I wasn't really expecting any interest for this, and am pleasantly surprised.
ShipMistress - I uh, I don't really know what to suggest there! Haha
"Mr Haddock? I'm just heading out for my lunch, the phone is on call redirect!"
The door remained closed and Valka relaxed as footsteps headed away from them, telling that she wouldn't be caught in the act of... distracting her husband from work. As the faint panic drained away, Valka found herself chuckling.
"That was close."
"Not as close as when ye hid under the desk."
Valka's cheeks flushed at the reminder, shirt loose and skirt rumpled as she crouched under the desk while someone dropped documents off to Stoick. Granted, it had taken her quite a while to come back out from under the desk afterwards...
The scratch of his scruff against her throat was one of those things Valka had found uncomfortable years ago, but now couldn't imagine his kisses without as Stoick buried his face in her neck, a distinctive chuckle when he found the fastening of her bra resided on the front. Almost as though she had prepared with something he could open easily.
His hand splayed across a soft breast, hers resuming their work at his trousers until the fastening came loose and Valka could reach his erection. He grunted at the touch, a solid thrust into her grip as he bucked when she slid his boxers down out of the way. Stoick never seemed to tire of her, visibly as attracted to her as he had been when they first met. She felt the same, though he'd certainly changed more than she had since then, with his continued growth and long beard, Valka still adored him.
The low desk meant Valka could stroke his cock with relative ease and no awkward angles, but when Stoick reached for her skirt their height problem became clear.
"Think you'll have to turn around love."
Despite herself, Valka shivered as he said it. If anyone walked in as he guided her to lean forward against the desk, they'd find her shamelessly exposed and have no doubts of exactly what Stoick was doing to her. It was probably a little worrying that that fact only aroused her further. Her underwear came down with ease, comfortable cotton reaching the ground and Valka gasped as fingers stroked her, Stoick coaxing more wetness to ease his own way later. His free hand smoothed over her hair, brushing across her neck to push her braid aside and kiss the top of her spine.
"Quiet now, someone might hear you."
She shivered again, biting her lip to try and stay quiet as Stoick rucked up her skirt. The material had fallen to her knees, looked demure and unassuming when she dressed that morning. Now it was bunched up over her backside, rustling fabric as Stoick made himself comfortable behind her. Then his hands settled, one on her waist and the other on her shoulder as he pressed against her, first pressure leaving her breathless.
Oh, Valka had forgotten how he felt bigger like this, the angle creating pressure against every sensitive inch of her until his heavy stomach came to rest flush to her back. Panting already, Stoick reached to cradle her against his chest, his hands roving over her front and Valka undulated gently, moaning softly as he toyed with a peaked nipple, squeezed a yielding breast. When he knew she was relaxed enough, Stoick placed a hand between her shoulderblades, bending Valka forward to make it easier for him to thrust.
"Back up a little?"
Stoick complied, allowing Valka to take a step back and bend further forward. When he moved again, her body trembled with the pleasure as he hit just the right spot with the new angle. Bracing her hands on the desk, Valka pushed probably-important-documents aside for better purchase and Stoick actually chuckled as they hit the floor, wrapping a large hand around her hips as he thrust leisurely, taking his time to take her apart.
Valka rocked her hips in time with his, pushing back to chase the exquisite sensations and try to encourage him faster. Stoick would not be tempted, determined to have her as tightly wound as possible, to pull the needy, primal creature from Valka until she was ready to burn. He slid back and forth with almost embarrassing ease as Valka was so wet, so desperate for more.
He knew what he was doing, acting surprisingly unaffected despite the fact Valka could feel his cock twitching inside her, knew he wanted as badly as she.
"Don't tease me."
"What's wrong love?"
Valka growled, felt his hand tighten on her hip in response. He was so strong, could hurt her so easily but his hands were only ever responsible for her pleasure, not her pain. Except right now, when he was tormenting her so and Valka wanted to curse him for the unfairness. Taking a deep breath, she braced herself and went for a failsafe.
"Fuck me!"
The reaction was near-instantaneous; Stoick knew she wasn't kidding and denied her no longer. Valka bit her lip so hard she tasted blood, trying not to cry out and alert the entire building to what was happening as he picked up speed, thrust harder and physically moved her hands on the desk with his force. Her knees shook at the spring coiled tight, heat a molten weight burning in her gut as Stoick held her tighter.
She could tell that he was talking, but he could be saying anything as Valka failed to hear over the blood pounding through her body. Stoick shuddered behind her, hips stuttering and Valka whimpered as he spilled, frustrated by his stopping. He was usually quite slow to soften, ignoring what she expected was hypersensitive sensations as he kept thrusting into her tense, needy body.
Valka was struggling to stay quiet, and when Stoick's fingers slid around a sweat-damp thigh to press against her clit, she completely failed to stay silent and moaned aloud, praying that nobody heard and spontaneously not caring a jot as she shook and shuddered with lightning through her every nerve. Her hands curled into fists, papers crumpled within the white-knuckle grip.
When the rush to Valhalla and back began to leave her, Valka went limp and only Stoick's hands on her waist kept her from slumping to the desk completely. She whined a little petulantly when he pulled out, leant back against a broad chest and felt heavy arms pull her closer. Turning slowly in his hold, Valka embraced her husband properly and rested there for a moment before feeling capable of tidying herself up a bit.
She'd need to pop to the bathroom, but at least her clothes were back where they were when she entered the room. Checking her bra fastening was back where it started, Valka buttoned her shirt and straightened her skirt back out. All the hand-smoothing in the world wouldn't change that it was still a little rumpled from being bunched up and crushed between their bodies.
"Well... thanks for bringing me lunch m'dear."
Stoick chuckled, having had much less to do to look presentable again. Although the slightly doe-eyed look might have been a little bit of a giveaway. Brushing stray hairs off her face, Valka kissed him goodbye and tried to escape with a little bit of dignity intact. When she went to the bathroom, the secretary wasn't back. Unfortunately, when she exited said bathroom, the desk was filled once again.
"Oh. Didn't realise you were still here Valka. Lunch date?"
Trying not to blush, Valka smiled warmly and edged toward the door in hopes her mussed appearance would go unnoticed.
"Something like that. I better get going."
Getting back out into the sunny weather, Valka headed home with an unmistakable smile on her face. Even if they had almost gotten caught... actually, she ought to admit to herself she'd enjoyed the thrill just a tiny bit.
Valka returned to her work, somewhat glad Hiccup was away so he couldn't ask what had taken her so long. Stoick was in an exceptionally good mood when he got back from work, tactile and affectionate with her... until they got to bed that night. Then he was considerably more amorous. He really did make her still feel like a young woman.
Humming to herself as she worked a few days later, Hiccup groaned and Valka turned to look at what his problem was. He had a distinctive box in his hand.
"Dad forgot his lunch again."
Oh, Stoick was in so much trouble. Schooling her face into a smile, Valka reached for the lunchbox.
"Not to worry son, I'll drop it off."
This was really hard to write so if it sucks I'm sorry, I must be a deviant only capable of more deviant pairings.