I have officially planned out quite a bit for this second season, however I am not entirely done just yet. Rather than make you guys wait another month and a half (Thanks to work eating up so much of my time recently) I've decided to set the stage for this second season. This is all plot relevant and is the starting point for the arc Gang Wars. This will push the story further while also giving me more time to plan everything just right. After this update will be a fix for Fate/Shield Chapter 1 and the release of Fate/Shield Chapter 2. I am confident I will have not just Arc 2 planned out by the time this gets updated again, but also Arc 3, that way this whole delayed debacle doesn't happen again (Hopefully).

Ultimate Weapon Chapter 12: Gang War prologue.




The sound of a monitor switching images echoed through a high-rise office. The man looking into his monitor, his assistant behind him, was none other than Graydon Creed.

"Is this accurate?"

The woman behind him began typing on a tablet that she carried with her.

"Yes. When the entire base went down, we lost most of our feed, but everything you see here has been scrubbed for any alterations."

"So…that animal is really out…I told that idiot Kelly he should have just killed the damn thing."

"You and I both know that freak couldn't be killed."

Graydon sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"A good point. Still…to think that even Hydra couldn't contain it…do we have an contingency for dealing with it?"

The woman typed on her tablet, showing another image on Graydon's computer. He wore a suit and tie and looked the part of a business man. But Graydon Creed was no merchant or CEO. Instead he was the leader of the friends of humanity and was partyl responsible for turning Vale's slums into a warzone. Not to mention countless atrocities against the Faunus people.

The woman sighed as she shook her head.

"No. When we first discovered that White Fang base that the Weapon X originated from, we swept the area as you instructed. As you know we couldn't find any relevant data."

"I know that much" muttered Creed as he stood up "but we did manage to scrounge some of the Adamantium that was left over from their project."


"Just goes to show how foolish those stupid animals are, leaving such precious metal behind."

Creed clinked his tongue and shook his head. Conveniently the man failed to account for the fact that Jaune had slaughtered everyone within the building after Rose had escaped those years ago. Anything to fit his narrative it would seem.

"So" stressed Creed "have we gotten anywhere with the Adamantium?"

"We have failed to properly synthesize anything remotely matching the original unfortunately" sighed the woman "the metals used in its creation…the boys in R&D believe some extraterrestrial metal was used in its creation."

"Leave it to Atlas to overcomplicate things. How goes our expansion to the other kingdoms Mara?"

"So far so good" said Mara "I have managed to get everything we'd need to get started in each of the other kingdoms, but there's little point without local assistance."

Creed smiled at her, caressing her arm as they moved to the window.

"A smart decision. Without money we won't be able to sustain aggressive expansion. The people of Remnant need to remember their proper place in this world, but without money they will not listen. We need power if we want people to follow us."

"Of course," said Mara.

Graydon turned from the window, scowling at some of the Faunus that he saw further down at the streets below him.

"Pathetic. Co-existence is just an excuse from those too lazy to clean up the trash."

Mara smiled as she looked at Creed.

"I'm thankful you are not one of them."

As they entered the elevator and moved down Creed adjusted his tie.

"So you believe that we will not be able to replicate the Adamanitum?"

"No" stated Mara "whatever extraterrestrial metal was used in its creation has either been used up or is in Atlas custody. Pursuing this project further would just be a waste of resources…at least for now."

"Very well. Cancel the project…what about Project: Rebirth?"

Mara scowled.

"It's D.N.A has been…unexpectedly complicated. They have made little headway with replicating its healing abilities. At least without disastrous consequences."

"Is that so? Are they lacking man power?"

"No…simply that they don't know how to begin. They wish to use viral organisms to alter a host body with the specific sequence of D.N.A responsible for the healing process but…they lack enough data to know what would happen."

"So, they need a test subject? Take an animal off the streets. As much as I am loath to admit it, their D.N.A is extremely close to our own. Using them as subjects should suffice."

"The police would catch on quick. With Senator Kelly's backing we would be able to do so, but I doubt out benefactor would be so pleased about it. We still need is money Graydon…even if the man's an idiot."

Graydon Creed sighed as the elevator ride ended, reaching a sub basement filled with tanks and labs.

"He'll never understand the need for our vision. Kelly believes that we will obey him simply because he has money…it may not be tomorrow but soon that man will get his reckoning."

Graydon smiled as a thought passed through his head.

"Victor would be a good subject for the Rebirth project. The fool believes he is worth something to me…and in this way he could be."

Mara smiled as she nodded.

"I'll let the research teams know right away."

"Now…what about project Gemini?"

"An utter failure. Cloning Weapon X has been a failure time and time again" sighed Mara.

"Truly? I did not think cloning was so difficult?"

"The issue isn't complexity but outright failure. They do everything they can but the subjects keep coming out malformed or simply defective. The closest working product they had achieved rapidly aged and died after two months."

Graydon grunted.

"Our sample is damaged to begin with and you're telling me these scientists think they can just get a perfect clone from it? What exactly are we paying those idiots for Mara?"

Mara shrugged as they walked through door after door.

"I belive it's best to get a new face for the project."

"I agree. Mara, you will head this project."

Mara blinked.

"Me sir?"

"Yes" said Creed, the two having stopped to continue this conversation "you have had innovation after innovation ever since you have taken up a leadership role within our organization, much more than myself."

He clasped his hand on her shoulder.

"With time, you will be a better leader than even I. Let this be an opportunity to prove yourself."

Mara smiled under the praise and bowed before Graydon.

The man was much taller than her, an easy 6'7. He was without a giant of a man. His however was disfigured to a degree. His cold blue eyes shone dangerously due to the three deep trenches that travelled from the top of his head, down to his left collar bone. A present from the last time he fought Jaune.

"I assume you already have some ideas?" asked Creed.

"Of course" said Mara "the tissue sample we obtained is damaged as you said, so I believe having the scientists focus on compensating for the damaged portions of the D.N.A will be a far more viable route."

"How so?" asked Creed, the duo now moving again.

"I plan to pursue the idea of using a surrogate mother. Joining his D.N.A with another through procreation may yield a viable subject."

Creed scowled.

"To sully the human genome even further…"

Mara scowled as well.

"I detest it too sir. But we may have an option."

From her tablet Mara showed Creed a picture of a woman seen with Jaune.

"Who is this?"

"Someone our spies have informed is well acquainted with it. She is well aware of what that creature is and yet…"

"…So you believe she is suitable for the project?"

"The sentimental value and psychological damage such a union from them will generate is an advantage. Why have two weapons…when we can just have the one."

Graydon smiled.

"…You have my permission to pursue this as director of the project. Whatever you need simply order, no need to infer to me."

Mara nodded.

The due finally reached the door they were walking to. It opened up, revealing a circular desk with several people surrounding it. On the desk was a makeshift model of the suicide slums.

"My apologies for the delay" announced Graydon "we had matters with Kelly and some new information come to light. But we are here now. So…where is it that we can best hit the Faunus and Hydra?"

The Friends of Humanity were moving at full speed. The conflict between them and the White fang was not the only front they were fighting on. What was once a simple two sided war had just become a battle on three fronts for Jaune and his crew…or was it? Far away from the main city of Vale, sitting in his office late at night was one tired Headmaster.

Ozpin sighed for what had to be the eighth time that night. Here he having another all-nighter due to paperwork.

"It's been almost two weeks since that attack on Mount. Glen and the military still won't leave it alone" grumbled Ozpin.

The repercussions from Ozpin initiating an attack on a White Fang base had not gone unpunished. Thanks to his political maneuvering Ozpin had avoided any serious damage. Instead, what he had to deal with was the almost childish reaction of the military forces of Vale. They seemed embaressed that a team of 4 Huntsman in training were able to completely outclass them in every way. Ozpin failed to see how, considering that the Valish military wasn't anywhere near attacking the White Fang base in the first place. Ozpin was sure that of the many, MANY, letters of complaints that he was receiving were all from those that supported shield in one way or another. For there had been one unexpected boon from team JNPR's mission.

The complete removal of shield's presence in Vale. Part of it was due to the actions of one Joan Arc. After the Atlesian military had received a letter from Joan detailing the explicit reasons behind her removing her support, Ironwood had been blindsided by his governments lack of action in keeping her support.

Ironwood, for all his strategic brilliance, was completely and utterly lacking in what could be considered normal empathy. His actions, according to his own government, was considered atrocious and borderline a war crime. Instead of stopping Joan, the Prime Minister of Atlas decided to instead expedite Joan's papers. The mother of two understood exactly why Joan was leaving and did not blame her whatsoever.

What this had done was instead barter a new agreement for Atlas. In return for restricting any and profit and materials gained from trading with the Arcs from one James Ironwood, Joan would allow the Atlesian government to keep using Arc territory to trade with Wakanda and would broker new deals. If Ozpin remembered correctly the Prime Minister herself flipped the general off for creating such an absurd situation. She than allowed Joan to blow up Ironwood's house.

God he respected that woman. She was a braver sort than himself that was for sure. Although her reactions were a little…extremely overboard.

"Almost done" grumbled Ozpin.

He was finalizing his last letter against the Valish General Marko Ozai.

The correspondence went something like this:

Dear, Ozpin Xavier Octavius:

The complete and utter disregarded for your country's military and proper protocol are borderline treasonous behavior. The fact you so explicitly believe that the military is incapable of protecting its own people shows a complete disregard for the sacrifices and successes our military brings to this beloved country. An apology of the highest order and financial compensation for the ships destroyed during this mission are in order post haste, regardless of what the president of Vale my say!

Sign, The Illustrious Marko Ozai the III,

The letter in truth was far longer and carried with it much grander language. Ozpin responded as such.

Dear General:

Fuck you.

Sign, Ozpin.

P.S I'm sending the president the letter you have sent me. Have fun with that.

Ozpin would admit he had fun with his response letter. He made sure to send the president Marko's letter first before sending Marko his response. Just to ensure maximum payback. Life was sweet when you could fight back without repercussion.

For starters the ships that Marko was talking about were not Valish air ships, but Shield sanctioned battle ships that had no jurisdiction in Vale at all. They were of course guest at the time, as Shield's reputation warranted such passes. However, what Ironwood did, impeding professional huntsmen, overstepped his bounds severely. So severely that the Vale president removed Ironwood from the duty of protecting Amnesty stadium. Ozpin smiled, happy that at least for a time Ironwood was out of his hair.

Ozpin use his telekinetic abilities to start the coffee machine and pour himself a glass. As the machine went through the process Ozpin finished the absolute last of his work for the week, finally happy that he can get some time off and relax. A cup was placed at the bottom of his coffee machine and he let the machine do its work.

Ozpin frowned as he narrowed his eyes.

"Is there a reason for this unannounced visit?"

"A warning" sighed a voice.

It was a woman, that much Ozpin could tell right away. She wore no hood nor mask. Her black hair and fair skin made Ozpin at first believe she was from Mistral. She wore a black ensemble as well.

"Do not believe that you can do whatever you wish…Ozma."

Ozpin blinked, surprised to hear that name.


"Don't play dumb with me" sighed the woman "I am well aware of your curse and your lies!"

Ozpin blinked.

"Alright" he said.

Ozpin wasn't worried all that much. If this woman wanted to hurt him she would have done so already.

"You've been warned Ozma, your tricks and misdeeds will not happen in this life time."

"Understood, consider me watched" smiled Ozpin.

The woman glared at him.

"It would be best that you don't underestimate me" she growled.

"Oh not at all" smiled Ozpin "I understand exactly who I am dealing with. Another one of Steven's students, right?"

The girl jerked back, her eyes wide in shock.


"Doctor Steven Strange is really the only individual I can think of that would know Ozma's circumstances. If I were to hazard a guess why he told you….you're a maiden?"

The woman jerked back.

"The winter Maiden most likely."

She turned pale.

"Which must mean that you are Winter Schnee, the runaway. A pleasure to meet you at last! How's old steven doing now a days? We don't really talk all that much admittedly but I always enjoyed our conver-"

The black hair and green eyes disappeared, revealing Winter's true appearance.

"What are you? I warded my mind!?"

"I have this miraculous ability" smiled Ozpin "it's called common sense."

Winter scowled as she tried to leave. But suddenly Ozpin's eyes glowed green, numerous sigils and symbols preventing Winter from escaping the way she came in.

By magic.

"Now I will tell you this now, as it is obvious that Steven told you things from his skewed perspective."

Ozpin folded his hands calmly.

"I am Ozpin. NOT Ozma…for the last bloody time. Every single time I've had this conversation with Steven he seemed to be under this belief that I would be crushed by Ozma's mentality eventually. I have not nor will I suffer from such a fate. If Steven would like to come here and confirm this for himself, by all means. However….if you and he think you can simply come in here and do as you please…well that simply won't do."

Ozpin's eyes ceased glowing.

"Go back to your master Winter. I have no interest in gathering the maidens nor in continuing Ozma's stupid war with his ex-wife. If Salem remains in the shadows than let her, it was Ozma's stupidity that started this whole thing and I'd rather not…oh she left".

Sure, enough Winter was gone. Ozpin scowled as he scratched his cheek.

"Well that was just bloody rude."

He smiled as his coffee came to him, steaming and ready to be consumed. He took a sip and frowned slightly.

"Son of a bitch" grumbled Ozpin "this is decaf."

This was just not his night. Ozpin decided to forgo a cup of coffee in the end. The fact that Winter had such mastery over her magic that she was able to teleport within his office…it was a testament to both Winter's skill and Doctor Strange's teachings. But it didn't remove the fact that for all of Strange's greatness, the man could be arrogant as well. Ozpin prayed that this part of his life remained in the shadows. With the city of Vale on the brink of a Gang war, he couldn't afford to be distracted by the supernatural.

Sadly, life rarely gives us what we want.

"…I hope we are ready for this" muttered Ozpin.


I hope this prologue gets you guys excited for the first chapter of the second Arc! It will be starting with a bang as the backdrop as been set up! The second Arc will focus on both the conflict between F.O.H and the White Fang, while also exploring the Vale Festival as well. The next update is Fate/Shield.