless elf!"
Sirius casting a cutting spell at Kreature began the duel so Harry threw a chain of spells that created a shield over the elf, directed his godfather's curse at the wards that absorbed the magic, and then threw the wizard back three meters.
Not allowing Sirius to recover, Harry cast the Expelliarmus spell, taking away his opponent's primary wand. Harry threw the wand to Kreature, as the teenager moved to his left, throwing Sirius off balance as the wizard scrambled to pull out his spare wand.
Flitwick lowered his wand as he watched Harry moving his godfather within the wards. He quickly realized the teenager was matching the trap the half-goblin used to win his first championship match against a Spanish wizard in 1968. The duel and special spell were included in a book of required reading Filius gave to all students interested in joining his duelling classes. Sirius may have read the book years before but he wasn't thinking right now; the marauder simply tried to avoid the bludgeoning spells that threw him around the duelling floor.
"Now, Harry, just surrender. I'll not hurt the elf if you're fond of him." Sirius was already sweating with the effort of the duel. Sustained spell casting exhausted even a wizard in tip-top shape.
Harry remained silent except for casting spells that moved Sirius into the place Harry had prepared.
"Either surrender or prepare for a world of hurt!" Sirius demanded as he cast the same cutting curse as earlier but with much more power.
"Harenae captionem!" Harry shouted with great force and then rolled away from Sirius's spell. (Sand Trap)
The marauder had no time to think or move as he suddenly sank into the floor of the Great Hall – there was quicksand below his feet and more sand fell from the ceiling; he was buried up to his chest in a matter of three seconds.
The cutting spell Sirius cast sliced through the duelling wards threatening to collapse them and creating a backlash that could kill the children and faculty. Desperate to control the loose magic, Flitwick, McGonagall, Sprout, and Tonks cast spells.
But Harry kept his eyes on Sirius as the sand rose around his godfather. The teenager demanded, "Yield or die!"
"I yield! I yield!" Sirius called as the sand reached his face, unable to escape from the wards that formed the sand into a blanket around him. Harry's wand twitched and the sand vanished, releasing his opponent who surrendered the duel.
The boy bowed to his godfather to acknowledge the other wizard's concession and then Harry and both of his elves turned to the collapsing wards, pouring their magic into stabilizing the flaring magic. As the sand disappeared and he caught his breath, Sirius found his anger still burned brightly and focused on the damned elf! He raised his second wand and cast the cutting curse again.
The spell hit Kreature in the back and sliced the little elf in half at the waist.
The wards under control once again with the magic from the professors, Harry and his elves, Flitwick began dismantling them carefully. Hopeful that the night's drama was complete, Andromeda could only stare when the little elf was hit by the spell from her cousin's wand. The creature made no sound as he fell, but one small hand reached for Harry's hand before the last light faded from his eyes and a spark of magic leapt from elf to wizard.
Unable to reach Kreature before he faded away, Harry felt his friend's gift of elven magic wrap around his magical core but it failed to stop the anguished cry from the teenage boy's soul. Frantically trying to put the pieces of his elf back together and heal him, Harry's wand, robes and hands became covered with Kreature's blood. The bright light of Harry's magic made several people look away or cover their eyes.
"Mr. Potter."
Harry wept for his elf; Dobby held onto Harry's arm, and sobbed for the death of his friend and for the pain his young wizard experienced from the loss.
"Mr. Potter," came the same voice – a gentle woman's voice. Harry looked up and recognized the kind face of the woman who sat with Professor McGonagall at the head table tonight; she knelt beside him and the bloody corpse. "The elf is gone. He lived a long, hard life but you made him happy here at the end."
"How do you know?" asked Harry, desperate for a good memory or kind word to remember his dead friend.
"I knew Kreature when I was a child. My sisters and I…" Andromeda paused with the pain thinking about her sisters who once were innocent girls. "I visited Grimmauld Place often and Kreature would bring me tea and biscuits. The people in that house always punished the elf and kicked him down the stairs. But I saw how he was very happy to be 'your' elf tonight. He defended the honour of your mother without thinking about himself."
Harry glanced at his hands, covered in Kreature's blood and used his sleeve to wipe his face. He took a deep breath and heard the other voices in the Great Hall again.
"I'll snap your wand!" yelled Flitwick at Sirius. "You yielded in a formal duel and then fired off another spell at your opponent's back after he accepted your surrender!"
"Sirius Black, I'll ban you from ever setting foot…" began McGonagall.
Harry Potter-Black stood, Kreature's blood on his hands, wand and robes. "Coward! Sirius Black, I call you coward! You dishonour your family, your name and your magic!"
With the attention of every adult in the Great Hall on him, Harry summoned the wand that he'd taken from Sirius in the duel where it lay on the floor covered in Kreature's blood. Staring at his godfather, he snapped the wand with one hand, a sign of his power and the magic of the wand flared.
Taking a swallow to clear his throat, Sirius shook his head, dismissing Harry's anger. "Boy, it was just an elf! Grow up for Merlin's sake! Kreature was old and…"
Harry leapt across the Great Hall; ten meters separated him from Sirius but he appeared to fly. Wearing a predatory smile, the teenaged wizard grabbed his godfather by his robes and lifted the man, both rising toward the ceiling quickly.
"You killed Kreature! You yielded on the duelling floor but then killed my elf!"
"What are you doing? Put me down! How can you…" Sirius screamed as the teenager reached the rafters of the Great Hall, the magical night sky of the ceiling surrounded the pair when they disappeared with a loud pop, that sounded very much like elven magic.
The headmistress stared at the ceiling for a moment and then she glanced around the room. Released from the petrification spell, Remus Lupin also stared at the ceiling, and Flitwick and Sprout escorted the students from the Great Hall, while Andromeda knelt beside the second elf who sat with the little corpse. Dobby had summoned a shroud for the dead creature and began cleaning away the blood from the body and the floor.
Andromeda rose and hurried to Minerva's side. "Where is the Chamber of Secrets?"
"I… I don't know," the headmistress admitted. "Albus knew but I am loath to waken his portrait to ask." She shrugged, almost in shock herself. "Mr. Potter is the only person who can open the doorway to the chamber…"
"Does the elf know where they went?" Remus asked as he came over. "What did the elf say?"
"The elf says that Mr. Potter took Sirius to the Chamber of Secrets," Andromeda replied and watched the DADA professor stagger to a chair.
"Should we close the owlery?" Flitwick asked Minerva, when he returned from the doorway, seeing the last students off for the dormitories. Many of them would write letters and send them to family and to the Daily Prophet tonight.
The headmistress sighed, "I will not begin by imitating Dumbledore."
Nodding in agreement, the half-goblin asked, "Did you see Harry fly? He's the first wizard since Merlin to fly without a broom."
"It's just accidental magic…" Remus argued.
"No, Mr. Potter flew inside the Great Hall and carried off Sirius Black," replied Pomona Sprout with a shake of her head. Then the herbology professor began to giggle and the other professors made her sit for a moment to gather her wits.
"Pomona, are you alright?" asked Flitwick when McGonagall, Tonks and Lupin walked over to the little elf who was cleaning the blood from the floor.
Sprout glanced to make certain none of the others were close by as she whispered, "Can you imagine what Severus would pay to see our memories of tonight? To see Sirius Black beaten by his thirteen-year-old godson in a duel and then get carried off, screaming in fear…"
Flitwick shook his head, "No one would want to see the memory of Sirius Black dishonour himself so completely firing off spells after yielding."
"Dobby, where did Harry take Sirius?" Remus asked but the little elf ignored the DADA professor.
The marauder demanded, "Dobby Elf! Answer me!"
The little elf raised his head to stare at the wizard and ask, "Will Mr. Moony kill Harry Potter's elf? What does Mr. Wolfie think my Mr. Harry Potter will do to if marauder who kills his other elf?"
Remus paled and turned to McGonagall for help but it was Andromeda who knelt again to speak to Dobby.
"We're worried about Harry. Remus is a good friend of Sirius." She glanced at the DADA professor and then back at the elf. "He doesn't want anything bad to happen to Sirius…"
"Did the dogfather care what happens to Harry Potter?" Dobby asked.
"Of course, he did," Remus argued.
The elf looked up and snarled, "Liar! Mr. Moony is a liar!"
The last of the blood was gone from the floor and Kreature was wrapped in the shroud. The elf looked at Andromeda and asked, "Does Miss Potions know what Black family does to honour faithful elves?"
"It isn't something that Harry would like," Andromeda replied. "When Harry returns, you and he can go to a Black home to give Kreature a proper burial…"
Dobby nodded slowly, deciding to speak to Headmaster Phineas Black as soon as possible. Without another word, Dobby grabbed the shrouded corpse and popped away.
Remus looked as if he wanted to call the elf back, but Minerva motioned him to stop.
"Harry is distraught but he won't kill Sirius," she reassured the wizard.
There was another pop in the room – a loud pop – as Harry returned with Sirius. The teenager had both feet on the floor and his magic held Sirius up; the older wizard had wet and soiled himself, and he shivered with fear.
"This wizard is no longer a member of the Black family. His name is simply 'Sirius' and he will leave tonight for Martinique and never return to Britain," Harry said, releasing the grown man and letting him fall to the floor.
"But how…" Remus began to ask but stopped when the trembling man glanced up at Harry.
"Made me live memory of big snake… Dropped me on big, HUGE snake…"
The teenager kept his eye on both marauders; he'd never trust them again. "Sirius will have a vault at Gringotts in the Caribbean after tomorrow but he cannot call on any member of the Black family for aide in the future… or for more money…"
Harry glanced between the DADA professor and his godfather before adding, "I shall never return to your classroom Lupin. When you complete your contract here at Hogwarts, you will join Sirius in the Caribbean. Sirius tells me werewolves are welcome in the Caribbean."
Climbing to his feet and backing away from Harry slowly, Sirius said, "The snake was going to eat me! It was huge! And the boy killed it…"
"Come on Sirius," Remus said, taking his friend by the arm and leading him out of the Great Hall.
"Where… what?" asked Andromeda, as Harry looked around the Great Hall.
Ignoring the woman's questions for the moment, Harry asked, "Where is Kreature's body?"
"Your other elf prepared the body and removed the blood," Andromeda replied. "He asked about our family's rituals and I told him you wouldn't care for it…"
Seeing the look on the teenager's face, she explained, "My aunt would cut off the head of the elf and mount it in a case in the hallway."
"There's no such case there today," Harry replied. "I'll start a new tradition; something that honours Kreature."
"He's just an elf," McGonagall commented. "I don't understand."
"Where would you be without house elves Professor? Would your clothes be clean or your food cooked? Would Hogwarts be clean?"
"But that's what house elves are for!"
"And they can be so much more…" Harry said before he walked away.
Scene Break: New Hogwarts (19 Dec 1993)Once she closed the wards of Hogwarts that evening to make certain that Sirius Black – Sirius – could not return, Minerva spent a sleepless night wondering if she could have done something different to prevent the duel that left her student grieving. Rather than tossing in her bed, the headmistress stalked the halls of Hogwarts. That night, she closed Dumbledore's office, determined to keep her current office and change his office to be a research room for historians. She'd leave orders that Dumbledore's portrait was to be locked away permanently or destroyed – she'd destroy it somehow during her tenure as headmistress. On the walls, some of the portraits slept while others were awake. Any time she paused for more than sixty seconds, a house elf appeared to inquire if she wanted tea, coffee, or whiskey. The suits of armour came to attention when Minerva passed and the ghosts floated out of the walls, to nod and continue with their wandering.
In the early hours of the morning, the headmistress made her way onto the astronomy tower and found it warmed with heating charms. There were comfortable chairs, a table and a pot of cold tea. Harry Potter, stood at the edge of the tower, staring at the night sky and the tiny sliver of a waning moon.
Minerva paused. Immediately ready to discipline her pupil, she reconsidered after a moment and spoke politely, "Good evening, Mr. Potter."
Harry turned around and smiled wanly at his transfiguration professor. "Hello, professor. I hope you're not too angry with me for being out…"
"I could not sleep and have wandered the halls all night myself," the headmistress admitted.
Harry came to Minerva's side and offered his arm, "Will you join me for tea, Headmistress McGonagall?"
"Certainly, Mr. Potter."
"Yesterday, my name changed to Hadrian Jameson Potter-Black," he said resolutely. "I intend to rebuild the Potter name and rehabilitate the Black name."
"I knew your grandmother," Minerva said. "We were both students here at Hogwarts in the early 1900s and Euphemia Black was a powerful Slytherin witch who fell in love with a Gryffindor named Fleamont Potter."
"Grandfather Phineas told me a few tales."
"I never knew Headmaster Black cared much about family," Minerva said as Dobby suddenly popped onto the tower with cream, sugar, biscuits and a hot pot of tea. "But then I am certain Dumbledore's fingers affected how everyone perceived family histories left and right."
"He is gone," Harry said. "I believe you will make things better."
"It will be hard to rebuild Hogwarts," Minerva admitted. "The financials are in ruins… He spent galleons on robes that should have been spent on professors."
"I have good news for you, Headmistress." Harry watched the witch smile as she took a sip of her tea. "In my adventures in the Chamber of Secrets, I discovered a treasure hidden away by wizards over the past thousand years. I gave some to Luna and to Neville, and kept some for myself. But I also designated one quarter for Hogwarts. It's just over ten million Galleons."
"Ten million?" the new headmistress asked, unable to believe the amount of gold that would rescue so many Hogwarts students and classes this year and in the future.
"And tomorrow – or rather, later this morning – Theodore Abbot and a crew of wizards will arrive at Hogwarts. I'll take them down into the Chamber of Secrets to harvest the carcass of the basilisk I killed last year."
"A basilisk?" Minerva asked, clues falling into place.
"Yes, a giant basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets – Hannah's father and the goblins think the many different pieces will sell for several million galleons,"
Smiling now, Minerva said, "Congratulations. You killed Slytherin's monster so it is your right to harvest and benefit financially."
"Yes, but Mr. Abbot and I talked about the wealth at length. I decided that Hogwarts would receive 50% of the proceeds."
"But… 50% is too much…"
"It will do a lot of good for Hogwarts but it come with stipulations," Harry explained.
"What stipulations?" Minerva asked half seriously and half joking.
"Any money used for scholarships must have the approval of multiple faculty members and me for each candidate. They won't be forced to wear hand-me-downs or…"
"You?" she asked and the boy nodded.
"And the students must maintain decent grades at the end of each term," Harry said. "I won't see money wasted on more students like Ron and Ginny Weasley."
"Fred and George?" the headmistress asked cautiously.
Harry shook his head, "I don't trust them and the students are tired of being their test subjects."
"I agree… I am tired of seeing reports of Poppy healing blinded eyes, pierced hands, and burns," Minerva agreed. "If Bill funds the winter term for his twin brothers, I'll not be understanding or forgiving of jokes and tricks. I can expel them will not refund the galleons!"
They were silent for a few minutes, both drinking tea, and thinking of the coming winter term. There would be a new Hogwarts for certain…
Scene Break: Kissing Tom Riddle 21 DecemberIn the depths of the magical forests of Albania, magical and mundane creatures were fearful of the shrouded arrivals for three weeks as winter approached. But the leaders of the sprites, trolls and centaurs listened to the questions of the dementors and directed them to the darkest forest glades where no creature dared to venture. On the night of the winter solstice, there were screams coming from those cursed glades.
The final soul shard of Tom Riddle felt them coming; he felt the other pieces of his soul calling to him, promising him peace and comfort. He drifted closer slowly, never noticing the dark shrouds watching his progress from the shadows; the remnant flitted from tree to tree, seeking the missing pieces of his soul.
As the moon rose on the night of the solstice, the remnant floated into a clearing and found himself surrounded, trapped and bound. A band of dementors, every dementor in existence, surrounded him and began moving slowly in a circle. More than a score of the creatures chanted in a language that no one else understood while Tom felt chains binding him to the glade, and pulling tight. The soul shard recognized the different pieces of his soul present in the circle of dementors.
The spinning circle moved faster, the chanting grew louder, and Tom Riddle faded away. With the passing of the last piece of the Dark Lord's soul, Ooglaborn felt the pull of the afterlife calling all the souls kissed by the dementors over the centuries.
[Is it Oblivion, Heaven or Hell that awaits us?] the dementor asked.
"Come to me!" commanded the same voice that had ordered him to kiss the scar on Harry Potter's forehead months before. Without hesitation, Ooglaborn led his people through the mist and into their next adventure. Thereafter, the forests of Albania returned to normal though the creatures told the story of demons to all visitors and made fortunes selling 'authentic' dementor shrouds to gullible wizards and witches.
In spring the following year, the Dragon Preserve in Rumania noticed the presence of a rare white Grecian Fire dragon breeding with several different females. If any dragon keeper recognized the missing Gringotts dragon, they failed to report his presence. The return of the Grecian Fire dragon genes to the blood lines in the preserve was very welcomed.
Scene Break: EpilogueHarry Potter completed his seven years at Hogwarts without any additional fuss or any major crisis at the school. Headmistress McGonagall reintroduced spell crafting classes, magical theory, magical customs and she retired Binns from the history classroom.
In June 1994, Remus Lupin left Britain after his year at Hogwarts to live with Sirius on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean. There were no further communications with either wizard.
In March 1995, Bill Weasley transferred to Gringotts Denver where his skill with curse-breaking allowed him to help construct large underground caverns in the Rocky Mountains to act as nature preserves for many endangered magical and mundane creatures. He eventually married an American witch and had three children, all magical.
In the summer between Harry's fourth and fifth years, he searched through the Black family library and found the receipt for the nerve damage cure that Kreature had mentioned to him once. Potion Professor Andromeda Tonks (nee Black) carefully brewed the potion that fall and at Yule, Frank and Alice Longbottom woke from their years of catatonia. With proper physical therapy and more potions, the couple were able to attend the Wizegamot sessions in 1995 where young George and Fred Weasley were exiled from Britain for drowning Delores Umbridge in a jinx gone wrong. The twins found moderate success as inventors of jokes and jinxes in America but never developed their true genius.
In Britain, without rumours of the return of the Dark Lord, the remaining wizards holding pure-blood beliefs found themselves marginalized. In 1996, a group of these wizards attempted a coup d'état during the summer; the result being that the chief plotters were left dead or thrown through the veil. Ron Weasley joined with the plotters to overthrow the ministry and implement a 'pure-blood' government. Captured in the single battle of the coup during a battle for the ministry on a Wednesday afternoon, Ron was convicted and thrown through the veil along with Marcus Flint, Vincent Grabbe, and the sons of other Death Eaters.
The same week, Arthur Weasley committed his wife, Molly, to the Janus Thackery Ward in St. Mungo's, and arranged the marriage of his daughter, Ginny, to an Irish wizard who was ten years her senior. Weasley was desperate to get her out of the country before Aurors could question her role in the attempted coup.
Dora Tonks reconnected with Charlie Weasley during the attempted pure-blood coup d'état in 1996. Charlie came back to Britain to help defend the ministry and as a talented Auror, Dora was in the front lines. The couple eloped to Paris before September and Charlie took the Tonks name and a job at the British Dragon Preserve in Wales. His mother never reconciled with Charlie though Arthur attended the naming ceremonies of each of their four children and he visited their home many evenings to baby sit his metamorphic grandchildren.
Twenty years later, Harry was happily married with children who attended local primary schools before going to Hogwarts and then university. He was a devoted father and husband.
ContentsScene Break: Halloween Time Turner 1
Scene Break: Attempts to Get Help (1-24 Nov 1993) 5
Scene Break: Recalcitrant Goblins 8
Scene Break: Kissing a Cup (Sun 28 Nov 1993) 12
Scene Break: Morning After (Mon 29 Nov 1993) 22
Scene Break: Gifts of the Founders (4 Dec 1993) 27
Scene Break: Dumbledore Takes Steps (6 Dec 1993) 32
Scene Break: Cleaning the Office 40
Scene Break: Weasley Woes 44
Scene Break: Gringotts and Diagon Alley 49
Scene Break: Great Hall for Supper 61
Scene Break: New Hogwarts (19 Dec 1993) 75
Scene Break: Kissing Tom Riddle 21 December 77
Scene Break: Epilogue 79
Contents 80