Hey, guys. I hope you enjoyed my Sonic Forces fanfic, "Illusions and Cold Hard Truths". I have to tell you, I REALLY should have planned this out from the get-go. I guess I was afraid of the fact that my mind would go blank while staring at a blank piece of paper (this always happens to me!), so whatever original plans I had were thrown out the window. Sigh…

Anyway, you're probably wondering what I was thinking when I made this story. Well, I was thinking, "What if Infinite was to mess with the minds of some people before trying to destroy the Resistance with the Sun?" Sooo I decided to write down whatever came to mind… after the original fighting scene with Infinite and his clones of Shadow, Chaos, Zavok and Metal Sonic.

And from there, I wrote down whatever came to mind… with some writer's block to deal with. Originally, I was going to make Tails dream about Sonic berating him for what he failed to do (kind of like that YouTube video where the Toads scold Princess Peach for doing nothing to help), or have Tails remember what he failed to do and apologise to Sonic for it. Something like a deleted scene from Sonic Forces. I couldn't go through with it because I thought it was going to be terrible.

In case you guys don't understand which video I'm referring to, type down 'SMB Legendary Warrior episode 2' on YouTube, click on the VERY FIRST video and go to 7:12.

For those of you wondering what happened to the four characters (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Shadow), let me tell you this: they are not – repeat, NOT – dead. I could make up a chapter where the characters go through a Heroic BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) shortly before snapping out of it, buuut I don't think I can make it sound good so I won't be taking that risk. Sorry. :-(

The reason I am saying this is because someone was confused about what happened to the characters after suffering from their nightmarish illusions, so I hope this clears this up for you. Just to let you guys know, this is NOT a new chapter. It's an announcement and my thanks to you guys for letting me know your thoughts and opinions on this story.

Thank you guys SO much for reading, and take care. ;-)