Mixed up Winx

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and what if when Bloom was sent to Earth, Morgana sensed her arrival and went to get the strong little fairy in order to keep her safe from the Wizards? Taking in the baby, Morgana adopted Bloom as her own so watch how this changes things. AU OOC femslash and bashing.)

"Here?" Morgana, the Queen of Earth Fairies, was surprised when she followed the strong magic signature that arrived moments ago and was led straight towards a burning building. Focusing her senses which had warned her of the amazingly powerful presence Morgana frowned as she stared at the fire as the fire fighters tried to put it out.

She was only out here instead of at home with her husband because Klaus and her had gotten into an argument over having children soon. She was all for it, having a beautiful baby with the man she loved more than anything. She wanted a little one to call her own but Klaus… he didn't want one. Not this soon at least that's what he said. That he didn't think that were ready to be parents yet.

She had gotten angry at him for that and had stormed out of the house, going for a walk to clear her head and calm down before she went home. That's when she had felt a powerful presence arrive on her planet and tracked it to see if it were friend or foe.

That's when she heard it as a hose stopped blasting water for a moment. A faint cry that pierced her soul and had her eyes widening.

"A baby?" Morgana breathed in horror, her body moving before she could even realize what she was doing.

"Hey you can't-" The firefighter that tried to stop Morgana was shoved out of the way by the slim but strong woman that rushed into the blazing building. Forgetting entirely about any magic she knew, Morgana coughed a bit at the smoke as she ran into the building, a flower shop she realized idly, following the sounds of the baby crying.

She didn't care about the flames that she could sense were magical, she didn't care about the smoke she was inhaling. All she cared about was getting to that innocent baby crying within the flames. She had to save the baby.

"A barrier? You're the powerful presence I felt? But you're so young." Morgana was surprised when she found the baby, a tiny red haired thing squalling from within a flame red shield. Morgana got as close to the barrier as she dared to and stared down at the baby, trying to think of a way to get it out of the barrier and to safety.

The baby stopped crying for a moment and looked up at Morgana for a moment. Morgana stared at the baby as well for a moment before the sweet innocent little child smiled up at her and the shield dropped.

Instantly Morgana fell in love with the tiny red haired blue eyed baby. Slowly reaching down, Morgana picked up the baby and rocked her gently noting the flames slowly beginning to vanish.

"Hush now little one. I have you now. You're alright. I don't know how you got here or why you were sent here but it's alright now. I've got you." Morgana cooed and soothed the baby as she made her way out of the building, she had to get this adorable tiny little one looked at. She wanted to make sure the little one was okay. First the human doctors and then the medical fairies back on Tir Na Nog.

"Ma'am why did you… that baby?" One of the firefighters asked looking down at the giggling little bundle in Morgana's arms.

"I…I heard a cry within the building and I…I couldn't risk that there was someone in there that could have been hurt. I found her in there." Morgana said before coughing a bit, making the baby gurgle.

"Let's get you two checked out at the hospital. Oi you guys get this lady in the ambulance!" The firefighter said making another one, a muscular blond man guide Morgana over to where the ambulance was waiting in case of any accidents.

"Easy there ma'am. While I'm happy you saved that baby, next time let one of us know okay? We're trained to go in there." The blond man said helping Morgana into the back of the ambulance as a paramedic reached out to take the baby from Morgana. Morgana backed away a bit and growled as she held the baby protectively to her chest.

"Easy there lady. We just want to check for any damage from the smoke or fire." The paramedic said easily and making Morgana hesitate before reluctantly handing the baby over to the paramedic. As soon as she had switched hands, the baby let out a piercing wail that had Morgana snatching her back immediately.

"What did you do to my baby?!" Morgana demanded as she grabbed the baby back, holding her close and prepared to unleash her powers on the poor paramedic.

"She's your daughter?" The firefighter asked surprised and earning a blink from the woman whose face softened.

"I… she's not mine by blood but… she was put there by someone and if her parents don't claim her and have a good reason for why she was in there, I'm going to adopt her." Morgana said smiling softly down at the beautiful baby in her arms. Who had left her there? How could anyone have left this beautiful baby there?

"You might want to talk to your husband about that first ma'am but before then how about we get you and that baby checked out at the hospital. Here you hold her, but in we go." The paramedic said as he moved to help Morgana to one of the seats and checking over the baby as much as he could.

"I'll call my husband from the hospital but fine we should-" Morgana was cut off when she dissolved into harsh coughs that had her holding the baby on the other side as she turned and threw up in the trash can by the bench.

"Crap somethings wrong with the lady! Step on it!" The paramedic called to his partner in the drivers seat as he helped Morgana sit on the stretcher, the baby now crying as the paramedic grabbed her.

Morgana passed out with the crying of the baby in her ears and the first paramedic calling for his partner to step on it.