It was supposed to be a simple mission but, as always, something went wrong. The first sign something was off was the amount of people that were in the underground base, a small skeleton crew were the only signs of life the Varia had come across so far.

The second sign really should have been a bigger warning, but this was the mafia, and a few bloodstains here and there weren't unusual.

The incredibly damaged walls were the third sign, by now they should have had ample clues to discover what was being experimented on. No. The Varia continued down the long hallways, not glancing Fran's way when he tensed, prepared to fight.

This brought us to where they are now, facing down a trio of feral ghouls that were escaped experiments. Warning bells were ringing Fran's my mind; something big was going to happen soon.

"Why the fuck aren't they dead already!" Xanxus roared as he sliced off the lead ghoul's hand for the fifth time.

Squalo and Belphegor rushed the male ghoul but got caught by his kagune. "Damnit!" Lussuria uncharacteristically swore. Then again, three deadly ghouls were enough of a reason, Fran thought worriedly. He sliced through the malformed ghoul's leg with a mist-created blade. Levi was lying unconscious on the floor by his feet, so Fran couldn't move far without opening the Lightning up to attack.

Squalo had managed to get free somehow and was helping Belphegor when the ghoul Xanxus and Lussuria were still fighting screeched loudly. Shit, Fran thought as he stumbled back from fright. He recognised the call; Reinforcements, but for the ghouls. "Well," Bel chuckled psychotically, "This is going to be fun."

Six more malformed ghouls stepped out of the dark corridor, kagune poised for attack. Another screech came from the lead ghoul and they charged towards the awaiting Varia, weapons clashing against each other with a spectacular lightshow. Flames did a bit more damage than normal weapons, but nothing compared to the government's weapons that were given to the CCG. It was no surprise they were losing, but it was still shocking when all the Varia minus Fran were captured.

The ghouls hadn't eaten them yet, but were eyeing them hungrily, probably waiting for a sign they could from the only female-looking ghoul that was there. Five of the ghouls surrounded Fran and with a sigh, he prepared himself to reveal a well-hidden secret about himself. "Sempai's," Fran began, hand wreathed in darkening mist flames, "Don't freak out." With the warning out of the way, although it greatly confused the others, Fran pulled his ghoul mask out from thin air and put it over his face.

"Now, prepare to die for harming my family," Fran whispered menacingly. His rinkaku exploded from his back, two fluid-moving spikes with needle-like splinters covering them.

Fran was a blur as he sank his kagune into the neck of the ghoul in front of him. Chains made of distorted mist flames wrapped around the next two ghouls, dragging them towards him effortlessly. He ruthlessly gutted him, large amounts of blood spraying all over his Varia uniform. Fran painted a grisly visage as he turned towards the last two ghouls circling him, blood a primary colour on his uniform and kagune raised threateningly.

Fran was silent, the masks eyeholes glowing eerily, as he walked towards the confused ghouls. At the last minute, they tried to rush him in fear, but were dispatched with a flick of him kagune. He turned towards the four ghouls surrounding his famiglia, "Who's next?"

The ghouls shifted, feral instincts making them nervous of the new ghoul. It was, astonishingly, the female-looking ghoul who snapped first and attacked him. Fran met it blow for blow, kagune and chains fending it off easily. The ghoul stumbled, and Fran took advantage, dark mist flames punching though its heart, and kagune piercing its forehead. Misted-over eyes gazed blankly at the ceiling as Fran stepped over the body, a dark smile hidden under his mask.

The remaining feral ghouls were in chaos, torn between fight and flight instincts. The Varia were frozen in shock as Fran took on the two remaining ghouls, killing the first one easily. "You little shit!" Fran snarled, ghoul instincts finally taking over, as the last ghoul got a lucky hit in.

The ghoul hissed, kagune thrashing behind him and swiped at Fran's shoulder. He sidestepped and kicked at the ghoul's back, making it stumble into the ground. Fran wasted no time in killing the pesky fighter, spikes piercing the struggling ghoul. He turned around kagune dripping blood and crouched down beside Levi.

"You," Squalo began white-faced, "You're The Doctor."

Fran backed away from the awakening lightning officer and sat cross-legged in front of the Varia warily. "I am." Fran confirmed, "But I would never hurt you. After all, you're my reason."

The group collectively gaped. To have a ghoul, especially one as powerful as Fran, have you as their reason to pretend to be human, was something significant. It was like placing a part of their soul in the hands of that person/s.

Fran pulled off his mask and looked at it with mixed emotions. It was shaped like a plague mask (Earning his name), and made from a hardy black leather. The feature he was most proud of was the eyes; They had lenses in the shape of goggles and glowed a haunting emerald green when it was in use. "I never wanted to be a ghoul you known. It was just the luck of the draw that I became one."

Belphegor seemed to come to his senses and cackled, "Shishishi, Froggy's been holding back."

"I'm guessing you're going to get rid of me now, aren't you?" Fran stated unhappily, but ready to comply.

Xanxus looked furious at that, "Never, trash. Being a ghoul doesn't mean shit. Not you anyway."

"Even though I am an SS class ghoul that can kill you at any moment?" Fran asked, hope beginning to spark in his widening eyes.

Lussuria shook himself out of the trance he had unwittingly fallen in, "You're still Fran, just with a side we didn't know about."

"If Boss-Sama is fine with it, then so am I." Levi announced, adoration thick in his voice.

Fran stood up but stayed a cautionary distance away from the others. "Come here, trash." Xanxus commanded. He slowly walked over to the Wrath flame holder. "Stay." Xanxus ordered as he placed him next to Belphegor who latched on to him immediately.

"Silly kouhai, you're mine." The prince said possessively.

Fran smiled slightly in relief, and leant into the Storm as the Varia went to report to the Decimo, "I know."


The Varia had the day off and were currently gathered in the lounge watching a documentary on sharks; It was Squalo's turn to choose. Fran was lying half-asleep in Belphegor's embrace when the Storm shifted, making him whine. "My little affectionate kouhai." Belphegor said as he moved into a sitting position, "You cannot sleep the whole day away."

Fran pouted and shuffled into Bel's lap, "I could!"

Belphegor chuckled, "But there's much better things to do instead."

"Really," Fran said with a smirk. "How about this then?" He leant forward and captured Belphegor in a heated kiss. Belphegor groaned into his mouth and suddenly flipped their positions, leaving Fran at his mercy. Fran tried to grind upwards but was held in place by Belphegor.

"Dio Mio!" Squalo shouted when they became louder, "Get a room you two!"

Lussuria was busy snapping photos, "Don't be a spoilsport Squ-Chan, I think they're adorable."

Belphegor growled when he was interrupted, halting his movements on Fran. "How about you leave then."

"And miss the documentary on my precious sharks? Hell no." Squalo argued vehemently.

Fran, who was left unattended became frustrated when Belphegor's attention didn't turn back to him. His eyes bled into red on black and his rinkaku burst out, gaining everyone's attention. "Everyone. Out. Now!" He said, looking demonic.

Squalo grumbled but relented, "You better not have sex on the couch. Come, Lussuria."

"Coming, Squ-Chan!" Lussuria chimed as he took a few more pictures before shutting the door behind them.

Fran retracted his ghoul features and whined at his lover, "Come on."

"Shishishi, needy Froggy?" Belphegor laughed.

Fran half-glared, half-pouted, "Yes, now come help me."

Belphegor gave Fran a sultry smile and kissed him senseless, "Of course."