5:25 A.M. South Island, Green Hill City, Gama Base.

It took the Resistance quite awhile for them to get the base into working order, now, people were in the Briefing Room idling chatting while waiting for heavy machinery to help lift various chunks of concrete that not even Knuckles could lift. Off in the corner of the room, Tails and Silver began to talk to each other when Silver said to Tails "Do you think Eggman's gonna attack again?"

Tails sighed and nodded "Probably."

Silver hopped up onto a crate and sat down on it before saying "Really? I mean sure, he's crazy but, he's lost a lot of robots thanks to us."

Tails chuckles slightly "Yeah, although his next attack isn't going to be as big as his first conquest. Its probably just going to be him stuffing woodland creatures into robots, because he can't create hundreds of energy cores now that we've cut him off from that mine around the Imperial Tower."

Silver nodded while Gadget watched the recently reactivated monitor that sat on the back wall of the room, it had reconnected to the Resistance Network after being turned back on, and it now showed a map of the world that itself showed that Eggman no longer had any territory on the planet. At the same time, Knuckles walked into the room, having taken off his tribal gear awhile ago, and said "Finally, an end to this endless battle. Everyone can go home and relax. There's no need for the Resistance."

Silver jumped off of the box he was sitting on before saying "Hold on, there's still a lot we need to do. We're just getting started."

Knuckles nodded as Silver walked over to the broken in half grey table that sat in the middle of the room. Knuckles then said "While we aren't fighting against an oppressive empire anymore. Someone's gotta make sure everyone gets back up onto their feet properly, someone's gotta make sure G.U.N. is brought back properly, someone's gotta clean up Eggman's mess! So, I guess the Resistance is going from.. Well.. A Resistance, to a cleanup crew."

Amy then said "Which means we need to have a new name!"

Knuckles chuckled before continuing "We sure do... I got it! How about the Eggman Recovery Effort, or the ERF?"

The former Resistance soldiers all nodded in agreement, when Gadget took in a shaky breath, before saying to Knuckles "Uh.. I'm actually not going to be around much longer."

Knuckles turned to face Gadget "You're leaving us?"

Gadget nodded "Yeah... I've got some people to check up on now that the wars over."

Knuckles sighed "Well, okay. I'm not gonna stop you."

Vector then said "Man, the first time I saw you cowering in front of Egg Pawns and stumbling into the base. I had no idea you could pull this thing together and see it to the end."

As he walked over to Gadget, he patted the Wolf's back before adding "I've changed my mind about you."

Knuckles nodded "I new you'd come through Gadget."

Rouge walked over to the other three, she pushed Knuckles to the side before saying "You did good out there. It's not like you just waited till the last minute to come in and act all cool saving the day."

She playfully glared over her shoulder to Omega as the robot raised its arms up and cocked them, two empty grenade shells came out of them and pinged as they rolled across the ground. While Shadow watched, he merely humphed slightly, Tails then said "Our battle is done and our resistance has come to a conclusion, but as Knuckles said, someone's gotta keep the world from unraveling again so, along with the fact we'll be friends forever, we'll be seeing each other again real soon."

The former Resistance members all nodded in agreement as Gadget walked out of the room, and out of the base. He walked out to the back exit of the building, where he saw Sonic standing there staring at the slowly rising sun, Sonic could hear Gadget's foot steps so he turned to him and said "Hey, you're taking off too?"

Gadget nodded and Sonic continued "I was thinking the same thing."

Sonic looked back over to the rising sun as Gadget stood next to him, Sonic then said "You gonna keep moving forward? No matter what, yeah?"

Gadget chuckled before nodding and saying "Sure will Sonic, I'll keep on running."

Sonic chuckled slightly before saying "Heh, you and I aren't so different."

Gadget nodded before Sonic said "See ya later Dustin!"

They fist bumped each other Sonic turned around and began to run down the still damaged streets of the city. As he did, Gadget waved to Sonic who looked over his shoulder and gave Gadget a thumbs up, he then looked forwards and began to run faster. Gadget readjusted his left hand's glove as he looked over to the rising sun, he still had something to do, something he didn't even have to do, but something he felt he had to do. He ran forwards and jumped off of a concrete cliff that looked over a park, he then used his grappling hook to swing himself down to the ground of the park bellow. Once he landed, he looked at the ship that had flown the Resistance from West Side, to South Island, standing in front of the ship was the Special Forces and Rotor. He walked over to the SF and Sally looked over to him before saying "You sure about this?"

Gadget nodded "I owe it to her parents to do this."

Sally nodded slightly as she said "I know.. It's just that, Newt is still very capable of doing this herself."

Gadget stopped in front of them before saying "She needs time to calm down after what we've been through. I don't need to calm down, not yet, this is my last mission."

Sally sighed "Alright."

Suddenly, Rotor yelled out "Ah ha! Finally!"

Gadget and Sally looked over to Rotor, and the red Wolf said "What? What is it?"

Rotor grinned as he placed a laptop down "I've finally finished this!"

He then held up a hand held device, that had a blue ring like the bracelets on Sally's wrists strapped to the top of it. Gadget raised an eyebrow in slight confusion "What- What is it?"

Rotor raised his right finger up into the air "It can do this!"

He then brought it down on top of a button on the device, and the ring began to glow, before Nicole suddenly appeared in front of Rotor. Everyone backed away from Nicole in shock, and Sally said "Wh- R- Rotor! How'd you?"

The Walrus smiled "Using the design of your hard light bracelets, and bits and pieces left over from Eggman's Phantom Ruby, I've constructed a device that can create a hard light-illusion that gives Nicole a semi-physical form again!"

Sally smiled brightly before hesitantly trying to hug Nicole, which surprisingly worked. Sally began to cry slightly as she said "Thank you Rotor."

The Walrus nodded "You got it.. Alright, we ready to go now?"

Gadget nodded as Sally and Nicole stepped away from each other. Rotor pressed a button on the side of the ship and a door slid open, they all climbed into the ship and Sally walked into the bridge, she turned on the engines and it lifted up into the air. Gadget sat down on a seat in the back of the ship and silently sat there for a few minutes when Bunnie suddenly sat down next to him. Gadget looked over to the still Roboticized Rabbit as she said "So, ah know why you're doing this. But what makes you think this is your duty?"

Gadget sighed before answering "Matty reminded me of my sister, Fuchsia."

Bunnie nodded before hesitantly saying "I- Is she alright?"

Gadget nodded "She should be, my parents are pretty tough."

Bunnie's metal lips smiled before she rubbed his back and stood up to leave him alone. Gadget would sit alone in the back of the ship for the next thirty minutes or so before the ship finally reached its destination.

5:55 A.M. Ouip, Spagonia, Scotol Regions, Spagonia City, College District.

The Resistance ship landed in front of the famous College of Spagonia's front gates, right behind the damaged statue of King Mathew the III. The ship's doors slid open and Gadget, Rotor, Nicole, and Sally walked out of the ship, sitting in the large courtyard of the college there was a large tent that had a massive gathering of people standing in, and in front of, it. Those people looked like they hadn't washed themselves in moths, years even, their clothes had holes in them, their hair or fur in certain cases were dirty and tangled, and they all looked tired, hungry, and weak. Gadget took in a deep breath to try and calm his nerves when Rotor said "You want us to come with you?"

Gadget looked over to him "No, I need to do this alone."

Rotor nodded "Alright, then in that case, I'll take Nicole and Sally to find the Spagonian Resistance's computer systems so we can find your family."

Gadget smiled "Thanks Rotor."

He nodded before him, and the others, walked away from Gadget. The red Wolf took in a deep breath again before walking forwards, he carefully made his way through the crowd and into the tent trying hard not to shove his way through. While making his way into the tent he saw why there was such a large crowd, everyone was trying to get over to a large soup kitchen like area in the side of the tent. Gadget continued to slowly make his way through the crowd as carefully as possible, the people around him whispered quietly as he made his way through, they asked relatively the same question "Who's that?" and "What is he doing here?" ultimately, Gadget ignored their words and continued to make his way towards that soup kitchen area. As he slowly got closer to it, he heard the sounds of pots and pans clanging, utensils scrapping, and people yelling out orders. He every so often got to peek over the heads of the people in front of him, and he saw two white Dogs in the front of the soup kitchen area, scrambling back and forth grabbing things, putting them on plates, and handing the to people. Gadget eventually managed to make his way to the front of the crowd and the smell of food hit him harder than before, he had to force himself to not drool on the spot because of that.

He walked over to the front-counter-thing of the soup kitchen area and one of the two Dogs, who was apparently a woman, looked over to him and said "Be with you in just a minute!"

She quickly ran over to the other end of the counter and started to do something over there. How was he going to talk to her about something very personal? Could he just walk behind the counter and get their attention? If he did, would he be detained or something? Gadget sighed before finally coming to the conclusion that, because he was apart of the main Resistance, he could go behind the counter. Hopefully. He walked back there and almost immediately some one said to him "What are you doing back here?"

Gadget looked over to the person and saw that it was the other white Dog, a man, Gadget hesitantly said "M- My name is Dustin Filbert Wolf, I'm from Knuckles' Resistance. My code name is Agent Gadget, and I have some news to deliver to the parents of Matty."

The man's eyes widened "I- I'm her father, g- give me a second I'll go get my wife."

He quickly ran over to the Dog lady from before as Gadget tried his hardest to calm his nerves down. A moment later and the Dog man come over to Gadget again, as he did the Dog lady yelled into the kitchen behind the counter "Mighty! Ray! Take over the front counter for a few minutes!"

The Dog man then reached Gadget and he began to lead the Wolf towards a tent hallway in the back of the area they were in. The Dog lady joined with the Gadget and the man before they began to walk down the tent hall and into a room with a couch, a table, some book shelves, and a radio device sitting on the table. The two Dogs sat down on the couch and Gadget awkwardly stood in front of the couch and the table, before the man said "Uh.. I guess we should introduce ourselves."

The lady nodded before she said "My name's Kendra Floyd, and he's Vincent Floyd."

Vincent waved slightly before Gadget took in a deep breath, and said "As I've already told Mr. Floyd, I come from Knuckles' Resistance. I'm Agent Gadget, my real name's Dustin Filbert Wolf, and I'm here to give you two s- some... News."

Kendra shifted slightly on the couch before placing her hands down on her lap, and on top of her cooking apron "Wh- What kind of news?"

Gadget closed his eyes and wished he could just get this over with quick and easy, while still being careful and nice, he opened his eyes again before saying "During our Resistance's attempted raid on Eggman's former capital city Infinite, the monster that had supposedly defeated Sonic, used an object named the Phantom Ruby to create illusions that everyone experienced as real things. A- After Knuckles gave the command to retreat me, Matty, and Newt met together on a highway that would lead us out of the city. B- But, Infinite showed up.. H- He taunted me, and that made Matty try and attack Infinite.. That- That only caused Infinite to become angry, he blocked me and Newt off from him and Matty, then- Th- Then..."

Gadget brought a hand up and whipped some tears out from under his eye, he then took of his glasses and whipped off some of the tear water that had some how gotten on it, before finally forcing himself to say it "Infinite... Killed.. Matty."

Vincent and Kendra both froze on the couch, their eyes opened wide in complete shock. Gadget bit his bottom lip as he realized he might've been to blunt, or something, in his words. That's when Vincent finally said "O- Oh.. I don't.. I- Is.."

Gadget sighed "I'm sorry... I- I was the reason she died, Infinite egged her on all because of the fact I had already met him before the raid... I shouldn't have even told you this news so soon after Eggman's defeat as well.. I'm-"

Vincent suddenly got up and walked over to Gadget, he placed a hand on his shoulder and said to him "I may not know much about you yet, but I know for a fact that it wasn't your fault... I don't blame you, we don't blame you, we don't blame Knuckles either. We only blame the monster that killed her, Infinite, and his master, Eggman."

Gadget nodded slightly "T- Thank you."

Vincent gave Gadget a small smile before saying "You were friends with Matty. That much I can tell, which means you're family to us. If you ever need to, you can stop by our house and have a home made meal whenever you want."

Gadget smiled weakly "Thank you, again."

Vincent nodded before Gadget said "I should be going now."

He then stepped back from Vincent and gave a little wave goodbye to Kendra, who was silently sitting on the couch trying to keep herself calm and composed for Gadget, he then walked down the tent hall. Out of the tent, and back over to the ship, once there Rotor looked over to him and said "Gadget! We found where your family is!"

Gadget smiled "Thanks Rotor, let's go."

He nodded before they both got aboard the ship, and once the door slid closed, the ship took off again. It flew for a few minutes before coming to a small island Gadget knew from pictures in his old house back in Green Hill City. On the island there was a blue roofed, white walled, house that had a shed behind it, a garden next to it, and sitting on the back of the island, there was a still very functional light house that had blue and white strips on it. The ship landed at the edge of the small island and Gadget walked off of it, this was the very island his grandfather grew up on, Gadget took in a deep breath enjoying the smell of calm saltwater before he began to walk towards the house. While he walked the ship began to take off again, he turned around and waved goodbye to it before turning back around and being tackled to the ground. He grunted out "Fuchsia! What was that for?!"

His sister hugged him tightly before yelling out "Dustin! Iwassoworriedwherewereyouareyoualrightdidanyonehurtyouareyouhungry?!"

Her words all jumbled together into one long sentence due to her emotions getting the better of her, Gadget smiled before saying "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'll tell you what happened soon I promise!"

He was able to push her off of him before standing up again, he then heard the sound of some one yelling out his name. He looked over to the house and saw his brothers, Corvin and Danny, running towards him. Danny rammed into Gadget and quickly pulled him into a hug while Corvin stopped next to the two of them and smiled at Gadget. The red Wolf finally pried himself out of his almost identical brother's grasp before saying "You're all alright.. Thank goodness."

Corvin nodded "Sure are, where were you?"

Gadget sighed "Like I already told Fuchsia, I'll explain everything later. Right now, I need a good hardy meal in my stomach asap."

Danny smiled "Got it, I'll go tell mom and dad!"

He then spun around and began to run towards the house while Corvin and Fuchsia walked along side Gadget as he followed after Danny. A few minutes later and the smell of freshly cooked steak and potatoes would be flowing out of the house's windows, Gadget was happy to be home, it was good to see his family again, he was also pretty tired now that he had a full stomach but he chose to focus on the family stuff instead, now he couldn't wait for his life to calm down again after all he's been through.

12:45 P.M. Dimension 1-5-1-7, Astrla Island, Never Lake.

Tails and Knuckles both watched as the Little Planet disappeared into thin air, blue sparkles rained down from the spot it once was and down to the ground below. But, what they didn't see was Sonic coming back down onto the ground with them, after he just up and disappeared when the Phantom Ruby went crazy back in the Titanic Monarch they hadn't seen him since. That's when suddenly, they heard what sounded like a distorted version of the Phantom Ruby's pulse behind them, Knuckles and Tails both spun around to see a portal open up behind him. And Sonic ran right out of that portal just before it closed behind him, Sonic skid to a halt and Tails yelled out "Sonic!"

He began to run over to his friend as Sonic said "Tails! Buddy did I miss you."

Tails jumped into Sonic's arms and they pulled each other into a hug before Knuckles said "Where have you been?"

Sonic set Tails down and let go of him before saying "Long story, trust my I'll explain, but boy am I tired. So, Tails, how's about we go find some place to eat.. And you can come to Knux."

The Echidna crossed his arms over his chest and said "How thoughtful of you Sonic.. But I'll pass, gotta protect the Master Emerald, don't have time to chit chat."

Sonic shrugged "Suit yourself, come on buddy let's go."

Tails nodded before the two of them began to walk away from Knuckles, who just stood there. After a minute or so, Sonic looked over his shoulder and said "You don't know how to find your island again, don't you?"

Knuckles sighed "Yeah.. I don't know how."

Sonic chuckled "Alright come on, there's bound to be some one in a nearby town who saw your island floating by."

Knuckles ran over to Sonic and Tails before saying "I'm not going to thank you for this."

Sonic looked over to the Echidna "Oh I know, you never thanked me for saving your island the first tie around either."

Knuckles rolled his eyes "Wouldn't have needed saving if you hadn't crashed the Death Egg on top of my island in the first place."

Sonic grinned before stepping forwards and saying "Catch ya' there, chuckle-head!"

He then sped forwards and Tails yelled out "Wait for me!"

Before using his twin tails to sped after Sonic, Knuckles raised his fist up and shook it at Sonic "Hey! Don't call me that!"

He then began to chase after Sonic as they all made their way towards the nearest town, or city, which ever was closer.

6:03 A.M. Dimension 1-1-7-1-7, Over the Planet, the Remains Of the Egg Station.

"Pooooooooooweeer s- supply reconnected."

One of the most intact chunks of the Egg Station's lights flickered to life, its computer screens also flickered on, as an A.I. voice said "Gravity reengaged."

Everything little bit and piece that was floating around in the chunk fell to the ground before that voice said "Engaging anti-vacumization measures."

A blue energy field appeared around the chunk and breath able air flooded back into the chunk, before Cubot turned around and looked at Orbot "Alright! Everything's back up and running!"

Orbot sighed "Finally, it took forever to get the power back on I was worried it'd take just as long to turn everything else back on."

It then moved over to a computer and used it to turn something on, and the A.I. voice announced "Activating Warp Ring."

A golden ring was lowered from the ceiling and a portal slowly opened up in it, said portal led to the Null-Space, and suddenly, the Egg Tumbler shot out of the portal and skid across the room and crashed into a wall in front of the ring. The docked Egg Mobile's glass cover slid open and Eggman climbed out of it, coughing slightly as he did, he then stumbled out of the damaged mech before grumbling to himself as he walked over to his two robotic assistants. Orbot turned to face its master before saying "Did you have a nice time in the Null-Space sir?"

Eggman grumbled "Oh, shut up."

He then stopped in the middle of the room and popped his back as best he could before looking around the room. He scowled at his surroundings before saying "It was all right in my hand, the entire world was my putty, and now I'm stuck here in this heap of floating scrap!"

Cubot shrugged "I dunno, it could be worse. We could've been captured by the Resistance."

Eggman grumbled again "Rrrrgggh! The Resistance.. I should've crushed them as soon as Sonic joined their ranks."

Orbot nodded "Yes, yes you should've."

Eggman scowled at the robot "I said shut up!"

He then kicked the robot which caused his back to snap crackle and pop, which also caused him to wince in pain. He then sighed "No... It was my fault the Resistance gained so much power, I became to aggregate and thought that I was merely toying with them. But instead, I was worried I'd become bored with my new found empire so I let them live."

He then looked over to his right and saw one of the last remaining cameras Eggman's network was linked to, said camera showed the remains of Gama Base, which was being fixed by the Resistance at that very moment. Eggman clenched his fists before saying "Sonic... You may think that you've defeated me once and for all. But that is not the case! I will return! I will conquer the world again, and when that time comes! I'll kill you before you get the chance to fight against me, I'll kill your friends too! Mwa-hahaha!"

Cubot then suddenly said "Wow, really? I kinda thought that because you failed so badly this time you'd be discouraged by to not achieve that goal."

Eggman glared down at Cubot before saying "No! If anything, I've become even more motivated to achieve that goal! I already know I can do it! I just need the time to build back up.. That's right, mark my words Sonic, I will attack again... But my next true attack won't be out of conquest, it'll be out of necessity. I must regain the resources necessary to rebuild my army."

Orbot sighed "Alright, where do you want to attack next?"

Eggman glanced over his shoulder and said "Not today.. I must first make sure that everyone thinks that I have disappeared before resurfacing again."

Orbot nodded "Alright then, but are we just going to hide out here?"

"Does it look like we have anywhere else to go?!"

Eggman then shoved past Orbot and walked over to the Egg Tumbler so he could try and fix it, just so he could occupy his mind until he attacks again. But that attack won't be big, it won't be devastating, or even that intimidating, and down at the surface of the planet Sonic and the Resistance finally get to relax peacefully, well not for Sonic, he still running around the world helping whoever needs it, and surprisingly not that many people need that much help despite the state of the world. But he didn't care, he was just glade that he could finally get to run where ever he wants to again, everything's finally back to normal just the way it liked it.





















Alright, Sonic: Resistance is finally over, some of you may be sad about it. But just realize, that this means I'll get to do a different story. Speaking of a different stories, if any of you are interested in my plans for my next story keep on reading, if not you can go.

Okay, if you're still here, I should have a poll up on my profile that asks what my next Sonic story should be, but that doesn't mean I'll do that as the actual next story. Me real next story's gonna be a sequel to one of my previous stories named NitW: Beyond the Springs, which itself is a sequel to Lost in the Upside Down, which is also a prequel to the actual Night in the Woods game, and then there's Half A Night at Freddy's, which takes place during NitW: BtS.. Alright so maybe I've made things a little complicated, but anyways. Before I do that BtS sequel I'm gonna remaster those previously mentioned stories to fit with my current style of writing.

Alright, that's all, you can go now and I hope to see all of you again at a different story. But until then, and have a good day.