
Present 18:30

Uzume approached the stone grave. It had been eroded over the years, but the faded orange words could still be read - Umio. She approached the grave with a bundle of flowers.

"Hey, Umio." Uzume smiled, "I've returned."

Uzume sat down next to the grave. Looking at the sun setting in the distance.

"It's been awhile, huh?" Uzume said, "You couldn't believe what happened after our last meeting."

"I saved Hyperdimension. With a few friends I met along the way." Uzume said, "I was also given a second chance at life, Umio."

The wind blew for a few seconds.

"I also met my successor - Nepsy." Uzume added, "She's cool. She's one of the friends that helped me obtain my second chance. I owe my life to her."

Uzume showed the flowers - orange tulips.

"These?" She waved the flowers, "Yeah, these are for you. Your favourite right? Orange tulips."

Uzume laid the flowers over the grave.

"To be honest, Umio. I had forgotten about you." Uzume admitted, "Not because I wanted to! But… I had lost my memory. It is back now, don't worry. From now on, I'll visit you every week. No no, it's no problem. I have a lot of free time now."

Uzume felt some rustling from the bushes behind her. A familiar blue fish emerged from it.

"So this is where you were, Uzume." Umio said.

"You found me, Umio." Uzume smiled, "What do you need me for?"

"There were guests at the Basilicom that wanted to meet you." Umio said.

"Guests?" Uzume wondered, "Who could it be?"

"They said they were old friends of yours." Umio said, "I had no idea where you went, so I asked Histoire. She suggested you could be here."

"It's been awhile, Miss CPU." A man's voice said, stepping away from the bush and standing next to Umio.

"No way!" Uzume jumped to her feet, looking at the man dressed in a purple suit, clean shaven face and black hair. To his right, stood a woman in a similar suit, her black hair tied in a ponytail.

The woman smiled, "Glad to see you as youthful as ever, Miss CPU."

"No way." Uzume repeated, "Elsy? Atsy?"

The siblings smiled and nodded in unison, "I see you still remember us, Miss CPU."

"Holy crap, it is you guys." Uzume approached the two, "You're so grown up now."

"It was all thanks to you." El replied, "Thanks for your help, and Umio's, I managed to get better jobs in the future. And now, I'm happily married."

"It was all thanks to you, Miss CPU." At joined in, "We wouldn't have got this far without your help."

"You guys." Uzume said, "I see we have a lot to catch up with. Let's go to the Basilicom and talk about it."

Uzume put her arms around the siblings, like old friends, and lead them back to Planeptune.

"You don't have to call me 'Miss CPU' anymore, y'know?" Uzume said, "I'm not the CPU anymore - Nepsy is."

"No way." El said, "You'll always be Miss CPU for both of us."

At nodded, "And nothing will ever change that. Even if you change how you look and talk."

The group laughed together.

Umio watched them go, before looking at the stone marker Uzume sat next to. He read the name engraved in it - Umio.

"I see." Umio muttered, "So this is where you rest."

Umio lowered himself to the ground, sitting in the same place Uzume had.

"I must thank you, Umio" He said, "It was thanks to your kindness that I was able to be born."

"Even when we never met, I am sure that you were a person of great importance to Uzume."

Umio got up, glancing one last time at the grave, "Don't worry. I'll take care of Uzume in your stead from now on. It's a promise."

Umio started to follow behind Uzume until his dorsal fin started to sense a presence behind him that stopped him in his tracks.

Thank you…

Umio looked back at the grave, making out the faint outline of a man.

Goodbye, Uzume…

Take good care… of her…

Umio kept looking until the presence was gone, "I will. You can rest in peace now. Umio."

Umio followed quickly behind Uzume, hoping to keep his promise.


Author's Note: Here it is! The end of Dreams of the Past. Thank you to everyone that read through this story. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and have a nice day :D