p class="western"It had been literal years since Sebastian last did manual labor./p
p class="western"His mom, so chatty when they were in social groups, slipped into her normal work mode as soon as Will was gone. Which meant that her orders were brusque and direct. He had work to do and had no time to think about William, who was looking ripped and gorgeous as he stomped off towards the mines to smash things and probably get more cuts and bruises doing whatever macho bullshit he seemed obsessed with. He'd said he was coming back at noon./p
p class="western"Did he mean it?/p
p class="western""Seb, go get the tarps," his mom said, pulling him out of that particular anxiety spiral./p
p class="western"He pull tarps out of the truck, added gas to the generator and then got to work./p
p class="western"They dug up the spot for the new foundation and then their delivery came. It was rebar to reinforce the foundation groundwork. While he was hauling the rebar into the hole, his mom had laid out pipes for the gas and water lines./p
p class="western""Careful that you don't expand it past that spot I marked," his mom said, pointing to the left. He frowned at her, dragging more of the rebar cages over./p
p class="western""What's going there?"/p
p class="western""His basement expansion."/p
p class="western""We're doing that too? Mom. We're not going to dig a basement in a week."/p
p class="western"She shrugged and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "I've got a feeling about the farmer," she said, reaching over and straightening her framework for the foundation, "and it's better to be prepared for the future, son."/p
p class="western"Sebastian frowned. "What sort of feeling could you have about Will?"/p
p class="western"His mom paused in her work and glanced up at him. He felt as though she were measuring him. As if he'd revealed something important but he couldn't fathom what she'd noticed or seen. Then she went back to work, nodding for him to pull the last of the reinforcements down into their hole./p
p class="western""Just that he's going to be settling with us here in the Valley," she said, her gloved hands matching the rebar joints with the same ease that other moms might fold a basket of laundry. Yet, this was her realm- the realm of building things. The realm of creating shelter and art in the same act. He shrugged off her cryptic words. It was unlikely he'd be able to pull more from her without a pair of plyers. He hopped out of the dirt hole and went back up to where they'd set the saw station to cut down the framing boards./p
p class="western"They worked for hours; he and his mom measuring and cutting boards, ripping out drywall that concealed the beams he needed to use to start the electrical install, laying out the plywood that would be the beginning of the new walls. It was steady and quiet work. They didn't chat other than to pass materials back and forth. Their only shared words were his mom's terse instructions and his grunts of acknowledgment./p
p class="western"They worked alone until their concrete truck pulled up./p
p class="western"Their steady effort was interrupted by a sudden construction frenzy. The team that had accompanied the truck poured concrete over their prepared plot, shoving as much of it as possible into every nook and cranny, running long and slender sticks of wood over the entire plot before leaving it so it could cure. It took two hours before they'd finished, but by 11, they were done and gone./p
p class="western"Sebastian and his mom worked till noon. Once the sun was high in the sky, his mom clapped him on his shoulder—the signal for break time. They sat on the lip of her truck, sharing cold drinks from the thermos while eating sandwiches. But William didn't come by like he'd said he might./p
p class="western""Demetrius is the best cook," his mom declared when she opened her lunchbox to see he'd cut some cheese into heart shapes. Sebastian let the words pull him back into the present. William had probably decided that it was best to avoid him after all. He frowned down at his own lunch with similarly shaped cheese snacks./p
p class="western""What, does he think we're five?"/p
p class="western"His mom grinned at him, love-struck, and stupid as always when it came to Demetrius./p
p class="western""Dem is a good man, Sebby," she chided./p
p class="western""When he's minding his own business, maybe," he said./p
p class="western"He interrupted any further conversations by shoving the first cheese slice into his mouth and waggling his brows at his mom./p
p class="western""You know, Farmer Bill is also a good man."/p
p class="western"His master plan of not talking was foiled by a sudden inhale of cheese particles into his lungs. His lungs protested this invasion and began evasive maneuvers. These operations were performed by an intense coughing fit that had his mom pounding his back as he choke-wheezed./p
p class="western""Goodness," his mom said, taking his lunch away from him and raising his arms above his head. After a moment, he was able to get a decent breath, but his eyes were watering from the sudden pain of near-death by cheese./p
p class="western""What?" he croaked as his mom shoved a thermos at him. He gulped iced tea and after a moment had his breathing under control./p
p class="western""Looks like the thought of Farmer Bill leaves you a bit flatfooted," she chuckled, handing him back his lunch./p
p class="western""Mom," he said, "please don't tell me that you've already swapped match-making targets."/p
p class="western"She raised a brow then waggled her own brows back at him, then bit into her sandwich. She didn't choke. So unfair./p
p class="western"He shook his head and stared at Will's house. He saw her plans in his mind's eye like a set of transparent lines over the work that was currently there. They still needed to get the frame for the addition on, but that would come tomorrow after the concrete cured. Today he was going to run lines and install the power boxes and do the testing. Tomorrow they'd frame it up, install the counters and cabinets, and then attach the main power. Maybe they'd get it all done in a day. They'd been making good time thus far./p
p class="western""You know, Sebastian," his mom said into the quiet of his thoughts, I really wish you'd have told us sooner. Was that why you quit grid ball?"/p
p class="western"Record scratch on his thoughts./p
p class="western"He shifted on the truck bed and ate some more so he wouldn't have to answer. She was looking at him with Mom Eyes, too soft and understanding. He knew, maybe, he should say something, but…it had happened so long ago. He had never wanted them to know. Had never wanted anyone to know. The locker room incident was so far in the past that even thinking about it was like watching an event happen to someone else./p
p class="western"Instead, he said, "Not because I was gay. Because…it wasn't me. Grid ball was just an attempt to prove to myself that I could get over it. I decided I wasn't going to do that anymore."/p
p class="western"It was partly true. His mom cocked her head then shrugged, willing to let it go, at least this time./p
p class="western""Well. I meant what I said. About Farmer Bill being a good guy. And Jodi said that he's gay too, you know."/p
p class="western"He looked at her sideways./p
p class="western""I see."/p
p class="western""Because you know, whoever you bring home, we only care that they treat you well."/p
p class="western"He flushed. He took another bite of food and knew his face was turning bright colors but he couldn't help it. His mom had no idea how reckless he'd been when it came to his relationships. She didn't know about the clumsy hand jobs in bathrooms or his first, disastrous college boyfriend who'd ended up being such a disappointment that he'd barely touched another physical person until William. She had no clue that he'd been a freaking nightmare to date, had dumped all his anxieties and baggage on William like so many rocks. No wonder the guy was gun-shy about trying again. Hell, the indomitable Mr. In-Your-Face hadn't even had the desire to leave the mines for lunch./p
p class="western"Sebastian sipped from the thermos and focused on the porch that was currently covered in sawdust and a stack of wood. That porch where they had done emthings/em. Shame heated his cheeks but at least the exertion of the day could disguise the embarrassment as sunburn./p
p class="western""Thanks, Mom," he said, bumping her arm with his shoulder. She smiled then brushed the crumbs off her lap. He did the same and pulled his work gloves back on./p
p class="western""So," he said, nodding towards the coils, "shall we dance?"/p
p class="western"She mimed rolling up her sleeves, "Thought you'd never ask."/p
p class="western"*/p
p class="western"William had never been a fan of big gyms. He'd never liked fancy exercise equipment and sharing his air with muscular walking dumbbells that were more interested in the appearance of their bodies than the function. Plus, the rampant homophobia that existed in most exercising spaces had just caused him to avoid the stupid sweat factories./p
p class="western"The military had a better attitude about the entire process of building one's body up. You did it through effort and purpose. Hike 15 miles while carrying another human on your back. Pour yourself out into a mold of a soldier to come back even stronger than before./p
p class="western"When he was in boot camp, he worked hard because the soldier next to him was going to need his best./p
p class="western"Today though? His effort was all about trying to process his stupid, fucking, brain before he gave into what Sebastian was offering. Not that he was completely sure Sebastian emknew/em what he was offering./p
p class="western"He slammed the pickaxe down and let it be a metronome to the whirlwind of his thoughts./p
p class="western"Fact 1- He and Sebastian had electric chemistry. William had tried, at first, to tell himself that their connection was as a simple right place, right time. They'd been able to scratch a mutual itch better than most. Yet the near month they'd spent together had proven, to him at least, that Sebastian eased something in his chest. His touch could clear the shadows from his brain. He had a way of bringing the world into perspective. Worst, part of him believed that Sebastian needed him, or at least made him feel like he did. And no one had needed William in a damn long time./p
p class="western"His pickaxe shattered a few rocks and he collected up the copper ore. Checked his watch. Three hours until noon. He had time./p
p class="western"Fact 2- Sebastian was terrified of the whole damn world and William hadn't understood it. He'd pushed him into being open, pushed him into accepting him, even though saner people that Sebastian had tried and failed. Which made Spooky right, damn it. He was a selfish bastard./p
p class="western"His pickaxe smashed another rock and revealed a ladder. Nice. He propped it to the side, judged the drop and then began to climb down, sticking a torch against the wall as he did so./p
p class="western"For a moment, his scattered thoughts were lost in the beauty of the new cave that he'd found. He shivered, the temperature dropping. These mines were unlike anything connected to true reality. The longer he'd explored them, the more he realized that there couldn't have been any way that a company would have abandoned them for any normal and explainable reason. The magic that existed in this strange place had changed it utterly./p
p class="western"William passed an elevator shaft and looked around. All around him was open space spotted with ore-rich stone. He laid down a torch to mark his path and began his descent once more, still chewing on his problems./p
p class="western"Fact 3- He missed Sebastian. Missed him like an ache in his side. He'd thought, stupidly, that once he'd ended things, it would be like it always was when he was done with a relationship. He'd just move on, with no desire to talk to his ex….Cameron didn't count but then again, he hadn't decided to end that, now had he?/p
p class="western"He smashed another hole and found a new shaft. He followed it down, going deeper, mentally tracking where he was in relation to the elevator. He marked his path with torches and followed his instincts, marching deeper into the cold, dark caverns. He kept his senses on alert, his mind still turning over the tricky problem of what to do about his logical brain (End things as they were. Minimize pain) and his heart (One more try)./p
p class="western"Fact 4- He felt like he was slipping and he didn't know how to stop. He'd been out of support groups for 9 months. He'd been isolated and alone for almost a week, outside of dropping off his laundry and setting up his home expansion, he'd barely seen another person. His body ached now worse than before and he knew he was pushing himself too hard, but he couldn't help it. To be still for too long was to invite the whispers back, to remember how good it felt NOT to feel./p
p class="western"William turned a corridor, mind adjusting the compass of the mines in relation to his elevator./p
p class="western"The mines were bizarrely broken, their layout confusing with no safety features installed for the previous miners. Perhaps it wasn't so bad that they were no longer in commercial use. He didn't care because there was one thing the mines had that nowhere else in his peaceful little valley had./p
p class="western"Danger./p
p class="western"As soon as he entered the next level, he could hear the wingbeats of giant bats. He couldn't see them, not yet./p
p class="western"He'd fought them before and knew their pattern: dive bombing unsuspecting trespassers in the darkness./p
p class="western"He stepped back into the glow of torches. He was ready for them today. When the first one came out of the black, he spread his legs, balancing the way he'd been trained. William had swapped his pickaxe to his off-hand and drew his sword. He waited and then, with a sudden blur of motion, he slammed the blade into the screaming creature. The bat bounced off the blade, dazed. There was a line of hot, smelly, blood splattering across his face and the mine shaft. That splatter of gore eased a craving he had within him, something visceral and dark that had been hungry for violence and the need to rend and tear ever since he'd been medically discharged from active duty./p
p class="western"This was life or death—because more bats were emerging around him, long teeth dripping with green saliva. William screamed a challenge at them and they screamed back. The first bat lunged at him again, bleeding but crazed with aggression and hate./p
p class="western"William slashed it out of the air and felt his lips stretching in a smile as the little fucker cracked against the blade./p
p class="western"Did Sebastian really want this?/p
p class="western"He'd warned him, back on the ocean. No one really wanted crazy. They thought they did, but the amount of instability that lay at his own core was so overwhelming that he couldn't process it. And William wasn't sure that Sebastian had even begun to understand the bullet he dodged./p
p class="western"He stepped forward and shoved the point of his sword down onto the writhing monster and then turned, catching the next one on the blade. He dispatched that one just as brutally, blood dripping on his skin, on his clothes, and on the walls./p
p class="western"Being with Sebastian had helped with that disassociated greyness, but nothing cured his ennui like a fight. He heard more of the cloud of bats, more of the colony summoned to do battle with the intruder. William shoved back against them, his thoughts straightening up with each swing of his blade, laying out the facts in neat, orderly rows./p
p class="western"He'd pursued Sebastian when he knew that he was in the closet./p
p class="western"He'd practically stalked the fucker./p
p class="western"He'd pushed him./p
p class="western"He'd shoved him, shoved him so hard that Sebastian had been forced to push back./p
p class="western"And it was fucked up./p
p class="western"And Sebastian, the poor guy, deserved better./p
p class="western"The bat crawled at his feet, screaming its outrage, dragging a broken wing, little red eyes full of hate. He shoved the tip of his blade down on the creature and it died, bloody and gruesome./p
p class="western"He looked around and was surrounded by the disgusting little corpses. He stayed tense but it was finished. The battle was done. He let out a breath and rubbed at his bloody face./p
p class="western"Every day had pulled into a pattern: Get up. Water his crops, harvest what was ready, go sell them to Pierre, then to the Mines, where he broke stones and lost himself in the repetitive hunt for ores and monsters./p
p class="western"He was an aggressive hamster on a wheel and how was that any different than staying back in the city?/p
p class="western"William pulled out his handkerchief, wet it from his canteen and wiped his face, turning the white square blood red. Jodi was getting tired of washing the blood out of his clothes. Soon he wouldn't have to bother her with it. He sheathed the sword, collected his things, and then turned towards his next ladder. He descended and shivered. If the last level had been cool, this one was practically frozen. He looked around and realized on this level of the mines, everything was covered in ice./p
p class="western"It was beautiful, he thought, looking around the room. He experimentally chipped around the rocks, looking to see if there were any more veins of ore when a few blue fragments shattered against a wall. He frowned and knelt./p
p class="western"It was a blue stone in a teardrop shape. William swallowed and shivered, touching the strange little crystal./p
p class="western"He's found ores. He'd found gemstones. But there was something captivating about this particular stone; like someone had taken a tear and frozen it into the beautiful and sad shape. He swallowed and rolled it through his fingers, the smooth side coming to a point./p
p class="western"William stared at the tear and remembered with painful clarity the last time he'd cried, last time he'd been able to give release to his emotions without using pain, without using euphoria or rage./p
p class="western"It had been in his room, with Sebastian underneath him, his thready breathing, passionate cries and desperate touches coaxing out William's fear and internalized horror into something beautiful between them. He took the punishment, took all William had given him and loved it. In that moment, with Sebastian's face burned into his memory, he'd known down to the scars on his soul that what they'd had was more than sex. And it scared the shit out of him./p
p class="western"He sank on his heels and in that moment, he realized…this wasn't living. William looked at the mine and his breath clouded around his face./p
p class="western"Since when had he ever run away from a situation?/p
p class="western"He sure as fuck wasn't going to do it again./p
p class="western"William closed his fingers around the little crystal tear, his realization locked on finding the gem. He knew exactly who he was going to give it to. He gathered up his pickaxe, eyes skimming the walls for his exit./p
p class="western"That was when he heard the scraping of claws on ice./p
p class="western"Before he could react, intense pain shot through his hand, the little gem careening out of his fingers and sliding across the ice. He had a slice over his fingers, a bolt of jagged ice next to the little gem. He closed and opened his hand. It was sore but it worked. William looked up and felt sensible, instinctive, terror crawl through him./p
p class="western"Standing between him and his exit was a large, black furred humanoid shaped monster with four arms and glowing, red, eyes. And the asshole was armed too. William identified a bow in its first hand, a mysteriously glowing blue ball in it's second and with sharp claws tipping off the other two appendages rounding out its nastiness. William backed down and knelt, never letting his eyes leave the dark creature, easily a head taller than he was./p
p class="western"His fingers touched the little teardrop and he narrowed his eyes. He was tired, alright, but he'd promised Sebastian he'd be back in an hour. He was done hiding down here and just had one monster in the way? Piece of cake./p
p class="western""That all you got, fugly?" he asked as he stood up, putting the gem into his pocket./p
p class="western"It roared and from the other shadows, ten more creatures stepped out of the icy darkness./p
p class="western"William stiffened then crouched, his hand starting to seep blood from where the bastard had grazed him. He squeezed and shifted the grip on his pickaxe, drawing his sword./p
p class="western""Alright," he muttered, "looks like that's enough."/p
p class="western"His focus narrowed to his goal: the ladder out./p
p class="western"So maybe instead of a piece of cake, it was a whole cake. Too bad for them./p
p class="western"He rolled his head and then they moved and William shouted, blade raised for battle./p
p class="western"emI'm coming back, Sebastian. Just wait for me./em/p
p class="western"*/p
p class="western"Sebastian was on his back, under the porch, a flashlight in his mouth when he heard his mom call at him./p
p class="western""I'm calling it a night, Sebby,"/p
p class="western"He spat out the light and pulled himself out a bit to see her. She was tired, and to be fair, so was he. But, he hadn't finished the last of his installs, and he really wanted a chance to get this done before they started the next steps tomorrow. And. Will hadn't come home yet./p
p class="western""Go on," he called, sliding back underneath the house, "I've not got much more. I want this done before the power company comes tomorrow."/p
p class="western"It was cooler at night at least, and while the light wasn't ideal, it was still better than trying to do this in the heat of the day./p
p class="western""Alright. But don't stay out too late. I intend to be here early."/p
p class="western"He waved an arm and went back to threading the wiring./p
p class="western"Maybe a half hour later, he heard footsteps, but they didn't sound like the normal steps his mom made. Instead they were slow, as if the person walking was dragging each foot in front of the other./p
p class="western"Ingrid dashed across his legs in the dark to greet whoever the walker was and he realized it had to be Will. He closed his eyes and let out a breath, but if he was being honest, this was what he'd wanted by staying behind. A reason to really talk with Will again. A way to prove to him that he'd meant what he'd said and that he wasn't running away./p
p class="western"Will's absence had been a sore point all day and he was low-key irritated that he'd lied about coming back, but then, he never thought this was going to be easy. Time to prove his words with actions./p
p class="western"Sebastian pushed out from under the deck, admiring the work that they'd gotten done. His mom had already reinforced the porch, fixed the sagging step, and the fresh wood was bright against William's front door. Sebastian brushed himself off as he straightened, his eyes straining in the dimness for Will's form. It was dark and he couldn't see William as anything beyond a shadow. A big, swaying, shadow./p
p class="western"The lumbering shadow paused but there was no mistaking the silhouette for anyone else./p
p class="western""Hey Will," Sebastian said./p
p class="western""Sebastian?"/p
p class="western"All of Sebastian's words he'd saved up fled at the absolute despair in William's voice. Sebastian squinted and pointed his flashlight up…into William's bloody face./p
p class="western"For a moment, William's eyes were steady, locked on Sebastian. He smiled, as if he was relieved. Before his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed into the dirt in front of his house./p
p class="western""WILLIAM!"/p
p class="western"Sebastian scrambled forward, his body pumping with adrenaline fueled disbelief. He skidded onto his knees and flipped Will over. Will was breathing in short, shallow gasps. When Sebastian touched his chest, he groaned./p
p class="western""S'fine…" Will mumbled, his movements erratic and shaky. Sebastian closed his eyes and let out a long breath. He was alive. He was breathing. He was bloody and in absolutely no state to take care of anything. Sebastian shoved his panic down, inhaled, taking a moment just to THINK./p
p class="western"First, get him out of the dirt. Second, call the doctor. Third, do what the doctor said. Fourth, get him well enough to yell at him./p
p class="western"Sebastian let out the breath and reached down, hauling Will up, one hand scooping underneath his arm and Sebastian shoved his shoulder underneath Will's chest, lifting with his legs to get Will up. Will let out another yell of pain and protest./p
p class="western""Help me, you big bastard," Sebastian cursed, his tone curt./p
p class="western""I'm kay," Will said, his words slurring./p
p class="western""No, you're fucking NOT," Sebastian said, shifting him up. He hissed in effort trying to get him up, "I'm calling Doc Harvey."/p
p class="western"William groaned low and deep as Sebastian's shoulders touched his chest. He tried to pull away and the effort of it nearly sent them both careening to the ground./p
p class="western""Lemme sleep. Made…made it back. All kay now…"/p
p class="western""Would you fucking help me get your big ass up your stairs?" Sebastian hissed, adjusting his center of gravity to compensate for William's nearly dead weight, "Good god, how much do you weigh?"/p
p class="western""Sorry, I lied," William mumbled as he tried to get his legs underneath him./p
p class="western" Sebastian let out a breath as Will balanced slowly, still, too unsteady to walk alone. Sebastian hauled him up the stairs and into his house. They had a tarp over the exposed area of the house, but Sebastian had no intention of him staying beaten and bloody in the half finished renovation. Later. He'd worry about that later./p
p class="western"He shoved William unceremoniously onto his bed and pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing the clinic with a few swipes of the phone./p
p class="western"William groaned and covered his eyes, laying on his side./p
p class="western"Sebastian knelt next to him, putting a hand on Will's forehead, but he couldn't figure out where he was bleeding from./p
p class="western"It took Doc Harvey three rings to pick up but as soon as he did, Sebastian kept his voice even and calm./p
p class="western""Doc? It's Sebastian. I've got a medical emergency."/p
p class="western""What's wrong, Sebastian?" The doctor's voice was sharp in the phone and Sebastian thought he heard the man moving things around./p
p class="western""It's Farmer William," he said, grim, still running his fingers over William's head in an attempt to figure out where the bleeding was coming from, "Mom and I were doing some work at his place and he came home disoriented and bloody."/p
p class="western""I see. Alright, wait right there. I'm on my way. Don't move him, don't give him anything to eat or drink, and try to keep him still and calm. I'll be there as soon as I can."/p
p class="western"Harvey hung up and Sebastian looked around, suddenly at a loss of what to do. He swallowed the lump of terror in his throat./p
p class="western""Its okay, Bastian," Will croaked from the bed, "just a bump. S'got me feeling real funny is all."/p
p class="western""Shhh," Sebastian whispered, rubbing his hand./p
p class="western""Nah, keep me chatty," Will said, trying to open his eyes, "case its concussion."/p
p class="western"Sebastian shook his head, and cast around the room until he found Will's chair. He slid it over and sat next to the bed./p
p class="western""What the hell happened?"/p
p class="western""Ambush. It's always the damn ambushes. Never prepared for that. Cept I got it. They wanted it but I got it."/p
p class="western"Will started to struggle, trying to sit up, reaching into his pocket./p
p class="western""Stop that!" Sebastian barked, leaning over him to shove him back down. Will grimaced as Sebastian touched his chest and let out a hiss. He fell back obediently then held up his hand in a fist, slowly uncoiling his fingers. His knuckles were bruised and busted, as if he'd been hitting hard things with them. Then he frowned as a blue stone fell into his hand, warm from William's grasp./p
p class="western"Sebastian blinked and his eyes widened, holding the blue crystal up to the light. It was a Frozen Tear, a gem that was uncommon around their valley. His mom had a pair of earrings made out of them, but they were tiny stones in comparison to the rock that he was holding./p
p class="western""Wanted…to give that to you," William rasped, leaning back, his hand wrapping around the rock in Sebastian's hand, "cuz…cuz I wasn't giving up either. Just…god, Sebastian, I fucked up."/p
p class="western"Sebastian swallowed, looking at the stone, then back up at Will, his eyes still wide./p
p class="western""Let me see if I understand—"/p
p class="western""Good luck because I barely do," Will groaned, shifting on the bed, letting out shallow breaths./p
p class="western""—this right, you found this Frozen Tear…and then got ambushed by monsters? So then what, Will? You fought them all off single handedly?"/p
p class="western"Will started to wheeze out a laugh, but then whimpered in pain. He swallowed and rubbed at his face. He grunted and made a face, unable to get comfortable. "Sums it up," he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut./p
p class="western"Sebastian swallowed, absurdly touched and furious./p
p class="western""You moron," he whispered, pulling Will's fist to his lips, "you stupid, idiotic, bumbling, pigheaded, glorious, dumbass."/p
p class="western"William squeezed the hand and smirked, "You're articulate when you're mad."/p
p class="western"Sebastian sighed then turned his head when he heard gravel crunching./p
p class="western""That'll be the doc."/p
p class="western"William gripped Sebastian's hands tighter, borderline painful./p
p class="western""Promise me," he whispered, eyes wide as he heard the footsteps, "No painkillers, Bastian. Promise me."/p
p class="western"Sebastian hesitated then rubbed Will's hands, "Shhh, Will, you're hurt. Doc Harvey is going to fix you up, okay?"/p
p class="western"Will nearly pushed himself upright but Sebastian was beginning to predict his stupidity and placed one hand on the middle of Will's sternum, pushing back with barely any force. Will shouted out, and fell back, unable to speak. He breathed quicker now, and Sebastian could feel his heart pounding against his palm. Will opened his mouth again but he could only to breathe in short, raspy, urgent pants. Sebastian frowned down at him, shaking his head. This much pain? How could he want to just deal with what was clearly in a lot of pain./p
p class="western"Doc Harvey didn't bother knocking, just came in as Will stared at Sebastian, his gaze locked on him like a lifeline./p
p class="western""See, it's going to be okay, all okay. The doc is here."/p
p class="western"William opened his mouth, tried one more super-human push against Sebastian's restraining hand and then as if it had finally just become too much, his head rolled back, and he sank back into the bed./p
p class="western"Sebastain's mouth went dry, but then he let out a breath. The doctor was here. William was delirious and he was going to be fine./p
p class="western"Just. Fine./p
p class="western"br / /p
p class="western"br / /p
p class="western"Notes:/p
div id="TextSection" dir="ltr"
blockquote class="western"Wooooooooh!/blockquote
blockquote class="western"Alright, so according to my vague sense of how these things are paced, I feel like we're getting to the end of act 2 and moving into act 3 with the idea that this is a 5 act type story./blockquote
blockquote class="western"I'm going to go ahead and give this story an ending of 50 chapters with understanding that I will definitely be adjusting that as time goes on./blockquote
blockquote class="western"Thank you everyone who bookmarks, kudos, and of course, my favorite, comments./blockquote
blockquote class="western"These chapters are un-beta'd and so any errors are mine and will and can be smoothed out as time allows./blockquote