Chapter 5: The Price

His Eminence's eyes were yellow and his voice was a low, inhuman rumble. "You did what?"

Her Blessing faced him with head high and back straight. "Bargained my virtue to save your life. 'Twas well-spent. You stand before me healed of all injury. A feat worth the price of my virtue a thousand times over. And your words were correct, brother. The Last is quite the lover."

"What know you of lovers!"

"Naught but what the Last showed me."

His Eminence and Glory took in a long breath through his nose. "Sister. You do not speak sense. The Last journeys to Ascension. Why in the name of our fathers and the Demon's Great Eye would you offer your virtue—a thing inviolate! —to one who could not turn his back on his birthright? He has defied his oaths if he took you up on the offer. You would buy my life with such shame?" He tipped his head with a frown. "And think me capable of living with that shame?"

Her Blessing swallowed but continued to gaze at her brother without flinching. "He abdicated his Ascension. Do you not recall me saying this? It was witnessed. And yes, brother, I did do precisely that after being warned of the shame you speak of. Further…I bargained that Suna would be his should we rescue you successfully."

A glow sprang up around His Eminence. The growl that came from him now had the cave shaking. Konohamaru moved to stand beside Sasuke, whose eyes were red.

"But," Her Blessing continued, noting these changes, "Since the Last proved unworthy, I transferred my allegiance to the Uchiha slave. And the conditions of the bargain. As such, my body is his-" Sasuke yelped. "-and Suna is his. This I swore in blood upon the sands of our birth. That is the bargain I speak of."

His Eminence sank to his knees clutching his cheeks. "Suna is lost." His voice was a whisper. "Sister. You and I will open our veins and speak each other's names. I will not live with such disgrace. Nor can I suffer the thought of you living." He put his face in his hands.

Sasuke said, "Can I not simply give you Suna, Your Eminence? Give it back to you? I am neither born nor bred to rule. I am chained, and I journey to my brother."

The hands over His Eminence's face lowered until he could peer at Sasuke. "You would further shame me by giving me what is my heritage?"

"I but seek to put matters aright."

"Would that you had never set foot in my city, then. Or you," he said to the Last. "Matters can never be right again." He bit his fist in the extremity of his fury, eyes now fixed on his sister.

"May I… speak?"

All turned to the new voice. It was Konohamaru. Sasuke gave a nod at seeing the question had been asked of him.

Konohamaru spoke haltingly, clearing his throat often. "The…bargain. Was struck…before. Before my master…I mean…before…he…swore off his Ascension. Which means …she, ah…Her Blessing was no longer... the ruler? Of Suna. She was…nothing. Since she was nothing, she could not…give Suna to my mast… I mean to my…brother. And I was the other witness. Alma do not bear witness to matters of im…import." A frown. Hard thinking. "There …were no witnesses. So it cannot …be proven."

His Eminence rose to his feet and moved toward Konohamaru with hands clawed in hope. "And what cannot be proven did not happen," he breathed. Then he whirled to Sasuke. His sister. "Did it happen as he said?"

"I, too, was witness," Sasuke said. "And what the boy…what Kono…what my brother said only means there were no witnesses to the master forswearing his Ascension. We all bore witness to Her Blessing bargaining away her virtue."

"But you are a slave." His Eminence's voice gained urgency. "Also nothing. Less than nothing. Slaves do not bear witness. And a thing must be witnessed by two to be valid. It is true, then, it did not happen." He swelled to his full height. "I am ruler of Suna. Suna is mine." A smile split his face. His eyes returned to green and the glow surrounding his body was gone.

"But then, that means the master's Ascension is not forsaken," Sasuke frowned. "Since Her Blessing was the only true witness to it and she is but one."

They all looked to the master, who stared nowhere but at his slave.

"That is a matter for a later discussion. For now, you may rest easy knowing you are not burdened with Suna or responsibility of her," His Eminence said.

Sasuke's shoulders relaxed from their position near his ears, and the hand he'd tucked tightly beneath his elbow lowered. "Thank the gods." He turned to grin at Konohamaru and was rewarded with the first smile he'd ever seen on the boy. It was small. Disappeared. Reappeared with more confidence. Sasuke was moved to hug him, but confined himself to a grasp of one solid shoulder. "Thank you. You've wits about you. An invaluable possession not many can boast." Konohamaru's smiled expanded to an answering grin.

The master watched all this and thought he would go mad with grief. "Attend!" he roared. "We are bound for Hyuuga land. Your Eminence. Do you travel with us?"

His Eminence and Glory folded his arms, restored to himself. "I will send word to my people of my status as living and for my council to keep them hidden until I can settle the debt between me and this…man who's earned my promise of vengeance. They will be safe where they are. And there is no one to lead in my place," he said with a glare at his sister.

"It is well. Nameless."

Sasuke looked behind himself, then went to stand in front of the master.

"You have cost me everything save my life. Know beyond doubt that I will dedicate that life to your destruction in turn. Think you The Exalted is an enemy? I am your enemy. You'll find none fiercer. Unless."

Sasuke was on high alert. "Unless?"

"Unless you can do what you said and free us both of this cursed chain. I witnessed your power with my own eyes. It is…notable. Should you free us, I give you my promise. My word. An oath I will swear in blood, chakra, and on the sacred essence I host in my body: I will let you live. You and your brother. Free me."

"A tempting offer. But you cannot kill me so long as I am chained to you. The dedication of your life to that endeavor means naught. We go to my brother, who will free you at any rate, at which time I may expect you to engineer my Passing as promised. Why would I hasten that moment?" Never mind the fact that Itachi would never allow such a thing. "I do not trust your promise, High One."

"Can you do it?"

"Possibly. 'Twould require your permission to probe the chain and our connection. Extensively."

The master drew close to his slave. Sasuke tilted his chin to maintain eye contact. "You have it," the master said. "The moment you tell me you can free us, I will make my promise. How do your people swear? That blood oath you did with my alma?"

"Not for something of this nature."

The master bit his palm anyway and let the blood drip from his fist. "I swear to you with my blood, Nameless. On the Demon's Eye. On His Ten Tails. Free me, and your life is yours."

"My brother?"

"Him as well."

"Then I shall do my best."

They all stared at each other until His Eminence said, "That is settled. Nameless, I believe you are called?"

Sasuke turned to him. "Yes. But we are in The Mists. You may use my given name."

"I will call you Nameless. I mean no insult, but I cannot forget myself so completely. Unlike some." This time he refrained from looking at his sister. "Is there food in this cave? Are we able to outfit ourselves for the journey ahead?"

"Not here, no." Sasuke thought. "I do not believe there is aught left of my people's farmlands."

"Not even water?"

Sasuke shook his head.

"The sands save us."

"Nagato-" This time he heeded the collective shudder that rippled through them. "The Leader made sure to pollute our wells and rivers, but there is a mountain stream two hour's hike from here. It feeds into a brook farther down. My family and I used it to great effect. It was unmolested when last I was here. Perhaps it is safe still."

"What of food?" Her Blessing said.

"Food was always my brother's task. He has talents neither I nor my parents possess. He would leave the cave every few days, remain gone a day, and return with enough food to last until his next foray."

His Eminence frowned. "Did you never ask after the source?"

"Why? 'Twas obvious he obtained the food from people. Where the people were mattered not; they were not in The Mists."

"And these talents you speak of?" His Eminence pressed. "What are they?"

"My brother's concern. Content yourself with the knowledge that I do not possess them and so cannot procure food the same way. Sadly. I am sorry. I fear I'm a poor host."

His Eminence, whose jaw tightened at being told by a slave to content himself, relaxed at hearing the apology. I must needs remind myself that without the chain his Uchiha blood would carry heavy weight in the land. Nor can I forget he saved my life and that of my sister, cursed be her name. Thanks to him, Suna lives. He closed the distance between them and put a hand on Nameless' shoulder. "It is I who must apologize. Sunagakure owes you a debt eternal. When matters are settled, I will proclaim our gate always open to you." He bowed low. Rose. "But food is needed. Is this place being watched?"

"I cannot say. This place was never discovered while my family and I used it, but The Exalted has a member of his Akatsuki especially skilled in stealth and infiltration. I would not advise leaving the cave or contacting your people. 'Tis almost certain this man I speak of has found them, wherever they are, and watches from a distance, waiting for you to make contact."

Her Blessing cursed. "What do you suggest our next move be?"

Sasuke looked behind himself but the master was gone. Disappeared to one of the other rooms. "I am not certain. It seems the master and I are of one mind in seeking my brother with all possible haste, but travel was always on the master's time. He does not seem inclined to travel just now."

"No, he does not," His Eminence said. He unstrapped his gourd and set it down. It made a sound that told Sasuke it was empty. "It would seem our next move is to wait until he is so inclined. Truth, I'll not wait beyond a day. I will be avenged on The Exalted and rebuild my city." He went to the clothes Konohamaru had worn. Inspected them. Retrieved a few grains of sand from them and sat down. "While I wait, I will create more sand. And meditate." He sprinkled the grains into a tiny pile before him, then closed his eyes.

Sasuke went to the back of the caves and beckoned Konohamaru.

Konohamaru tried not to stare at his new brother by letting his eyes rove around the room. There were candles of varying sizes, sitting in puddles of wax. A mat made of woven bamboo covered the floor. Chairs and a table, also of bamboo. There were stone bunks carved into the walls. Four of them, two on either side of the room, complete with furs and pillows clothed in white linen. A closer look revealed a thick pallet on each bunk, obviously hand-sewn. He started to touch one, before recalling himself.

"My mother made those." His brother came to stand beside him and gazed at the pallet with him. "She had the bunk above mine. My brother and father slept on the other side." He looked behind himself to the opposite wall. "We hid here after our people were slaughtered." A pause. "Konohamaru?"

He looked at him.

"You are not alma. You may touch whatever you wish. You may speak whenever you wish. You are free. You belong to yourself. You decide your fate. You may even leave me, if you wish. Have you parents?"

He had to say the words in his mind before he could fit them in his mouth, and the sound of his voice was terrifying. Speaking was not an action he would ever accustom himself to. He felt as if he were committing the biggest sin under the heavens. "No. Alma…are…are like crops. They are harvested. From families in debt. Or… from the poor. Taken at birth."

"Oh." His brother went to one of several large cushions and sat. "I confess 'tis hard to fathom. Family was, is, a thing sacred to my people."

He eyed another cushion. This, too, was covered with fur. Soft. He let his hand run over it a few times before deciding he would sit on it. He did so as gently as possible.

His brother laughed. "Your face is beyond price. Have you never sat on one?"

He shook his head.

The smile faded. "Your life sounds like it was a difficult one. You have my deepest apologies for ripping it away. 'Twas not my intent." He frowned down at his hands a moment. "I imagine you feel lost. All you've known is now gone. I…I know that feeling well. I have felt it since the moment my brother sold me to the master. You and I cannot change our circumstances. Not yet, at any rate. But perhaps we can help each other." The smile returned halfway. "I am glad to have another brother."

The cave held many rooms. 'Twas not truly a cave, but some nest of caverns and pockets littered with unlit candles, baskets, and other items he associated with habitation. He found a smallish pocket devoid of anything save dust and folded himself to the floor. He could hear his slave speaking with His Eminence. Thankfully, the sound was muffled.

The better part of an hour went by while he was stared at naught. Naught occupied his mind. And yet his eyes ran freely. When he looked down it was to find his hands shaking. Closing them to fists did not stop their tremor. The tremor was in all his limbs. In his chest. He could not breathe.

An urge to let the essence loose warred with an equal urge to open his veins. Instead, he turned and curled up on the stones.

Being back in the caves was bittersweet. Familiar environs were a comfort—he could still smell his parents. He tried not to think about the fact that Zetsu could be in these caves right now, reporting to Madara. No. I would sense that bloodless abomination were he near. Provided he stayed awake.

There are other things to occupy my mind. This pallet. A far cry from sleeping on stony ground. The fur is soft. Hunted and skinned by my father, blessed be his eyes. This pillow, made by mother. I can still smell her, may her soul light the heavens. "Konohamaru?"


"Are you well?"


"I cannot… Actually, it comes to mind that you are not of these lands. Do you prefer I call you by name or as brother?"


"It is understood. Brother, I cannot sleep. What do you do when you cannot sleep?"

"I…sleep anyway."

Would that I could. He should be exhausted. And his stomach felt wrapped around his spine. He would give an eye for meat and bread. Cease. You are restless because your blood has cooled and the master is not making demands of you. Akatsuki found you. You fought Madara himself. It will not be the last time. Remain vigilant. You are Uchiha. Quiet your mind and behave as one.

He slowed his breathing. Emptied himself of thought, feeling, and sensation. Floated in the void. He did not sense Akatsuki, but something else came through with a sharpness he should have noticed earlier: the chain was heavy with the master's shame and sorrow.

He studied these emotions, feeling his heart pound. Naught had ever suffused the chain but anger, pride, greed, or lust. At least, not from the master. He let the emotions wash over him, feeling their potency and the way the master felt drowned, hopeless, and small. He could not decide which sentiment was stronger. The master was mourning…yet he was also humiliated. The master swung between the two, round and round, until Sasuke became aware of a third thing beneath the grief and disgrace. He wants to die. So odd. So fascinating. That the master was capable of such…humanity.

He feared for you when the demon was taken from him.

That memory surfaced amidst his wonder. He chose to save you over the life of his alma. Even told Her Blessing to guard you. He has feeling in him, he's just an arrogant animal besides. He considered this. I still hate him. Somewhat. Perhaps if he Passes himself I will be free.

No, you will be dead. That was Itachi's voice. If it was simply protection you needed I might not have sold you. Your owner cannot be beaten easily, a fact his oaths make use of. The harder he is to defeat, the longer you will live. Madara knows this. Had he taken your master's soul, you would not have been free, as he said. You would have been just as dead.

His blood ran cold.

Yet it makes sense. If the master cannot kill me based on his oaths, logic would suggest that were someone to kill him, I would be no more. Trust my brother to see the engineering of such a thing as the workings of a rational mind. Itachi. I must needs ask you why it is you thought this arrangement suitable. Far from me being protected, I saved the brute you sold me to and now have two other lives on my hands in the bargain.


It was difficult to maintain an awareness of time when in the void. He stood feeling the master's sorrow wash over him, angry at his brother, until a sound made him turn around.

A great space surrounded him, here and there obscured by green mist. Ahead of him stood a child of five or six years. The child was being handed a babe still wet from his birth. The babe was unremarkable in every way, but the child had hair the color of the master's; spiked and wild and brushing his thin shoulders. Sasuke moved closer. The child was clothed in a garment Uchiha did not wear: I rectangle wrapped around the hips and thighs that stopped at the knees. The child looked up at the man who'd given him the babe with enormous blue eyes.

Sasuke stopped breathing. Neither the eyes nor the hair could be happenstance. What is this?

He too, looked at the man. Whoever he was, he was tall and muscled. White hair that cascaded in a profusion of peaks around his head and down his back. He was dressed as a hermit. Elderly but vital still. A huge scroll on his back. Something about him spoke to memories buried deep.

The child squeaked as he almost dropped the babe. He caught him. The babe began howling his displeasure. The man gazed at all this with hands on hips. "You remember the words?" he said.

"Yes, sensei."

"Say them."

The master, for it was indeed he, looked at the babe's red face. "We are of one soul, one breath, one life. Should I prove unworthy, you are released from me. Should I betray you, you are released from me. Should I forget you, you are released from me. Should I abandon you, you are released from me. And should I dishonor you, you are released from me. Alma. I do claim you."

"Well, said. Name him."

The master's young voice put a feeling in Sasuke's chest like many wings flapping. He put a hand on his chest to quiet himself, and watched the way the master thought hard for many moments, trying to find a word in his limited knowledge of the world suitable for the great responsibility he cradled in his arms. He could feel those thoughts, Sasuke realized. Could read them as one read parchment. The master thought of his destiny, the position for which he was being groomed, the future ahead of him, and said to the babe, "Your name is Konohamaru."

The man —his handler, the master thought of him as— gave a nod. "The name is heard. Feed him. Wrap him in that length of wool there. You have done well today."

Those were the words said to him at the end of each day, if he'd learned his lessons well. Or if he'd performed his training adequately, Sasuke understood. The master could count the times a day had ended on rebuke or criticism.

When Sasuke blinked, the man and babe were gone. The master, grown, sat with his knees drawn to his chest, elbows on his knees, face in his hands. I have not done well this day, sensei. I have nothing. I am nothing. A sob left him.

Sasuke stared at him. I can hear his thoughts. See his memories. A yawning chasm of grief opened in the master. And feel his pain. His own eyes were streaming. He joined his sobs to the master's.


Someone grabbed his shoulder. He turned and found Konohamaru staring at him. But…Konohamaru was standing. He himself was on his back, face wet with tears and mucus. There was a candle in Konohamaru's hand. He cleaned his face on the fur cover. When he sat up he saw that he was in the room he'd lived in with his family. The misty space was gone, the master was gone. He stared at the floor.

"You were dreaming," Konohamaru said.

"I was not."

"You did not respond when I called your name."

He could barely hear Konohamaru now; the master's anguish was an imperative, a command he felt compelled to answer. He stood to go to him and found Her Blessing in the doorway. Sasuke felt he should have noticed before this moment that she was nude. "What is it?" he said.

She looked him over from head to foot.

"Is aught amiss?" He dragged his senses from the master and felt the space around him, the land around the cave. There was no one save themselves. "Has something happened?" He took the candle from Konohamaru and held it closer to her face. "Why do you not speak?"

Konohamaru did. "I believe she wants…sport."

"Sport? What sport?"

"Flesh sport."

He needed several moments to understand this. "Oh. Oh." Her Blessing's expression did not refute this deduction. "Ah, not… Not from me, surely?" He said this to Konohamaru but kept his eyes on her face.

"She does belong to you now. I did hear mention of her body being…mm… yours?"


"…Yes. She did transfer her bargain with the master to you. She was his consort. Now…she is your consort."

"I cannot have a consort. 'Tis not a practice in my clan. Gods." He watched Her Blessing blink at him. Saw that Konohamaru looked back and forth between them both. Sasuke was suddenly weary. "The master be cursed, damned, and slain by dogs. He did tell me that to fuck…ah…flesh sport, rather, is to eat or drink. A need as simple as those. If Her Blessing now belongs to me, would that mean I am to provide her with…with sport, the same as I would provide her with food?"

"That would be my understanding." Konohamaru frowned. "Do you suppose she would…take the sport from you? Should you refuse?"

Sasuke noticed that speech was coming easier for his new brother. That gladdened him. Then he heard the words. "What? Take? Do you mean by force? From me?"

"She is fierce. And mighty. You did not see it, but she nearly Passed the master. I mean your master. With…that thing. Her fan. When he came at her to seal the bargain. She split his skull clean open. I saw his brains. 'Twas a sight I would not have missed for anything. But after, she was a forceful participant in the sport itself. I saw. 'Twas lively, your master's sport with Her Blessing. I think she nearly Passed him again. She was unbreached, but now her appetite is wetted, she needs more sport. You own her. So you must service her. She does not seem the type to be cheated of what she wants. She did give up her honor. Willingly. To get what she wanted. One who could do such as that would do anything. And now you've proven your own might. 'Tis greater than the master's. Your master's, I mean. Likely she feels sport with you will have her screaming louder than your master made her scream. Yes, see, brother? Her breasts. The points are hard. 'Tis a sign she is ready. For sport. I will sit over here and…and watch. So I do not disturb you."

I wonder if alma are silent because they would otherwise talk a person into the afterlife?

He looked at Her Blessing. She stared him back in the eyes. Expectant.

Itachi. Dearest brother of mine. I do hope you've managed to compose a death poem in your travels, for I feel certain I will Pass you swiftly upon our reunion. You wretched, pompous, filthy bastard. Eyeless dog. Probably happy to be rid of me. Enjoying all the comforts of your new wealth. Like as not you've forgotten me completely, while I am forced to one indignity after another. Damn you! It has only been two days since you sold me yet I have endured a lifetime of shame, abuse, and peril. Cockless swine. Where are you?

Upon leaving Suna, Itachi made all possible haste for Earth Country. He had his chakra masked completely. Akatsuki was near. He could feel them. But they were looking for two. He'd never been able to determine if they could sense him and Sasuke specifically the way he and his brother could sense them, but he did not wait around to find out.

His first stop in Earth Country was a small village to the north more than two hundred leagues from Iwagakure. Once out of the Land of Wind he slowed himself to a calmer pace. That he was now alone was no cause for negligence. Akatsuki was in Suna but he knew what he had not told Sasuke. Which was that Akatsuki was everywhere. By his inexpert reckoning he supposed Madara had over a thousand souls now. Well over. The elite were the ones tasked with bringing down the Uchiha, but lesser members were in every country save the wildlands. Pray they are not in the wildlands too, or all is lost.

He traveled with his cloak wrapped tight about himself and the white shruda Sasuke had worn to his sale clutched to his face. He was thus able to keep the dust of the land out of his nose and his brother's memory fresh. The latter he needed to fortify himself through the waves of grief-sickness that had him swallowing the contents of his stomach every other hour. Gods. He'd sold his brother. His only family. Sold him with no more hesitance than one sells a goat. Your cruelty is not news to you, he scolded himself. Nor was it news to your parents, else they would not have taken you to those caves and made their requests. Pray it is not news to Akatsuki. He stopped walking to scan the horizon as he considered this. When the attack on The Mists came he, as second in command to the war general of his people, that general being his father, had slain more of Akatsuki than anyone. Even more than his father, who'd Passed several score. Uchiha Madara, I do hope my name has reached your ears. I will know your blood ere I Pass from this world for what you've done. Ai, Sasuke. My Heart. I am sorry. You must forgive me. I will see you again. He inhaled long and hard from the shruda.

When he was a day's travel from the village he concealed himself utterly, retrieved the fur-lined pouch from his cloak, and withdrew the ruby.

His innards tightened as he cradled it in his hands. The price for Sasuke's life. He stared, but could not accustom himself to the sight. Such wealth as he held could found nations, begin and end wars. Or purchase an Uchiha in his prime. Cease! Your caterwauling changes naught. You have a mission. Be about it and have done.

He brought the ruby to his lips. Held it there. Murmured a prayer for success. When he placed it on the ground, he knew a moment of doubt. The ask was enormous. No greater ask existed than the one he possessed. Such an ask would not be cheap. The ruby glowed in the last rays of the sun. He took up a stone and smashed it.

Careful to retrieve every sliver, he refilled the pouch. Selected a piece the size of his smallest finger and hid this in his robes. Finished, he made his customary check for other travelers or pursuit. Noone. He was alone. Vigilant still, he allowed himself a shallow sleep.


Morning. He chose to run. Earth Country was a hazy place. This far north, all was rock and stone. Great monoliths rose from the ground at irregular intervals to stand like sentries. Witnesses to all who passed, masked or no. The wind made a sound to wake the dead whenever it passed between these pillars, and left dust carried from the south in its wake. He kept the hood of his cloak up and Sasuke's shruda to his face. Only his eyes were exposed, squinted against the grit.

He reached his destination by midday. A mining village that supplied most of the gems found in the Five Great Nations. It had but one entrance, guarded by two men. Unarmed. Which meant practitioners of the Arts.

His pace slowed to a walk, giving himself time to assess them. He was fifty paces away. They must surely have seen him at twice that, since the village sat midway up one of the larger monoliths on a natural shelf. The way their postures stiffened as he closed the distance suggested they could sense his levels. I suppose 'tis only fitting, given the wealth of this place. Well then. This should be diverting.

It was known that travelers to this particular village were not challenged at the gate, but they were not likely to find what they sought either. The merchants were cleverly hidden, and only dealt with liaisons native to the village. Each country had such a liaison in residence, but that would not serve him, untraceable as he planned to be. The guards were high level. Using one's chakra left one easy to track, but there was no help for it. He stopped before them, noted the sharpness of their gazes, and smiled. "Peace and safety."

"Be yours and ours," the heavier of the two said. His eyes widened and his mouth opened to shout a warning, but it was too late. He and his companion could only stare at Sharingan. Their faces were open and fearful, ready for commands, where once they'd been watchful.

"I seek white gems," he said.


He lessened the force of his chakra.

"Uh-of course, high one. My lord. Of course. Go to the first stone in the midway-"

"No. Lead me."

"I cannot leave my post."

He adjusted his chakra. "Lead. Me."

"At once, my lord. Yes. Follow me."

He looked up from examining the weight and luster of the latest pearl harvest when the light from his doorway darkened.

Beauty walked into his shop.

A man. Clad in red so dark it was almost black. The red was muted with dust, but not so the quality of the garment. Money, then. And such a man! Broad of shoulder. Deep of chest. Graceful. The face framed by the hood was fair. Dominated by eyes large and dark, themselves graced with long lashes.

Then he gasped; the hood was being pushed back. Hair of a thickness and shine not found on many men. Indeed, given the length, he could almost believe he was looking at a woman. But no. That neck was too strong, the jaw too bold and shadowed.


He slipped a hand beneath the counter to cup his sweetmeats, where they'd jumped in response. "My lord?"

"I seek white gems. What have you?"

The voice was warmed honey. He squeezed himself savagely to heighten his pleasure. "But of course, my lord. I have diamonds, pearls, white jade, moonstones, starbrights, white onyx-"

"Diamonds. Pearls. The diamonds each no less than half the size of my hand. The pearls no less than the orb of my eye. Fifteen pearls for every diamond."

His desire wilted in shock. He put the hand holding himself back on the counter. "And how many of such a size does my lord require?"

"Enough to fill a dozen chests. Each chest large enough to sit a man grown. Iron chests, mind. Of comely craftsmanship."

The man was not quite as beautiful as he'd thought. "May I see my lord's coin?" He watched as the man withdrew something from within his robes. The glint of red had him gasping. He received it with both hands. "Such clarity!" he said, holding it aloft to the sun. "May I?"

"Of course."

He used a lens to inspect the shard closely. "Stunning," he said after many minutes. "Superior quality. However," he added, standing upright again. "'Tis plain this was hewn from a larger piece. Much larger. If my lord has this larger piece with him, perhaps a part of your order can be fulfilled. Two chests. Possibly three. This…" He tossed the shard to the counter like so much refuse. "For what you offer I fear I can but give a single diamond of the size you require. And five pearls."

"You would cheat me so baldly?"

"'Tis a fair price, my lord. The diamond alone, without pearls, would be an even better trade for so small a shard."

"Fascinating. I happen to know I could purchase a house of pearls, and one of diamonds with this shard."

"I am certain I do not-"

"Tell me, goodman. Do I look such a phel to you?"

He started to sneer but the man's eyes held the reflection of flames. Before he could turn to see for himself, other flames sprang up behind the man, licking at the ceiling beams, the walls, roaring across the floor. The doorway was solid flame. All was fire, smoke, and scorching heat. An ember fell on his head, the pain unimaginable.

He shrieked, swatting at the ember and howling his death poem. Visions of his skin being cooked off his bones had him begging the gods for mercy.


The man addressed him several times before he became aware of the coolness surrounding him. The silence. No heat. When he opened his eyes it was to discover himself cowering on the floor behind his counter in a pool of his own piss. Sunlight flooded in behind the man. The man, he saw, peered at him over the edge of the counter with brows pinched in concern.

A practitioner. Gods save me, and a skilled one. Like as not Pass me with no more effort than breathing. I should have made note of him lacking an escort. It was several moments before he could breathe without tears threatening. Naught was said as he got to his feet, clothes dripping. No hint of smoke or fire damage in his shop. Face burning, he stared at the counter.

"Fare you well, goodman?"

"Your order is large. I will accept your payment for it. It is most generous. But it will take time to fill, I fear. I know a man who has the sort of chests you describe, but I must send to the pearl farms, the mines, and neighboring shops for the bulk of your gems…how…how long will my lord be willing to wait?"

"Only as long as necessary." There was a pause. "Perhaps I should remain with you to ensure I am not cheated."

He voided his bowels right there where he stood. Closed his eyes at the warmth oozing down his legs. The stench. His voice was both hoarse and unsteady. "No. No, my lord, I swear to you. Every pearl and diamond will be accounted for, the chests of handsome design, as requested. On my life…please. Three days. Give me three days."

Itachi watched until the man was sweating freely and it was clear the only thing keeping him upright was the counter he pressed his palms to. He reached to grasp one cold, wet hand. Had to pry it from the counter. Shook it. "Not an hour past noon of the third day."

Wrenching his hand free, the shop owner hastened to produce a bill of sale and a scale for the ruby shard.

The land from Earth Country to the Truth Stone was lush forests and valleys and green mountains. Not a pace from the stone itself lay Hyuuga territory. It was not Hyuuga land proper, according to maps, but watched by Hyuuga nonetheless. The beginning of their territory was marked by sand so pale it was almost white. Sunlight reflected from it with such strength even the air above looked white. The Desert of Truth destroyed many who tried to cross her.

Itachi stood at the stone and studied the border of grass and sand. The grass did not give way to sand in a gradual manner. Just the abrupt end of it where the desert began. Sharp enough to have been drawn by a hand, was that line. Evidence of rumors regarding the Hyuuga and their unnatural, supernatural powers being true.

I can turn back. Face Akatsuki with Sasuke at my side. Together we are powerful. Ahh, but Akatsuki is numerous. And Madara…Father said Madara brought this world to its knees once before. Mother charged me with Sasuke's life. I cannot forsake that duty. But gods. The Hyuuga… Tales told in his youth rose to the forefront of his mind: The Hyuuga were monsters, the get of a demon goddess, who drank blood and mated with their family members. Obsessed with all that was pure and white. With truth. So strong that the gods themselves sealed them away from the rest of humanity lest they overrun the world.

He was shaking.

Nonsense. Sasuke's life hangs in the wind and here you stand wasting the light.

He was nude, hair unbound. The truth he was born in. One deep breath and he stepped onto the sand. It was cool. More testimony to Hyuuga power. It was not heat that felled so many here, but the distance. Few high-level practitioners of the Arts existed. Without sufficient skill, sealing food and water away was impossible. Nothing could be carried lest the rule to cross in truth be violated and the Hyuuga exact vengeance.

If his memory of maps served, crossing the desert at a walk took a month. One could not cross quicker, else the body die quicker. Well, one that was not trained.

I do not have a month to linger here. Keeping his sights on the horizon, he left a cloud of churned sand in his wake.

Neji spoke for Her Radiance. "You are from the desert outpost, if I am not mistaken."

"Truth, High Lord."

"State your business."

"One approaches. At speed."

That was news seldom heard. Neji sat forward, peering down at the sentry with more interest. "A practitioner of the Arts?"

"Yes, High Lord."

"In truth?"

"Yes, High Lord. They come in truth."

Neji glanced to his left where Her Radiance, The Pure reclined at his side. Her gaze was on the sentry's bowed head. No thought or expression marred the perfection of her features.

The sentry spoke again. "Do I let them pass, High Lord?"

Another look to his left. This time he received the tiniest nod in return. "Yes." He turned back to the sentry. "Let the traveler pass unimpeded until they reach their destination."

"It shall be done, High Lord."

When he was gone, Neji turned to Her Radiance. Spent a moment studying her lashes. They were lowered, as if the sentry remained. "What make you of this development?"

"Mmmmm." Now she looked at him and smiled. "Do you suppose the traveler is male or female?"

"I purposefully did not ask. Let all about this individual be a surprise. The better to savor this occurrence."

"I quite agree. Oooooh." A shudder trembled through her delicate limbs. "I sense change comes at this traveler's heels. Long has it been since change last graced the Hyuuga. My heart palpitates." Her eyes were shining.

He picked up one of her tiny hands and brought it to his lips. "You are glorious in your excitement, truth of my heart."

There was a structure in the distance. Though he was sure he'd been seen long before he himself spotted it, he slowed to a walk. Hyuuga land was the last place he wanted to be mistaken for untruthful. He'd take no chances here. Let them see him plainly, with plenty of time to conclude he walked in truth.

The sun was low on the horizon when he stopped a few paces from the structure. Close to, it was much smaller than he'd thought. An oblong of white stone, all of a piece. Neither seams nor mortar interrupted the surface. No windows. A doorway absent a door. The entire thing was less than twice his height and certainly not much longer. Under no circumstances would he approach or call out. Impatience was a trait of the untruthful. So he waited.

"I see you are versed in our ways," a voice said when the sun had set. A man stepped from the structure with all the leisure of one who had nothing to do and for whom time meant nothing. "Truth, I've seen much about you in the days I've been watching you." He sauntered forward. "I believe the greeting among foreigners is peace and safety?"

"Be yours and mine." Itachi bowed and held it. "I come in truth."

"So I see. Rise. We only bow before Her Radiance, The Pure and the High Lord. I am instructed to let you pass unimpeded."

"My thanks," Itachi said. He straightened.

"I but convey my orders. 'Twas none of my doing." He was silent a time, letting his eyes rove over Itachi. "Your like has never crossed my path. Or crossed this desert, I'll warrant. Only fools cross here. You are no fool."

Itachi studied him in turn. Hyuuga, fair, leanly built, with power that dried his mouth. Dark hair gathered in a loose tail to just past his shoulders. Nude. Perhaps two score years to his name. And there was another, he realized. A companion who did not leave the structure. Watching him through the walls.

The sentry brought his attention back. "I imagine I am the first Hyuuga you have ever seen. Do I live up to expectations?" A smile that did nothing to soften those unnerving eyes.

"No. You have one head, not two.."

The sentry showed his teeth in a broader smile. His shoulders shook silent laughter. "Pass. Your truth pleases me." The eyes' intensity lessened with his mirth. But not by much.

Itachi did not return the smile, but he did place a hand on his chest to show thanks. This was acknowledged with a dip of the sentry's head.


He had no way of knowing how far Hyuuga land proper was from the outpost or if there would be another outpost before the desert ended. When three days passed with no end to the sand in sight he was forced to conclude that the outpost had been the halfway mark. He sat down on evening of the fourth day after his meeting with the sentry and produced food and water. "So that was a Hyuuga."

If that was but a sentry, he could not begin to fathom what the higher level Hyuuga were like. Then again if a sentry was the first line of defense against a foe entering Hyuuga land, he must needs be formidable. "Perhaps the higher Hyuuga are not so very much stronger." The sound of his voice helped settle his nerves. "Yet if I hope to prevail over Akatsuki I will need all the strength I can obtain."

He looked around. Sand aglow with moonlight, topped by a plum sky laden with stars. Such beauty and stillness. How could there be aught wrong in the world with such splendor as this around him? How could evil exist in such purity?

Grief swamped him. His clan was dead. His place in the world stolen. His brother not at his side where he should be, but consigned to the safekeeping of a man he knew nothing about. And here he sat, bare as his nameday, in a desert that would end with him meeting a people who were more myth than fact. Even now, he could feel eyes on him. "No. Naught whatsoever is as it should be." Which did not change his mission.

Sleeping on sand without so much as a cloak was far from comfortable, but he'd suffered worse. He stretched out and forced his eyes to remain closed. When sleep came, he dreamed of Sasuke.

The following days were much of the same. The sun saw him speeding over the sands, the stars his restless slumber. The closer he drew to Hyuuga land proper the more defined his sense of their power became. An evening came when he had to stop early. The pressure in the atmosphere had grown until he felt as though he carried a man on his back. He remained in that spot for several days. When he could breathe and move with ease he set out again. Slower. Instead of forging ahead each morning, he did so every second sunrise—walking, not running— thereby giving his body enough time to adjust to the changes in the air. It likewise afforded him the chance to scrutinize the chakra he could all but touch. Such a foreign sensation, that chakra. Like liquid in his lungs, syrup in his nose, needles in his pores, fire on his scalp, ice in his bowels. Weights on his limbs, dragging him down. The air was like pitch. Some resistant substance he was forced to press through. Truth, some days he sat every few hours to let the quiver of his muscles subside and the racing of his heart calm. He would pant like a man dying until he ceased seeing double, and he could breathe without pain.

"By the gods, how I will be able to stand in the presence of Her Radiance, The Pure I do not know. But I must try. My brother's life is in my hands." So saying, he heaved himself to his feet once more.

The Lily Palace consisted of domes and archways. Great colonnades of white, gold-veined marble. All surfaces ran with the clear, sweet water known in the Land of Lilies. Marble slabs rose from the water and served as walkways, tables, seating areas, and sleeping spaces. Lotus blooms in abundance floated on the many waters, as did lily pads. As large as a small city, was The Lily Palace, with The Great Dome as the central construct. All other rooms were built around The Great Dome. Irregular skylights over the surface of The Dome let in dazzling sunlight that turned the water crystalline and made the marble glow. Vines and flowers aplenty hung from the skylights, twisted along colonnades, or hung from archways. The fragrance was nigh sweet enough to taste…yet did not overpower one.

Itachi was led through this beauty and into The Great Dome itself via a marble pathway to either side of which flowed scented water. Tempted though he was to note the different rooms he passed and the wealth evident in gold and jade, it was the people who held his attention. The Hyuuga. Without exception they stared at him. Often he could tell that they were staring at him before he entered a room. Every room was open to either courtyard or sky, thus giving a sense of space, yet such was the weight of so many Hyuuga eyes and their power that he felt bound in his death shroud. For certain, had he not traveled the Desert of Truth and built a tolerance to that power, he would be no more.

Even so, upon entering The Dome and the presence therein, he felt himself sagging toward a faint. Perhaps he did faint; he found himself being supported beneath each arm before a set of shallow stairs that climbed twice the height of his head. He had no memory of arriving at the staircase. The summit was topped by two rough-hewn marble slabs on which reclined two individuals he had not the strength to look at. Could not even raise his head. He was allowed to sink to his knees and support himself on his hands. He felt his escort backing away until it was only himself and the two who gazed at him from on high.


Neji could scarce contain his excitement. His face was composed, he knew, but his heart was hammering. A glance at his cousin, who gave him a nod and a smile. She, too, was in a state of fascination. Neji returned his gaze to their visitor. Stared at him. "You are a strong one, traveler. The last foreigner brought to The Dome conscious was before my father's birth. Most are senseless for days before they can enter here."

The traveler rocked back to sit on his heels, head bowed.

Neji and Her Radiance waited.

The sun dimmed and refreshments were brought before their visitor got to his feet and lifted his head.

Note was made of each aspect of the man. Neji said, "You are seen, traveler, and found remarkable in every sense."

His mind was sluggish still, but Itachi was nothing if not well-trained. "As are you seen, High Lord, and found just as glorious."

Neji inclined his head. He then lifted his hand to signal the commencement of the audience proper. By now all of Hyuuga land knew a traveler had entered The Dome awake. High-ranking Hyuuga filed in and took up positions around the thrones until a circle of naked men and women ringed the High Lord, Her Radiance, and their guest. The Dome was filled to capacity.

Itachi's limbs quaked with strain, and his breathing was harsh. There was no help for it: he brought forth Sharingan to keep from fainting.

A murmur rippled around The Dome. One or two gasped. Then quiet.

"Traveler," Neji called, also noting the eyes with relish. "What brings you to our sight?"

"An ask. One of great importance to me, but of even greater importance to the world. I beg leave to present this ask before Her Radiance, The Pure."

"Her Radiance, The Pure does not treat with anyone save me. But she may listen." Neji looked to his left. "Wife?"

She gave a nod.

Neji gazed at their visitor once more. "You have been granted permission to state your ask. But you must pay for that permission."

Itachi bowed low. "Of course. My thanks, High Lord. You have honored me."

"How do you pay?"

"With jewels, High Lord." He performed a hand seal. The gems he purchased in the Land of Earth appeared in their iron chests. They glittered enough to rival the sunlight. "May this humble gift please Her Radiance." He offered another bow.

Already silent, The Dome went unnaturally still as Her Radiance rose from her seat and descended the stairs. No one dared breathe. Every pair of eyes bulged at this unprecedented occurrence, marking her stately descent.

All save Itachi. Sweat poured from him in rivulets that wet the floor where he stood. Each breath was a gasp. His heart was thunder at the physical strain. The monstrous weight of power already buckling his knees increased beyond his endurance as Her Radiance stopped at his side. Murmuring a prayer that she would not be offended, he accessed Mangekyo. And still the burden was immense. Bearable, just, but immense nonetheless. He kept his eyes on the floor and maintained his consciousness with brute force, every muscle knotted with effort.

"In our lands, truth is all." Her voice was like the cooing of a dove. "Sight to sight, traveler. Meet my eyes in truth."

He looked at her. And felt the breath leave his body. "You are seen, Your Radiance. And found incomparable."

Her eyes searched his face. Then they crinkled in pleasure. "As are you seen, and found quite as breathtaking. Your truth warms my heart. Mm. I like you, traveler. I feel kinship with you." She did not elaborate. Instead, she turned to the chests. Chose one. Sifted a child-like hand through its contents. Lifted a necklace ornate enough to cover her breasts and shoulders. Held it high. Admired it in the light. She then smiled, turned, and carried this up to her seat. Here, when she was reclining once more, she turned back to Itachi. "Your gift is generous. You may ask of me."

There were murmurs of incredulity that Neji silenced with a gesture for their guest to proceed.

Itachi cleared his throat. "May I speak my name?"

Neji inclined his head. "All truth is welcome here."

"Thank you, High Lord. I am Uchiha Itachi of The Mists. My brother and I are the last of our clan, save the one responsible."

There was uninterrupted silence when the tale was done. The spectators were still. Neji sat forward, his hands clasped over his mouth, and his gaze turned inward. The necklace sat forgotten in Her Radiance's lap. She now fondled a strand of her hair as she, too, considered all she'd heard.

Itachi kept his eyes on hers.

"We have missed much," she said. "The Hyuuga have known naught but peace since time out of sight. Centuries. A century of centuries. And yet we were born in blood. Created for battle." She blinked. Recalled the necklace in her lap. Examined it stone by stone. "The Uchiha were our kin. Descendants long lost. And now you are returned to us." She looked at Itachi. "Your ask is great, Itachi of The Mists. You call us to war."

Another hum rippled around The Dome. Itachi bowed his head. "Yes, Your Radiance."

"That is no small ask."

"No, Your Radiance."

The stones of the necklace made tiny clicking sounds as she stroked it. "I pass the matter to my husband." She looked at Neji.

So did Itachi. He found the High Lord's eyes more unsettling than those of Her Radiance, since they never left his face.

"His is a noble ask, done on behalf of the world, as well as his people and brother. No easy thing, to beg assistance. To bare one's self in body and spirit as he does now. 'Tis something I have only seen strong men do." A pause. "See how calm he is. No agitation in pulse or breath now. The man wears his conviction like a cloak. It suits him. The Uchiha rival us in ferocity, wife, but methinks this one was rare even among his people. Not happenstance, his survival. I will ask a question, Uchiha Itachi. Answer me with truth."

Itachi held his eyes without blinking.

"Hm. The answer is plain to me, but this is the question: are you fierce?"

An odd question, Itachi thought. "I will give you truth: I do not fully understand your meaning. Fierce means wild, to my mind. To be battle-hungry and delight in violence. I am neither. Yet if you mean to ask if I am steadfast, then yes. I am. Will I give up? Never. Will I go to any lengths for my brother, my clan? Yes. If that is fierce, then yes. I am fierce. There is naught I would not do for my brother."

Neji tried to hold back his grin, but failed. "And how did your people describe you? The ones who knew you?"

"The answer shames me."

"I must insist."

"Within the skills of my blood and clan…unmatched."

"Would your enemies say the same?"

"My enemies are dead. The one true enemy I have left has not yet met me face to face."

"I feel 'twould be safe to say he would call you worthy. Among other things." His eyes roved up and down Itachi's nudity, lingering on his cock. "Your ask is granted. How do you pay?"

Itachi looked from the High Lord, to Her Radiance, to the iron chests. "I have paid."

"You have paid for the right to ask Her Radiance your question. Which you did. She has judged your ask as a matter for my attention. The ask is now mine to grant or deny, as Her Radiance's war general. I grant it. But I, too, must be compensated. Now then. How do you pay?"

He was bare as his nameday. "I have nothing of value with which to pay. Nothing at all, in fact."

"How do you pay?"

"I cannot pay."

"How do you pay?"

There must be something I have missed. He stared into those white eyes. The face was calm. Confident. He sees something I have. Something he wants. He but waits for me to see it too. He stood without so much as a length of hide with which to tie his hair. Short of his life…

But of course.

He thought carefully, trying to spot a trap. I believe they are honorable. My request will be carried out. My brother made safe. And as for the beast I chained him to, I know Sasuke. A beast in his own right. No chain can hold him long, not even one powered by the chakra that blond creature possessed. All is well. I have done my best. My life will be well-spent. "I pay with my life."

Neji responded at once by getting up and coming down the dais to stand in front of him. "You are certain?"

"I am."

"Such an offering is generous, but must be inspected for worthiness."

The inspection Sasuke's owner gave before purchasing him came to mind. "I accept."

"That is well."

But all the High Lord did was look him over with Byakugan, the weight of which made him grateful he still held Mangekyo.

"Superb. Quite the Uchiha you are. Fair to the eye, sound in body. Sharp intellect. Are you bonded?" He released his Doujutsu.

"I am not."

"Then you are unbreached. Your value is greater than the contents of those chests by far. Any unbreached man is a treasure, but an Uchiha…"

Itachi lowered his eyes to the floor.

"Oh, I know the secret of your Doujutsu very well," Neji murmured. "All Doujutsu are known to me." He circled Itachi. "Such was the feeling in the Uchiha clan that bonds outside of family could not be encouraged. Attachments could only be to blood…that when the time for Passing came, Mangekyo Sharingan could be achieved. Is it still custom in your clan for people to kill relatives in attainment of this?"

"Yes, High Lord."

"Mm. Who did you kill?"

"When it became known how Madara infiltrated us, how he was eradicating us…Sasuke and I hid in the mountains with our parents and…performed the rites."

Neji studied the moisture gathering in those eyes. "I have heard tell of these rites. That they do not stop at murder. That there is a practice in the Uchiha clan to take the eyes of the ones murdered, to achieve even greater power than Mangekyo Sharingan." He tracked two tears. "Was this, too, performed by yourself and your brother?"

"Transplant of the eyes is not done unless the donors also have Mangekyo. Even then, this final practice is known to very few within the clan. Not many show the strength needed to wield such power."

Neji waited.

"…Yes." His voice was hoarse with humiliation. "We took their eyes. My brother and I were the first to do so in generations."

"How was it done?"

"With difficulty. Our parents had Mangekyo. I…Passed my father. Awakened Mangekyo. My mother then implanted his eyes in me. Sasuke watched. When I was recovered, she asked Sasuke to Pass her, that his Mangekyo could manifest. He… he could not. I did it. He watched. Some time later his Mangekyo awakened. I gave him her eyes once he instructed me in the procedure. All this to obtain Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. That we could live."

"The pain you and your brother experienced must have been great."

"We were well after a few weeks."

"I do not speak of the transplants." Neji's voice lowered. "To slay blood is a wound that never heals. Even with your parents' consent."

There was no reply Itachi could make to that. He sensed Her Radiance watching, and wondered if she could hear what was being said. 'Twas likely. The Dome was silent but for the words he exchanged with the High Lord. The rest of his audience never looked anywhere but at him. He saw the same respect and fascination on the High Lord's face and felt disgraced to his core.

"So! This brother has reached his pinnacle then."

"Yes. Or nearly so."

"Yet you chained him to a man of great power."


"Knowing this brother would not remain chained for long."


"And does this brother know? That you did not intend for him to remain a slave?"

"If I told him, then he would not fight the chain. He would wait for me to save him. And that was not, is not, guaranteed. My brother is… he possesses a certain nature. Unless he believes he is trapped or in danger he will not fulfill his true potential. He would depend on me. The lie was necessary. To put him on his guard. That he might survive when Akatsuki finds him. And they will find him, High Lord. Him and the man I chained him to. If my brother does not believe he is backed to a corner he will not survive the encounter."

"I see. Are you aware that the chain is never put on a practitioner of the Arts?"

"I am."

"Do you know why?"

He didn't, specifically, but after some thought said, "I suppose to chain a practitioner would be to defeat the chain. The chain affords one power over another; an owner in possession of power does not then need a chain to give him power. And an owner not in possession of power cannot hope to control a slave who is."

"Truth. If one were to chain a practitioner, he should himself be a practitioner. As you have done. Yet practitioners, especially high-level ones, need nothing so common as a chain. The Arts are far more versatile when it comes to overpowering another. I ask because this ability your clan has is almost tailored to combat the workings of a chain. Did you know that?"


"Does your brother?"

"Most likely not. At least, not at the time I sold him."

"Does his owner?"

"The gods be thanked, no. The sale would not have been transpired. I made great use of his arrogance."

"Given your brother's power and the power of his owner, the chain…could prove troublesome. The true reason practitioners are not chained, Itachi of The Mists, is because the Arts amplify the chain's binding powers. To terrifying degrees. I know this because the Hyuuga were in possession of chains in the past. Not many. A few. For sport. 'Twas thought they would enhance passions. They did. But we learned that practitioners, if bound, cannot be unbound. Not even when the chain is destroyed. Bound in body, mind, heart…even death. And you said oaths are involved." Neji shook his head. "I am not certain there is a power that can overcome the fate you have condemned your brother to."

"But…" Itachi felt sweat coat his brow anew. Gods. What have I done? "There was no choice for us. We had to part. And Sasuke is powerful. I knew he would be at risk of losing himself to the chain, therefore I cautioned him not to, but he is powerful."

"I do not doubt it. Yet, because he is, the chain may scar him in ways that cannot be remedied. Or guarded against. We shall see. I do hope the gods favor me with a meeting of this brother. Do you know, I cannot recall a time in my life when I have ever been so diverted? You mesmerize me, Uchiha Itachi. The payment of your life is accepted. Gladly. I will bind that life to my own."

Thoughts of unknown perils to Sasuke were loath to leave. He was ready to turn around and fly to his brother's rescue this instant. "I do not understand, High Lord. You mean for me to live?"

"Quite. But more to the point, I mean for you to be my husband."

"Your husband?"

"Yes." A blink. "You seem confused."

"Forgive my ignorance, High Lord. I thought you married to Her Radiance, The Pure.

"I am."

"I would… That is to say… Ah. May I ask questions, High Lord?"


"I understand Hyuuga enjoy…ah…relations with family members?"

"Truth. My wife is also my cousin. Hyuuga marry their children, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and the like. Anyone may marry anyone."

"Yes. Ah…yes. Quite. I was not aware that included the same sex…or multiple spouses."

"Anyone may marry anyone. Does not attraction develop between the same sex in The Mists?"

"To be certain. But we take care against that. Took care. Marriage must be between opposite sexes, that we may breed."

"Mm. Do not fear your seed will go unsown. You will also be married to my wife. She has not consented to give her body to me, but the Uchiha stand at the edge of extinction. To be the well from which they spring anew is too great an honor to pass up. Aside from which, she has favored you here, before the sight of all. She claims you already. Do you deny her?"

"No, High Lord. Never." He was seconds from fleeing. A husband and a wife? Sasuke, he reminded himself. If it means we march to Sasuke's aide I will wed every Hyuuga breathing.

"That is well. Refusal is not accepted in the Land of Lilies."

"That is known to me, High Lord." He considered the eager gleam in those pale eyes. "Forgive me. I am not learned in the wedding rites of your people."

"There are no rites. I have declared you my husband. Declared you husband to Her Radiance. You refused neither statement. It has been witnessed before all and in truth. It is done."

"…We are wed? The three of us?"


Itachi moistened his lips. "You have honored me, High Lord." He started to bow.

Neji stopped him with a hand to his shoulder. "No, husband. You no longer bow. You are my equal, the High Lord Itachi of the Land of Lilies. As such, you call me by my name. I am Neji. And it is you who has honored the Hyuuga."

The circle of Hyuuga around them bowed as one. Her Radiance came down and stood at Neji's side. Neji held out his hand, palm up. She placed her hand in his. They both looked to Itachi. "You have lost your clan," Her Radiance said. "We are your people now. Be welcomed to us, husband. You bring us much honor."

Swallowing, Itachi placed his hand atop theirs.