Reviews for Under the Covers
kouga's older woman chapter 276 . 12h
Not sure if he just wants to keep her barefoot and pregnant or just really likes the process of making puppies
Western Lord chapter 276 . 15h
Ohhh fuck! This one was so intense. You know I'm totally enjoying these butcafter reading these, I feel a little horny. But I ain't complaining, at all. So keep it coming... 3
Raven-2010 chapter 276 . 16h
Hope the first time is twins a boy and girl a little Sesshy with a sister to bug him hehehe
Thanks Brandy your the best

Raven-2010 chapter 275 . 7/23
His stripes are an erogenous zone who would have thunk it hehehe, this is so hot and sexy

kouga's older woman chapter 275 . 7/23
Making puppies!
Western Lord chapter 275 . 7/22
Ohhh fuck! It was SO hot. Now I'm so horny. Can't wait for them to have the cutie baby, now. ;P anyway Love you 3
kouga's older woman chapter 274 . 7/19
Yes! Sesshy is so sexy!
Raven-2010 chapter 274 . 7/19
"We should ditch the party and make a baby," yup that sounds like Sesshoumaru hehehe

Western Lord chapter 274 . 7/19
Damn! It was so hot. Can't wait for their wedding night ;P 3
Raven-2010 chapter 273 . 7/17
Sesshy blushed well hot damn hehehe

Western Lord chapter 273 . 7/15
Ohhhh God! Sesshoumaru blushed! I think I'm dying. And what a happy death it is!
kouga's older woman chapter 273 . 7/15
Puppies are next!
im ur misconception chapter 273 . 7/15
aww she made shessy blush how sweet
im ur misconception chapter 272 . 7/15
Well, that was a heck of a declaration
Sum1from Africa chapter 28 . 7/10
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