Author's Note:
Welcome to my first FanFiction. I hope that you enjoy this story, and that even if you don't like it, you could give feedback as to why my story was terrible. I won't mind. Any feedback is good feedback (just please refrain from flaming me).
Now, without further ado, here is chapter 1 of Remnants of the Sea!
"Percy" means speech
'Jackson' means thought
*RWBY* means telepathy/illusions
A scream ripped through the air. The trees rippled, as if caught in a storm. The wildlife that inhabited the small island knew that something important was happening, and that it would be best for their survival to just run away. However, the power radiating from the source of the screams was not malevolent, rather, it was soothing in a way. So, despite the natural instinct to flee from it, all the creatures only crept towards the crying entity.
As they got closer they saw what appeared to be a human. All of the older female animals knew what was happening to the poor woman, for they had all experienced the same pain. The woman before them was giving birth to a child. However, unlike the animals, this woman had what appeared to be a teenaged boy running around, gathering items for her. The boy collected everything from blankets, to buckets of cold water.
The boy appeared to be panicking, unsure of what to do for the woman. As he went to rush past her once more she stuck her hand out, catching the distraught boy's arm. "Ozpin, please" the woman was able to gasp out through the pain. "I have gone through this once before with you. I didn't have any help then; so please, just give me your hand." The boy, despite being incredibly nervous, did as he was told and grasped his mother's hand.
The animals continued to watch this exchange, only to be greeted with the sounds of further screaming. However, after a time, these cries were not from the mother, but rather from a much smaller version of the woman. The wailing of the small newborn only served to make the woman's exhausted smile grow. The boy looked on at the child with a sense of wonder, if not a small bit of apprehension. "Mother? Is…. is it alright?" The boy inquired, unsure of what to do.
His mother chuckled lightly at the scared sound of her son's voice. "Yes Ozpin, she is fine. Now stop cowering away and hand me that towel; come look at your new baby sister." The boy's mother playfully scolded her son. Seeing his still nervous posture, she teasingly scolded "She's not going to shatter, you know. You can hold her." Slowly handing the wrapped child to her son after seeing him force himself to relax.
Ozpin held his newborn sister with trepidation. As he looked at her, he noticed small differences between her and himself. She had paler skin with pronounced veins on her forearms, her pudgy neck, and creeping up her cheekbones towards her eyes. Her eyes themselves had dark, black scleras contrasted by bright red iris' that almost seemed to glow in the shade of the forest canopy. Her hair was one of the few resemblances she shared with her brother. Her brother had a head of disheveled silver hair that seemed to glint a metallic-green in the sunlight. The small girl, on the other hand, had stark white hair that, unlike her brother's, would appear a very light purple in the shade.
As he continued to look at his little sister, a small smile began to grow on his face. It continued to widen until he began to tear up slightly. "My baby sister." He whispered to himself. The small girl in Ozpin's arms looked up at her brother, a smile adorning her face as well, laughing and babbling in the way only babies do. Looking up at his mother, Ozpin asked "What are you going to name her?".
As he looked on at her, he saw that his mother was struggling to stay awake. In her weary state, she told her son, with heavy eyelids "I feel that you should give her a name. Just don't name her something silly like 'Destroyer'. I'm too tired right now to think of a name anyway."
As his mother quickly fell asleep, Ozpin thought to himself. 'What should I name her. Something unique, and that defines her.' As he continued to sit there, with his nameless sister in his arms, his younger sibling had fallen asleep, breathing softly. He continued to look at the small girl, in deep thought. It wasn't until a small wolf pup walked up to him, intent on examining the small bundle in the boy's arms, that Ozpin came to the conclusion of what to name his baby sister. "I think I'll call you…. Salem. My little sister Salem".
~Time Skip~
"CHILDREN! LUNCH IS READY!" a feminine voice called out. The smell of a campfire and cooking meat permeated the air of the small house. The woman smiles as her son came running inside with his little sister on his shoulders, both of them laughing the whole time. "What were you two little rascals doing?" the woman asked her two rambunctious children.
"Oh… he…he" her daughter tried to explain, only to burst into a fit of giggles. Their mother just simply smiled at the two and waited patiently for her daughter to recover, dishing out some cooked meat to the two children. "Sorry mommy," the girl struggled to get out through her laughter, "Ozzy was just showing me his magic tricks. He made me a flower!" As her daughter exclaimed this she took the small flower that was tucked behind her ear and showed it to her mother, a white rose with black edges along the petals. At this statement, the woman turned to her son, a suspicious look adorning her face. The boy simply shrugged his shoulders, a small smirk creeping onto his face.
"I figured that she would like a rose. It also helped me practice my powers." The boy said casually.
"Ozpin! You know that you shouldn't test your powers with your little sister so close." His mother scorned. "Please, be more careful about where you practice next time." Her son simply let his head fall, a look of shame evident in his posture.
"Now, when you are finished, I have some good news to tell you two!" The two children looked at each other, a look of bewilderment plastering their faces. Lunch continued quietly after that; both of the children wondering what this 'good news' was. After everyone had finished their meal, the woman spoke up, "Now, I don't want to alarm you – seeing as this is on such short notice – but your older cousin will be visiting tomorrow!"
The look of bewilderment was quickly wiped off the children's faces, only to be replaced be a look of shock. "WE HAVE A COUSIN!?" "WHAT'S THEIR NAME?" "WHAT ARE THEY LIKE?" Their mother put up her hands in a placating manner, not expecting to get such a reaction out of either of them. After a few minutes of just trying to get the two to calm down, did she respond.
"Well, to answer your questions, yes you have a cousin; you actually have quite a few, now that I think about it…" she trailed off, disturbed at how promiscuous her family had been in the past few centuries. Shaking herself from that line of thought, she continued on, "Anyway, yes, you have many cousins. Though only one is visiting tomorrow; your cousin Hemera." Seeing that her children were about to start asking questions again, she continued "And before you start asking again, don't worry; she is a very nice person. I'm sure that you will like her. She is also a rather bright person in general." Their mother chuckled to herself at her pun; her children simply looked confusedly at one another.
"Now, run along. Go and play." She said. After a second, she added in a stern voice "And Ozpin, remember what I said." With a nervous gulp, and a quick nod of his head, Ozpin ran out of the house, Salem close on his heels.
Satisfied that Ozpin would heed her warning, the woman went back to her meal. After she had finished she began to clean the table. As she went to put away their dishes, a ripple went through her body. She dropped the dishes and her legs buckled underneath her. She caught herself on the table before she fell over, sweat beading down her forehead. As quickly as it had struck, the feeling of weakness was gone.
As she sat there, she was left to ponder the same question over and over again in her head. 'Just how long do I have left?'