A longing gaze that darted down upon the horizon that no longer existed. White swallowed every single inch of tangible surface that was within its grasp. Her pale breath dampened amongst the whispers of the ever shrieking wind that kept her in a bind, confined to a small rugged cloak that separated the two in kind.

Only the soft and captivating whiteness alongside the silhouettes of swaying trees were in sight. Under the light crunches beneath her feet, she brightly wondered:

Why must it be like this?

Each stride dove deeper and seeped into the relentless wilds, wanting to find a place that has not been breached by the elated surroundings bewitching the lands. Her mind flooded with thoughts and a peculiar one seamlessly slashed through the others without a care, winning the right to stand above the rest strongly and proudly:


Her eyelids flickered, the frost started setting in on her vision—diminishing her line of sight similar to a spotlight—it grew tired of singing and started to take darkened shapes as winter howled its might before her.