-by- Midnite

Warning: Contain SPOILERS and it's YAOI. So, if you're a goody-goddy kid, stay away. And anyone who decides to read it thanks much! **MUACHX** big kiss from me.

Okay, here we go:


It has been almost two years since I had my pro game with him, the Touya Akira. Touya is my rival, I assume that way and that's what I call him or he calls me. Rival. Nothing else and I don't know why we enjoyed this situation of our status very, very much. He enjoyed his, I enjoyed mine. End of story. Strange relationship, huh? By the way, the thing I want to say is that we ARE rivals. Just, sometimes.no, the fact is that our relationship seems more than that. Since the day of what happened in the pro game, that Touya realize that Sai lived in me and that there is another me and that means it's Sai, the game where he won, again, with me, well.It's not about the game anyway. So, since then, I always came to his go salon, not his anyway, it's Ichikawa's. We came, we play, we talked, we talked a lot, we talked almost everything and I got feelings that he didn't brought up Sai again lately to be talked about. I think he just waiting for me until 'the time' comes and I really, really appreciate it, because it's absolutely impossible that he forgot. Sometimes I wished to tell him, I want to, but at the last moment, I always get chickened out. We.well I, enjoyed our game.our time together, very much. Once, I have to visit my dad's grandparents which I don't even know I still others besides my mom's in another town for almost two month and I felt it like torture. Boring, they don't like Go and worst, I can't play Touya.Okay, honestly, I was sad because I can't see him. And sometimes I do hope that Touya feels the same like I do. He's my rival and I'm his. I'm his and he's mine, only. Mine only. At first, I thought he was like a Go maniac, well, he is and so do I (What?! It's different now). Looking for me anywhere, chasing me and all, made me creepy myself. But, then when I realize, he was far ahead of me. What I'm talking about? I was talking about us not the past. I'm equal now, same as he is, just that he's now he got Dan 5 and I only got 2. I don't know or I don't remember when or why, my feelings towards him started change, to be something else since the time we started to meet each other, that is more.seductive. I thought it was something usual, sure, I always feel that way before, he's my rival and I felt like some sort of 'responsibility' in me to defeat him with the 'real' me someday. And.the fact is, it was something very different, I don't feels this way to Waya or Isumi, or Yuuki, or Ochi, or Ogata-sensei, or to the Touya Meijin, I felt it as something more, more.he is.someone, someone that matters to me. Touya is a busy boy. Very, VERY busy for someone his age, my age. Many people wish to play him and he never rejected them, of course, the kind Touya, like he has reasons to say 'no'. They play me too, but sometimes when I have plans or I don't feel like it, I would say 'no' or maybe a 'next time' to them. He came to the salon sometimes only twice a week, sometimes three, sometimes one, sometimes he come every day, sometimes he didn't come at all. It's become like a habit to come to the salon. Well, on some occasion, I didn't come also, but it because I have exams tomorrow, and especially math, damn, I hate math! Surely, it's not like the world does ends when he don't showed up, I can still play, many customers in Ichikawa's expected me to, many invitations from schools or salons, it's fine without him, it's okay without him, it's.nothing without him, like, well.it doesn't feels the same without his presence. Damn, my life's complicated. Damn, I miss him already.

O yeah, and I don't' like the way he appears on many Go magazines, and how he also appears in many girl's magazines. With his so fine-serious-cool of his, girls after him, I don't like he's seeing by someone else. I don't like girls giving him presents, love letters and packets to his house and I don't like that are some girls have enough guts to meet you personally and don't like the way you acted like I don't know. Makes me upset, you know? And worst, geez. we're still calling each other by our surname! What kind of relationship is this anyway?!


It's been one year 9 months and 12 days since I played him at the pro game in the institute. He was better now, far more than better, he achieved what I was back then fast, his growth in Go is very amazing and I still winning of course (^_^; evil Touya). I played him everyday; if there are no obstacles and sometimes I felt regrets that I didn't come. I had played people many times that sometimes I had to stay awake until the morning and I still come to the salon. And don't say that I never cancelled games, Shindo, I do and I did it because of you, remember that! You told me you need to show me something or tricks you learnt, or something that I know it's just a waste of time, and just because of that I cancelled games. I can and I can't sometimes, depends on who is it. I have to see his growth at GO, because he's my rival and that's what rivals do, watch each other back.no, game, to win it and study it so I can see your smile, no, game, and that I can be careful in my next steps to fight you. I have to see his game, because he could be my long-term threats in Go. I have to, I have to.see him. Well, it's not like my world's evolve around him. But you know, sometimes I wonder myself. Once at his 10th grade summer holiday, he went to visits his grandparents he said for almost two months for God's sake. That long, what did he do there? He told me myself that they don't know anything about Go, so why waste your time? Why waste our time? And does he know I think this way? I think not, I think he doesn't have the same feelings as I do. And he also in some of his school days canceled our meetings in the salon because he has exams or projects that were due in a short time. Shindo, do you know that it doesn't feel the same with out you. DO you know that I miss you, everyday, since.well, I don't know when.

When he came first years ago, he defeated me twice and I was *ABSOLUTELY* depressed, that someone on my age can beat me so easily with a way that I didn't even know. And since then, he's my rival, I searched for him anywhere and he just didn't turn my attention towards him the same as I did. Saying things that I didn't understands, until now, 'don't chase my shadow' or something like it. And then, appears Sai at the summer holiday that time, out of nowhere. Sai reminds me a lot of Shindo and I thought that he learnt his Go from Sai, that he knows Sai is, but I was wrong, he is Sai, in other way. I don't know why he didn't use his skills? He could be famous, he beaten up my dad, and that was awesome, I still can't beat him. He said to me that someday he'll explain and when I did asks who Sai is, or exactly what is Sai or where is Sai, he became very uncomfortable and I found him crying once, just a bit but I think he holds it inside. Afterwards, I never brought it up to topics again. I hope he still remembers because a few times he wants to speak to me about something and always steps back before it did happened, he's still not ready. He's my rival, I'm his rival. I'm his and he's mine, only. Mine only. I don't know when my feelings since the day we started to see each other in the salon appears to be something different, something that I didn't surprised to happen, something that is more, more than I expect him to be. I see him as someone, someone that matters to me. When we play, when we met, when we talk, I treasure the time. He grows, I grows, things change but one, we are still rival. I don't know why. When he laughs, when he smiles damn I miss him. I can't find the words, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with my feelings? My life's complicated.

And, Shindo, I don't like the way girls after you, from your school or not I don't care, I don't like it. Giving him presents and all like I don't know. Love letters and all. With his cheerful-friendly-smile of his and Akari by his side. I know Akari had a crush on him since whatever and I just felt it that you don't have the same attention as hers. So why waste your time with her? Damn, open your eyes, girl, and stay away form him. I don't like the way she touch you and I don't like the way all the girls trying to touch you. And what kind of relationship anyway, we are still calling each other with our surname.

Author's note: Teehee.!! Finally, my first Hikaru no Go fiction. Yeah, go me! Wow, it's almost 1 a.m in the morning right now. Duh, I finds some difficulties expressing themselves. See the similarity? That both of them still don't realize the thing in their heart? Love of course, hahahaha.!!! O my, it will be a lot of fun! Don't expect much coz I still have some teasers I want to show up before they're finally got together. I love this!