A/N: I haven't been on this site in well over four years. Crazy how time passes huh? If you're interested in my old stories, I won't be able to continue them. It's been too long. I don't know the characters like I used to and frankly I'd probably just end up rewriting them – which is a hassle aha. Feel free to borrow the story concepts though – just credit me and you're golden. If you're really interested in how some of them end, just message me. I still have the concepts in mind. Just can't put them to words.
Anyways, those stories are not related to this fandom whatsoever so they're not my focus. I've been thinking about this for a while and it's not very original – but I think I can give it my charm to make it enjoyable.
I really like reviews – ESPECIALLY critique. Just let me know what you like or if I make any mistakes etc. Everything is welcome! This is more of a self-indulgent type of thing but I'd be happy to see others enjoy it as well.
Plus Ultra!
~ Instantt
A botched reincarnation is not as simple as waking up as a child, fully remembering your entire previous life. I should have known it would not be that simple – nothing in life is ever simple. If everything had turned out properly, I would have never remembered the struggle against whatever held this universe together as it tried to tear me apart – tear me in to someone completely different. That had always been my biggest fear about dying, knowing that everything I was and everyone I knew would never stay with me. Maybe that's why things didn't fall in to place like they should of. I was simply too stubborn to let go of everything I was. Unfortunately, I couldn't simply keep all of it.
Now that would have been too easy.
It must have been quick and painless, as I couldn't remember exactly what happened to me in my previous life. Or maybe I simply held on to only strands of whoever I had been previously, clinging to whatever remained of my tattered soul floating in this cruel, warm abyss. Occasionally my mind was assaulted with uncontrollable glimpses in to my former life, ranging from just about everything you could imagine you might see in your everyday life. I took some comfort in these strange visions, knowing that was all I had in this strange darkness.
I hadn't quite figured out if I had gone blind or I was simply in an incredibly dark place – hell I couldn't even feel myself all that well really. It was a strange and curious existence, though I would be lying if I said I felt no fear. I was a glimmer of something surrounded by nothing, and for all I knew, soon I would become nothing too.
Yet, while time was simply redundant in this dark expanse, I began to gain some semblance of feeling the longer I was here. At some point I could even move, albeit it was cramped and therefore pointless to bother. Honestly? I had been gambling on my eyesight returning or somebody turning on some god damn lights – but that would have been too kind. No, instead I found myself wiggling just a bit one day, only to find something shift beside me. Whoever created humans was merciful that day, not letting us have a voice inside this god forsaken darkness, because what I felt that day startled my mind so bad I probably would have scared my expecting mother to bits with how loud I would have shrieked. Instead all I could do was have a mini panic-attack inside this cramped little space, unsure of what else had been occupying my temporary living space. Had they been here all this time? Were they just as lost and confused as I was, or was I the only abnormal one here?
Who are you?
I will never be impatient again. I hope that nobody else ever goes through this endless, boring hell for what seemed like years – unsure of whatever the hell was wiggling beside me. I eventually came to terms with the fact that they were likely just as blind and just as unthreatening as I was – but it would be nice if we could communicate. There was something oddly comforting listening to what I assumed was their heartbeat next to mine, the knowledge that I was not alone a strong anchor for my sanity to grasp on to.
Of course, it was soon after I came to this acceptance that I was promptly ejected by the landlord. Everything had suddenly become incredibly too tight – especially with a second inhabitant in the room – and I found myself being roughly shifted around. One second I seemed to be fighting for dominance with my suddenly active roommate, and the next thing I knew, I was struggling to get a handle on what the hell was going on. All my senses seemed to be sending off all kinds of alarms and it just made everything seem so much louder, not that I could even being to understand what the sounds were. The only good thing out of all of this was my voice somehow coming to life, even if I was simply screaming and wailing and making sure everybody knew I was upset. Even in the chaotic mess that was my birth, I somehow managed to find some coherent thoughts in those first few days of confusion.
Where was my roommate?
The first few days of being a baby, were quite frankly, boring. I know I said I'd give up on being impatient after spending so long in that darkness, but there are some things a person just can't let go of. All my senses still seemed to be in a state of panic and with all the increased movement and new sounds, it was hard to get a read on my situation. To be honest, I thought I was hallucinating when I started to recognize the giant people that seemed to inhabit my surroundings as my eyesight finally started to work properly for a change. Everything was huge in fact – and I was tiny and incapable of moving on my own. It really sucked.
It was during those days that I slowly became aware of a consistent figure in my weird new life – a woman with long white hair. Though my eyesight had been a little dodgy at the time, I assumed she had been the one carrying me a few times in the past few days. I had caught glimpses of what seemed to be fire moving in the air, but I dismissed that as some sort of freaky hallucination – if we assumed these giant people were not hallucinations anyways. Nonetheless, while I couldn't be sure of the reality I was in, the constant kindness and warmth that seemed to radiate from her was more than enough for me to accept her as someone I could trust.
Reality only hit when I found myself in front of a mirror, the image of a pudgy, baby girl with bright blue orbs and locks of white and red staring back with wonder. Settled opposite of the little girl was a young boy that appeared to be her twin, his eyes closed but his locks of hair the same nonetheless. It was only when I reached forward to investigate – or try to anyways as my limbs were pretty unresponsive – that I realized who I was looking at in the mirror.
"Anata, Shoto-kun to Homura-chan! Watashi no amai tenshi~"
I was a baby.
"Watashi wa anata o totemo aishiteimasu" (I love you very much)
I was a tiny, defenseless little baby with an adult mind with a new family and a new mom….
"Watashi wa kare ga anata o kizutsukeru koto wa arimasen…."(I will not let him hurt you)
The woman I would come to refer to my mother eventually seemed to hug us closer to her, oblivious of my impending tantrum that would disrupt the flow of the household, her eyes teeming with worry for the future as she held her twins. Her voice seemed to shake a little as she spoke again, her body trembling to the unknown as she unconsciously protected them from whatever the future held in store for them.
"Watashi wa itsumo anata o mamorimasu…" (I will always protect you)
Then, of course, I ruined the moment by utilizing my developing vocal chords for the second time in an overdramatic, albeit warranted, fashion and promptly startled my brother out of his slumber. Soon there were two bundles of red and white bawling their eyes out with one frantic mother, eventually assisted by the households' servants while I tried to get a handle on my situation.
My name was Homura Todoroki, twin sibling to Shoto Todoroki, and an adult stuck in a child's body. At the very least, I had found out who my roommate was.
Not that it did me any good.
It was an odd family environment I found myself in, surrounded by people I wasn't sure I could even refer to as family. Though I only had shreds of memories from my previous life, I was certain I already had a family. I wanted to be stubborn, to only accept that as roommate rather than anything else. I wasn't that heartless or stubborn, however, as I found myself surrounded with love far stronger than any simple roommate could ever provide.
"Homura-chan, ōpun!" (Homura-chan, open up!)
Setsuko Todoroki was a seemingly frail woman compared to those I remembered in fragments, her body language suggesting she was constantly nervous about something. There seemed to be servants in this house, but she was quick to dismiss them when it came to Shoto and I. Still, there was something unnerving about being an adult forced to use a bottle.
I scrunched up my nose a little and closed my eyes, looking downright squeamish as I stared down my mortal enemy. Even if I took the form of a child, it was downright degrading! I let out a little whimper and squirmed in her hold, vaguely aware of Shoto starting to make a fuss himself from his little rocker. Setsuko seemed more than a little exasperated.
"Homura-chan, tabemono o tabenakereba naranai!'" (Homura-chan, please! You have to eat your food!) she seemed to pause for a moment, her eyes flickering over to Shoto's impending tantrum. "Dochira mo shimasu!" (Both of you do!)
I ended up in a rocker myself, torn between throwing a tantrum and just letting myself calm down from that horrible experience. I watched as Shoto was the perfect little angel for once, completely calm as he took the bottle with far more grace than I would ever manage in my babyhood. I felt a little guilty for my fussiness, but Shoto seemed to make up for it and for that I was grateful. After a few seconds of guilt, however, I decided that was enough of that. I was bored.
"Uwaa…." I couldn't speak yet of course, especially considering the entire new language hurdle I would have to cross, but I could make a few weird noises in varying displays of different emotions. As if to emphasize my displeasure, I started squirming a bit and wiggling my little hands around until I caught her attention. Setsuko laughed at my antics, holding Shoto close to her chest as she walked over to my rocker.
"Orokana homura-chan!" she giggled a little, reaching for the top of my rocker to press a few buttons before I found myself gently rocked to a soft rhythm.
I blinked at this new development, finding the combination of the gentle movement and soothing tone too much for even my adult mind to handle as I slowly became drowsy, vaguely aware of Setsuko's quiet giggles as she set Shoto in his own beside me.
It was a pretty good picture moment – and I hope she took advantage of it – and I found both Shoto and I dozing off like this for several peaceful hours. Of course, this world was far from peaceful and I found that no matter where I went, family troubles always seemed to be brewing a foot away.
I stirred quietly at the sound of loud footsteps, both from Setsuko's sudden frantic movements and from someone down a hall. I was alert within a few seconds, considerations made for the lull of music and rocking, as the door suddenly slammed open, shocking Shoto out of his own peaceful slumber. The voice that seemed to overtake the room would be one I would come to fear, and grudgingly respect, in the future. For now, it gave me hope. After all, I couldn't not hope for a loving father alongside Setsuko.
"Watashi no kodomo wa doko ni imasu ka?" (Where are my children?)
"Karera wa nete iru, chottomatte chōdai!" (They are trying to rest!)
" Waki ni josei o oki nasai!" (Move aside woman!)
There was no way I could be drowsy at this point, picking up on the increasingly determined but trembling voice of Setsuko as she seemed to try and ward away a man. His harsh tones confused me, as I had been expecting someone like Setsuko, but my concerns flew out the window when a face suddenly obscured my vision of the world.
A face on fire.
This man's face was on god damn fire.
Completely overwhelmed with this sudden development, I became too absorbed in my trembling and impending tears that I failed to notice my little body being lifted until I found myself cradled against the larger man. I started whimpering in fear, the fire above me quelling any curiosity I might have felt towards this strange man holding me close.
"Anata wa kanojo o kowagatte iru yo!" (You're scaring them!)
Setsuko's voice broke through my tears, her soothing tones helping me try to get a grasp on my panic. The man above seemed to take notice finally, absorbed in something else before the flame adorning his face slowly died down, revealing bright red locks like mine. He seemed to be scrutinizing me carefully, judging me for something I could not hope to understand at the time. It made me uncomfortable and nervous, my body shifting a bit as I tried to find Setsuko's figure. He didn't seem to mind my obvious displeasure, however, handing me over to Setsuko without a second glance before he zeroed in on Shoto. Unlike me, Shoto was completely unaffected by the large figure and seemed even delighted, much to Setsuko's display.
While our father focused on Shoto, I suddenly felt the air around me growing chillier by the second. It was with dawning horror that I noticed bits of ice forming from where my mother's hands held me gently, causing yet another panic attack to bubble up inside me once more. Her eyes seemed unnaturally focused on the man, her hands gripping me a little too hard for comfort despite my increasing signs of discomfort. I ended up having to let out a little cry to break her concentration, though the man's attention was also caught as well.
"Anata ga watashi no kodomo o kōraseru mae ni, anata no hitorigoto o josei kara hazushi nasai" he seemed to sneer as he addressed her, setting an oblivious Shoto down before almost roughly removing me from Setsuko's grasp, her sense seeming to come to her while I was carefully warmed by the man. I was momentarily distracted by this, forgetting my fractured view of reality as I unconsciously snuggled closer to the warmth. The man seemed to smile at this, though it was not one of kindness and soon I was deposited back in to my own rocker, oblivious to the few harsh words exchanged between Setsuko and the man before he vacated the room, leaving her to tremble and bury her face in her hands for a moment. Though I was only a child and new to this strange world, I knew this was only the beginning of what would be a rocky road ahead of me.
It was also, in the dead of night as I lay cuddled beside Shoto, that my brain finally processed what had happened. My parents had superpowers.
What the hell.
A/N:I don't know if they ever revealed Shoto's mother's name or the two brothers, so for now we'll leave them at that. I know its kind of an awkwardly spaced beginning, but I don't want to spend ten chapters on their baby years. I'm going to have a little of it at the next chapter, but most of their growth and story happens in the toddler years and prior to U.A. – so I'd rather just get a bunch of the "holy crap im a baby" revelations out here and now.
I hope ya'll like it – It was a real treat to write and I might have the second chapter up soon since I'm already working on it. I'm excited for this little project.
Reviews are always appreciated – especially if there are area's I can improve on or if information is outdated! Thank you 3
**Fixed translations. Some of them got lost along the way so a few are rough, but they are basically what I intended to say. OOPS).