Long overdue, I know! But I didn't forget this.

This will end up in Hiccstrid One Shots too, with smut, but I figured since a fair bit came out at the start you guys would appreciate a T-rated update on these two.


Astrid looked around the living room, staring at it like she couldn't quite believe it was real. Hiccup could relate, really. It was amazing to think it, after so long on the streets, then knocking about in various emergency housing places for months. It had been difficult on their relationship - the only places that tended to allow mixed rooming were family places, and since they didn't have kids, Hiccup and Astrid didn't qualify. But after everything they had gone through before that? The two were willing to take it slow, and work through the difficulties.

Hiccup had a job now, fixing computers at a school. He'd managed to keep his criminal record clean, although Hiccup knew that was by luck for not getting caught. Astrid had just started work herself, waitressing in a cafe but it meant they could afford their own place. It wasn't exactly tough to move in - neither owned much. Charities gave them some second hand furniture, and a scheme got them clothes for interviews. A course in their emergency shelter taught them basic money management, and now...

Here they were.

"We made it."

"Yeah. Yeah we did."

He slid his arms around Astrid's waist, felt her lean in to him.

"Worth the last six months barely seeing each other?"

"Yeah. Not that that didn't suck. But... hey, we made it Hiccup. And I'll never be able to thank you enough for never letting me give up. I really don't think I'd have lasted without you and your funny hat and dorky smiles."

Hiccup kissed her temple, squeezed her gently.

"I just reminded you you were strong. I didn't add anything. Just brought it out. Now, shall we sit and do the budget thing first off? I only have two days off work to move in."

Astrid nodded, fetching drinks - a novelty, to own their own mugs. Cheap, basics range and standard white, but what did that matter? Everything within those four walls was theirs and theirs alone. Hiccup pulled out the sheet with the list of things they had to pay for, in order of importance. His monthly salary was higher than Astrid's, but it was based on her contracts minimum shift hours. Already, her boss was realising Astrid was an asset and a hard worker, and talking about increasing those hours.

"I'm gonna write to Ruff and Tuff tomorrow, let them know we have a real address now. But today? Today is just for us."

His girlfriend nodded, beaming. Regular showers and access to proper hair care products meant Astrid's blonde hair was now longer, soft and silky and golden twirled into an intricate braid. They made up their bed, brand new bed covers they had picked out together while waiting for their rental application to go through. Hiccup reckoned the people at the shop must have thought they were crazy, being so excited about picking up all the basics of a home, the things most people already had and took for granted.

"I still can't believe this happened for us."

"I can't believe you're still putting up with me."

Astrid rolled her eyes.

"I told you, you're my lucky charm."

"Yes, yes you did. I still think the cold had frozen your brain. It's practically summer now so that will wear off."

She rolled her eyes again, then flopped on to the bed and began waving her arms and legs like she was making a snow angel.

"Mine! All mine! I guess I'll let you share though."

"Oh, so kind."

Astrid giggled, reaching for him. Hiccup tumbled down to join her, found himself with an armful of cute blonde girlfriend.

"When you go out tomorrow to mail your letter, will you pick up a better lock? I'm sure we can kick some burglars ass but I'd like to hear that satisfying clunk! again after using padlocks and deadbolts in some of those sketchy shelters."

"Of course milady."

Hiccup would do anything to help Astrid feel more at home.

"You should get a frame too. For that picture of your family."

He hadn't even thought of that. Hiccup had carried it around for so long, it being the only thing he truly clung on to through the almost two-years he had spent living rough or between shelters. It would be weird for it to just be... waiting for him. In his home.

"That's a good idea. We should get up and finish setting up, sleep properly in our shiny new home."

They had only simple stuff - a small TV barely past the black-and-white era, pop up canvas wardrobes that they didn't have much to put in. Stacked plastic drawers rather than sturdy wooden ones. But Astrid had - against Hiccups protests - bought him some art supplies, just cheap acrylic paints and sketching pencils, a couple of nicer paper booklets. It had been so long since he drew properly, and so he asked Astrid to perch on their shabby chic sofa and pose for him once they finished putting the place together.

"Should I take off my clothes all Titanic style?"

Hiccup blinked. Despite their six month long relationship, the two hadn't been physical beyond kissing and cuddling. Partly because of their living situations, undoubtedly, but also probably down to the fact their lives had been in a transient, fleeting state for so long that they wanted to wait, to feel stable. Other than showing each other their scars in the hospital that day, they'd never really even seen much uncovered skin. So Astrid's offer - while playful and joking - threw him for a loop.

"N-no, thats ok. I want to draw your face. I warn you, my art skills are pretty rusty."

Astrid simply smiled serenely, stretched out on the sofa comfortably.

"It's not just about the art, it's about the artist. I'll like it no matter what because you drew it."

"Ok. Here goes."

His hands resisted at first, but soon the old instincts came out as he sketched cheeks that had begun to fill out again, bright blue eyes that had captivated him from day one. Small, perfectly pouty pink lips that enchanted him with their smiles. Blonde hair that fell into her face just so, and that adorable little nose she had. Gods, she was gorgeous. The picture couldn't possibly compare, could never do her justice.


Unused muscles ached slightly, but Hiccup didn't think the drawing was terrible. Not a patch on the real thing, obviously, but Astrid seemed enthralled with it.

"Wow. You're amazing!"

"Thanks. I should improve with some practice."

"Wait, you're better than this?"

Hiccup shrugged.

"My mom taught me art. I lost the knack for a while, but... I guess you inspired me."

Astrid got up, crossing over and perching on his knee instead with a soft smile, brushing her fingers over his hair.

"They would be so proud of you. Despite everything you've been through, you're such a good man. If anything, you inspire me. To be a better person, to not let bad stuff break me."

Hiccup leant in to her tender touch, slid an arm around her waist.

"Told you, you were already strong. I didn't change you."

Astrid kissed his jaw, nuzzling his temple.

"Shut up and take the compliment."

"Yes boss."

Her eyes brightened as she grinned.

"Boss? Really?"

"Well, you boss me around. I obey. I guess that makes you the boss."

Astrid giggled some more, cuddled him tight. He could smell the soap on her skin from that mornings shower, the last they'd take in shelters. Now they had their own bathroom. Even their own washing machine.

"That works for me babe. Come on, I wanna show you something I got earlier."

Curious, Hiccup followed her to the bedroom, saw the bag with a pharmacy logo on from when she'd gone to pick up tampons and painkillers - the painkillers a luxury she had gone without for a while, as it was an expense she didn't dare waste on.

"You bought me tampons?"

"Well you can try and use them but I'll think you'll struggle. No, I got something else while I was in there. For... celebrating. If you're up to it."

Astrid tossed something at him, which he managed to catch and look at properly.

"Condoms? Oh. Oh. You mean..."

"Only if you want to babe, I'm not trying to pressure you. Just... letting you know it's on the table."

Hiccup nodded, still a little stunned in all honesty.

"Thanks. I uh... it would feel a little orchestrated if we just hopped into bed right now. I guess I'm hoping it'll happen a bit more naturally?"

"Hey, that is fine with me. But I will order you to get your cute butt over here and cuddle me."

Hiccup tossed the box back in the bag, then crawled on to the bed and held his arms open to Astrid. She curled happily within them, all but purring when Hiccup carded fingers through the hair not tied up in a braid. She was so sweet and affectionate, but Hiccup knew it belied a hidden fierce Valkyrie, tough and independent.

"So, what shall we do for dinner?"

"Whatever we can make that's quick but not too heavy. That pasta thing they made me last night at the shelter for a goodbye dinner was so heavy it knocked me out cold."

"Your wish is my command. No heavy carbs."

After a slightly early dinner, they watched crap TV and just enjoyed being safe and secure together, because they could. Because Astrid was right.

They made it.


Not spectacular, but hopefully someone enjoys it.