A/N: Only two people got in a review before I was able to post this: Storyman09 and kurukurupa. Can you believe it? A chapter and the epilogue in one day. Wow.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Bleach characters, manga, anime, movies, etc. They belong by copyright laws to Tite Kubo et al.
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Epilogue: A Soft Lullaby
Fumi was partaking of a cup of tea when the door to her study was pushed back without permission. Glancing at the intruder with stern eyes, she forestalled any reprimand when she saw who it was. Ichigo Kurosaki stood there, disheveled and worn, a bag of some kind in one hand and the sword to his Hollowified Shinigami powers in the other.
"Is there a reason my soon-to-be great-nephew-in-law is barging into my private space without so much as a by-your-leave?"
"I need a quiet place to study where no one will bother me." The young man tucked away his sword and waited for her to give her permission.
"Then by all means. How have your studies been going?"
"Fine. It's everything else that's a mess."
"And by a mess I assume you mean the wedding plans?"
"Yes." He came into the room and slumped down next to her. Hiding out with her had become his favorite past time of late. Ichigo had discovered that if he was here no one would bother him. The servants all knew not to interrupt, and the family hesitated from bothering the duo in case Fumi had been the one to summon him to her side. More often than not he was the one who sought her out, but they didn't need to know that.
"Who is it this time?"
"The old dude with the very white top knot."
Fumi sighed and tried again. "There are currently two of those; you'll have to be more specific."
"Every time he speaks it comes out in a high-pitched whine."
"Ah, that would be Ryukei. I'm afraid that last part is my fault. The last time I dressed him down he began squeaking like that and hasn't stopped since. What does he want now?"
"He still wants to know whether or not I'm taking the Kuchiki name."
"I thought that had been settled."
"Sure, but I don't think the elders believed Rukia when she told them." The two young Shinigami had settled on hyphenating the two family names because of the delicate balance between their clans. Since they were currently the only heirs, it made sense.
"You may not have to hyphenate."
"Why do you say that?" Ichigo said, pulling out homework papers from one of his college classes. It had surprised him when he'd first started seeking sanctuary but Fumi's space was a good place to study and he often found that he got more done here than when he was in his apartment in the World of the Living.
"I have impressed upon Byakuya quite often that he needs to remarry and take the pressure off of his sister and lately he seems to be agreeing with me. If so, he'll produce the needed heir and Rukia can take your name without worry."
"Byakuya wants to get married again?"
"I believe he has developed feelings for someone, and he thinks I don't know about it."
"What don't you know about?" Ichigo muttered under his breath. She'd been the first to sniff out that Rukia and he were not as chaste as some would like during their courting phase and she'd been the first to know when the midget had actually agreed to marry him. Given the fact that had actually been before he had known it was a little frightening. Fumi seemed to have a sixth sense where these things were concerned, and it surprised him that Byakuya thought he could get away with keeping a sweetheart a secret from his Elder of Elders.
"Exactly," she agreed, ignoring the fact that his question hadn't been intended to be complimentary. "I'll give him another week to come clean. What are you studying now, Ichigo?" she asked, abruptly changing the subject. Diverting his attention so swiftly did not bode well for anyone. It meant she was cooking up another scheme.
"Psychology. It's required for my degree. This course is a lot tougher than the basics that we were taught last year though so I need to concentrate. The apartment in the Living World has been overrun by resident Shinigami and I can't go anywhere here without running into someone who wants to know something about when the wedding is or when I'm going to 'man up and get Lieutenant Kuchiki pregnant.'" The daiko's head was currently buried in a thick textbook so he didn't see her smile.
The reason he was being pestered was because Isshin and Urahara had started a new bet when it came to the war hero. Naturally nearly all of her great-niece and the college student's friends from both sides of the Dangai had ponied up sizable amounts, waiting to see what the outcome would be. Some were betting that despite the fact that the elders had demanded them wait five years before getting married in the Seireitei, they wouldn't get around to it until Ichigo died. Others were betting one or the other would cry off. Still more were insisting that Rukia would purposely get pregnant before then just so they could say their vows sooner. Each was more outrageous than the last and Fumi had refused to credit any of them.
A loud thud broke her out of her musing and she belated realized that she'd been humming an old lullaby. Turning to the young man seated on her right, she realized that her melody had put him to sleep. Smiling gently at the sight, she pulled the text out from underneath his head and closed it after marking the page he'd been attempting to read. Rising, she pulled him up by the shoulders and laid him back until he was flat on the tatami. Getting another cushion from the corner pile, she placed it under Ichigo's head. Finding a throw that Uryuu Ishida had made her as thanks for her support one time when he'd been harassed, she covered the daiko up and left him to sleep. He might need to study but it looked like he needed sleep more.
Rukia found her still humming her lullaby a half hour later when she came looking for her erstwhile fiancé. Sitting beside her elder silently, the lieutenant quietly contemplated the garden her great-aunt loved so much from the open doors and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. Noticing the mess Ichigo had left on her obaa-san's table, she began picking it up quietly. A small envelope fell out of the mess of papers and seeing where it was from quickly tucked it away.
Unfortunately, it was not quick enough to escape the eye of her elder. Mentally noting where it had been put away, Fumi pretended she didn't see. "My dear, was there something you needed Ichigo for?"
"I had hoped he would be willing to train the new recruits, but I see he has more pressing matters. This year's courses are really challenging him. I think I'll let him sleep awhile."
"That would be a fine idea. Come back for dinner, Rukia and I'll make sure he's awake. I am truly happy that he has been so diligent."
"Me too. I was surprised when he decided to become a police officer. I figured he'd either follow in Isshin-san steps to keep the clinic going for his sisters or just become a Shinigami full time."
"I think Yuzu-chan will make for a better doctor. And as a police officer protects, I think it's a rather fitting human occupation for him, don't you?"
"Yes, I do," Rukia said a small smile gracing her mouth. "I shall return. Try not to get too close when you wake him. He's been known to say and do strange things."
"The next time you see Yoruichi-san, ask her what happened to her tail the time she got too close."
"Warning duly noted, my dear. You may rest assured that I will be careful." She smiled until her great-niece was gone and then went in search of the small envelope. Making as little noise as possible, she opened it up and read the contents. "So that's the way of it," she murmured.
Digging out the latest in Soul Phone technology, she dialed a number she'd deliberately memorized so that it wasn't in the phone's contact list. Placing the "smart phone" near her ear, she waited until the person on the other end answered. "I will take my winnings now, Kisuke-kun," she declared without greeting the scientist.
"Your winnings?"
"Yes, the bet about when Rukia and Ichigo would get married. I told you the three main theories were all wrong and I chose something else entirely."
"I do recall, Fumi-sama."
"And they proved me right. I have the evidence in my hand," she informed him smugly.
"Evidence?" Scrambling could be heard on the other end of the phone and it was obvious that he was searching for something. "What evidence?"
"A signed and sealed marriage certificate from the local government office in Karakura. Along with a note of congratulations. As I said, I'll take my winnings now." Immensely satisfied, she took a picture of it and sent it to him just so he'd know for sure.
"Well, well. I do see you're correct. That certainly is the town's official documentation. As you are the clear winner, the money collected for the last two years is yours, my lady. The funds will be promptly deposited into your account. Congratulations."
"Thank you. Do me a favor and tell Isshin for me?"
"Do we want this kept a secret?"
"You have a point. We'll wait until the children can't hide it anymore. Shouldn't be above a week at most. Ah, I see he's starting to stir, best tuck this back where I found it. Good day, Kisuke-kun."
"Good day, my lady."
Fumi began humming again as she hid the evidence, thinking back on what the note said:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ichigo Kurosaki,
We here at the Office of Vital Statistics would like to congratulate on your marriage. May blessings abound in your new life together.
With an elder of her caliber around, she'd ensure nothing less.