A/N: Okay, here is chapter three of my first RWBY fanfic. Here is the talk between Qrow and Oscar, as well as Qrow's leaving to find all the huntsmen to come help. But before we get there, I have a small shout-out to one particular reviewer who really touched my heart and inspired me to keep writing.

To KittyCrow12: I want to thank you very much for your reassurance. You really motivated me to keep writing this story, and I want to let you know how much I appreciate your kind words. I hope you have a wonderful day as well, and feel free to read my other stories when you have the chance.

And now, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

Conversing with the Scareqrow

Oscar didn't really know what his opinion on Qrow was meant to be. At first glance, he didn't seem like much unless you count the giant weapon strapped to his back. He was lean like a beanpole and looked ragged enough to be passed over in a "man-this-guy-couldn't-even-find-the-time-to-take-a-shower" kind of way.

And of course, the first impression he got of the man wasn't all that stellar either. He had seemed nice, paying for food for Oscar to eat while giving the boy time to rest. But he had also gotten himself drunk, spending the time blabbing about Spring Maiden and someone named Ruby Rose.

Ozpin had reprimanded him for judging the man, but come on, what else was he supposed to take from the encounter? However, once he had sobered up, the man had been serious and compassionate, although that seemed more directed at Ozpin than him (and yes, he knew they were technically the same person, no need to remind him of that!)

After the conversation about training and duties from Ozpin, the man had been busy compiling the list for him and Oscar had never really interacted with him after that. Besides a short "good morning" at breakfast, which he again, wasn't sure if that was meant for him or the guy in his head.

So to have him sitting a couple of feet beside him, staring at him with such intensity, was both surprising and a tad disconcerting. It was like he was silently waiting for him to make a mistake or do something spectacular like Ozpin would. Oscar wasn't sure how to proceed now.

Try to relax, Oscar. This isn't an interrogation or a shakedown.

Easy for him to say. He was already this guy's friend and superior. He knew all his tells and probably how he thought as well. Oscar seriously doubted the other man had ever been in this situation.

Not with Qrow, no. But I have made other friends who were very mysterious when we were first introduced. I promise you, I've been in your position before and the man before you means you no harm. Try to hear him out.

Sometimes Oscar wonders if Ozpin's slightly optimist thoughts and "there's no way this could go wrong" dismissive thinking was meant to be comforting or patronizing. Can the man ever assume the things he does and request could end badly? Just one time to think rationally and consider all outcomes, that's all the boy asked.

"How you like your cocoa, kid?"

The farm boy abruptly turned his attention to Qrow following the unexpected question. There was a shift in the man's eyes now, something else Oscar couldn't recognize, but was at least less serious and easier to relax under.

He nodded, not really meeting the man's eyes. "It's good. T-thanks." He took another sip to dispel the awkwardness he felt.

"Figured any reincarnation of Oz's would love the stuff. That's one of the things they all had in common, that love for a good cup of chocolate."

Well at that answered Oscar's previous questions about whether it was just him the man was pushing the drink on. It seemed that subconsciously, the drink was his favorite too. Nice to have one mystery solved.

"So, listen, kid. I'm not gonna insult your intelligence by beating around the bush right now. And you won't insult mine by lying to me, all right?" The man asked as he took a sip of his own drink (which, based on his track record, had some form of alcohol in it.) Oscar nodded, still apprehensively as to what the man wanted to speak to him about.

"First of all, I know what's been keeping you these past few nights." Qrow silently nodded at the shocked look on the boy's face. "Yeah, Oz gave me a basic rundown of what this process can do to you. All the memories of his past life merging with your own past experiences, showing you things no kid your age should have to deal with just yet."

Oscar took another sip as he continued listening to the older Huntsman talk to him. "I have no idea what you're going through and I won't pretend I have any sort of clue. But I can try to at least make you more comfortable around us for the time being."

"So," And here the man sat back, lounging on the couch as he continued to address Oscar, "what is it about us that bothers you so much? Is it the whole 'you're kinda also their teacher' thing?"

Oscar fidgeted in the seat. "Well, that is part of it. Also, I know I should trust you guys, but I don't really know you guys enough to do that."

The man nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah, I get that. I may not understand fully what you're going through, kid, but I do know what it's like to be thrust into something and just expected to get with the program. These kinds of things can make us feel pressured, worried about what the future has in store for us."

Yes, that's exactly how Oscar felt sometimes. It's like he had no control of his life anymore. Everything he was didn't matter anymore. Now it was just about what he was meant to become. It all kinda made him feel… insignificant.

Oscar… Ozpin seemed at a loss at how to comfort him now. He knew from their previous talks, when the man in his head was attempting to get him to Haven, that he had experienced many times the confusion of his rebirth. That didn't make it more comforting for the hosts he would get afterward. Especially for someone as young as Oscar who already had to sacrifice so much for Ozpin's missions.

"I understand that this is bigger than just me. I want to help the people of Remnant, but… I not sure if I can be who they expect me to be." The farm boy explained softly as his head faced his half-filled cup of chocolate.

"Yeah, I get it. But I wouldn't worry too much about not being what you need to be if I were you, kid. Like Oz said, he can only bond with a like-minded soul. And you were chosen and you came here, which tells a lot about who you are. You may not think it just yet, but you are Ozpin reborn. And soon everyone will see that, including you."

Qrow downed the rest of his drink, moving forward to place his mug on the table in front of them before he turned back to the kid. "I can't help you with your whole identity issue, but I can give you some advice on how to have more trust in us. I can assure you every single person in this house would gladly give their lives for you, Oscar, even if they don't really know you. Try to talk to them, will ya? They may seem intimidating at first, but they are just kids too."

He got to his feet, stretching his arms before he made his way to the stairs, pausing for a second to say, "Just be yourself, kid. Don't let your worries and fears stop you from doing what's right." And then he went to his room.

Oscar spent a few minutes drinking the rest of his cocoa, trying to process what Qrow had told him. It was nice to have someone that wasn't technically a part of him sympathize and empathize with the pressure he was dealing with. Comforting to know the other huntsman saw more than his friend when he looked at Oscar.

Did the conversation help ease your mind?

"Yeah," he sighed as he set his cup next to Qrow's. "He may seem a little weird, but he wasn't as bad as I thought he was. You know, for a guy who drinks way too much."

Everyone has their own coping mechanisms. You read, Qrow drinks. Not very healthy, but after everything he's seen… I can't hold it against him. Especially since I am partly to blame.

It never really occurred to Oscar until just then that Ozpin had a frequent tendency to blame himself for other people's plights. Perhaps that was the headmaster's way of coping with everything he's lived through over and over again.

I have never really thought of it that way, but I suppose you could be right.

The boy sighed as he took the two mugs to the kitchen and washed them, putting them back where they belonged in the cabinet. He felt drained and very tired all of a sudden.

That would be your sleepless nights finally catching up to you. Try to get some rest now, Oscar. We have another big day of training ahead of us, especially since Qrow is due to leave tomorrow. We can have a private session of learning to engage your Aura if you like.

Oscar appreciated the out Oz was giving him, but he wanted to give Qrow's advice a try. Taking the initiative, in this case, could maybe go a long way to him finally feeling like he had a place in this group. Maybe they could even be friends.

Don't worry, Oscar. I can assure you these students are wonderful and kind. They are the kind of people anyone would be happy to call an ally. Just like you.

Oscar snorted, heading up the stairs and too tired to argue. Hopefully, all this wouldn't end up biting him in the butt.

They all got up early to see Qrow off. He wasn't carrying anything, just his weapon, and scroll, as he didn't expect to be gone long. Apparently, everyone he was looking for should be right there in Haven.

"Don't worry, kiddo. I should be back in a day or two." The man assured his niece as he said his goodbyes. Ruby nodded, looking a little sad, "Okay, we'll have food ready for you all when you get back."

Oscar watched the farewells from the sidelines, unsure how things will be now that the person he was closet to in the house was leaving him with a group of kids that were practically strangers. Although it would give him a chance to befriend them himself, it didn't stop him from feeling nervous.

Everything will be okay, Oscar. Besides, Qrow will be back soon enough, even if you won't be able to get on amicable terms with the other students.

Sometimes Oscar thinks Ozpin likes to subtly add to his worries just to mess with him.

Eventually, Qrow turned to face him, giving him a two-finger salute. "See you later, Oz. You too, kid."

The farm boy gave a small wave and smile, saying, "Oz says 'Good luck.'" After giving the kid another nod, the man walked away steadily, a huntsman on a mission.

When he finally disappeared from the view of everyone watching, there was a moment when they all stared at each other in thought. "Sooooo… what do we do now?" Nora asked sweetly.

Oscar felt Ozpin take over, voice confident and warm as he said, "Now, we get to training."

Feel free to offer any suggestions and such, the next chapter will be a little darker as Oscar learns an unsettling secret about Ozpin.