So I recently went back to the early episodes of Naruto and quickly remembered how much I fuckin love Gaara. I remember when I was a kid I got scared watching him kill those rain ninja in the forest of death, I was a huge pussy as a kid lol. Now I went back and rewatched some of the shit he did and I decided that he deserves more attention then he get in this site. Let's do this.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or RWBY or any of the characters in either, nor do I make any kind of money off of this story. All credit goes to the respective owners.
"This isn't real, this can't be real! It's a dream! IT'S A DREAM!" Gaara screamed as sand rose all around him to protect him from the bombs on Yashamaru's chest. The blast sent a large cloud of dust into the sky, Gaara however remained still and in shock. "Yashamaru... AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" His scream morphed into a demonic howl as the ichibi began taking control.
Massive amounts of sand rose and took the form of the legendary sand demon, however this time was different, the howling laughter the demon usually made when breaking free never came. The fourth Kazekage narrowed his eyes as he prepared to put an end to the rampage that was soon to happen, his gold dust already moving.
"IT'S A DREAM!" The massive beast scream so loud the buildings around him shook and cracked from the volume.
"Gaara?!" The kazekage asked himself in surprise, was Gaara still in control?
Some how the beast seemed to hear his voice and his eyes turned to the boys father, absolute hatred filled his gaze, the killing intent was enough to cause even the Kazekage himself to begin to sweat.
"Yur doin great kid, now just kill that bastard who did this to us!" Shukaku cackled inside the traumatized red heads mind. Gaara opened his mouth wide and began charging his chakra, he was acting on pure instinct and hate at this point. "A tailed beast bomb, great choice!"
The kazekage's eye widen at the sight of the massive amount of chakra forming in front of the beast, he'd never seen this attack before. Any attack with the beast's sand he could easily counter but this was something else entirely, the amount of condensed chakra in that ball could destroy the entire village if it detonated. "GAARA NO, DON'T RELEASE THAT ATTACK!" He shouted uselessly at his son all while the ball continued to grow.
"YUR PUTTING TO MUCH CHAKRA INTO THE BOMB, STOP! ANYMORE AND YOU'LL DRAIN ME COMPLETELY AND KILL US BOTH!" The beast shrieked from inside the boys head, if Gaara continued putting more and more energy into the bomb it would indeed kill them both, and while that would set him free it would still take years to reform.
"GAARA STOP!" It was to late, the orb of chakra the size of the beast itself was launched at the fourth kazekage who desperately raised a shield of gold dust in his defense. The shield was broken the instant the bomb made contact.
The blast cover twenty miles and created a shock wave that could be felt all the way in konoha. It was on that night that the village hidden in the sand was completely wiped from the map and replaced with a smooth glass floor. The surviving sand ninja who had been away during the blast would go on to join other villages or become missing nin. None knew exactly what happened that night but investigations from every other large ninja village who looked into the destruction of one of the five great villages found one odd phenomenon. The fabric of reality seemed to weaken at the center of the crater, physics could very slightly but noticeably be bent there, the cause of this would never be known.
Pain, so much pain, it was a new concept to him. "I don't want this." He whispered from his place on the ground, blood leaked from small cuts across his body and tears fell from his eyes. He didn't sob, it caused to much pain to move and sobbing only made it worse.
It was impossible to tell how long he laid there in the dirt, his body refused to move even slightly so he didn't even know what his surroundings looked like. He did know however that he was cold, very cold, a strange white substance surrounded him. It fell from the sky and was slowly piling up on top of him, it was extremely cold.
After the sky went from being bright to dark and bright again Gaara knew he had to move or he would die, he couldn't feel his hands or feet and his skin hurt. It took everything he had to begin crawling, the cuts on his body reopened from the movement. He spent hours crawling but it was incredibly slow progress.
The sky began to grow dark again when his hand touched something hard under the cold powder like substance. In an odd moment of curiosity Gaara pushed some of the white stuff off the object, it took a few minutes but soon he found it to be a rectangular rock. Engraved in the face of the rock was a large flower and under that was a message 'Summer Rose, Thus Kindly I Scatter' Gaara read slowly. He wasn't a very strong reader but Yashamaru had taught him what he could.
Gaara didn't know what the message meant but for some reason it made him feel warm, warm in the way he felt when his uncle would tell him he did well. His tears began falling again as he laid his head down on the stone and for the first time in his memory he fell asleep, never noticing the woman with silver eyes kneeling over him, white cloak fluttering in the wind.
Qrow drank from his flask as he trudged through the snow, the cold wind pelted him but he ignored it, he was going to see the person he missed the most in this world. It had only been a little over four years since Summer's death and it cut him to the bone to think about, every time he saw Ruby's face he wanted to break down, instead he drank, a lot. As he walked he'd noticed a larger than normal amount of grimm in the area, he didn't think much of it as he would simply cut them down as they came. Grimm never got very large on Patch so it was mostly small frys.
It wasn't until he was a few dozen feet away from the grave that he saw anything, it took several seconds to realize what was lying on top of the grave, but once he did he began sprinting. A child was sleeping on the grave, one with bloodstained clothes that weren't at all appropriate for this weather. "What the shit kid?!" He dropped down to his knees and picked the kid up, his eyes widened. "He's ice cold." Quickly pulling his cape off he wrapped the barely breathing boy in it and began sprinting in the direction he'd come from.
Qrow ran for nearly ten minutes straight before he could see his destination ahead, running to the front door he began banging on it. It was nearly midnight so he doubted anybody was up so he knew he'd need to either wake them up or bust the door down. Banging his fist against the door again Qrow could hear shouting from the other side and soon the door was swung open by an irate looking blonde. "WHA-" He didn't get to finish as Qrow push passed him and entered the house. "Qrow, what are you doing?!" Tai shouted at his friend who ran over to the fireplace and place his cape which had something in it to the side.
Throwing several logs he had set aside into a pile the drunk huntsmen pulled a bullet from his pocket and quickly cracked it open pouring a small amount of red dust into his palm. "Go get me some blankets and some of Yang's clothes now!" He shouted without looking at the blonde, the man did as he was told while the drunk went about creating the fire.
After a few minutes Tai came back to find a half naked red headed boy wrapped in Qrow cape laid out in front of the now roaring fire place. "What the hell!?"
Tai knelt down next to the boy and found his skin was freezing cold, quickly he dressed the boy in some of Yang's pajamas and then wrapped him in the blankets he'd brought. "Daddy, what going on?" A small voice came from nearby. A worried Yang and sleepy Ruby stood in the doorway looking at him.
"Nothing angel, take Ruby and go back to bed." After a few seconds Yang nodded and began leading her little sister back to their room, he made sure to keep himself between them and the boy so they wouldn't see him. Once the two were gone the blonde looked to the exhausted looking Qrow. "Qrow, what the hell is going on?" He demanded quietly as to not disturb the girls.
Qrow wiped some sweat from his forehead. "Hell if I know, I was just going to visit Summer's grave. When I got there I found this kid sleeping on the head stone nearly frozen solid, so I wrapped him in my cape and rushed here."
Tai looked at the kid with wide eyes. "Summer's grave is at least three miles from anywhere, how did this kid find his way all out there? And where these?" He asked looking over the boys clothes that laid in a small pile, all soaked through.
"He's got several cuts on him to, though right now none are open." As he said this the wind outside began picking up. "I would've made a beeline for the clinic in town but you know how much longer a run that would have been, and looking at this weather I wouldn't be surprised if we had a blizzard on our hands."
Tai stood from the boys side, he was bundled up in several layers of blankets and next to the fireplace. Tai walked over a sat down next to Qrow on his couch and held out his hand to his teammate and friend, Qrow handed him his flask and let the blonde take a swig. "You made the right choice." Tai sounded just as exhausted as Qrow. "With this weather he'd have probably died if left out there much longer. We'll take him to the clinic in the morning."
Qrow nodded as he stared a the fire in the fire place. "She always did love helping people." Qrow finally spoke after several minutes of silence, he noticed the confused look from Tai. "Summer, she never could turn away someone in need. Even after death she's helping people." His eyes went to the boy who'd definitely be dead if he'd been anywhere else but the woman's grave.
Tai could only nod at the words with a small smile forming on his face.
One week later
Gaara cracked his eyes open and found himself lying in a bed underneath several thick blankets, he forced himself to sit up and look around. His body still ached and felt heavy but it was nothing like before. "Where am I?" He asked himself as he looked around at the small room. "Uncle Yasha-" He stopped his call for his uncle abruptly and his eyes went wide.
In an instant he remembered everything, Yashamaru was dead, he tried to kill him. He said his mother... "AAAAAH" Gaara began screaming as he held his head, everything was wrong, it didn't make sense, none of it. He was so distracted with his mental break down he didn't notice the door to his room burst open and a blonde man run in.
"What the hell?!" Tai shouted as he ran over to the boy who was now freaking out. "Hey, calm down!" He went to place a hand on the boys shoulder but just before he made contact Gaara swung his arm towards Tai, Tai ignored the swing until it made contact and forced him several feet back and dealt a good bit of damage to his aura. To his shock a red aura began bubbling up around the boy, tears fell from his eyes the entire time. "Qrow!" Tai shouted as the boy began getting to his feet on top of the bed.
In an instant the drunk huntsmen was in the room with his blade drawn, surprise written across his face as he saw the boy glaring at them with more malice and pain then any grimm he'd ever seen before. "Tai, what's going on?!"
Before the blonde could reply however Gaara charge in a burst of speed any hunter would envy, both men managed to get out of the way however allowing Gaara to slam into the wall destroying it. Holding up the flat of his blade to guard Qrow prepared to block the next charge which came quickly, to his surprised the boy managed to completely overpower him and the two went flying out a nearby window out into the cold snow covered backyard. "KID RELAX!"
His scream fell on deaf ears however as Gaara charged again, Qrow was easily able to side step this time. At first they'd been in an enclosed space and the boy had taken him by surprise, now they were outside and he was ready. Gaara made a series of wild swings at the huntsmen sending powerful gusts of wind with each and all with great speed, but Qrow was a veteran huntsmen with decades of combat experience, all the this kids attacks were wild and lacked any kind of technique, this told him several thinks. Despite this massive strength he seemed to have he was still only a child with know type of training or experience, he was likely just working on instinct alone and didn't know how to use this power. This gave Qrow a massive advantage but that didn't mean he wasn't dangerous, if he managed to get a couple good hits in it could be trouble.
"Uncle Qrow?" A tiny voice call from nearby catching his attention, in that moment Gaara managed to land a solid punch to the mans gut causing him to double over. Gaara sent several more wild punches into the hunched over man sending him flying several yards away until he slammed into a tree cracking it. "UNCLE QROW." A small girl with black and red hair ran over to the now downed huntsmen as Gaara stood panting, then he felt something cold hit his head and turned to see another blonde, this one was a girl with pigtails wearing a thick coat. She picked up some snow and threw it at Gaara.
"STOP HURTING UNCLE QROW!" She screamed at him.
"Yang stop!" Tai finally joined the fray once again putting himself in between Yang and the boy.
"Tai, let me handle this." Qrow called to his friend as he used his blade and Ruby to get to his feet. "Ruby stay behind me." He whispered to the little girl as he slowly began walking towards the red haired boy, his eyes were still brimming with tears and fear. Dropping his blade into the snow he held up his hands. "Kid, I'm not gonna hurt you, nobody is gonna hurt you." He spoke softly.
"Liar! Father tried to kill me, Uncle Yashamaru tried to kill me. You want to kill me to!" He screamed back at Qrow causing more of the red energy to begin forming behind him in what almost looked like a tail.
Both Qrow and Tai frowned at the boys words, this was gonna be more difficult than they thought. "Your father and Uncle tried to hurt you?" Qrow asked making sure his voice was calm. If this kid was telling the truth then this was far more complicated, a child his age would probably be traumatize by such a thing. A scared, confused, and traumatized child with this kind of power was incredibly dangerous. "What's your name kid?"
The boy didn't answer as he held his arms in front of him in case someone attacked, almost like a sorry excuse for a combat stance. "G-Gaara."
"Gaara, my name is Qrow." Qrow pointed to himself. "That's my friend Tai." This time he point to Tai who forced a smile, he managed to piece together the same thing Qrow did. "The girl behind him is my niece Yang, and this is my other niece Ruby." He slowly gestured to the two girls who looked scared. "Me and Tai are both Huntsmen, we fight grimm to protect people. We want to help people, we won't hurt you."
"Huntsmen?" Gaara asked quietly. "What's that?"
"Huntsmen and huntresses are the heros of the world!" The little girl behind Qrow spoke up seeming to forget her fear and run over to the red haired boy causing both adults to stiffen and prepare to jump in if he made a move against the girl. "They fight monsters and protect people with big super cool weapons! Their so awesome, when I grow up I'm gonna be one just like my mom and dad and Uncle Qrow!" She rambled causing the boy to take a step back in response to her running up to him but he didn't make any other moves. Ruby smiled at the boy before noticing something. "You're crying, are you okay?"
Gaara didn't know how to respond to this, he'd never had to deal with anyone like the girl in front of him. "I'm scared." He whispered as tears continued to fall.
While all this was happening the two huntsmen notice the red aura around him diminishing. "Why are you scared?"
Gaara continued to cry as he answered. "Everyone hates me, they want to kill me. Uncle Yashamaru said mother hated me to, because I killed her when I was born." He spoke quietly but loud enough for the four to hear, Tai and Qrow shared a glance that communicated that they were on the same page. This kid need help.
"My mom died when I was little to, but I know she loved me. Your Uncle was a liar if he said that, daddy told me that mommy's always love their babies. No matter what they do mommy's will never stop loving us." Her words struck Gaara to the core.
He stood there shivering in the snow with tears falling from his face. "Really?" He asked almost desperately.
"Yup." By this point the red aura had completely disappeared.
After several more seconds Gaara smiled very slightly. "Mother loves me?" He asked himself between hiccups, then suddenly he fell to the ground unconscious.
So thats the first chapter. Now to all of you about to go off about Gaara not having a chakra cloak, I legitimately believe he does but the signature red chakra is instead fused into the sand that covers his body during his transformation. In a situation where he does not have access to any sand I believe the chakra would simply form into the generic chakra cloak we are all familiar with. This is my theory and I'm sticking to it. Leave me a review and tell me what you all think. Until next time.