bloodshound: Someone has to. I pity the Wizarding World once the Vindice are through with them.
alexandra101: Consider it a harsh lesson in consequences as for Hogwarts...That'll depend on Bermuda's future actions.
...I honestly pity the fool that would try to steal Jaeger away from the Vindice, especially if they're using some magical 'Law Binding' contract in an attempt to do so. I doubt they'll live long enough to see the next sunrise, but...Wizards don't have a lick of common sense so it is possible they would try just that.
917brat: Its Bermuda.
comodo50: I would say 'spoilers' but try to think about it: The Vindice, a prison who held no ruler until a toddler got ahold to it, a toddler that is a reincarnated Vindice...I really can't see them doing anything else but overrunning Azkaban Prison for their own. Knowing the Vindice, they would probably use it as a steady foothold into the Wizarding World.
...May God, Merlin, Whoever they want to swear by/worship; have mercy on their souls for I doubt The Vindice even know what 'Mercy' means.
Chapter 8
There's no place like Home.
He was finally home.
A soft smile tugs at the corner of the raven-haired toddler's face as he strolled down a dimly lit hallway without a single sound as his feet ghosted over the marble flooring as they carried him forward.
Honestly, there's not that much to see here- not that one could really see much to begin with- and even less to do but that's alright with Jaeger. He prefers it this way as it indicates he is less likely to run into anyone else before he reaches his designation.
So he counts the torches as he passes them to help count the distance he travels- One torch for every ten feet- and slowly closes the distance.
One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Six...Seven...Eight...Nine...Ten...Eleven...Twelve...Thirteen. Thirteen torches before the golden-eyed toddler finds himself standing outside a set of familiar heavy oak doors.
Slowly, he takes a step forward before resting a palm against the cool wood as though to push it open before hesitating. Should he enter? Did he even have a right to enter that room anymore? Would he even be welcomed?
"Jaeger," The baritone voice has the toddler's eyes lifting away from where they had drifted to the floor and back to the golden orient decorating the door, "Come in. There is no need to linger outside when you welcomed within."
For not the first time, Jaeger wonders if his once Lord was a mind reader...It really wouldn't surprise him if the younger- now the older of the two- was seeing how The Night Arcobaleno seemed to away know what he- and the other Vindice- were always thinking.
Taking a breath, the golden-eyed child pushes against the door with all the strength his body can muster causing it to slowly drift open just enough for the small child to slip inside.
The door slams shut behind him with a force that couldn't possibly be natural, but Jaeger pays it no mind as golden eyes drink in the sight before him.
Its a large, oval-shaped room with lilac-colored walls and dark ebony flooring. There's a King Size bed in the center of the room with pitch black sheets with matching see-through canopy. On the right side of the bed is a fireplace with pitch black armchairs with dark purple pillows and on the left is a study area piled high with work that was left unfinished...
Despite all that though, the room wasn't what held Jaeger's attention; rather it was the small form looking at him with those soft soulless eyes and smiling that small smile at him as though he alone had hung the moon.
Jaeger has seen that look before within private moments of another life, yet no matter how many times it is directed at him, his sun-kissed skin never fails to take a rosy tint as his heart beats within his chest like a jackrabbit attempted to escape.
Being Reincarnated did not change that. If anything it had only seemed to make that feeling- that warmth, dedication, and utter devotion he felt for his lord, even within the darkest depths of his very soul- even worse. So Jaeger does the only thing he can:
He looks away and prays Bermuda doesn't see what power the Night Arcobaleno still manages to hold over him.
The low baritone chuckle that follows such actions tell the golden-eyed incarnation he has failed, but His Lord does not bother teasing over the matter. Instead, that beautiful voice calls out to him and beckons him closer.
Jaeger does not hesitate to obey.
Despite his small stature, Bermuda's arms are still a sense of comfort as they pin his small form firmly against the other's chest, "Welcome Home, Jaeger."
Warmth and safety. Comfort and Security.
"I apologize for being late," A soft sigh leaves the child as he rests his head against the other's shoulder, "But, I'm home, Bermuda."
He was in Hell.
A living, breathing Hell where your worst nightmare- Dragons, Cerberus, Man Eating Paperwork, Sentient Food, Man Eating Sheets, Soul Stealing Demons, The Undead, ect...- silently lurked behind closed doors just waiting for the unsuspecting victim to release them into the world.
And then there was the Nightmare that didn't even bother to hide behind a closed door but rather strolled about as though he was God's Gift to Mankind. Though that Nightmare was probably better known as Bermuda von Veckenschtein, the Demon that just wouldn't stop stalking his poor, naive, and mentally unstable cousin.
Had he been a lesser man, Dudley was certain he would have busted into tears of horrified frustration as said cousin seemed completely obvious to the danger he was in and therefore constantly sought out the Demon's company at every waking moment.
It just wasn't fair. How was he supposed to protect Harry if the younger kept running towards the danger every time he so much as blinked?
Had his poor cousin no self-preservation instincts at all? It appeared so, therefore Dudley had taken it upon him- as the last of Harry's living kin and his older cousin/brother- to protect the younger...
Something he was still trying to figure out how to accomplish as everyone else seemed determined to see his cousin dead seeing how they took every possible opportunity to practically gift wrapped the younger and shoved him in the Demon's direction as though the raven-haired toddler was some sort of living sacrifice.
...Oh, Fudgebars! That's probably exactly what they were doing! They were sacrificing His Harry to save themselves!
The blonde shrieked in terror as he jumped out of his seat, not even caring as he knocked his breakfast to the ground, before rushing out of the kitchen in hopes of finding his unstable cousin in time to rescue the other.
If Jaeger was to be honest, he always suspected there was something wrong with his cousin as despite being so young, the blond-haired boy had strange 'tendencies' usually not found within most children:
Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Psychotic Breakdowns, Delusions, a constant supply of Conspiracy Theories, the whole nine yards as some would say.
Usually, the golden-eyed toddler tried not to permit this to affect the way he treated his cousin- Dudley was a good child no matter how unstable he seemed to be- but sometimes the older child needed his undivided attention.
So the raven-feather haired toddler granted him it.
Jaeger didn't mind. If anything, he rathered enjoyed the sparse moments where he could look after the other and protect him until such a time Dudley was stable enough to protect himself.
After all, Dudley was family. So, for that reason alone, Jaeger would do whatever was required of him to protect the blonde haired child - Even if all Jaeger had to protect Dudley from was Dudley himself.- til his last breath.
What could he say? He was just selfish like that.
A Cure.
A cure to the Arcobaleno curse that would tear it from Checkerface's hold forever slipping the creature of its sole purpose. After almost a millennium of plotting and thirsting for revenge, there was a cure...
And Bermuda wouldn't accept it.
To be honest, Jaeger felt as though he had stepped into another universe as he listened to His Lord weave a tale to explain what had occurred during his absence:
The Former Sky Arcobaleno was Dead.
The Vongola Decimo was horribly disfigured.
A Cure had been discovered by His Beloved Lord refused to aid this generation of Arcobaleno in any shape, way, or form.
His Bermuda had refused to fulfill his revenge against Checkerface...For Him. Bermuda never put anything before his revenge and yet, the Night Arcobaleno had chosen Him over revenge...Just the thought alone makes Jaeger's heart feel as though it was swelling with a torrent of emotions as golden eyes brightened with a revered awe.
"Marry Me," He demands causing a burst of deep laughter to echo across the empty Throne Room like thunder within a storm before the corner of his Lord's bandages crinkle in a way he had long ago learned meant the other was smiling at him.
"You are not going to ask me to release them of their curse?"Bermuda questions softly as he leaned in his throne as a small bandaged hand rested against the younger's cheek, "Would you not have me free them?"
Warm, Jaeger's mind mumbles as he leans slightly into the other's touch while half-lidded golden eyes peered at His Beloved Lord, "I would never request you to do something you do not wish to, My Lord. "
"And if I want them to die," Bermuda question, his deep voice sending waves of comfort down Jaeger's spine, "If I want them to suffer like we once did?"
"Then I shall do everything within my power to see it done."
And he would. If Bermuda wanted to save the Arcobaleno, then His Lord would save them. If The Night Arcobaleno wished for them to die, then die they shall.
"Good," Jaeger help but sigh wistfully as a familiar weight settled on his shoulder and a bandaged cheek brushed against his own, "For I have no intentions of saving this Generation of Arcobaleno."
It's not all that surprising really, Jaeger decided as he stands. Taking a brief moment to enjoy the familiar weight upon his shoulder before leaving the Throne Room, After all, Vindication had always been Bermuda's specialty.
This so-called 'Wizarding World' was full of Grade A Idiots, Alejandro decided as the blue-haired Vindice placed one of their so-called 'Law' Tomes on the table before him as a bandaged hand rubbed at his own face.
"Who the hell wrote this bullshit?" He questions softly as his eyes glanced over yellowing pages once more:
'A Wizard/Witch may only marry a goat on the third Sunday of ever sixth Spring Equinox.'
'A Magical must file the proper forms before he/she/it can be considered an acknowledge Dark Lord.'
'One may only conduct intercourse with a dragon during a lunar eclipse.'
'No one is allowed to fight for a fair trial.'
'A werewolf may only to permitted with a hundred yards of the Ministry of Magic if its fur is neon pink with a bright yellow ribbon tied around its neck.'
'Battle armor is not permitted within the dueling arena.'
'It is prohibited to run while being chased by a basilisk or any other magical creature between the ranks of X through XXXX.'
...Nope, that bullshit those hair-brained idiots dubbed as 'laws' was still there. Though he used the term: 'Laws' very, very lightly seeing as even not even Jack could come up with half of this nonsense.
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone so fucked in all of my existence," Alejandro murmured to himself as he softly closed the old tome before any more of his brain cells to commit mass suicide on him.
Those poor, poor fools. Bermuda was going to eat them alive over this.
"Oh well," Broad shoulders shrugged ever so slightly as the blue-haired Vindice stood, carefully gathering the Ancient Tomes he would have to present to Lord Bermuda before nightfall, "Not my problem."
Vendicare was a Mad House.
A Mad House run by the worst lunatics the world had to offer, of that Sirius Black was certain and coming from him- a man from a family where insanity ran through their very blood- the silver-eyed wizard liked to believe that said a lot.
None of which was good though it also explained while his cousin dearest- Bellatrix Dearest. May she choke on a bone- and the Lovegood child- someone should really take that child to see a Mind Healer- seemed so at home here. After all, everyone knew the crazies were drawn to each other like moths to an open flame.
Unfortunately, their madness also kept luring in his poor Godson. Harry wasn't crazy- he wasn't. The boy was just like James and everyone knew His Best Friend was completely sane and therefore so was Harry- his Godson was just a bit eccentric was all.
It was the Marauder blood- James had obviously granted Harry a good dose of it to overrule Lilly obsessive need to be a stickler for rules- which called out for an adventure at every possible turn mixed with the Potter Family's cursed luck. It only made sense that the combination of the two would have his beloved Godson running headfirst into danger- just like James used to- and being attracted by things many sane men would avoid like a plague.
Still...This Mad House and its so-called Minders were a bit much, even for a Marauder to handle.
He had almost been eaten sentient paperwork on his first day here. He had spent his second day in an infirmary after opening a door only to find a nestling dragon who wasn't all that happy to see him, his fourth day was spent running away from his own shadow as it tried to kill him under the pretense of a 'game'.
Then there was the man-eating food the rouge- haired VIndice gave him which left him incapable of ever looking at another cookie the same way again, the mob of inferius within the lower levels, the bright pink Cerberus which thought him a chew toy, the Lethifolds the 'Guards' used as sheets in their guests' bedrooms.
And that was only what occurred during his first week within this Mad House!
For the sake of his sanity, Sirius like to pretend nothing else happened- Nothing else happened! No matter what any of these so-called 'Vindice' claims, he did not almost end up married to Dementor over a game of poker while he was drunk out of his mind. It DID NOT HAPPEN!- though Harry didn't seem all that affected by the Chaos that surrounded him.
If anything, his Godson seemed perfectly at home, but all that meant was His Godson was an amazing Marauder- He was so proud, Sirius felt as though he was going to cry tears of joy and he knew James would be so proud if only he could see his little Bambi- and obviously had the blessing of Loki himself.
James was not insane... Err, he meant Harry. No matter what anyone else claimed Harry was not insane. He was just a true Marauder and maybe if Sirius kept telling himself that, the silver-eyed man would one day believe it.
If Bermuda was to be honest, he was a selfish, possessive, and rather a jealous man. He never liked sharing and he sure as hell didn't like others trespassing on what he deemed his, be it: territory, personal possessions, his personal space, and people...
Especially the people who he claimed as His.
So, it was fair to say, the Night Arcobaleno was rather displeased to learn a whole 'Secret Society' had not only broken but trampled upon his one major rule: They had not only trespassed but they dared to claim something of his as their own.
Their Harry Potter, Their Boy-Who-Lived, Their Saviour, Their Golden One.
Just the thought alone had Bermuda's lip twisting into a silent snarl of fury as Night Flames incinerated the biography- Read: Fairy Tale- that was supposed to be Harry Potter's life causing its ashes to slip through his pale finger and onto his desk.
They dare?! They dare claim hold of what was HIS?! They dare expect more of HIS Jaeger then what HIS Shadow, HIS Right Hand, HIS Once and Future Guardian has already blessed them with?! They dared to think Jaeger owned them anything just because he protected his own existence?! Where they so blind they truly thought HIS Jaeger killed the so-called 'Dark Lord' for them?!
It was laughable really, but there's not a shred of amusement within the Night Arcobaleno's dark soulless eyes as he silently slipped out of his chair- being oh so careful not to wake the sleeping child resting within the bed that had once been Their's- before leaving his room and sealing the door shut behind him. Jaeger had always claimed him to be overcautious but Bermuda outright refused to take a chance concerning the other's safety.
Once he's satisfied none shall be capable of entering, The Vendicare Warden warps himself to where the rest of his Guardians are already waiting:
The War Room.
Usually, this room was used for whatever plots they could craft to make Vongola's very existence a living hell, but now... Now he and his Guardians gathered for another reason:
The complete Subjection of the Wizarding World.
Jaeger was HIS, Jaeger was THEIRS and they would not surrender him for anything. They wipe out the whole 'Wizarding World' then permit such sheep to attempt to steal one of their own from them.
And so, they plotted and they planned.
The first step was gaining a foothold within this new 'world' which had thankfully already been accomplished by Jaeger himself though The Vindice fully intended to remodel the prison into something better suited for their end goals.
That would be Small Gia's responsibility and judging by the number of blueprints surrounding the psychotic Vindice, the platinum-haired man already seemed to have several ideas ready for use.
The second step would be intelligence gathering- Who is who? Who holds the most power? Who is the most influential? What are the foundations of this 'world'? Where are all the vitals areas located? How are the Blueprints set up? Who does what and when do they do it? What are their Laws and how are they Governed?- which had been left to Alejandro.
Bermuda could already tell he would be displeased by whatever the blue-haired man discovered even before his Rain had pushed a heavy tome towards him to start with.
"This will not due," Bermuda had growled as he barely restrained himself from burning the tome within his hands. It was a mockery of Law, a mockery of Order and everything they stood for, "It seems we're going to have to rebuild this society from the ground up."
It was for the best, The Vendicare Warden decided as Alejandro continued on with his reports, After all, Even Jack could write better Laws than those.
The Third Step consisted on forming a proper plan of attack, something all his Vindice were more than eager to aid with as they crafted and torn down strategies one after another, after another without so much as a moments pause.
There was nothing quite like watching his Guardians strengthen their Kinship by plotting some unfortunate souls demise. Now if only Jaeger wasn't so young and in need of at least eight hours of sleep, then maybe they could have let the other aid them in their plotting... Then again, it would make a better gift if the other didn't know until after all was said and done. Wouldn't it?
The fourth step was the easiest: Choosing a plan and putting it into action.
He couldn't wait to watch those so-called Wizards burn and burn they would. After all, they were the Vindice. No one attempted to steal from them and walked away without a scratch.
Most never even lived long enough to dream of doing so.
"We look ridiculous," Bermuda grumbled softly as he carefully skillfully guided the actual toddler through the careful steps of their waltz.
"Most likely," Jaeger agreed, though the golden-eyed toddler kept a firm hold upon the other's hands, "But you have to admit, it is fun."
"I have to do no such thing," Bermuda huffed as he carefully spun the other before pulling him back against his chest as though afraid the golden-eyed child would slip away at a moments notice.
Jaeger doesn't bother to hide the smile that twists onto his lips, "Of course not. Your actions say everything for you."
"Then stop talking."
Squeezing the Night Arcobaleno's hand, Jaeger just nodded as he permitted himself to be pulled into another slow dance.
"I swear to Lord Bermuda, If you don't put me down this minute Jack, I'll rip your eyes out and feed them to you so you can witness firsthand what disembowelment looks like!"
"KEKEKE!," The rouge crackled like a maniac as he kept a firm hold upon the furious golden-eyed child trying to escape his hold, "Threats only work if you're capable of carrying them out, Jaeger.
Though he had to admit, the rouge found it rather cute how Mini Jaeger raged as instead of appearing threatening it made the raven-haired child look as though he sulking with a childish pout twisted only his lips.
Though they were really going to have to find a way to work with the little one considering the fact Jaeger's legs were far too sort to keep up with their own strides and the other had a strange issue with being carried for any reason. Though should the need arrive, they would still carry him- no matter how discomforting it was to the other- as they personally preferred the golden-eyed Sun alive over dead.
"JACK! I said: PUT. ME. DOWN."
Grinning like the maniac he was, Jack glanced towards the small child who's small fists had finally stopped pounding on his back, "Well, if you insist."
Jaeger barely managed to give out a strangled noise before-
-he disappeared beneath the small lake's surface. Only to appear a moment later with a sputter as heavy, familiar Cloudy-Sun flames saturated the very air with purest killing Intent the once Storm Arcobaleno had felt in Aeons, "JACK!"
Oh, Gods, He loved Mini Jaeger. Being Pocket Sized just made it so easy to fulfill all his old desires and who knew, Maybe the Sun would finally loosen up a bit?
A head...
There was a severed head in the refrigerator...
Silver eyes blinked once, twice, then thrice at the severed head; but all it did was blink back in him in turn.
"Well Ale, you going to help me or just keep staring?"
"You knew this was coming," Alejandro spoke in a flat tone as he reached behind the rouge head in favor of grabbing a biscuit. "the moment you threw Jaeger into that lake."
"It was worth it."
The rouge claimed as a large slasher grin split his face into two causing the blue-haired VIndice to shake his head as he shut the fridge door.
As far as the Rain was concerned, He didn't see anything.
Everything was changing.
The world around her kept shifting and turning at a moments notice as several futures discarded themselves only to be replaced by a dozen more, each as desperate as the last to become their Alpha Timeline.
Some of them are happy futures...Some not so much, but each one proves something.
Each one holds a grain of love and loss that would either create a new paradise or destroy enter world, leaving nothing but a planet incapable of holding life as black flames turned everything it touched into ashes.
Taking a sip from his broken teacup, the child known as Luna Lovegood smiles to herself as she wonders which of those desperate futures will win the struggle and become their own reality.
Personally, she hopes the world burns.