Happy Go 5

By: Midnite

Disclaimer: Don't belong to me. Review.

She told me everything. As in 'everything', all. That's about it. If I heard this from someone else I would assume the person's lying. Full blast. Can't really believe such 'non-sense' ever exists. But this one is real, and it happened to Shindo of all people. The people I care the most. Isn't it sucks? Tell me about it.

What Shindo had said last night was not all true. Indeed he tried to 'ran' a way from his father who is his indeed real father, together with his mom, the one I talked this matter about, isn't his. Surprising. Really. Who ever knows that the woman Shindo told me about, whose I never met, is his real mom. Imagine if he knew. He'd been living in lie all this life. And she asked me to tell him.if I can tell him, that is. Well.what can I say in this matter? 'Shindo, your mom told me everything, all the truth you never know, she isn't your ma.' How's that sound? Hideously bad, or, 'Shindo, for all this time you've been running from your real family, the woman was your real mom.' ---he can punch me on this one.

I just keep thinking for the best solution for this 'out of hand' matter. Great. None. This isn't something I can discuss about to someone. So it's all come back to me. Just.try, Akira. That's what I kept telling myself.

'I'm sorry, Touya' she weep and weep and weep, like the world's going to end in about an hour. I was just too shocked to know, wish I didn't.

Tell you what, when you're thinking all the way down, thinking, you can't even realize you've been standing in front of your own house for about an hour.

"Akira?" I heard someone calling my name, I look up, my dad. "What are you doing here?" he asked, I guess he wanted to take a walk and when he opened the front door, he found me instead.

"Aa.betsuni. Just having a thought in mind" I shrugged and walk inside, he's looking at me few times and walk away.


I enter my room and expected to find Shindo sitting inside, waiting for me, and some conversation, or he's playing Go inside or sleeping or reading my books, or ruined my room like hell or maybe, he's crying alone. Desperate somehow.

And, what I see is, he's not there. Where could he be? Outside? My dad didn't say anything. Ah, okasan, maybe she knew. I turn quickly to the living room, she's not there. Hmm.a house-mom usually spent most of her time only in one place only, kitchen.

And I was right. She is. Cooking for dinner I guess.

"Ka-san, you see Shindo?" I ask, hoping she did

"Aa, he's out somewhere, he said he wanted to take a walk or something. He hasn't coming back, Akira?"

Mentally, I got panicked. "Iie, he'll be back, just wondering" I walk quickly to the door, I have to find him. What if he's gone.gone, never coming back, his dad found him and kidnapped him and put him some sleeping gas and transferred him to America? That was a very stupid thinking, Touya. Blood rushing into my head, just right before I want to touch the knob, the door opened, and Shindo's standing there, looking at me.

"Touya?" he startled, "what are you doing here?"

"Where have you been?" I turned the question, ignoring what he said

"Me? I was taking a walk. What? I can't? you've gone a pretty long time and I can't be staying in your room all the time, can I?"

"Yes you can!" I almost shout.

"What's wrong with you? Geezz."

I can't think anymore, my heart relaxed whenever I see him, I don't even know what I was thinking right now, when I circled my arms around his neck, hugging him. "Don't do that again." my body relaxed on him. The when I open my eyes, hurriedly I took a step back, "Go-Gomen, i.I was. it was..i.uh.um.you see.aa." I muttered like idiot. He just started at me, wish I can dig hole right now and buried myself. I can feel my cheeks start to burning and he just continue to stare at me, this time I noticed his expression changed, he's.amused? Was I that funny? Before I can say anymore stupid words, he come closer and hugs me. Few seconds feels like forever and he pulled back, "I'm sorry for making you worried." And that's all he need to say.


OKAY! First of all, I did it. IDIDIT!!!! Did you enjoy the fic???? Or not. Anywa, I need a review! I breathe on them so don't take my breath away. My OXYGEN!!! Next fic will be the FINALE! It's on the way, I'm working on it. But it still takes time to finish it, though. I hope I can be more consistent.

I always looooove reviews, they're encouraging me a lot. And, if there are grammar mistakes.everywhere, pardon me please. ^^Y