I know a lot of you were looking forward to an update for this fic, but I honestly didn't like how it was turning out. I mean really, it was kinda cliche and dumb as fuck. I mean really, not one of my best works. A fricken 12 year old with tattoos and piercing. Jesus fucking christ! What was I even thinking?! Also 11 year old romances. Wow, I don't even.

The whole heir of Salazar idea is pretty rad and will probably be continued in Hell's Princess. In all honesty, Hell's Princess will pretty much be a combined rewrite of Filia Corvus and Salazar's Legacy if that's something y'all are interested in. I guess it's kinda disappointing to not see this continued, but I just... I wanted to write something a little more original than what I've been doing. And with Hell's Princess, I hope to accomplish that.

Anyways, Salazar's Legacy is on a permanent Hiatus/Abandoned.