Shinso appeared in front of Eraserhead's office once more. Tomorrow, school was back in session. It seemed hard to believe that the break was over.
He knocked, "Hey, Eraser."
"Come in."
Shinso walked in and sat in the chair. He had recovered from his concussion and the battle that had happened only a few days ago.
"Just so you know, I explained to Ms. Joke what had happened after she decided to call me a million times this morning. You may have accidentally gotten a contact through her. If you ever want an internship, check with her first."
Shinso shrugged, "It was a logical ruse."
"Picked up my tricks, haven't you? Well as you know, tomorrow is school. Our training is over."
Shinso hesitated. The week seemed so long and hellish, but he really enjoyed Eraserhead's company and his advice. He didn't want to end the time he had spent with him.
"Our training is really over? That doesn't seem like it's enough for me to become a good hero or to transfer to Class 1-A."
"I talked to the school board about it. They are stubborn, especially with the events that has happened with Stain."
Shinso tilted his head, "What happened?" He went back home after the celebration yesterday and immediately went to sleep.
Eraserhead couldn't tell Shinso everything, "Some of my students were caught up with Stain, who is being talked about by the faculty instead of the League of Villains. Noone is talking about what you did. It was frustrating, but inevitable."
Shinso looked down. He felt like he had failed.
"Don't be too down. Your time for transferal will come, we just have to be patient and work hard. You still need help but you have school coming up, which is why I'm going to offer a substitute."
Shinso looked up at him.
"We aren't able to have training sessions that lasts for hours, but if you want, we can train together an hour before and after school, but this is only if you work on your body on your own time as well. You need to become more physically fit and honestly, I have my own class to attend to and you have your own studies. Does that seem like a fair tradeoff?"
Shinso nodded, "Of course, sir! I'd be honored to."
"And as always, it's best to keep this under wraps. My students are very perceptive, so avoid contact with them. You'll get your chance to be their classmates one day."
"Of course."
"So, let's begin by talking what you can improve on. We already discussed about the mission yesterday, but let's get really in-depth."
The Cat jumped up on Shinso's lap. Shinso began to pet it, listening to its purrs and feeling it breathe softly as he and Eraserhead talked about what the future entails.
Welp, that's the wrap. Thank you so much for being on this journey so far! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope I captured the essence of Eraserhead and Shinso. I tried to keep it as close to canon as possible and I think I did pretty well.
Thank you!