Reviews for Mixing things up (Fran no Fran yes)
Susanne Ketchum chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Annmarie Keaton chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Detra Snider chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
The Crystal Pen chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
Aww, little Froggy is a deadly one~ Can't wait for the next 25!
daytime disco chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
wow someone actually wrote b26 in the year 2018 godbless and also thank u. fun fact the first b26 fic was written in 2009 so ur keeping the legacy going ily