Sesshomaru put his key in the door and open it and he instantly thought about burning the damn place down. Why he had let these fools live with him was beyond him. Work that's why. Inuyasha was halfway on the sofa, Kouga was laying on the coffee table, Miroku was on the love seat, Sango in his lap and Kagome was nowhere to be found.
Trash was everywhere, it would seem they had a party while he was away.
Sesshomaru shut the door and walked over all the trash and back to his room and opened the door. He sat his keys on the dresses and looked at his bed. He found Kagome. He walked to his bed and looked down, she took up the whole damn bed "Woman, I know you are awake"
"Shh, 5 more minutes"
"Why are you in my bed"
"Because Hojo is in my bed"
He rolled his eyes "Move over" He said as he went to lay down on his back, jet lag was a bitch even for a demon. Kagome rolled over, her back to him.
She had his pillow.
Yep, he should have just shut the door and burned the place down.