Author's note #1: Well, I'm back again with yet another season. This chapter took a little longer than expected to complete (probably because it took some effort to get back into shape after all these weeks) but I managed to complete it eventually. Enjoy!

Author's note #2: I know I said I was done with changing previous chapters, but there is just one more change. I've changed General Krenin's name to General Kuonzin simply because I felt it sounded more dramatic and more Star Wars-y. Writing Star Wars names are actually quite hard when I come to think of it. Okay, this is officially the final change to previous chapters that I will make.

Fire Across the Galaxy part 1: The Assault

The war between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the vile Galactic Empire rages on like fire across the galaxy! Although Darth Vader, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial army, has been captured and contained; the Emperor remains untouchable! Granting full control of the Imperial military to the Grand Generals and the Grand Admirals, the Emperor hopes to lead bloody campaigns across the galaxy to push the rebels back further and prevent them from gaining any more ground!

Thanks to underworld information, the Rebel Alliance has learnt of a rumor that the Expansion Region planet of Dorin, home of the late Jedi Master Plo Koon, has been secretly keeping Force-sensitive children without the knowledge of either the Alliance or the Empire! Hoping to debunk the rumor, the Alliance has made contact and have negotiated an inspection of the capital city of Dor'shan. As Admiral Ackbar's fleet approaches the system, Jedi Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano are sent down to the planet below; hoping to unravel this mystery…


Luke and Ahsoka flew in a T-6 shuttle down towards the planet Dorin.

"Approaching the planet" said Luke "We should be there on schedule"

"Remember to stay on course and be careful" said Ackbar's hologram "The planet is situated between two black holes; if you pilot too close to it, it could tear you apart"

"And remember to stay professional" said Leia's hologram "I know the prospect of secrets being kept from you can be confronting; but you have to keep a level head and remain calm"

"Noted" said Luke.

"I wish I was down there with you" said Leia "Good luck, and may the Force be with you" The hologram ended. Ahsoka looked over towards the brown and cloudy planet that lay before them.

"I can't believe it" said Ahsoka "After all these years, I'm finally going to see Master Plo's homeplanet for myself"

"Better get your breath mask ready" said Luke "Because if what I heard about this planet is true, we're going to need it"

"Yeah, the Kel Dor wear those goggles and breath masks offworld for a reason" said Ahsoka. They descended down towards the planet; through the mountains, over the valleys, and past the plateaus (where a large serpentine eerm looked up at them and flickered it's forked tongue at them) until they finally reached the capital city of Dor'shan.

"We're here" said Luke. The city was situated in a large valley was compromised of small and isolated buildings made up of designs of domes, trapezoids, and ziggurats with numerous colored lights illuminating the city.

"There's the hanger bay we were told to land at" said Ahsoka. She looked down and noticed a party of Kel Dor was waiting there patiently. "And it looks like the welcoming committee's arrived" They landed in the domed dock below just in front of the Kel Dor that awaited them. "Remember the Kel Dor that I taught you?"

"A bit, I think" replied Luke.

"This might be a good time to put it to use" said Ahsoka. The two of them grabbed breathing masks and put them on securely before walking over to the entrance.

"Well, here it goes" said Luke. They opened the entrance and walked down the ramp towards the Kel Dor who stood before them. For Ahsoka, despite all the time she had spent with Plo Koon in the old Jedi Order, seeing Kel Dor without their masks and goggles seemed somehow more intimidating than seeing them with them on. Their hole-like mouths gave them the resemblance of a lamprey or a leech and the two pairs of mandibles on the side of their mouths gave them an insectoid appearance along with their beady black eyes.

"Koh-toh-yah" said Luke and Ahsoka simultaneously.

"Koh-toh-yah, Jedi of the Rebellion" said the lead Kel Dor "I am Chost Jii, prime minister of Kel Dor and I welcome you to our home. These are my aide—Or'orm Nechur"

"It is a pleasure to meet you at last, Jedi" said Nechur "We have heard a lot about the Jedi yet very few have visited our homeworld in our lifetime"

"We appreciate the welcome, but we should get to business" said Luke "I think you know why we're here"

"Indeed" said Chost Jii "But while we are on the subject, I must ask you; why is there a fleet stationed in our system?"

"Are you referring to our rebel fleet?" asked Luke.

"Yes" replied Chost Jii "What are they doing there? We requested specifically to meet with Jedi only, no more. Why have you brought a fleet to our planet?"

"The rebel fleet is only there as a precaution" replied Ahsoka "If the Empire hears word of Force-sensitive children on this planet—"

"I said before, they are just rumors" said Chost Jii "Your presence here is to give confirmation to the Alliance that we are not hiding anything"

"That may be so, but even the smallest rumor could arose suspicion for the Emperor" said Ahsoka "The Empire has…a particular fascination with Force-sensitives, so it's best to be on guard"

"Very well" said Chost Jii "Come this way" He brought them out of the hanger and over to a chariot-like transport and entered it, sitting down on the seats inside and going off through the city.

"Where are you taking us?" asked Luke.

"We're going to take you around the city to show you that we are hiding nothing" replied Chost Jii "By the time this is over, we're hoping that you understand that we wish to stay out of this war"

Meanwhile in Home One

"I feel like I should be down there with them" said Leia as she looked out of Home One's window.

"As do I" said Ackbar "But we have a duty to stay put. They requested only a Jedi's presence"

"I just hope we're not in over our heads with this one" said Leia.

"Admiral, we're detecting several ships coming out of hyperspace on the other side of the planet" said a Mon Calamari officer.

"Any additional information?" asked Ackbar.

"They appear to be star destroyer in design" replied the Mon Calamari officer.

"That is not a good sign" said Leia. Suddenly, the Executor came out of hyperspace on the other side of the planet being followed by several star destroyers.

"That ship, it's the Executor!" said Ackbar "I'd recognize it anywhere!"

Meanwhile on the Executor

"Stay steady" said Admiral Ozzel "If we get too close to those black holes, we'll be ripped to pieces"

"Yes, we would" said a voice. Grand General Kuonzin entered the bridge and walked over to Ozzel. "But we're going to have to send down our forces eventually, won't we?"

"That may be so; but with the imminent danger surrounding the system, we send them down carefully to avoid losing any troops" said Ozzel.

"For all we know, the rebels and the natives are already aware of our presence, admiral" said Kuonzin "The longer we wait, the more time we give them to prepare. If we wish for this battle to be completely in our favor, we should use the element of surprise and the element of fear to their full advantages"

"Can we at least wait until the other fleet comes in to distract the rebels?" asked Ozzel.

"I suppose letting the distraction start isn't too much of a waste" replied Kuonzin "Have the men's suits been augmented with the breathing apparatuses?"

"Yes, general" replied Ozzel.

"Then I will go to prepare the landing parties" said Kuonzin "Inform me when Captain Piett and the others arrive"

"Acknowledged" said Ozzel "But there's still something that concerns me; how are we supposed to know that there are children on the planet? It's only a rumor; and if it turns out to be false, we could potentially be wasting resources on nothing"

"No, admiral; they're down there" said Kuonzin "Our spy confirmed it; about twelve Force-sensitive Kel Dor children, all right for the plucking"

"Are you sure this spy is reliable?" asked Ozzel "For all we know, we could be heading into a trap for all we know"

"He came to us desperate and in need of help" replied Kuonzin "I can tell mock from genuine, and he was begging" He turned and left the bridge.


"Keep your distance" said Ackbar.

"We've got to do something" said Leia.

"There's nothing we can do while on this side of the planet" said Ackbar "Given the distance, we may as well be shooting in the dark; and we'd have to rearrange our position if we hope to navigate properly around those black holes"

"Admiral, more star destroyers are coming out of hyperspace" said a Mon Calamari officer "And they appear to be arriving on our side this time!"

"This is not good" said Ackbar. Suddenly, the Accuser and several other star destroyers came out of hyperspace behind the rebel fleet and began to fire upon them.

"Great, just what we needed; more star destroyers" said Leia.

Meanwhile on the Accuser

"Engulf the fleet in TIE fighters and surrounded it so they cannot escape" said Piett "And remember; we do not need to defeat the fleet, we only need to delay them enough until the general says is enough" Countless TIE fighters erupted out of the star destroyers and flew over towards.


"Incoming TIE fighters" said a Mon Calamari officer "And they're coming fast"

"Prepare to engage" said Ackbar "No one gets past my fleet"

"It's all a distraction" said Leia "They're trying to keep our attention off the other fleet while they land on the planet"

"Then we'll have to land our own forces as well" said Ackbar.

"There's no point if they get shot down in the process" said Leia "One blast and they'll be thrown straight into one of those black holes"

"You're right" said Ackbar "Which is why we'll need a distraction of our own. Antilles…"

"What is it, admiral?" asked Wedge's voice out of the ship's comlink.

"We're under attack by Imperials and need to land an attack force on the planet" said Ackbar "We need a distraction to keep them away. Do you think you can manage that?"

"You bet" replied Wedge "I'll ready my men and we'll take off immediately"

"Perfect" said Ackbar "Just remember to stay away from the black holes"

"Got it" said Wedge.

"I'll warn Luke and Ahsoka so they can prepare the natives for the attack" said Leia.


Kuonzin entered the hanger and walked over to a large black transport that was both streamlined and sleek. Many more of its model filled the hanger. As the ramp lowered down, he walked up onto it and got inside where many stormtroopers and vehicles lay inside.

"General, Captain Piett has informed that the rebel fleet is now fully occupied" said Ozzel out of his comlink "But given the precaution required to pilot through, I'm not sure how long it's going to be until they notice you"

"These transports were specially designed for Dorin's black holes" said Kuonzin into his comlink "The Emperor himself oversaw their designs in case he ever desired to launch an assault on the planet. It seems they finally found a use; now, down to the planet!" The transports lifted off out of the hanger and blasted off towards Dorin.


As Luke, Ahsoka, and the Kel Dor strode along the streets of Dor'shan, Ahsoka felt her mind suddenly being drawn towards a mysterious force signature unlike anything she had ever felt before. She looked to her left and saw what appeared to be an old and abandoned ziggurat temple that lay in the shadows and sat not far from them.

"What's that over there?" asked Ahsoka.

"What are you talking about?" asked Chost Jii.

"That temple, what is it?" asked Ahsoka.

"Nothing, just an old ruin from the past" replied Chost Jii "Why are you interested?"

"I can feel something there" replied Ahsoka "Something through the Force"

"It's probably nothing" said Chost Jii.

"Maybe, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to investigate" said Ahsoka "Could you please turn us around so we can have a closer look"

"Relax, we'll get there eventually" said Chost Jii.

"With all due respect, minister; if that place is strong with the Force, it deserves our immediate attention" said Luke.

"I understand this fully, but I have already laid out a route for us today and we should stick by it" said Chost Jii.

"Please; we're here to investigate, and over there seems to be our best chance" said Ahsoka.

"The Jedi do seem to have a point" said Nechur "Perhaps we should adhere to their wishes"

"I understand that, but we're still staying on course" said Chost Jii "You are on our planet and as such must abide by our requests"

"Listen…" said Luke before noticing the hints of frustration in his voice "Listen; I know where you're coming from, I really do, but now's not the time for that. You're all in potential danger here"

"Is that a threat?" asked Chost Jii.

"No, it isn't" said Luke "It's—"

"Luke, it's Leia; come in" said Leia out of his comlink.

"Just a sec" said Luke "Leia, what is it?"

"The Empire has arrived and they've started attacking us" replied Leia "They also seem to be planning to invade. We're about to send ground forces your way, but with all the fighters swarming us it could take a while. Do you think you can mobilize the planet's defenses to hold out until then?"

"I'll see what we can do" replied Luke "Take care, Leia. Do you have any defenses?"

"We have guardsmen in case of an emergency" replied Chost Jii "What's happened?"

"The Empire's launched an attack" replied Luke.

"Because of our location, the Empire's never taken such a bold action towards us within recent history" said Chost Jii "Why now?"

"They must have heard word from the rumors of Force-sensitive children and come for them" replied Luke "The Empire has various Force-sensitives in their ranks, they search for Force-sensitive children to take them away and make them one of them; and they kill any they can't have"

"I told you before, we are not hiding anything" said Chost Jii "They are just rumors"

"It doesn't matter whether they are rumors or not" said Ahsoka "The Emperor believes it, and he'll have the whole city torn apart if it means he can get them" Suddenly, the transports blasted overhead at high speed.

"That can't be good" said Luke.


As the transports landed on the outskirts of the city, they opened up and Kuonzin stepped out with his mask retracted up over his face.

"Let's go kill some Kel Dor!" snarled Kuonzin "All men, out!" The stormtroopers (now equipped with special breathing mechanisms similar to TIE pilots' life support systems) marched out followed by various Imperial vehicles like AT-STs and 2-M hover tanks. From atop a sentry tower, two Kel Dor looked down with their electrobinoculars.

"Sound the alarm" said one of the Kel Dor "I'll contact the guardsmen to prepare the city" The other Kel Dor ran over to a button and pressed it, which lit up a large silver light at the top of the tower and sounded a loud alarming which echoed throughout across the city for every Kel Dor to hear.

"What the heck is that?" asked a stormtrooper.

"That is simply them calling for a challenge!" replied Kuonzin.


Yorryst Iagov (the head of the Kel Dor guardsmen dressed in grey and blue battle armor with a grey and blue helmet at the top of his head) ran into the armory of the defense building and grabbed a shield and spear-like weapon that had a blade at one end and a blaster at the other.

"Commander, Galactic Empire forces are approaching the city!" said the Kel Dor sentry out of his comlink.

"I know" said Iagov "We have been informed about the Empire's presence and been assured that the Alliance will help us. Right now we're mounting the defenses and evacuated the civilians to the underground. In the meantime, get out of there while you still can"


"Got it" said the Kel Dor sentry "C'mon; we have to—" Suddenly, a mobile heavy cannon blasted the sentry down.

"Challenge accepted!" smirked Kuonzin.


Iagov walked up on the walkway of a barrier wall guarding the left side of the city where various Kel Dor guardsmen had gathered with some at the turrets.

"Status?" asked Iagov.

"The Imperial forces have begun their march towards us" replied a Kel Dor guardsmen "We've received confirmation from the other side that the Empire is approaching there as well. They'll be within range within minutes, but they're so big in number that I doubt we'll be able to take them all out before they reach us"

"We'll take out who we can" said Iagov "We'll just have to beat the rest when they get to us, which hopefully won't be much once we're done" Suddenly, another Imperial transport flew overhead and various Imperial jumptroopers leapt out and flew down to them, shooting at civilians as they went. They were shortly followed by droidekas who rolled out, landed on the ground, uncoiled, put their shields up, and began shooting at civilians as well. "Man the fort; I'll lead the forces within the city and protect the civilians" As he ran down the stairs, the Imperials began firing with full force.

"Hold your ground!" said a Kel Dor guardsman as they fired back with their turrets and snipers.


"Looks like the assault's started" said Luke "I suddenly feel the urge to take on some Imperials"

"Count me in too" said Ahsoka.

"Leia, the Imperials have started their attack on the city" said Luke into his comlink "We really need that backup right about now"

"We have the transports ready, but we're still trying to fend off the fighters and star destroyers" said Leia out of his comlink "We're trying to make sure they arrive to the planet safely"

"Got that, but try to get them here before we become outnumbered" said Luke.

"According to reports, the Empire is attacking from both sides of the city" said Nechur.

"Then we'll just have to defend both sides" said Luke "I'll take the left side; Ahsoka, you take the right"

"Got it" said Ahsoka.

"Minister Jii, I'd advise that you get yourself to safety" said Luke "Your leadership might make you a potential target"

"I understand" said Jii "We'll head off straight away" Luke and Ahsoka leapt off the transport, ignited their lightsaber, and headed off in their respective destinations. "Nechur, make sure the Baran Do temple is protected"

"I'll get right on it" said Nechur.


As the Imperial jumptroopers and droidekas filled the streets, various Kel Dor guardsmen desperately directed the civilians off into the entrance of the underground tunnels.

"Quickly!" exclaimed one of the Kel Dor guardsmen "The stormtroopers are coming; if they find you, they'll—" Suddenly, he was shot at the back of his head by an Imperial jumptrooper who flew down and landed.

"Freeze!" said the Imperial jumptrooper as more jumptroopers flew down and landed beside him "The Empire is laying claim to your city, the larger will be here shortly to assist us further. If you wish to survive, you will submit to our demands and—" Suddenly, one of the Kel Dor guardsmen pulled out his blaster and shot him. The other Imperial jumptroopers opened fire and the Kel Dor guardsmen shot back.

"Protect the civilians at all costs!" exclaimed a Kel Dor guardsman. Suddenly, Iagov rushed in and decapitated an Imperial jumptrooper with his blade which drew the attention of almost every other Imperial jumptrooper.

"You made a bad decision coming here!" said Iagov.

"Kill him!" said another Imperial jumptrooper. They opened fire at Iagov who dodged out of the way and deflected the shots he couldn't avoid with his blade. He turned his blade around and blasted a jumptrooper out of the way before slashing another across the chest. Two jumptroopers charged at him but he leapt up into the air, kicked one of them into the other, and stabbed both of them in the chest with his blade. Suddenly, several jumptroopers flew down and landed around him.

"Hands up, hole-mouth!" said one of the Imperial jumptroopers. Iagov readied his blade in an attack pose. "Okay then. Fire!" The Imperial jumptroopers all fired at him at once but he deflected each of the shots and dodged the others. He then charged at the jumptroopers and carefully slashed them at the jumptroopers' breathing mechanisms, getting all of them in a matter of seconds. The jumptroopers' desperately screamed and tried not to breath in the air but soon collapsed onto the ground and died.

"You could have died like a warrior with honor" said Iagov "But when you choose to attack civilians, you prove yourself not worthy of such a reward"


Luke rushed towards the wall at high speed.

"Almost there!" said Luke to himself. Suddenly, he heard the sound of loud and boisterous maniacal laughter. Suddenly, E7-3S landed right in front of him.

"Surprise!" said E7 "Remember me?"

"Who…Wait, you're that droid who was working with Cad Bane on Kinyen" said Luke "But…you were destroyed"

"I was intact enough to be rebuilt" said E7 "Now; you had better thank the maker, because you'll be meeting him soon. Fire!" He ignited his flamethrowers and blew powerful flames at Luke.


Ahsoka ran through the city until she reached the right wall where Kel Dor guardsmen were fending it off from Imperial jumptroopers.

"Seems I've got my work cut out for myself" said Ahsoka as she readied her lightsaber.

"Down there, a Jedi!" said an Imperial jumptrooper.

"Get her!" said another Imperial jumptrooper.


A group of GR-75 medium transports departed from the rebel fleet and flew over to Dorin.

"There they go" said Leia.

"Antilles, keep a close guard of the transports in case the Imperials come after it" said Ackbar into his comlink "But stay alert at all times"


"Roger that, admiral" said Wedge "C'mon men, the admiral wants us to guard the transports" He steered his X-Wing over towards the transports with various X-Wings and Y-Wings following him closely.


"Captain, we've detected various rebel fighters turning towards the planet" said an Imperial officer "They appear to be guarding rebel transports"

"How did this happen?" asked Piett "How could they have organized this without us noticing?"

"We've been focused on the battle, sir" replied the Imperial officer "It seems they must have slipped through our gaze"

"I will not stand for this" said Piett "The last thing we need is the tide of battle turning in the rebels' favor; General Kuonzin seems to be…much less rational than Lord Vader"

"What do you want us to do?" asked an Imperial officer.

"Blast down as many transports as you can without getting too close to the black holes" replied Piett "That's our best option right now"

"No" said a female voice. Piett and the other Imperial officers turned around to see Emerl Hatana standing before them, dressed in a TIE pilot uniform and holding her personalized helmet under her arms. "Leave them to me"


The Kel Dor guardsmen desperately shot back at the approaching Imperial forces with their turrets; but for every one they shot down, it still wasn't enough to hinder them.

"Take cover!" exclaimed a Kel Dor guardsman. An AT-MP shot at one of the turrets and destroyed it.

"All pilots, the Imperials are at our gates!" said Iagov "We need you here now"

"We're about to take off" said a Kel Dor pilot out of his comlink "We're still preparing them for battle otherwise they won't last long"

"Hurry, or there won't be much left to save" said Iagov.

"Here we are!" said Kuonzin as the Imperials reached the gates "Now to make ourselves an entrance!"


Luke dodged back from the flames, now finding himself in a corner between two buildings. E7 laughed maniacally.

"There's no escape this time!" said E7 "Time to fry!" Luke looked over him and saw the tops of Imperial mobile heavy cannons arriving towards the city walls.

"Oh no, they're already here!" said Luke.

"And you won't be very soon!" said E7. Just as he lit his flamethrowers again, Luke leapt up into the air, stepped on his head, and landed behind him. "Now you're only delaying the inevitable" He turned to Luke again and blew more flames at him and he only just managed to dodge the flames.

"You just won't give up, will you?" said Luke. At that moment, a group of Kel Dor battle speeders sped past him at an alarming rate and over towards the wall. Kel Dor battle speeders were the shape of Mercedes, colored obsidian, and had a large cannon mounted on its back.

"Quickly, quickly!" said the Kel Dor guardsman who was piloting one of the speeders "The Imperials are breaking through our defenses!" Luke got himself up again, ran over to the speeders, and leapt on one of them.

"I'm coming to get you!" said E7. He activated his jetpack and flew after them.


Ahsoka desperately deflected the shots fired at her by the Imperial jumptroopers.

"Well, this is going great" said Ahsoka sarcastically. At that moment, a group of droidekas rolled up and began shooting at her. "You just had to come in on this, didn't you?" Suddenly, the droidekas shots hit the top of a building causing debris to fall over onto fleeing Kel Dor civilians and the guardsmen who defended them.

"Watch out!" exclaimed one of the Kel Dor guardsmen. They all braced themselves; but just as it seemed that they were going to be crushed, they looked up to see the debris faultily floating above them. Ahsoka had rushed to their side and was now desperately holding the debris up with the Force.

"Go!" said Ahsoka "Go, now!" The Kel Dor quickly rushed off.

"What are you waiting for?!" snapped one of the Imperial jumptroopers "Shoot her down!" The jumptroopers all shot at her, but she desperately edged from side to side to avoid their shots until finally giving in and letting the debris collapse on top of her.


"Admiral, we're about halfway through" said Wedge into his starfighter's comlink "We should be there soon enough"

"Good work, Antilles" said Ackbar "Keep going"

"And try to get there soon" said Leia "I just got a word from Luke. The Imperial forces are descending on the city and they're about to be overrun"

"We'll make sure it's not too late" said Wedge. Suddenly, a large barrage of laser bolts blasted forward and hit the engines of one of the transports causing it to blast out of control and was sucked into one of the black holes, crushing as it went.

"We just lost one of our ships" said Derek Klivian.

"What caused it?" asked Wedge. At that moment, the ear-splitting sound of TIE fighters hit the air and approached them from behind. "Oh no! A bunch of TIE fighters must have followed us in"

"I see them" said Klivian. A group of TIE fighters that appeared to have been stacked up in a vertical line flew up from behind them and began shooting.

"Watch out!" said Wedge "Remember, their main target will be the transports; and they're only this vulnerable while we're going through here. We have to protect them at all costs, but don't go too far to eithers sides" The X-Wings and Y-Wings fired back at the TIE fighters. "Admiral, we're under attack by TIE fighters. They appear to be keeping themselves in a vertical line to avoid being sucked into the black holes"

"This is most inconvenient" said Ackbar "We'll send fighters your way, but it may take some time with the Imperial fleet occupying us and the limitation of safe travel"

"Do what you can" said Wedge "We'll hold out as long as we can"

"I just hope it's long enough" said Ackbar.

"Yeah, me too" said Wedge.

"Wait, is that a TIE defender?" said Klivian. At the center of the TIE fighters was Hatana's TIE defender, easily distinguished by its black Sith tattoos that covered it.

"Blast as many of those transports as you can" said Hatana "We cannot give the natives enough ground vehicles to even out the playing field" Within moments, a dogfight broke out amongst the rebel starfighters and the TIE fighters. Both sides tried to stay at the center to avoid getting sucked into the black holes; but whenever one starfighter was shot, they would spiral out of control and get torn apart into nothingness within seconds.

"Keep them away from the transports!" exclaimed Wedge.


The Imperial vehicles fired brutally upon the gates to the city with the energy shield around the gates weakening.

"The shields are done for" said Kuonzin "We're almost through"

"They're breaching the gate!" exclaimed a Kel Dor guardsman.

"Stand your ground, men!" said Iagov "We must hold the city for however long we can" He and the other guardsmen lined up around the gates with their weapons ready. "Remember; whatever comes through, you will not fall back. You will fight to the last breath; if you die, you die with honor" At that moment, the gates were blasted open and a purple lightsaber was ignited. Kuonzin rushed through, deflecting the blaster fire and only cutting down the Kel Dor who were in his way. Within seconds, he had rushed off into the city, knocking Iagov aside in the process. "Stop him!"

"Commander, he's already out of our sites" said a Kel Dor guardsman.

"Where is he going?" asked Iagov.

"He appears to be going in the direction of the old Baran Do temple" replied the Kel Dor guardsman.

"Baran Do…oh no!" said Iagov. He picked up his blade and rushed off into the city after Kuonzin.

"Commander, wait!" exclaimed the Kel Dor guardsmen. At that moment, a barrage of laser bolts erupted from the dust surrounding the gates' remains. A group of stormtroopers marched through, shooting continuously. Suddenly, a large Phase II dark trooper stomped through, smashed one of the stormtroopers out of its way, and opened fire upon the Kel Dor guardsmen with its assault cannon.


Ahsoka lay underneath a large pile of debris, almost unconscious and her breathing slowing down, when she suddenly and unexpectedly heard a familiar voice.


Ahsoka's eyes opened and her breathing went back to normal.


"Master…Plo?" said Ahsoka. At that moment, some of the debris was pulled off and a Kel Dor hand reached down towards her.

"Save my people, Ahsoka…"

Ahsoka grabbed the hand without a second thought and it pulled her out.

"Are you alright?" asked a voice. As Ahsoka regained her vision, she found herself standing before a Kel Dor guardsman. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, thanks" replied Ahsoka.

"When we saw you get covered by the debris we feared that it killed you" said the Kel Dor guardsmen "I apologize for not doing it sooner, but we had to clear the area before we could uncover you"

"It's a good thing the breathing mask wasn't damaged in the process" said Ahsoka. She looked around to see stormtroopers and Imperial vehicles flooding the city. "So fill me in, what happened?"

"The Imperials broke through our defenses and they're now overrunning the city" replied the Kel Dor guardsman.

"Then let's go push them back" said Ahsoka while igniting her lightsaber.


"I'm coming to get you!" said E7 as he flew after Luke in the battle speeder.

"Does this thing go any faster?" asked Luke.

"We're going as fast as we can" replied the Kel Dor guardsman who was driving.

"Shoot at him more" said Luke "Maybe that will get him off our backs" The Kel Dor gunner at the turret opened fire upon E7, but he avoided the shots easily.

"He's still holding up" said the Kel Dor gunner. At that moment, Kuonzin rushed past them.

"Wait, what was that?" said Luke "It looked like—" At that moment, E7 landed on the speeder and charged up his flamethrowers.

"Time to—" said E7 shortly before his jetpack was shot and it sent him flying away into a building nearby. At that moment, Iagov stepped in the way of the speeder, his blade still smoking from firing a shot. The speeder stopped immediately.

"Commander, what is it?" asked the Kel Dor driver.

"I need your vehicle" said Iagov.

"What for?" asked the Kel Dor driver.

"The Empire has broken through" replied Iagov "One of them is carrying a lightsaber and appears to be heading towards the Baran Do temple. I have to stop him"

"Baran Do, why do I feel like I've heard that name before?" said Luke. Iagov looked up at Luke and noticed the lightsaber on his belt.

"So you're the Jedi who the Alliance sent" said Iagov "My name is Yorryst Iagov, I am commander and leader of the Kel Dor guard"

"It's nice to meet you" said Luke "I think I know your lightsaber assailant; his name is Kuonzin, him and I have met in the past. If you're going to face him you'll need my help"

"That would be much appreciated" said Iagov. He got onto the speeder. "Take us to the Baran Do temple" The speeder rushed off into the city.


The TIE fighters shot down an X-Wing which spiraled out of control into the black holes.

"We're losing men faster than anything" said Wedge.

"On the plus side, at it means they're too occupied to target the transports" said Klivian.

"But once they're done with us, I doubt they'll have much problem with the transports" said Wedge. Hatana flew after him and slowly and carefully locked onto him with her weapons.

"You're mine, pilot!" said Hatana. Suddenly, a pair of powerful blasts shot forward and destroyed two TIE fighters. "What?!" A group of A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter flew forward and began blasting down the TIE fighters.

"Seems the backup's finally here" said Wedge "Good work, admiral; you did great. Those B-Wings are actually quite effective"

"I'm quite proud of them myself" said Ackbar out of the starfighter's comlink "Oversaw their manufacture and brought them in shortly after the Battle of Yavin"

"Well, at least things are finally looking up" said Wedge.


Kuonzin sprinted up to the abandoned temple and stood at the main entrance, which was composed of black bricks either side of it to represent the two black holes around the planet. Within the darkness of the inside, the light of a single flamed torch stood burning.

"You can come out now, my spy" said Kuonzin "No need to hide from me" The torch light got closer and closer until it came out into the light to reveal that is was being held by Or'orm Nechur.

"Let's just get this done quick" said Nechur "Come, I'll take you there" The two of them walked into the temple and vanished into the darkness inside.


The transports flew down to the planet below and began landing and unloading the rebel vehicles.

"And there they go!" said Wedge as he shot down the last TIE fighter "Good work, everyone. Let's—" Suddenly, Hatana shot down a B-Wing that was flying next to him. "Oh damn it!"

"What is it, Wedge?" asked a rebel pilot out of his comlink.

"That cursed TIE defender survived!" said Wedge "Head's up, we're under attack!" Hatana spun around and around, shooting down every starfighter in her path. "Those are my men you're shooting down!" He carefully locked on aim of Hatana's TIE defender; but just as he opened fire, Hatana swerved aside and merely got a slight hit on the side of her wing.

"So that's the way you're going to play?" said Hatana. She swung around behind Wedge and locked onto him.

"Oh damn!" said Wedge. Hatana grinned as she was about to open fire on him. Suddenly, a Y-Wing swung in and blasted her out of the way. Wedge and the other pilots joined in and shot at Hatana continuously, causing her to spin out of control and down to the planet below. As she spiraled out of control, she desperately pulled her helmet, pulled out a breath mask, placed it over her face, and activated her ejection seat, flying off and landing on the right side of Dor'shan.

"You just landed on the wrong side of Dorin, missy" said a voice. Hatana looked up to see Ahsoka standing before her, her lightsaber ignited and pointing at her. "Surrender, Hatana"

"You really take me for a weakling, don't you?" said Hatana. She blasted force-lighting at Ahsoka who was pushed back but managed to deflect some of it with her lightsaber. Hatana then ignited both her lightsaber and leapt at Ahsoka, clashing violently.


Luke and Iagov arrived at the front of the temple and got out.

"Here we are, the Baran Do temple" said Iagov. Luke looked down at Kuonzin's footprints going into the entrance.

"Kuonzin's been here" said Luke "He must be still inside"

"Then it is in there where we shall go" said Iagov.

"What do you wish of us, commander?" asked the Kel Dor driver.

"Go back to the battle" replied Iagov "We'll only slow you down and you're of better use out there then you are here"

"Understood" said the Kel Dor driver. He drove off back to the battle. Luke and Iagov started walking into the temple.

"Stay close; it can be a bit of a maze so it's best not to get separated" said Iagov. The more they walked in, the darker it got. "I should have brought a torch, then we could at least have some idea of where we're going" Luke ignited his lightsaber.

"Does this help?" asked Luke.

"That's better" replied Iagov.

"I remember hearing of the Baran Do somewhere but I can't remember what they were exactly" said Luke.

"The Baran Do were a Force-sensitive cult among the Kel Dor people who primarily used the Force to look into the future" replied Iagov "They used this knowledge to prevent conflict and predict the weather and prepare the city in case of storms"

"What happened to them?" asked Luke.

"That part is shrouded in obscurity to most" replied Iagov "All I know is common information; shortly the planet came into contact with the Republic, the Force-sensitive children began being taken by the Jedi Order instead of joining the Baran Do and the cult as a whole vanished into obscurity over time. The precise details are very confidential; very few have access to them, even within the government itself"

"Oh, now I remember where I heard them from; my partner once had a Kel Dor friend who taught her about their culture" said Luke "She must have mentioned them to me at some point. So; I might be asking the obvious and I'll try not to sound biased or imposing, but does this temple have something to do with the "supposed" Force-sensitive children?"

"It is" replied Iagov "And it is not just supposed, this is where every Force-sensitive Kel Dor child is brought" Luke was stunned by this but at the same time he tried to hold in whatever animosity might be growing.

"Okay…" said Luke "Then I guess that leads me to my next point; this would imply that—"

"Our government has lied to you the moment you stepped foot on this planet" said Iagov "Every Force-sensitive child that turns up on this planet is found by the government and hid within this temple

"This makes no sense" said Luke "Why do this? Why lie about it? Isn't it obvious that it will only make things worse?"

"We were all lied to" replied Iagov "In fact, I only know of this because I overheard it via a conversation that wasn't supposed to take part in. The government has been very wary of Force-sensitives since the fall of the Jedi Order; so whenever they discover one, they send them off to the temple to keep them hidden" As they walked through the hallways, they came across the dead bodies of various Kel Dor guardsmen, some of them of which had dismembered body parts.

"This is Kuonzin's handy work, he always found a way to be surgical with his strikes" said Luke.

"Here we are" said a voice up ahead. Luke and Iagov hid behind a corner and peered out over the corner. They saw Kuonzin and Nechur up against a wall that had various markings on it. "This is where we're keeping them"

"Or'orm Nechur!" said Iagov quietly "How could he?" He was about to lunge forward before Luke stopped him.

"Wait!" said Luke quietly "In this confined space, Kuonzin will have the advantage; we have to wait for a better opportunity"

"You seem to be quite keen to send away children" said Kuonzin.

"I told you, I'm only doing this for the greater good of Dorin" said Nechur "If the riddance of these children will mean us no longer being a target for any Force-user, than I will take it" Using his Kel Dor fingers, he pressed on each of the markings in a particular order which opened a doorway in front of them. "They are just inside, take as many as you want; just honor the deal" Kuonzin smirked.

"Admiral, I want to prepare a bombing run" said Kuonzin into his comlink.

"Where would you like to target?" asked Ozzel out of his comlink.

"The entire city, leave no place unscathed" replied Kuonzin "And remember to only bomb once I give the order"

"Very well, but it may take some time to get the bombers down to the planet" said Ozzel.

"Bombing run?" said Nechur "But you said you would honor the deal we made and leave our planet alone! You can't—" Suddenly, Kuonzin ignited his lightsaber and stabbed Nechur in the chest.

"And like a feared individual, you believed every lie I told you" said Kuonzin "Once I'm done here, your planet is going to pay the price for keeping secrets from us" He pulled his lightsaber out and let Nechur's body fall to the ground before walking into the doorway.

"Okay, now we go after him" said Luke. He and Iagov snuck inside the doorway after him. Kuonzin looked up ahead and saw a chamber where various Kel Dor children of varying ages were placed with two Kel Dor guardsmen wielding force pikes standing guard at the door in front of them. Staying hidden within the shadows, the chamber began to shake from the ongoing battle outside.

"I don't like this!" said a young Kel Dor boy "It's too scary!"

"It's going to be okay" said one of the Kel Dor guardsmen "We won't let anything happen to you"

"It's strange" said a young Kel Dor girl "I can feel something weird"

"Weird?" said the other Kel Dor guardsman "Like what?"

"Just…something weird" replied the Kel Dor girl "It's scaring me!"

"You have no idea" said Kuonzin. As he stepped forward into the light, the two Kel Dor guardmen turned around and pointed their force pikes at him.

"Halt!" said the first Kel Dor guardsman shortly before Kuonzin slashed both of them with his lightsaber within an instant. The shocked Kel Dor children reeled back in horror and desperately tried to hide from him.

"Don't be alarmed, children" said Kuonzin. He walked over to an infant Kel Dor in a crib and slowly stroked its head in a sadistic fashion with his mechanical hand. "If you all do as I say, you'll all live through this" He slowly moved his hand down to the infant's throat and began stroking it.

"Are…are you some kind of monster?" asked a Kel Dor boy.

"Do I look like a monster?" said Kuonzin. At that moment, there was the sound of a lightsaber igniting.

"Are you really going answer that?" said a voice. Kuonzin turned to see Luke and Iagov standing in the doorway.

"Skywalker; and I see you've brought company" said Kuonzin.

"Step away from the children!" said Luke whilst pointing his lightsaber at him.

"And you expect me to simply comply?" said Kuonzin.

"Let's just say that we're not going to let you do this" said Luke. Kuonzin chuckled evilly.

"Funny, I wasn't looking for permission" said Kuonzin. Suddenly, he grabbed the Kel Dor infant from its crib and ignited his lightsaber. Luke and Iagov readied their weapons.

"Don't even think about it!" said Luke. Kuonzin laughed evilly.

"The Emperor never told me to bring them back, only that I should deal with the situation how I see fit" said Kuonzin "He never specified that I should bring them to him; well, not all of them anyway" He reached up with both his hand and pulled down two of the pillars that were helping to hold up the chamber causing the roof to collapse down. "Goodbye!" Still with the infant within his hands, he leapt over Luke and Iagov and rushed out of the chamber. As the roof fell down towards them, Luke reached both his hands up in pure desperation; but despite being able to keep the debris above them, he quickly began to give and started to collapse onto his knees.

"Go!" said Luke "Get the children out of here!"

"Right" said Iagov "Come on, let's go" As he led the Kel Dor children out of the chamber (with some of the older ones grabbing ahold of the infants), Luke leapt up and sprinted out, only just managing to escape before the entire chamber caved in behind him.

"Phew!" said Luke "That was close!" He looked over at Iagov with the Kel Dor children. "Is that all of them?

"All but one, which is the infant Kuonzin took; but we're all far from safe" said Iagov "We know what's coming; the moment Kuonzin leaves the city, he'll bomb us until there is nothing left"

"Fortunately, the battle outside should slow him down a little" said Luke. He looked over at Iagov and sensed a great flood of emotions within him. "This situation is really personal to you, isn't it?" Iagov looked over towards him.

"Of course it is" said Iagov "This maniac is threatening my city and slaughtering children? Do you expect me to be passive about it?"

"I know that but…there's something more, isn't there?" said Luke "That time you listened in on that conversation, there was something else you found out, wasn't there?" Iagov sighed.

"You're right" said Iagov "I suppose if I reveal it, I could at least find peace with it. Not all of the Force-sensitive children were taken here" He placed his hand over his face and peeled off what appeared to be a pair of contact lenses over his eyes to reveal a pair of silver irises, just like the children around him.

"Your eyes…" said Luke "…it's just like theirs"

"It is a mark of Force-sensitivity among our species" said Iagov "But I never knew this until shortly after overhearing them. I was the first Force-sensitive child born after the formation of the Empire; and as such, the government thought they could integrate me without ever knowing of what I really was. But after more and more Force-sensitive Kel Dor children were born, they panicked and stored them all away hidden here. All my life I felt like an outcast; but nothing could prepare me for this"

"It's a pity the Jedi Order wasn't still around" said Luke "You would have made a great…" At that moment, he remembered something; every time Kuonzin spoke into his comlink, he used his mechanical forearm to do it. "Wait, that's it!"

"What is?" asked Iagov.

"The battle outside might slow Kuonzin down, but it won't stop him completely" said Luke "But if we can take away his comlink, we might be able to prevent him from giving the order out"

"Getting rid of his comlink?" said Iagov "That should take quite some precision"

"Not as much as you think" said Luke "Get the children to safety, I'll handle Kuonzin" He sprinted off out of the temple.


Ahsoka and Hatana clashed as the battle raged on around them. T-2 repulsor tanks, AATs, and AT-APs helped the rebel troopers and Kel Dor guardsmen push back the Imperial forces. The skies were filled with Dorin starfighters (colored black and blue, shaped like a giant coconut crab, with a pair of fin-like wings on either side, and four laser blasters) that continued to push back the Imperial forces with aerial superiority. As they clashed, Ahsoka couldn't help but notice something odd: Hatana was indeed fighting, but she seemed to be almost holding back with her moves

"You don't seem to be giving it your all" said Ahsoka "Not interested in fighting a losing battle?"

"Don't make me angry!" said Hatana "You won't like me when I'm angry!" With a powerful kick and force-push, Ahsoka sent her flying back into the wall a building.

"Is this the best the Empire has to offer now that Vader's gone?" said Ahsoka as she walked over to the collapsed body of Hatana "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were holding back" Suddenly, Hatana's eyes opened wide with a deep shade of red and within moments her skin changed from green to silver and grey as she got herself up and hissed. "Did you just change color?" Suddenly, Hatana ignited both her lightsabers and leapt at Ahsoka, clashing violently with her in a completely unhinged and savage fashion. "I really regret saying what I just said" Within seconds, Hatana shot Ahsoka with a barrage of force-lightning that sent her flying back. She sprinted over to Ahsoka and continuously slashed at her over and over again before lashing out with her foot again and force-pushing Ahsoka into a pile of debris. As Hatana stood there snarling and hissing, she slowly closed her eyes and took deep breaths in. When she opened them again, they were once again their normal purple and her skin slowly faded back to green.

"You should have known better" said Hatana. At that moment, her attention was drawn to a clicking. She turned around to see a rebel trooper standing there with his blaster aimed at her. Several other rebel troopers and Kel Dor guardsmen surrounded her with their blasters aimed at her and they were soon followed by several rebel vehicles.

"You're outnumbered, Hatana" said Ahsoka as she got herself up and reignited her lightsaber "Even with that little trick you just showed me, I doubt you can take all of us down at once" Hatana reached to a button on her wrist and pressed it. "Surrender now"

"I don't think so" said Hatana. At that moment there was the sound intense maniacal laughter followed by a barrage of flames.

"Get down!" exclaimed a rebel trooper as E7-3S swooped in and grabbed Hatana by the wrist, flying off with her.

"Next time we meet, Ahsoka; remember to bring Skywalker with you" smirked Hatana as she flew off. Ahsoka sighed.


As the battle raged on, Kuonzin rushed out over the buildings and looked out over the landscape. It was at that moment he heard the infant in his arms crying.

"Oh quit sobbing" said Kuonzin "It would be a shame if I went through all this trouble just to kill you like this" It was at that moment that he heard footsteps coming towards him. He looked down to see Luke sprinting over towards him on the ground. "You're persistent, I'll give you that"

"Let go of the infant, Kuonzin!" said Luke. Kuonzin looked down at the crying infant in his arms; and beneath his mask, he grinned evilly.

"Sure thing!" said Kuonzin. He lifted the infant into the air and threw him before rushing off. Luke gasped and quickly force-gripped the infant before it could even reach the ground. He slowly and carefully summoned the crying infant into his hands and began to comfort it.

"Shhh!" said Luke softly as he tried to calm it down. He then lifted his head up and looked over at Kuonzin, who was now rushing over to the wall. When he reached it, he was quickly intercepted by a group of rebel troopers and Kel Dor guardsmen.

"Freeze!" said a rebel trooper "Don't move!" Suddenly, Kuonzin ignited his lightsaber and slashed forward, striking down several rebel troopers and Kel Dor guardsmen. The remaining ones opened fire on him but he deflected their shots and struck them down within seconds.

"Pathetic!" said Kuonzin. At that moment, Iagov leapt up behind him and spun his blade. "Another Kel Dor that's come to die; this is getting tedious"

"You've killed enough of my people today" said Iagov.

"And I intend to kill more the moment I leave this city" said Kuonzin. Luke leapt up and ignited his lightsaber.

"You're not getting away this time!" said Luke.

"The only difference this time is that you're going to die" said Kuonzin. He and Luke began clashing blades violently until they found themselves locking them in pure intensity. Suddenly, Kuonzin head-butted him and pushed him away with his foot. Before Luke could get himself up, Kuonzin leapt onto him, pinned him down with his foot, and stabbed his lightsaber down towards Luke's face. Luke was able swerve his head far enough to the side to avoid it, but Kuonzin began to slide the blade over to his head. Luke desperately grabbed onto his wrists to slow him down but found himself being overpowered. Suddenly, Iagov threw his blade and hit Kuonzin in the leg, allowing Luke to wriggle free. Kuonzin desperately swung at Luke again, but Luke struck forward with full force and ended up slashing Kuonzin's mechanical forearm off. Mace Windu's lightsaber flew into the air and landed just next to the edge. Kuonzin attempted to lunge for it but Iagov sprinted up to him and grabbed him by the leg.

"Go!" said Iagov. Luke ran over to the lightsaber, picked it up, and ignited it. Kuonzin spun around and slammed Iagov onto the ground before pulling the blade out of his leg, throwing it to the side, and getting himself up.

"Taking someone else's lightsaber; for someone who wants to be a Jedi, that is pretty low" said Kuonzin.

"Not as low as what you've done" said Luke. He charged at Kuonzin who dodged aside. Luke tried again but Kuonzin dodged again and whipped him off his feet with his tail. As he walked over to Luke, ready to finish him off, Iagov got himself up, grabbed his blade, and charged at Kuonzin who grabbed ahold of it with his foot and pushed him back.

"You know, your persistence is almost admirable" said Kuonzin "But I have no interest in any of that"

"Then I guess I'll just have to make you" said Iagov.

"Very well" said Kuonzin. He reached to his back, pulled off a Jedi temple guard double-bladed lightsaber pike, ignited the blade, and stabbed it right through Iagov's belly.

"Iagov!" exclaimed Luke. Kuonzin kicked Iagov away before turning back to Luke and swinging at him with full force. Luke fought back, but found himself somewhat inexperienced and clumsier with two lightsabers. Although Luke held his own, Kuonzin eventually overpowered him and force-pushed him into the ground. The weakening Iagov lifted his head up, grabbed his blade, and slowly got himself up and walked over to them.

"And thus the galaxy loses another Jedi before he could even become one" said Kuonzin as he raised his lightsaber pike up high. Suddenly, Iagov charged into him, stabbed him in the leg with his blade, and pushed him off the edge of the wall, collapsing on the edge afterwards. Luke ran over to his side and rolled him over. Iagov lay lifeless before him; the silver of his eyes had faded away and as Luke closed his eyes and concentrated, he could almost feel him vanish and become one with the Force.


"The Imperial fleet has completely disappeared from the system" said Ackbar as he walked over to Wedge who was doing repairs to his X-Wing "And according to Commander Skywalker and Commander Tano, their ground forces have retreated as well. Well, at least the fighting's over for now"

"I would've been dead out there if it wasn't for that Y-Wing that swooped in and shot the defender down" said Wedge "I own him big time. Where is he?"

"The Y-Wing that entered the battle late is over there" replied Ackbar as he gestured at a Y-Wing "I think the pilot is still in there" Wedge turned to the Y-Wing that he had gestured to just as the cockpit opened up. A female rebel pilot stepped out and pulled her helmet off, revealing herself to be Leia.

"Princess Leia?" said Wedge.

"That was good piloting out there, ace" said Leia "We need men like you out there" She walked off out of the hanger.

"She sure is full of surprises, isn't she?" said Wedge.


Chost Jii sat at a table when Luke entered the room.

"The Alliance is helping to rebuild the city and we'll give you with whatever resources of supplies you need to recover" said Luke "We'll even offer you protection if you ask for it"

"You're doing this for us despite the fact that we wronged you" said Chost Jii "Are you already forgetting that I lied to you?"

"We're not" said Luke "But unlike the Empire, we don't hold worlds in spite"

"It was just so difficult to make out" said Chost Jii "Ever since the death of Jedi Master Plo Koon and the subsequent rise of the Galactic Empire, we had no idea of what to do with any Force-user that may emerge from our kind. Eventually when one did turn up about a year afterwards, we thought we could simply integrate him in without anyone else noticing. But after more and more kept turning up, we began to panic on what to do; so we began hiding them within the old Baran Do temple, hoping that its history in the Force would block them out. I should have listened to Nechur from the moment he told me that covering it up wasn't good idea, and then perhaps he would never have turned to such desperate measures. What is to become of the children?"

"They're going to spread out into hiding across the galaxy, in places where the Empire won't go looking for them" replied Luke "Hopefully the war will keep them occupied"

"Just make sure that those who look after them are better than we ever were" said Chost Jii "There's something else you wish to discuss, isn't there?"

"I wouldn't call it a discussion, but there is something" said Luke "I want Captain Yorryst Iagov to be honored; if it weren't for him, we'd probably all be dead"

"It will done" said Chost Jii.


Ahsoka stood outside the parliament building looking up at the statue of a Kel Dor dressed in robes that reminded her of Plo Koon.

"Well, it's done" said Luke as he walked out of the building "Some of the Alliance leaders, especially Fey'lya, are pretty upset at being lied to; but I think relations should improve as time goes on" Ahsoka smiled and looked back up at the Kel Dor statue. "Is something upsetting you?"

"Do you remember some time back when you asked me what Obi-Wan would have thought of you?" asked Ahsoka. Luke nodded. "I've often asked that to myself sometimes. What would Anakin think of me if he saw me return to the Jedi? I've never going to see Anakin again, and the last he ever saw of me I was turning my back on the entire Order and not wishing to come back. Being on Master Plo's homeworld and interacting with his people just reminds me of everything I left behind on that day"

"It's perfectly fine to think that way, Ahsoka; but we should stay focus on where we currently are and what we're doing" said Luke. Ahsoka smiled.

"Obi-Wan taught you well" said Ahsoka.

"I guess that's why I'm the teacher" smirked Luke.

"And the student!" said Ahsoka whilst playfully pushing Luke "Remember, we both are in this apprenticeship; but I guess since I'm the more experienced, I'd be the teacher if anything"

"That's a matter of some debate" smirked Luke. At that moment, his comlink buzzed. "What is it?"

"Luke, I've just received word from Mon Mothma that the Alliance has been contacted by the Wookiee resistance on Kashyyyk" said Leia out of his comlink "You and Ahsoka have been selected to help them drive back Imperial forces. Han and Chewbacca are on their way to pick you up now"

"Got it" said Luke "Thanks for the heads up. Looks like we're going to help the Wookiees"

Meanwhile somewhere in the Unknown Regions

Aboard a star destroyer lay a large dark room. It was filled with various artefacts and artwork (some of which were holographic). At the center of the room lay a chair with the \shape of a small lizard-like creature lying on top of it fast asleep. Surrounding the chair was holographic screens showing various battles Luke, Ahsoka, and other rebels were fighting in. On the chair sat the silhouette of a humanoid figure. The darkness of the room made him features except for his eyes which were bright red, glowed in the dark, and lacked any visible pupils. Although the lack of pupils made it difficult to see where he was looking at, you could tell that he was watching, observing, studying…

Author's note: So, it might take some time for the next chapter to be released since I'm currently travelling and the places I go vary on whether they have internet, but I'll do my best to keep my work up. That's all for now, see you all on the dark side…