"Really, you don't have to stay home every day just to watch me. I know how to use the floo-thing now. You'd get here in time to help me to the hospital," Nora said from where she was lounging on the sofa. She glanced up from her book over to where Marcus was sitting in an armchair, reading the newspaper.
"But I feel better being here with you," he said. "You shouldn't be alone now. You can barely make it off the sofa without help." Nora laughed and shook her head, then grimaced slightly. Marcus sat up. "Is it the baby?"
"Just… more of the same," Nora said, rubbing her belly. Marcus had rushed them to the hospital in the middle of the night two days ago, thinking the baby was coming. Turned out it was just Braxton Hicks. Now he thought every little ache in Nora's body meant the baby was on the way. They still had two weeks.
He settled back in the chair, but kept an eye on her.
"Hello, family!" Adrian shouted as he walked into the apartment.
"Will you ever learn to knock?" Nora asked, frowning at him slightly.
"Thought he learned the day he walked in on us," Marcus said, glancing at his best friend.
"Don't remind me," Adrian said, rolling his eyes. They had been in the bedroom, so he had thankfully not actually seen anything. But it was enough that he refrained from randomly dropping by for a few months, always announcing his arrival in advance. "I came to see how little Lillian was doing."
"She still safe inside," Nora said, pushing herself up into a sitting position.
"When are you going to hurry up and get here," Adrian said to Nora's belly as he sat down next to her.
"When she's good and ready, Adey," Nora replied.
"No contractions today?" he asked, looking at Nora.
"Just slight ones. But not strong enough to go into the hospital," she said with a sigh. Adrian nodded.
"Well, then. I'm staying until the baby's here," he proclaimed. Nora and Marcus stared at him.
"No, you're not. It could take a few days," Nora said.
"But you said you were having contractions. We could be heading off to hospital any hour now," Adrian said.
"Doesn't happen that fast, mate," Marcus said, looking back at the newspaper.
"Says the man who's taken off work until the baby gets here," Adrian said, smirking. Marcus rolled his eyes as Nora chuckled.
"Both of you are more wound up than I am," Nora said, putting her book aside and reaching for her glass of water. "And I'm the one having the baby." Just as she grabbed the glass, a strong pain raced through her stomach. Nora shouted as she grabbed her belly and knocked the glass over. Immediately, Marcus was on his feet.
"What's wrong? Is it the baby?" he asked.
"I don't know… something's wrong. We need to get to the hospital now," Nora said, panting. "Something doesn't feel right."
"Grab her bag, Adrian," Marcus said as he leaned down and helped Nora stand. She could barely hold herself up.
"I can't feel her moving," Nora said frantically. Marcus looked up and met Adrian's eyes.
"We're going to have to go to St. Mungo's. We won't make it to the muggle hospital in time," he said.
"No… but Dr. Bradley. He specializes in high risk pregnancies and births," Nora said in between breaths.
"Nor, I don't think now is the time to argue about that. We need to get you to a hospital now. You'll be fine at St. Mungo's," Adrian said.
"But… they don't know… my history," she said as another pain wracked her body.
"They'll know what to do," Marcus said, kissing her head. He reached down and picked her up, holding her in his arms. "Hold on."
"God, no. I'm gonna hurl if you do that," Nora shouted.
"It's the only way, Nor," Marcus said before apparating them to the lobby of St. Mungo's, Adrian following not long after. Marcus looked around frantically.
"It's my wife. Something's happened with the baby," he shouted at a witch behind the front desk. She pointed up the stairs.
"Second floor, take a left. Maternity wing," she said. Marcus took off running with Adrian behind him.
"At least I didn't throw up," Nora said weakly. Marcus chuckled.
"Small miracles," he said, glancing down at her. Nora grimaced again.
Marcus slid into the maternity wing, frantically looking around for a healer. Katie popped out of a room at that moment.
"Marcus, what's going on? I thought you were having the baby in a muggle hospital?" she said.
"Something's wrong. Didn't have time," he said. Katie's eyes widened as she turned and ran towards another room.
"Follow me!" she shouted. Once they were in a room and Marcus had deposited Nora on a bed, Katie pushed him aside. "What happened?"
"I was reaching for a glass of water and it felt like something ripped," Nora said. "God, it fucking hurts."
"She said she couldn't feel her moving," Marcus said, his face white. Katie felt around Nora's stomach.
"The placenta may have ripped. We need to get the baby out now," she said. "Marcus, Adrian I need you outside. We're going to have to do surgery." She turned and ran out of the room and started shouting down the hallway. Marcus and Adrian had just stepped out when an entire team rushed in.
"Don't worry. We'll take care of her," Katie said with a reassuring smile. "Might want to call the family. Lillian's going to be here very quickly." She then turned back into the room, shutting the door behind her. Marcus stared at it. Adrian stepped up and put his hand on his shoulder.
"It'll be alright, mate," he said. Marcus looked over at him, worry filling his face.
"I hope so," he said.
"I'll go start sending owls and floo Uncle," Adrian said.
"Thank you," Marcus said.
It seemed like he had been pacing outside the room for hours, but it had only been about 15 or 30 minutes. He couldn't hear anything coming out of the room. The longer he paced the more worried he got.
Nora had told him that things could get difficult. He just hadn't realized how difficult until now. His heart was racing as he worried he might lose both of them.
Wood came racing down the hallway, grabbing Marcus' attention mid-pace.
"I came as soon as Adrian sent me the message. How is she?" he asked. Marcus shook his head.
"No one's come out yet," he said. Wood looked at him and then pulled him into a hug.
"It'll be alright," he said. "I thought I would shite myself when Chloe was born, but it turned out alright in the end." Marcus nodded and stepped back, looking back at the door.
"She said it felt like something ripped. I don't know what that means," he said. Adrian came running down the hall, followed by Laura.
"Uncle and Eliza are on their way by floo, but it could take a couple hours to travel internationally. Everyone else said they'd come as soon as they could. Any word yet?" he asked. Marcus shook his head silently. At that moment, the door opened and everyone turned to look. Katie stepped out, holding a bundle.
"I thought you'd might like to meet someone," she said softly with a smile. Marcus stepped over to her and peered down into the bundle. A small, blonde-haired infant peered up at him with light blue eyes. Katie gently handed her over to Marcus, whose eyes had started welling up.
"Her eyes are so, they're light," he said, sniffing slightly.
"They'll change a bit before they settle. But she'll probably have blue eyes - like Nora," Katie said. "She's been unusually calm." Marcus started bouncing her slightly.
"Hi, Lillian… I'm your Daddy," he said as tears streamed down his cheeks. The baby smiled and cooed, seeming to study his face. He laughed and looked up at Katie. "How's Nor? Did she see her?" Katie's smile faded slightly.
"She's, she's lost a lot of blood. But we're working on her. Just needs a bit of blood replenisher. We… it's taken a bit of experimenting. But don't worry. She's in good hands," Katie said. Marcus nodded. She then turned and stepped back into the room. Marcus was torn. He was sick with worry over Nora but at the same time, he couldn't believe that he was holding his daughter in his arms. He turned to the group.
"Meet Lillian Evangeline Flint," he said, smiling. They all crowded around him, looking down at her.
"She's beautiful!" Laura crooned. Adrian moved her aside.
"Let me see my cousin," he said. He looked down at the baby. "Thank Merlin she looks like Nora. Imagine a little girl with Flint's face." Marcus chuckled as the baby looked around.
"She's perfect," he replied.
"Marcus… I think you can see her now," Katie said from the open door. He looked up at her and nodded.
"Let's go meet, Mummy," he said softly to the baby. He walked in, not paying much attention to the various healers cleaning up. There was still a fair bit of blood around. Nora was quiet on the bed. She looked deathly pale, but she smiled tiredly as he walked up, the baby in his arms.
"Let me see her," she said softly. Marcus bent down, showing her the baby. "She's beautiful."
"She looks like her mum," Marcus said softly. Nora chuckled.
"They don't really look like much of anyone at this age. Just wait until she gets older," she said. "She may still end up with your teeth." Marcus laughed softly.
"I hope she's like you," Marcus said, back to staring at the baby in his arms. Nora snorted.
"Are you sure about that? Dad might have some things to tell you that might change your mind," she said. She glanced over at Katie. "Can I hold her?"
"I think it should be alright as long as Marcus helps," she replied. "You'll feel weak for a bit longer until the potion kicks in." Marcus nodded as he gently handed the baby over to Nora.
"Hello, Lillian," Nora crooned softly as she gently touched her nose. "I'm so glad you're finally here. You've been killing me the past couple months, kid." Marcus laughed softly. The baby yawned and blinked. "Oh, seems someone is sleepy. I imagine being born is some tiring work. Especially when you enter the world with such dramatic flair."
"I wouldn't expect her to be born any other way, she is your daughter after all," Marcus replied. Nora shot him a look, but then couldn't help but grin. The two watched as the baby slowly drifted off to sleep.
"We're parents," he murmured as it settled in. "Merlin, I can't nearly believe it."
"You and me both," she said. "I better get as much sleep while I'm here because she probably won't let either of us sleep much once we get home." Marcus smiled and leaned over, kissing her forehead.
"Whatever is coming, Nor, I'm not worried. We can do this," he said. Nora smiled and looked back down at the baby.
"Yea… we got this…"
Five years later…
"Uncle Oliver! Take me for a ride right now!" the little blonde girl shouted as she stomped her foot.
"Lillian, I'm not sure how I feel about you going up on a broomstick," Nora called from the patio towards the now irate 5 year old. She looked over, her blonde curls swinging around her shoulders.
"But Mummy! Daddy and Uncle Oliver promised!" Lillian shouted. Nora crossed her arms in front of her and put on her best Mom face.
"Lillian, you know that you will do nothing until I've deemed it okay," she said. Lillian frowned at her mother, her little hands coming to rest on her hips - a carbon copy of Nora.
"Nor, relax, she'll be safe if it's me or Oliver," Marcus said, coming up from behind her and kissing her cheek. Nora rolled her eyes.
"Great. I now have a 5 year old that's obsessed with a sport that makes no sense and a husband who will let her get away with anything," she huffed as she watched her husband walk over to the grill with a plate of steaks.
"Welcome to my life," Katie said as she stepped out with two glasses in her hand. She handed one over to Nora and stood next to her, watching as Oliver began chasing the little girl around the yard.
"How are the kids?" Nora asked, looking over at her.
"Chloe is busy training with the Harpies and Jason's busy with the Falcons. Jeremy seems settled in at Gringott's," she said, smiling at Oliver and Lillian.
"And how's Mrs. Wood?" Nora asked, grinning. Katie chuckled.
"The last Mrs. Wood is doing rather fine," she said.
"Took you two long enough," Nora replied.
"Well, we wanted to wait until the kids were out of school," Katie said.
"Katie, Jeremy graduated two years ago," Nora said.
"I know… and then I wanted to make sure that Oliver knew that I would be the last Mrs. Wood," Katie said, causing Nora to shake her head and chuckle.
"Where's my favorite cousin?" Adrian boomed as he stepped out into the backyard, Laura not far behind.
"Adey!" Lillian squealed as she ran over to him. She leapt into his arms as Adrian swung her around. He glared over at Nora.
"Lil, you know my name is Adrian," he said looking at the little girl.
"But Mummy calls you Adey," she said.
"Yes, but we don't always have to do what Mummy does," he said, putting her down.
"I think it suits you," Laura said, grinning. Adrian rolled his eyes.
"Where are the other minions?" he asked looking around.
"Pucey, you know neither of us have had kids in the house for a few years now," Oliver said, walking up.
"Then perhaps you should rectify that," Adrian said, grinning.
"Absolutely not. I'm done," Katie shouted immediately. "Maybe you should rectify that."
"Me?" Adrian scoffed. "Haven't we been over this? I'm the cool uncle type. Not the father type. Even Laura agrees with me on that. How about Nor and Marcus pop out a few more?" Nora laughed as Lillian ran over to her and jumped into her arms. Laura just shook her head and went over to pour herself a glass of wine.
"It was miracle enough that we had this one. Sorry, Adey, but Lillian's going to be an only child," she said, looking down at her before looking back at her cousin. "Not to mention, I don't think I can handle more than one magical child. She's broke three glasses the last time she had a tantrum." Adrian studied her a moment, noting the hint of relief underneath the exasperation. He knew Marcus and Nora wouldn't have loved Lillian any less if she was wizardborn as well, but Nora had admitted to him that she was happy Lillian would get to live a normal life in the wizarding world.
"But Mummy, I want a little sister or brother," the little girl pouted.
"I know, sweetie. And but some things are just not meant to be," Nora said, touching her nose.
"Come on, Lil. Let Uncle Oliver teach you how to ride a broom," Oliver said. Lillian squealed and leapt out of Nora's arms, bounding over to the tall, burly man.
"Not too far up!" Nora yelled after them as Oliver led her off to the broom shed.
"But really, Nor," Adrian started. Nora sighed and looked over at him.
"You think we haven't tried?" she said, her voice tense. Marcus walked over and put an arm around her waist, kissing her head.
"Lillian's enough," he said, gazing down at her. Nora looked up at him and smiled.
"Still manage to gross me out," Adrian said, fake gagging. Both Nora and Marcus looked over at him and grinned.
"It's your fault, you know. Practically throwing us together and the like," Marcus said. Adrian rolled his eyes.
"A decision I regret every day," he said with a dramatic roll of his eyes, though he was grinning.
"Sure you do," Nora said.
Later on after dinner while Lillian ran around the yard chasing Adrian and Oliver with magical sparklers that never went out, Nora sighed and leaned her head on Marcus' shoulder, a small smile on her lips. Marcus glanced down at her.
"So, after all your adventures around the world and meeting interesting people, then discovering magic, what's been your favorite part so far?" he asked. Nora glanced up at him and chuckled softly.
"Isn't it obvious?" she replied. "This. Being with you and Lillian. I wouldn't change it for the world. What about you?" Marcus laughed softly.
"Being with you, of course," he said. Nora sat up and looked at him.
"I love you, Marcus."
"Love you too, Nor."
Okay, so I lied. It ended up being just one chapter. I thought I had enough for two, but then realized today that I didn't and I didn't really want to add more to the story. This was just enough so I combined the two into one.
Here we are at the end, but I felt it was a good place to stop. Now I can focus 100% on the Wood Series!
Thanks again to everyone who followed, read and reviewed! Warms my heart that so many people enjoyed this one. And to think... I wasn't originally going to publish it...