Geek Hiccup and head cheerleader Astrid I've been repeatedly asked for via reviews and inboxes. Since we're doing cliches I added glasses to Hiccup because I have a weakness for glasses. And I'm British and we don't really have cheerleading here so I'm going off what I know from American tv plus some gymnastics here... not that that's what you're here for.
Both aged 16-17.
(This has been in Hiccstrid one shots for ages but it was super popular and I regularly get asked for sequels. I don't know that I'll do one but this is me trawling for ideas?)
Hiccup pushed his glasses up on his nose as he leant over the books, and Astrid refused to acknowledge the thought of how cute she found the notion.
"I'm supposed to be tutoring you, you could at least pretend to pay attention."
Scowling, Astrid stretched her arms above her head to loosen a kink in her shoulders and back, refusing to admit she minded that Hiccup didn't look at the bared skin of her toned stomach when her top rode up. Leaning on the table with folded arms, Astrid gestured to him to continue. Glancing over to her, his cheeks coloured at her pushed-up cleavage but with a fleeting cough to clear his throat, Hiccup was all business.
"You see here? You mixed up formulas and that's why you got the wrong answer..."
She tried to pay attention, but the stupid Hiccup's stupid jaw was stupidly attractive. Astrid attempted to focus on the Algebra books, but the muscles in his throat worked as he spoke and Astrid kept getting distracted.
"Astrid? The bell is ringing."
"Oh. Right."
"Same time tomorrow?"
Astrid consulted her timetable, shaking her head.
"I got class. What about after?"
"I have chess club."
Of course he did. Hiccup adjusted the knot of his tie, forest green against a brown shirt and it very rudely highlighted the surprisingly pretty eyes hiding behind thick rimmed glasses. He brushed aside a messy fringe, giving her body a once over as she stood. Her outfit of a slim blue vest and her favourite skirt provided quite a contrast.
"Ok. What about after school tomorrow?"
"Oh. Uh. Where would we go then? Library is closed."
Astrid rolled her eyes, invading his space a little more.
"You know where I live."
Hiccup swallowed thickly.
"Ok. What time?"
Astrid bent down and scribbled something on a scrap of paper, plus a time. Hiccup's cheeks coloured brilliantly as she handed it to him, leaving him standing dumbstruck in the middle of the library while she headed to join her friends.
"Bring condoms."
"Bad luck Astrid, stuck with Dorkcup over there."
Heather - her co-captain of the cheerleading squad - lamented for her, she and the other girls throwing Hiccup a dirty look as he passed. Head down, keeping to himself. Most people didn't bother him anymore, because he never really reacted. Smart. Bullies wanted a reaction and he never gave one.
"Tutoring isn't gonna be fun regardless of who it is."
"Yeah, but since you're banging him for the top level tutoring, it's even more depressing."
Astrid pretended to agree. Listened to her friends laugh.
"Hey, is he a hiccup all over?"
That wasn't the first time she had been asked that, and it probably wouldn't be the last. Her answer was always the same.
"Can we not talk about it? Come on, class then cheer practice!"
That set off - ironically - cheering, the group of girls and one boy of the cheer squad heading to their next class. Hiccup was in their class, sat to the side nearest the window. Alone. His backpack resided in the seat next to him, a clear show of how unlikely anyone was to sit by him. Astrid watched surreptitiously out of the corner of her eye to see him pushing up his glasses sometimes, uncertain what it was about that that got to her.
The end of class was a welcome relief from the droning of their teacher, and the freedom that meant only one thing - cheerleading.
Astrid was captain - naturally - and ran a tight ship. She also kept an eye on the girls weights and diets, to make sure they were all eating sufficiently for the level of exercise. Astrid herself was a little wider than most of the others, but it was all muscle. She had better abs than half the football team.
"Ok. Who skipped lunch?"
One girl raised her hand, so Astrid gave her a chocolate bar and told her she wasn't practicing until she ate it.
"I'm having no fainting. If I wanted some waifish skinny weeds I'd go raid chess club!"
Several of the girls titteres. Helga flushed and bit into the chocolate bar, the others changing and preparing for the stretching/sort of yoga warm up to make sure everyone was flexible and ready to move.
"Ok, we're gonna practice the school cheer, then we'll- am I interrupting your gossip time? Annie, what's so important you're talking while I am?"
"It's just funny how you mentioned chess club and one of the geeks in question is in the stands!"
Astrid raked her eyes over the audience areas, belly tightening at the sight of thick rimmed glasses and messy hair. If that wasn't a big enough give away, his hooded jumper with a massive dragon on did the job.
"What's he doing here?"
"Checking out Astrid obviously! He's totally got a crush or he wouldn't be tutoring her in exchange for-"
"Heather, be quiet would you! Everyone, get into position."
If Astrid threw Hiccup a curious glance while she was leaning to switch on the decrepit stereo the school was too cheap to replace, that was her business. He had a book and might well have been enjoying the sunshine while studying. Maybe his dad was late picking him up.
Why did she care?
She didn't.
When Astrid was done with the first run through, Hiccup was gone. Probably his dad was late was all. Pushing the geek out of her mind, Astrid wrung all the energy she could out of her fellow cheerleaders for an hour and a half, then sent them home pleasantly exhausted. Pleasantly for her at least. Maybe not for them.
Heather gave her a ride home, bidding Astrid goodbye as she let herself into her house, shouting a greeting to her mother who was in the back digging for gold or vegetables or something. Astrid wasn't sure. She headed upstairs and stripped out of the half-useless and mostly-obscene cheer outfit. Seriously, the thing wasn't practical. Except to teenage boys checking her out.
A shower and intensive hair conditioning later, Astrid was curled up in her comfy hoody and jogging bottoms. Nobody was going to see her before tomorrow other than her parents. Social media was chaos - someone had seen someone else cheating on someone else and it seemed like everyone and his dog was involved. Astrid closed the website, put on music and stretched out across her bed to study.
The more work she got done, the more free time she would have when Hiccup came over the next day.
And herself was the only person Astrid would ever admit that to.
"Do you really need the help? You're pretty smart."
Heather quizzed the next day when she picked Astrid up, taking the travel mug of coffee Astrid held out gratefully. She liked bringing up the whole Hiccup thing even though Astrid was lying through her teeth about it really.
"If I ask him just right he basically does my homework for me."
"You could pay any high school geek to do that."
"Yeah, but this is easier. Couple of minutes once a week and he's my loyal servant."
Heather snorted, shaking her head.
"You're terrible. Ah, guess its only for a few more months."
"What do you mean?"
"Girl, you need more coffee if you're so tired you forgot to count down to end of year. Three more months and we are out of this hell-hole and off to our futures."
"Oh. Yeah."
Astrid wasn't sure why the prospect of not seeing Hiccup after end of term bothered her. She refused to fully acknowledge that it did.
"Here we are. Yay."
Heather drawled sarcastically as they pulled up, leaving the now empty cups in the car for Astrid to take home. The football team - a group of Neanderthals in matching strips - were out in force, predictably trying and failing to chat up the cheer squad. A couple of the girls were into it, but they were also friends with Tuff - their only boy cheerleader - and that seemed to offend the overly masculine boys for no real reason.
"Hey Hofferson!"
Astrid rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and turned to face Scott the lout, who would hit on anything with a pulse after two beers.
"What do you want?"
"We have a game coming up soon and I thought you might want to get in early to be my date to the victory party."
"Not even if you won the Olympics Shitlout, go away."
He was undeterred, following Astrid to try and get her on a date all the way to her classroom door. Blissfully, he was too primitive-minded for Chemistry class and finally left her in peace. Heather was stifling laughter to her left, knowing Astrid's abhorration for the teenage boy she had just shaken off like an irksome insect.
"He's persistent, you gotta give him that."
"The only thing I'll give that misogynistic shit is a kick in the-"
Astrid was cut off by an underpaid and overworked teacher coughing to clear his throat.
"No talking! Thank you. Now, turn to the page on inert gases..."
The end of that class couldn't come quick enough, as much as Astrid enjoyed catching up on her sleep at school. She stretched, hearing a few satisfying cracks from her back and letting out a sigh of relief. With a glance at the clock, Astrid realised she was going to be late for English at the other end of the building and grabbed hold of Heather who was making eyes at one of the sixth formers, some big blond with no neck and massive shoulders.
"Get a grip girl!"
"Oh trust me I would like to."
Rolling her eyes, Astrid dragged an unwilling friend away to class. Absolutely not counting down the hours until home time came and Hiccup would be coming over. Not one bit. She tapped her pen against paper anxiously, the knowledge of what Hiccup could do to her making Astrid antsy. He seemed remarkably unaffected by their study date later, not even seeming to pay attention to the fact Astrid was wearing her best bra. Not her favourite, but definitely the best for making her chest stand out.
It irked her that he didn't look. Astrid had half the male population undressing her with their eyes whether she liked it or not, but that bespectacled git didn't look unless Astrid was right up in his space like she had been at the library. Even then, he just blushed like a virgin and moved on.
Only when they were truly alone did it all become a little more primal with him.
Time crawled by at a snails pace until finally the school day was ending. Since Heather was driving her home Astrid had to play bored and unexcited by Hiccup's expected presence at her house that day.
"He's literally such a dork your parents don't even mind him being there do they? Which makes it easy for you two to trade services."
"Way to make me sound like a whore Heather."
"You know what I mean. You're like, the hottest girl in school and single as hell, your sex life is limited to banging Henry 'the Hiccup' Haddock."
"Eh. Sex isn't all that. It could be worse. I could be banging Shitlout."
Heather cringed.
"Fair point."
"And besides, I see you checking out Ingerman."
Her friends cheeks flushed, pale turning pink.
"Yeah, well, what can I say? I heard he's hung like a dragon."
"Size queen."
"Homework harlot."
The two exchanged banter and mock insults until Astrid was home. Heather bade her goodbye, told her to use protection and drove off cackling to herself like a mad old hag.
Right. Astrid needed a shower and some easily-removable underwear, in that order and quick. Hiccup was punctual to a fault and would be there within twenty five minutes. She knew the red set made Hiccup hotter for her, pairing it with a white button up shirt that was just a little see through. A loose jacket zipped up would ensure her parents didn't find that out though. The quick addition of a skirt and she was ready.
"Astrid! Your nerd is here!"
She recognised the voice, but he had no business being at her house just then.
Heather's older brother yelled up the stairs, waving to Astrid's parents from next to an awkward Hiccup.
"Yeah. I work at his dads auto shop and I was done for the day when Stoick was about to drive him over. It's on my way so I said I'd do it. Hey Mr and Mrs Hofferson! And H" Dagur slammed a meaty hand onto Hiccup's lean shoulder "don't do anything I wouldn't do. Or anything I would. Catch you later Astrid."
Bemused, Astrid waved to Dagur as he hopped off to cause chaos somewhere else. She forgot he worked for Hiccups dad. Hiccup stepped in quietly, backpack in place with brown straps over his prized leather jacket. He didn't wear it to school which was probably good else Astrid would have fucked him in the library by now. His usual shirt and tie were beneath it, serving everyone an odd contrast.
The boy took off his boots by the door without prompting, greeting her parents quietly and politely.
"Good afternoon sir. Ma'am."
"Henry. Go on up."
"It's so nice of you to be willing to come over here and tutor her, giving up your free time and all."
Fiddling with his glasses, Hiccup smiled warmly at Astrid's mother.
"It's no trouble Mrs Hofferson, really."
Then he was climbing the stairs to Astrid's room with her parents total confidence and trust.
If only they knew.
"Did you bring the book I asked you for?"
Hiccup nodded, eyes darkening a shade when Astrid's bedroom door closed behind them. Her habitual 'studying' music went on - a carefully crafted excuse whereby Astrid played music most of the time so it didn't seem out of place.
Astrid watched his reaction as she slid off the loose jacket, revealing the three unfastened buttons and hints of crimson lace visible through the fabric. He slid off his own jacket, reaching above Astrid's head to hang it on a coat peg on her door, filling her senses with the lusty smell of leather.
She caved first. She always did with him. Hiccup met her mouth with surety, plastic frames digging into the bridge of her nose. Astrid's hand came up, plucked the thick rimmed aphrodisiacs from his face and placed them folded up on her desk. His fingers splayed over the skin visible where her shirt was open, delicate artists touch mapping the dip and swell of collarbone to breast. Astrid whimpered against his lips. Hiccup growled in response.
Her friends thought she fucked Hiccup so he would tutor her.
Truth was, she fucked him because she loved it.
The rest of the buttons were undone before their mouths came apart again. Hiccup squeezed a lace-covered breast, muttering his appreciation against the skin of her neck before he licked it teasingly. Astrid squirmed, feeling one hand cup her ass and haul her to her bed. Hiccup might be thin and wiry but he was a damn sight stronger than he looked. Spread across her duvet with her shirt hanging open, Astrid growled in return when Hiccup got up and stepped back.
"Take out your braid."
Astrid complied - for him - and started removing the pins and bobbles holding her thick hair braid in place. Nobody but her parents and occasionally Heather saw her hair down, but Hiccup wouldn't stand for anything less when it was just them. Once her hair fell free down her back, Hiccup knelt either side of her legs on the bed, leant down and buried his hand in her hair as his mouth claimed hers again.
Hiccup was a ridiculously good kisser. Astrid didn't know where he learned, but she didn't want to ask either.
"If I look under this skirt, which by the way doesn't meet strict uniform specifications of length, am I going to find matching underwear?"
Astrid hated that it turned her on when he deliberately spoke like a nerd. Well, he was a nerd so technically he was talking like himself.
"I'll be careful not to rip them then."
His fingers were already under her skirt, pressing against the soft skin of her inner thigh before they made purchase with the underwear in question.
"Gods Astrid, you've ruined these already."
If he didn't get a move on Astrid was going to hurt him. Luckily for his own safety, Hiccup yanked the material roughly down to expose her, skirt hiked up to her hips and her briefs somewhere around her knees when Hiccup pressed his thumb down on her clit.
The music drowned out her moans as Hiccup played her expertly, knowing exactly how to work her up desperately. He had watched every response, calculated it all until he had a stack of test results from the experiment of Astrid. Two fingers pressed inside her with no resistance, the arousal he incited easing their way so Hiccup could rub at that spot hidden within, the one that made Astrid's legs shake.
Gods help her if her parents were to walk in - Astrid's shirt was open, skirt rucked up and Hiccup was still fully dressed as he tormented her to the edge without ever letting her topple off it. His hand vanished entirely and Astrid could have cried, but then he was kneeling on the floor and removing her underwear properly. He studied her closely, as though Astrid had more secrets to unveil before a hot tongue swiped over her slit, back arching and hands fisting tight in the covers.
"Watch me."
His voice was low and gravelled with lust, waiting for Astrid's eyes to find his before he lowered his mouth to her again. It was damn hard to watch him when every flick and lick of Hiccup's eager tongue made her want to throw her head back and scream. He latched on and sucked her clit between his lips, tugging the little swell until she was almost sobbing.
Astrid wasn't sure he didn't have a deathwish when he stopped again, just short of letting her come.
"Don't stop!"
Hiccup chuckled, skating fingers over her slick thighs. He had her worked up and messy already and neither were naked. Bastard.
"You want to come?"
She faltered. Hiccup knew her secrets, knew Astrid got a little tonguetied talking about sex and used it to his advantage. He loved to make her crack. To lose the school geek and head cheerleader labels between them until they were just rutting bodies seeking pleasure.
He rose to his feet, fingers unbuckling his belt and lowering his zipper. Astrid felt herself throb and clench at the thought of his cock.
No, he was not a Hiccup all over.
"You have a choice. You can come on my cock then suck me off" Hiccup knelt on the bed again, boxers coming down to let his cock spring free "or suck me off and I'll make you come so hard you can't take it after."
Geek in the streets, freak in the sheets. That was what Astrid thought of his filthy mouth when it whispered in her ear. Or even now, as he ran his own hand along his swollen shaft now and spoke like they were discussing the weather.
Astrid was so tightly wound she considered the first strongly, simply because it meant she could come sooner but... she knew he could deliver on the second too. Shedding her now useless shirt, she curled a hand around his jean-clad thigh and beckoned him closer.
"Take off your tie and unbutton your shirt?"
He complied wordlessly, holding the tie in his mouth while he unbuttoned his shirt. The material fell open, revealing a straight line of his pale, lightly freckled lean muscles from neck to hips. There was intention in his gaze when Hiccup held his tie between his hands.
"Trust me?"
Astrid nodded silently, letting him tie the emerald fabric around her head to obscure her eyes.
"I don't know what's prettier" he leant down somehow to kiss her "your gorgeous eyes or you letting me have you like this."
She hated it when he spoke so sweetly. Hated that it warmed her somewhere other than her groin. Hiccup's leaking tip pressed to her mouth, guiding without forcing to let Astrid set the pace. She parted her lips, minding her teeth as he slid inside the soft wet of her mouth. Hiccup swore under his breath, audible now as the loss of sight began to heighten her other senses.
"Fuck I love your mouth."
Hiccup cupped the back of her head, letting her know he was there without pushing her. He knew she hated having her head shoved down, mindful of her gag reflex. Astrid repaid his manners generously, sucking at the sensitive head of his cock, swirling her tongue around the rim of his glans until Hiccup was keening. She could picture his face taut with pleasure, sweat beginning to form a light sheen across his achingly beautiful face...
Whoa. Where did that come from?
Astrid mentally shook herself, focusing back on the erection rocking gently into her mouth. She wrapped her hands around him again, one on his thigh and the other circling his shaft to stroke and pump his cock in time with the motions of her lips and tongue. Music blurred the outside world away, leaving Astrid with only the sound and smell and taste of Hiccup, even the hand on her head and his thigh meaning her sense of touch was filled with him too.
Knowing she mightn't hear him, Hiccup tapped Astrid's cheek lightly as a warning he was close. She pulled back slightly so she wouldn't choke, stroking him a bit faster until Hiccup spilled hot and thick into her mouth. He was sweeter than any other guy she had ever blown, but he probably knew the science to it. Plus he didn't get wasted and live on fried chicken. That probably helped, Astrid mused as he slipped, softening from her lips.
The makeshift blindfold came away a minute later, revealing Hiccup's shirt was still on. Neither had gotten undressed properly - Astrid was in bra and rumpled skirt whike Hiccup was all but fully dressed - his belt hung as loose as his shirt but his zipper was back up.
"You leaving or something?"
He nodded, buttoning his shirt and buckling his belt. Astrid contemplated killing him.
"Yeah, I need the bathroom."
Astrid felt a little odd sitting on her bed in bra and skirt, waiting for Hiccup to come back. She moved the discarded underwear to her wash pile so they wouldn't get lost in her room, then after a minutes pondering she unhooked the bra to discard. The skirt could stay.
She heard footsteps, hands automatically going to cover her now bare breasts. Astrid turned just in time to see Hiccup back in her room, eyes on her bare skin as the door clicked shut. There was naked want in his gaze when Astrid lowered her hands, giving him the view of her breasts. Her nipples were flushed and swollen, begging for his mouth.
Hiccup didn't disappoint, guiding her back to flat across the bed so he could cup and squeeze her breasts, already knowing how best she liked to be touched. His mouth was hot and hungry on her breast, nipping at the delicate underside before lips clamped almost cruelly on her nipple. Astrid cried out, barely managing to muffle herself in the bedding as the sheer pleasure tore through her.
Hiccup knew she was sensitive there and could barely cope when he was rough, but he also knew just where the line was and kept Astrid dancing across it. Teeth worried at the hard bud until Astrid was shaking, a seconds respite for her to breathe before Hiccup descended on the other breast and sucked, nipped and licked until Astrid's hands must have almost torn his hair out with their fierce grip.
If he wanted, Hiccup could make her come from that alone. He had, on more than one occasion. Astrid already wanted him to just fuck her stupid and leave her with her brains melting out of her ears.
"How do you want this?"
Hiccup let go of her near-overstimulated nipple, dragging his tongue in a wet line up to her ear to whisper in it. The music couldn't hide his words. Astrid debated, knowing no matter what she was going to lose her dignity as she begged him to bring her off. Limbs shaky and uncooperative, Astrid managed to roll on her front and raise up on her knees - this way she could muffle herself in the bed if he made her scream.
A swift smack on her ass made Astrid quake, knowing she was a soaked mess of need and that Hiccup could see it - her skirt hid nothing in that position. She felt his hands soothe over her thighs, rub gently at the stinging spot and even felt a butterfly kiss flutter across the skin. He could be tender as much as rough. Often in a heady mixture at the same time.
"Take off your jeans. They rub."
Hiccup didn't hesitate to obey, letting them fall to the plush carpet that helped ensure they weren't overheard. His boxers tented over his turgid flesh as Hiccup pulled a box of condoms from his bag, placing it in the usual spot of her bedside table drawer after extracting one for him to use then and there.
The tearing sound had Astrid shaking again in anticipation, Hiccup's knees hitting the bed but he didn't take her offered body immediately.
"What's wrong?"
"Lie down. You're shaking and I don't want to worry you'll fall forward and crack your head on the wall."
Hardly sexy but he was totally right, waiting patiently for Astrid to lay on her stomach, glad the skirt didn't dig into her waist as Hiccup pressed along the length of her back, guiding himself inside her at long last. His mouth left open mouthed kisses along her shoulder, nuzzled at her long blonde locks while Astrid adjusted to being filled; he always felt huge from this angle.
There it was again, the warmth in her chest that had nothing to do with the heat between her thighs. Hiccup had shed his shirt to ensure his buttons didn't dig in, Astrid realised. His chest was damp against her back but she didn't care. Didn't give a damn about anything so long as he fucked her right now.
Hiccup didn't disappoint, shifting his weight to his elbows and rolling his hips in long, slow circles. Astrid choked on soundless moans, fisting at her bedsheets as though she could crawl away from the shattering onslaught of pleasure. He sent waves of blistering heat crashing through her, every thrust just shy of the explosive climax she knew threatened - Hiccup had played her like an instrument, building her to a quivering wreck and now she was totally at his mercy.
The angle let him press over that spot inside her, and every motion pushed her clit against the bed to add another jolt to the electricity singing along her nerves. Her back arched as best it could under Hiccup's weight, muscles going taut as she bowed beneath exquisite torment. They might move in different social circles, but gods she and Hiccup moved perfectly together in bed.
"Gods you're tight Astrid, tell me you're close."
Astrid's response was muffled in the bedsheets clutched between her teeth, the intensity of her orgasm rendering her almost temporarily blind as stars littered her vision and every muscle in her body spasmed, clenching and shaking and thrashing shamelessly with a stream of filth in her ear when Hiccup joined her in the satisfied bliss of post-climax.
She dimly wondered if sex got less exciting without the teenage flush of constant hormones, rolling onto her back when Hiccup all but fell from on top of her. Aftershocks left her shaky, Hiccup's lean limbs in the corner of her vision as she basked in the endorphin rush.
"Where you going?"
Astrid mumbled as he stood, frowning to herself - he wasn't one to come and go.
"To take this off."
He indicated the condom, wrapping it and the foil packaging it came in in a pocket tissue retrieved from his jacket on the door. Astrid hadn't even remembered how to move before Hiccup was redressing, cracking her window open and applying deodorant, body spray and a couple of wet wipes to himself to cover the smell of lust and satisfaction.
"We doing any actual schoolwork today?"
Astrid felt wrong-footed, vulnerable in her near-nudity.
"Oh. Uh. Sure. Just let me get dressed."
The afterglow faded fast as Hiccup redid his tie, pushed on his glasses and sat at her desk. The motion wasn't cute in their present environment, more a show that Hiccup was done with their physical connection. He kept his eyes averted while Astrid dressed - she wasn't sure what that said. He looked so completely unruffled, only the ache he left and the sweat dampening a few tendrils of hair along his forehead telling what had happened. They were already drying - if he left in fifteen minutes Hiccup wouldn't look any different to when he came in.
Feeling more secure in her favourite t-shirt and some comfortable bottoms - she was sore after that, though it had been totally worth it - Astrid sat next to him at her desk. They spent another forty five minutes on the work before her mother knocked at the door, asking if her 'friend' was staying for dinner when she turned down the music to answer the knock. The window and their mingled deodorant ensured her mother noticed nothing amiss.
"No, but thank you Miss Hofferson. I should get going."
Hiccup packed his stuff and left in silence, and it was only when she saw him walking down the street that Astrid allowed herself to feel confused. He had never been like that before, and no matter how she wracked her brain she couldn't work out what was different.
"Were you wearing that earlier?"
Her dad eyed her change of clothes suspiciously.
"I got changed while Hiccup was in the bathroom. Studying was stressful and I wanted my comfies."
"You even have your hair down."
Astrid patted the blonde tresses, the phantom feeling of Hiccups hand still there.
"Guess I do."
"He's nice."
Astrid knew where her mother was going with that.
"Mom, he's a geek. I'm a cheerleader. That's not the way it works."
Her dad tsked, cutting into his chicken. Her mother shook her head.
"I know all that seems terribly important now, but when you leave school you'll find it couldn't matter less."
"That doesn't mean I'm gonna date a dork like him. He wears a tie everywhere! Give it two years he'll be in grandad jumpers. Can we stop talking about this before you make it awkward for him to come over?"
Her parents left it alone and Astrid stabbed at her potatoes, forcing the meal down and taking herself back to her room after dinner under the guise of studying more. Instead she laid on her bed, spread out to take up as much of it as she could and ignored the smell of his aftershave on the sheets.
What was different?
At school the next day, Astrid was a little irritable. The question had plagued her no matter how she tried to ignore it, and so she hadn't slept as much as one usually would after getting well-fucked. Heather noticed her mood, made jokes about Hiccup that were never very funny but Astrid pretended to laugh at. She went to the library on her free period out of habit, despite not having agreed on the time with him.
Hiccup was there, though not in their usual spot. She went looking, found him in one of the dusty alcoves with those books every library had that nobody ever read. He seemed surprised to see her there.
"Did we have a da... an appointment?"
"I didn't think so."
His eyes turned back to the book on the table, heavy and thick and the pages turning a little yellow.
"What happened yesterday?"
"You were there."
"I mean after. You went all-"
Hiccup stood, the motion so fast it knocked the table with his knees.
"You think I don't know what your friends say about me?"
"What do you mean?"
He circled the table, taking up her personal space in a way he never dared outside of her bedroom. Astrid backed up, feeling a shelf at her back.
"I mean how they mock me. How they think you only fuck me so I'll do your homework because you're too embarrassed to tell them you love it."
"Why does that only bother you now? This has been going on for months."
He snorted, taking his glasses off and raking a hand through his hair.
"And you what? Assume I'm so grateful that the head cheerleader lets me in her bed that I'll just tolerate being seen as this desperate creep who knows he's being used and lets it happen?"
Astrid had, selfishly, never considered it from that angle. That didn't mean she wanted to admit to how badly she wanted this frustrating, dorky loner.
I know all that seems terribly important now, but when you leave school you'll find it couldn't matter less.
Her mothers voice rang in her head. Astrid felt it click inside her mind properly at last.
The secrecy had been because she worried what people would think. And Astrid didn't give a shit about other people's opinions of her. Mind whirling with how she could convince him properly, Astrid made several decisions at once.
Grabbing hold of his tie - black with thin green stripes today - Astrid hauled him closer and kissed him. Hiccup froze, stunned. Then he responded, hand curving around her waist to pull her closer.
"What was that for?"
Astrid threw a glance behind them, but they were really quite alone.
"I always wanted to have sex in a libary. Oh, and you're my prom date now."
He might get away with making the rules in bed, but Astrid felt he needed a refresher in who was in charge the rest of the time.
"Prom? That's two months away."
Astrid bit his lip as he boosted her onto the table, fingers working his belt open.
"I'm sure we can pass the time."
This was meant to be a quickie... that didn't work so well.