This is a rewrite of my story, A Change of Fate! I like this chapter a lot more than my last and I'm excited for this! I'll be changing up the plot a little but it will still be Perzoë.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Percy Jackson's life had fallen apart at only age eight. Manhattan's streets were crowded and busy, not a place for an eight-year-old. It was all because of his lousy stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, nicknamed "Smelly Gabe" by the boy.

Percy tried to push the images of his mother's lifeless body out of his mind; the blood that had pooled around her head and the last word she would ever say to anyone: "Run." The images wouldn't escape him, no matter what he tried. He collapsed onto the ground, sobs wracking his small frame. The New Yorkers around him didn't seem to notice.

"Are you alright, little one?" A soft voice asked, the hustle and bustle of New York City seemingly ceasing to exist around the two.

Percy looked over to see a woman who must have just turned twenty kneeling next to him. Her hair was a chocolate brown and her brown eyes flickered like flames. He simply shook his head in response.

Concern flashed on the woman's face. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Percy brushed a few tears out of his eyes, ignoring her question. "Who are you?"

The woman gave him a soft smile. She didn't know why she had simply assumed that he'd tell her everything. It had been a while since she'd been anywhere other than her hearth. "My name is Hestia. And yours?"

"Percy Jackson." He answered. "Are you going to hurt me?" He asked timidly, scared that he had traded one threat for another.

Hestia shook her head. "I would never." Sincerity bled into her words. Whatever had happened to this child, she would never let it happen again. She didn't know if her brother even knew that this was his child, but she at least owed it to him to protect his mortal son.

Percy's sea green eyes met Hestia's brown ones. The goddess could feel the sadness that radiated from them, but felt the glimmer of hope deep inside. "Pinky promise?"

Hestia chuckled, extending him pinky. "Pinky promise." She promised, intertwining their fingers. "Now can you tell me what happened?"

Percy frowned, but nodded. "My momma, she's gone. Smelly Gabe got her."

Hestia's heart softened as she heard this and wrapped the boy in a tight embrace. "It will be alright, little one."

The demigod relaxed in the goddess' embrace, trying to keep more tears from falling. "Will it?" He mumbled, pulling away to look up at her.

"I promised, didn't I?" Hestia grinned, and Percy put aside his worries for the moment and smiled back. "Now do you trust me? We must leave, I cannot keep these people ignorant for long."

Percy tilted his head in confusion, questions racing through his mind. "What do you mean?" He wasn't going to add that he had no idea what ignorant meant either.

"I'll explain when you get there. Pinky promise." She said, interlacing their fingers again, teleporting them away.

Percy felt a warm heat surround his body, comforting him and chasing away his fears as he traveled through the flames. He looked up to see a simple brown cabin that reminded him of home.

"Come, let's go inside." Hestia said, holding Percy's hand as she led him inside and to the couch.

"I don't know how to say this in any other way, but the Greek Gods exist. In fact, I am one of them."

"You're the Hestia, goddess of family?" Percy asked, gob smacked.

The goddess nodded. "We all exist, here in America."

Percy looked up at his savior in awe. "Can you prove it?" The goddess nodded, opening her palm as flames licked her hand. The glow illuminated the demigod's face, and his eyes lit up in wonder.

"It won't hurt you." The goddess smiled. "Promise."

Percy reached his hand out to the flame. When his hand made contact with the flame it felt like the living embodiment of hope, nothing like the harsh flames he had seen before.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Hestia said, closing her hand causing the flame to disappear.

"You're really a goddess." Percy tackled her into a hug. "Thank you for saving me." He muttered into her shirt.

She smiled. "You're very welcome. But I do have more to say. Your father, he's a god too. Poseidon—"

"God of the seas." Percy said meekly, and at Hestia's questioning look he elaborated. "My mom talked about him a lot."

He seemed to deflate, sinking into the couch cushions. "Why didn't he help me like you did?"

Hestia pulled him closer. "There are Ancient Laws that we cannot defy. Your father couldn't visit you."

"I don't want him to be my dad. He was never a dad to me."

The goddess sighed, but understood. The Olympian's disregard for their children would lead to their downfall. "You don't have to see him as your dad, Percy. But don't hate him for abiding by the Ancient Laws."

"O-bide-ing?" Percy questioned, not understanding what the word meant.

"Following, obeying." Hestia clarified with a smile.

Percy nodded, but stayed silent for a minute. "Does the Underworld exist too?"

Hestia nodded, but was surprised of the boy's knowledge of Greek Mythology. It made sense for his mother to teach him about it though, as it was very much his life.

"Will my mom go to the good place?" Percy asked, and Hestia softened.

"Of course she will go to Elysium. I can talk to my brother Hades to make sure she goes as soon as possible. Can you tell me her name? I don't want to take you down to the Underworld just yet."

Percy brightened. "Sally Jackson. She was the best." He frowned but he knew his mother would be glad her was safe. He trusted Hestia, and he knew she would too.

"I will be back, little one." The goddess said. "Stay here, it should only take a minute."

Hestia disappeared in flames, appearing outside of DOA Recording Studios in Los Angeles. "Hello Charon. Has a Sally Jackson passed through yet?"

Charon looked up, perking up as he noticed the goddess. She had visited often to see Hades and occasionally brought Charon an Italian suit, knowing that he adored them. "Not yet, but I can take her through with you if you'd like."

Hestia nodded. "Thank you, Charon."

"Sally Jackson?" He called into the crowded room, and a woman quickly stood up. Bruises littered her body and she looked frightful, as if she'd break with just one push.

"Yes?" She said, walking up to the counter.

"Your admittance has been expedited, Hestia will take you down." Charon said, leading the two to the elevator. "The boat will take you across on its own. I'll assume I'm not needed for your conversation."

Hestia smiled. "Thank you."

"Lady Hestia, what's going on?" The mortal asked, fearful that something truly terrible was going to happen. "Do you know if my son is okay?"

Hestia smiled as the elevator descended. "Percy is fine. He is safe with me, do not worry. I am just here to seek an audience with my brother to expedite your placement in Elysium."

Sally's blue eyes looked up to the goddess, tackling her into a hug. "Thank you." She repeated, tears forming in her eyes. She finally pulled away. "Keep him safe, and tell him I love him more than anything."

"I will." She vowed as the elevator doors opened. They boarded the boat, and Sally animatedly told stories of Percy when he was little. Hestia laughed at each and every one, Sally was meant to be a storyteller.

The disembarked and Hestia lead Sally towards the judgement area. "Wait here, I will speak to Hades."

Sally nodded. "Promise me that you'll be the mother that I can no longer be to him."

"I promise, Sally." Hestia said as she walked towards her brother's palace. She had always found the Underworld beautiful yet haunting. She entered the large doors to see Hades sitting on his throne, waiting for her.

"Sister, what brings you here?" Hades asked, glad to see his sister. She was the only one who ever visited him, and he was grateful.

"I ask for you to let Sally Jackson into Elysium immediately. She has lived with an abusive mortal to protect her son, she deserves it."

Hades' faces softened. "I will, Hestia." Alecto entered and exchanged a few words with the god, and then flew away. "Who's child did she bear?"

Hestia looked away for a minute. "Poseidon's."

The god of the Underworld's aura flickered with anger. "How dare he!"

Hestia grabbed her brother's arm in comfort. "Do not blame the boy, Hades. It isn't his fault. You would like him."

Hades looked at his sister skeptically. "I hope to meet him some day."

The goddess chuckled. "I guess that is as good as it will get. Thank you. I must be going." She once again disappeared in flames, reappearing in her cabin.

Percy jumped up from the couch crushed her into a hug the second she arrived.

"Nice to see you too, Percy." She laughed, ruffling his hair.

"Is my mother alright?"

Hestia nodded, and Percy sighed in relief. "She says that she loves you."

"I love her too." Percy said, sitting back down on the couch.

Hestia sat down next to him. "She told me that she wanted me to be your mother, now that she cannot. I will never replace Sally, but you can be my adoptive son."

Percy tackled her into another hug. "Yes!" He squealed. "Momma would me to have you as my new mom."

The goddess smiled. "Now I must officially adopt you. I, Hestia, goddess of the hearth and family, herby adopt Percy Jackson as my son." Percy glowed orange—the same color as Hestia's flames—as Hestia's power coursed through his veins. "I will teach you how to control your fire and water powers soon, my little one. But it is getting late, and you have had a long day."

Percy yawned on queue. "M'kay." He said, letting Hestia lead him up to a plain bedroom up the stairs.

"Goodnight, Percy."

"Goodnight, Mom." Percy replied, quickly drifting off into a dreamless sleep.