Okay, guys, here it is the final bonus chapter and with this one, I will mark the story as complete. Seriously, I never thought it would be that long. In the beginning, I thought maybe sixteen to seventeen chapters (with the prologue). But never have I thought about thirty chapters and writing 114 word-pages for the main story (I don't count the bonus chapters now as they are in different documents and well I'm too lazy now x.x). Also, I never thought about trying to reach the 100k-word mark with the story, I tell you later in the author notes at the end, if it works. (But just as a guess for you. I need around 9,5k words to reach the 100k-word mark.)

Well, most of my rambles will be at the end. So enjoy the last and final chapter^^

Psycho the Random Vixen: Yep, it's going to be fun. Especially when you try to decide from which point of view it should be written. I didn't want Luffy, even if I really like writing from Luffy's PoV, but the others are more likely to go crazy xD

myzsandraa99: Yep, Marco became very angry because Luffy's and his sleep was disturbed. To be true, I picture Marco that scary that even Akainu would start to run away xD But that is only my imagination.

Wait and see how they look like ;) Puppy eyes of doom~

Yukino76: They are going to fight silently until Marco and Luffy appoint one~ But let's see who they choose. I wanted to write more with Dragon, but he is a very close up character so my little plan in the back of my mind would work with him. Especially not that way I had started to write it. But well, maybe the idea will be in another story or will be hidden forever in the back of my mind. If crew and so on isn't stopped, yes, the twins will be spoiled by everyone~

Natsuyuuki: To be true, I only wanted to have them only one child, first. But then there was something that I will explain later which made me change my mind to them having twins. Triplets? o.o please not xD I was happy when I had found a name for the first child and then I had to look for a second nd. I don't think I could find a third one I like enough to use it.

Well, since I wrote it in Izo's PoV in the last chapter, both of them will most likely have a strong will with Marco and Luffy as their parents. For the 'D' part, wait and read. I'll explain it in the chapter. See ya^^

CelinaB: Thanks for still reviewing =)

Guest(19.06): Thanks^^ Just wait and read what they will get ;)

eminadaisuki: I can only tell you the same I said before, wait and read. Because this is the last chapter, I won't spoiler their gender at the beginning xD

Kurama-hime . Rocky-hime: That doesn't sound healthy =0 I hope you didn't hurt yourself. But if you always want to hit something when you find something cute that means I did a good job on writing the date/proposal.^^ (I hope it is okay that I use blanks before the point in your name. Otherwise, it would be deleted except one -hime)

~Bonus 5.3 - The next generation's first step~

"A little to the left", Luffy said and Ace pushed the closet a bit to the left following his baby brother's command.

The second division commander had offered to help to move some of the furniture in Marco's room so that the crib and the other stuff needed for the babies would fit in better. The first division commander had made a quick errand, which should last around two days, leaving Luffy in their care. Something that made all wary, because no one wanted that Luffy somehow got himself into trouble and they had to be the one to answer Marco. Seriously, it wouldn't surprise Ace if the Phoenix would kill someone. It was scary how protective the man was.

"A bit back again." Luffy's voice interrupted his thoughts. "You really can't decide where you want it, right?", Ace teased his baby brother and looked at the pout which formed on Luffy's lips.

The pirate king had started showing more thus leading to the prohibition to do more heavy work. This included moving furniture around.

So Luffy was seated on the bed and ordered Ace around.

"I was just kidding, Luffy", the second division commander ruffled his baby brother's hair and then looked around. "Well, when do you think to get a new bed? I mean I sleep alone in one of these and you and Marco share one…", Ace stopped himself and then waved his hand. "Forget it, don't change the bed. Otherwise, things wouldn't fit as good as they do now."

He saw how Luffy had tilted his head, but didn't say anything.

Instead, he looked at the new baby furniture made by Franky and Blamenco. These two really did a great job.

Especially with the crib. It was built to fit both babies and remembered a bit a crow's nest. The mobile, which Dragon had brought, hang over the middle of the crow's nest, giving the visual effect to watch the sky while lying in a crow's nest.

In the crib left and right said two plush birds, which made Ace grin.

He had bought these two when he looked for a present for his nieces/nephews. Most of the things, he saw, were already taking care of by other members of the Whitebeard pirates or the Straw Hats. Even if he found something that wasn't taking care of it was too specific for a certain gender, something he didn't want, or he deemed unworthy for the babies.

The birds were both coloured in a soft blue and were fluffy.

Luffy had instantly cuddled with the two plush birds when Ace had given the future parents the present. Also, his baby brother had cheered about this cute presents. While Marco had only groaned and glared at him when he said: "I thought birds would fit better than a bear or something."

Maybe he should have said something about ducklings, too. But well, better not. Marco would probably have killed him when Luffy wasn't quick enough to stop the Phoenix.

He wondered what mood Marco would have when he returned. It was the first time since the blonde proposed to Luffy that they were apart for more than a few hours. Especially now when the pirate king was pregnant the Phoenix didn't like to leave Luffy alone for too long.

Ace glanced at his baby brother. His brother-in-law/ship-brother should be back soon. So he should ask now, otherwise, they had to deal with a worried Phoenix.

"Ne, Luffy, do you think that you are ready to care for kids? Well, more are you ready to become a parent?", Ace asked his baby brother. Luffy looked at him. "Do I have to be ready to become something I don't know how to be?", his baby brother tilted his head as he answered him with a question. Then Luffy looked at his belly and laid a hand on it.

"When I heard I was an uncle, I wasn't sure. But Marco said if I am ready to protect the child than I am ready to become an uncle. It is the same when you have yourself a child, isn't it? I'm ready to protect them and I have Marco, you and the others with me to help me if I don't know what to do", Luffy caressed his belly with a bright smile.

Ace's eyes widened slightly, but then he smiled and he could also feel a light blush on his cheeks. Yeah, that was the logic of his baby brother. But it would be that way. Everyone one the Moby Dick and the Thousand Sunny would help as much as they could and as much as they are needed.

The second division commander ruffled Luffy's hair. "So will you teach them to call Marco mama?", he grinned.

But he didn't get an answer because Luffy jumped off the bed even before the door opened. "Marco", his baby brother cheered and jumped the blonde who had just entered the room.

The first division commander had to take a step back to not fall on the ground. But he could see an eased smile on Marco's face.

"Ace helped to move the furniture around so that the crib and the other stuff fit in", Ace heard how Luffy told the blonde. Then he noticed blue eyes on him. "Don't worry, I had Luffy sit on the bed the whole time", Ace said with a grin.

Marco nodded before Luffy demanded attention in form of kisses and cuddling.

"I leave you to alone since you didn't see each other for two days. I bet you were worried about Luffy, you worrywart", Ace teased when he left the room. He heard a strange sound from Marco which was muffled.

Yep, Luffy seemed to have missed Marco very much.

Ace sighed when he entered his room. There was another question he had wanted to ask. The second division commander wondered if Luffy and Marco had thought about names, yet.

Marco was only sleeping lightly. Luffy was close to the end of a normal pregnancy now. It wasn't clear if his lover would have contractions. Even Ivankov, who was now on the Moby Dick, didn't know for sure. Because normally the men, who got pregnant with the help of the hormone change, weren't able to adapt in the end very well with the growing baby. So they decided to be female for the last two month. But Luffy could adapt because of his devil fruit.

Luckily. Marco would be worried more if his lover had to be female for the last months. Especially since Luffy could be so shameless to not even care sometimes how much skin he showed. Even if his husband now often choose to wear a long dress because it was more comfortable than pants. Marco was still sometimes on the edge to kill someone.

The Phoenix opened his eyes slightly. Luffy was still peacefully asleep in his arms. A soft smile ghosted over his lips and he lifted his hand to caress his lover's cheek. As if Luffy knew that it was him, the young man leant into his touch. This made his smile grew a little and Marco leant towards Luffy to press a light kiss on his lover's forehead before his eyes wandered to the belly beneath the blanket.

Soon… Soon he was going to be a father. Something that was never going to happen, at least as far as Marco had thought. Well… to be true he also never thought about getting married. The blonde shook his head slightly.

What a simple kiss could do… Marco was sure if he and Luffy hadn't shared this one kiss on that rainy day in the cave on Rusukaina the relationship would have never gotten this far or became so deep. This had been the starting point for everything.

His lover grumbled and woke up slowly and interrupted his thoughts. A strange expression was on Luffy's face. "Is everything alright, yoi?", Marco asked slightly worried. "My tummy feels funny. It hurts also a bit", Luffy mumbled. Blue eyes widened that wasn't the signal that the babies wanted to come, was it?

Nearly four hours later, Marco knew the answer. He couldn't remember exactly what had happened in these four hours, but he knew that at one point Tess, Chopper, Ivankov and Law had come into in his room and Luffy had nearly broken his hand twice. He should call himself lucky to be a Phoenix to recover from these injuries with ease.

But it was now five o'clock in the morning and he was a father… A father of two tiny nameless (for the moment) baby girls. Luffy had fallen asleep after he got to hold them for a short time because the birth seemed to have taken quite some energy from his lover.

Marco sat on his chair and watched his lover and his older baby girl, who had tuffs of black hair, sleep peacefully. In his arm was the younger one of the twins. The colour of the hair seemed blonde, but he could clearly see Luffy this baby because the structure of the face was similar to his lover. Especially the round eyes, which both babies seemed to inherit. Something he loved but cursed at the same time. He was sure the next generation of Luffy's eyes of doom(puppy eyes) would make their life definitely more interesting.

Ivankov, Tess, Chopper and Law had left the room a few minutes ago after they had made sure that the babies and Luffy were fine. They wouldn't say anything to the others, yet, to let them have some peace. Marco was grateful for this because he didn't think they would be able to deal with the crews now. Maybe he would also get a few minutes of sleep when the little one in his arms was asleep.

The only one, who would get to know about the twins immediately, was his father figure. Tess said she would tell Oyaji as she and also Marco had to promise their father figure to tell him immediately. Because it would be more difficult for the old captain to see the babies for the first time when there more people wanting to meet the babies. Also, Oyaji would be more tactful when he came to visit. As much as the man didn't care about his own health until now, he did it for his sons. But the others…

A groan left Marco when he thought about how crowded his room would be when it became public that the babies were born. It had already been a bit crowded when Blamenco, Jozu, Haruta, Thatch and Izo had been in his room to pressure him and Luffy into telling more about the beginning of their relationship. He didn't want to know how it would be if all sixteen commanders were in his room at the same time.

A light sound made Marco look down and a smile appeared on his face. Big round eyes seemed to look up at him. "Sorry, little one. Your papa is just worried about how you are going to take the visits of your uncles and aunts, well more in general the visits of them, yoi", Marco said softly and left a kiss on the baby's head. A happy sound left the tiny girl in his arms and it made the blonde only smile brighter.

Whitebeard was … nervous. He, the one who still held the title 'strongest man in the world', was nervous to meet his first grandchildren. Tess had told him early in the morning that his first and oldest son was now the father of two baby girls, healthy fraternal twins, as far as Tess could judge it.

He had waited after lunch to meet them. Whitebeard could only imagine that Marco and Luffy would be tired and wouldn't be too happy about a louder environment. Also, it would give them some time to rest and maybe get used to having two babies around a bit.

His sons and daughters seemed to realise that something was up and when the information of the babies came up. There was chaos incoming. But after a threat from Tess, who also cuffed Ace with sea stone to a chair, and Chopper, the crews became calmer and promised to wait for Marco or Luffy to appear. Only then they would all be allowed to visit the babies.

Whitebeard took a deep breath and then knocked on Marco's door. He waited until he heard his first division commander's voice with the affirmation that he could enter.

He opened the door and bent down a bit to not hit his head. They should have made the rooms a little higher so he could fit in them, too, without going to his knees slightly.

"Hello, Ossan", Luffy chirped. The voice of his son-in-law sounded a bit tired but happy. The pirate king was sitting on the bed with one of the babies in his arms. He couldn't help but smile at the scene.

"Hi, Oyaji, yoi", Marco said somewhere left from him and he turned his head to see the blonde feeding the other baby who suckled eagerly on the bottle. "So they inherit Luffy's appetite?", he asked and couldn't suppress a chuckle when Marco nodded.

"Want to hold her?", Luffy suddenly said and looked at him curiously.

Whitebeard froze. He had read so many books about babies and how to hold them. But these two little ones were so tiny that he was afraid to hurt them. Even if he was sure that he could hold both of them in one hand. At the moment, it looked like one of his fingers were bigger than his grandchildren.

"It will be fine, Oyaji. Just be careful with her head, yoi", Marco said and came closer.

Whitebeard was now able to see that the child in his son's arms had tuffs of blonde hair and seemed, except for the scar, the colour of the hair and the gender, to look like a little Luffy.

"Did you have names for them, yet? If I remember right, the crew still debated about the names of your children", Whitebeard said to change the topic and to calm his nerves a bit. Seriously, that was nothing like fighting a battle.

"The one with black hair is Monkey D Mary, the older one, and this little glutton is Monkey D Grace. But official we will go only with Mary and Grace to keep them off the radar a bit, yoi", Marco introduced the twins. Whitebeard nodded. He could understand.

It was better if they weren't already known as the newest part of the chaos Monkey D family. The oldest one in the family was the hero of the marine and wasn't called a crazy old man for anything. Monkey D Dragon turned the government upside down when he appeared somewhere and Luffy was very often the personalised chaos itself. So the two little one would attract lots of attention if the information about them became public.

The door burst open and Ace stood there. "That's mean. I was cuffed to a chair and Oyaji could see them first. I'm your brother, Luffy", his second division commander complained. Whitebeard couldn't help but laugh over the expression of Ace. It was rare to see the fire user that close to a pout.

"Be quieter or I'll kick you out of the room. And technically Tess, Ivankov, Trafalgar and Chopper saw them first, yoi", Marco grumbled and put the empty bottle away. This immediately made Ace froze before he nodded, closed the door and got closer to Luffy. The grey eyes were fixed on the baby on Luffy's arms.

"You have to wait, Ace. Ossan wants to hold her but is still trying to fight against his nerves", his son-in-law said. He noticed the glance of Ace and also how the other opened his mouth. "You know, Oyaji. If you want we can lay Mary in your hand so you are sure that you hold her right and nothing will happen to her, yoi", Marco said. This stopped Ace from saying whatever he wanted to say. Luckily.

But this idea of his son. That was a good idea. Even if he was nervous, he wanted to hold his grandchildren. Carefully he offered his hand to Luffy. The pirate king smiled, checked on little Mary with a glance and then carefully laid the tiny girl in his palm.

The baby was so tiny that the other would also fit in his palm, too. So he had been right about their sizes. Whitebeard watched carefully how his son-in-law moved his fingers a bit to stabilize the baby's head.

"Now don't move your fingers and Mary should be fine", Luffy said and leant back. It looked like his son-in-law could fall asleep standing, but was too alert to sleep.

Carefully, Whitebeard brought his hand with the infant closer to him. He was holding his first-born grandchild. Even if there were only three witnesses who would remember it, he suppressed a tear of happiness.

"Come on, Marco. The kids will need a mama and you already act like a mother-hen most of the time."

Luffy glared at Thatch while he fed Grace. Marco was going to be tenser if the others didn't stop to try to pressure is lover into the mother role for the twins. "Leave Marco alone. The twins need him as their papa, not as their mama", Luffy grumbled. He may not really understand the nomenclature of family members until it was pointed out for him. But the pirate king knew that Marco would be happier if the twins would call him papa.

It was because his lover hated his biological parents and the only person the blonde accepted as his parent was Whitebeard. So Marco like Luffy lacked the knowledge of what a mama really is for, but instead of Luffy Marco knew how a father or a papa should act. That was why they(well, more Luffy) had decided to introduce the blonde always as papa to the twins.

He felt a pair of lips at his temple and looked to his side. Marco had a slight smile on the lips and pecked his lips as quick thanks before Mary, who was in her papa's arms, needed attention again.

"If Marco is the papa, Luffy. What are you for the twins?", Izo then asked. "Don't know. They can call me Lu", he said with a grin. "Papa and Lu? That sounds strange…", Thatch mumbled. "Every child needs a mama. But since you don't know how a mama should be like, Luffy, the mama role would fit Marco better", Haruta suggested.

Luffy grumbled again. A little cry of Grace made his anger stop a bit. "Just go to your papa for a minute. Sorry for scaring you", Luffy said and kissed his child's forehead before the baby wandered into Marco's arms to her twin sister.

Luffy stood up and went over to Thatch, Haruta and Izo.

"I don't care if you do it for teasing or not. But if I hear you suggesting one more time that Marco should be a mama and try to teach the twins that, I swear I will kick your ass!"

He saw how Thatch and Haruta gulped before they ran out of the room. Izo didn't look scared. More amused. "Well, I guess you fit the mama role, too, Luffy. It would be even more perfect as you were the one who carried them out like a biological mother would", the cross-dresser mused and left with a hand wave.

Luffy blinked after Izo in surprise but shrugged and locked the door. Some peace and quiet with the twins and Marco would be nice. Well, at least as quiet it could be with the twins.

But did his twins need a mama? What exactly was a mama for? Luffy started to chew on his lips. His crew and the other said he didn't think much … but that was before he had to be responsible for his children. These two weren't able to protect themselves at the moment. They depended on Marco and him at the moment.

"Why are they so fixed on that? Ossan calls everyone on board his sons and his daughters, in turn, you call him Oyaji. But you don't have one to call mama or something similar", Luffy grumbled when he joined Marco and the twins back in bed.

"Maybe that's the reason why. They may call me a mother-hen, but none of them would really call me a mother as I am more an older brother to them. So maybe they are missing some kind of a mother figure because not all of us have bad memories towards their biological mother, yoi", the blonde said and snaked an arm around him when Grace was back in Luffy's arms.

The black-haired man leant his head against Marco's shoulder. It was tempting to close his eyes for a few minutes and enjoy the atmosphere. But that could wait until later when the twins were in their crib and asleep.

Grace fidgeted slightly in his arms and he looked down. "Do you think they would be happier if they have someone to call mama, Marco?", he asked and caressed his younger child's cheek which he elected a happy sound from her. His brown eyes wondered to Mary who watched him carefully with round half-lidded blue eyes. Luffy had to suppress a chuckle because with that glance his older child looked a lot like Marco. "I don't know. I think they will probably ask what a mama is when they hear the word, but I don't know if they would be happier with a mama or not, yoi", his husband said and kissed his head. Luffy chewed on his lip but stopped when Grace started to cry.

He changed the hold on her so he was able to burp her. Something he had forgotten. This seemed to be the reason she had started to cry.

"Would they be happy with me as their mama?" Luffy didn't need to look at Marco to know that his blonde lover had a slightly shocked expression. He caressed Grace's back waiting for her to calm down. It would be also time for the twins to go to sleep.

Luffy lifted his head when he noticed Marco's hand on him moving up to the back of his head. He looked confused at these blue eyes before he was kissed. Deep, but soft. Nothing like the quick pecks they normally share at the moment. Luffy did nearly forget that he was holding Grace in his arms during the kiss if Marco hadn't separated their lips from each other.

Their foreheads still touched. "They will be happy to have you in your life despite what they will call you, yoi", Marco whispered against his lips.

Two pairs of round eyes, one brown and one blue, starred up to him. The owner of the blue eyes had a sceptical look.

"Bwahahahaha, the little one makes that annoyed look of yours look cute", Garp said laughing to his blonde grandson-in-law who had his black-haired great-grandchild in his arms. "What a nice compliment, yoi", Marco mumbled. "I think, it's good that she looks so much like Marco. I like Marco's style", Luffy grinned at him.

"Well, at least they didn't inherit anything from your father. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so cute. So how did you name them?", Garp asked and looked curiously at the twins. "The one, Marco is holding, is Mary. She is also the older one", Luffy started to introduce the little girls. Then he lifted the blonde girl in his arms and said: "And this Grace."

Garp nodded. "Mary and Grace. Nice names you found there. Hello you two, I'm your great-grandfather or…" "They are not calling you Ji-chan. That title already goes to Ossan", Luffy said. "I was going to say Hiijiji. I know that the title Ji-chan belongs to someone else. I only feared it would go to the red-haired brat." "Never, yoi", Marco grumbled and hold Mary closer to him.

"Bwahahahaha, so your lover still don't like him very much. That's good", Garp laughed and leant himself back.

He was in a little café on an island under Whitebeard's and Luffy's protection. He had contacted his grandson with Sengoku's help (the man was too happy to have a grandson who inherited Rosinate's will a bit even if said grandson had become a Yonko) to find a place to meet his great-grandchildren and he was happy it worked out. He was happy to see them. It reminded of the time he first met Luffy around twenty-four years ago.

His eyes were on the babies. They were cute. Well like Luffy's children could be anything but cute. He swore every time that Luffy's mother had some blood ties to angels. Otherwise, his son wouldn't be able to have such a cute child with her. This blood now showed itself again in his great-grandchildren. Because his grandson was cute, his grandson-in-law not!

"May I hold one? Only if it's fine. I swear no fist of love until they are much older and if they deserve it", Garp said. He had seen how protective both parents were of their children. Even if he was obvious sometimes like his grandson, but he was still able to see these little hints.

"Do you want to go to your Hiijiji?", Luffy asked and seemed to wait for Grace's reaction. The little girl just blinked at her … what would they call Luffy? "Luffy, how are the twins going to call you?", Garp asked when his grandson gave him carefully Grace. His eyes were fixed on his great-granddaughter to make sure that he held her right and she was safe before he looked up to see Luffy a bit nervous.

Marco changed his hold on Mary a bit so that the little black-haired one was still safe but the blonde could take his lover's hand. Their finger intertwined like it was usual for them.

"We don't know, yoi", the Phoenix said. This surprised Garp a bit. He had kept in contact a bit with the Moby Dick to help out if it was needed. But Whitebeard himself had told him that Luffy and Marco did great on every decision they had to make.

"Marco is their papa. The others on the ship want to put the mama-title on him… but Ji-chan, do children need a mama?" Luffy looked at him with curious but confused eyes.

Garp sighed. He should have guessed that this topic could be a little different. He didn't know much about Marco, except that the blonde brat had been on Whitebeard's crew for a long time, but he knew that Luffy had no one he really called his parents because he was emotionally attached to them.

"Biologically, a mama is the person who carried the child in her womb. So under that perspective, you would be their mama, Luffy. But no one should be called a mama because of that. Mama. Papa. These titles should only be used when the children are really emotionally attached to you. It's up to you if decide that they should see you as their mama or their dad or something like that. You don't have to act differently because the base of these names is the same. You care for the children and do anything in your power to keep them safe and make sure that they grow up fine", Garp said and rocked his little great-granddaughter slightly in his arms.

He wouldn't care if they decided that Luffy should be called mama by the twins. His grandson had proven him often enough what he was capable of. So it wasn't a problem in the end that Luffy wore a dress at his wedding or the path he had chosen.

"Since you are both devil fruit users, I hope you let the children stay away from devil fruits until they are old enough to know what they deal with."

"Ji-chan!" He could only laugh about their reactions.

Ace was frowning. Shanks had come to an unannounced visit to see the twins and was now whining because he wasn't allowed to.

The twins were now around ten months old and exactly ten months old was also the law that they only could enter Marco's and Luffy's room after they knocked and someone allowed them to enter when there was no sign on the door that they wanted to be left alone.

No one on the ship not even Oyaji dared to go against this law. Even if it was hard to be around the twins and try to spoil them. Many could understand that it was to protect the twins form being spoiled and also to make sure that the twins keep their napping times so they wouldn't get cranky otherwise they would have to deal with a very cranky Marco and an equally cranky Luffy. A combination no one liked. Especially Thatch, because he had been a bit blunt about it.

This law was also the reason why Shanks was whining. The red-haired Yonko didn't have the time to visit earlier and hadn't seen the twins, yet. But Makino and Dadan, to who Luffy had sent pictures of the twins, had told Shanks how cute they were that he had gotten jealous and wanted to see them.

"You can't enter. If no one of us is allowed in at the moment, they won't make an exception for you", Izo said with crossed arms. The cross-dresser had a little book in his hand which made Shanks starting to sweat lightly every time he saw it. Ace wondered a bit what this book was about, but decided it was better for his sanity not to ask.

Jozu blocked the entrance to commander rooms. The third division commander looked like a doorman at one of these exclusive clubs only lacking the fine clothes and sunglasses. But the glare was menacing even towards their own crew members. Ace swore that even some commanders asked quietly if it is okay to go their room. Which is kinda funny, but also scary.

"Stop behaving like a brat, even if you are one. You will meet the little ones when Marco and Luffy say so and not earlier. You should have called ahead if you want to see the little ones so badly", Oyaji said and glared at Akagami who just shrugged it off.

It was clear that the man only had contact with his son over a den-den mushi and short visits. Otherwise, the man would be more mature now. After all, even Luffy did act more mature when the twins were involved. And that was called a wonder.

"Do you think you could all be a little quieter? Mary already woke up and I'm sure if you don't stop soon, Grace will wake up, too."

His baby brother appeared next to Jozu's right leg. In his arms was Mary who looked like she had cried but calmed down already and was now trying to go back to sleep.

"Aw, so cute", Shanks cooed. The man got closer to Luffy and the baby, probably to get a better look. When suddenly Mary started to cry again.

This was kinda surprising. Neither Mary nor Grace were seen crying when they met new people as long as they were in the arms of their parents.

But now it didn't seem to matter that Luffy was holding Mary protectively in his arms. The little girl cried and turned her head to hide in his brother's arms. But her screams were still clearly to hear, even if they were muffled now.

"Sh, it's fine, Mary. I'm with you", Ace heard Luffy saying over the screams and Shanks looking sorry. The red-haired Yonko even apologized, even if he didn't know what he did wrong.

Ben Beckman, who had accompanied his captain, hid his face in his palm and mumbled something that sounded like "I don't deal with this, captain". That sounded confusing at first for Ace.

Then suddenly Shanks flew over the deck. In front of Luffy and Mary stood an angry Marco. A very angry Marco, who seemed ready to kill the red-haired Yonko if his daughter cried again. Some of the deck chuckled about the surprised face Akagami made. But most of them tried to get out of the way. Afraid of the wrath of an angry, overprotective Phoenix.

The crying calmed down and was replaced with a strangely happy noise of Mary when she noticed the blonde. The little one made some grabbing motions and


The whole deck became quiet and froze. Every eye pair was on Mary. The anger was washed away from Marco's face and the Phoenix looked surprised at the little black-haired one. Luffy had his mouth open in surprise before it turned into a smile and his baby brother kissed Mary's cheek.

"You don't like to meet new people without your papa close by, don't you", the pirate king guessed and his niece nodded before the blue eyes were on Marco again. Mary had lifted her arms and pouted slightly. "Papa", she said again.

A smile appeared on Marco's face and he took Mary into his arms. The little child grabbed onto the cardigan of her father and her face went into the crock of the blonde's neck.

So Marco was papa now to the twins, well to Mary at least. Ace grinned slightly. He was kinda curious how the children would call Luffy now. He knew that his brother and Marco had trouble to decided how to call him in front of the twins.

"My head hurts", Shanks mumbled when he stood up. "Well, you could have guessed that something like that could happen. After all, we all know that Marco only tolerates you because we helped them during the war and because of your close relationship with Luffy", Ben Beckman said and took a drag on his cigarette.

Ace had to suppress a laugh at the reaction of Shanks who pouted slightly. His grey eyes were then on Izo.

The cross-dresser had stepped closer to Marco, Luffy and Mary. What did the black-haired one plan? "Mary?", Izo asked carefully in a soft voice. The little girl turned her head towards the 16th division commander. This sceptical look, she inherited from Marco, on her face. "If that is Papa, who is that?" Izo pointed at Marco at first and then at Luffy.

Ace focused on his niece. That was going to be interesting. Would Mary really understand what Izo had asked?

Mary pulled her lips into her mouth a bit, but then she opened her mouth. "Papa", his niece said and pointed at her blonde parent. Then her little finger went to Luffy and the word 'Mama' left her mouth.

Luffy blushed slightly before he pressed a kiss to Mary's black hair.

Now since one twin said her first words, Ace wondered when they would take their first steps and if Grace would say her first words soon, too.

Robin smiled when she looked at her captain's twins who rolled around the grass on the Thousand Sunny. It had been one month ago when the older one declared Marco to 'Papa' and Luffy to 'Mama' marking her first words. Now both twins were babbling around using some words already like 'food' (which had made Luffy very happy) or 'auntie' (something they not only used for female members but also for Izo) or 'uncle'.

The archaeologist of the Straw Hats often played with the twins. Correcting their pronunciation of simple words softly, so that they slowly learned to speak right. Even if her captain and her captain's lover did a lot more to help the twins developing their ability to speak.

"Auntie." The voice of Mary made her look down to both girls who were now at her feet. "Yes, Mary-chan?", Robin said with a soft smile. "Where Mama? Where Papa?" Big brown eyes and half-lidded blue eyes looked up at her with curiosity. "Sleeping. Your uncle Thatch and your uncle Ace made them stay up very long before we left the Moby Dick. So they are very tired", Robin explained. "Sleep with Mama, Papa?", Mary asked while Grace just tilted her head.

Robin chuckled and put her book away. She stood up and lifted both children up. Even if she had to use her devil fruit to make sure that they were secure in her arms. After all, Robin didn't want anything to happened towards them. The twins were her captain's treasure.

"We can take a peek if we can smuggle you into your parents' bed", the archaeologist suggested to which the twins nodded. It seemed that only the idea of being with their parents made them happy. Robin couldn't hide a smile over the happy faces of the twins while she went up the stairs to the captain room, which had been built shortly after Luffy's 20th birthday to gave him some privacy if Marco had visited them on the Thousand Sunny.

"Shhh", the archaeologist said to give Mary and Grace a sign that they should be quiet so they could surprise Marco and Luffy. When they were at the door to the captain's room, Robin pressed an ear to the door. She wouldn't have any problems to walk just in, even if the two were busy, but she was sure that it wouldn't be appropriate for the twins. No sound was heard. Good. Robin quickly checked with a devil fruit eye to be sure, before she opened the door very quietly.

The room was darkened so that the light of the sun wouldn't interrupt Luffy's and Marco's sleep. Robin could see her captain safely snoring in his lover's arms. The face was mostly hidden by blonde's shoulder.

She took one step in the room only to stop. Mary and Grace became fidgety. "Careful", Robin warned quietly.

"Mh? Robin, why are you here?", the sleepy voice of her captain reached her ears. "Sorry, captain, but these two wanted their Mama and their Papa", she apologized and set the twins down as it became to difficult to keep them safe on her arm without hurting them or restricting them too much.

It would be fine to let the twins crawl over to the bed. After all, Luffy was half awake to lift them up. But then Robin felt how small hands grabbed her trousers(luckily she decided to wore long one for today). In a light shock, she looked down how the twins had used her to pull them up to their feet.

Both looked a bit shaky. But then they let go. "Marco, wake up", Luffy climbed over the first division commander of the Whitebeard pirates to get out of bed, when Mary took a little shaky step. Some groans were heard and the blonde sat himself up. The half-lidded blue eyes looked around to find the detail what made Luffy act like that. Then like a switch had been turned Marco was fully awake when the blue eyes were on the twins.

With shaky steps, the twins wobbled closer to their parents only to speed up a little in the end to fell into their mama's and papa's open arms. Robin let her hands sink as she had activated her devil fruit to keep the twins from falling, but they had done it. The twins had taken their first real steps.

A squeak woke Marco up. The Blonde set himself up, lifting Luffy in a sitting position, too, even if his lover was still asleep.

Marco could hear the thunder rumbling outside and the room was lightened for a few seconds before it rumbled again.

Whines could be heard from the crib.

He looked at his two-year-old baby girls. Both had clutched their blue plush birds (he still thought about hitting Ace for the bird pun sometimes) close to them. They seemed scared of the Thunder going on outside.

"Luffy, wake up, yoi", Marco whispered and poked his lover's sides. No reaction. "The twins are scared, yoi."

Luffy shot up hitting Marco's chin with his head before the other jumped out of the bed. The Phoenix closed his eyes shortly before he stood up as well.

Mary was already in Luffy's arms. Clinging to her mama. Marco lifted up Grace and hold her close with one arm while he kissed Mary's black hair.

"How about you sleep with us tonight? You don't have to worry about the bad thunder if you are with your mama and your papa, yoi", the Phoenix said. "Papa and mama defeat bad rumbles?", Grace asked hiccuping. "Yes, we will. We will defeat the bad rumbles to protect you", Luffy assured her and caressed his black-haired daughter's back.

Only a few minutes later, the twins were asleep on Marco, who was on his back. Luffy had snuggled into his side and had an arm around the twins.

The blonde looked to the ceiling and couldn't help but smile when he thought about waking up with his personal treasures in his arms tomorrow.

Thatch sighed. He wasn't getting out of the kitchen for the next three hours. After all, he had to prepare food together with the other chefs for the whole crew of the Whitebeard Pirates (meaning one black hole called Ace), the whole Straw Hat crew (another black hole named Luffy), two revolutionary army members(Sabo is also a black hole) and two little princesses who were celebrating their six birthday today and who inherited the black hole stomach of their 'mama'. So there were five black holes for food they had to cook for.

Seriously, he was never getting used to it, despite having to deal with four of the black holes every other birthday, too. But even if Thatch and some other complained about it, deep down he knew that everyone was happy when they saw the content faces.

"Uncle Thatchie."

He looked to his right side and saw Grace running towards him with Mary hot on her heels. Thatch made Sanji who was next to him take over, because the girls called for him, not the blonde chef, and took a few steps away from the cooker.

The younger blonde-haired one came to stop centimetres before him. On her head was a straw hat. Luffy's straw hat. "Look, Mama said it will be my hat now because I want to set sail as a captain on my own adventures around the Grandline someday", Grace told him with a bright smile that reminded Thatch a lot of Luffy's smile. "You shouldn't just run into the kitchen, Grace. You know, what Papa said, we shouldn't go into the kitchen when they are working so we don't disturb anyone", Mary lectured her younger sister flipped the straw hat a bit into Grace's face. "Meanie", the blonde pouted.

Thatch suppressed a chuckle. Mary definitely inherited Marco's calm and level-headed nature, but also the strict one, while Grace was like Luffy. It was nice to see how the twins completed each other.

"So I am a meanie. But I am your older sister, I have to look out for you", Mary said and looked down on her slightly shorter sister. "So when Grace is becoming a captain on her own. What will you do, Mary?", Thatch asked. The black-haired one looked at him with a lifted eyebrow and curled her lips.

Oh, he knew this look from Marco. His blonde brother always had this particular expression when he thought the question asked was stupid or the answer to the question was obvious.

"It's obvious I'm going to be her first mate like papa is Ji-chan's first mate and like Uncle Zoro is mama's first mate", Mary declared.

Now that's something worth cooing but Thatch controlled himself. The red-haired man adjusted the straw hat on Grace's blonde shoulder length hair.

"That are some pretty nice dreams. But your sister and your papa are right. You shouldn't run in here when everyone is busy cooking. How about you go outside and play with Chopper? I'll bring some sweet there in a few minutes if you behave", Thatch said with a wink for them.

"Sweets! Come on, Mary", Grace cheered and ran out of the kitchen pulling her sister with her. Thatch chuckled, but it wasn't long when he noticed that Sanji was playing depressed because the twins had ignored him.

"You know if the meat isn't good their attention won't go to you either", the red-haired cook teased and watch amused how Sanji was burning up to make the perfect meat.

Luffy leant back into Marco's arms and watched his daughters running around with Chopper. It felt strange to see his hat on a person when he knew that he was most likely never going to wear it again. Somehow he felt like something is missing, but also it filled him with some pride that it was his daughter who voiced her dream earlier and got the right to wear the straw hat.

Shanks had suggested sending the straw hat to his son, but Seán was more interested in helping Makino with the bar than dreaming of going to the sea. So the hat went into the hands of his younger daughter.

"Missing your hat already, yoi?", Marco asked teasingly. A frown mixed with a pout appeared on Luffy's face when he turned his head towards the Phoenix. "Meanie", the black-haired grumbled and bumped their foreheads softly together. "Huh, I'm a meanie? I would be one if I stand up now and leave to go somewhere else, yoi."

Luffy turned his whole body and shifted slightly that his legs were left and right on Marco's waist. "You're not going anywhere without me", the pirate king grinned and snaked his arms around his lover's neck. Marco chuckled and kissed him shortly. A small smile appeared on his lips and he cuddled slightly into his lover.

"I miss the time already when Mary and Grace were small…", Luffy mumbled. His eyes were back on his twins. "If you say it like that, someone could think you are already sixty or something like that and not only thirty, yoi", Marco said but caressed his black-hair. "Hey, you were allowed to worry about something stupid like that you are too old for me, but I can't say this without getting teased by you", Luffy grumbled. The hand on his hair stopped. Luffy sighed.

So even after they were married for nearly seven years and around thirteen years of being together now, the age differences still got Marco sometimes. Seriously, they had two children together. It should have stuck in Marco's head that Luffy had no intention of not being with the blonde until the end.

The pirate king lifted his head and put his hands on his husband's cheeks. He pulled them slightly before he spoke: "Don't even go back to these stupid thoughts. I married you because I love you and I didn't care that you were most likely at least twice my age when we got married. You're still my Marco… don't care how old you are or how much you worry… Still mine." Then Luffy let go of Marco's cheeks and kissed him.

With pleasure, he noticed that it didn't take the blonde long to respond. So Luffy happily closed his eyes and sighed into the soft, loving kiss when he felt Marco's hand wandering down his back until both of his lover's hand were on his waist.

When their lips separated, Luffy opened his eyes slightly and looked at Marco. The blonde frowned slightly. But before he could say something, Marco spoke: "We are getting you a new hat. I already miss it, especially when you decorated it, yoi." Luffy hit his lover slightly but had to laugh. "You only like it because I often put that Phoenix flower on it." He could hear Marco chuckling.

"But please without a dress. I will kill the next one who makes you wear a dress in public, yoi." "Hey, I only wear a dress around three times in my life when I was in public. One was the wedding dress, the other was during the pregnancy because it was more comfortable than wearing pants and you know the third time very well, Marco." "Little tease", Marco mumbled but turned his head to look at the playing twins and the partying crew members.

"You can be a tease, too. No. Not a tease. I don't know the word. But do I have to remember you that you had no problem posing with a hickey in front of your brother while we were still trying to be secretive", Luffy pouted slightly. "Hey, I didn't notice it until Jiru pointed it out and don't give me that glance. You know, you liked the hickey on my shoulder if it would scare off some of my sisters. Even if then you tried the sassy way, yoi." "Better than getting jealous of Flower Moustache even if there was no real reason." "What should I think about you lying why you are in Vista's room? Also, I didn't do anything to him. I didn't even threaten him. I can remember you being drunk…" Luffy put his hand on Marco's mouth.

He suddenly felt sad. He knew that Marco wasn't referring to the time he thought of. But these memories of another time he got drunk just appeared in his mind. The time they had a fight because of this bastard… Deep in his thoughts, Luffy lifted his right hand to his left shoulder where the scar was.

The scar that had nearly separated them.

He felt Marco moving his hand and lips found his cheek. "Can you imagine a life of staying together even when death try to part us, yoi?" Luffy looked at his husband a bit shocked. But then he smiled. "I would answer the same again over and over", the black-haired mumbled and snuggled into Marco.

"Good, because I don't share. Also, we are lucky that Hancock got over you, even if Kingdew's tries to do some sweet talk with her were all fails, yoi", the blonde said and this made Luffy laugh. "I heard from Marguerite that Elder Nyon told Hancock that the kiss on the picture was to seal the alliance between Ossan and me." The pirate king grinned when Marco snorted with laughter while trying to take a sip of their shared rum jar.

"Don't tell me, she believed it, yoi", the Phoenix said coughing slightly. "Then I don't say anything." Luffy laughed. Marco facepalmed.

"Oi, Marco, don't hit yourself. We don't need you damaged, because you have to take over as a captain someday when Oyaji is retiring", someone of the crew shouted.

"Are you stupid? Papa isn't going to be a captain. Papa is the best First Mate in the world. You will only ruin his reputation by making him captain", Mary said and crossed her arms. A glare rivalling Marco's on her face.

Luffy bit his lip and looked at the proud-looking papa. "Will you gave her something meaningful, too?", he asked. "I did already. It's a book about Navigation. The one we had one the Moby Dick since the start and edited so many times that we decided to rewrite a few times. She got a copy of it. So Mary is able to navigate them around safely when they started to travel, yoi", Marco said with a grin. "So they won't end up like Zoro?"

Fitting to his comment about his first mate, the swordsman somehow randomly appeared on the railing of the Thousand Sunny.

"Oi Marimo, did you get lost again on your straight way to get more booze?", Sanji asked. "Shut it, ero-cook!" "No fighting today, you idiots!", Nami said and hit them both with her Clima-Tact.

Luffy took a sip of the rum and curled his lips. "Can't we get a better one? This became bitter somehow", he said. Marco sighed and took the jar to empty it in one-shot. "Oi, Vista, where do you have that sweet red wine, yoi?"

"Seriously, Marco. You are disappointing us all. What happened to the man who outdrank Akagami with ease and was able to call him a sore loser?", Thatch teased. "The man looks out that his husband doesn't get drunk and that his twins are safe around the drunken idiots, the man calls his brother for an unknown reason. So what about your plans to propose to Izo? You two aren't getting any younger and someone said that you want to marry, but not so late that it would be on your death bed, yoi", Marco said.

"Uncle Thatchie has the ring already, but still haven't finished his speech how to propose", Grace chirped up. "Grace", Thatch said with a voice that was unknown for him.

The straw-hatted girl jumped away from the red-haired cook and ran straight to Luffy and Marco. The black-haired one could only chuckle when she threw herself in his arms searching for protection.

"I told you that you should hurry and get over with it, Thatchie", Mary spoke up, before she joined her sister in between her parents. Thatch was fuming.

"Come on, Thatch. Just ask Izo and forget the whole speech shit. You waited long enough and let enough time go by to just ask", Vista gave the advice. Surprising many of them. As they would all expect Vista to be the one who was clearly for a romantic proposal.

Izo seemed to have pity on Thatch and just pulled the red-haired man inside.

"You know, I kinda worry for you, Grace. You are attracting trouble by just opening your mouth, yoi", Marco said and poked against the blonde girl's forehead. "Then train us, papa. We have to be strong to protect each other when we travel on our own", Mary claimed.

Luffy chuckled and tousled the black hair of his daughter. "As much as I agree that you have to train, but not now. Even if your Hijiji thought it was good to train your uncle Ace and me from a young age, I don't agree. You have to be an adult or responsible long enough later, so use the time you can be a child", he said with a soft smile. Mary pouted a bit, but Grace nodded.

"Uncle Ace, Uncle Sabo, play with us", the blonde cheered and dragged her sibling along.

"When they are ten, we should start teaching them self-defence, yoi", Marco mumbled. Luffy sighed and nodded. He didn't like the thought about his little girls learning to fight. Even if he himself enjoyed a good fight. But seeing his babies fight…

"Worrywart, yoi", Marco teased him and Luffy turned away from the blonde grumbling 'Meanie'. He looked around to show the other that he wasn't interested in interacting with him, at the moment.

Mary and Grace were on Ace's and Sabo's shoulders in a very playful fight (his brothers should be lucky that it was really very playfully). Chopper, Usopp and Franky cheered on them.

A bit away were from the fight was Whitebeard watching over them all, but at the moment the yellow eyes were on the twins or at the entrance to the commander's rooms. Next to Ossan stood Jozu. The third division commander had crossed his arms and seemed to have taken the job from Marco to make sure that their father figure didn't drink too much alcohol.

Curiel, Brook, Haruta and Kingdew were discussing something. Their words didn't reach Luffy's ears. But it wasn't really important at the moment, because they looked like they have a good time. The only thing that matters.

Blamenco, Fossa, Blenheim, Namur and Jinbe seemed to set up some kind of a pool for the people who could swim or needed a cold bath. Probably a bad idea since some of the crew members were already drunk and it wasn't even close to the twins' bedtime.

Nami and Robin sat a bit away with Koala, his sister-in-law (even if Sabo hadn't asked to marry her, yet). The three woman were talking animatedly. He noticed how the girlfriend of his brother always controlled her glass and denied alcohol. Also, there were very light hints that her belly was growing. It made him grin.

So Ace was the only left. They seriously should start to look for a boyfriend or girlfriend for his older brother. Otherwise, his big brother wouldn't be able to get these nice feeling of being in love and being loved by someone other than family.

"Ready to become uncle once again, yoi?", Marco asked silently. Luffy nodded. "This time I knew what I am up to. But I don't think we will see the child very often", he whispered and decided he ignored Marco long enough for the 'worrywart'-comment.

Luffy moved a bit to be comfy again with letting his head rest Marco's shoulder but was still able to watch everything going on around them.

Vista had come over and brought them a glass and a bottle of red wine. This one tasted better than the rum. Maybe it was because the wine was sweet.

Luffy wanted to take another sip when suddenly Grace shouted: "No more drinks for you, mama." This made him choke on the wine and Marco had to carefully hit him on the back until he was able to breathe normally again.

In this time, Grace and Mary had come over to them with a grinning Ace and Sabo in tow. "Why am I not allowed to drink anymore?", Luffy asked surprised. Normally, the children only cared if he ate so much that they thought there wouldn't be anything left for them.

"Auntie Koala can't drink, because she and uncle Sabo are getting a baby. I want to be a big sister, too, like Mary. So you can't drink", Grace said with a bright grin. "A baby brother would be nice", Mary added with a shy smile.

Baby brother? Luffy felt himself blush. Another baby? He glanced at Marco who seemed shocked. Maybe having another baby would be nice.

So yeah, I said I would ramble a bit at the end. But I try to keep it as short as possible ^^'

First the twins. It should only be a girl at first, but then I had trouble to decide what she looked like and decided on twins. The reason why they are both girls is simple. The One Piece-Universum needs more strong girls xD Both Mary and Grace are names of real female pirates (Mary after the English pirate Mary Read and Grace after the Irish pirate Grace O'Malley).

So with this explanation done. I can say, this is the end of 'Until they notice'. I don't know if I should be happy that I finished it or if I should be sad. And to be true, I'm sometimes not really good at writing my emotions done, if they are mixed like they are now... So I just want to say again, Thank you.

Thank you to the people who wrote comments, who enjoyed this in silent, but favourite it/followed it or left kudos. It made me always smile to see the mail coming when someone did it and I hope it made you smile, too, when you noticed this story was updated.

Also, this chapter was a bitch in the working progress. I seriously deleted at least 5k words before I rewrite stuff or changed it. I wanted to hit my head against the wall sometimes because I really worked for two weeks on this chapter when I was typing something (except one day where I write a OneShot for the Patchwork AU to get my mind somewhere else a bit). So I will present you the word-count of Word, the chapter has 9,753 words. I seriously can believe that it got so long with the many parts I deleted and rewrite. Especially since I had a bit trouble to decide how to end the chapter.

The review responds (if there are questions or other things) I will do via pm on FF dot net.

So until next time(when a OneShot or a story of mine is interesting for you)