A/N:- so here it is the last chapter and peace reigns supreme for the vampire race xx Alexis
Esme had found it easy to forgive her wayward son, he had learned and grown from his past behaviour, both physically and mentally. Why would she continue to condemn him, losing family was hard enough. But to turn your back when one asked for forgiveness, that would be petty and mean. Of which she was neither, plus the joy on her mate's face would not be crushed by her.
Emmett was glad to see his brother so changed, also rather astounded he never reacted to anyone's thoughts. But soon found out why, during one of their meditations, Edward had bemoaned not being able to relax due to the others thoughts. So Zafrina had him describe his view of his mind to her and then projected it to him.
She walked the corridors of it with him, until they found the control centre for his gift, giving him the ability to mentally turn it on and off. Like flipping a switch or just plain closing a door. This simple act had given Edward an inner peace he'd only ever known while alone with Bella. It made him happier and much more carefree, he no longer wanted or needed to know everything.
Rose was at first mad, the golden child had once more taken up the pole position in Carlisle's life. But when she understood he would not be returning to the fold she was mollified, unaware that Emmett was planning for them also to separate from Carlisle and Esme. She also had found out accidentally, how others viewed what had happened on their journey here.
Whilst she had been angry and mad at Emmett's treatment of her, barely talking to him since. She found others saw it as a declaration of his love for her! At first, she refused to see it as such, but she was forced to rethink things on overhearing Jasper telling Peter what had happened and saying,
"Damn Peter, he sure must love Rose, to accept her anger and hatred of himself to save her life! That is the mark of a true mate! Bella was seconds from killin' Rose and I wouldn't have stopped her because Rose was bein' a pure bitch and goadin' us all relentlessly! I wonder if she knew how close she came that day? Damn Bella's still a newborn!"
"Doubt it brother, that woman has an overinflated opinion of herself! She seems to think she's important or special in some way! Hell, she's beautiful, but beautiful women are ten a penny around here! She has no gift, no skills really, except fixin' cars and mechanics are ten a penny around here too!" Peter had replied laughing,
"That's true, plus most of the others aren't bitches, so that's a bonus! I blame Carlisle for allowin' her behaviour for all this time, as her coven leader he should have dealt with it years ago, treatin' her as a child has done nobody any favours, least of all her!" Jasper said as the two men walked away.
Rose had taken a good look around her, nobody else was complaining about anything she had since arriving. She's moaned about the accommodation, saying it was too small. But everyone else was content, she'd moaned when asked to do anything, but no one else had. She realised nobody who she'd considered as friends spent any time with her, except when she was with her family. Then it hit her they were not her friends, but Carlisle's or Esme's, hell even Emmett's!
Bella was getting desperate, she wants this trial over and she wanted off the island, she was not as forgiving as Esme. There was way too much of her past here, the Cullens, Edward, Alice and then there was Charlotte. Esme and Emmett were still trying to get her to talk to them, but that ship had sailed. Firstly when they failed to protect her from Alice and Edward and then when she offered the olive branch recently, then watched and let Rose vilify her, family doesn't do that!
Edward had steered clear after they spoke and so too did Carlisle, they seemed to get the message loud and clear. Alice she hadn't even approached, who cared if she recognised her! Bella refused to fall for her crap and burned the sketches of her and Jasper's outfits. That would never be happening, nobody but her would be dressing them, Bella had been there, done that and would never wear that t'shirt again!
She refused to even think about Charlotte, her crime in Bella's eyes was unforgivable, she would never trust another woman like that again. As far as she was concerned, Jasper, Alistair and Garrett were her only friends, she would only put her faith in them and maybe one day Peter again. She wandered about looking for something to distract her and found it on the beach.
The three Amazon women were mock fighting and they were spectacular. She glanced about looking for Edward, but he was not there,
"He is with his father, please come join us, balance is everything and four is better than three," Karachi said softly,
"Please! May we call you Bella?" Senna asked and Bella nodded,
"Come, we wish to learn from you! Then we will show you how we fight, so many styles here on this Island, we wish to learn them all!" Zafrina said smiling and gestured Bella forward,
Several hours passed and the four women had drawn a crowd, who stayed well back, watching, admiring and learning from them. It took Bella very little time to adapt to their style and at one point was thrown in the air by Zafrina, like a gymnast would their team member and she executed a magnificent manoeuvre to have her behind her opponent, ready to deliver a lethal strike. Their audience could no longer stay silent and applauded, the women grinned and took a bow, amusing the crowd.
Many were stunned, they knew Bella was a shield and assumed she fought with her gift. But there on the beach they saw a seasoned fighter, she could battle well and was dangerous without any aid and the scars plainly showing on her body gave them all pause. This was no ordinary newborn, this was someone who was much, much more. She was now seen as not just the 'Major's mate', but a force to be reckoned with in her own right. Just like Felix had told him, Jasper could see Bella was beyond spectacular.
In her room, Alice lay on her bed sketching idly, for once she was alone. She had put up with all those stupid idiots since she'd arrived and executed her plan. Many would be telling Marcus how harmless she was! How she was no longer dangerous to their world!
'God I hate them all! Where was that bitch? Where the fuck was Edward? Who do they think they all are treating me like this? But she will be the first to die, then that fool, 'the Major' will be mine once again!'
She knew they were both on the island but neither had shown face, how dare they deem her worthless! Alice knew that camera's watched her and microphones recorded everything, but she had not made any errors. She would smell them if they were nearby and then all Edward would hear was the ravings of a mad woman. Her plan was perfect, eventually, they would have their trial and she would be held indefinitely, but alive and then she would bide her time and escape.
On a pallet high above her lay, Edward and Bella, both under her shield. No scent, no noise, no triggering of visions. Edward wrote down every word he heard in Alice's head, she had played nearly everyone for a fool, but not Bella who had approached him earlier with this plan. They stayed there for several hours and Alice basically hung herself out to dry.
As dawn broke over Los, Bella and Edward were giving Marcus all the details. He was angry, God she had fooled so many and even he had been wavering. The trial was being brought forward, in less than four hours Alice would find she had made a classic error! Know your enemy! She knew nothing about Bella anymore and that would cost her dearly, it would cost her, her head!
Everyone was roused from their evening pursuits by the noise of the guard. Stunned that the trial was being held today not next week! What had changed, Alice was being calm and pretending ignorance, but she too was confused! What had changed or had they decided she was harmless after all? Her first clue all was not as it should be was the size of her escort.
Far too many for a harmless crazy woman, the faces of the crowd were split so that gave her no understanding. She could see nothing, so that meant, Bella was shielding them or Alice herself, she knew not which! Alice tried to keep up her facade, but it was cracking as she saw the vampire proof chains in the middle of the courtyard, they were going to restrain her.
Her eyes darted about looking for some sort of escape, but four female warriors stood around her chained figure now. One Amazon, One Kunoichi, One Southern Wars Veteran and One Fotisménoi guard. After a few panicked seconds, Alice slumped her stance, there would be no bid for freedom from this and she now knew it. Her brief shot at power was now firmly crushed, as she herself would soon be.
It crossed her mind, that maybe she had made a drastic error of judgement. Maybe she should have used Jasper as a weapon all those years ago, rather than as her pet warrior. He stood watching her with a level hatred and disgust she had never seen or felt before. She also knew he was to be her executioner, if she could have laughed, it would have been at the irony of it all.
The trial was not prolonged or protracted, her guilt was well documented and Edward's final testimony as to her real level of mental health sealed the deal. Nobody now wished to help her, she had made many look foolish in these past few weeks. No one from her family spoke for her either, a true indictment of her standing in the vampire community. Her sentence was death of course and as Jasper strode forward she feared for once, his ability to torture. But even she was surprised when he spoke,
"I have wished to kill you many times in the last few years! A slow painful death I had always envisioned, but now I just don't care, Alice! You mean so little to me, you are nothin' to me, just a small minded greedy child, barely worth swattin' aside. So know this, I am executin' you for your crimes against the vampire race and not against me personally!" he said loudly, delivering to her, that final insult.
Reaching her from behind in one swift movement he removed her head, showing the vampire race why he was the best. In a stationary position, this was a hard task for most, but Jasper had perfected this move over many long years, male or female the head rarely wanted to leave the body behind.
As was the custom with traitors, she watched her own body burn at the hands of the four females, then Jasper tossed her silently screaming head on top of the pile. Her last sight in this her accursed second life was of Jasper kissing his mate, Bella, with a passion he had never had for her!
Over the next few days, many vampires left to return to their own parts of the world and their quieter lives. Edward left with the Amazons, promising to keep in touch, the Denali's left for their home in Alaska too. Emmett explained he and Rose would be staying, as he was joining the guard. Rose was stunned but for once held her tongue, seeing this as a chance to start again with her mate.
In years to come, this choice would prove to be the best Emmett had ever made. He would rise through the ranks quickly and one day be second in command to Felix. They would be a formidable team, the two giants being the face of the Fotisménoi. A daunting picture to any would-be usurpers.
Esme and Carlisle were going to do a long overdue world tour, then they too would return to Los to help Marcus and the wives. Research was his second passion and Carlisle was looking forward to immersing himself in the archives. Esme had no illusions about them being a family again, but a coven yes, that was the future for the Cullens.
Peter and Charlotte were returning to their half nomadic existence in America, he would always be there for his brother and sister. They would for now be just a phone call away. Bella gave Garrett and Alistair the company, she wished to be alone with her mate. They had made no firm plans but intended to do whatever it was together.
The next time they were all together again was, two years later when Charlie married Debs, the dispatched from the police station. His blood transfusion had given him a whole new outlook on life and he was going to live it to the max. He knew this was probably the last time he would see Bella, her not ageing was beginning to show. But they kept in touch over the phone and by email for many years, until his death at age ninety-six.
Bella and Jasper eventually married, one hundred years had passed before he wore her down and she eventually became Bella Whitlock officially. Though she'd been going by that name for all that time. They had seen the world, been to the most inaccessible places and seen all this planet had to offer. It still made them stand and stare in awe.
Fifty years after that, a frantic call from Charlotte brought the Whitlock's together once again. Peter had been attacked and taken by a band of marauding newborns, being lead by a fool that thought life was too peaceful nowadays. Once Jasper had assessed the situation he called for only four people, Alistair, Garrett, Felix and Emmett.
"I warned ya'll, told you it was a mistake takin' me!" Peter said in a strained voice,
"Major! Good to see you my brother!" he wheezed out after being hit in the gut,
"Captain! Can't leave you alone for a minute can I?" Jasper said, eyes locked on the leader,
With them, himself, Bella and Charlotte they had all strode into the encampment and decimated them all, along with their creator, a young would-be dictator. Emmett, still the joker said they looked like the magnificent seven, from that old western movie! Just with women and no intention of dying!
These events helped to bring Bella and Charlotte to an understanding, they would never be close friends like before, but they could be civil and spend time together, for the sake of the two men,
"When Peter recovers from his injuries and stops whinin' like a baby, that is!" Jasper said.
So the vampire world kept on evolving along with its human counterparts. Trying to stop the humans destroying the planet became an uphill battle, thank god they never tired or needed to sleep. More and more vampires became involved in the world's affairs, doing all they could to save their own habitat. As science made leaps and bounds so too did they, creating synthetic blood substitutes and substances to cover the sparkling of their skin.
Many now looked to the stars, beginning to see that the future of the vampire race might be out there, where they now needed to no longer depend on humans to survive. Cloning technologies gave them hopes of combining vampire DNA, to creating more vampires rather than turning humans, but that was a long way off and they would be watching with great interest.
Bella had now been a vampire for three hundred years and she still loved Jasper as much as she had in the beginning. The longer they lived the more in tune they became. she could with every bite he gave her feel and understand his emotions better, he could now use a smaller version of her mental shield to block out others emotions, for short periods of time. They were totally at ease with themselves and the world about them.
Marcus had sent everyone invitations to attend a celebration, he had found another mate, she was as different from Didyme as two vampires could be but she completed him all the same. This gave everyone an excuse to once more come together. Many of the covens had grown, all the Amazons now had mates, so Edward had male company now too, for which he was thankful.
Life was good and the Fotisménoi had very little to do nowadays. Peace was something the vampires had achieved, only the occasional new vampire caused trouble but were dealt with quickly and without much trouble. Fewer humans were turned for the sake of it, mainly just if they were mates of someone already turned.
The sight of their leader with a new partner after all this time gave many others hope that they too would one day meet their other half. But for those who had thought they'd missed their chance, it gave the greatest hope, that it was only a matter of time and time was something they all had plenty of.
Ref Title: Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it! by Mark Twain
Kunoichi - female ninja (Japanese)
A/N:- couldn't resist the connection with the new version, 'The Magnificent 7', the woman who hires them is Emma Cullen!