He went limp on the bed, feeling Fox collapse on top of him. Enjoying the warmth of him, Alex let himself drift off to sleep.

Alex awoke to a soft, cool sensation on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Fox cleaning his cooling cum from him, running a sponge between his pecs and across his muscled stomach.

He closed his eyes and leaned back, simply enjoying the feeling. Especially when the hand started to go lower.

Before it could go too far, however, Fox stopped. Alex opened his eyes to see him simply putting everything away, even going so far as to slip a pair of boxers onto Alex.

Alex frowned, but didn't grumble.

"It's bedtime, Cub. We'd bother everyone if we went for another round right now," Fox explained, wrapping his arms around Alex and dragging him under the covers.

"I'm not a teddy bear," Alex muttered, but didn't resist. Fox just snuggled him harder, placing gentle kisses on his forehead.

"Go to sleep, Cub."

"Fine." Alex returned the hug and closed his eyes for the last time that night.

-line break-

Alex awoke with a problem - y'know, down there - that Fox refused to acknowledge. That basically summed up most of his morning.

Alex, too prideful (read: embarrassed) to ask for help, but aware enough of the rules to know that he wasn't allowed to deal with his problem himself, sat very uncomfortably at the breakfast table.

The four men smirked at him over their cornflakes occasionally, trying to bait him into asking them for help, but he remained silent.

"So guys," Fox said. "Big news. Cub lost his virginity yesterday!"

Eagle snorted. "We heard that, thanks. Cub's not exactly quiet."

Alex flushed, but said nothing.

"Cub." Alex looked up at Wolf's voice. "What does this mean, limit-wise?"

Alex's eyes widened at the thought of doing that while wearing the collar. His problem ached at the idea. "I think I'm comfortable with whatever."

"He tried blowjobs as well," Fox interjected. Smirking at Alex's red face he added, "Not bad at it, or at anything else we did last night."

The men turned back to their cornflakes, all very happy that they were no longer just playing with Cub or watching him squirm. Several of them pictured him pleasuring them, simply loving the idea.

Eventually, Alex remembered that he did have a way to ask for help with his problem. He slipped back into the kinky room, taking his collar out from where he had left it, pulled it on and returned to the kitchen, waiting to be ravaged.

The stares he recieved as he entered the room were a relief, though they did make his problem worse, somewhat. He sat back down in his seat, relaxing as he felt a tongue on his neck. Finally.

Except, it wasn't what he was looking for. His mouth was smothered in a kiss as fingers felt his chest, occasionally fingering a nipple, but no one even went as far as his lower stomach. It was infuriating, but he wasn't about to beg them. Not today, he had decided.

He tensed as the hands started to slip lower, brushing through the trail of pubic hair, pressing on his hipbones, slipping a few fingers below his waistband, tickling his crack. Someone pressed their chest into his back, but they wore a shirt. Alex turned around to fix it, but the man, Snake, stepped away as he reached for his buttons. There was a man on every side of him, pressing in everywhere, touching, feeling, stimulating, but refusing to go any further.

Then, suddenly, all at once, the four departed, left him alone, to deal with his now aching problem.

He glowered at them.

"Yes, Toy?" Eagle smirked, coy. "Do you need any help?"

Alex remained silent and looked away from them. He was not going to beg today.

He gasped in surprise as someone grabbed at his neglected organ, stroking it, still hidden beneath his boxers. Alex glanced down to see Fox, who had snuck up on him while he was distracted by Eagle. Alex couldn't find it in himself to care about the trickery, too focused on the building sensations, spasms of pleasure wracking through him, dragging towards the brink. He let out a low moan, ready to finally come.

Then Fox let go and turned away. No!

At that moment, Alex no longer gave a damn about the rules. He'd finish it himself, if they wouldn't do it for him.

His own touch wasn't nearly as satisfying as theirs, but he knew it would do the trick for him. He smiled as he felt a familiar feeling coiling in his stomach.

"Cub!" A hand smacked his forearm, dragging it away from where it was needed the most.

"Hey!" he turned to see his saboteur, Wolf, grab his other hand, which had been drifting towards his cock so that he could finish the job.

"You know the rules, Toy," Wolf growled, his eyes filled not with anger, but a gleeful malevolence. "I guess this means you have to be punished."

Alex swallowed, watching Snake come in from the kinky room with Alex's cuffs dangling on his fingers.

Wolf pinned Alex on the table, forcing his hands behind his back. Behind him, one of the men tutted, "Jacking off in the middle of the kitchen, Toy? Have you no manners? And without permission, too." Alex thought he could hear the men shaking their heads at him in disaproval.

The cuffs were strapped securely onto his wrists, which were forced together. Alex tried to fight the men, but got nowhere.

Wolf grabbed one of the hooks on his collar, using it to yank him along behind him into the Kinky Room. Alex was pushed roughly to his knees, and a leash attached his collar to a hook of metal set into the floor next to the bed, most likely for that very purpose. He saw several more hooks scattered around the room, the closest one two feet away from him.

The men left Alex to confer over by the shelves on the other side of the room, which Alex couldn't see because of the bed. Despite his desperate tugging, he couldn't lift his head high enough to see what they were up to, what they were planning for his punishment.

He listened carefully, and managed to pick out a little of their quiet conversation:

"We should try the..."

"Yes, but we haven't..."

"Oh, that's cruel!"

"Should I just use my hand?"

"...yeah but he'd like that!"

"What if we...?"

They trailed off into laughter, creating a pit of worry in Alex's stomach.

The four walked around the bed and stared at him, some with lust, some with glowers, all with evil intent. Alex swallowed.

Items were placed on the bed out of his line of sight. Fox and Wolf advanced on the helpless teen, while Eagle and Snake took their leave. The two remaining men dragged Alex, struggling fiercely, across the floor so that he was sprawling, and took his boxers, smirking the evidence of his arousal.

Cuffs forced his ankles together, and after a few moments they were immobilised altogether - Alex deduced that they had been attached to the other hook.

He paused, panting, to gather his bearings, and found himself lying parallel to the bed with a lot of slack, but no chance of escape. A blindfold around his eyes took away his bearings, then the slack was taken as one of the men sat down on the bed and grabbed him around the waist.

Alex was lying at almost a ninety degree angle across someone's lap, with little to no slack left. He struggled, and the arm around his waist tightened, holding him in place.

He was expecting a punishment, and he was utterly defenceless.

"What are you going to do?" he asked, and was proud that he didn't stutter.

A loud, harsh, painful smack on his ass answered him. Delight and dread churned in his stomach. Alex was still rock solid, but felt like he was going to throw up at the same time.

"Be quiet, Toy," said Wolf above him. He was the one holding him then. "If you're not, I'll have to gag you."

Alex shivered, wanting to keep some defense during his ordeal. He wisely kept his mouth shut.

"Be aware that I'm counting moans as well, Toy. One sound and that's it."

Alex nodded, but gave no other confirmation. Everything suddenly seemed a lot harder (no pun intended).

A warm, dry hand caressed his ass, feeling the smooth, taut skin of the intimate area. The hand left for a moment, then returned slick. Alex tensed. He knew at that moment that he was in for far more than a spanking.

A spanking. Though Alex had been well aware of Wolf's intentions, he hadn't voiced it to himself before then. Just thinking the word sent a rush of arousal through him. He held back a moan and forced himself to stay still, even as he wanted to squirm against Wolf and get some delicious friction.

The hand continued to simply feel for a moment, slipping up and down his crack and painting the lube on his entrance over and over again while refusing to press into it, but Alex quickly realised why - it wasn't ordinary lube. The tingling sensation was mild at first, but increased in strength whenever the skin wasn't being stroked. It was impossible to have some part of his skin not burning, aching for a soothing touch, as the hand continued with its gentle ministrations.

Through all of this Alex managed, somehow, to stay silent and still. Well, almost silent. He was certain his lip was bleeding, he'd been biting it so hard to keep himself from moaning at the simple touch.

Eventually, Wolf's hand stopped, and Alex tried not to whimper as the burning came at him full force. "You've been very good today, Pet," Wolf's dry hand was stroking his hair, "Is there anything you would like as a reward? I won't lift your punishment, but perhaps you would like a present? You may speak."

Pet? Alex's mind was whirring at all the things Wolf had said, but found it difficult to focus. A thumb rubbed circles just at the top of his crack, refusing to move down further and allieviate the rest of the burning. Alex tried to think of what he wanted, while Wolf touched him patiently. He could ask for more, but he suspected that he was getting that soon anyway. Asking for no gags or for fewer smacks would probably make things worse - he could tell that he wasn't allowed to avoid his punishment. No, he didn't want to get out of Wolf's good books yet...he could try to get himself in them further however.

"Please can I pleasure you, Sir?" Alex forced himself to keep his tone compliant. Wolf would definitely go easier on him if he was coming undone himself.

"What do you mean by that, Pet? You may speak."

"Whatever you like, Sir." The teasing thumb swept over his hole as a reward for his words.

"Address me as 'Master', Pet. How would you like to pleasure me? You may speak."

"If you would allow me to, Master, I want to - to suck you, please?"

"You may, Pet. Do a good job and I might let you come later."

Alex shivered at the thinly veiled threat. He felt like he was supposed to thank Wolf, but he hadn't been given permission to speak.

Wolf unhooked the leash from the floor, taking it in one hand, while grabbing Alex by his hair with the other hand and guiding him to his knees. Alex's legs were still held in place and his hands were stuck behind his back. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to do this when he couldn't even see either.

Wolf's hand in his hair guided him towards his cock, still hidden behind a layer of denim. Alex nuzzled against it, but wasn't sure of how to get to it.

"You wanted it, Pet, you fetch it. If you want some advice, though, use your teeth on the zip." Oh, God, this is so demeaning. Alex didn't care though - after that first session with Fox, he was almost as excited to touch Wolf as Wolf was, and Alex's quarry, seperated from him only by fabric, told him that he was very, very excited.

By feeling around with his nose and tongue, Alex managed to locate the zip, and dragged it down as slowly as he dared, half scared to lose it if he went too quickly, half wanting to make Wolf wait. This was the closest thing he had had to any measure of power, and he wasn't about to give it up so quickly.

He wasn't given a choice however. As soon as Wolf's cock sprung free, it was sliding into his mouth. Alex almost pulled away, but managed to keep himself in place. Alex felt around the hot, throbbing object with his tongue, taking more and more into his mouth as he went. He felt it hit his throat and stopped, but Wolf didn't. He pushed it further, forcing Alex into a crash course in deepthroating. Alex supressed his gag reflex and made himself relax. His throat convulsed around Wolf, who groaned at it, the first sound of pleasure Alex had heard from him.

After a few seconds, Wolf pulled away, checking that Alex was okay and giving him a chance to take a few breaths, and then pushed himself back towards the tightness at the back. He waited there until Alex moved forwards, pushing Wolf inside, then assisted him by pulling his hair and leash. Alex choked in surprise at the tugging, and Wolf relished in the feeling, before he pulled back.

The back and forth continued, with them quickly establishing a rhythm. Wolf debated with himself over whether or not to spend himself now or wait for later, but he doubted he'd be able to wait long enough, seeing as he had a few things to do with Cub before he was going to get his reward.

With that thought, he allowed himself to come right down Cub's throat. The teen swallowed eagerly, licking at his cock for any excess cum to clean up.

Wolf pulled him off of his sensitive cock by his hair and put himself away. "Very good, Pet. I think you just halved your spanking time. I've got a present to give you first though." Wolf sat himself back down on the bed. "Lie over my knees." Alex complied unthinkingly, much to Wolf's delight, and allowed his leash to be clipped back into place, holding him still once again. Wolf stroked his ass again as a reward.

"So, Pet, explain to me why I have to punish you. You may speak."

"I broke one of the rules, Master."

"Which rule? You may speak."

"I - I touched myself, Master."

"Yes. You realise that you have no right to do that. You belong to us, to me, not to yourself," his hand paused in its stroking and squeezed Alex's flesh painfully, digging his nails into him. "You aren't allowed to touch your body because it is not your body, it is mine. Do you understand? You may speak."

Alex shivered at the idea. It was how he always felt when he put on the collar, that he was an object. "I understand, Master: I belong to you, and to the unit. I shouldn't have tried to pleasure myself when it is my duty to pleasure you. If you had believed that I deserved it, the pleasure would have been given to me. I'm sorry, Master."

"You can show me just how sorry you are, Pet. Tell me, how many smacks do you think you deserve? You may speak."

Alex swallowed. He had no idea. If he said too low, Wolf would be angry with him, if he said too high, it could be beyond his limits. Still, best to avoid an angry Wolf, and go for a high number. Or, at least, what seemed like a high number. "I think I deserve thirty, Master."


"Yes, Master."

Alex winced at a harsh slap. "I didn't give you permission to speak!"

Alex bit his tongue to keep himself from apologizing.

"I was going to offer you twenty, Toy, but I think thirty will do the trick after all." Wolf fell silent after that, his hand unmoving on Alex's ass. "And you know what: I think I'm done with speaking to you. Your mouth has other talents, of course, but I don't need a blowjob right now."

Wolf pulled Alex's hair to lift his head, and pushed something rubber between his teeth. Alex groaned to himself as Wolf buckled it in place. He's worked so hard to get into Wolf's good books and two words had brought it all crashing down.

Once Alex had been made completely helpless, with the gag completing the bondage, Wolf's hand started moving again. Alex tensed as more lube dripped into his crack, burning it again, and Wolf started touching his hole, his fingers so close to entering it that Alex started wriggling in Wolf's lap. Why should he to stay still now? Restrain himself when he was already restrained?

"Do you want to make it forty, Toy?"

Oh, yeah. That's why.

Alex forced himself to keep still, even as Wolf began preparing him. The burning, tingling sensation was inside him, delicious and painful and far too much. Keeping still was becoming difficult, especially when Wolf's fingers nudged that sweet spot inside him.

Wolf pulled two fingers out of Alex, placing something else at his entrance. Alex relaxed in preparation for the plug, but found it to be very small. He was momentarily confused, then something else, slightly larger, pushed in. It was when the third entered him that he realised it wasn't a plug of any kind, it was beads. Alex vaguely recalled the necklace-like object from when they'd been looking through the bags, about ten beads, each one bigger than the last, all strung together. Alex would guess that bead number seven and upwards were larger than any plug he had taken, and that nine and ten were larger than the head of Fox's cock, while the first few were very small, number one being the size of a grape.

Alex's thought process was disrupted by the fourth bead, which was larger than Wolf's two thick fingers, then he got it back on track.

The sizes of nine and ten meant that he was going to take things larger than anything he had taken before, all in quick succession, while he was already being filled by the previous beads, which shifted inside him whenever a new one was added.

The fifth bead stretched him thoroughly, about the same size as a medium plug, as it pushed the others in further than any plug had ever gone.

Alex couldn't help shifting on Wolf's lap as one of the beads rubbed him in the perfect spot, and he heard him chuckle.

A hand reached beneath him, touching his aching cock just long enough to attach a ring, which seemed almost painful against his desire. How long had he been aroused for? It had to have been an hour, at least - he knew it was since he woke up.

"There," Wolf murmered almost lovingly, "we wouldn't want you coming prematurely, now would we?"

Alex swallowed a groan of frustration, but let out a different kind of moan as bead numbers six and seven were pushed into him, one immediately after the other.

"Just three left, Toy, and then we can get on with your punishment."

Alex almost felt like crying. They hadn't even started his punishment, and he'd already been there for so long. He wasn't sure how much longer he could go on for.

He winced in pain as number eight was pushed in, stretching him far. Wolf stopped halfway through pushing it in, just to cause him pain. Alex swallowed a sob of relief when it kept moving. He was shocked that there was even still room inside of him, the beads just kept going and going, further and further into him. Some of them felt like they were in his belly, they were in so deep.

"There'll be another surprise for you when we're done with this bit, Toy," Wolf murmured in his ear, so close to him that his breath shifted his hair. "I can't wait to watch you writhe in agony and pleasure. You always look so...weak. I can play you like a harp and you just cry for me and you can't do a thing about it."

Wolf yanked his hair back as he forced the ninth one in. Alex moaned in pain and pleasure - this was larger than anything he had ever taken before. Alex felt himself swallow the bead greedily, and was already wracked with desire for the next one. The last one. The biggest thing he had ever seen.

Alex wriggled his ass up at Wolf to communicate his desire. He knew it was a risk, but he had a feeling that Wolf was becoming more interested in making him happy than punishing him anymore. (This theory was based on the hard object pressing into his stomach.) He simply heard Wolf chuckle at him again, before he began to push.

Alex tensed, then went limp, then tensed again, disoriented by stars flashing scross his vision and the pain that swirled into pleasure. It was too much, but it only made him desire more. A low moan escaped him, muffled by the gag but still audible. It just kept going and going, so large it seeked to take an eternity to enter him. Everything inside him pushed and rubbed and shifted, pressing against every spot and grinding into his sweet spot. Then he felt himself close around it, sucking it inside him, though he remained stretched by the handle, which was around the girth of bead number five.

"Ready for your surprise, Toy?" Alex heard the sound of a switch flicking, and, suddenly, confusion reigned. Inside him he was cold, he was warm, he was vibrating, he was wriggling. Something swelled and shrank and swelled again. The smallest three beads seemed to curl in on themselves, then stretch out again, pushing against everything. The largest bead and the handle vibrated, stimulating his opening.

Alex lost himself in the many sensations, squirming in Wolf's lap and crying out. He tried to beg around the gag. He tugged on the cuffs. Tears of frustration slipped down his cheeks when he found himself incapable of coming.

Apex eventually surrendered to it, going limp, letting himself drift away from consciousness while he tried to adjust to the many, wonderful, feelings.

Then a hard smack on his ass shook everything out of place. Alex screamed as it shifted inside him, feeling like he was being torn apart by sensation. It was all too much.


It took a second before Alex could connect his brain to what he had just heard. One. Out of thirty.

A second strike brought on another wave of torture. Wolf was not even close to gentle. Then a third, a fourth, a fifth and Alex was crying becsuse it was so good and he couldn't do anything and it was so much and he wanted more.

At eight his ass started to hurt.

At twelve he noticed the pain more than the pleasure.

At twenty he stopped noticing the shifting inside him completely in favour of the pain.

At twenty five Alex was begging Wolf to stop.


Wolf removed the gag. Fingertips brushed over his cock. "Last one, Toy. Beg me for it."

Alex, his mind a swirling mess of emotion and stress and hormones, didn't even consider refusing Wolf, "Please, Master, please, give it to me, I need it, I want anything you want to give me, please, please, I want it, I want it, I'll do anything for it - ohhhhh..."

Just as Wolf struck the final blow, he removed the ring and stroked his Toy once. That was all it took for him to cum, long and hard, all over himself and Wolf.

-line break-

Wolf watched Cub sleep off the effects of his punishment. He hadn't so much as stirred as Wolf untied him, gently removing his collar before cleaning him up and laying him down on the bed, still naked. He lovingly cleaned his cum off of him, knowing it would be uncomfortable if it was allowed to dry.

With a smirk, Wolf hid his clothes, already looking forwards to watching Cub wander around looking for them, wincing at every movement as he shifted the beads that were still inside him. He wouldn't even notice them at the start, as he'd switched them off, but the first movement he made would reveal their presence. And Cub, of course, wouldn't know how to get it out by himself.

He left the collar right in front of Cub, knowing that, when he woke up, he would want to be his Toy again.

-line break-

A/N so this is chapter four. God, I've wanted to write this one for ages, and boy was it difficult. You're welcome. If you have any ideas or requests, please leave them in the comments (I won't be offended if you just comment as a guest, I normally do the same on these types of stories as well sooo...), or of you just want to say what you liked/disliked in this chapter, so I know what to work on in the future.Also, does anyone want to know my other account, where I don't write slash? (The shock of it!) It exists, if anyone cares, but there's a reason I keep the two accounts seperated. Ask me about it if you care.Ta ta for now!