Chapter four: "Shattering your doubt"

There were many things you just can´t prepare yourself for.

Megatron realized that long ago, during his life.

Here was one of these moments: He was lying on his own bed, pinned down by a handsome mechanic god, who he thought will never show himself in his life. And right after he was supposed to endure an erotic foreplay with the army´s new medic.

That was just too much!

The hell was this supposed to mean?!

How did Amon get here?

Where was Engel?


"Tell me, Megatronus…" whispered Amon and Megatron only then realized that the god had leaned forward, so the words were whispered right into his audios. "… Are you happy to see me?"

Megatron could feel his spark beat faster at such a closeness. He was flushed before he shakily replied: "Y-Yes, I´m h-happy… B-but…"

"How did I get here?" finished Amon instead of him.

Megatron nodded.

"Simply – I´m Engel."

Megatron´s optics went wide.

"What?" this question slipped through his lips without thinking. He must have heard wrong – his audios must have a glitch.

"Don´t be so surprised, Megatronus," chuckled Amon and pulled slightly back so they could look at each other. "I´m a god after all. And gods have the power to do things that mortals like you can only dream about – destroy a planet with a simple wave of hand… bring death back to life… There are many possibilities. And yet you think I can´t do such a simple thing like changing my appearance the way nobody would recognize me?" He simply shook his head "You never stop to amuse me, my beauty."

By that nickname Megatron couldn´t help to blush as he remembered how the god said something similar the first time they met.

Rather he focused at the matter. "It was you… since Breakdown came back from his mission, my lord?"

Amon nodded with a smile.

Megatron slowly nodded. "That explains those optics," he murmured to himself.

"What optics?" Amon asked with a frown.

Frag, Megatron thought. He forgot how close Amon was. Of course he heard what he said. And of course, now it was pointless to pretend.

So he admitted: "You have the same optics in both forms. The same emerald green optics. And when I saw them, when you were Engel, I… I remembered you. Immediately. But…" his voice trailed off as he remembered how easily he crossed out any connection between Engel and Amon.

"Let me guess - you never thought there would be a connection between me and Engel, hmm?"

The silver mech nodded a bit ashamed.

"Oh well, it only proves I´m good at transforming," said the god as if it was nothing.

"I´m sorry, Lord Amon," whispered Megatron.

"You have nothing to be sorry for…" started Amon, but Megatron interrupted him: "Yes, I have! I… I doubted your promise."

"My promise?" asked Amon and arched an optic ridge.

"I doubted you would meet me again," confessed Megatron, feeling shame and guilt in his spark. "I doubted them, telling myself that you forgot me. That you are somewhere far away will and I will never see you again. That you have better things to do then…" He trailed off, unable to keep talking.

There was a silence, before a quiet "I see," left the god´s lips.

Megatron never felt worse. Amon´s voice held a touch of hurt and sadness. And it was Megatron´s fault.

He was about to apologize again… only to be interrupted by a kiss. Megatron gasped and the god took the chance and fully kissed him. It was like the first time. Those skilled lips and glossa claimed his body and he could do nothing more, than moan and submit. He didn´t noticed as Amon grasped his wrists. He came to himself when a pair of stasis cuffs were snapped at his wrists. An electrical current immobilized his body.

"L-Lord Amon?" Megatron looked at the god wearily, only to gasp when he started rubbing and fondling his body.

"Oh Megatronus. My sweet gladiator," Amon whispered, while manhandling the bound mech. "Looks like you can´t believe you are worth my time. That you are unworthy of a god´s attention. That you are not suited to be my lover. Well I will be honest – I can´t even think about being with other than you."

"W-What?" asked Megatron nervously, unable to understand.

"I said I don´t want to be with anybody but you," said Amon. "And now I will make you mine and mine only."

Megatron shallowed hard, unable to believe this whole thing, although he the way the god repositioned him was talking for itself. His hands were above his head and legs speared wide apart.

He was never so vulnerably exposed to anybody. And on top of that – he was at Amon´s mercy.

The immortal mech smiled at him, reached out and began caressing the helpless mech´s body. His hands seemed to remember their first time together, because they immediately found his sensitive spots and teased them like then. Amon played with Megatron, enjoying the sounds of his moans and whines. He took his time to play with the warlord and for now to avoid the intimal areas. He stroke his shoulders, neck, chassis, hips and legs, teasingly skimming closer to the exposed parts, only to drift back away shortly after.

And the silver mech hated it.

Despite the slowly rising temperature underneath his plating, his vents were unable to click into a higher gear. Megatron knew it was probably the god´s doing, as it served greatly to make the teasing more intense. He was panting hard, literally gulping air as he tried to cool down his overheating frame, but it was clearly pointless. He felt himself becoming needy and desperate and was on the edge of begging.

And the longer he was teased, the closer he got to break, until he finally snapped: "L-Lord ah!-Amon, please!"

"Yes, Megatronus? What do you want?" teased Amon, liking his cheek.

"T-Touch me! Oh primus, please, touch me!" begged Megatron.

"But I am touching you, youngling."

"Thant´s not what I-AH?!" Megatron cried out when he felt soft lips skimming over his inner thigh. He didn´t noticed when Amon moved down there.

But right now he didn´t care. Megatron moaned in pleasure as Amon kissed his way up his inner thigh, pausing right next to his tender folds, before bit down, hard enough to leave mark and draw some energon. The silver mech gasped in pain then let out a shaky moan as the immortal smoothed the bite mark by gentle licks, before repeating the whole process on the other side.

"Didn´t know you like slight pain-play," chuckled Amon, his clawed digits teasing the marks.

Megatron bit down his lower lip, only to gasp loudly as the said sharp digit teased his anterior node.

"Would you like to be bitten here too?" wondered the god, circling the digit.

Megatron wanted to shook his head, but he was paralyzed. He was about to cry out when Amon bent down, only to gasp again when a glossa caressed his node.

"Calm down, I would never harm such a tender part of your body," whispered Amon with a chuckle, before he started licking.

Then what about the previous bites? Megatron didn´t had time to ask the question. He immediately melted as the devilish glossa played with his anterior node, slowly skimming to his valve lips. He could only moan and cry out as the glossa slid inside. He faintly remembered the same glossa on his cable, eons ago, yet it was nothing compared to this. The pleasure was so different, as the glossa slowly played with the sensitive nodes of his valve… toyed with his sweet spot and anterior node… explored every place within reach…

Suddenly it became too much. He overloaded, hard.

And he welcomed the sweet release.

He was left panting hard, while the god licked him clean, then sat up and undid the cuffs. Without thinking Megatron yanked Amon at himself, kissing him. He loved the god´s kisses and he wanted more of them. They belonged only to him, as the god previously stated him as his only lover, so why not to enjoy them? They were his now and wanted more and more of them.

Amon responded immediately, while pushing inside the silver mech´s valve. Megatron pulled away with a cry, not from pain, but from the sudden penetration. It gave only a little discomfort, but it was dismissed as soon as it appeared and pleasure took its place.

"S-Soo good⁓," he moaned without thinking.

"Primus so thigh," groaned Amon, nuzzling his neck. "If I hadn´t know better, I would say you are a virgin."

Megatron blushed at this, but couldn´t respond as Amon started thrusting in and out. It felt just as good… if not even better than before. Each movement were perfectly aimed to ram deep and hard. He moaned and cursed as the gracious length stimulate every nodes inside. Nodes nobody else touched in eons. It had been so fragging long since he was with anybody, the war keeping away any potential berth partners. And even before the whole war-thing, he never let anybody spike him… because he didn´t wanted to forget the feeling of his first time. It was special.

And now he was with his first again.

Oh sweet mercy, what did he do to deserve such a great gift?

He was so lost in bliss that he nearly missed as the god said: "Once we are done with this, I will never let you go."

Megatron gasped as the god trusted in hard with each word, as if trying to put emphasis to each word. Each time he hit his sweet spot, putting his pleasure to new heights. Megatron called out his lover´s name. Over and over again, until he overloaded and Amon followed him not long after, filling him with his hot substance.

But they weren´t finished.

Not even nearly.

"Turn around," commanded Amon, once he pulled out.

Megatron shakily obeyed and rose to all fours. He moaned loudly when the god pushed himself back in, loving the way that mighty staff went deeper inside him than before. And it felt even better when Amon began to move. Megatron alternately screamed and moaned, hips moving on their own to meet each thrust.

"How much do you like it?" Amon asked while kissing his neck cables.

"I-I l-love it!" moaned/groaned Megatron as he felt his next overload rapidly approaching.

"Good, because this pleasure is only yours as you are only mine," purred Amon.

"O-Only y-yours…" whispered Megatron dazed.

"Mine," growled Amon and bite down on his neck cables and picked up the pace.

Soon they reached their peak and overloaded together while calling out their partners name.

Several hours later, Megatron came to himself, after passing out from exhaustion.

Slowly he opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He was strangely tired, but still had a pleasant feeling in his lower region. He wondered what happened, then the memories from the night before came to him.

Primus, he thought while blushing as he remembered those many rounds through which Amon made love with him.

Was that even real?

He tried to sit up, only to nearly yelp as he was yanked back. Arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him against a strong chest.

"Rest, it is still too early to get up," whispered Amon and snuggled closer to him.

Megatron´s blush darkened as he rested his hand on Amon´s. "So it wasn´t a dream…" he whispered without thinking.

Amon´s chest rumbled with chuckle. "You dream about me? I feel honored, my beauty."

Megatron felt like his blush couldn´t get any darker, yet he reminded quiet.

They stayed like this for a few moments, before Megatron quietly began: "Lord Amon…"

"It is just Amon for you," corrected him the metallic god. "As my lover, you may call me by my name."

Megatron nodded. "Amon… what do you plan doing… now that you kept your promise?" he asked quietly.

"Well, I plan to keep a promise I made myself the day I left Cybertron years ago," answered Amon, before he nuzzled his helm. "Once we will be together again, I will stay with you for the rest of the eternity, my sweet little gladiator."

Megatron´s optic went wide at this.

He slowly turned to look at Amon and see as the god looked at him with a warm smile and love in his optics. Megatron stared into his optics for the longest of time, before he returned the smile and his optics mirrored the loving stared of Amon´s optics.

Neither of them said anything as Megatron leaned to Amon and kissed him. Amon returned the kiss, before they pulled away and lied down next to each other, with Megatron nestled in the god´s strong arms.

Before following the god into recharge, Megatron thought about how generous is Primus to allow him to be with the mech that ruled over his heart for eons.

Even with waiting.

He was worth waiting for eternity…