Trigger Warnings For the Whole Story:Heavy mental health: PTSD: Depression: Suicide: Anxiety: Anorexia: Bulimia: Mentions of Rape: Physical/Mental/Emotional/(nondetailed) Sexual abuse: Human Trade: Homophobia: Racism: Physical/Mental/Emotional/Cyber Bullying: Tragedy: Hospitals: Medication: Violence: Broken Family's: Very Upsetting Scenes.

I think you get the picture x

-L.E-Rae _x_

"Dear All Who Cared,

You're amazing.

Selfish. Pathetic. Weak. You'll all think it. You can't hide a dead body for long so I know that's what many will think. Now I won't say nobody loved me, because I know you did. No. The hard part is when you can't love yourself. The trauma is the crushing fact on how I can't love the person I'm stuck with for the rest of my life. I can't tell myself to stop doing the things I do. Say the things I say. Or forgetting the things I remember... It's pointless. And I'm sure you know I wouldn't have done this if I hadn't tried. You are all such good people, you didn't deserve my burden... I couldn't even carry it myself... This was my choice. Nobody forced the pills down my throat. Nobody could prevent this. It was going to happen sooner or later so just best to get the pain out of the way fast. Just... try not to be sad... Try not to cry... And for gods sake, please don't follow me. Try not to miss me... Try to forget me. And, yes, I know it's like saying to a human, "Try to survive without breathing". But I've tried breathing... and it just doesn't work for me...

Now this is the point where I say a load of crap about the people I hate... but I don't want to do that... I don't want to be the one to make somebody else do this too... Though the worst thing is, people who don't need to feel responsible for this, will feel responsible! And the people who aided me towards this abyss, will most likely come out unharmed. My friends, my family: don't feel bad for me. I'm in a better place. A sleep that will last longer than usual. A dream where I can't wake up screaming over and over. This is where I want to be.

This is what I want to do.

So all I ask is that you've got to care enough about me, to just let me go."

Chapter 1- That boy…

(Johns POV)

The riotous blaring of the echoing, high pitched squeal from my phones alarm clock, jarred me out of my heavy slumber and I jolted up, smashing the 'off' button as hard and quickly as I possibly could. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncovered my face and watched the morning light as it trickled in through the small gaps around my old, fusty curtains. I rolled over in my messy, creased dark-blue sheets and the sunlight gave a painful hiss at my face. My wild, knot-filled brown, curls were scattered across my also creased pillow. Glancing around my room with heavy eyes, I noticed the messy collection of notebooks, freshly-sharpened drawing pencils and some of my unfinished sketches. Slowly but surely, I pushed myself out of bed, letting my feet hit the cool, soothing, wooden floor while reaching out for my phone that sat on the edge of the bed side cabinet- slipping it into my pocket.

The crunches that rang from my back as I tried to click the aching, tired out of my bones echoed in my mind and I lethargically dragged my weighty limbs down the still wooden stair case. Along the way, I opened the dark curtains to let beautiful (yet painful) streams of light flood my senses and gradually warm my skin.

As I moved out of the living room, the shock of a freezing tiled floor splintered my leg bones, making me let out a long enduring sigh. For about the thousandth time this morning, I rubbed my eyes until they were sore and (like most mornings) I boiled a kettle craving for caffeine to flood my blood.

My limbs still like dead weights, I reached to the far shelf and chose a white, pottery coffee mug with my name engraved in cursive writing on the handle. I chuckled to myself at the thought of the faces Laf, Herc and Burr as we bought each other a mug on our day out to the beach (to celebrate my fifteenth birthday). I brought my head up to stare at the radiance of the lush glistening of the dew clinging onto the long blades of grass that embedded themselves into our fertile ground. The sun had completely risen and it really did capture ever essence of young, sweet September beauty the garden had hidden in its depths. After a long while of starring at the same spot for an extensive amount of time, the sharp whistle of the kettle snapped me back to the task at hand. Steadily I picked up the steaming pot and watched as the clear substance turned a deep shade of brown in contact with the granules. I sat the kettle back down in its original position and held the coffee close to my lips, enough for it to tinge my nose with its soothing sent. And- like heaven- it leisurely swam down my throat in a homely warmth while heating my insides to a relaxing temperature. Still gently sipping the caffeine cup, I sat at the kitchen table scrolling through my Instagram. Just the usual, people posted those pointless 'DM me an emoji and I'll tell you how hot you are!' tests, the typical dramatic selfies/pictures of what they had been doing that summer and (the most resent and popular) 'Hello Junior Year!' posts.

Ugh! Junior Year!

I groaned subconsciously and continued this process of sip, scroll, like, comment for a good five minutes until I received a 'ping' vibrating the top of my phone. It was Laf!

Laf: (just now)- Mornin' sunshine! You even awake yet?

I rolled my eyes at our friendly banter of flirts.

You: (just now)- Don't fret, I'm awake sweet heart ;) 3 xx

You: (just now)- (only coz of the coffe tho XD)

Laf: (just now)- Haha mon amie! You crack me up XD

Laf: (just now)- So are you excited for school?!

You: (just now)- Oh I'm 'absolutely ecstatic' -_-

Laf: (just now)- Oh me too! Can't wait for that first day essay that had to be in tomorrow! -_- lol

You: (just now)- Ikr?! We've only had two years of high school and I'm already ready to retire!

Laf: (just now)- Oui! Oui! On point mon amie! On POINT! But think about it after this it's only one more year to go!

You: (2 minutes ago)- Ha! You're way too optimistic plus you said that last year, "Think about it after this it's only two more years to go!"! Lmao! Anyways I have to get ready now Laf. When and where you wanna meet?

You: (just now)- Laf?

Laf (just now)- Soz I was just texting Herc and Burr. They say 8:45 at the Ivy Tree Wall?

You: (just now)- Sounds good!

Laf: (just now)- Au revoir mon amie!

You: (just now)- Heh, c u!

I finished the last few sips of my coffee and walked back up the stairs- being cautious not to wake my father and siblings. I entered the bathroom first and carefully brushed through my birds-nest of tangled knots to then pull it into a side pony tail that sat nicely on my right shoulder. I then splashed my face several times with ice cold water that sent a chill of electric trickle down my spine- chilling but soothing. My mouth was then flushed with a flavorsome taste of mint as the toothpaste foamed up and slightly dribbled down my chin. I wiped away the remanence of white froth, rinsed my mouth with both water and (another) minty tasting mouthwash.

As I exited the family bathroom, I made sure to avoid the few creaky floorboards that had worn down over time. I made it to my closet and picked out a casual outfit: a white T-Shirt with a few black stipes streaking across it: a light-blue denim jacket with sleeves to just above my elbows: a pair of dark-blue denim styled tight jeans: my plain white converse: and my rainbow-pride ankle bracelet (something I keep well hidden).

Not too bad Laurens…

After tweaking the collar on my jacket, I turned to grab my phone.


I wasn't in a rush so I calmly picked up my brown leather satchel. It was quite worn but the scuffs made it look slightly fashionable… Chuckling at my own remarks, I grabbed my school note books, text books, my pencil case, my sketch pad, sketching pencils, some of my best drawings, headphones, a couple of folders, hair brush, laptop, chargers, my wallet, a reading book, my diary (I never went anywhere without it) and placed them neatly in my bag. Quickly checking myself over a few more times and picking up my phone, I then steadily walked towards my bedroom door but… something had caught my eye… Mom… Me… A family… Smiles… Real smiles… Happiness… Love… My heart seemed to sink… That never used to happen before… Why was the picture so important now? In the picture, it showed the sun beating furiously down on a young-child me, my siblings- one older as the other two were babies- and my dad and my mom. The breeze was strong and I can still smell the sent the luscious flowers gave off in the boiling, summer heat plus- the heat its self. Her wavy, thick, silky, long brown hair whipped silently in the cooling wind while her hazel eyes reflected nothing but a positive aura. The small dots of freckles that lightly tinged her cheeks had stood out more vibrantly against the thriving forest background along with her bright, radiant smile that had tattooed its self onto my sole for an eternity.

Subconsciously, her eyes had drawn me in closer to frozen memory- tears pricking at my eyes. Swiftly I blinked them back and took a deep breath, daring to look back up at her beautiful features. Don't ask me why, because I don't know myself, but I picked up the picture and while taking full thought I slotted it in a page of my sketch book.

After that suspicious scene, I looked back at my phone:


Damn it! I'm late!

Without a moment's hesitation, I sprinted down the stairs, scrawled a note in rushed handwriting for my dad to say I was off to school, grabbed my keys, locked the door and sprinted out onto the leaf scattered lane towards Kings High School.

"Well look who decided to show up!" Hercules greeted in a deep voice while shoving the time in my face as I slumped down the old oak tree to catch my breath.


"S… Sorry I… I was… held… back…" I panted between breaths.

"Nice to see you too?" Aaron laughed at my breathless state but all I gave was a mischievous grin back making him double up even more.

"John mon amie!" Lafayette broke through pushing both Herc and Burr aside then while picking me up embraced me in a hug.

"Missed-you-too!" I squeaked being squeezed too tight around my ribs.

After we had finished the greetings we started to head towards the large open doors and into the jostling corridor which smelled off way too much teenage B.O mixed with a scent of air freshener (but that was hardly noticeable). Everyone was gathered in their friendship groups gossiping, laughing and generally just having a good time. It was way too crowded though- almost too crowded to remember what it looked like before we left for summer break. Along the corridors, we chatted to pass time to the office where we got to pick up our time tables for the year.

Junior Year…

Almost as soon as we got them, we started crossing our fingers to if we have a class with one another so we read the list to every little detail…



M: French, Math, English, Art, History

T: Math, Art, English, History, History

W: English, Math, Science, French, French

T: Science, Science, Math, English, Art

F: Art, Art, History, Science, French


M: French, Math, Science, Drama, Geography

T: Math, Drama, Science, Geography, Geography

W: Science, Math, English, French, French

T: English, English, Math, Science, Drama

F: Drama, Drama, Geography, English, French


M: German, Math, English, Law, History

T: Math, Law, English, History, History

W: English, Math, Science, German, German

T: Science, Science, Math, English, Law

F: Law, Law, History, Science, German


M: Math, Science, Spanish, Gym, Geography

T: Science, Gym, Spanish, Geography, Geography

W: Spanish, Science, English, Math, Math

T: English, English, Science, Spanish, Gym

F: Gym, Gym, Geography, English, Math

"Aww!" Herc moaned, "I barely have any classes with you guys!"

"Hey," Laf replied, "you have English and Geography with moi!"

"Really?" Herc compared both sheets, "Oh yeah!"

"Hey John!" Aaron caught my attention, "We have Math, History, English and Science!"

"Hell yeah!" I almost shouted, giving him a high five.

"Laf! We have French and Math!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Oui! Oui! C'est génial! And Aaron, we have Math!" They both cheered.

"This is so unfair!" Hercules complained.

"Hey don't blame us because you chose 'Gym' as a subject!" Aaron joked causing us all to laugh.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Herc questioned generally confused but we all just shot him an, 'Are you serious?' look. "Oh." He started balling out laughter too.

"Come on, let's head up, we've all got our lessons on floor two!" I recommended and we followed up the stairs- still just chatting about life, holidays, recent celebrity uploads and post's.

"Hey," Herc said breaking the conversation, "What's Angelica doing as a Senior? She was in our year last year?"

"Oh... yeah…" Burr trailed off, "I was meant to get that spot but she got a grade better than me in my final German test… So she moved up… Same with her other sister…"

"Who?" I questioned, "Eliza?"

"Yeah, she's now in our year and her Sister, Peggy, is a Sophomore. All of them moved up an extra year…" Aaron answered.

"Wow." I spoke, "That's some sister power."

"More like Schuyler power…" Burr trailed off.

"What do you mean? You don't think their Dad 'paid the school off', do you?" I continued, keeping our voices low.

"It's highly unlikely but there is always a chance…"

From that point, all of us just starred at Angelica, probably looking like total freaks, but it was quite unusual for all three of them to move at the same time… Mind you, they did have extremely good wits about them so, like Burr said, it was highly unlikely… Right?

My gaze on Ange started to steadily drift to her right, hidden in the shadows a… boy?

"Guys look!" I pointed towards this short, skinny boy that stood gloomily in between two lockers. I couldn't get a good image of his features, but I could see the way his mid-length, thick, silky brown hair purposefully drooped over the side of his pale skinned face (too pale to be normal)- hiding himself away from the world. The dark-green hoody he wore was frayed at the sleeves and not a very good fit, along with his dark-blue jeans that dropped lower than his uncommon, nimble ankles. You could only just see the edge of his scruffy, scuffed trainers peeking out underneath the trousers as he shuffled uncomfortably in the oversized clothing- the soles of the shoes almost falling off. Just out the pocket of his hoody, I noticed some white, string headphones leading to his ears obviously playing a tune with a beat as he subtly nodded his head to the rhythm. "Do you think he's new?"

"Oui! I mean, I haven't seen him before… So, it's likely." Lafayette spoke looking at Aaron for an answer, "Do you think he's in our year?"

"Well, has anyone left our year?" I questioned logically, looking at Aaron too.

"I suppose Angelica moved up but Eliza took her place…" Burr answered, "Hang on a sec! George Fredrick left to join that fancy private school before summer break remember?"

"Oh yeah!" I recalled, "Thank god!" We all gave out a laugh at my truthful bluntness…

"So, do you think that kid replaced him?" Herc questioned.

"It's definitely possible." Burr said in the smart way he usually spoke.

All our eyes seemed to drift in sync to where the small, fragile boy hid. Soon enough, our idiocy was caught as this boy looked up and our eyes met- more specifically mine and his. His colour-drained face was well ovalized which made his features stand out well. His lips were- like his skin- unhealthily pale yet they shared a nice balance between thick and thin. It spread about two and a half centimeters away from the crevasses at the edge of is nostrils which connected to a small, dainty nose. His flat eyebrows were naturally neat and to a perfect length of a way past the verge of his slightly open mouth. But it was the eyes the caught me off guard… It's always the eyes, isn't it? His eyes reached in deep and shone back almost an exact reflection of the commotion around us. It was hard to make out his large gapping pupils as his iris was such a dark shade of brown that it also contains small flickers of actual black, sparking the eyes contents.

In that spilt second though, his pale cheeks grew which seemed impossibly dimmer. His eyes grew extremely wide in fright and his colorless lips grew apart as if he had to take long, deep breaths. Flustered and terrified, he whipped his hood above his head and vanished into the jungle of jostling teens- far away from the place he had stood in silence only a few moments before.

Who is that kid? I wondered in my subconscious but more importantly… Why did I care so much?

The four of us just stood and closed into ourselves in an awkward silence. I can only imagine, every one of us can hear the same nudging question, ringing a constant, irritating bell in the realms of our rattling thoughts.

Though despite our quiet, the school bell then howled along the corridors, vaulting from the crooks and echoing a brain washing melody towards every student, signaling them to head to the first lesson of the school year. People either purposefully shoved by us or in an accidental rush- still we stood motionless. That kid had somehow kept us all noiseless and motionless- heck! Even Laf had nothing to say for once! So I spoke up,

"Come on Laf, we don't wanna be late for French…"

He simply just nodded his head and took a step to my side.

"We better head off too… And hey, I'll see you and Laf in Math!" Burr lightened the mood.

"At break, I'll meet you guys at the Ivy Tree Wall 'K?" Herc happily said starting to walk to his Spanish class.

"Sounds good Mon Amie! Come on John."

"Alright, see you guys!" I yelled after Aaron and Herc.

"Later!" "Later!" They both called back as we all took a step towards the next hour of a lecture.

As me and Laf entered the class, we noticed that other than a few students, we were one of the first to enter. In French class with Ms. Sally Lamb (though we addressed her as Ms. Lamb) there were four rows, and on each row, you had six desks (it was like that in most classes if I'm honest). Me and Laf sat ourselves down on the right-hand side of the third row back- as all the back-row seats were taken.

Since Laf had grown up in fluent French this lesson was quite a bore to him. Also he once told me that it reminded him too much of his old home… As a child before he was adopted by The Washington's, moving to Virginia was a very hard move. I remember for the first few years I was his only friend… Mainly because I was the only kid in our Middle School that could speak fluent French already. Through middle school he was made to drop some less important lessons just to go to frequent private English sessions, plus his social workers had also forced him take two-hour tutoring sessions after school every Monday to Friday- which meant that Saturday was the only day of which we could hang out. On the days he was free, we would usually go to the cinema, study or just have late night sleep overs (always at his house). George and Martha Washington, were very calm about these sorts of things and occasionally took us both out on trips to the beach or a local faire ground. Within the first couple of months that he was adopted, it wasn't just hard on Lafayette, the Washington's struggled too. Even just a "Can you pass the salt please?" was a struggle and personally, I don't know how they had gotten though it… So to make sure Laf didn't feel as left out, George and Martha took basic French lessons to improve communications with their new son. If I'm honest- this was the only time I had seen Laf so quiet. To him, it must have been so daunting. A new country… New people… New language… And a completely new life to adjust too…

However, Laf was a very fast learner… He learned to speak a whole new language fluently in just over two months! And soon became a friend to everyone in our middle school! This is where we met Herc…

I think it was a Tuesday in 8th grade that we had ran into each other. Lafayette was charming everyone as usual making my eyes roll sarcastically at his cheesy flirts. Back then my brown curls had reached just past my shoulders- unlike the way they now tickle my mid-back whenever I slightly sway- and that day I remember this was the first time I had it tied up. Being the joker he is, he wouldn't stop talking about my new look. Laf has never, more so, I don't believe will ever give out a hurtful insult, therefore it wasn't the mean kind of talking more like how good it looks and how it makes my face shape stand out more. But his silly antics somehow made him walk backwards with a lunch-tray to talk to me, instead of walking beside me like a normal person would! But that had to be far too hard for Laf! The Laf who was far from normal! He was jabbering non-stop while I scanned the canteen for the location of our usual table. He continued his ranting- me only half listening- until I heard him scream, a sudden crash and groans of pain. Almost giving myself whiplash, my head lashed down to the floor where Laf and another tall, well-built, muscular boy sat both rubbing different body limbs from the fall. Soon realizing his mistake Laf shot up and offered his hand to the boy (who we now know as Hercules Mulligan). Herc was new to the school at that point, so we suggested he sat with us and that basically sealed our strong friendship.

Burr, however, we met in Freshman year. Herc was always the sporty type, so he (stereotypically) struggled with his logical subjects. Aaron was assigned to tutor him for Math and Science every Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunch time. After a couple of weeks, they became close and started to have more friendly conversations. Herc had learned that Aaron's only friend was a girl called Theodosia though she often hung out with Angelica Schuyler during school time and the other sisters after school and weekends so Aaron only really had the library and his text books. Herc, being the kind, warm hearted teen he was, offered for him to hang out with us at the park after school. Me and Aaron grew particularly closer than the rest (yet Lafayette and I would always stay extremely close due to the past). Though I didn't choose Law as a subject, it still interested me quite a bit and that started off most of our early conversations.

Now I think about it, it was quite unique how our friendships were sealed. We all offered something to the other. I offered Laf I friendly face. He then offered Herc a helping hand. Herc then offered Burr an opportunity to meet new people. After that, Burr then offered his knowledge to us all as finals arrived.

Our fours friendship was titanium. Unbreakable. Resilient. Indestructible. And we all loved it.

"John mon amie!" Laf snapped me away from the back-track of my memories. Had I really been thinking for that long? As I looked up, the room was now packed- with the exception of Ms. Lambs table and a desk next to me. "Look! It's that kid again!"

He wasn't wrong… Almost imitating a lost lamb on a dark winters night, he stumbled in his slack clothing through the door and logically stared around the room, tracing his vision back to the empty desk next door to me. Like just a few minutes ago, our eyes locked and I managed to pull a slight, warm smile towards this intriguing boy. My hand gestured welcomingly to empty seat next to me. His eyes darted from me to the spare table and he tentatively sat down, faintly smiling as he pulled out seat, letting his shoulders slightly relax. We lost eye contact then pulled out the books and pens needed for the lesson. I gently looked back up at him and wondered silently.

Who is that kid?

The only way to know is to try…

"H…Hey!" The boy zipped his head up and jumped back away slightly at my warm words. Those large brown eyes widened as his mouth slightly parted to let new air in faster. He never said anything. Was I meant to say something? I allowed my lungs to inhale a short breath for a short sentence but was abruptly cut off my Ms. Lamb storming in the class just after the last ring of the late bell.

"Silencieux! Silencieux! S'installer en juniors! Maintenant sortez vos nouveaux livres et copiez la date et le titre."

We both flipped back to our books, trying to look busy. The lesson drowned on for what seemed like forever and I was practically fore-saying everything that was predicted. Me and Laf every now and then mouthed the foretold word to each other, holding in chuckles. At one point Ms had thought she caught us out but we both replied with purely on-point French, which caught the attention from other students. But just the normal, childish taunts of the poufy haired boy that sat behind us…

Thomas freaking Jefferson.

For most of the past two years, our group had learned how to ignore the negative criticisms that he and his other tormentors picked at.

His devoted follower- James Maddison!

The school's biggest player- James Reynolds!

And the lead abuser… The guy who must have some record to be the biggest ass of Virginia- Charles friggin' Lee!

It wasn't just us though, many other people experienced this. And unfortunately, some innocent people were caught up in it too… Like a kid named 'Samuel Seabury'. He was the definition of teacher's pet. An annoying kid who thought he was better than everyone else but he was harmless… His friend though, 'George Fredrick', had been friends with Reynolds throughout Sophomore year so that had Seabury sucked in too… He was now forced to forge absence notes and copy extra class notes for them when they either skipped class or occasionally, a whole day. Poor kid…

Also a girl named Maria Reynolds, James Reynolds's twin sister… This was one of the worst cases… I had known Maria for a while in Elementary and had even introduced her to Laf a couple of times. She was really sweet, kind and caring to everyone though she did have quite and out-going, rebellious personality. Unfortunately, her brother was mixed in with the wrong kind of people and foolishly dragged her with him… I know that some terrible things have happened to her to protect her brother but… She was always vague… It really did worry me…

Even Angelica had something to do with Thomas… They dated at one point and that is what got her in this horrific group… She was either getting information for them, coming up with schemes or giving them money for whatever they needed. Of what I had spoken to Ange, she was very blunt, quick witted, strong, independent, a full on feminist and extremely intelligent. She only had one weakness that I could only assume… Her sisters… She would do anything to keep them safe and happy- even if that meant helping Thomas every now and again…

"Ok les étudiants, faites vos valises!" Ms. Lamb shouted over the top of our noisy chattering… Chattering of all except from that boy…

"Ok students, pack your bags!"

Many of the other students stuffed everything in their bags and ran out the door, whereas I carefully placed everything in a particular position to preserve all my important treasures.

"Oh, hurry up will you!" Laf complained. I just rolled my eyes and slipped the satchel over my left shoulder so it didn't tug my long curls.

"So," He started as we headed only a few doors up the busy traffic of students, "what do you think of that kid?"

"Huh?" I replied, perplexed.

"You were looking at him through the whole of French mon amie!"

"I'm sure you're over stressing this." I said in denial.

"Mmm-hmm…" He muttered, "Come on! Spill the beans what were you thinking?!"

"I just was wondering who he was and why he looked… Well the way he looks…"

"I'm lost."

"I mean how pale, and skinny he is! I don't think that's healthy for him… And his clothes! It looks like he hasn't been bought anything in years!"

"Oui… I do admit, his clothes were a bit frayed…"

"Poor kid…" I mumbled to my own ears…

"Hey guys!" Aaron yelled across the corridor, directing all attention to us for a split second, "Wait up!"

"Hey Burr!" I said giving him a high five.

"You'll never guess who we have for German!"

"Who?" Laf played along.

"Mr. Nelson!"

"Aww, lucky! We have Ms. Lamb…" I slightly complained as we arrived at the Math.

"She's not the worst you could of have though."

"I guess…" I admitted. We all chose the seats in the second row with me in between them both. It only took a few minutes before Mr. Lowfine entered the class cutting out the silence almost at an instant. I looked around the class for that boy- he was nowhere… I felt an unusually strange feeling of disappointment spark in the pit of my stomach.

Why? He was just a stranger! Stop it John! You're being stupid!

I shook away the feeling but felt a new sensation in my stomach… Hunger… God damn it! I forgot breakfast! I let out a loud sigh, earning a few strange looks from the girl in the front row. I didn't care- I just drifted my eyes to the clock hanging above Lowfine's head as he drummed the tip of his pen frustratingly against the desk.

This was going to be a long day…

Authors Note: Well come to my new Hamilton story! This chapter was way longer than I expected it to be! So I can't promise they'll be like this in the future! I will try my hardest to upload as frequently as I can, but to make them faster, please leave your reviews! I do love the 'Great job keep it up!' type of reviews, though I would really love it if you said specifically what's good and then pick out on bits to improve on! That would make me very Satisfied!


This chapter may have been slow, but I can promise that the next chapter will be VERY dramatic!

So please follow this story if you enjoyed and:


I can speak for every author when I say these reviews can make our day so much brighter! They also can give the boost needed to write Non-Stop and get the story out faster!

Oh and a little Easter egg here… Do you notice the name of the French teacher 'Ms. Sally Lamb'… Yep that's a 'What Did I Miss?" reference!

Anyway, please leave your thoughts and I will get Chapter Two out soon x

-L.E-Rae _x_