Another Galaxy but same Lifestyle

Disclaimer: I do not own Fallout New Vegas or Star Wars the Clone Wars, I do own MY version of the Courier.

Criticism Okay I guess.

No promises on this being a good story.

OOC's (Out of Character) are to be expected.

[] = POV changest

~~= Locations/Scene changes

Ship = Ship's/location names

"Courier" =Talking

'Courier' = Thoughts

*BOOM* = Sound Effects

"Comm" = Communicator

[In the End] = Song

Index/Chapter 1

Name: Howard Waller

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Homeworld: Earth

Born: 2257

Occupation(s): Courier, Wanderer

Karma: Guardian of the Wastes


Strength: 7

Perception: 5

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 9

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 6

Luck: 5


Speech: 75

Barter: 50

Repair: 60

Medicine: 36

Science: 50

Sneak: 32

Survival: 20

Energy Weapons: 24

Guns: 45

Melee Weapons: 38

Unarmed: 23


Wild Wasteland

Good Natured



Strong Back

Lady Killer

Confirmed Bachelor

Intense Training

Swift Learner


Run 'n Gun


Hand Loader

Quick Draw

Terrifying prescense

Here and Now

Fortune Finder


Robotics Expert


Strength Implant

Reinforced Spine


Desert Ranger Armor (Equipped)

Desert Ranger Helmet (Equipped)

T-45d Power Armor

T-45d Power Armor Helmet

Joshua Graham's Armor

Roving Trader Outfit

Roving Trader Hat

Wasteland Wanderer Outfit

Ballcap with Glasses

Biker Goggles

Leather Armor

Sheriff's Duster

Sheriff's Hat

Cowboy Repeater


Laser RCW

.44 Magnum Revolver

Hunter Revolver GRA

Hunting Rifle

.45 Auto SMG

Hunting Shotgun

Lever Action Shotgun

Q-35 Matter Modulator

Recharger Rifle



Grenade Rifle

Dynamite x 40

Frag Grenade x15

Plasma Grenade x15

Pulse Grenade x15

Proton Throwing Axe x25

Mini Nuke x 12

Power Glove

Stealth Boy x15

Stimpack x30

~Earth, Big Empty~

A lone individual was walking towards a floating Brain covered by glass and a mechanical platform with small arms, there were three screens in the 'Front' of the Jar two on top showed eyes while the third was revealing a mouth, "and this will be safe?" asked a voice that belonged to Howard Waller as he stared at a prototype teleporter created by the scientists of the Think Tank but it was mostly Dr. Klein who had came up with the creation that was now in the Courier's hands, "OF COURSE IT'S SAFE, AFTER ALL I CREATED IT!" yelled the blue brain as he had explained about possibly his greatest achievement until another voice piped up "Don't you mean 'OUR' created it Dr. Klein?" another brain scientist in a jar spoke up from Dr. Borous."SHUT YOUR TRAP DR. BOROUS! IT'S MINE I CREATED WITH MY OWN SCIENCE!" shouted the Brain bot who had handed him the item to the man in front of them.

The Courier's face which was covered by the Desert Ranger helmet with Green low-light optics frowned, "I'll test it but if anything happens to me, YOU Klein will be held responsible since you claim it to be yours than as a group" stated the now tester of the new prototype teleporter installed rifle that'll take him somewhere else besides Big MT and the Mojave, the Leader of the think tank replied trying to save his own metal from taking the blame "DID I SAY MINE? I MEANT TO SAY OUR PROJECT!" Dr. Mobius who was a recent addition to the Tank spoke up "Now that's more like it Klein" the mentioned individual just grumbled, Dr. Dala voiced her thoughts "I'm going to miss my Teddy bear" despite their interactions both the flesh body and the mind of a scientist in a contraption conversations every time she said that sent chills up his spine.

'I have fought against the legion, Mr. House, Psychos, and even Deathclaws that can give someone like ME nightmares and yet THIS nickname is the one I'm TRULY scared of.' thought the male hero of the Wasteland and while thinking he had stepped a bit back as if to give distance away from Dala, he shook his head and brought up his trusty Pip-boy 3000 and scrolled through his inventory and saw the words [Prototype Teleporter] and in a few seconds it materialized into his palms and it looked like the gun the brought him here but except a rifle version "wish me luck" he stated before he pointed it at the dark night sky where stars were sparkling above and pulled the trigger.


Nothing happened.

"OH WHAT DID YOU FOOLS DO!?" spoke the lead smart individual as they had saw that nothing had happened "Us!? Didn't you say it was YOUR idea to make something like this!?" shouted Dr. 0 as he didn't like the one being pinned on for someone else's fault, espicially Klein's mistakes and the said Brain was about to retort when a sudden explosion erupted.


All the current Doctors within the facility looked at where the armored one was at and saw a large scorch mark of where he had originally stood and what was in place of the former was the prototype rifle and there was only one word that spread throughout the whole place formed into to words "uh oh."


"Oh my body" groaned Howard as he had started to feel his body ache from the sudden explosion, his conscious began to give way as he slowly opened his eyes and saw through the green optics a place he had not seen before nor does he know of origins but knows it's some sort of room completely grey and he currently laid on a bed and a door was on the side of his sleeping arrangement and heard voices that were muffled due to the thickness of the metal "where did he come from?" asked a voice that he didn't know but then another answered that gave him some clarity "we don't know General, we just found him in the middle of the hanger laying there unconscious" and that comment made the Courier curious as to why the second said 'Hanger', was he in some sort military base of some kind? If so then he may have caused trouble without him knowing but there was two things that had bothered him the most.

Where the fuck was he at?

And the second was 'God damn it Klein!' mentally cursed the Leading scientist of Big MT.

[Resolute's corridor, Anakin's POV]

Today's recent events have been the weirdest, we just returned from being rescued on that planet and it's inhabitants that we had saved from destruction. The separatists created such a devastating weapon but luckily I managed to take it out before it could be used against the village but it's protection was also due to Ahsoka, Rex and Bly and not to mention that the villagers assisting in the defense of their home. We left them behind due to keeping our word of not letting them involved and wished them the best of safety, I still have my bandages from the little healer but my recovery is going well now that we have Bacta and medical droids.

Everything was going well since we were returning back to Coruscant to give our report to the Jedi Council and the Supreme Chancellor who is also my friend, but as I said everything was going fine until one of the bridge crew members spoke up "Sirs!" he caught our attention "We have detected a strange anomaly" an unknown? My padawan Ahsoka asked "where?" and we got a response "it's appearing inside of the ships hanger!" that caught us off guard then ship's alarms blared and the automated voice roared to life "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" have some of the droids got on board when we were still at Quell and are now attacking? No it couldn't be possible the Admiral told me that they weren't boarded at all so this made no sense so the only logical explanation is that different energy source. And so naturally when these instances occur if we've been boarded the crew went to deal with it but since we have security already on the way to deal with it me and the others on the bridge stayed but since I'm different from the others and felt for the fear of my men though not shown it due to the Jedi Code I began to stay calm.

"Generals" my commlink beeped and I recognized the voice that belonged to my most trust commander, Captain Rex, I replied "what is it Rex?" we were curious to what they found "You better come and see this sir, you're not going to believe it." that raised both alarms and suspiscion at the Captain's suggestion so me and the other Jedi in the room immediately went down to see for ourselves on what the clones had discovered.

~Resolute's Hanger

We reached the hanger and saw several clones gathering around something that was unknown due to their armor blocking view, I looked and I saw Rex who stood nearby straight like the soldier he is and he saluted "General" he spoke and when he said that the other clones who were formally huddled stood up and saluted, "what's the situation?" asked Aayla as she, Ahsoka and Me walked towards the soldier's location, Bly gave the report "we found someone General" that made me curious "someone?" asked my Togrutan Jedi student, Rex just motioned us to follow him and we did.

As the troops gave way and to the whispers and mutterings of those within the immediate area our eyes saw what can only be described as an armored person.

The head had a round metal helmet and what looked liked to be some sort of gas mask with two green looking optics for eyes, on the side was some kind of strange lighting device and a single filter on the side, and that's what made the strange helmet it was the strange armor that got me wondering, a heavy looking piece of metal that was on the what I assume is the torso of the body in front of us, a long coat of some kind the seems to reach the back of their knees which seemed to be dirty and had bits of worn out and tears here and there, a pair of light brown but weathered colored pants that had some stitches sticking out and small patches the also seem to be out of place such as the darker shade of the same color on the right legs, a pair of what I assume is boots but of what kind I have no idea, on the right hand was a dark shaded colored glove that seems to go with the outfit but on the left it was different.

A large unknown device on the forearm that looked like bulky and had a large rectangular screen of some kind with only three buttons and what appears to be a some kind of wheel that has and unknown feature and his hand were covered by fingerless gloves that some Jedi also use sometimes.

This unknown person did not move an inch even when Ahsoka shrugged them, this led to believe that they were unconscious for the time being but then the younger Jedi under my tutelage grabbed the head in which I hissed "Ahsoka what are you doing?" we don't know if this guy is feigning sleep and my spring up and attack her, "it's alright Master" she answered to me as she slowly removed the helmet and placed it on top of a nearby crate to reveal our shock.

They were male and showed them to be Human.

He had blonde hair that seemed to be a bit longer that only reached to his shoulders but they were also dirty, his face held mostly dirt and grime but if one were to look close enough you could see some scars on his face and his age looks like he was in his 20's. A young adult. I quickly regained my senses from the shock of the unknown's identity reveal and looked at the troops "men get this unknown to a room, and place guards at his door, this guy is in for questioning." I didn't know why but my instincts tell him he's dangerous and that he should be watched out for, and he will be questioned due to HOW he appeared and WHY he looked like a Human. Some of the troops nodded and went to the young man and lifted him up "Holy KRYFF! This guy is heavy!" complained one of the clones as they put both of his arms on their respective shoulders "even with the both of us this one has some surreal weight" stated another trooper as they slowly left the hanger and took the stranger to his room.

I left after them to get back at the bridge and I took a glance at my young pupil and saw her hold the man's helmet in her hands "hey snips" I called her in the nickname I gave her, she turned her head towards me and Aayla's direction "come on" I motioned her to follow and she did but still carried the helmet on her side.

~Corridor Hallway~

And that's how we came to here, and I had asked on to how he got here as there had to be some kind of explanation "Where did he come from?" I had asked Drone who was one of the clones who were standing guard, his other companion if I remember correctly Kicker replied "we don't know General, we found him in the middle of the hanger laying there unconscious" I groaned as I should have known that the clones wouldn't know anything either since this stranger just appeared all of a sudden "Okay just make sure he doesn't get out okay?" I ordered the troops to keep watch for him, for all we could know he's actually a spy and the Seps have discovered a new way to infiltrate bases to steal information about our fleet movements and with that I left the two troopers knowing that the newly acquired person would be unconscious for a while.

[Room, Courier POV]

I had overheard the conversion behind the door that kept my room locked, so what I discovered is that now I'm some kind of prisoner of some sort of military faction and two guards have been placed at my room/cell, bad luck dude for you don't know who you are dealing with here, but I need to formulate some kind of plan to get out of here and know where the hell I am.

Fuck it.

I slowly walked up to the door and hear it hiss open upwards, huh, I looked at my two supposed guards and saw some kind of Armor I've never seen before which was mostly colored white, they both turned their heads towards me and I saw their helmets had T-shaped black colored visors looking at me, "um hi?" I spoke quietly as I felt both of their eyes behind their helmets give into my own, now if I HAD my helmet I wouldn't be feeling this but since I woke up without it on I felt somewhat vulnerable since I have the armor but no headgear but this isn't the first time I felt something similar sometime ago back in the Mojave but nonetheless one of them spoke out "HEY!" and in reaction to being spotted when the Stealth Boys I once had before I quickly used my reflex to try and knockout the guard on my right by gripping his arm and pulled him down and I raised one of my legs and kneed him in the stomach "Gah!" he yelped as I inflicted pain his buddy shouted which strangely sounded like the first guard "hold it right there!" I spun so that I could use my strength to send the one in my arms towards his pal by throwing him which forced them both to fall on the ground and as soon as I saw them hit I ran off in a random direction since I don't know where my location is at.

Oh well time to wing it as usual.

[Third POV]

Clones Drone and Kicker groaned as they slowly got up and saw the newcomer just turned to a corner one of them opened up a commlink and called their commander "This is Kicker, our Guest is on the run!" and the message was received when the alarms blared and Ahsoka's voice spoke "what happened?" Drone answered "he caught us off guard, just as soon as General Skywalker left us Commander Tano" now clones were bred to become superior to droids and are to think creatively and be quick but this one struck like lightning and in a quick flash the two were on the ground they couldn't believe they were caught off guard from someone who was considered knocked out and not only that but he took one of their blasters.

Meanwhile Rex and Bly were both running down with a squad of their brothers to locate their 'Guest' and detain him since it was reported he was armed with a blaster and considered dangerous as he had quickly beaten the two who were supposed to be watching over him, "this is commander Bly where did he go?" questioned the second officer as they were heading somewhere "he went into hallway C" that was somewhat good news since the end of the hallway is actually the same one that he was currently running down but the bad part was when they encountered there would possibly be a firefight and one of them might accidentally kill him and they need his being unharmed so that they can interrogate so that they could know if he worked for the CIS.

"come on men! We almost have him!" came the order in a shout as the clones began to race faster to Hallway C and trap him, as they got near one of the soldier shouted while pointing "I see him!" and indeed the strange young human male was standing there with his head looking towards their direction "set blasters to stun" and multiple clicks sounded as they came closer but then a bolt ran past them "cover!" ordered Bly as more blue laser bolts came at them and missing them but it seemed to work to keep them from shortening the distance, Rex pulled out his twin pistols and fired back.

With the Courier he had just found himself his new favorite laser gun when he had tried it out by shooting at the approaching men in armor similar to his guards, to say the least it may have earned his fancy but the aiming was shit, he wasn't intentionally trying to hit them just try and make sure they don't catch him again but it seemed the gun in his hands was both his new toy and yet also shitty aiming, how those guys fought with such defective weapons he would never know, 'okay now they started to shoot back' thought the blonde haired Mojave guardian as he took cover and fired back to suppress his newly acquired opponents, he doesn't like fighting but will not hesitate to kill if necessary such as the situation right now, but then again they might have families so he will not let them be harmed.


"Surrender!" shouted one of the armored individuals, he had shouted back "why!?" he honestly doesn't know why he should since he was innocent, well he was as innocent as the next hero of the wastes, "by order of the Galactic Republic you're under arrest" shouted a second one and what he said gave the blue eyed man question 'Galactic Republic?, are we in space?' unfortunately the poor simple wasteland survivor's answer was ironic since they are technically in space but he doesn't know it, "I'm innocent I tell ya! I'm being framed!" that caused metaphorical sweatdrops underneath the clones helmets at the answer 'who is this guy?' thought a shiny as he kept in cover as bolts kept being shot at and then no more appeared and the only sound was a click that signaled that the rifle in the intruder's hand was empty. There was only one word that escaped from his mouth "FUCK!" the Courier looked at them and threw his now depleted rifle towards a trooper to slow them down for a little bit and then ran off down the same hallway he was going.


The Armored but helmetless warrior arrived in what he assumed was the Hanger that the one of his former guards spoke about and saw various vehicles that he isn't familiar with and some strange looks from what he assumed were pilots but what was more concerning is that they all have the same face. Are they all from one family? If so he respects the mother to birth so many brothers yeah he knows how women give birth, don't ask him how, "Stop right there!" another voice yelled at him but it was different from the others who had tried to stop him, it sounded girlish and feminine he put up his hands in the air to show that he acknowledged her words, he then slowly turned around and saw what had shocked him. There was an Alien in front of him but it was also a girl.

She had these red and white tentacle things on her head, her eyes were blue colored similar to his own, her skin was a tan like orange color but don't get him on her choice of clothing, she had only a small single piece of cloth that seemed to be her shirt while her skirt reached to her knees and internally sighed when he noticed she had a white colored pants, hoping that there were no perverts within the troop, but what caught his attention was the laser beam like blade she was holding and pointed at him, she also seemed to be quite young possibly 15 or 14 years at least she then spoke out which confirmed that she was indeed the one who had told him to stop "you got no where to hide" and the blade seemed to bit closer than what he assumed as a safe distance but she had a point, he didn't know if there were in some kind of base or if he was abducted and is now a prisoner but one thing was certain, she may be right but that doesn't mean he isn't without help.

"That maybe true little one, I DON'T have anywhere to go." he paused as he had saw her gain a smirk but then gave her a smirk of his own "but that don't mean I don't have any weapons on me!" he then brought his pip-boy and pushed one of the buttons and then something happened that had shocked the people in the immediate vicinity and those who just barely arrived.

A rifle of sorts appeared out of nowhere was up in the air above the armored unknown's head and then dropped so that the blonde man could aim the weapon at Ahsoka Tano. Well it would be serious if the troopers didn't snicker at the weapon, "what's funny?" asked aiming soldier as he didn't know why or what they were laughing "a slugthrower? Really?" one of the similar looking faced soldier snorted out, another one spoke up "those things are ANCIENT, there's no way you could ever hope to even make a dent in our armor" now that maybe true in some eyes but the more experienced soldiers saw some effectiveness that some of the oldest weapons proved to be 'dude you do NOT disrespect MY guns! Prepare for pain assholes!' he then aimed the gun and shot the ground and then suddenly one of the arrogant white armored soldiers felt pain in their arm "AH!" 'not even hope to make a dent my ass.' thought the veteran Hero as he re-aimed his gun at the girl "anyone else has something to say bad about my weapons?" he asked out loud as if daring one of them to insult his favorites.


A beep sound was heard behind him "what the?" he wondered where it came from until a shocking jolt of electricity coursed throughout his entire body, and then it stopped as he felt his conscious fade away from him and he spoke only two words "not...again..." and then he collapsed.

~Cell block~

"Ugh" groaned the Courier as he had regained his mind as the numbing feeling vanish "not again" he grumbled to himself as looked up and saw that there as no one was around and felt a bit of relief when he saw that he still had his Pip-boy 3000 on his forearm but notices that his wrists are cuffed "ah shit" he muttered once more as he tried to at least get some kind of info from his arm device but since he was chained he could not get an inch, he struggled but stopped when he had heard voices just outside of his cell block and since there was nothing between them but an energy barrier of sorts he would hear their conversations and he had heard two voices, one was the alien girl and the other was a mature man.

"But master he's dangerous, he at least injured one of the men who was sent to detain him" ah that asshole had it coming to him since he mocked his favorite repeater and the second one replied "I know what he did snips and I don't like it as much as you do but the council wants to get some info out of him and to see if he's a spy" he continued listening on their conversation without their knowing but he felt offended when he heard that they think about him being a spy 'how rude' but nonetheless he listens even more "but master I don't feel the force in him, it's like completely void of it and we both know every being in the galaxy needs it to sustain life but he doesn't" "I know it's of concern and worrying that we can't feel anything from him, it's almost like he isn't alive but we have to interrogate him anyway."

Now it's time for the big reveal of who investigator number two is and his question was answered when he had saw who it was.

They were human male much like him but he had dark brown colored hair and blue eyes that showed compassion and yet a bit of irritation, he wore what seemed to be a some kind of robe garb with shoulder pads for pieces of armor and a cylinder object hanging off of his belt.

"So you're the one who had injured Kicker" said the brown haired male who had entered his room followed by the smaller alien chick, Howard nodded "yes, yes I did" the young extraterrestrial girl folded her arms and looked away from the blonde's own eyes "I also hear you did because he insulted your weapon of choice" spoke the interrogator again as the Courier just seemed to be responding to his questions to the best of his ability which happen to be unique wording "that little shit-nugget should've known to NOT insult my guns, NO ONE disses them" and the interrogation/interview continued with the results.

Anakin asked Howard again "you do realize you attacked a couple of soldiers who are members of the Grand Army of the Republic right?" and this caused confusion within the Courier's expression "I've never heard of this 'Galactic Republic' or 'Grand Army of the Republic' dude" this shocked the two how could he have never heard of the Republic, it was what made up most of the galaxy, figuratively of course, but he should at least know what's going on right? "You do know there's a war going on right?" asked the non-human female asked as she had hoped that he wasn't playing with them but alas his answers made even more confusion "a war you say? Not MY problem then" both were appalled at how he doesn't care about the situation that the Republic is in or the threat the CIS pose.

At this Ahsoka pounded her fists against the table of where the other male's hands were chained up "how can you say that!?" but before she could say anymore the Pip-boy owner spoke once more "you didn't let me finish yet" and at that the young Togruta realized that she became a bit more emotional in her outburst than what they taught at the temple back on coruscant which also happens to be their next stop, the blonde haired boy continued "It's not my problem because it's not my fight" and this caused confusion from Anakin Skywalker and embarrassment from Ahsoka Tano at the revelation that their captive had given them, Anakin pressed more questions "don't you work for the Separatists?" this caused his padawan to get her mind back on track and skyguy did raise a valid point, if he infiltrated this ship didn't he work for the money-grubbers? and if he failed his mission what would they do with him? "Who? Monkguy I don't even know what's going on anymore" he mind was still processing the fact that there was a FREAKING ALIEN IN FRONT OF HIM! But nonetheless he has no idea what's even happening since he wasn't completely paying attention, Tano snickered when her teacher was called 'Monkguy' maybe she should call him that instead of 'Skyguy' she has to give this unknown some credit for creativity.

"What do you mean you don't know?" further questioned the Jedi Knight on the subject at hand but he got his answer "I tell you guys I don't know! On what I DO know is that I was messing with a device of my creation and then I found myself here" technically it's partly true and partly false but these guys don't need to know that. The Chosen one sighed once more for what he felt like the thousandth time today as the detained was giving them mixed answers, it was obvious he was hiding something and somehow finds a way to change subject, from what he had heard from both Rex and Bly he was a trained soldier and knew how to fire a weapon but also seemed to show his lack of knowledge of the blaster's usage and just shot in their general direction randomly as if praying that he would get a lucky hit, heh there is no luck but the forces however it seems that this man has proven that somewhat false as he had managed to evade capture and get a hit from his slugthrower but there was one thing that still bothered him.

"What's that device on you arm?" he had asked the owner as more detailed reports said he pushed one of the buttons and his rifle appeared, "would you believe me if I told you it's a toy?" asked back at his Interrogator in turn made Ahsoka roll her eyes and couldn't believe that this man was this evasive, "Okay since I know that I'll probably die or be experimented on I'll tell you" that got their attention "It's called a Pip-boy 3000" and then their attention became even more confused "what does it do?" asked Ahsoka and the blonde one replied with a bit of glee "It's a multi-purpose device young one, it can show your vital signs, the name of the owner, it also has a map feature in case if I ever get lost and it can play music" now this piqued their interests again as they couldn't believe that this small device can have so many features into one but it would seem the Courier wasn't done "it's also a mini armory" now THAT was hard to believe "pfft" scoffed Anakin as he COULD believe the others except THAT answer "if it's what you say it is then why don't you show us?" mocked the Jedi as he still was unconvinced, "I would but as you can see my hands are tied" retorted Waller as he lifted up both of his wrists to show them what he means.

"It seems we're at an impasse then" spoke the blonde as he stared at the duo in front of him, he earlier noticed that he didn't have his feet chained so he put both of his feet on the table between him and the young girl's teacher who was thinking the same thing about being in a stalemate but if he was going to get information he might as well want to know the boy's needs "what do you want?" he didn't like it, kriff he was tempted to use his lightsaber and cut off his prisoner's arm so that he could take it so that the Republic could have them make copies but alas he was bound to the Jedi Code and he was kind of interested in it too.

The Pip-boy user replied "First order of business, I want a room of my own and the reason is my frigging Back hurts like hell" don't get him wrong it wasn't the first time he slept on something hard and cold but with his armor on it was REALLY uncomfortable, Ahsoka heard what he said and nodded to herself as it was standard for those who are POW's.

"Secondly I want to be able to at the very least be able to move around to stretch my legs, to be honest my feet are numb" another common request mostly for getting info secretly but it would seem that the General wanted to be careful "alright but if you do you're going to have someone follow you around as to make sure you don't cause any trouble" the blue eyed male opposite of the Force user nodded and continued "third is that" he paused once more as they all heard a low grumbling noise within the room "I'm hungry, and I need to find the cafeteria, meatery or whatever the fuck you guys have" and as to further his request the sound came back bug this time much louder and the Courier grabbed his stomach and leaned his head forward while groaning, Anakin walked closer and undid the cuffs "alright get up but like I said you're going to have a trooper follow you around" he then shouted off to the side "Captain Rex get in here" and a soldier that was chasing the now escorted came in.

He wore an armor similar to those who wore them but his had blue markings and behind his legs is what looked like some kind of black skirt with blue trimmings, he also had a padded left shoulder for a bit of extra protection and his front side of the helmet was blue markings of some design but suffice to say this guy looked nice in the Earther's opinion and gave him a bit of a personality aside from showing off but his voice spoke much like those two guards he once had before, "let's go prisoner" no word came from the POW but he followed anyway.


The walk was a quiet one as the duo who were walking towards the eating area hadn't spoken one word to each other, as they continued the Courier was pondering as to why his guide/guard had sound like the various but same voice, this bothered until he couldn't handle it anymore "alright man tell me HOW!?" he shouted at the other known as Rex who turned his head towards his designated follower as they continued on their path "what do you mean?" he had asked Howard as to what he meant and he got an answer "how the hell are you guys sharing the same kind of voice!?" that's what he meant? He knew that he didn't know since he was outside of the cell placed on duty and heard the conversation and knows that he's is somewhat justified on his questions, Well he may as well indulge the troublemaker's curiosity "it's because we're clones" and at that the Mojave savior nodded "ah that makes sense" well somewhat made sense, he didn't really get the purpose for cloning but he knew that humanity back on earth had tried to create a similar process, look how that turned out.

Plus add on to the fact that he had talked with his brain, LITERALLY so after that happened he had decided to just take the most random and any kind of similar situations in stride, mostly ignored it as much as he could whenever it had some kind of smack talk.

And now they have finally arrived at the Mess Hall where several look alikes were chatting away or just sitting down that was until one of them had approached and had a sling was walking towards the now entering Prisoner and Guardsman "oh it's you" said the Clone who had an arm sling as he saw the one who had a luck shot was entering the room, "Kicker right?" asked the Slug thrower owner sheepishly as he had wondered which Clone he had shot at, the white armored soldier nodded "yeah that's me" the blonde earthling gave his apologies "I'm sorry about that, I got a bit caught up in the heat of the moment" he rubbed the back of his head nervously as his fighting instinct took control of his actions, Kicker got a bit closer to the duster wearing wastelander and kicked him hard in the shin which caused him some pain "YEOW!" he grabbed his shin and kneeled over "Now we're even" and he went back to his table to eat the food he had unattended for a few minutes.

"I kind of deserved that." was the only response he could say as he slowly began to eat the food they had.


"We're entering Coruscant sir!" stated Yularen as he and his superiors were headed back home, Anakin nodded and began to think on what the council would do since their new 'Passenger' had NO connection to the force, he only had one thought 'I've somehow got a bad feeling about all this.' his ship had just come out of hyperspace and were now approaching the Capital planet of the Galactic Republic.

Author Note: Sorry for changing POV's between characters a lot I was having a hard time trying to focus since my Xbox kind of broke down an I haven't played Fallout New Vegas in a LONG while, to be honest I haven't even COMPLETED the damn thing and I had to REMEMBER the clone wars although that's tough since it's hard to find some good episodes that have not been blocked due to copyrights.

So don't expect to find this story updated that much since I'll probably be busy with other works and trying to find some episodes, maybe you guys like it or maybe you don't, it don't matter because you have your opinions on the matter. Speaking of which I want to ask you guys something.

Would you like to see the Courier a Badass? (As much as I can) Or see him challenged due to lower tech weaponry? (A.K.A Bullets won't work on droids and only laser or plasma are effective).

Leave a Review in comments and your opinions on either A: Badass Courier? or B: Weaker Courier? or C: How I deal with it on my own?

Sincerely FantasyRanger 645, PEACE!