Author's Note:

Please review

Chapter Seventeen - Baby Number Three - Lily Luna:

2007 …

Merlin, it had been a rough week, Ginny thought as she wiped the vomit off of her chin while her other hand continued to cradle the toilet in front of her. James had become a right terror and she both loved and hated him for it as she followed her three year-old-son around the house like the maniac he was. Not to mention that Albus had only just started walking and he was getting a new tooth, making him restless.

Harry was on a mission and had been gone for the last five days and it was starting to take its toll on her. She hated when he was gone. She tried not to worry, she knew how important it was for him to be out there; to be fighting the good fight, but she did worry. She always tried her best not to show it.

Her stomach rolled again and she clutched the toilet desperately. She wondered how he was going to feel to discover that she was pregnant again.

She just finished washing her hands and brushing her teeth when she heard Albus start to cry. She covered her own face with her hands, scrubbing her tired eyes awake, surprised to find the tears there.

Ginny hurried down the hall to the nursery, a big smile on her face for her youngest son.

"Hi baby, I know it hurts," she cooed as she scooped him up into her arms. His big green eyes, so like his father's stared up at her in pain and she snuggled him close, kissing his forehead. "Come on, Al, Mummy will make it better."

Ginny moved to the bedroom and opened the bottle of Firewhiskey she kept on the dresser for this reason. She dipped her finger into the decanter and the gently rubbed it along her son's gums. The numbing agent made him sigh almost immediately and she carried him with her to the huge bed. She settled him down under the blankets, gently rubbing a hand on his stomach as he sucked her finger, desperate for every little nip of the whiskey.

It was where Harry found her when he stepped into the bedroom two hours later.

It was after midnight. He was exhausted and sore from taking the international portkey to Russia and back, but they'd caught their man. After spending nearly four hours interrogating him, they had discovered that he'd been more involved in Voldemort's inner circle than they had even suspected.

It had almost been alarming.

Harry smiled as he looked at his wife while she slept flat on her stomach. Her hand was resting on Albus' stomach as he slept peacefully next to her. Her short hair was tousled as if she had been dragging her fingers through it all night. She was wearing his Snitch boxer shorts he noticed in appreciation and his old Gryffindor Quidditch jersey, the name Potter on the back making him appreciate her wearing it even more.

He reached down to pick up his sleeping son, pressing a kiss to his cheek and inhaling his lovely baby smell. Ginny merely sighed and snuggled into the pillow.

Harry carefully carried Albus back to the nursery, kissing him again before he tucked him in. Albus merely brushed his small hand along his cheek and slept deeply. Harry made his way down the hall to peek in on James. His eldest son at three and half years old slept exactly like he lived - full of energy. He had kicked off his blankets and was sleeping sideways across the bed.

In expert parental movement, Harry shifted the boy back into the bed, wrapped him and kissed his forehead.

"Daddy," James said sleepily.

Harry smiled and sat on the edge of his son's bed. "Hi Jamie, go back to sleep. It's late. Daddy just missed you and I wanted to kiss you hello."

James smiled at him. "I love you, Daddy," he murmured, drifting back to sleep.

Harry smiled as he gently brushed James' hair out of his eyes. "I love you too, Jamie." He kissed his son's forehead again before he made his way back to the master bedroom.

Ginny was still passed out on the bed, but she turned when he came in the room, the jersey sliding up and revealing her stomach and the underside of one breast. The sight made him harden and he realized he wanted her more than he wanted a shower. He sat on the edge of the bed, leaning down to kiss her cheek and he rubbed his callused hand along her stomach.

"Ginny," he murmured with a smile.

Ginny's eyes fluttered open and she turned into him, half asleep. "Harry?"

He smiled at her. "Hi baby," he said, kissing her softly.

Ginny's eyes found his, raking over him. He had a small cut on his chin, his hair was messily still in the bun on the top of his head and he had a full beard. His green eyes were beaming at her in happiness and a twinkle of lust that made her smile. "You're home."

"I am," he said, leaning in and kissing her deeply. "I'm sorry it took so long."

"Did you catch him?"

He nodded, nuzzling her neck. "I did."

"So why are you apologizing?" She said smartly, kissing his cheek. "Al!" She exclaimed suddenly turning to look at the bed next to her.

Harry chuckled. "He's back in his crib. I tucked him in and I already checked on James. Both are sleeping soundly. Mother of the year has done wonders."

Ginny smiled at him. "More like mother of exhaustion," she said with a smirk. Her eyebrow merely rose when Harry's hands glided up the jersey she wore to cup her breasts. "Did you miss me, Mr Potter?"

He nipped at her lips, her neck as he grinned at her. "More than you can imagine," he said honestly as he tugged the jersey over her head to get a better look at her beautiful breasts. They were full, he realized, full and taut and he smiled at her, leaning down to kiss one tenderly. "You're breasts are full, are they tender?"

Ginny's head fell back as his tongue laved around her areola. "Yes."

Harry smiled. "And your nipples have turned that delicious chocolate. Are you pregnant?"

She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Sometimes you know my body better than I do, Harry."

His lips found hers and he kissed her deeply. "We're having another baby, really?"

She nodded, flushing. "I'm pretty positive yeah. I've spent a good portion of the last week having my morning sickness around eight at night."

"Aww, baby," Harry murmured, kissing her tenderly. "Are you happy?"

Ginny unbuttoned his shirt and carefully pushed it off his shoulders. "I am. Are you happy?" Her hands slid over his hard abs, up his chest and over his shoulders.

"Very," he said, his lips finding hers. "I want a girl who looks just like you."

She smiled and cupped his cheek. "That sounds lovely."

Harry shifted, lying her back on the bed as he moved over her. "But first, I want you, my beautiful, incredible and sexy as all hell wife."

Since she'd spent the better part of the week feeling very unsexy, his words made her smile. She kissed him just as Albus began to cry.

Harry kissed her lips quickly. "I got him. You stay here and try not to start without me."

Ginny smirked at him. "Hurry back, Mr Potter."

Harry smirked back at her from the doorway of their bedroom and the twinkle in his eye made her laugh.

Yeah, life was pretty damn good, she thought.

End Author's Note:

If anyone has any other "missing moments" feel free to suggest them.