Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Rain fell upon the land of the Land of Fire. The dark clouds and the claps of thunder perfectly captured the mood for three individuals as they slowly made their way across a forest. One was woman wore a tattered black cloak with a red cloud pattern on it, and another one was a man who had on a simple black shirt and pants. The man carried the third one, another man, who was completely naked with the exception of a similar black cloak draped over him. The near naked man had red hair with eyes that possessed a ripple pattern. The orange haired man that carried him had similar eyes with several piercings. The other cloaked figure was a woman with blue hair with a origami flower sitting upon her head.

The redhead was breathing heavily. His frail body that was just skin and bones shook as he tried to maintain his hold on the man carrying him. Said man showed no signs of fatigue, but his body was covered in bruises with blood seeping from a cut on his check. The woman held onto her arm as she limped along behind the two men.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Nagato?" asked the woman.

A mumbling came from the redhead, Nagato, but it was the man carrying him, Pain, that replied, "Under these circumstances, this is the best option we got, Konan."

Konan looked down on the ground solemnly. "How did things turn out like this?"

"Madara has been playing us from the beginning. He only wanted me in the organization so he could keep the Rinnegan close by."

Not long ago, Nagato, suspicious of the man calling himself Madara, eavesdropped on a private conversation that man had with another named Zetsu. He heard many disturbing things in that conversation, such as the fact that he was merely a pawn to the masked man, and that their goals are extremely different from each other.

Refusing to be used as a pawn by Madara, Nagato and Konan launched a surprise attack against him, but the battle did not go as well as they had hoped. Nagato, or rather Pain, had five of his six bodies destroyed by his opponent. The remaining body, as well as Nagato himself and Konan, had taken on severe injuries.

Pain spoke, "I am disappointed that things turned the way they did, but I refuse to go along any further with Madara's plan."

Nagato tightened his grip on the remaining Pain body. In his current state, it was difficult to control the body's movement, but he still had the strength and power to be able to control the body with basic movements on his own.

Eventually, the two arrived at the village of Konohagakure that resided within the middle of the vast forest. They looked up at the giant protective wall that loomed over them. Never had the three of them ever dreamt that they would be coming to this village of all places under these circumstances.

"Nagato, are you really sure?" asked Konan.

Pain in Nagato's place, replied, "As much as I hate Konoha, I want to do everything I can before I die to hinder Madara's plans, even if it means my actions benefit this place."

Pain looked around. The area appeared to be clear, and he did not sense the chakra of any other shinobis around him. He said, "It won't be long before we're noticed. We need to move fast."

With Nagato pushing himself to the limit, Pain and Konan jumped over the walls and across many rooftops of the village within.

A five year old blond with whisker marks on his cheeks sat alone in his room in the dark crying his eyes out. The kid normally does not let himself cry like this, but this time, the tears just kept coming out no matter how hard he tried to fight it. Why? Why did he have to suffer like this?

The day started off good with the hokage treating him to a nice meal at his favourite ramen stand for his birthday. However, the rest of the day was all downhill from there. The adults seemed to be a bit more hateful with the way they spoke to him. And many other kids came, and a few drunk adults, came together and beat him. When he got back to the orphanage, he was sent straight to bed without dinner. He wondered what he ever did to deserve this kind of treatment.

"Y-You seem to be in quite a bit of pain, boy," said a cracked voice.

The kid looked in front of him in shock. Standing before him right in front of a now opened window were three people, Pain, Nagato, and Konan. Konan did her best to keep a strong image, but she was unable to hide a hint of worry. Pain remained stoic. Nagato stared upon the kid with keen interest. His rippled-pattern eyes stared into the kid's sad blue eyes.

"The other kids, and adults too, kept beating on me…And everyone treats me like trash…" the kid replied. "I don't know why though. I've never done anything wrong to them."

After a small coughing fit, Nagato said, "Human beings are petty creatures that can never understand each other. All they can do is just inflict suffering…and pain to others."

The boy did not immediately respond. He had no idea what to say to such a statement. He wanted to believe that there are some good people in the world. After all, the hokage was never cruel to him. However, looking at how all the other people treat him, he cannot deny that there is a bit of truth to the man's words.

"Who are you?" the kid finally asked.

"Who I am is not important," Nagato replied. "All you need to know...is that I am here to give you...a present."

"A birthday present?" the kid asked, his eyes lightening up a little bit.

Nagato's eyes widened slightly. He now remembered that Madara led an attack against this village with the Kyuubi on this day five years ago. How fitting it was for all of this to happen on the kid's birthday. He also wondered how hard the his life must have been so far if he is alone and crying on his birthday. For reason's unknown to the redhead, he replied, "Yes." A bright smile appeared on the blond's face. "I just need you to close your eyes now."

Before the kid had a chance to respond, Nagato formed a hand sign. The kid felt his eyelids suddenly getting heavy. He tried to fight of his sleepiness, wanting to see his present, but his efforts were in vain. He soon fell asleep.

"Genjutsu," Konan commented.

"He doesn't need to be awake for this," explained Pain. "If he were awake, he would scream in pain and alert others of our presence here."

Pain laid Nagato flat on the floor. He then gently picked up the kid and set him down next to Nagato. The redhead watched the boy sleep peacefully. Nagato could not recall the last time he was able to sleep soundly though the night, on his own at least. The only times he could remember sleeping peacefully was when he would fall asleep in Konan's embrace.

Konan got down onto her knees next to Nagato and asked, "Why did you choose to leave the Rinnegan with this child?"

Nagato looked at Konan, and he replied, "He is of the Uzumaki clan...like me...so his body should be strong enough to handle the Rinnegan. Plus...he is the jinchūriki of the Kyuubi. Not only is it fitting that I hide the Rinnegan...into one of Madara's target...but with the help of the Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto Uzumaki should be able to use the Rinnegan…to much greater effects than I ever could."

Konan did her best to remain strong, but she was on the verge of crying. She already lost one friend, someone she considered family. Now she is about to lose the one other person she cared for so much. How can the world be so cruel?

"Konan," Nagato called out. "Thank you…for staying by my side…all of this time."

"You don't need to thank me," said Konan. "All I ever wanted was just to be by yours and Yahiko's side." A few tears trailed down Konan's cheeks, her hands shaking.

"Konan…please don't cry," Nagato requested. "I don't want the last memories I have of you to be with you crying."

Konan wiped away the tears. It was not easy, but she put on the biggest smile she could muster. "Ok," she complied.

Pain walked around the group over to Naruto's side. He quietly took a seat next to the sleeping boy as he pulled out a scroll and set it down next to the sleeping kid. The characters on the scroll read, Powers of the Rinnegan.

Nagato looked at Pain and said, "Thank you for continuing to fight by my side...Yahiko."

The Pain made from Yahiko's deceased body made a kind smile. The ripples in his eyes disappeared and returned to normal brown eyes. The smile disappeared from his face as his head dropped. Konan and Nagato looked at the body sadly, knowing that he will never again move.

"Now, Konan, let's get started."

Konan used her cloak to wipe the blood from her hands. Nagato and Naruto remained lying on the floor with bloodstains around their shut eyes. Naruto continued to sleep even when Nagato began coughing up blood. The attacks that Madara made against Nagato caused too many internal injuries. He and Konan knew that he did not have much time left in this world.

Nagato, despite his world being nothing but darkness now, turned to face the sleeping child. He stated, "It is said…that those who posses the Rinnegan...can bring about great change to the world…I hope that this can bring out a positive change to this world."

"I'm sure he will," said Konan while not really certain whether or not Naruto would actually try to better the world.

Nagato turned his head to face Konan. "Konan…Promise me something…will you?" He asked her.

Konan gently grabbed ahold of Nagato's hand. "What is it, Nagato," she asked gently.

Nagato spoke with a shaky voice, "Even though Yahiko and I won't be around for you anymore…please try to live a long, happy life…for us…please."

Konan's hold on Nagato's hand tightened. How could she be happy if the two she cared for most will no longer be with her? However, with the desire to let her friend die with some peace of mind, she answered strongly, "I will, Nagato."

Nagato smiled, "I'm glad…to hear…"

Konan noticed that Nagato's breathing had stopped. She placed an ear down on his chest, knowing full well what has happened. She heard no heartbeat. Her friend had finally passed away.

"Good night, Nagato," she said solemnly. She stood up and held out her arm. Hundreds of pieces of paper shot out from her sleeve and began to cover Nagato's and Yahiko's body with them. The woman fought with all of her might to stay strong, only letting a tear escape every now and then.

With both bodies completely covered in paper, Konan used the papers to lift both of them up into the air. She started to walk towards the window they entered from with the bodies floating in line behind her. For a moment, she wondered what she was going to do now. Where would she go?

Suddenly, a voice all too familiar to her called out behind her, "Don't move."

Konan froze in place. She did not need to see the speaker to know who it was.

"Well, well, well. Life certainly is full of surprises. I was alerted to the fact that there were intruders in the village. I was a bit worried, so I decided to rush on over here. I never thought I'd see you here though. But I must say, you have grown into quite a beautiful woman, Konan."

Konan slowly turned around to face the speaker. Standing at the door was a man with long white hair wearing green clothes and a red haori with red sandals and a huge scroll strapped to his back. The man has changed a lot since the last time she saw him, but there was no forgetting his face.

"Hello, Jiraya-sensei," Konan greeted flatly.

An older, shorter man wearing plain black battle gear entered the room behind Jiraiya. Even though she never met him, Konan knew who the man was. There probably is not a single person who would not recognize him. His face is carved onto the mountainside after all.

"Hello, Sandaime Hokage," she greeted the newcomer.

The hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, raised an eyebrow curiously. "Tell me, Jiraiya, do you know this woman?" he inquired.

Jiraiya nodded. "She's one of the three kids from Ame that I trained quite some time ago."

Hiruzen continued to eye Konan curiously. It looks like she was not going to make an attempt to attack or escape. If she tried, she would not get very far anyway. There were several ANBU shinobis waiting outside ready to strike if the needed to. One thing that caught both of their attentions were the two bodies wrapped up in paper floating besides her, and Naruto's unconscious body lying on the floor.

Jiraiya rushed over and picked up Naruto gently, cradling him in his arms. Noticing the blood around his eyes and several bruises, he asked with a hint of venom in his voice, "What did you to Naruto, Konan?"

"The bruises were already on his body by the time I got here." Konan replied monotonously. "All I did was just give him something special."

Jiraiya looked over at the two bodies. He would hate to think that his student turned into a killer, but he had to wonder if those were dead Konoha shinobis covered in those wraps. "Now tell me, who are those two that you have wrapped up next to you."

Konan removed the paper from the bodies' heads, revealing Nagato's and Yahiko's faces to Jiraiya and Hiruzen. Jiraiya called out their names with a gasp. It was then he noticed the many bruises covering Konan's body.

Then something clicked in Jiraiya's head. He opened up Naruto's eyes. With a bit of shock in his voice, he said, "Sensei, come look at this."

Hiruzen rushed over to Jiraiya's side. He looked into Naruto's eyes with a gasp. "Is that…"

Jiraiya nodded. "Yes." Naruto's eyes were no longer the normal blue eyes that everyone knew he had. They were now purple with the a ripple pattern on them. "It's the Rinnegan."

He looked back and forth between Naruto, Nagato, and Konan. "Nagato gave Naruto his Rinnegan?"

Konan nodded.

"What happened to you three?" Jiraiya asked sadly. He had hoped that the training he gave the three Ame kids would keep them safe. Now two of them are dead, and the last one is badly injured. He found himself grief-stricken and wishing he could have done more for them.

"Too much," Konan answered with a hint of pain. "War and pain."

"So…What are you going to do now?"

Hiruzen sat in his office, rubbing his temples. The situation with Naruto now possessing the Rinnegan has been the cause of a serious headache for the old man. Oh how he wish the Yondaime Hokage was still alive to cover this job. The old man was really missing his retirement.

He had just got done with a conversation with the other elders of the village. They knew that news about Naruto possessing the rare doujutsu will get out eventually. They agreed that he would need protection now more than anything. Danzo tried to convince Hiruzen to allow him to take Naruto into his Root organization, but Hiruzen denied him. After a while of consideration, Sarutobi did come to a decision. He can only hope that it will work out.

There was a knock at the door and Hiruzen allowed the visitor to enter. A man with pale, white eyes, long black eyes, and a forever stern face entered the room.

"You requested to see me, Sandaime-sama," said the man.

Hiruzen nodded, "That's right. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Hiashi-san."

"It's no problem," Hiashi Hyuga responded. "What do you want to discuss with me?"

The hokage stood up and approached the head of Hyuga clan. "I was hoping you would be willing to take Naruto Uzumaki under your wing."

Hiashi raised a brow curiously. "Isn't he the Kyuubi's jinchūriki?"

"That wouldn't be a problem, would it?" Sarutobi asked somewhat menacingly. It infuriated him whenever someone would look down on Naruto for containing the Kyuubi within him.

Hiashi shook his head. "Not at all, Sandaime-sama," he replied. "Unlike the many other immature people of the village, I hold no ill will towards Naruto Uzumaki. I'm just curious as to why you are asking me to watch over him now after he spent the past five years growing up in an orphanage."

Hiruzen sighed and he walked towards the window, watching the rain pour down upon his village. "There has been incident."

"What kind of incident?"

"Have you heard of the Rinnegan?" Hiruzen asked him.

Hiashi stiffened up at the mention of the Rinnegan. He replied, "Isn't that the doujutsu possessed by the legendary Rikudo Sennin?"

Hiruzen nodded. "Indeed. There was a man who also possessed the Rinnegan. The reason as to how or why he possessed the Rinnegan is unknown. Jiraiya of the Sannin trained him when he was still just a boy. No more than just a few hours ago, that man was at Death's door, and just before he passed away, he passed his Rinnegan over to Naruto Uzumaki."

Hiashi took a moment to process the information that was given to him. It all seemed a bit farfetched to him. He was still in disbelief that the Rinnegan actually exists. Had any other man told him this tale, he likely would not believe them. However, he trusted Hiruzen, and he knew the old man would have no reason to tell him such a thing if it wasn't true.

"So Naruto Uzumaki possesses the Rinnegan now," Hiashi stated. When he got a response from the hokage in the form of a nod, he continued. "So you want me and the Hyuga clan to protect him."

Hiruzen once again nodded. He placed his hands down on the windowsill, leaning slightly forward. "It's easy to keep the fact that Naruto is a jinchūriki from the rest of the villages. However, as far as we know, the Rinnegan doesn't have a deactivated form, so keeping it a secret is impossible, and once word gets out that Naruto possesses the legendary doujutsu, the news will spread like wildfire across every nation. When it does, it's quite likely people from all over the world will start targeting him for such a rare power."

"If you don't mind my asking, but why don't you send him to the Uchiha Clan?" Hiashi inquired. The Hokage's hand's twitched at the mention of the Uchiha. "I would think that the Uchiha would be better suited for taking care of someone with eyes such as the Rinnegan."

Hiruzen sighed as he sat back down in his chair. "I'm going to let you in on a secret, Hiashi. What I am about to tell you, you cannot mention to anyone else. Is that understood?"

Hiashi nodded. "Yes, Sandaime-sama."

The hokage picked up his pipe and took a quick smoke. As he exhaled the smoke, he explained, "The are huge tensions currently between the village elders and the Uchiha Clan. We're trying to settle matters between us peacefully, but I fear that things will get worse before the get better. While it is true that being with the Uchiha would be more beneficial for Naruto as far as the Rinnegan is concerned, I need to think about the village first." He sighed. "I'm reluctant to let the Uchiha get their hands on the Rinnegan, and I also fear Naruto would be in great danger if I send him there anyway. I feel better if he was in the hands of the Hyuga rather than in the hands of the Uchiha."

Hiashi commented, "I didn't realize the situation was this intense with the Uchiha." He bowed to the hokage. "The clan's elders may not approve, but I will do as you ask and take the kid under my wing and protect him." He straightened back up, and he added, "However, I will not tolerate any of his pranks."

Hiruzen smiled. "Thank you, Hiashi. I'll give him a talking to when he wakes up."

Suddenly the door burst in, and a man with a short thick beard entered the room. "Father," the man called out. "We have a bit of a situation."

"What is it, Asuma?" Hiruzen asked with concern evident in his voice.

Asuma Sarutobi took a minute to catch his breath before he answered. "It's Naruto. H-He's awake, and he's terrified."

A/N: There's the first chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it. If you did, a fav and review would be greatly appreciated. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Flaming and hateful reviews will be ignored.

Now onto one thing. I watched/read Naruto primarily through the offically dubbed Manga and Anime. I'm one of few people who prefers Dub over Sub. Now please don't harrass me about that. Just let that be. Anyway, I know very little about the Japanese terms, nicknames, etc. I do know a little due to me reading other Naruto fanfics. If you want to leave a review, or send a PM giving me a list of the Japanese terms I can use for that fanfic, I would greatly appreciate that too.